The Master Gardeners of Camden County are excited to announce our 2012 Sale. This year’s offerings include worthy selections for every season and garden spot. We hope you will find more than a few choices to your liking! As always, each selection has been carefully researched for ornamental quality, hardiness, disease and insect resistance, and ecological value. With luck, some of our selections should be in flower at the time of delivery, while later-blooming may be just breaking dormancy. All plants should arrive with the healthy root systems they need to succeed in your garden. Except where noted, all containers are 2 qt. pots. A new feature this year is an on-line component. When viewing the brochure on your computer, click on the photos to link to more images. To see other images by the photographers represented in this brochure, click on the names in the credit line at the bottom of each page.

Pick-up day is Friday, May 11th from 11 am to 7 pm New Location ~ Department of Parks Rutgers Cooperative Extension, 1301 PARK BLVD, CHERRY HILL, NJ 08002 (856) 216-7130

Armeria maritima ‘Nifty Thrifty’ chinensis ‘Visions’ sea thrift, sea pink Chinese astilbe

‘Nifty Thrifty’ is a compact, ‘Visions’ are low-growing plant, forming 4-6 beautiful shade lovers that in. grass-like mounds with evergreen feature raspberry-red flower spikes cream-edged foliage. The small, held above the foliage in summer, bright pink, globe-shaped flowers when color in the shade garden is bloom on slender stalks above the often lacking. Astilbe chinensis foliage in May and June. Sporadic bloom from early to mid-summer flowering may continue throughout with heavy bloom in July which is the summer into fall. Deadheading later than the Astilbe arendsii spent flowers will encourage new hybrids. Blooms are densely blooms. Armeria grows best in packed into erect plume-like flower infertile, dry, well-drained soil in full panicles rising above the foliage 12 sun. It tolerates shallow, rocky soil, and drought. Because to 24 in. While the flowers are excellent for cutting, many of its unique tolerances, ‘Nifty Thrifty’ is very useful in gardeners leave the flower stalks in place after bloom for difficult sites. It is a great choice for rock gardens or wall continuing ornamental interest. Glossy bronze-green - pockets. It can also be used in the front of borders and as like rise to a 9 in. tall mound which remains dense to edging in dry poor soil. As its name implies, Armeria the ground throughout the season, providing a graceful maritima is border edge. An herbaceous perennial which slowly native to coastal spreads by rhizomes, it does best in partial shade to shade areas and can and requires an evenly moist, well-drained soil for optimal grow in saline growth. ‘Visions’ is somewhat drought tolerant, preferring ORDER FORM ~ LAST PAGE environments. rich, acidic soil. For optimum This makes it success, the soil should not be ORDERS DUE ~ MARCH 16TH a l s o a g o o d allowed to dry out. Astilbe PICK UP ~ FRI, MAY 11TH c h o i c e f o r looks spectacular massed in a gardens at the shade garden, where it is an shore. Deer excellent ground cover, or in a resistant. $7.00 rain garden. While attractive to butterflies, deer and rabbits tend to leave alone. $7.00 Photos: Photos: C. Pitt, J. Liang, Missouri Botanical Garden.! 1 Salvia greggii ‘Maraschino’ Tricyrtis hirta ‘Miyazaki’ cherry bush sage, autumn sage toad lily

A hybrid Tricyrtis hirta salvia ‘Miyazaki’ blooms from Mexico, in late summer and well into this non-herbaceous fall offering a welcome perennial is an easily splash of color and intrigue g r o w n p l a n t . at a time when the garden ‘Maraschino’ makes a seems to shed the lushness great statement when o f s p r i n g a n d e a r l y used in cottage summer. The ‘Miyazaki’ gardens or as an cultivar of toad lilies offers accent plant when arching stems with orchid- planted in masses. It prefers moist to well drained soil and like flowers appearing in is drought and humidity tolerant once established. axils from crown to tip. Maturing at 3-4 ft. in height and 2-3 ft. wide, it does well in Flowers are noticeably larger than other and are full sun or partially shaded exposures. The profuse, tube- white with light purple spots. This herbaceous perennial shaped, cherry red flowers are approximately 1 in. long and prefers moist, organic-rich soil, slightly on the acidic side are held on woody stems. The narrow green leaves are 1.5 and shade. The roots should be kept consistently moist. in. wide by 1.75 in. long. Numerous flowers cover the plant ‘Miyazaki’ matures to 1.5 to 2 ft. high and wide. These for an extended bloom period beginning in June through showy lilies really catch your interest when used in borders, September or later depending on site. The pleasant, spicy woodland gardens, shade gardens or naturalized areas. scent is attractive and the nectar is immensely appreciated Plant in areas where they can be easily observed where the by butterflies and hummingbirds, bringing added interest to beauty and detail of the small flowers can be enjoyed at your garden. Deer resistant. $7.00 close range. $7.00

