New Mineral Names*
American Mineralogist, Volume 75, pages 240-246, 1990 NEW MINERAL NAMES* JOHN L. JAMBOR CANMET, 555 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario KIA OGI, Canada EDWARD S. GREW Department of Geological Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469, U.S.A. Baiyuneboite-(Ce) the formula for cordylite-(Ce) requires revision such that Pigqiu Fu, Xlanze Su (1987) Baiyuneboite-A new min- cordylite-(Ce) and baiyuneboite-(Ce) may be identical. The eral. Acta Mineralogica Sinica, 7, 289-297 (in Chinese, Chairman therefore withdrew the approval and asked that English abstract). the authors withhold publication of their description of Pingqiu Fu, Youhua Kong, Guohong Gong, Meicheng baiyuneboite-(Ce) until the matter could be resolved. The Shao, Jinzi Qian (1987) The crystal structure of bai- request, unfortunately, was ignored. J.L.J. yuneboite-(Ce). Acta Mineralogica Sinica, 7, 298-304 (in Chinese, English abstract). Diaoyudaoite* Electron-microprobe analyses of ten grains, whose va- lidity was checked by single-crystal X-ray methods prior Shunxi Shen, Lirong Chen, Anchun Li, Tailu Dong, Qiu- to analysis, gave an average ofNa20 4.73, CaO 1.04, BaO huo Huang, Wenqiang Xu (1986) Diaoyudaoite-A new 20.38, Ce20, 24.21, La20, 10.92, Pr20, 0.62, Nd20, 10.04, mineral. Acta Mineralogica Sinica, 6, 224-227 (in Gd20, 0.13, F 2.50, C02 (by gas chromatography) 24.64, Chinese, English abstract). o == F 1.05, sum 98.16 wt%, corresponding to Nal.OS- The average of 13 electron-microprobe analyses gave (BaO.94CaO.I,)n07( Ce I.OSLao.4sN do.42Pr 0.0'Gdo.OI)"1.99F 0.9'C,.97- Na20 4.54, AI20, 93.00, Cr20, 1.95, MgO 0.10, CaO 0.10, 012.07'ideally NaBaCe2F(CO')4' The mineral occurs as yel- SiOz 0.23, K20 0.12, sum 100.04 wt%, corresponding to low, irregular grains 0.3 to 3 mm in size, frequently as (N ao.87Ko.ozMgo.02CaO.01)ro.92(AllO.84CrO.lsSio.02)"'1.01 0,7, ide- thin hexagonal tablets.
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