Candidates Fuzzy on Women's · Isslles
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Vol. 1 No. 3 AN OTTAWA WOMEN'S PUBLICATION December 2, 197 6 _MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Candidates fuzzy on women's ·isslles Issues of particular interest to vealed a general ignorance of the Unlike other candidates who said perceived need to return to the Slater are most outstanding in women in the municipal election problems and concerns of women, the high cost of daycare is a pro basics in education, although cur- their activity on the OBE status of December 6 have come into focus who are, in a large part, directly hibitive, Nicol said in her interview riculum is not technically the women committee. through interviews with candid affected by policies on housing, vacancies iri daycare centres show. board's resP?nsibility. Other is: Ottawa women have a vested in ates for mayor and Board of transit, city planning and daycare many people do not want or need sues over 'Yh1c~ they do have con-' terest in ensuring the election of Control. and other social services. Of those them. trol are bemg ignored. · 1 h will h f f d · till · •t · fu d peop e w o pus or air an Almost all of the candidates ex running for mayor, Mike Sammon Patricia Nicol also supported the Th ere IS s an meqw y m n - pressed concern about the cost of showed the greatest understand attempt to dismiss unionized main ing girls' and boys' physical ed equitable programs in the areas of daycare. Those most neglected, ac ing of these issues and their impact tenance employees. ucation. An article in the last issue education, housing, daycare, pub cording Jo the candidates, are on women. Although Upstream was not able of Upstream revealed the lack of lic transit and social services. All of middle-income earners who can The lack of awareness came as no to interview the large number of women's studies courses, while these involve the municipality and neither afford the cost nor be eli real surprise since most of the city council candidates, it would another said the board's women school board. Those two levels of gible for government subsidies. candidates are men with adminis seem, reviewing the past two maintenanc~ employees still re government may not be as. exciting General support for continued trative and business backgrounds. years, the kind of policies and pro ceive shoddy treatment in the area as provincial and federal, but they funding of services such as Interval But that does not mean women grammes most beneficial to Ottawa of wages and fringe benefits. carry the responsibility for policies House, the Rape Crisis Centre and should automatically vote forwom women are going to come from the Of all the school board candid which affect the day-to-day lives of the Ottawa Women's Centre came en candidates. There are two for progressive_people like Dewar and ates, Gerry Trudel and Helen Ottawa.citizens. from most candidates. However, Board of Control: Marion Dewar Ralph Sutherland for controllers, ideas about what the Women's and Patricia Nicol. Both have ex and councillors Brian Bourns, r Centre should be ranged from pressed support for the need for Rolph Haseriack, Trip Kennedy What do the candidates think? complete ignorance to .Board of women to have an equal voice in and Joe Cassey. Control candidate Doug Payne's "it public affairs, however, a look at The people of Ottawa will also be p. 8-9 shouldn't be for the women's liber their actions in city government voting for Ottawa Board of Ed ation movement" to mayoral in shows Dewar has consistently sup ucation (OBE) and Separate School Apologies to Don Reid and Bill cumbent Lorry Greenberg's desire ported improved social services Board trustees December 6. to see a "people's centre". while Nicol has maintained a con Many school board candidates Foster In the interviews, candidates re- servative stand. have been · concentratinir on the 2/ Upatream CURRENTLY in Cuba), at 9:30 pm. Both will Thursday have English sub-titles and will be D:x!.2 shown at the National Library, 395 Pianist Janina Fialkowska will be Wellington St. Call 238-7865. the guest soloist and Franz-Paul The One-Parent Families Assoc· Decker the guest conductor with iation will hold its meeting at 8:00 the N.A.C. Orchestra at 8:30 pm pm in the Overbrook Community in the N.A.C. Opera. The pro Centre, 171 King George St. (at gramme will include works by Quill). For information call Dvorak, Chopin, and Schubert. 