FRONT ROW Enjoy the Government's Useoftheir Work1in Pubhc Lady Potterly's Chatter Confi Dence··
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ansoJEanisations. ··continues to Tocompcosa1eauthors for FRONT ROW enjoy the Government's useoftheir work1in pubhc Lady Potterly's Chatter confi dence··. somewhatat odd.1 libraries.the Public Lending offers withthisassenion. the Amtralia Right isS300.000bettcrolT. Councirs fundingallocationthis Forthe11cadcmically-minded. • P1efe1entialticketbookingslorperformingolh ycar. dmpped by S3.4 million. advanringAu1tra!ia fair looh THIS MONTH 1here are photographs from various Sydney and former Lord-Mayor, the cver·popular Johnson who were appcaring in Wulljlo ..·tring. fromOperolo Rock Presumably. this decision fall~ less encouraging with the Trust functions in Sydney. Melbourne and Ted Mack. and prescm Mayor of North Sydney. Jn Melbourne. a rcccplionwasheldforSam •ExdusiveseotinguMvoilable1othegenerol m line wi1h the release of !he Na1ional Science :in<l Technology Addaide. Most imp,;ma,u was the lnunrh in Sydnty Roslyn Crieh1on. Many of Nooh Sydney·, local Wanamaker -intowntotaltabout plilllstorebuild public of the lndependenT Theatre ltesmrauon Proj«1 Mid business communiry and friend'! ofllle Tru~1 were 1he Shake1pcare Glnbe Thearrc. Alsn innur Council's rcspons,bilities mward Centre rcce1vmg no increase • Eoseofbooking .1kke1sconbemoileddirect at 111t; The.arre. Pmject Chairman Ed Bamurn. Tru,1 aho 11leri, 10 comnlend the Project and The Tnm·s Mdboume Tru11rooms • a1uppcr panyaf1cr the Austr:ih~ Opera. The (i2 ma~ for las1 year) and a toyour doo,' Chairman James Sirong, and Chief Executi, c initin1ive in rc.\toring this wonderful old 11leatrc. Wmr.on In Mind. Anoihcr supper was held afler Les govemmem ha.1 set a~ide .S6.6i m funding drop of .S320.000 for the Salzer.allsJ>0keabou11heplanstorcstore thc lnAdelaide.Sue Mintzhosteda luncheonm Misatthe l'oncess Theatrcand arhe1 Majn1y·s for 1heOperaandplaced1hc NationalLibraryofAusualia. Theatrcto,isformergloryand1tsimpor1:uiccas hcNtouroflillPerrymanandh111b..1nd Kcvan Themre ;if!er seeing Unit Me A Tenor. comp~nyi111heo111nifarious TlleAu1tralianFilm Fi11ance How to use Sydney"'! o!de~r eii'lting theatre. With Llo)·d Waddy handsof!heOcpanmen1ofAns. Corporationwi1h$66mfor actingas l\·I.C.• Thelicroriana1heng;..-e a urnque Spon.theEnvironmenl.Tourism investment in CO·productions FRONT ROW andenormouslyfunnyperformanc.endingup"ilh and Territories a department wnhpnvattsectorpanncrs.is20 e,·ef)OOCStand1ngon1he1rchairs,wavingflagsand noledmamlyforthenumberof pcn;entbetteroffth1.1year. Funds find theshowyouwishtobook inthe ,ungmg LDnd OfIf ope And G/(!I)' ai the mp of their wordson1Nbusmes;ca1d< for1heAu_~1ralian Film FROHr ROW Guide then diol 1he number lur1g,.Finally.a,theguestsleft.allaskcdfora TelevisionandRadio Schoolrose al llie foot ofrhepoge. Chairmanof thena1ion1lans rcpea1evcning!Amoogthe>sejoiningin1hcfun lobby group.Ans Action $9.4m (nearl)· 60% moretl1a11 Bereody ro quoredetoikol yourflight Deck or "·erc lndcpendent~eder:ill\lemberforNorlh ' FUNDING AT "ARMS Australia, George Fairfu. says lasl )ear"s.S5.9m).but!htbig Ar11(ardondyourcredi!cord. LINGTH" ·Tenpercen1oftheansbudge1 wmncris1hc Austnlinn LIKE PROVERBIAL MANNA has bccnn;movcdfrom1hc Children·~ Television Foundation FRONT ROW operot es in Sydney, Melbourne, from 1he heaoen~. 