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Download the Scanned JOURNAL MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 131 NEW MINERALS: NEW SPECIBS CLASS: PHOSPHATES.ETC. Sincosite. War,nnuen T. Scuerr,un; The Occurrenceand Propertiesof Sincosite,a new VanadiumMineral from Peru. Am. Jott. 9ci.,8,462, (1924).(Preliminary note in f our. Wash.Aca.d.. Sc'i.,12, (8), 195,1922. Cf. Am. Min.,7, 163,1922.) New: From the locality, Sincos,Pent. Csnurcar- Pnoprnrrrs. A hydrous vanadyl, lime phosphate, VzOr. CaO. P2O6.5H2O. Analysis: V2O436.3, VrO6 0 0, CaO12.1, P zOr31.7, HzO 19.9,insol., 0.3; sum 100.3. Solublein dilute acidsgiving a blue solution.,ocnepRrc Propnnrrns. Tetragonal, basal plates bounded by the prismc (100).Basalplanestriatedparalleltotheedges. Twinningplane m(ll0). Psvsrcer, ANDOprrcAr, Pnopenrrcs: Color leek green. Uniaxial, but some crystalsare biaxial with 2E varying. Negative. e:1.655, o:1.680. Dispersion strong p)2. Pleochroismstrong, €:nearly colorlessto pale yellow, o:gray green. Plates changefrom uniaxial to biaxial with 2V as high as 83o. Dispersion increasesvrith 2E. a:1.675, 9:1.690,7:1.693. The biaxialphase is probablya lowerhydrate. Sp. Gr. 2.84. Cleavagebasal and o (100)good, rz (110)poor. Occunruwcr: Found in a black carbonaceousshale associatedwith black nodules of coaly material. Drscussrol.r: Believed by Schaller to be a member of the uranite group, to- getherwith torbernite and metatorbernite,which the sincositegreatly resembles. W. F, Fossle CLASS: PHOSPHATES.ETC, Dumontite. Ar,r'r-ao Scnotp: La Dumontite, nouveau Min6ral radioactif. (Dumontite, a new radioactivemineral). Compt.Renil., 179,693 (1924). Neur: In honor of Andr1 Dumont, Belgian geologist. Cururcar, Pnopnnrrrs: A hydrous phosphate of lead and uranium, 2PbO. 3UOe.PzOs.SHzO. Analysis: HzO 5.78,PgOr 8.65, UOa 56.49,PbO 27.19,TeOs 1.01;sum 99.12. Cnvstr.t tocnepurc PRo"ERrrEs: Probably orthorhombic,prismatic, flattened paralleltotheaaxis.Forms: (001), (010), (100), (013), (011). c:b:1.327 (approx.) Pnvsrcal erw Orrrc-Lr,Pnopnnrms: Color yellow. Streakyellow. Translucent. Biaxial with 2V large, positive. Plane of the optic axesparallel to the elongation. n greater than 1.78. Extinction parallel. Pleochroismstrong, Z:deep yellow, )f :pale yellow. Occur.r-eNcn: Found in pockets in torbernite from Chinkolobwe, Belgian Congo. W. F. F. 132 THE AMERICAN MI NERAINGIST CLASS: SILICATES Sklodowskite Ar.rrrno Scuonp: La Sklodowskite,nouveau Min6ral radioactif. (Sklodowskite, a new radioactive mineral). Compl.Renil., 179,413 (1924). Neue: fn honor of Mme. Curie-SftXod.owska. Cnrutcer- Pnopnnrms: A hydrous silicate of uranium and magnesium,MgO. 2UOr. 2SiOr. 7HzO. Analysis: HzO 13.41,SiO, 14.28,UOa 64.72,MgO 3.74, TeO31.08, NarO+K2O 1.79,NiO 0.20;sum 99.40. Analysison materialshown to be hornogeneousby microscopicexamination. Cnvsrerrocnepnrc PnopnnrrBs: Orthorhombic, prismatic, Psvsrcar,'eNnOprrcar, Pnopnnrrns: Color, palelemon yellow. Brilliant luster. Translucent. Streakyellow. Pleochroism,7:yellow, y:pale yellow, X:color- less. Biaxial, negative. Dispersion distinct. (Plane of the optic axesacross the prisms.)o:1.613, 0:1.635, t:1.657. Sp.Gr. 3.54. Occunnnwcr: Found in cracks in a siliceousbreccia carrying somefragments of kasolite. W. F. F. CLASS: SILICATES Kalithomsonite. Sauulr, G. Gonron: Minerals obtained in Greenlandon the SecondAcaderhy -Vaux Expedition, 1923. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 76, 261 (1924). N,q,un: In allusion to its composition, a thomsonitewith a considerableper- centageof potash(Kaliam). Cnau.rcer,Pnorpnrrns: A hydrous silicate of soda,potash, lime and alumina, (Na,K)zO.CaO. 2AlzOs. ssior. sHrO. Analysis: SiOr38.09, AlzOs26.6l, FezOs tr'' MnO 0.79,CaO 5.72, MgO 0.87,NazO 3.62, KzO 5.65,HrO+ 12.00,HzO- 6.t10; sum 99.75. Cnvsmr,r,ocnepgrcPRopERTrrs: Orthorhombic. Pnvsrcar, nlm Oprrcer, Pnopnnnos: Color, pale vinaceouspink, Biaxial, positive.c:1.535, 0:I.537, z:1.545. X:b,Y:a,Z:e. Cleavage,b perfect, o lessso, c imperfect. Occunncncr: Found as a matted massof small prisms in a pocket in augite- syeniteat Narsarsuk,Greenland,associated with quartz, microcline,fluorite, epidi- dymite,elpidite, calcite, albite and aegyrite. Drscussrou: The high content of potash, equalling the soda molecularly, shouldgive this mineral a speciesrank. If the sodaand potashare not isomorphous theformula becomes KzO. NarO. 2CaO. 4AlrO3. 10SiOr.10HrO. W. F. F. IOURNAL MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 133 DOUBTFUL SFECIES CLASS:SULPIIIDES: DIVISION: R',: S:2:1(?) Violarite Wer,oruan LrxocnnN and Mvnox Davv: Nickel Ores from the Key West Mine, Nevada. Econ. GeoI., 19, 3O9 (1924). Na.un: From the Latin oi,olaris:violet, in allusion to its violet-gray color on the polished surface. Csrurcer PnopERrrES: A sulfide of nickel, suggested to be NirS, but no analysis is given. Pnvsrcar- Ptopnnrrns: Color violet gray. Brittle. Alters rapidly in air and tarnishes readily. OccunoNcn: Found with pyrite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite at the Key West Mine, Clark Co., Nevada, as a replacement of the pentlandite. The Sudbury polydymite is shown to be a mixture of pentlandite and violarite in about equal amounts. DtscussroN: The same mineral has been found in S. E. Alaska by Dr. A. F. Buddington (Econ. Geol., 19. 527, 1924). He gives the following additional data: Cleavage in three directions. H:4-4rA. Non-magnetic. This mineral is possibly a member of the pyrite group; the sulfide analogue of chloanthite or of the marcasite group analogous to rammelsbergite. Until accurate analyses of the pure material is given the mineral is doubtful. W. F. Fossec. I t' CLASS : PHOSPHATES, BTC. DIVISION : R"'F.t "' "' :H,O : 1:2 :6:X. Rauvite FnlNr L. Hrss: New and Known Minerals from the Utah-Colorado Carnotite Region. Bultr. U. S. Geol'.Surrey,75O,63, (1924). Neur: Fromthechemicalsymbolsof radium, Ro, uranitun, U, and vanadium, v. Cnnurcal Pnopnntrns: A hydrous calcium uranium vanadate, CaO. 2UOs. 6VzOo. 20HrO. Analysis: VOa 20.82, VzOr 2.05, VrO6 36.33, CaO 2.00, KzO tr., As:Ortr., FejO:2.39,H2O 13.38, Se tr., MgO 0.12,SOr 0.13,insol. 24.06, sum 101.28. Puvsrcer,AND OprrcAL Pnopnntres: Compactwith slickensidedsurface. Color purplish black. Streak light brown. n:I.88. Apparently metacolloidal. Occunnptcas: Found in cracksin sandstoneassociated with carnotite,hewettite, gypsum,hyalite and meta-torberniteat Temple Mt., San Rafael Swell, Utah. DrscussroN: While this material is apparently new its metacolloidal nature makes it impossibleto determine whether this is a single mineral or not. fts exact nature must be considered doubtful. w. F. F. 134 TIIE AMEKICAN MINERALOGIST CLASS:PHOSPHATES, ETC. DIVISION: R"':R""':H,O:3:2:8. Ferrisymplessite T. L. Werrnn and A. L. Pensoxs: The Arsenatesof Cobalt,Nickel and Iron Observedin the Silver-bearingVeins at Cobalt, Ontario. Contri,butionsto Canad.i,an Mineralogy,p. 16, 1924. Neuu: From its composition,aJerric arsenatewith the ratios of symplessdte. CsBurclr, Pnopnnrrrs: A hydrous arsenate of ferric iron, 3Fe2O3.2As2O6. 