Flea Market Secrets Exposed

"Earn Money Week in and Week Out With a Flea Market Business You Can Run in Just a Few Hours a Week!"

Written By Wayne & Marggi Stanila:

Published By Wayne Stanila: All Rights Reserved: Copyright: © 2010 No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the authors. Disclaimer:

Every effort has been made to make this document as complete and accurate as possible.

However, there may be mistakes in the typography or content. Also, this report contains the flea market and shopping using coupons information up to the publishing date.

Therfore, this document should be used as a guide only- not as a definitive source of flea markets or shopping using coupons.

The purpose of this document is to educate, and not to provide or imply such provisions of any legal, accounting, or any other form of business advice.

The authors and publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions.

The authors and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directley or indirectley by this document:


CHAPTER ONE: , Coupons And Fleas

CHAPTER TWO: What You Need To Get Started


CHAPTER FOUR Step By Step Cooking


CHAPTER SIX How Much To Charge And What To Serve Them In

CHAPTER SEVEN Pistachios And Roasted Peanuts

CHAPTER EIGHT My Secret Cajun Recipe

CHAPTER NINE Good News Begins Here CHAPTER TEN Shop Smart And Save


CHAPTER TWELVE The Secret To Shopping




CHAPTER SIXTEEN: How To Evaluate A Market and More Products To Sell

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Other Things That Will Sell


Off Line & Online Money Makers


Lets Recap


The Blue Widget


FINAL WORDS Chapter 1: Peanuts, Coupons And Fleas:

This is a phrase coined by our granddaughter Karen. It describes what this business is about. You actually get a twofor with your purchase. This was two separate businesses for over ten years and now is combined into one and has continued for an additional eleven years. So you can choose to operate one or both. They both make money. My wife was known as 'The Cadillac Lady' and sold the staples that you will read about later and I am known as 'The Man'. She no longer goes out to the flea market with me but she is my 'Ninja Shopper'. She buys and I sell. Her products still bring in the money. We knew each other for over ten years before we started dating and then wound up getting married thus the combining of the two. Our grandson Kaleb wanted to make sure we told you 'The Cadillac Lady' married ' The Peanut Man' so there you go K-bob.

I sell boiled and roasted peanuts at the flea market. Boiled peanuts is a big thing in the south and now I have a lot of people from the north, west and east hooked on them too. I believe from talking to people from different parts of the U.S. there is a real gold mine waiting for anyone to start selling these peanuts. Not many people are doing this. I would love to be the new kid on the block selling peanuts. I have people who buy them and then ship them all over the U.S. It isn't hard to do this business and as you will discover the money is real good. You can buy a bag of peanuts for $42.00 then add water and salt and retail them out on average for $375.00.

Like most anything the flea market is seasonal. There are eight good months when I sell on average two to three bags a week-end and the other four months I sell one or two bags a week-end. So for the few hours I set up each week end you can see that the profit is very good.

Some people look for a busy intersection on week-ends and find a place to set up on the side of the road. You can set up right out of the back of a van, pick up truck or your car. I have a friend who has been selling roadside for thirteen years. He also sells a little bit of produce. He sells 5 days a week and has made a fantastic living . A few other places people set up are: Close to the football stadiums on Sat. & Sun...Lots of traffic; I know a couple who have been doing this for years at the gator games and they make a killing on Saturdays. They get em before and after the game. Another person I know labels, bags and puts them in convenience stores for sale. Little league baseball games is another place you can sell, farmers markets, car shows, art festivals, almost any outdoor event. Just look around for good spots to set up. Be sure to find out what license you may need to sell. You can check with your courthouse to find out what license you may need for roadside and the manager at the flea market will let you know what you will need there.

Now keep in mind you could go to a flea market or sell roadside every day if you choose to. Some people go to a different market every day. I have worked the same market for 20 years. They are only open Saturdays and Sundays. The management has been very good to me. I am the only vendor allowed to sell boiled peanuts. They want good dependable vendors. Show them that they can count on you and maybe they will give you an exclusive. People will brag on your peanuts and management will pick up on that, you then become a draw for them. I choose to just work the weekends. I usually stay 5 or 6 hrs.depending on the traffic (people walking by) and then go home. So for those few hours a week end the money is very good. Thats what makes the flea market the perfect business. If you choose to work 5 to 7 days a week you will make a very, very good income and if its just a couple of thousand dollars you want to make a month then just do it on the week ends like I do.

