A Theological Journal•Xlv 2003•I
Communio viatorumA THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL•XLV 2003•I Jan Hus – a Heretic, a Saint, or a Reformer? • The White Mountain, 1620: An Annihilation or Apotheosis of Utraquism? • Close Encounters of the Pietistic Kind: The Moravian-Methodist • Connection by Vilém Herold, Zdeněk V. David, Ted A. Campbell published by charles university in prague, protestant theological faculty Communio CONTENTS (XLV, 2003) Nr. 1 1 . DAVID HOLETON Communio Viatorum and International Scholarship on the Bohemian Reformation 5 . VILÉM HEROLD Jan Hus – a Heretic, a Saint, or a Reformer? 24 . ZDENĚK V. DAVID The White Mountain, 1620: An Annihilation or Apotheosis of Utraquism? 67 . TED A. CAMPBELL Close Encounters of the Pietistic Kind: The Moravian-Methodist Connection BOOK REVIEWS 81 . PAVEL HOŠEK Beyond Foundationalism 86 . TIM NOBLE Sacred Landscapes and Cultural Politics viatorum a theological journal Published by Charles University in Prague, Protestant Theological Faculty Černá 9, 115 55 Praha 1, Czech Republic. Editors: Peter C. A. Morée, Ivana Noble, Petr Sláma Typography: Petr Kadlec Printed by Arch, Brno Administration: Barbara Kolafová (cv-adm@etf.cuni.cz) Annual subscription (for three issues): 28 or the equivalent in Europe, 30 USD for overseas. Single copy: 10 or 11 USD. Please make the payment to our account to: Bank name: Česká spořitelna Address: Vodičkova 9, 110 00, Praha 1, Czech Republic Account no.: 1932258399/0800 Bank identification code (SWIFT, BLZ, SC, FW): GIBA CZPX Orders, subscriptions and all business correspondence should be adressed to: Communio viatorum Černá 9 P. O. Box 529 CZ-115 55 Praha 1 Czech Republic Phone: + + 420 221 988 205 Fax: + + 420 221 988 215 E- mail: cv@etf.cuni.cz URL: http://www.etf.cuni.cz/cv.html (ISSN 0010-3713) IČO vydavatele (ETF UK, Černá 9, 115 55 Praha 1) 00216208.
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