16 H,O. Analysis: As,Os38.79, CoO 16.86,NiO 5.73,CaO 7.46,MgO 1.05,FezOs 11.67,AI2OB 0.31, HrO 24.05,insol. 0.88, sum 100.80. (Analysis made on material containing much erythrite and annabergite). Pnvsrcnr.aNo Oprrcar Pnolrnrrrs: Color deepamber brown. Luster resinous. Fibrous. Under the'microscopeslightly pleochroic,strongly birefracting.n:1.650. Sp.Gr. 2.885. OccunnrNcn: Found associatedwith erythrite and annabergitein the upper workings of the Hudson Bay Mine, Colbalt, Ontario. DrscussroN: Suggestedto be the arsenateanalogue of kertschenitebut the min- eral needs further study. w. F. F. CLASS: PHOSPHATES, ETC. DIVISION: R":R""':CO2:HrO:6:2:l:X. Grodsolite M.J.Monozrwrcz: LaGrodnolite,PhosphatecolloidaldeCalcium. (Grodnolite, a colloidal phosphate of calcium). Bwll. Soc. Fr. Min,47, 46 (1924). Naur: From the locality at which it was found, Grodno, Poland. Cneurcel Pnorcnrrns: A carbonato-phosphate of calcium. Analysis: P2O6 32.65, COr 5.10, SiOr 3.13, FerO33.68, Al2Or 1.43,CaO 51.24,Hp 3.23. Pnvsrclr, Pnolnnrrns: Color Brown. fsotropic, n:1.605. Sp. Gr. 2.974. H: less than 4. OccrrnnnNcn: Found as 4odules in a sandy marl near Grodno, Poland. Drscussrom: This mineral differs in no essential respect from collophanite and is undoubtedly that mineral. The alumina and silica may be adsorbed but since microscopic examination showed inclusions of quartz, microcline, etc. they are more likely derived from soluble lilicates. fn the latter case the mineral is a normal collophanite. (See A. F. Rogers: Collophane, a much neglected rr,ineral, Am. J our. Sci., 3, 269, 1922.) w. F. F. CLASS: SILICATES Bardolite M. J. Monozrwcz: Sur la Bardolite, mineral chloritique pyrog6ne. (Bardolite, a pyrogene,chlorititic mineral.)BuIl. Soc.Fr. Mi,n.47, 49 (1924). Nnun: From the locality at which it was found, Barilo, poland. Cnrlrrcnt- Pnolnnrms: A hydrous silicate of iron, alumina, magnesiaand potash. Analysis: SiOz38.45, AIrOB 6.09, FerO317.00, FeO 4.74, CaO 0.59, MgO 9.68,KrO 4.65,Na,O 0.35,HrO 19.50,sum 99.78. Psysrc.n.r,AND OprrcAL Pnopnnrrss: Sp. Gr. 2.73. Birefringencestrong, pleo- chroismfeeble. JOURNAL MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA I.'J Occunnnwcn: Occurs as radiated plates in a fresb diabase. Believed by Moroze- wicz to be a primary mineral. DrscussroN: This mineral falls within the range of the mineral stilpnomelane, being, however, somewhat higher in potash. It can then be appropriately grouped with stilpnomelane unless more detailed work on this group shows it to be distinct. (See Frank F. Grout and George A. Thiel: Notes on stilpnomelane, Am. Mi,n.g, 228,t924.) w. F. F. CLASS : SILICATES. SUB-CLASS : HYDROUS SIICATES. DIVISION: R":Si : H,O:2:1;1. Radio-active Chrysocolla E. Puxroou and E. Maxce. Radioactive Chrysocolla from the Benade Padru Mine. Ann. Chim. Appli,cata, A, 123 (1924). Nllra. Suggested to be new but no name given to it. Cnnurcer Pnoponnns: A hydrous silicate of copper, Cu2SiOn*HrO. Analysis: SiO, 20, CUO 72.1, HzO (loss at 100') 4.5, (loss at 200") 6.9, PbO 0.6, Fe2O3 0.3, cor 1.1, s 2.0.
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