Chapter 2: Cooking Equipment-What You Need To Get Started:

You will need to buy a 60 quart pot with a lid. A free standing cooker, propane tank, and two 5 gallon buckets with lids, thats it. You can usually pick up all these items at the flea market for less than a hundred dollars. You can also go to where they sell camping equipment and buy new. As you start to sell more you can buy additional equipment (bigger pots & another cooker) to save time but for now thats all you need. If you have the funds to purchase the extra equipment that is great.

Chapter 3: Choosing Your Peanut-Green Or Jumbo

Some people prefer the green peanuts. These are seasonal and of course they are fresher. They cost more and are sold by the bushel. I sell the dry raw jumbo peanuts. I find that most people like the taste and size of the jumbo. Plus these are available year round. There is also a dry raw peanut called the valencia. It has a very good taste but is smaller. Of course the choice is yours so try them all. The dry raw peanuts come in 50 pound bags and as of this writing are selling for $42.00. Go to any produce outlet to buy them. If for some reason they don't have them they can order them for you. Just ask and then they will start to order each week for you.

Chapter 4: Step by Step Cooking

Step 1: Cut your bag of peanuts across the top. Take two of your 5 gallon buckets and fill each one to the very top. Now take whats left in the bag and pour them into another container. Take the peanuts in the buckets and pour them back into the empty bag. After doing this a few times you will know the exact amount 2 buckets contain. Take the bag with the peanuts outside twist the top and place them into a 32 gallon garbage container. Find a cement block or something heavy and place on top of the peanuts to weight it down. Fill the garbage container with water until the peanuts are completely covered with water. Put the lid on the garbage container. Let the peanuts soak for 18-24 hours. Thats it for day one.

Step 2: Take the lid off the garbage container and place it upside down on the ground by your side. Take the cement block out of the garbage container and put it away. Grab the top of the bag and push and pull up and down a few times as though washing. Pull the bag of peanuts out and place it on the lid. Empty the water out of the garbage container. Place the bag back in the container and fill with water just enough to cover peanuts. Now rinse again. You might want to repeat this one more time. Its important to make sure you rinse the dirt off !! After final rinse place bag of peanuts on empty lid.

Step:3 Place pot on cooker. Hook up your filled propane tank to the cooker. Pick up peanuts and empty bag into pot. Measure 2 pounds of salt ( roughly two separate containers) and pour on top. Fill pot with water to cover peanuts. Place lid on top. Open gas line and light. Bring peanuts to a roaring boil and leave it at that setting. About every two hours go check peanuts and fill with water as needed. You want to keep the water slightly above the peanuts.

I can soak in about 5 minutes and it only takes about 15 minutes to get em cooking. The peanuts take 8 to 9 hours to get done. Taste as you go along to tell when done. You want them soft but not to soft....Its almost impossible to overcook. So thats no worry.

Step 4: When done get a small pot with long handle and scoop peanuts out of big pot into your five gallon buckets. Make sure you cover top of peanuts with juice so they don't dry out. Thats all there is to it. Now you have fresh boiled peanuts that people are willing to pay for. Now all you have to do is heat them up when you go set up. I told you this was easy.

Chapter 5: The Set Up

When I set up I have a 2 ft. Wide x 5 Ft. long board. I place two portable metal legs underneath to hold it up. I have a lightweight double cooker I place on the middle of the board. (you can find these at the flea market or buy at a camping supply store) I place my pots on top of the cooker( filled with peanuts, one has regular and the other is cajun. Put your propan tank under the board and hook up to cooker. Place two milk crates stacked one on top of the other at one end of board to hold your cups, (you can use anything to hold your cups ) and a plastic container on the other end.(for your strainers, for serving. I use 5 gal. Buckets.)

Put a sign in front of your cups with your prices on it, open a folding table, put your umbrella up and heat up your peanuts. Get a comfortable chair, put on some music and get ready to make money. A 2 x 5 board holds the whole business !!! Thats about as portable as it gets. That's the beauty of this business. You can take it anywhere and set up.

Important Note: You can freeze your left over peanuts and bring them back out the following weekend or if selling daily just refridgerate and sell next day. Usually takes 24 hrs. to thaw out a full bucket if frozen. Just be sure to taste before serving as they tend to absorb the salts and spices. All you have to do is add water to them and that will cut the salty taste.

