2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call



A BBS RADIO Go To www.bbsradio.com ; click on Talk Radio Station #2; click on “64K Listen”

* Thursday: 9 pm – 12:00 pm EST Stargate Round Table Host: MariettaRobert

* Friday: 9 pm – 2 am EST Friday Night Hard News Hosts: Tara & Rama

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2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 1 / 26 E Archives also exist on the 2013 website: http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/ look under the “Archives” tab for written notes, as well as the audio recordings of the conference calls


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A. Opening Meditation: Rainbird

B. Housekeeping: Rainbird

BBS: • A listener-supported radio program; we can access program archives on BBS • The radio program costs $300 per week. And we need $440 this week. SO MUCH GRATITUDE FOR PAYING IT FORWARD!

• Go to BBSradio.com/Station2; find listing for True History call; find Paypal button • BBS appreciates getting checks through the mail – no fees taken off by Paypal • NO COST TO ACCESS BBS ARCHIVES for either of the 2 T & R PROGRAMS, or the Thursday night program or MariettaRobert's Stargate Round Table

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T & R: • Their full-time, life time commitment is to be tuned in to what is really going on behind the artificial world we see around us. They don't ask for anything but they do

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 2 / 26 require food, gas, a home, and access to BBS Radio on order to get this information out to the world.

• The need this week: • money for food, gas, bills, including $100, and $ for a spare tire • ALSO, STARTING A KITTY FOR RAMA’S PHYSICAL HEALTH NEEDS

• Donations via the Paypal button on the homepage of 2013 Rainbow Roundtable • Please notify T & R if you're sending something: k oran999@ comcast.net

• Rama's mailing address for cheques, Money orders: Ram D Berkowitz 1704-B Llano St, #249 Santa Fe, NM 87505 • phone contact is via MariettaRobert Pickett: 317-773-0061 or by e-mail: [email protected] • Remember you can book a session with Mother, as well!

MR: • Please remember to support MariettaRobert's show, too • You can also book a session with MR for a transformational clearing.

ASHTAR ON THE ROAD: donations to Santa Fe Coop mean fresh, organic, food for T&R

• Your donation here supports an account set up for Tara & Rama with Beneficial Farms Community Supported Agriculture in Santa Fe, NM • These funds will be exclusively used to maintain this weekly account for a steady supply of fresh produce to Tara and Rama. They and we are very grateful for your assistance.

• Please make the donation through the A-O-T-R store. People can do multiples if they wish: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/item/2497194/10263880.htm

• Fran has put a link on the Ashtar page as well. http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/tara__rama_A_A_news_reports.html

T: Any trouble hearing means an issue with the sound: it's an emergency – call 1-888-710-8061

C: ACCESS TO PODCAST: The following audio link allows you to listen to the entire program.


IV HARD NEWS ************

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 3 / 26 IV HARD NEWS

T: Every day is a blessing, in spite of what it seems! • Thanks to all for looking at the donate button on the website, and especially at month’s end when rent is due. • Some collaboration going on: Caroline, Samana, Penny, Ross to put together a small news letter to send out to those who contribute.

R: Talked to KOS, a rare event! • Spoke of the giant fiasco in DC that has all to do with the Jewish Mafia, Russian Mafia, Khazarian Mafia and NOT WITH MR PUTIN! • These folks know the hammer of Thor is coming down; they are playing with more crimes, and more crimes are coming to the surface

• has had it confirmed that it was an attempted hit on Rep Steve Scalise. • in spite of his being a KKK man, white supremacist, he has been going after other white supremicists playing with children: • Rounding up the uselss eaters for the reptilians across the planet so they they have their way with the children before they kill them.

• The stories about ship sightings has quadrupled: all kinds of sightings, encounters every day – • ET is right under our noses, and we are watching the fake news talks of Trump and Mr Sessions and Russian hookers! • Has to do with the extremely evil, arch criminal gang across the planet who are finding themselves increasingly in the cross hairs: Just saying Goddess is here: if we’ve seen Wonder Woman, we know what R is talking about!!! • Lady Master Ma’at and her scale is where it’s at – when the feminine is violated as it has been by this one, Divine Retribution comes round - Karma will get ya! Blaze the Violet Fire.

• Residents in London where the fire took place got together and marched to PM May’s office – the police were out in force against the protestors • need to go after the people who did not take care of the building previously – only 1 fire escape for 650 people; 30 people dead; 70 people MIA • put on a cladding that was pretty to look at, but with no fire resistance

R: the Lawyering up activity will not save them – it’s past that point! • a lot worse than going to jail is what will happen to these lifeforms: it’s about the next realm • violating the feminine and playing with the energy of other life forms calls in the attention of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the very ancient story that has come full circle with Nibiru in orbit, Nemisus and other bodies in orbit in our solar system and interacting with our solar system • It is the harmony of the spheres that is happening, not Chaos as some say – as we move up in octave, it’s a good thing

• Went up the mountain and talked with various fairy lords and the beings who take care of the flora and fauna; they say as the frequencies get higher and higher and more glorious, it is more perilous for those who live in the shadow of the ancient order of the Sith, the dark side – SEND THEM MORE LOVE! • There are so many children, women and men who are not here anymore, thanks to a story that is not funny – it is about illusion: Sister Maya • Allah and Islam ARE NOT THE ENEMY – the enemy is willful ignorance, as per the KOS.

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 4 / 26 • This is trying to over- shadow the light that is pouring in and overlighting what those one are trying to do in the darkness – there is more exposure about how deep the Deep State goes • and theu think they are safe, due to their ancient gods and goddesses, the Annunaki, who they think will come to save them – and they need to understand that the 144,000 are here; the quantum field has shifted in our favour.

T: from Watching the Hawk: it is no longer 10 men with all the money – but only 5 men • Bill Gates, Jeff Besos – Amazon just acquired Whole Foods – and now we have to be really careful; Mark Zukerberg; Amantio Ortego, Warren Buffet - $400 billion combined T discusses the rules for getting certified organic – which is different from being grown organic – means no pesticides - very different in Canada where the requirement is for longer terms of clean soil [35 years] as opposed to US [3 years] • A million seconds is 12 years, meaning . . . [not finished]

Ross: did R hear if the building fire was caused by an energy weapon? R: doesn’t know, but not out of the question. Needs to find out T: there were so many things wrong with the building Ross: but fire seemed to be started from the outside – a bad aura around it; nefarious things done in dark of night; the alarms etc did not work: could be both/and – just asking.

Ri/astrologer: thanks to Rama for earlier assessment of the conditions! [astrologically speaking] • We all know that Richard watches the astrology, planetary conditions: today is a particularly interesting day – we are dealing with, since yesterday and over the weekend – Neptune going retrograde; the moon eclipsed Neptune today – so someone put the spoon in the pot and stirred it!! • Mars is in 10* Cancer; Gemini is in 20* Cancer and Mercury energy is there too • air and water energy, and have the fire to keep the heat on – an interesting soap opera – and Uranus is still in Aries and is trine Saturn in late Sag! • As individuals, we think normally in a particular time scale. The solar system has a different time scale, so we still have the energies being transmitted to us; we are 24/7/365 receivers and this has a lot to do with the ascension process • Will talk more about it on Saturday!

