2019 Occupational Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Audiometry ProfRAPID Ian Cameron REVIEW, Head John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research The University of Sydney Kolling Institute of Medical Research
[email protected] Dr Candice McBain, Research Assistant John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research The University of Sydney Kolling Institute of Medical Research
[email protected] Version 2 dated 25 June 2019 Summary Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) affects approximately five percent of the population worldwide (Zhou et al., 2013), making it a global public health concern. Occupational NIHL (ONIHL) occurs from continuous exposure to excessive noise, usually over a number of years. Continuous or intermittent noise in the work environment exceeding 85dB(A) during an eight-hour shift, or impact noise exceeding 120dB(A) during an eight hour working shift, is considered hazardous. Noise-induced hearing loss (HL) resulting from exposure to excessive occupational noise is a substantial health burden, and one of the most common chronic occupational diseases. In Australia, between July 2002 and June 2007, there were approximately 16,500 occupational NIHL workers compensation claims. Exposure to excessive noise can cause permanent damage to auditory structures; resulting in permanent threshold shifts that ultimately cause hearing damage. Noise induced hearing loss is a sensorineural (SNHL) hearing loss categorised by a high frequency 3-6 kHz notching audiometric pattern. Damage resulting from noise exposure usually begins at 3-6 kHz (Ali, Morgan, & Ali, 2014). However, with continued noise exposure, damage can spread to both lower (2, 1 kHz) and higher frequencies (8 kHz; Ali, (Morgan, & Ali, 2014).