III IIII USO05721278A United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,721,278 Garfield Et Al
III IIII USO05721278A United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,721,278 Garfield et al. 45) Date of Patent: Feb. 24, 1998 54 OWULATON CONTROL BY REGULATING 58) Field of Search ............................ 514/15, 121, 651, NTRC OXDE LEVELS 514/652,561, 841, 843, 648 Inventors: Robert E. Garfield, Friendswood; 56 References Cited Chandrasekhar Yallampalli, Houston, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS both of Tex. 4,338,305 7/1982 Corbin ................................... 424/177 73 Assignee: Board of Regents, The University of 4,851,385 7/1989 Rueske ..................................... 514/15 Texas System, Austin,Tex. 5,470,847 11/1995 Garfield et al. ......................... 514/171. Primary Examiner. Theodore J. Criares 21 Appl. No.: 477,187 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Arnold, White & Durkee 22 Filed: Jun. 7, 1995 57 ABSTRACT Inhibition of ovulation in a female may be achieved by Related U.S. Application Data administering a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, alone or in 62 Division of Ser. No. 165,309, Dec. 10, 1993, Pat. No. combination with one or more of a progestin, an estrogen, 5,470,847. and an LH-RH antagonist, thereby preventing conception. The stimulation of ovulation in a female may be achieved by 51) Int. Cl. ......... A61K 31/195; A61K 31/135: administering a nitric oxide source, optionally in further A61K 31/56 combination with one or more of clomiphene, a 52 U.S.C. ....................... 514/652; 514/171; 514/561; gonadotropin, and an LH-RH agonist. 514/563; 514/651; 514/565; 514/841; 514/843; 514/648 4 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet U.S. Patent Feb. 24, 1998 5,721,278 HypothalamuS Anterior Pituitary Gland ProgesterOne Estrogen / \ CorpOra OVa lutea \(es j \s 63 O Graafian follicle Follicular Ovulatory Luteal PaSe Phase Phase FIG.
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