What Is Counter-Economics?
What is counter-economics? Should the State cease to exist, the • Drivers in some states who do not Counter-Economy would simply be The run in front of their cars with lanterns so The Counter-Economy is the sum of all Economy. as not to scare horses; non-aggressive Human Action which is for- Other names for practicing counter- and many others. Did you find yourself on bidden by the State. Counter-economics is economists (other than black marketeers) the list? the study of the Counter-Economy andits are practices. The Counter-Economy includes • Tax evader, tax rebel, tax resister; How counter-economics works the free market, the Black Market, the • Smuggler (of Bibles to Saudi Arabia, “underground economy,” all acts of civil and drugs to New York, or humans to Califor- Suppose you can make $10,000 for social disobedience, all acts of forbidden nia); each shipment (or whatever counter-eco- association (sexual, racial, cross-religious), • Trucker convoys; nomic act), and you can perform ten a and anything else the State, at any place or • Pornographers, prostitutes, procur- month. Once a month, someone in your line time, chooses to prohibit, control, regulate, ers, and other sexual entrepreneurs; gets arrested. You have 23 competitors. Half tax, or tariff. The Counter-Economy ex- • Gold bugs, food hoarders, windfall are convicted, half of them lose all their cludes all State-approved action (the “White profiteers, and others who refuse to believe appeals and are forced to pay a fine of half Market”) and the Red Market (violence and official economic mysticism; a million dollars and spend six months in theftnotapproved by the State).
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