Big Will: to tell R that a little bird told him that Patrick Fitzgerald is getting ready to make a showing in about 2 weeks, as Trump is considering firing his AG deputy – Rosenstein T: there is no such thing as saying when; can only say he will show up at the perfect right time as this is a galactic operation • If Trump tries to fire Rosenstein, that does not get rid of Mueller – and Rosen said he would not fire Mueller – so Trump is pissed off with Rosen about this. • Mr Pence – lawyering up like crazy: the Faction 3 WK will take Pence and Trump down at the same time; Pence will not get a chance at the White House at all!

T: will read something about the newest product from Free-mart.com/tarram • she is completely amazed at this product and all of the functions, diseases it supports • it’s about boron which helps uptake Vit D, the sunshine vitamin – Israel is the only country on the earth that has boron in its veggies; boron is 2nd to magnesium in importance in the body • Members of the admin, WH staff members – who are still behind the Grump - are all vulnerable to being in the position of aiding and abetting T in his emoluments crimes – can be tried equally with him. This would be the first time in US history if the president is convicted of this while in office

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 5 / 26 • The issue of arms in the US – beyond the pale! • Within 48 hours, there was a 2nd violence after the 1st on in San Fran - and 3 people were shot in a UPS facility, and then he killed himself, after wounding 2 more people. • The amount of death cause by gun violence – no other country on earth like this!!

CONFERENCE CALL PHILIP – VA: an update of activities

COR: setting up a date to talk with them

RI: heartfelt thanks to Rainbird for her opening tonight! COR: loves all RB’s openings! RI: and to wish everyone a great gardening season! Has had the right amount of rain at the right time! RB: everything is just pumping energy! RI: 2’ squash; tomatoes the size of golf balls; happy onions! • Called to report on recent event which happened to him: • This morning, a humming bird came in front of his picture window and said hello! it’s Joy medicine • about 2 pm, a pair of monarch butterflies of the orange and black variety and did a dance in front of his picture window RB: saw 2 of the same kind of butterflies in front of her, too – also dancing! RI: An intense orange, with sharp black edges – usually butterflies just flutter around, random patterns. What caught his attention was them having a dance – like a spirit show. • Has a book called Medicine Cards – Sams and Carson of native american descent – • butterfly energy is transformation: good omen for today; hummingbird is joy!!! T: remembers seeing a big moth when she and family were on a peninsula in the Pacific and south of the border of Costa Rica; staying in a 3 tier pagoda house; their son slept in a hammock with a mosquito net; they slept in a room in a bed with a net as well • A moth: each wing as big as the complete span of one of her hands! It was sitting there, waving its wings! Things are very big down there. • A Parrot: lime green, and a macaw which are multi coloured; the tail feathers can be 1.5 – 2ft long! The big parrot and the smaller one flew in unison, even though the smaller one had to flap its wings faster!

Reading from Ben Fulford: [SEE BELOW] Khazarian mafia will make several more tries to start WW3 before their final defeat Posted by benjamin, June 12, 2017

Be sure to listen to T’s commentary as you read the document.

T: she [Edmunds] is NOT a ‘fake story’ as Fulford is implying: she speaks 3 middle eastern languages and was in the military before she took this job. T: brings up the story of the man in Minnesota who was sitting in his car, with his girlfriend and her little girl. The police officer shot and killed him and got off today! KOS said all of these ones will be permanently removed as they are following the orders of the NWO agenda.

• Amy had Standing Rock people on her show: Dave Archembault & Nick Tilsen who were on Laurence O’Donnell last night, talking of the Democrats who have mounted a law case against Trump because of his emoluments

2017-06-14 Just heard: Standing Rock wins "major victory" in court. Trump's hasty permits violated law. [SEE BELOW]

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 6 / 26 • Keith Ellison was on, representing the 196 members filing the lawsuit. • She reads from Amy’s interview with David Archambault of the Standing Rock nation • by 1889 less than 100 bison left from 70 million! It was the railway track system that did this

Carlton: asking what might be Bill Maher’s reaction to being grilled on his show by Michael Eric Dyson and ICE cube -

T: his input was more intellectual, but what he said was good. Also pointed out that what D said: talking about being a house slave means you are ridiculing the women - • It was Bill who created the scene – by the time ICE got done with him, he got it! • Cross the media line and you’re dead anyway: we don’t hear him use the same flippant humour about the holocaust and his own background. He won’t make the same kind of joke about himself because of the Khazarian mafia and Netanyahu is the world head of the KM and the US since 1949 has been controlled by KM, originally it was David ben Gurion

• how Obama got elected: Malcolm X agreed to have his seed impregnated in Obama’s mother who is related to the 13 families; and no president has ever been outside the 13 families; • Obama has been overlit by El Morya, as he was when he was the Mogul muslim king in India – 1314 onwards

C: what is role of Ethel Kennedy? She also approached Obama and said she was supporting him T: remembers seeing BO after he was President Elect at 11:11 when Bush stepped down, and he got the 6 hr briefing by the good ones in the FBI, and ordered the exeuction of HRC and the 10,000 banksters who were taken to the Hague in huge unmarked transport planes • had been arrested over a period of 18 months – June of 2011 to Oct 31, 2012 when they were boarded, in shackles, and jailed in the Hague; had also been sitting in jail cells on the various military bases. • After he got the debriefing and before he went out to Grant Park, they saw a picture of Obama sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands, and he knew then he was dead meat if he did not do what she said. • And they did not want him in the 2nd time – the people voted for him. And he has had to play double agent for the whole time and be called the bad guy; same thing going on with Pres Putin – who has been around for 500 years in that body – helped St Germain when he was Vlad the Impaler – same thing going on now with Obama now • Same with E Warren who runs around supporting HRC

RB: thinking of the hyperdimensional election of Barack Obama - can be seen on YouTube: Richard Hoagland talks of the entire story [someone said it is no longer on YouTube! This makes sense as those ones are scared out of their minds!!!]

Question: the packages come out AFTER NESARA? T: there are 78 programs; and millions of people in those program and billions of people on the planet – no matter how many programs you are in, or not – this is a galactic operation – the energy of Sananda Kkumara [KOS is the 7th incarnation and initiation of the rays of wisdom that we identify with Sananda Kumara; the one before that was Jeshu Pistis Sophia aka Jesus Christ]

Question: Asks about the building in London: burnt for a few days, was a badly built building T: the owners had been warned not to let people not live there as it was in such bad condition; it was almost burnt to the ground.

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 7 / 26 C: the world trade building burnt in minutes when it was State of the Art construction – do people see the difference? Or make a comparison? T: #1 went down in 6 sec; #2 in 8 sec - the mass majority of people already know it was a controlled demolition, and people will be killed if they say anything against that idea – they would be dead if they say anything. As Obama and his family would be dead if they said anything; same for Elizabeth Warren • it took days for that building [in London] to go down and demolition is such a different process, that people would not link them at all.

C: she made past references to gag orders, and prominent people being under them T: everyone in politics, media, Hollywood ARE GAGGED - no exceptions. C: so she is saying something has to happen for the gag order to be lifted. T: will not be lifted until everyone is rounded up: the insiders would also be dead

From Angelique, Tom the Cat to Rama: there will be people inside Congress who will start talking about 9/11 out of the blue – eg Rand Paul or Bernie Sanders – they will start talking and won’t be silent C: has to be something out of left field - makes sense T: we know Rachel is Faction 3 WK but she will not go against the CEO of the network and say 911 is an inside job -

B B S RADIO Mother Sekmet / Alcyone [M/A]

Greetings in the Light of the Most Radiant One. In the Office of the Christ and only in the Office of the Christ, we invoke the loving energies of St Germain and the Violet Flame.