Chapter 6: How Much To Charge And What To Serve Them In:

You can find these supplies at Sams, Cosco or a wholesale house. I use styrofoam cups to serve my peanuts in. I then place the cup in a brown paper bag and put a paper towel inside. Use a #4 paper bag for the small cups and a #8 bag for the medium and large cups. Most people don't want the bag but I like to offer one. A lot of my customers buy 2 or 3 large cups at a time for take home. I put lids on these and place inside paper bags and then wrap it up in a plastic grocery bag. I use 3 sizes of cups. A 12 oz., 24 oz. and a 32 oz. I charge $2.00 for the small 12 oz., $3.00 for the medium 24 oz. and $4.00 for the large 32oz. Most roadside vendors only sell one size. They sell the 32 oz. for $5.00. If you choose to do this you will add another $75.00 to $100.00 per bag into your pocket. Now you are pushing $500.00 per bag. 10 to 1 on your money. Not bad is it? You make real good money so try not to get to greedy. Of course every place is different so adjust your prices accordingly. When I first started I passed out free samples. Cultivating your customers and repeat business, I can't stress that enough. Serve what they like at a good price then the rest falls into place. If your product is good then word of mouth will do your advertising for you. If you follow my plan your product will be good and you will succeed. After t20 years these strategies are proven.

Chapter 7: Pistachios And Roasted Peanuts

I do not know the laws in other countries or other states but in the state of you do not need a food license to sell peanuts if the shell covers the . So I added roasted and pistachios to the menu. You can buy these at the wholesale house. You will more than double your money on these products. Fill a 24 oz. cup full of roasted peanuts and pour them in a #4 paper bag and charge $2.00. Find a small scoop and fill a snack bag full of pistachios and charge $2.00 or whatever will double your money. Right now I pay $12.00 for 4 lbs and that makes 14 bags. I charge $2.00..

This is just something extra that fits in with the boiled peanuts. I used to sell peanut brittle, fried peanuts and trail mix. Then along came the food police. For a food license you need a separate building with triple sinks and inspections. The list goes on and on. So I keep it simple.

Chapter 8: My Secret Cajun Recipe

Over the years I have had a lot of people ask to buy my cajun recipe. Someone even offered me $100.00. I have never told anyone until now. I have tried many different recipes and have used this one for the last 8 years. When you start to cook a batch of peanuts bring them to a boil and then add these ingredients. 51 oz. of Zatarain's crawfish, shrimp & crab boil. These 3 ingredients come in 17 oz. bags or a 73 oz. tub pre-mixed. If you buy the tub then just measure out four of your 12 oz. cup plus just a pinch more and pour it in. Then you will add four 8 oz. containers of Luzianne creole seasoning. Make sure you only use Luzianne creole seasonings. They have the perfect blend. I have tried others and they just don't measure up. Thats all you need to do to have really great tasting cajun peanuts. The customers love their hot and spicey cajun peanuts. Just be sure to keep the water slightly above the peanuts when cooking. For your crawfish, shrimp & crab boil spices you can order them at zatarains.com, or cajungrocery.com. For your luzianne creole seasonings go to > .creole spices

Well, that brings an end to the first half of this business. You now know what to buy, and what to do. As the slogan says, 'Just Do It'. Now my wife will show you how to buy things for resale that people need. I sell what they like and she sells what they need. Now this is the key that opens the secret for flea market success. These are both things that people consume. Eat em up and use em up then come back for more. Like I said earlier its all about repeat business. Follow this simple plan and you can take your business as far as you want to.

I would like to add one more thing. There are several reasons I love the flea market business. The money of course is real good, it's also a quick set up...in & out. You are your own boss and the freedom that comes with that, which means more time for other things you like to do. People always tell me 'You are always smiling and seem so happy'. They are right. Good money and lots freedom will do that. So thats my wish for you. Keep Smiling !!

Here is something else I can not stress enough. Go to waynestanila.com. There you will see pictures and read articles on my blog for a ton of examples about what is in this ebook especially for what is coming up in the second half of the ebook.

Now lets go to part two and find out how to get those resale deals......

