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References Cited in the Database Spider Mites Web 2019-06-13 References cited in the Database Abbasipour, H., Taghavi, A. and Kamali, K. (2006). A faunal study of mites associated with tea gardens in the north of Iran.. Bruin, J., 12th International Congress of Acarology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Abstract book: 3. Abdel-Shaheed, G.A., Hammad, S.M. and El-Sawaf, S.K. (1973). Survey and population density studies on mites found on cotton and corn in Abis, Abou-Hommos localities, El-Beheira Province (Egypt). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique D Egypte, 57: 101-108. Abdullaev, A.N. and Mugutdinov, N.S. (1976). Brown mite in the orchards of the Dagestan foothills. Sadovodstvo, 24-25. Abo El-Ghar, M.R. and Osman, A.A. (1973). Ecological and control studies on mites associated with onion in Egypt. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie, 73: 439-442. Abo-Korah, S.M. (1978). Mites associated with maize and their predators in Monoufeia Governorate, Egypt. 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