T: Asks for the light of the Herkima Diamond to fill us all, every nook and cranny! Unconditional joy, patience, joy, transformation [butterfly medicine], love as work made manifest [crow medicine]; black snake [divine alchemy]

Greetings, Children of RA!

M/A: Lots of issues have been laid on the table. T: Yes, and we have Naomi Klein here: the movements are saying resistance is necessary; Tara’s point is that persistence – and Naomi is saying that neither is enough. Rama printed out her speech and it’s a doozy! M/A: transfiguration already happening within us and this planet; She keeps talking about it because it is real, more real than the fake news about Mr Putin. What is happening with these bodies, Temples of the living god, goddess, All That Is • we are becoming what we’ve asked to do here – the 13 families know it; now’s the time – peace and love is how we get this done in spite of what they are creating, inciting, insuating with each hour that passes. • Do not deviate from [>>>] non violence: do no harm.

T: another person with 2 life sentences + another 40 years. A young millenial - has been in prison for quite a while; involved in bit coin scene – some kind of threats identified with him; his mother was on Watching the Hawks, saying it’s not true in the sense that the threats, the hacking, could easily have been black ops that set him up, and they did it because bit coin is their worst enemy; one bit coin is worth $2,100 and lots of people are involved – at least a billion are engaged! • they set him up to make him an example. He is in his early 30s and got a double life sentence without parole + 40 years; tried to get his sentence changed and the appellate court would not budge. Send some energy to that situation – you don’t get rid of hope!

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 8 / 26 T: You don’t get rid of hope – another abomination – something completely non-violent happened M/A: all these things are about keeping the slaves quiet and we’re here to free the slaves on this planet – only the real slaves are the ones sitting in their mansions like the Koch Bros – they are behind big walls with their private armies. They are more imprisoned than anyone else. • It is quite a challenge when the shoe is on the other foot and you need to become xenophobic because you are so filthy rich. T: Bernie is a bit compromised – remember that at the DNC last year when he suggested to people to vote for Hillary • had he not done this, his whole family would have been wiped out as was the case with Tom Daschle: he is still alive but his grandparents, parents, grandchildren, children all were killed and cloned – no heirs to original family

Ross: how can we navigate this dimension, time and space, as we do in the 5th dimension and higher, are we capable of doing this from our perspective, and can she describe in detail how to do this?

M/A: How we can navigate in the 5th dimension by being in the 3rd which is 5th and higher and is it possible to do this now

T: it doesn’t mean we don’t have a physicality; it’s about what we do with our physicality – it means we can appear and disappear, go into the etheric and return

T: Rama used to demonstrate going in and out of physicality; used to have a store called the Black Chalice; owned by a couple and their daughter; the couple were helping the King of Swords [KOS] through the fishy process - they had a chamber in one corner of the store • it was like a pyramidal shaped chamber that you could sit in; • it had the qualities of letting you go into the 5th dimension – like a portal – not everyone knew how to take their bodies with them • one time Rama went in and was there for a long time; and Linda called Rama and looked in; there was no Rama – took another 10-15 minutes & R came back. • Later in the day, Linda said what are you doing? Yet she knew Rama well and that we all have the ability to do that - Ross: How? T: become an adept at meditation: they played the film footage – a Tibetan buddist sitting cross legged in a meditative state and he rose about 1 foot above the ground and later let himself down. There are people around the planet who go to Tibet, China, India etc and learn how to do these things. • She was at someone’s house when she was in California, people she knew from Maui; the person who visited had been in India and he told them the story after 10 solid years in India, and lived in a cave with a lion

Ross: speaking of lions – he’s asking Mother Sekmet HOW? M/A: We do this by working with the cells in our bodies, taking the time to get real quiet and talk to the cells and the particles which make up the cells; they can hear us and will respond in like kind with the right response • How you know that response? As we are in a meditative state and we alter our reality, we start to tingle in various forms of our body – almost feels like your feet are going to sleep, yet this is an overall feeling through the entire temple. And you begin to see with your 3rd eye; takes patience and not getting upset with oneself when we sit for an hour and nothing happens Ross: this goes with the private conversation about Zenon gas & DMT in the brain -

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 9 / 26 T: once you have one experience – with the aid of a mushroom – the ability to recall it is there for the rest of time M/A: As you recall it in your brain which is like a giant computer that retains every experience that ever has been; as we recall it by talking to the cells, particles, you can actually recreate the experience through the breathing of prana yama and getting to the centred state where the outside realms don’t exist any more. T: Has seen people she was with have this experience:could see the other 2 people in the back seat where laughing their heads off – had bi-located to some place in NYC and an event, and she could see they had done this – it was very real. • When T told about it in Wisconsion: they saw the huge mother ship with pilgrim-looking beings coming out of the ship and communicating telepathically with everyone and they all heard the same thing • those things come like – not sure if you can make them happen when you want them to happen M/A: takes patience and working with due diligence T: unless you enter a school like in the Crouching Tiger movie where things were staged to make it look like the people were flying – in the movie they were not really flying; in real life, that is possible and is done Ross: we start with simpler things: telepathy, contacting spirits with our own consciousness and move on – seeing out of 3rd eye • as requested, would Mother help us learn this in our lucid night work so we can learn at a more rapid pace so we can move ourselves and the world ahead for the post N world! M/A: with all due respect, Commander – yes! Ross: As we request these things, we get assistance! Pass the talking stick.

M/A: Indeed it is the awareness of the 144,000 waking up to the abilities and gifts we’ve already got when we came in, and now the Force is calling us to active duty, and things are happening with the Force, with our bodies, our ascension frequencies, people waking up and using the abiltities, the siddhis; Rama calls them the X Men – the energies that have always been here: part of the nature of reality T: isn’t it also true, Mother, that as we collectively remove the darkness from the whole – as we do that, these abilities come back more rapidly? M/A: at quantum Light speed T: It’s connected with our own connectedness. M/A: as we step out of our own way, it all comes rushing back in; the memories T: the akashic records, and these abilities are unleashing themselves like crazy and along with the abilities of people to be ready for full disclosure; there are so many people who have never had an experience like that and now there are tons of people having them • you go in rural neighbourhoods in the US and you might not get out of there if you get wild enough – same thing in Canada T: Has to do with the rigidity of the rules of that neighbourhood; in some parts of the sout, need to be racist or of the right colour or there will be some situations. And now we have an Alabama Beauregard • It has to be the ultimate change as there is so much extremism – extreme racism! • And it is so obvious not to see that he is a multiple and very bad liar – we send him love • yet the amount of suffering and death that happens to people because of that mind control program that people of colour are dumber, stupider, less than you because you are white – and contributions of the ghettoizing of where they live, and school systems are compromised on purpose to keep them blacker than us; we are smarter than you and making sure people of colour all come out dumber and don’t vote

• a piece on Thom Hartmann from Greg Palast: the race between Karen Handel (R) and Jon Ossof (D) – she has a position in gov’t there in northern area of Atlanta – in charge of