Chapter 9: Good News Begins Here

As my husband explained, I am the 'Cadillac Lady'- the counterpart to the 'Peanut Man. Everyone gets a nickname at the flea market depending on different factors. I was so aptly named having driven a Cadillac thanks to starting my own business with (you guessed it) the help of coupons. I started clipping and saving in 1983, for my own personal use, and by 1986 I had a good stock of merchandise. A friend urged me to try a flea market, because I had so many basic items everyone uses. This turned out to be a very wise decision. Over the years I have saved thousands and thousands of dollars. When I began my flea market business, my lifestyle went from medicore to magnificent, hence driving a cadillac as opposed to an escort. Chapter 10: Shop Smart And Save.

Anyone can do what I have done using time wisely and being ingenius. First, develop a system for collecting coupons. Years ago I began dumpster diving (no garbage cans, only recycling bins). You could still do this today in a safe neighborhood. Times have changed and coupons are easier to come by. Start this way:

1)Subscribe to the Sunday paper 2)Collect coupons from family 3) Collect coupons from friends 4) Collect coupons from your church family (imagine a large congregation) 5) Buy coupons online at ebay( which is my favorite method ) After you buy several times from one seller you can start to cut deals on volume buys. UPDATE: Here are three awesomenew sites. Some tell you whats coming out, what store to go to and how to get the item for free. You can even print them off. All you have to do is write in your google tab these words below:

1)who said nothing in life is free 2)my coupon hunter 3)the coupon master

Soon you will have more coupons than you know what to do with and will be saving hundreds and thousands of dollars.

Chapter 11: Clip And Save:

Start clipping and saving, organizing your coupons. Remember with every clip you are making money---its mindless. Choose the most basic items initially:

1) toothpaste 2) deodorant 3) room sprays 4) cleaners 5) shampoos 6) soaps Later, your stock becomes endless, and anything you think people use, ziploc bags, trash bags, foil, pet food, lotions, razors, body wash, any staple items. Be creative. Look at all the products not only you use , but other people use as well.

Chapter 12: The Secret To Shopping:

Lets Go Shopping !!!! I assemble my coupons to the floor layout of the store. I then count how many coupons I have for each item, take them off the shelf, put them in the cart, and take that number of coupons and place them in the top of the cart. Place something on top to keep them in place. Then continue on, count items , count coupons, etc.. Use the bottom of the cart for large orders. If you have more than one cart full take the first one to the customer service area and park it. They are very nice and helpful (and they love all the money you are spending). Then go back to shopping. They will help you to your car when you have more than one cart.

I go to many stores but my favorite is Target. Not only do they have competitive prices, but their red sticker sale items are fantastic. Plus you can get a Target credit card and after you spend a certain amount they send you a 10% off card. This will save you a lot of money over time. Try to use it with a big order. Always give the cashier your 10 % off card first. After they take that off the total, hand them your coupons. They will ring your order, scan your coupons, and off you go.

Also go to Wal-Mart, Walgreens, CVS Drugs, Big Lots and Dollar Stores. Its almost like being a detective. Keep Searching ! You will find close outs, and bargains. Start filling your cart, with any luck you will find closeouts due to packaging, or a buy one get one free item. One day while at Target, each time I bought three Pantene shampoos a $5.00 gift card automatically came out of the register. Soon you will be loving to go shopping and remember with each step you are making money. Sometimes you will find a good deal that you don't need a coupon for !! Buy all you can of these items.

Yard sales can be a great source of products. Once I bought 20 Far Away Perfumes by Avon which retail for $10.00 each. I bought them for $1.00 each. ( I told you yard sales are great !!) Wayne sold them in one weekend for $8.00 each. A quick $140.00 profit on one purchase. Also once you start at your market, you may find another vendor selling something you can double your money (or more) on. Buy all you can !!! Your money is made when you buy it right.

Just to give you an idea of how much money you can save and make on resale when you go shopping here are a few recent receipts from Target. These numbers are the

The one I am proudest of was November of last year. The total was $451.11. After the coupons and the 10% off the total was $68.00. I had 2 full carts. Thats the night the gift cards popped out and the final total was only $43.00. I really felt I outdid myself. You can do this good or maybe better. Remember you are reselling this merchandise and the next chapter will reveal how much you can make. As the slogan says 'Just Do It'.

I know those are just words written above. Again go to waynestanila.com. You will SEE a ton of the receipts talked about in the above paragraph. You will also SEE the products talked about along with updates on new ways to source products. Take a look around there. You won't believe the money you can keep in your pocket and then take these items and resell them.

