Overview of the Endocrine System and Agents

PART 3 Learning Objectives Pronunciations After completing this chapter, you should be able to Acromegaly (ak-roh-MEG-uh-lee) 1. Describe the negative feedback system used to regulate levels of many of the Adrenocorticotropic (uh-DREE- body’s hormones noh-kawr-ti-koh-TROP-ik) Calcimimetic (kal-si-my-MET-ik) 2. Define the following: Corticotropin (KOR-tih-koh-TROH- • Acromegaly • Hypoparathyroidism pin) • Hyperparathyroidism • Hypopituitarism Gonadotropin (goh-nad-uh- • TROH-pin) Hypercalciuria (hie-per-KAL-si- 3. State the brand and generic names of the most widely prescribed medications for YOOR-ee-uh) pituitary disorders, disorders, and parathyroid disorders Hyperparathyroidism (HIE-per-par- 4. Be familiar with their routes of administration and dosage forms, and the most uh-THIE-roi-diz-uhm) common adverse effects of medications used to treat pituitary disorders, thyroid Hyperphosphatemia (hie-per-FOS- disorders, and parathyroid disorders fuh-TEE-mee-uh) Hypocalcemia (hie-poh-kal-SEE- 5. Describe the therapeutic effects of medications used to treat pituitary disorders, mee-uh) thyroid disorders, and parathyroid disorders Hypopituitarism (hie-poh-pi- TOOH-uh-tuh-riz-uhm) Matching I Hypothalamus (hie-poh-THAL-uh- muhs) Match each disorder to its symptoms and treatment. Luteinizing (LOO-tin-eye-zing) Methimazole (meth-IM-a-zole) Disorders Symptoms Treatments Myxedema (mik-si-dee-ma) Acromegaly Osteomalacia (os-tee-oh-muh- LAY-shuh) Hyperparathyroidism Parathyroid (PAYR-uh-thie-roid) Hyperthyroidism Pituitary (pi-TOOH-uh-ter-ee) Hypothyroidism Prolactin (proh-LAK-tin) Pseudohypoparathyroidism (SOO- Symptoms doh-hie-po-par-uh-THIE- roid-is-um) a. Heart disease, hypertension, osteoarthritis Somatostatin (suh-mat-uh-STAT- b. Osteodystrophy, vitamin D deficiency in) c. Weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, depression Thiazide (THIE-uh-zide) d. Weight loss, sweating, nervousness, insomnia Trophic (TRO-fik) Vasopressin (vas-oh-PRES-in) Treatment 1. , , liotrix 2. octreotide, bromocriptine, cabergoline 3. , methimazole 4. sevelamer, aluminum carbonate Workbook for Understanding Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians 24

Matching II Short Answer

Match each brand name to its generic name. For additional 1. Name the pituitary hormones and their functions. study, use the space to write the condition for which the drug is used.

Generic Brand Names Names Conditions 1. Forteo 2. Levoxyl 3. Miacalcin 4. Parlodel 2. Name the and their functions. 5. Phoslo 6. Renagel 7. Rocaltrol 8. Sandostatin 9. Synthroid

Generic Names a. bromocriptine e. levothyroxine b. calcitonin salmon f. octreotide 3. What hormone is produced by the parathyroid, and c. calcitriol g. sevelamer what does it do? d. calcium acetate h. teriparatide

True or False

For additional study, try to change the false statements to make them true. 1. The primary function of hormones is to regulate sexual desires and characteristics. 2. The thyroid gland has two lobes and is located in the brain. 4. What medications are prescribed for patients with chronic kidney disease who have secondary hyperpara- 3. Hypothyroid patients whose dosage of levothy- thyroidism? Why? roxine is too high may experience symptoms of hyperthyroidism. 4. The only relationship between the thyroid and parathyroid glands is their location near one another in the neck. 5. A condition caused by growth hormone (GH) deficiency is acromegaly. 6. Octreotide is available as an oral preparation taken every 5 weeks to control GH levels. 7. Hyperthyroidism is treated with liothyronine or liotrix. 5. Name some of the available vitamin D preparations. 8. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) regulates calcium Which can be administered orally? concentrations in the blood. 9. Calcitriol is a synthetic PTH replacement. 10. patients with chronic kidney disease often require vitamin D therapy with active forms of the vitamin such as paricalcitol or calcitriol.