Anemone tomentosa ‘Robustissima’ Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Dark Knight’ Japanese anemone blue mist, bluebeard

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Photos: Photos: Dougeee, Henryr10, C. Bowler, D. Sutherland, Toby Garden.! 2 Dryopteris marginalis Helenium ‘Rotgold’ leatherwood fern Helen’s flower, dogtooth daisy

If there was only Bold, colorful, and easy to one fern in a grow, Helen’s flower is an garden, some important underappreciated native qualities might be that it is deserving consideration for attractive, native and garden areas that are both evergreen, thrives in part as sunny and moist. The 3 in. well as full shade and has wide, daisy-like flower heads, average water needs. which appear in great numbers Dryopteris marginalis fits the bill! It grows in a vase in August and September, shaped clump and is non-spreading. Fronds are grayish- feature prominent, dome-like green and deeply cut. Marginal wood fern grows 18 to 24 disks and wedge-shaped, fluted rays. The flowers of this in. high and wide. It will grow in average soil but would cultivar, ‘Rotgold’, are splashed with irregular shades of prefer moist, rich, humusy, acidic soil. Marginal wood red and gold. The rigid, erect stems are winged and the fern mixes well with spring flowers, tiarella, hostas and foliage is bold, with alternate, rough, serrated leaves up to other shade loving plants; it is 4 in. long. Performs best in average, medium to wet soil. also an excellent specimen plant As with other late-blooming daisy-like perennials, pinching and can be massed in groups. The back in spring or summer is advisable. Without pinching, evergreen fronds are a great typically grows 4 ft. high by 2 ft. wide. ‘Rotgold’ is a great addition to the winter landscape choice for any consistently moist spot in full sun, including and they are deer resistant. rain gardens, pond edges, and butterfly and pollinator $9.00 gardens. $9.00

Hosta sieboldiana ‘Frances Williams’ Iris verisicolor hosta, plantain lily northern blue flag, harlequin blue flag

‘Frances Williams’ This native has very large, heavily herbaceous perennial textured, slightly cupped, i s u s e d a s a g a r d e n blue-green leaves with wide ornamental for its brightly creamy golden margins. Each colored floral display. It leaf can be up to 12 in. long by derives its name versicolor 11 in. wide. The clump grows from the Latin “with up to 48 in. wide and 36 in. various colors”. Each tall. Although hostas are flower is usually light to grown primarily for their deep blue although purple foliage, ‘Frances Williams’ has and violet are not spikes of very pale lavender to white lily-like flowers in uncommon. The flowers appear 2-3 per stem, with an summer. It is shade tolerant and grows best with morning attractive greenish-yellow blotch at its base. Depending sun and afternoon shade, in rich, organic, well-drained on site conditions, blooming commences in May or as late soil. It is large enough to stand alone, or can be used in as July, continuing for about a month. The 2-3 ft. sword- groups. The foliage provides color and textural contrast to like leaves emerge from horizontal rhizomes to form a other shade plants such as tiarella, epimedium and fan-like shape. Iris versicolor prefers a sunny to partly impatiens. Hostas shaded, constantly moist or wet environment and can be are good companions planted in water up to 6 in. deep. Clumps spread slowly to hide spring bulb and will naturalize to form colonies in the foliage in partly ORDER FORM ~ LAST PAGE shady areas after natural landscape. The bulbs are finished ORDERS DUE ~ MARCH 16TH plant looks best grouped b l o o m i n g . in sunny moist border Considered one of PICK UP ~ FRI, MAY 11TH areas and in rain gardens. the slug-resistant Not attractive to deer. hostas. $9.00 $9.00

Photos: J. Hagstrom, C. Welch, D. Hale, J. Oldenettel, L. Papandreou.! 3 Lobelia cardinalis Muhlenbergia capillaris cardinal flower pink muhly grass