Chapter13: Product Examples:

This is just a few examples of how much I pay for products and what they resell for. Almost 90 % of everything I buy retails at the flea market for 100-200% and more. These are name brand products not store brands. Olay, dove, caress, colgate, crest, aqua fresh, nivea, panteen, herbal essence, vive, fusion, schick, fantastic, windex, lysol, glade. The list goes on and on. People always ask, 'how do you get the latest products and sell them cheaper than Wal-Mart'?

With sales and coupons heres what you can do.. Mens & womens Quattro razors. Paid .50. Wayne sold some of these on ebay on average of $2.50 each and $3.00 each at the flea market... A 3 Pack of dove deodorant, 3 pack of degree deodorant and a 3 pack of old spice deodorant. Packaged very nice. Paid .14...for each 3 pack. Broke open some of the packs and sold each individual piece for $2.00...Sold the 3 pack for $5.00...Lysol Fresh Matic Air Freshner..Paid $1.60 each sold like hot cakes for $8.00 or 2 for $15.00...Suave shampoo and conditioner: Paid .26 for both...Sold for $2.00.

Right now I am buying dish detergent for $1.00 at the dollar store and it resells for $2.50.....No coupon needed, its a close out. I bought 160 bottles. Here is a small order with a total of $81.67 from Target. After coupons I paid $32.07. The merchandise will resale for $97.00. You make 3 to 1 on your money. I just wanted to tell you a few of the deals out there by using this method. As you can see the profit is very good. Keep your tables full with these products and you will do really well.

This system is so simple. Order the coupons, go buy the products, then sell them.

Rinse and repeat. Your whole seller is Target, Wal Mart, Dollar Stores, CVS. They never run out of products for you to sell.

Chapter14: Sell, Sell, Sell:

Now its time to go and sell !! This is when it gets really exciting—Time to make money!! Get yourself a couple of lightweight fold up tables, pack your car and go. Set up your tables in sequence, all toothpastes (you will have several brands,) shampoos, cleaners, all in one area and keep your set up the same each week. Your repeat customers will be back to grab the same products. Always mark the price on your products and this will keep you from having to say it hundreds of times. Make it fast and easy for them. Always be friendly and courteous. After they make a purchase ask them if they would like to leave their merchandise with you while they walk around the market. (some of this stuff is heavy and a lot of times they will buy something else when they return). Be sure to have a starting bank with lots of ones, fives and ten dollar bills. In the good season my husband and I had many $1,300.00 to $1,500.00 weekends with profits on average of 65%. Not bad for a weekend is it?

Chapter 15: Extra Tips:

Start with minimal funds. ( $100.00 ) should get you started and watch your bank account grow. A friend of mine took all the money he saved with coupons and put it in the bank, and used it for a great family vacation each year.You will meet new friends, great people and if you are lucky like me find the greatest husband ever. Then you can combine businesses, double your money and your fun. ENJOY!!!

Chapter 16: How To Evaluate a Market and Find More Products:

I feel as though you can take what I sell, copy the system and go into any market and make money but maybe you don't want to sell what I do. Now what? Ive got you covered but first I want to talk about how to evaluate a flea market and then give you more than enough places you can find products to buy and resell.

My first suggestion is that you get a flea market directory and locate all the flea markets in your vicinity. Take some time and walk each one. These are the things that you want to look for. How many vendors are there in each market? What are they selling? Do a lot of them sell the same thing? Competition is good but only up to a certain point. Are there a lot of people shopping? What do you see people buying?

Most important is WHO is making sales and doing business. Take a note pad and write these things down so you can check them later. The one thing you don't want to do is force a product in to a market. Each market is different and has its own personality. What might sell well at one market will not sell at another one.

Stop and talk to the vendors. Ask them their prices. Ask how business is. Almost all of them will be friendly and most love to talk about their business. This way you start to get a feel for each flea market, their items and prices. If you see products that you want to sell you will need to find a true wholeseller to source these items. Real Factory Authorized Wholesalers for the most part do not advertise on line. These are large wholesale companies, and they don't believe it's worth their time and effort to advertise to small home-based business owners. They WILL work with you once you track them down.