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 10 / 26 the voting process – has been able to rig the election processes by using the Kris Kobach comparative process – many people from Korea there and other Asian people M/A: has heard of the suppression of the voting there T: People there were registering those people. Karen pulled out all the registrations out of there after people had registered – 86,000 registered in Asian, Korean neighbourhood; 46,000 made it through; 40,000 were just gone off the register! She is behind it • So she got 20% of the vote in the first race; Ossof got 48% • now it looks like she could win and at the same time, there is Palast’s exposure from BBC television; he comes on Amy and Thom Hartmann and exposes these things – and it’s happening so much faster & faster [the exposure of these violations] • 196 members of Congress filing a lawsuit against Trump for his violation of the emolument clause: that has not happened before – it’s outrageous! And he’s made billions off the elections

Ross: the science end of things: article from Penny – how the human brain can create structures in up to 11 dimensions T: to be read on Saturday. We found a world that we had not imagined! Blue Brain Project • The 12th dimension is the heart; these characters have all 11 dimensions but not the 12th – same thing as strands. We can do this if we acknowledge the dimensions and work with them • The green tara is in charge of 6th to 9th dimension; our brother Philip is doing the 21 praises of Tara in Virginia at the mounds, which are portals and a half. They saw orbs everywhere when they were there! Saw them on pictures - Fun to pull together a group energy in these kinds of power spots. This will really help us as when we have such an experience, we don’t go back.

T: Another article: with the picture of the AI hand! This corporation rigged the . . .

M/A: We are in such a magnificent time to awaken to the gifts that are already part of our own process and, as we sit in that deep meditation, we will hear our DNA talk to us and it is that reality that is happening for all the inhabitants on earth right now. • As we come together in spite of the differences of what is called religion, culture, class – everyone is equal, common ground. Each experience is unique unto each soul, yet we all volunteered to be here and awaken at this time: that is a fact. • we are the ones - along with the help of our friends – • what She could say of the whole of the picture is - don’t mistake the end of the forest for a few more trees! And we grok how long this story has taken, in all its magnificence • With all due respect, Ascension is a BIG, BIG F’ING DEAL: it cannot happen over night yet what is happening is our bodies will never be the same because they are moving up in octave and vibration. What used to make us feel mabye pretty good is going by the wayside: new challenges, new ways of being – so that love in the cells at a higher level can come in • yes, that is a unique experience unto each soul and it is transfiguring in nature

T: Look at the huge demonstrations in St Paul when that officer was cleared of the fatal shooting; • the lady in the car showed what was happening as her boyfriend died in front of everyone, & she took pictures – this has to stop • T has to believe that, as the energies are rising and people are becoming aware, we are being duped to the max here! M/A: We are being given a one way ticket to the hall of mirrors, and we must get out; we know how we got in; have to know how to get out – have to look within, to the heart to get out of the hall of mirrors. • Heart with the consciousness is how we do this; love is the answer here, and the issues are not small. How do you love a war criminal? She has brought this up before

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 11 / 26 T: we love them as we love ourselves . . . and as we love ourselves with greater love, we hold ourselves accountable for what has happened in the whole world as equal to those who have done what they have done: those who are unhelpful at the least; genocidal at the most M/A: as we grok how big this stories is – we are one leave from a tree with so many leaves • this one particular leaf is unique unto itself – yet it is the same or similar • it is the uniqueness of this experience that we’ve asked to step into and fully integrate what it means to become Galactic Hu– mans; She honours us for our choice T: Trump got into Obama’s cuban policies today M/A: calling the Castro Bros another group of dictators T: they are assets of our CIA M/A: the whole story about the Cold War and the fake idea that “The big red threat is coming” is such a hoax! The Big Red Threat is that character with the horns and the tail, the etheric effluvial energies hanging out in the lower astral regions • if you’re going to hang out with the devil in the back yard, he’s going to get you and he will make a deal you will not be able to refuse: look how hard it is for Mr Comey go get out of the mess he’s in! T: why is the rental unit laughing himself out of his mind? M/A: Because She knows what is to come T: yet it is not funny M/A: no – it is stupid, silly and tragic all at the same time, as there are life forms that are screaming for love and have no way to ask for it but to act stupid and completely illogical. • Let’s say a child asks its mother for whatever way mother will give it the energy, in whatever form, even if they are losing it like we see live and in colour in the District of Criminals • They are begging for love and they don’t know how to ask the heart - so they take their synthetic substances, altered chemicals and are on one bad trip after another; • cannot escape the energies of the dark side once you go down that path. • It is their choice: love them on their way out. • And in the same breath, we love ourselves as we asked to be here and we ask ourselves “What’s next?” • What is next is how we heal and transfigure these temples: meditation and doing the sadna daily no matter what we feel like – do it. It will help us.

Greetings in the Light of the Most Radiant One – Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai Sabbeoth . . . M/A: We have the power; use it!

R: Has been on Athena’s ship, sending out electric blue rays to help heal the people. Today, the US killed a father with 14 children – so now the mother has 2 sons

• no words for this: blaze the Violet Fire T: Are we going to be changed here in our behaviour? R: In this moment!!! Now! Send more love.

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 12 / 26 Audio: Real Time with Bill Maher Episode 429 June 16, 2017 More republicans tonight than not

Alex Marlow – first employee of Breitbart news; Editor in Chief since 2013

Ian Bremmer Ian Bremmer is the president and founder of Eurasia Group, the leading global political risk research and consulting firm.

He is a prolific thought leader, author and noted lecturer, regularly expressing his views on political issues in public speeches, television appearances, and top publications, including Time, where he is the foreign affairs columnist and editor-at-large. Dubbed the “rising guru” in the field of political risk by The Economist, he teaches classes on the discipline as Global Research Professor at New York University. His latest book, Three Choices for America's Role in the World, was released in May 2015.

Malcolm Nance, Malcolm Wrightson Nance (born September 20, 1961) is a retired United States Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer in naval cryptology and author, scholar and media commentator on international terrorism, intelligence, insurgency and torture.

Nance is an expert in the history, personalities and organization of al-Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL); jihadi radicalization, Islamic extremism in Middle East, Southwest Asian and African terror groups, as well as counterinsurgency and asymmetric warfare. He speaks Arabic and is active in the field of national security policy particularly in anti- and counter-terrorism intelligence, terrorist strategy and tactics, torture and counter-ideology in combating Islamic extremism.

Eddie Izzard – Edward John "Eddie" Izzard (born 7 February 1962) is an English stand-up comedian, actor, and writer. His comedic style takes the form of rambling, whimsical monologue, and self-referential pantomime. He had a starring role in the television series The Riches as Wayne Malloy and has appeared in films such as Ocean's Twelve, Ocean's Thirteen, Mystery Men, Shadow of the Vampire, The Cat's Meow, Across the Universe, and Valkyrie. He has also worked as a voice actor in The Wild (2006), Igor (2008), The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008), and Cars 2 (2011).

Izzard has cited his main comedy role model as Monty Python, and John Cleese once referred to him as the "Lost Python".

Audio: Max Keiser [KR1084] Keiser Report: Trump’s Potemkin trade deals 2017-06-15 https://youtu.be/HIBPdFMvPII

We discuss Donald Trump’s Potemkin trade deals with Saudi Arabia and real job losses at ward of the state, Boeing. Max also interviews Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen’s Energy Program, about the ‘Wrath of Saud’ as Qatar gets isolated and Aramco gets ready for an IPO.