745-3745. D:x!. 2 and 3 Wednesday The Ottawa Film Council will present a public screening of doc D:x!.8 The Single Parents Association umentary films in the , Ottawa meets at 8:00 pin in the Westboro Public Library Auditorium, Laur- Community Centre, 411 Dover ier and Metcalfe, at 8:15 pm. court. For details call 829-1706. Admission is free. Lina Wertmuller's Swept Away, starring Mariangela Melato and D:x!. 2 and 3 Giancarlo Giannini, will be shown The Ottawa Film Council will at the Towne Cinema at 7:30 and present a public screening of doc 9:30 pm, 5 Beechwood Avenue. umentary films in: 'the Ottawa Public Library Auditorium, Laur Thursday ier and Metcalfe, at 8:15 pm. Admission is free. D:x!.9 The Ottawa Crippled Children's Parents Association will meet at Thursda 8:00 pm ~at the Ottawa Public D:x!. 7 y Library, Laurier and Metcalfe. onstration march to object to the The Women's Coalition-Coalition The Business and Professional judicial persecution of Dr. Henry The Ottawa Public Library is December Feminea is looking for volunteers Women's Club will hold its annual showing a feature film in its Morgenthaler. It will begin at 2:00 The University of Ottawa to help run the centre and its Christmas dinner and meeting at Auditorium at 8:00 pm, Laurier pm from the shopping centre, Les Women's Reaoarcea Co-operative, 6:30 pm, at Knox Presbyterian co-operative daycare unit. All in and Metcalfe. The title is to be Galleries de Hull, and will end at open from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, terested call 684-3144. Church, Lisgar and Elgin St. Ad announced. Admission is free. For the Sacre Coeur Hospital at about Mondays to Fridays, welcomes all mission is $4.00. For more infor further'information call 236-0301. 4:00 pm. Similar demonstrations women to drop in and get ac The Women's Coalition-Coalitioll mation call 731-0700. will be held simultaneously in 5 quainted. The centre offers a FemmN will begin its book dis The Film Theatre's Saturday other Quebec communities. For referral and information service as cussion groups in French and Women's Film Series continues details call 684-3144. well as providing a lending h1>rary. English, to be held 1 hour every 2 with the presentation of La It is located at 85 Hastey, the weeks. For exact starting date call ~~~i for Action and Infor. The Towne Cinema presents 684-8144. Femme de Jean (Jean's Wife), Hester Street by Joan Micklin University Centre, room 211 D. For more information call directed by Jannick Bellon, at 7:30 nation ,on Behalf of W°n;'ea [Re· Silver at 7:30 and 9:30 pm. 5 The Profeulonal Women's Club of pm, followeJ by Aviva Slesim's seau d Action d'Information pour · Beechwood Avenue. 231-6853. Ontario has recognized tbe need Buenos Dia.a ComJ')(l716roS (Women IN Femmes] is organizing a dem- for an Ontario Wemen'• Re111uree ==========================================~ Ceatre to serve as an information referral bureau and'' cle&ririghouse for women's activities, working Eliminate Stereotyping closely with the. multipurpose centres for women elsewhere in the province. The Metropolitan BIBB• SPIC:I Toronto Central Library will be In The School System available in 1977 and would be the Now 2. locations ideal location for this centre.If you wish to help bring tbis about, Bronson at James 841 Bank Street write to Ontario Premier Bill Davis, the Minister of Culture and VOTE Recreation, and your Local M.P.P. in support of this project. You may • Bulk natural foods obtain standard forms to fill out and send from The Business and • fresh produce Professional Women's Club, • dairy produds IAN MACLENNAN - 741-1898. Ottawa West Tuesday - Saturday 10-6 Thursday 10-8 Dec. 6 232-63~8 Upstream is a fortnightly newspaper published ·by Feminist Publications of Ottawa. The staff is a collective with departmental co-ordinators. Upstream subscribes to Co-operative Press Associates [CPA], a national labor news service. We solicit readers' views and opinions. All correspondence should be addressed to Upstream., 227 LaUrier Avenue West, Suite 207, Ottawa KIP 5J7. Phone 232-0313. Co-ordinator thls issue Photography Departmeat Staff this issue: Background information Patty Gibson Lis Allison Betsy Moore, Jan Clarke, for Canadian women Production and layout ·Graphics Department Alma Norman, Susan Pye, Carol Oksana Shewchenko Ana Guzewski Owen, Brenda Landry, Cindy, Bitsy Bateman, Derek As seen from tke national capital News Department Distribution An editorial with backgrov:nd documents Amyot, Tricia Balmer, PatDaley · Marion Neiman $5.00for10 imaes Barb McMullen Arts Departmeat Business Manager Brigid Hayes Huguette Vrancken Charlotte McEwan 18 Third Avent£e, Ottawa, Ont. Dorothy Elias Community Calendar Sports Department Lucie Sawczenko Amy Chouinard A collection of editorials stemming from UN International Women's Features Co-ordinator Year conference in Mexico City - from past issues - $1.00 Susan Wisking Free Morgentaler, repeal laws Nation-wide petition begins MONTREAL - The recently desperate woman will do anything The first involves the protection cedures.