I have found two certified wholesale directories who do the research for you to find quality products at true wholesale prices. I have been a member with both of these companies for a number of years. I use them for selling on Ebay but you could use them to source products for your flea market businessas well.. All their wholesalers have been screened and want to work with home-based businesses. They also teach you how to import from and around the world.

Both of these companies charge a one time membership sign up fee. One doesn't cost to much and the other one is a little on the pricey side. Both of these companies are 100% first class. SaleHoo is worth joining so you can get name brand products at wholesale prices for yourself as you can buy one or two items at the time. The price is definitely a bargin. Check out both of them and then decide if they are the right fit for you.

The first company is WorldWide Brands. They have over 8,000 verified suppliers, wholesale and dropship. If you want to drop ship, buy light bulk or volume this company has dealers ready to do business. They also have liquidation and instant import buys you can use.

The video you will view talks about online business but this can be applied to any business. To take a look at this company just click >> Flea Market Wholesale.

The second company is SaleHoo. They have over 5,000 legitimate suppliers. Every product imaginable from electronics, DVDs, clothing, baby products, etc. Top brand names; Gucci, Sony, Apple, Nike, Prada, LaCoste and many more. They have checked out and verified suppliers from all over the world. They will also work with you one on one if you ask them to. This is a true bargin here. You can check them out by clicking>> Flea Market Wholesale.

Next I want to show you some companies where you can find a ton of products from different suppliers. Some are auction based and this next company is a great auction house to deal with. You should check in with >> Liquidation.com every day to see what they have for sale. You can get some super deals there.

Now lets go to >> http://[email protected] . Here is where you can buy in very large quanties. Get it by pallet or a truck load if you want to. You can find almost anything you can think of to sell at this site for the flea market or on ebay. I include ebay because I have been selling there for 7 years and the last chapter is a bonus about ebay that you may want to find out about. Here is another one : palletsmart.com

So there you have more than enough suppliers to find products to sell whatever course of action you decide to take and all of those companies are LEGIT.

Chapter 17: Other Things That Will Sell:

Now I am going to talk about other flea market items that you might want to consider selling. These are different lines of business that I KNOW also make money just like I do year in and year out.

1) Selling Produce: This is a very good market to get into. There are people who come to the flea market just to buy their produce because it fresher than the grocery store not to mention a whole lot cheaper. You will need to find a farmers market or some outlet to buy your produce wholesale. You need to stay with the basic vegetables. Tomatoes, onions, potatoes, peppers, lettuce and then have your variety of fruits. Banannas, grapes, strawberries, watermelons or whatever is in season. More than likely you will need help doing this type of business as it gets very busy with shoppers.

2) Grocery Items: This is a very lucrative business model. I know 2 guys who are really doing well selling these items. You will need a big truck or van and a place to store a lot of pallets as this is how you get the best wholesale prices. You have to buy in bulk and you want to any way so you can make the big bucks. These guys pull in thousands a day. They beat the grocery stores price on foods, drinks, snacks, personal items, etc. by a country mile. I shop there every week because its the best deal in town . Sometimes I buy wholesale from them and then resell at my tables. These types of businesses like to move merchandise. You can check with some of the resources I mentioned earlier to find these products.

3) Cell Phones & Accessories. This is a huge seller at the flea markets. Selling cell phones and all the accessories. Covers, chargers, batteries, etc. You can go back to IMASD and the other companies mentioned to find accessories and refurbished phones for making really good profits.

4)Video Games and Systems: I have a friend who has a thriving flea market business buying and selling video games and systems. He has a young boy who can repair most any system or game. He buys on ebay and resells at the market. He also lets people trade in their old games and systems then credits them to purchase something fromhim then turns around and resells their system and games for really good profits. He has been doing this for years.

So there you have some more ideas and what I KNOW to be money makers as I have been an eye witness to it for many, many years.

Chapter 18: Off Line & On Line Money Makers

This will be a chapter to guide you to other ways of making money both off and online. These are both monthly membership sites but before you say 'Oh I don't need this' check them out because they are very low cost and will give you access to more verified ways to make money online and offline than you can shake a stick at. The first site is for making money online.The second one is for making money working with brick and mortar stores providing a service they desperately need and are willing to pay you handsomely to do for them.

By the way, the founder of these sites is Jim Cockrum. He is the most trusted guy on the internet. These aren't my words but the words of the independent organization "Internet Marketing Report Card". They currently rank Jim as the top ranked Internet Marketing expert online!