O*12(-*5, =5#>.1, (&, #-., Perhaps the most #/, #%1, )#&', 8#8%5*1, ornamental of all *-2, 4*12.-<>#1'0A, -*'(3., n a t i v e g r a s s e s , >(52=5#>.1&6, , @0(&, $1(40', 1.2, Muhlenbergia capillaris is =5#>.1(-4,8.1.--(*5,(&,41.*',/#1, an outstanding alternative ;#-&(&'.-'5A,)#(&','#,3.1A,>.':, to potentially invasive 1(;0:,0%)%&A,&#(56, ,7',41#>&,(-, Miscanthus a n d /%55,&%-,'#,8*1',&0*2.:,?,'#,P,/'6, Pennisetum grasses. Wiry 0(40, *-2, C, '#, ?, /'6, >(2.6,,, stems and glossy, dark J.*3.&, *1., ).2(%), 41..-:, green leaves form an 5*-;., &0*8.2:, *-2, %8, '#, P, (-6, attractive basal clump in 5#-46, @0., &0#>A, 1.2, '%$%5*1, summer. In September and =5#>.1&,*1., 2.-&.5A,8*;9.2, #-, O c t o b e r , m a s s e s o f .1.;', &'.)&, *-2, $5##), /1#), luminous pink plumes rise to 12 in. above the foliage. In H%5A,'01#%40,I.8'.)$.16, , ,F5#>.1&,*1., 3.1A,*''1*;'(3.,'#, winter, the tan seed plumes remain attractive. Adaptable to a $%''.1=5(.&,*-2,0%))(-4$(12&6, , Q0(5., ;*12(-*5, =5#>.1,(&, wide range of conditions, but best grown in sandy or rocky, $.&', 9-#>-, *&, *-, (2.*5, dry to medium moist, well-drained soils in full sun to light 85*-', /#1, 1*(-, 4*12.-&, *-2, shade. Tolerant of heat, humidity and drought, but generally 8#-2,*-2,&'1.*),)*14(-&:,(', grows taller with consistent moisture. Prefers to be on the *5&#, 41#>&, >.55, (-, -#1)*5, dry side during the winter months. Pink muhly is 4*12.-, ;#-2('(#-&, >('0, spectacular when massed, but at 3 ft. tall and wide in &%/=(;(.-', )#(&'%1.6,, flower, two or three plants can make a dramatic impact. A R(&&#%1(, N#'*-(;*5, S*12.-, great companion for Symphyotrichum laeve ‘Bluebird’. T5*-',#/,R.1('6 $9.00 $9.00

Platycodon grandiflorus ‘Sentimental Blue’ Silene virginica balloon flower fire pink

“Many gardeners Despite its are searching for a common name dwarf and tidy plant which Silene virginica is an does not flop and blooms intense red. This small for most of the summer. but very conspicuous Sounds impossible but here member of the it is!! Growing to only 12”, Carnation family brings it produces a carpet of blue accents of red to partly flowers and blooms from shaded rock gardens June into September! Full and low-competition sun, well drained soils are ideal.” The above is a quote from areas of dooryard, Rutgers. ‘Sentimental Blue’ remains upright during the woodland, and butterfly gardens. Small clusters of 1-1.5 in. bloom period. This shorter variety of a very beautiful June scarlet flowers float on wiry stems 12-20 in. above a basal through August blooming favorite needs no staking. Vivid rosette of dark green foliage 6-24 in. wide. Silene virginica blue-purple flowers are 2-3 in. across and are situated singly blooms from April to as late as August and is extremely or in small clusters atop the stems. This balloon flower will attractive to hummingbirds, which are one of its most also bloom in very important pollinators. It grows in average to poor, acidic light shade, is a soils with dry to medium moisture in part shade to sun. The good cut flower and ideal setting includes low fertility, excellent drainage, and s h o w s w e l l i n protection from crowding. Try it ORDER FORM ~ LAST PAGE border fronts and in once and you will forgive this containers. It rarely ORDERS DUE ~ MARCH 16TH exceptional native for being needs division and somewhat short-lived. Plants has attractive clean PICK UP ~ FRI, MAY 11TH typically persist for several years foliage which turns and will reseed if happy, or can a pleasing yellow in be propagated by seed or fall. $9.00 cuttings. $9.00