Audio: Redacted Tonight [152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More


2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 13 / 26 Published on 16 Jun 2017

In this episode of Redacted Tonight, host Lee Camp reveals what’s in store for the future of our nation’s infrastructure. Things are looking grim, as Trump plans for wide-scale privatization of our bridges, tunnels, and roads. This means our travel, safety, and health will be put into the hands of corporate entities that care about profit well above our well-being. Lee also delves into how our country is being sold for parts to foreign conglomerates and nation-states.

Then Lee moves on to discuss a shocking new report on how the world’s wealth is becoming even more inequitable. The 5 richest men in the world now have the same amount of wealth as HALF OF THE WORLD’S POPULATION. That’s 5 people with as much as 3 BILLION PEOPLE! Beyond being a psychotic representation of greed, it’s also incredibly unstable for the world.

In the second half of the show, correspondent Naomi Karavani joins Lee at the desk to discuss leaked documents that expose a conservative foundation’s plan to consolidate power. It’s the Bradley Foundation and their tactics include crushing unions, especially in blue states where they wield an enormous amount of power. The Bradley Foundation influences the government to pass so-called “Right to Work Laws” and breaks apart unions, all while operating under the guise of being a charity.

Finally, correspondent Natalie McGill investigates how a chemical that scientists acknowledge is very harmful to human beings is somehow in countless everyday products we use. They’re known as PFCs and they’re a dangerous, unregulated substance. But that doesn’t keep them from being in your shampoo and water. All of this on the new Redacted Tonight!

Music: Mother forgive us

Reading: When God was a Woman, Ch 11 The Daughters of Eve – The Courageous Challenge of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, pp 228 – 231

Now we know the serpent is symbolic of divine alchemy

Closing: Rainbird


Sufi Music | Rumi - A Sufi Was Wandering by Coleman Barks


Published on 18 Nov 2016 Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi Balkhi was a 13th century Muslim Sufi saint. Rumi's message is of Love, which people need the most in these days. There is great wisdom in his poetry and his message of Love is for all.

Album: Rumi Voice of Longing Track: A Sufi Was Wandering the World Narrated by Coleman Barks

The Song of 144,000

Brief Reading: Basra’s cats

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 14 / 26 INFORMATION RELATED TO THE NOTES

Khazarian mafia will make several more tries to start WW3 before their final defeat Posted by benjamin, June 12, 2017

Notice to readers Because I will be off the grid in Bougainville this week this report was written three days earlier than usual and will thus not capture all the latest news. However as compensation there should be plenty of interesting stuff to report from Bougainville next week.

The Khazarian mafia, still unable to comprehend their ongoing historic defeat, are fanatically trying yet again to start World War 3, multiple sources agree. The Khazarian mafia that has ruled humanity, or at least the West, for thousands of years is still clinging to power in Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, parts of Europe and in a section of the US power elite. However, the balance of world power has now tipped decisively against them. That is why, facing final defeat, they will be trying very hard to start World War 3 in the Ukraine, the Middle East or North Korea in order to try keep in power and carry out their plan to wipe out 90% of humanity.

They are also clinging to the illusion they will somehow manage to remove US President Donald Trump from power and thus re-establish their control over the military industrial complex. Their lack of power in Washington DC was made evident last week when fired FBI director James Comey not only failed to provide impeachable evidence against Trump but also incriminated himself and the Democratic Party establishment. Comey did this by testifying that Obama era Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked him to lie about the fact Hillary Clinton was subject to a criminal investigation. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-08/comey-admits-ag-lynch-pressured-him-use-clinton- campaign-language-it-gave-me-queasy-]

Comey also gave ammunition to the folk who say the Khazarians are not even human by saying he has had “a lot of conversations with humans over the years.”

Furthermore, his testimony revealed to the public yet again that Khazarian mafia controlled media outlets like the New York Times have been publishing outright lies, in this case about so-called Russian interference in the US Presidential election.

The Khazarian corporate media also showed how utterly foolish is has become by writing, in all apparent seriousness, articles about a so-called NSA leaker by the name of “Reality Leigh Winner.” “Reality Lie Winner” no doubt won a contest inside the NSA to produce the most outrageous fake news story.

It is no wonder that only 6% of Americans trust the corporate media any more. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trust-in-media_us_57148543e4b06f35cb6fec58

The Mossad motto “By way of deception thou shalt make war,” failed to take into account the story about the boy who cried wolf. They have lied and deceived so much that nobody believes them anymore.

This is why their false flag events are starting to flop immediately despite increasingly hysterical story lines.

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 15 / 26 In the UK election, the false flag attacks in London had the opposite of their intended effect by turning voters away from Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May. May is now being forced to turn to the creationist fundamentalist DUP party in order to cling to power. The Khazarian mafia media is trying to portray her set back as a victory against Brexit. However, May’s opponent, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn, has had 75% negative coverage by the same Khazarian media because he supports such things as 911 truth. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/jeremy-corbyn-media-bias-labour-mainstream-press-lse- study-misrepresentation-we-cant-ignore-bias-a7144381.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/Jeremy_Corbyn/11892383/Jeremy-Corbyn-911-was- manipulated.html

The Anglo Saxon people have revolted against Khazarian mafia rule.

The Khazarians are deluding themselves if they think that killing Donald Trump is going to end this revolt. US Naval Intelligence is reporting that a high level hitman by the name of…

… Charles McCarry and his Pluribus International Corporation took a $150 million contract to kill Trump using female assassins. This “Sorcha Faal” Naval Intelligence Report is probably about 80% correct. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2311.htm

The Khazarians are targeting a lot of people other than Trump as well. Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov has gone into hiding to avoid assassins. This writer too was told last week by an Italian TV journalist “I am surprised you are still alive, I keep looking in the papers for your obituary.”

What they do not realize is that at this point, killing someone like me would be like killing the kid who said the emperor had no clothes after he said it. It would have the exact opposite effect of what they would hope for at this point.

The Khazarians attempts to start World War 3 are also getting increasingly brazen and desperate.

Henry Kissinger last week tried to cash a $4.3 quadrillion bond by promising to give the money to the Asians in exchange for protection for the Khazarians, according to right wing sources close to the Emperor of Japan. The money would go to the AIIB, the BRICS bank and the Asian Development Bank as well as to the Khazarians, Kissinger promised, according to this source. The problem is that Kissinger is a mass murdering war criminal who has been using fraud even since the Nixon shock to maintain Khazarian control over the world’s money.

What the Khazarians control is known as the “Global Debt Facility,” and it is nothing more than a Babylonian debt slavery illusion being used to enslave humanity. Above the “Global Debt Facility,” which is based on nothing, lies the “Global Credit Facility,” that is backed by real assets, notably Asian gold. So, while the AIIB, the BRICS bank and the ADB are commendable institutions, they have no need to continue to function under Khazarian debt slavers. They will be fully supported by the new financial system.

This system is evolving through crypto-currencies, gold and through an ongoing real world economy boycott of fraudulent Khazarian financial instruments.

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 16 / 26 When Kissinger’s latest plot to get money failed, he and his fellow Khazarians tried to get their fellow Saudi Arabian Satanists to start World War 3 by threatening to invade Qatar. Donald Trump proved to the world he was not really in charge of the US last week by first praising the Saudi threats against Qatar in a tweet only to be forced to do a 180 degree turn around the next day by the US military.

Furthermore, the Turks immediately deployed troops to defend Qatar showing the largest military in the Middle East is controlled by Muslims and not by pseudo-Muslim Salafist Satanists.