So if you want to make money here is your chance. Go check them out. Site #1

Site #2

Chapter 19: Lets Recap

Okay, lets now recap everything we have talked about. First I have told you how you can copy what I have been doing for over 20 years. Its real easy. Cook the peanuts and sell them. Next either print, order or with the other methods talked about get the coupons. Go to the store and buy the products. Then go and resell them. Rinse and repeat. You will be able to do this in your sleep after a few times. These methods will put cash in your pockets week end and week out and ''not just peanuts either''. Pun Intended.

Next I talked about other avenues that will make you money at the flea markets in case you don't want to do what I do. I have watched these vendors make really good money for years.

Then I gave you true wholesale dealers where you can find almost anything you can think of to sell. Those 2 directories will even help you find products and teach you how to import products from around the world. You should have 2) no problem finding things to sell from all that information.

I didn't stop there. I gave you two more sites that gives you a chance to make 'job ending income'. Yes, those 2 sites can either significantly add more income for you and your family or quite possibly get you out of the rat race. I know I sure enjoy all the freedom that working from home gives me.

Now, I have one more goodie for you. Its about selling a certain product both on and off ebay. I learned about it from site #1 that I mentioned earlier. I will discuss it in the next chapter.

Chapter 20: The Blue Widget

I call it ''The Blue Widget'' so those that are members of the silent team will know what I am talking about. I won't give it away here. This is a product that I have actually had people give me for free. There are millinons of these floating around and unfortunately a lot of people throw them away.

I have been selling these for months now. I made over $4,000.00 last month. I know others who are doing the same. In fact I started a coaching program where I will teach you how to get started doing the same thing.

I have incorporated this product into my flea market business and it has literally exploded for me. Now let me tell you this. You do not need to have a flea market business to buy and sell this Blue Widget. I was just able to enhance my chances of aquiring this product by having a flea market business but I have several avenues for sourcing this product.

Even if you sell nothing at all at the flea market its worth it to set up and advertise that you buy this Blue Widget.

This product is sold both on and off ebay. I sell the majority off line. I have several wholesellers who bid for this product. I don't mean auction style. I send out an email and tell them what I have and they email me back and tell me how much they will pay. They want this product real bad and its very competitive. I then send an invoice through paypal to the higgest bidder. They pay me immediately and I mail it out the next day.

Due to the political climate I believe this opportunity will only last another 3 ½ years. I could be wrong and it could continue indefinitely. Even still you have a chance to clean up for the next 42 months and I do mean clean up.

I just started this coaching program and my first student made $1,700. his first 20 days. Thats net not gross. He is very meticulous with keeping records and he deducted everything he could from his gross sales. He is loving this biz and now outsources the major part of it.

My coaching is not cheap but I will personally teach you everything you need to know to make money with this product. I will be there every step of the way to answer all of your questions. You will have my personal phone number and email address and I will stick with you until you can ''fly it by yourself''. I can't teach this program to everyone. For starters you must live in the US. And you need to live in or close to a fairly large city otherwise I don't think it will work for you. . I can better judge whether or not you can have success after I find out a few things about you. If you think this is something that you would be interested in email me at [email protected] and we can talk. Well, this brings me to the end. I have done everything I know to teach you how to be successful at the flea markets, finding products to sell and giving you many different ways to make money online and offline and if you would like one on one coaching I am available for that also.

To Your Success:

Wayne Stanila


This eBook had many helping hands:

Thanks to our parents, Stan, Polly & Betty.

Thanks to the kids and grandkids.

We appreciate everyones imput.

Final Words:

This eBook doesn't have a lot of fluff. I hope you appreciate that. Its the plain truth put to paper. If you follow the plans you can have a great part time or full time income. You can do one or both of these plans or any of the many other methods. Even if you don't want to resell the products at the flea market you can save your family thousands of dollars over the years and in this economy who isn't trying to save money. Be sure to check out http://www.waynestanila.com. so you can see the savings receipts, read the articles and keep informed with updates. I have a new site coming out that is for entrepreneurs just like you. Its all about making money from home. .I also plan to make a video showing how to cook the peanuts ( this is long overdue ) and my flea market set up and maybe show you how my wife shops for those great deals. Come join us (subscribe) and if you have something to share leave a comment and tell us about it. THANKS TO ALL

Wayne and Marggi Stanila