Photos: dogtooth77, W. Stuart, dogtooth77, kelley5fm, S. Lockwood, W. Stuart.! 4 Symphyotrichum laeve ‘Bluebird’ Tiarella cordifolia smooth blue aster foamflower

F a l l - b l o o m i n g This native clump native asters are an forming perennial is underused alternative to low maintenance and spreads mums and offer the added by runners but will not crowd value of supporting native out other plants. Eventually pollinators. ‘Bluebird’ may forms dense 1 to 2 ft. wide be the very best for clumps of foliage making it an ornamental value—it was the excellent ground cover that overall top-rated native aster provides four season interest. It in trials at Mt. Cuba Center. is also attractive in woodland A robust, upright, vase- gardens and border fronts. The shaped plant with arching stems, it features smooth, tiny white flowers (the buds somewhat leathery, blue-green foliage that remains are pink) appear in April in attractive from spring through fall. Abundant, cloud-like airy racemes, well above the clusters of 1! in. violet-blue flowers with yellow centers foliage at a height of 10 in. The appear in mid-September and persist through mid-October. leaves are semi-glossy and heart-shaped, 3-5 lobed, up to Tolerates a wide range of conditions but does best in full 4 in. across, and may have a reddish variegation along the sun and average to dry soil. Also effective in shade/sun veins. They are semi-evergreen, turning reddish bronze transition zones but with reduced flower coverage. and becoming flattened in the winter. They are easily Responds well to pinching back in June for denser habit grown in average, medium and more profuse flowers. Without moist, well drained soils in pinching, typically reaches 3 ft. part to full shade. Attractive tall and wide and may need to butterflies, tiarella are staking by late summer if grown seldom severely damaged in too much shade or rich soils. A by deer. Foamflower is great source of nectar for listed as endangered in migrating Monarchs and other New Jersey by the USDA. late-season butterflies. $9.00 $9.00

Epimedium x rubrum bishop’s hat, red barrenwort

Used primarily as a ground cover or edger in shady or woodland areas, this rhizomatous perennial spreads slowly, but faster than the average epimedium. Clumps mature at about 12 in. wide. A spring blooming plant, it has showy crimson red flowers with red sepals and creamy yellow-white petals that approach a size of 1 in. The leaves, which are up to 3 in. long, are medium green, pointed, spiny toothed and heart- shaped. They grow on wiry stems, forming foliage mounds 8-12 in. tall. New foliage is red tinged in the spring and turns green as it matures. In the fall the leaves turn a very appealing reddish or coppery color. The plant is easily grown in average, dry- medium, well-drained soil in partial to full shade. Another attractive characteristic is that it is deer and rabbit resistant. $12.00


Photos: T. Potterfield, W. Franklin, J. Magee, R. Illingworth, R. Atkinson,! 5 MAIL TO: CAMDEN COUNTY ORDER FORM MASTER GARDENER PLANT SALE 1301 PARK BLVD. (Please Print) CHERRY HILL, NJ 08002

NAME: ______PHONE: ______

ADDRESS: ______CELL: ______

CITY: ______ST: ______ZIP: ______


Size Quantity Price Total

Armeria maritima ‘Nifty Thrifty’ 2 quart ______@ $7.00 each ______Astilbe chinensis ‘Visions’ 2 quart ______@ $7.00 each ______Salvia greggii ‘Maraschino’ 2 quart ______@ $7.00 each ______Tricyrtis hirta ‘Miyazaki’ (toad lily) 2 quart ______@ $7.00 each ______

Anemone tomentosa ‘Robustissima’ 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______Caryopteris ‘Dark Knight’ 1 gallon ______@ $9.00 each ______Dryopteris marginalis (leatherwood fern) 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______Helenium ‘Rotgold’ 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______Hosta ‘Frances Williams’ 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______

Iris verisicolor (northern blue flag) 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______Lobelia cardinalis (cardinal flower) 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______Muhlenbergia capillaris (pink muhly grass) 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______Platycodon grandiflorus ‘Sentimental Blue’ 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______Silene virginica (fire pink) 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______Symphyotrichum laeve ‘Bluebird’ 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______Tiarella cordifolia (foamflower) 2 quart ______@ $9.00 each ______

Epimedium x rubrum (bishop’s hat) 2 quart ______@ $12.00 each ______


*.! Make check out to Master Gardener Assoc. of Camden County and mail to the address above. 6