Chinese military intelligence also informed the US about the Khazarian’s scenario for a war involving North Korea. According to this scenario, the ruling Kim family would be evacuated into Northern China prior to the war. The Koreans were then supposed to provoke the US into invading North Korea by staging a kamikaze style attack against US aircraft carriers in the region. Once the Americans invaded North Korea, a major campaign to weaken their forces through attrition would begin. Towards the end, the North Koreans would set off nuclear weapons inside North Korea which the Chinese would publicly blame on the Americans.

The Chinese would then try to get support from Asian and European countries by acting as peace brokers and trying to negotiate an end to the war. The Chinese Northern District Army is one of the strongest in the country and is filled with warrior Mongols, Manchus and Koreans, the Chinese sources say.

Needless to say, the kibosh has been put on this scenario thanks to high level communications between the US and Chinese military and intelligence agencies.

The situation in Japan is also getting very bad for the Khazarians. Although the slave Parliament did manage to pass a law saying the Emperor would resign within 3 years, it will be game over for them before they ever get a chance to install a proxy Emperor. The vast majority of Japanese underground factions are all now ready to remove the Khazarian proxies. Representatives from the White Dragon Society have had meetings with heads of several of these factions recently and have agreed to form an alliance with the goal of once again making Japan and independent country for the first time since 1863.

Once Japan is liberated, then only Germany, France, Italy, Israel and Saudi Arabia will remain under Khazarian mafia control.

This might be a good time to remind the Jewish people that they never really escaped from Babylon and that the fall of the Khazarian mob will mean they will be truly free for the first time in thousands of years. The Israelis will be free to make peace with their neigbhours and rebuild their temple, just so long as they leave the Dome of the Rock intact. Also, they need to make it clear to the world the Temple will be dedicated to Yahweh and not Satan. There will be no human or animal sacrifices allowed at the temple.

Despite all the good news, however, final victory is not here yet and we can expect some nasty last minute moves by the Khazarians. The Summer Solstice on June 21st is their tradition time for holocausts or burnt offerings so we need to be especially diligent.

Have no doubt though, humanity will win.

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 17 / 26 2017-06-14 Just heard: Standing Rock wins "major victory" in court. Trump's hasty permits violated law.

By Back Porch philosopher

Fantastic News! Those BRAVE Water Protectors who are facing the racist kangaroo court right now might at least take heart that their cause carries on!!! Here is the email I just got from EarthJustice:

Dear [...],

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe won a major victory today in their ongoing battle to protect their drinking water and ancestral lands from the Dakota Access Pipeline. This victory is the result of the Tribe’s inspiring and courageous fight, supported by hundreds of thousands of people like you who spoke up and made your voices heard.

Just days after President Trump’s inauguration, his administration hastily issued federal permits authorizing construction of the pipeline across the Missouri River, just upstream of the Standing Rock Reservation. Today a federal judge ruled that those permits violated the law.

The court ruled that the Army Corps of Engineers did not adequately consider the impacts of an oil spill on fishing rights, hunting rights or environmental justice, or the degree to which the pipeline’s effects are likely to be highly controversial. In short, the Trump administration broke one of our nation’s bedrock environmental laws.

Today the federal courts stepped in where our political systems have failed, but the fight is far from over. The oil continues to flow, and we will continue to fight back in court. Thank you for standing with us.

Jan Hasselman Staff Attorney

Here’s more information → FAQ: Standing Rock Litigation http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/6/14/1671950/-Just-heard-Standing-Rock-wins-major- victory-in-court-Trump-s-hasty-permits-violated-law

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 18 / 26 2016-06-16 Standing Rock Sioux Chair on Militarized Repression & Ongoing Lawsuit to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline

Watch Full Show https://www.democracynow.org/2017/6/16/standing_rock_sioux_chair_on_militarized

Guests • Dave Archambault 45th chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. • Nick Tilsen executive director of the Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation and a citizen of the Lakota Nation on Pine Ridge Reservation in .

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has won a major legal victory in federal court which may have the power to force the shutdown of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. District Judge James Boasberg ruled Wednesday that the Trump administration failed to conduct an adequate environmental review of the pipeline, after President Trump ordered the Army Corps to fast-track and greenlight its approval. The judge requested additional briefings next week on whether the pipeline should be shut off until the completion of a full review of a potential oil spill’s impacts on fishing and hunting rights, as well as environmental justice. The pipeline faced months of massive resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, members of hundreds of other indigenous tribes from across the Americas, as well as non-Native allies. We speak with Standing Rock Sioux Chair Dave Archambault II and Nick Tilsen, executive director of the Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation and a citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

Transcript This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has won a major legal victory in federal court which may have the power to force the shutdown of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. District Judge James Boasberg ruled Wednesday that the Trump administration had failed to conduct an adequate environmental review of the pipeline, after President Trump ordered the Army Corps to fast-track and greenlight its approval. The judge requested additional briefings next week on whether the pipeline should be shut off until the completion of a full review of a potential oil spill’s impacts on fishing and hunting rights, as well as environmental justice. The pipeline faced months of massive resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, members of hundreds of other indigenous tribes from across the Americas, as well as non-Native allies, as well.

Speaking at a rally last week, President Trump said he signed the memo to greenlight the pipeline with his eyes closed.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I’m pleased to announce that the Dakota Access pipeline, which I just mentioned, is now officially open for business, a $3.8 billion investment in American infrastructure that was stalled. And nobody thought any politician would have the guts to approve that final leg. And I just closed my eyes and said, "Do it." ...

You know, when I approved it—it’s up. It’s running. It’s beautiful. It’s great. Everybody’s happy. The sun is still shining. The water is clean. But, you know, when I approved it, I thought I’d take a lot of heat. And I took none, actually none. People

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 19 / 26 respected that I approved it. But I take so much heat for nonsense that it probably overrode—it probably overrode the other. It’s like a decoy.

AMY GOODMAN: Well, last week, just after Trump’s comments, but before Judge Boasberg ruled this week, I spoke with the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Dave Archambault. He was here in New York. He was joined by Nick Tilsen, executive director of the Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation and a citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. I asked Standing Rock Sioux Chair Dave Archambault about the tribe’s lawsuit challenging the pipeline.

DAVE ARCHAMBAULT II: From the very beginning, we asked the Corps of Engineers, "What impact will this pipeline have on our people?" And the Corps of Engineers never could answer that. Their response is, "We’re doing an environmental assessment, and we’re going to see what impact it will have on the environment." And there’s no impact. That’s their—that’s what they state. So when we say, "Well, we need to do a further look and see what really happens when infrastructure projects have an impact on our people"—and we’ve experienced many infrastructure projects in the past, such as a railroad system. The railroad system facilitated the near-extinction of buffalo herds. When we were at 70 million buffalo in 1800, by 1889 we’re down to less than a hundred. And it was the railroad track system that did that. There’s interstates. There’s telecommunications. There’s dams. All these infrastructure projects have a significant impact on us. So that’s the question we asked. And to get the answer, it required a full, in-depth environmental impact statement. So, we were able to, with the past administration, say, "Let’s at least do the environmental impact statement." With this administration, the EA: "There’s not going to be any impact to you or to your people," which we know is—if or when this pipeline breaks, we will be the first impacted.

AMY GOODMAN: There were leaks even before it went operational?

DAVE ARCHAMBAULT II: Yes, there were.

