The Story of the Nation's

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The Story of the Nation's ' THE STO RY O F TH E NATIO NS. r c mum 800 Cla/h [Hm/mud 68. La g C , , , ' 73: Volume: are aimbe}! in [I nfol/mmng Special B indings ' al Pfru an ( Io/lo ill to F u m 110 exlra ” l , g p ll y, 1/ , r 0 d s Tree ( al ill d s o d ol ma /1a! e ge f. g e ge , g l r l imidc u ilt MM . , f ll g x P G NI IA. l w 8. H O f. B O 8 01112 . Anrnuu G u u G . 1 . By , By Pro R W LINSO N. MA . A m “W S. B f. K. 1 . MEDI A. ZBNMDB . 9 . y Pro J 9 By A R GO ZIN. Ma nn . A exa m . Rev . S. 2 0. TH E H ANSA T WNS. 3. B O By — i “A . H B LB N Z IMNERN. B agu o 000m . f. A un t) n EARL Y R T . By Pro . B I AIN By Prof R A LF ED J . CH URCH . TH E R Y . as. BAR BA COR SAIR S STA NLEY N - O O By LA E P LE. U 2 . R SS . W . By 3 IA By R . MO R y Prot mws UNDER TH E W . Do u R OM ANS. By vc xs Amm Mo nmso n. Prof. C T ND . O H N M AC 2 5 . S O LA By J xmro su LL D. an a n o ue. B y Aaruua . ?lu uw al g I SW TZ ER ND . Mrs. 2 6. I LA By Lma L c and R. STE- A D m m . B t H B u u t o. y he on. m w L u ss. X a 3 M E tCO SU A N LE. 7. By S H A m c “Y “W “ . PORTUGAL . B H . M O RSE m? A 2 8. y STB PuB NS “ . 13. 1 1 1 1 3 8 B H im . y 15: m 39. T1 nc wms. B y SARA H 3535 033 3mes j EW ET T. a . “em . Zl NAlDB . ‘ ) 1 mE R E . By A 30. n MPI RM it a y gn ggMA N. T 'Y. B ST NLEY LA NE u y A I IL Y : t l reek 3L S O ut an . G W00“ o d R man late an o . By the ’ a . B l mf. E. f. E. F E N s J Pro A R EMA . gm d zus 2 TUB AN R EPUB . 3 . TH E O 1 li l a t -AN“ B 6. A v. Y L 108 . By B B LL Dun gatfizgfA560el . W . R 33" POL AND. B y . R M° 1 w N . n u n . B s c . B B 7 y m t , MA 3m m. E . bonno x : T. F SH ER UNW IN PATERN STER S U RE C I , O Q A . H N SO B ]ESK JO I. R R F M A . W . M I L O L , . (Reader in R ussian and Me atner Slavonic Languages in t/ze U n v s t o Ox o d i er i y f f r , Co s o d M mb o tbe R o Sc t c Soc t o B onom rre p n ing e er f y al ien ifi ie y f ia) , A zci/z or of “ SLAvo mc LITERATURE, ETC. gamma T F I . S H E R U N W I N PATERNO STER SQUARE EW Y ’ N O R K : . P P G . UTNAM S SO NS MDCCCXCI I I ' Entcmd at Stationers H all N F NW . B y T. ISH ER U I ' Co m ma? B . P T A M S 1 8 Y G . U N S NS P O . 93 ( Fo r the United States o f America) . PR EFA CE . I H AV E written this littl e book on Poland o n th e same lines as my p rev io us wo rk on Russi a in this series o e . The plan of the w rk is to give a r adabl e history of the c o untry by bringing into prominenc e the more stirring episodes and salient characteristics , and putting in th e background the details which must e . prov less interesting At the same ti me, the thread th e o of history is never intentionally lost sight f. I t is but fair to add that th e work is based entirely upon e original and native authorities , and no mer com ila io ns p t have been employed . An attempt has been mad e to give in detail the chief ethnological elements of the population ; and for those who wish to study Polish history more mi nutely a list has been added of the most important th e works on subj ect . My book has no political bias : it is not ten ’ ' aene o sa I i s th