1he budge! fo1 properandmos1compe1enl "nhS1.l6mcomparcdto Adeloide, Brisboneond PerthondNewZealand. - agency,tohave 11sfondmg S600.0001ast year. Au,1ralianart)bodie,"J' h;111dcddo"nby1hcFedcral handledbyburcauCf'jls ralher TheAustr.<han F,lm 6 Best Seals Guaranteed . •. Go,·cmmen1. And as is cus1omary thaoe~pen<inthe3r1'. fly Commission is the odd ont: out ,n Youwalbeguoranleedlhebestseols ovaaobleot IN S l'ONEI", AT TIIE INDEl'ENVE,\T Tfft"ATKE wi1hullfundmgallocauon,,the placingoneorganisa1ionou1)idt: tht:audio·,·i,ual fiddwnha thetimeof booking. However, weneedtoremind N/GI/T: l. ftltr Ains/it andCau/tn Eli111bnh dt deciiionswererecel\edw11h of 1he system. the Govcmmem i, fundi11t drop of $50.000 less !ban youthattheeo1/ie1you book,1hebetter1hes&als Ftsenor)'. 2. E:t•l OrdMayorand l'11rliomt nlorion muchgrumblingatldharumphing. sayi11gthatl)Cer·groupa,1c:s1· la.s1year"s$l6.lm. - lndtptndemMembrrfor /\orthSydntJ, T,d.llock Amongthosew,thincrern:rl mtnlandarm's·lengthfondiog is Bu1w1!hcos1-eu11ingand Ph011e lines forbookingsoreopen and Dr)tonnt·Claudt Now111ko. J. F.d Rornu,,., fumlmg w~re the National goodforsomeandnotforall... rcuenchmemreflectingtlle business htu~only. Ch11irmon, l ndtptndenl Thtolrt NH/Oro/ion rm mute of Dnma1ic An. the current mood throughout the • Pleose ollowoneweek for collertion ond Advan<eAustra6a Fair? telesimlllindustry in Au,traha. RIil f'rojut. ~- Frl)m left: Btrn<t 11nd Vin,., \\"oxmon- Austrahan BallctS<hlJOl. andto rad1oha!dlyfa1inganybenerand delirny ol lickets. Lu-tr .,·ilh Wil/iomCollom ond llt ltnH11son·llill. cncouragc,pun;hascsofcomemp· llleGovemin~nldlJC>.howe,er. thclocal filmindu;tryneedingall • Limiloftwodinoun11icketsper member. S. CHI of Vif/criono. 6. rrom left: John ud Jon orar) Aw.tralianan"orks. placewmcimJ>Omrnceontbe Fullpriceticliets unlimited. thehclpuca11ge1. "ewuld scea (Muray) Hrown. Collttn and Ray Btottit. 7. rrom AnbJnkalsoh:idit,funds value of cullur~I hcntagc. HIT THE ROAD SHYLOCK boomd. forai--mkhngofan brccdmggrouod foryoung ' Norefundor ,eturns occepted. left: Vou:los C:hrislit. Mtliua dt Young, Groff Amodestincrea,e (from nt" /oumigcompony ,,,i//behiscrown1ng eye.1he increases lookqu,tc $3.7m10S3.87m)for1hc hopcfu\swithnoplacc in REGARDLESS of opinions /0 /ht controry. Go~gton, l,"d Shiplon. 8. ,\laJor of r.,-0, 1/r Sydnty, Weoreproudtooffer thisex1lusiveservicein relsonable.Theuponrlostr Na11onal Museum of Australia Aus1ulia 1ogo • the uon()my in Ausrralia is raking a achit1emr1t1 oddi~on toprivilegesolreody e~oyed 1hrough Aldu man Roslyn Criehlon and TruSI Chairman e~aminatinnthe allocatmnsarc repre,cntsaOOu1halt1hc1atcof bo11ering 1h01 on/) a pa/itician would fail to Jomes StrQng. 9. frQm ld l: M'il/iu, ud lle/tno In lht n,1< yrar. The Rt/I Shok,speort FLIGHT DECK and The TrusfsARTSCARD. littlemorethanla<1)ear"sfund) m1la1innwhiletheAu<11a1ian ARTS GO COUNTRY l"oungwithlunand8tvtrltySmil~. ptrct il-eosos1a1to/rccl'niun Company begins 1/s schedule of narwnal We en10urogeollmember1to1olc.eluModvontoge a<lju11c<lfo1i11fla1io11. Nanonal Maritime Museum ha, oflhisexdusiveo1sociation. In such a c/imou. whor could /le better rours. s/orri,rg offwirh 1hru.wuk ua.1ons of ll•i SOUTH AUSTRAI..IA: 10. From 1d 1: Jun had it~ fu11ding i11<:r<:a'>Cd by an recc1'edmongsupponfrom Austrolia Coun<il loses funds 1han o nigh/ 01 the thtulrt lu/uriseiyour "-dlldltllioo.n!pw!..!ta11.tie.