AMY GOODMAN: Can you explain what that means? It wasn’t operational, so how were there leaks?

DAVE ARCHAMBAULT II: Yeah, they started putting pipeline—like, where the valves —to test the valves, they put oil through the pipelines. And it leaked significant amounts, even though it was a test. So, we understood and we knew that there were going to be leaks. It wasn’t even fully operational, and they were already experiencing leaks and getting fined for 200,000 gallons of oil being leaked. And so—and then they said, "We’ll clean it up, and we fixed it. It’s OK now." But, you know, that just goes to show that this pipeline is not clean. It’s not pretty. It’s not a beautiful thing. It’s something that’s going to come back and haunt—not us, maybe not us today, but the future.

AMY GOODMAN: Can you respond to what President Trump said? He just closed his eyes and signed it.

DAVE ARCHAMBAULT II: Yeah, when President Trump comes out with statements like that, it just is revealing his true character. It tells America what kind of person he is, when we all know that his first agenda was to sign this presidential memorandum. He was actually calling it an executive order, and then they switched it to a presidential memorandum. But it’s because he has his own interest in this pipeline. He was

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 20 / 26 sponsored, with his campaign, by Kelcy Warren. He had shares for Energy Transfer Partners. He had political interests. All the people who support him are saying this has to be done. So, for him to say, "I blindly did this," it’s a complete lie, and it tells what kind of character this man really has.

AMY GOODMAN: Nick Tilsen, your response when you heard President Trump say he did this with his eyes closed, signing off on the final permit to allow the Dakota Access pipeline to be built under the Missouri River, and then that there was no response afterwards?

NICK TILSEN: Yeah, I mean, I think that the reality of him signing with his eyes closed, that’s probably the truth. It’s probably what he did do. I mean, he’s been a— he’s been a prop of the energy companies, who are having their heyday. And that’s just the reality. I mean, we’ve seen, you know, one of the biggest outcries in protest in decades, and historical amounts of protest, in Dakota Access. And for him to—for him to say that there was—that it was met with no response is a total lie. That’s one of his —another alternative facts that he has, when the reality is, you know, tens of thousands of people sacrificed. We sacrificed our freedoms to protect this water. We sacrificed everything that we had. And it was women and children and families, and indigenous people with our allies from all over the country and all over the world. People around the world understand what happened at Standing Rock. And I think this is a constant sort of PR thing that says, "Oh, nobody cares." But the reality is, people do care.

AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to ask about an explosive new investigation by The Intercept that reveals how international private security firm TigerSwan targeted Dakota Access water protectors with military-style counterterrorism measures. TigerSwan began as a U.S. military and State Department contractor, hired by Energy Transfer Partners, the company behind the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. The investigation based on leaked internal documents, which show how TigerSwan collaborated closely with law enforcement agencies to surveil and target the nonviolent indigenous-led movement. In the documents, TigerSwan also repeatedly calls the water protectors "insurgents" and the movement "an ideologically driven insurgency," even uses words like "jihadi." Chairman Dave Archambault?

DAVE ARCHAMBAULT II: You know, it just goes to show who law enforcement is going to listen to. And law enforcement listens to the political leaders. And the political leaders are bought by corporations. So, in North Dakota, we have a senator who has interests in the oil fields. We have a—

AMY GOODMAN: Who is that?

DAVE ARCHAMBAULT II: Senator Hoeven. He has an interest in the wells, that he owns. We have Senator Cramer and Senator—or, Congressman Cramer and Senator Heitkamp. They receive some of the largest amounts of contributions from the fossil fuel industry. We have a governor—at that time, Governor Dalrymple—who had some intermixings with China oil. And so, this whole political leadership in North Dakota will say, "We have to have this pipeline go in." And because they’re saying this, they’re only going to listen to the corporation and the company. And they’re going to give direction to the law enforcement.

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 21 / 26 And it’s frustrating to me, because we had countless meetings with law enforcement. And we let them know that there’s infiltrators. This is not all the demonstrators who are creating this. We don’t know who all the people are. All along, they’re listening to the company’s security, private security firms. They’re working hand in hand with the company’s private security firms. They’re having daily meetings, daily briefings, with the company’s security firms and ignoring completely tribal leadership. And all we were doing is trying to make sure that safety was the number one priority, where these guys, if the reports from TigerSwan—on TigerSwan are true, they weren’t—they weren’t looking out for safety. They were looking to incite and to harm. And that’s disturbing.

AMY GOODMAN: Standing Rock Sioux Chair Dave Archambault and Nick Tilsen, executive director of the Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation, a citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. I spoke with them before Federal Judge James Boasberg ruled on Wednesday that the Trump administration failed to carry out an adequate environmental review of the pipeline. The judge, Judge Boasberg, has requested additional briefings next week on whether the pipeline should be shut off until the completion of a full review of the potential oil spill’s impacts on fishing and hunting rights, as well as environmental justice. We’ll be back with the men in a moment.


AMY GOODMAN: "Mother Forgive Us" by Wendy Colonna, here on Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, as we return to my conversation about the Dakota Access pipeline with Standing Rock Sioux Chair Dave Archambault and Nick Tilsen of the Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation, a citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

AMY GOODMAN: When we were there Labor Day weekend, when I first met you out there at the camps, you know, we could see the planes. And whenever I would point them out and ask, people would say, "Oh, they’re just surveilling us." It became business as usual. And, Nick, I was wondering if you could talk about this and the significance of when you have these private paramilitary firms—TigerSwan founded by a Delta Force member, former Delta Force member—where you have these companies, as Chairman Dave was just describing, working with local law enforcement and the effect it has. I mean, then I’d like to go into your own personal history and your remarkable family history. But what this means?

NICK TILSEN: I mean, I don’t think anybody is surprised, so any—any water protectors that were out there. These reports that are coming out basically prove—they prove that this is the—this is the modern form of COINTELPRO. That’s what it is.

AMY GOODMAN: The Counterintelligence Program of the FBI—

NICK TILSEN: Absolutely.

AMY GOODMAN: —that targeted Black Panthers and people of color for years under Hoover.

NICK TILSEN: This is a modern, contracted version of it, who’s designed in using basically all of the lessons that they have been building off of fighting terrorism, but

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 22 / 26 using it on their own people. And this is—this is real. Like, in the camp and all the organizing and all the stuff that we did, we knew that this was happening. We couldn’t prove that it was happening, but we knew that, to an element, it was happening. We would show up at these protests. We’d have security officers and police who knew us by first name, who knew where we came from, who knew where in the camp we were staying. There was all kinds of stuff that happened during that time.

And I think the reality is, like the American public needs to realize that, you know, when we were organizing the camp, we were not allowed to fly our own planes over. We were not allowed to have our own observations. And we thought about doing that. We thought about getting resources to be able to do that. There was a no-fly zone. So there was a no-fly zone in place over the camp. Meanwhile, counterintelligence companies are allowed to come and surveil—survey us. This is the—this is a misuse of the democracy. And this is a fundamental issue of our time.

I’m glad that these reports are coming out now, and not 20 years from now, because them coming out now lets the broader movements that are now converging together understand that this is happening. And this is something that the public has have a public outcry over. To use—to use counterintelligence tactics against peaceful water protectors who are expressing our constitutional rights to—for freedom of speech, this is—this is an outrage. And I think that, moving forward, we have to be—we have to be diligent. Like the movement has to be diligent in recognizing that this is a reality. And those that support us have to recognize what we’re fighting against. You know, we show up with our prayers. We show up with our bodies. We show up with our children and our families to these protests. And these guys are showing up with all the technology that’s possible and all the weaponry that’s possible. And this is a—this is a fight over the future of this country.