e . , as Germans y have told the tale of Poland — a very mourn ful o ne— and have n ever I intentionally perverted or concealed th e truth . have given what I think were the causes of the e fall of this once powerful kingdom ; but , whil V ll PREP/1CE. end eavo uri ng to di scharge the duty of an honest s o e b writer o f hi t ry , I hav een unwilling to per fo rm merely a co ld - bloo ded d issectio n of the un o a fo rtu nate c untry ; its limbs , lthough distorted , are still in stin c t with l i fe . But the writer of history is no t requ ired to be a political advocate the less he attempts anything of the kind the better his history I o e the will probably be. h p my chapter on litera ture may be serviceable i n awakening an interest in a the Po lish langu ge , still spoken by upwards of ten o ne a millio ns . No can re d the literature of Poland witho ut feeling a warm sympathy with this interesting o e pe pl . e I Dr o . I t nly r mains that should than k my friend , eo e e the G rg Birkb ck H ill , editor of Boswell , for kindly l oo king through the proof sheets and aid ing m s s s e with many valuabl e ugge tion . W . R . MO RFI LL. CO NTENT S. PAGE PR EFAC E TH E CO UNTR Y AND PEO PLE O F PO LAND C raco w - Lemberg — B rest - lito vsk - The V istula— Th e Po lish Lang uage— Th e Lith uanians— The Ugro - Finnish Race— Th e J ews. TH E SAGAS O F EAR LY POLISH H ISTO RY 2 0— 2 4 Les e — The Lekh s z k . TH E R ISE F P LI H ATI NALI FR T O O S N O TY . O M H E REIGN O F M IE LA 62 To TH E DEATH CZYS W I . (9 ) O F B OLESLAS TH E B RAV E ( 1 0 2 6) 2 5 — 30 — s h . O tho III . and B o lesla B oleslas t e Great ‘ FRO M TH E DEATH O F B O LESLAS TH E B R AV E To TH E B EGINNING O F TH E R I N PR E LA 1 - E G O F Z MYS W I . 3 37 — — e ter c onra o fMaso v ia L es e th e B ac . Th In di t C d z k , l k CO NTENTS . PAGE Peo n TH E B EGINNING o r TH E REIGN o r PRz m v 8— 0 AND JAGIs ( I 386) 3 5 — — s in Poland [A di-Inns b kictek Galicia acquired German Festivities at Cn oo w— J adwiga— h dislxms Jagiello . VI. FROM LADISLAUS AGIELLO TH E En t v JAGIELLOS. J - 86- 4 0 1 6 10 SIGISNUND I . 1 3 5 7 5 9 — — — Albert Vitovt The Treaty o f Thorn Casimir IV . J o hn electa l — B uo naoo rsi— Alexander— Th e diet at Radom — C ement the smith A cruel aristocracy. 81015 GI SIGISH UND . 1 0 Tue JA B s . I ( 5 7 M ND IL Avousrus 1 8 TH E ELECTED U , ( 54 o s mGNS H ENR r V LO S 1 S , Y o A I ( 574 AND STEPH EN B ATO RY ( 1 576— 1 586) 70- 1 1 7 Co pa nia w — Luxury of the No bles— The University o f Cu m — Nicho las Radz iwill — Duke Albert — The Polish ~ Embassy— H enry and Zboro wski The banquet at Paris ’ Flight of H mry — B atory elected— Bato ry s Plans— Death o f B ela y — Anna Jagiello nlm— The Co nditio n o f Po land— The — Diu idents Alben Laslt i. VIII. Furrnu DECLINE o r w e CO UNTRY— REIGNS o r SiGIsNuND l lL Lawsu V us I . O H N SlMlR , , J CA , ’ ‘ AND MICH AEL KORYB UI I I 8— I 54 — oh n of Sw — — j eden Skim uml ll L The Uniates Jan — [ e — — M i Th False lk metrius Smo uycki Jnn Laski ' w — at isc - M ic bou rhe Po lish Embassy Po lish Co o kery The C O NTEN TS .
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