+ www.stardustgroup.jp www.stardust.co.jp
[email protected] + CREATIVE MANAGEMENT STARDUST PROMOTION, one of the biggest talent agencies in Japan, has been very ac@ve and influen@al in the Japanese entertainment business, ever since its establishment in 1979. Nowadays STARDUST group keep being effec@ve in the front line through branches in music, movie, and internet contents industries. Stardust Promotion Co., Ltd. Management for actors, actresses, models Planning and production in TV, movies, radio and other entertainment contents Stardust Music Co., Ltd. & SDR, Inc. Planning and producing original music masters Management of music copyrights Management of music artists and bands Producing and releasing CDs Producing music TV shows SDP Inc. Movie:Planning, Production, Distribution, Publicity, Home Video, New Media Publication:Talents’ Photo Books, Movie-related Books, Beauty/Diet How-to Books Stardust Net Co., Ltd. Planning, creating and operating group companies websites and official fan club websites SDM Co., Ltd. Management for specialists of culture, beauty, cooking, sports Training and casting animal talents SDI Co., Ltd. Merchandising for male talents WONDER STYLE Merchandising for female talents Running official fun club shopping website Design and create stage costumes for artist, TV commercial and movies + STARDUST talents in internaonal projects Win Morisaki Nana Komatsu “Ready Player “Silence” One” (US, 2018) (US, 2016) by Steven Spielberg By Mar@n Scorsese Kento Hayashi Maki Sakai “青禾男高Fist & “KANO” Faith” (China, 2017)