Beard & Weil Galleries Wheaton College 26 E. Main Street Norton, MA 02766 Gallery Director: Michele L’Heureux ’88
[email protected] 508.286.3364 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This exhibition was a collaboration between many individuals. Thank you to Professors Touba Ghadessi and Yuen-Gen Liang for conceiving of the exhibition and for writing the wall text. Thanks also to their students for researching and writing the descriptions of the objects on display. I am grateful to Leah Niederstadt, curator of the permanent collection, for preparing all the objects for exhibition and for consulting on logistics and design. Betsy Cronin helped me get up to speed in the gallery, publicized the event, and coordinated the reception, for which I am very appreciative. Thanks to Jessica Kuszaj and Chris Hyde for photographing all the objects, and to Jessica for designing such attractive promotional materials. Many hands were involved in the installation of the exhibition, which made the process more efficient and enjoyable: Nadine Biss ’13, Siman Xie ’14, Amira Pualwan ’13, Zimbiri Dorji ’13, Yitong Cai ’15, Arden Barlow ’12, Emily Timm ’12, and Wiley Davi. A special thanks goes to my intern, Emily Timm ’12, for researching and creating the QR codes and for brainstorming solutions to various exhibition challenges. —Michele L’Heureux, Gallery Director ON THE COVER: ABRAHAM MOSSE, LA DAME REFORMÉE, ETCHING ON PAPER, 17TH CENTURY PURCHASED BY WHEATON COLLEGE THROUGH THE SHIPPEE MEMORIAL FUND The Art of Intellectual Community: Early Modern Objects and Pedagogy November 11 - December 9, 2011 Beard and Weil Galleries Wheaton College Norton, MA Persian Tile with Man on a Horse Arst unidenfied Painted ceramic 17th or 18th century GIFT OF E.