The American Journal of Science
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOIENOE. EDITOR: EDWARD S. DANA. ASSOCIATE EDITORS PROFESSORS GEO. L. GOODALE, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, H. P. BOWDITCH AND W. G. FARLOW, OF CAMBRIDGE, PROFESSORS O. C. MAHSH, A. E. VERRILL AND H. S. WILLIAMS, OF NEW HAVEN, PROFESSOR GEORGE F. BARKER, OF PHILADELPHIA, PROFESSOR H. A. ROWLAND, OF BALTIMORE, MR. J. S. DILLER, OF W ASHl~GTON. FOURTH SERIES. VOL. II-[WHOLE NUMBER, CLI!.] Nos. 7-12. JULY TO DEOEMBER, 1896. WITH SIX PLATES. NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. 1896'. J. B. Pratt-Northupite, PirBsonite, etc. 123 , ART. ~V.-On Northupite; Pirs8onite, a new mineral j (}OI!flussite and IIanksite from Borax Lake, San Bernar dino County, Californi(t j by J. H. PRATT. INTRODUCTION. THE minerals to be described in this paper are from the remarkable locality of Borax Lake, San Bernardino County, California. They were broug-ht to the author's notice, in the fall of 1895, by Mr. Warren M. Foote of Philadelphia, who sent one of them, the northupite, tog-ether with some of the associ ated minerals, to the mineralogical laboratory of the Sheffield Scientific School, for chemical investigation. About the same time Mr. C. H. Northup of San Jose, CaL, sent some minerals from the same region to Prof. S. L. Penfield. Among them, gaylussite, hanksite and a third mineral, which has proved to be a new species, were identified. These same minerals were also observed among the specimens sent by Mr. Foote. Mr. Northup, in his letter of transmittal, stated that he had care fully saved all of the crystals of the new mineral, having observed that they were different from gaylnssite in habit, and that he believed they would prove to be a new and interesting species.
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