AMY GOODMAN: Talk about your family, your family’s history. You’re from Pine Ridge.

NICK TILSEN: Yeah. So my mother, JoAnn Tall Janis, is from Pine Ridge. My father, Mark Tilsen, is from the Minneapolis Twin Cities area. My grandfather, Ken Tilsen, was a civil rights attorney and attorney for the American Indian Movement. And my parents met around the time of Wounded Knee. And so I got to really grow up around like activist type of family.

AMY GOODMAN: And for those who don’t know what Wounded Knee was?

NICK TILSEN: Wounded Knee—Wounded Knee was the siege or occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973, that was organizing from different indigenous people from around the country, about—

AMY GOODMAN: In South Dakota.

NICK TILSEN: In South Dakota on the Pine Ridge , about three miles from where I live. And it was—it was—the generation before, it was their Standing Rock, right? It was the time in which people spoke out about all these grave injustices against all indigenous people. And it sort of sparked—sparked a movement throughout, you know, the future of Indian country about what it means. And so, I always compare—I was growing up in a family, hearing all these stories about Wounded Knee and about the American Indian Movement, and always asked, "I wonder

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 23 / 26 what our Wounded Knee is going to be. I wonder what—I wonder what our generation’s Wounded Knee is going to be." And then Standing Rock happened.

And I think the most important point here is, if you looked at after Wounded Knee, the trajectory of Indian country began to change. Different policies were changed to our Indian country. And that’s one of the—that’s one of the stories, I guess, that we have here, one of the opportunities that we have as Indian country here, is that where we go from here for the indigenous rights struggle in this country is huge. There’s a consciousness that it’s raised. There’s people that are fired up. And have the—we have the possibility and the potential to shape what the next, you know, 40, 50 years looks like for indigenous people.

AMY GOODMAN: Your great-grandmother was Meridel Le Sueur?


AMY GOODMAN: Can you tell us who she was?

NICK TILSEN: Meridel Le Sueur was—she was a poet. She was an activist. She was a writer. And she was a bold believer in a different world. And, you know, she was a poet. She was a writer of poetry books. But she also, you know, fought for the women’s right to vote. She was an organizer in the labor movement, big sacrificer for some of the rights that we have today and sort of—not sort of. She’s a legend, I guess, beyond our family and did a lot of—did a lot of things that helped shape this country. And to me, you know, as—to me and our generation, I think we still derive a lot of courage from the courage that she had.

AMY GOODMAN: So, you were arrested, September.


AMY GOODMAN: And what were you doing?

NICK TILSEN: On September 14th, there was a group of us—there as a group of us that locked down to machinery. This was during the period of time where they moved— they moved the buffer zone. So, there was a buffer zone; there was no construction within 20 miles. But what the companies had done is they moved to a seven-day workweek outside of that 20 miles. So this whole time, they knew that they were going to get approval. They just moved out. So we said, "Well, instead of sit back and waiting for them, let’s take the fight to them. Let’s use nonviolent direct action, and let’s use our abilities to take the fight to them." And so we went to the—we went to a construction site, came upon the machinery. And immediately when they’ve seen us, they tried to run us over with the excavators. They swung the buckets at us, barely missed us. We ended up climbing, using our bodies, climbing up on the machinery and shutting the construction down.

AMY GOODMAN: What were you charged with?

NICK TILSEN: I was charged with four different charges. Three misdemeanors— disorderly conduct, obstruction of a government function—disorderly conduct, obstruction of a government function. The felony charge was reckless endangerment. And it was a felony charge. This is one of the first felonies that they—one of the first

2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 24 / 26 felony charges that they did in Standing Rock was on the day that I was arrested and with the folks that I was taking the action with.

And it was a pretty important thing, because they were trying to use it as a tactic. They were going to—they were trying to use it as a tactic to overcharge people, essentially, to use the political and the legal system to discourage people. And I think I was probably about the 40th person arrested. So their strategy to discourage people didn’t work. I think there was over 700 people, you know, after I was arrested, that were arrested.

But the disorderly conduct charge is a serious charge. I’m still facing that charge. I’m set to go to trial on August 17th. The difference between a misdemeanor disorderly—or reckless endangerment charge and a felony is that they’re basically saying I had extreme indifference for human life, for locking myself to a piece of machinery to protect water.

AMY GOODMAN: How many people are still facing trials, facing charges?

NICK TILSEN: Hundreds. I mean, I think—yeah, I was on the Water Protector Legal Collective email chain recently, and I think there’s still, you know, between 400 and 600 people facing charges.

AMY GOODMAN: Chairman Dave Archambault, you, too, were arrested.


AMY GOODMAN: When were you arrested? And has your case gone to trial?

DAVE ARCHAMBAULT II: Yes, I was arrested on August 12th. And last week, I just got done with my trial, and I was acquitted. Right after that, the Dakota Access pipeline filed a temporary restraining order on me. And that was granted. So, the tribe filed a temporary restraining order on the company, and the judge said, "We’re not granting this." But as soon as they file one on me, the judge grants it. And then, after that, they filed a civil suit in federal court against me to try to pin all the costs and expenses that the protest is creating on me. And I would say maybe about three weeks ago that one was dismissed, because you can’t—you can’t pin a certain—I think it has to be $75,000 or more on one individual, and they couldn’t put that on me.

AMY GOODMAN: So you were charged with a misdemeanor. And what happened? Were you jailed?

DAVE ARCHAMBAULT II: Yes, I went to jail. And we bonded out the same day.

AMY GOODMAN: You were—were you strip-searched?


AMY GOODMAN: Were you put in an orange jumpsuit?


2017-06-16 Friday Hard News Call 25 / 26 AMY GOODMAN: And you were jailed?


AMY GOODMAN: Nick, the same?

NICK TILSEN: Absolutely, yeah. Yeah, strip-searched, jailed. I had a broken foot at the time. Yeah, we weren’t treated very well in there. I mean, we didn’t get our bedding in. Actually, some of the other—there was other Native brothers that were in jail for other things, and they were the ones advocating for us to get our bedding and different stuff, because they had been in there for a while.

AMY GOODMAN: At this point, hundreds of members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and other tribes and non-Native allies still face trial.


AMY GOODMAN: Your response to this exposé about TigerSwan and them calling the resistance, meaning you, Chairman Dave Archambault, also you, Nick Tilsen, and so many others, the "insurgency"? What do you make of that, even referring to your resistance as a kind of "jihadi" insurgency, Nick?

NICK TILSEN: Insurgents. How is it possible? How is it possible that any indigenous people are insurgents on their own land? Our land has been overrun by corporations, by the militarization of our lands and our communities and our people. It’s impossible for us, as indigenous people on our only land, to be insurgents. If there’s insurgents, it’s the company. If there’s insurgents, it’s the private military company. It’s impossible for us to be insurgents on our own land. We did at Standing Rock what our ancestors did. We did at Standing Rock, which was stand in prayer, we did things founded in our culture, our spirituality. This is women, children, families, people that came there to sacrifice. We were not insurgents. We were people fighting for what was right, simply fighting for what we believed in and protecting water on behalf of 17 million Americans.


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