~ •• Mullh,ws ( f'rn idu /, Adt laidt Comtailitt), l.ynn enormous77.5%to.S20.6m country area,. demoM1r:i1ing1he And The Opera ~......,o1r.-1hlllboonnl1e>-.1""1illfomrlioilil Crosby (Trus/ Govrrnor), /(n on J ohrnn, Su, Mfot;, TheNationalFilmondSound al1emati,·c, availablt:mhep1he wots? /Jul times art rpugh and theo/re FIOOIOWiimrrll\noW.,,.diM«111>!1dbylM~ L , Archl\e(fromS6.7m10$9.07m) 1.. .,,inottw«ili,111!....dlh.-lin. Jil/l'trr)'man.8t ,.,,lt yBrottn, Thora l'taru. According to Ans Mmi.11cr. Mr ammAustraliaflourishing. DavidSimmons,theAustralia and1heAustr:ihanNa11onal Ways todevclopandmain1ain IN VICTORIA: 11. From ldt: Fr,n: M,n:tl.Anson Council,.'.LTLagencyes1ablishtdto Gallery(from$l8.8m$2l.t m) an:.activitiesin regionnlareas TRUST MIMBIRSHIP Ausrin and Rt lly Jfrnu/ot THE GYPSY l'RlNCt:SS - han<llethefundini:.of ar11Sts and 1Jn1hrecei,·edencouragemen1 was 1hesubjectfordiscussiona1 Pleose contoct yourneore1!Tru<;tOlfite - SuppuPorty, Tr,m Clubr1111m1. 12. From ltfl: arccentmce1ingofrcsoun;es HEWSOUIH WAt~ PaulinrCann, 11.l,"lvioConntllandJohnDit/fir~o/ (m,mngandmmeralexplora1ion Corollblin· tht lES MISSupptrl'ar1y11tn, PrinctuTh,a1,,. IO e1c)companymanagingdirec1or< 139lf91!'1S1 Chipl)Wd,.rleNSW7008 Hoy Stonlty ond Joan S1dnty at WO.\U N IA" .\fl!.-0 mSydne).Trus1 boardmember Ttltiif-!011 698 1688 Ill Supper l'arly, Trus/ C/d ,ooms. 14. Dtnis {\'fr/air MrFraok Hooke.t..>s1edlht VICTOll.l: ond Hhonlla Burrhmort at l.E/\"D ME ,t TENOR mee1ing and he wa~ suitably Chcmoi1111 Hart - hil on an imporrani idra 10 contribute Cast /'orly litld ol Hu Mojts1y·s T/,ra/rt. IS. Sam 1mprcs!1Cdby!heconfidence orhas tu,14/lkoVllnoghS1Souln MebooJrneVICJ20S Wu o/llah r, Euculi>t Vict·Chairman. IMtr• iniegruy and susttnanct 10 performing arrs ff you"d Uke to become unofred ,.ith this ltltphet.e(OJUl22711 NE"'' SOlJTII WALES Ascminar iothecityof raa,· national Shdrspt art Globt Th 11rt ud .~usit All,n \11,n&ll,m,1,y inAus1ra/ia. gr,111 11111rn111·P, simply phone Thr Trust SOUTHAUlTR.l.ll.l.: EdmondsotThtTru5rC/ubroo111s. r.1,.,l.u,.. Sro1.l.ioo.t l'H ln,r; P1yL1d Orange. NSW. withCarol Cbcrm.1111Moldrich. Wi1h arcomp/ishtd actor/ director and thl'a/re mo,rager in your stole 10 find 0111 how )OU lhrbetofrom theUSA talking HK Mcjesl'(1Jbeat-1 Go11SI ll I) Due1bu,y, Char1n,d Attounuou profwional.John De/1.atthehelm. TheTrus/ con how yowrnomrindudrdforfirstoptions Md<iideSASOOO le/i,phooe:!08)231 82S6 hmu Hudi, lnduslrici Ltd abou1me1hodsofsolici1ingan<l m:magi11gaT1)funding1nd istsiab/ishinga n11ti111111ftouri11g,ompony for. tictru /0 ptr/ormonas by Th r Br/I YlffiUNAUSIAAIJA:,u.f',rr1,rCh111p•1•• sponsorshipsforthe benefi1of dt1 oted 10 ptr/orming dossical thratre ShokesptortComporr)' • PemySuJt.laod. l.oui, \uiuoo A.. 1roli1 Pty Ltd variousanSOfEWlillllionswas Hi1 Moiflly'1 ~e Hay SI, Perth WA6000 Priulh1,r• 1uo, Btll"s credtn110/s art btyond reproach . alsoamaJorsuccess. PICTUREDAB01'1,": Jtltphn(0913214953