

Aidan Foran

Neurotoxins infect the brain Hemotoxins make the blood thicken Cytotoxins destroy cells Cape

The is also known as the yellow cobra. The thing on its neck is called the hood, it distracts its prey and scares away predators, then it deflates back into the neck of the cobra. It’s a deadly .

Spitting Cobra

The spitting cobra is a deadly snake because it can spit its venom up to twelve feet away. If not washed out, the venom can blind its prey and causing extreme pain. This is not the only trick this snake has; its bite is much worse and is lethal.

Forest Cobra

The Forest Cobra also known as the black cobra is the largest true cobra with a length of up to 3.1 meters (10 feet). It is a very capable swimmer and is often considered semi-aquatic. It has a slim tail and is native to Africa. This snake has an extremely lethal neurotoxic venom.

King Cobra

The king cobra is a native to places such as the forests of India to south east Asia. It’s the worlds longest venomous snake, longest ever recorded being 5.85M (19.5 feet). This snake is also an endangered species because of habitat destruction.


The Boomslang is a hemotoxic snake and if you are bitten your blood will thicken and start to come out of your eyes, nose, mouth and ears. In the languages and Dutch ‘Boomslang’ means Tree Snake. The length of this snake is between 3.3 and 5.2 feet total length. The eyes are very large which allows this snake to have great eye sight.

Puff Adder

The Puff Adder is a venomous viper species found in the majority of Africa. The average size is about1M but don’t be fooled, this snake has a deadly venom and the snake has caused the most snake deaths in Africa because being common and its ability to produce large amounts of potent venom.

Pit Viper

Pit Vipers or Pit Adders have a heat sensing organ between the eyes and nostrils on both sides of the head and the snake can use these to detect its prey.

Western Diamondback Rattle Snake The Western Diamondback Rattle snake is a venomous snake species found in the southwest United States and Mexico. It has caused the largest amount of snake bites in the USA and Mexico. Males are much larger than females, but the average length of an adult is 4ft.

Green Mamba

People in Africa are afraid to climb trees to get fruit because of the Green Mamba snake. Green mambas like to hang out in trees and are identified by green colour. they are often confused with harmless tree snakes. They have a neurotoxic venom and are lethal snakes.

Black Mamba

The Black Mamba is the deadliest snake of all. Even deadlier than the king cobra. It can hang in trees like its cousin, the green mamba and can grow to be 3M (9ft 10in) It has an inky black mouth and is capable of striking multiple bites rapidly. It got its name from its inky black mouth. If you were bitten by this snake, its neurotoxic venom would kill you in 20 minutes.

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