June, Month of Record Recognitions Aspiring Country for EU Member- Ship
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Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Foreign JUL/AUG 2013 Affairs of Republic of Kosovo. No.11 Year III. Croatia, special Special supplement: Kosovo’s Petrit attention to its relations with Kosovo Report from global Halilaj at the Five Questions for interfaith events Venice Biennale Croatian Ambassador Kosovan artist intertwines Zoran Vodopija in Kosovo personal and national histories Kosovo’s NewDiplomatFollow our sites on Twitter: @MFAKosovo @InterfaithKosovo @germiahillconf EU ACCESSION Kosovo starts the EU NEWS integration process The Government of the Republic of Kosovo welcomes the decision of the European Council to launch negotiations for a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) be- tween the Republic of Kosovo and the European Union. The deci- sion presents the first official step on our path towards European Union membership. SAA is the first contractual agreement be- tween Kosovo and the EU that pro- vides a clear perspective towards full membership of Kosovo in EU, as well this is the most advanced form of association that a potential candidate country may have with the European Union. The Agree- Kosovo declared independence in 2008. In 5 years, the young republic is now recognised by 101 UN member states. (Photo: Arben Lapashtica, InstaKosovo competition) ment provides a strategic frame- work for the overall social, politi- cal and economic development of June, month of record recognitions aspiring country for EU member- ship. This agreement also presents Month of June brought a new record in global recognitions of Kosovo’s independence. a legal framework which provides stability and assurance for inves- Egypt, Tanzania, Yemen, El Salvador and Guyana recognised Kosovo as independent, tors, which in turn creates a sound basis for foreign direct investment while Kosovo was also admitted as sovereign member of Council of Europe and will lead to the generating of Development Bank. Kosovo also entered into contractual relations with European jobs. The launch of negotiations be- Union, starting formally EU Membership process tween Kosovo and the EU firmly anchors integration process of Kosovo and, as well further con- In June 2013 the Republic of as well as Kosovo’s partners a fund for support of social in- The wave of these impor- solidating the international legal Kosovo has seen a string of worldwide. The recognitions of clusion in European continent. tant recognitions of Kosovo’s status of our state. The SAA takes recognitions from different Kosovo come as Kosovo started In a meeting of the Board of statehood is a result of the com- Kosovo a step closer to achieving countries and continents. The normalizing it’s relations with Directors of CoE Bank in Malta, mitment of the Government of status of candidate country, which youngest European state has neighboring Serbia, in a process it was decided to grant Republic Kosovo towards the country’s will enable broader framework for been recognized by Egypt, that was called as «historic» by of Kosovo full membership as Euro-Atlantic integration, but financial assistance benefits from Tanzania, Yemen, El Salvador high EU, US and UN officials. the newest member of the bank. also thanks to the progress the EU. and Guyana. Accordingly, Bilateral recognitions in month This move was greeted in Pri- recorded in the talks with This decision for the opening Kosovo has been recognized by of June raised the total of reco- shtina as another confirmation Serbia. These recognitions have of SAA negotiations is to the merit more than half of the United gnitions to 101 UN members. of the increasing involvement a particular weight as it opens of the all the institutions of the Re- Nations member states. This Another positive development of Kosovo in the multilateral doors for the recognition of Ko- public of Kosovo and entire polit- is a result of the commitment in June was Kosovo’s accession world. Late in 2012, Kosovo sovo by influential countries of ical spectrum, and also confirms and continuous lobbying the to the Council of Europe Deve- was also admited to European Latin America, Asia and Africa, the progress of political, econom- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and lopment Bank. This bank that Bank for Reconstruction and as well as other multilateral ic and legal reform undertaken in other relevant actors in Kosovo was established decades ago as Development. organizations. PAGE 3 Kosovo. 2 jun/aug 2013 Kosovo’s New Diplomat Diplomatic Bits & Pieces 5 QUICK QUESTIONS SHORTNEWS Croatia, special attention FROM THE EMBASSIES Foreign Ministers of Italy, Sweden, to its relations with Kosovo Lithuania visit Kosovo Croatia’s duty as a new member of EU, and the leading country The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj, has received several in the region for the moment, is to satisfy the expectations of European Ministers of Foreign Affairs who visited Prishtina to support the ongoing dialogue with Kosovo and other regional countries, and that task is corre- Serbia and the political progress achieved in Kosovo. sponding to the common intention of Croatia, EU and USA. Mrs. Bonino of ITaly, Mr. Bildt of Sweden as well as Mr Linkeviius of Lithuania. have all confirmed that the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia repre- What is the best thing about work- sents a significant achievement for Kosovo, and that ing and living in Kosovo? their respective countries strongly support the Euro- 1 The best thing about working in pean integration of Kosovo, including visa liberalisa- Kosovo is the attitude of the members of tion for kosovarcitizens. Minister Hoxhaj reaffirmed the Kosovo Government, the administra- Kosovo dedication to Euro-Atlantic integration. tion, leaders and members of political Ambassador parties and above all of the Kosovars when Zoran Vodopija Minister Çitaku marks the it concerns Croatia. The people of Kosovo are more than friendly to Croats. It is of first official visit of a Kosovo course a consequence of the common minister to Belgrade history we share, especially in the last of assistance to all the countries on their The Minister for European Integration of the Re- 23 years and even before that. Hundreds path to the European Union and NATO. public of Kosovo, Vlora Çitaku travelled to Belgrade of Kosovars studied in Zagreb and other We have in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the first official visit of a Kosovo Mminister to cities of Croatia in the seventies and eight- a Team of Excellency with great experi- the Serbian capital. Minister Çitaku attended the ies. Dozens of Kosovars helped Croatia ence in negotiation with the European a seminar entitled “Integration into the European in the liberation war against the JNA Union. They had the least eight years to Union and the process of normalization of relations and the paramilitary troops of Milosevi. learn and improve their skills in negotiat- between Kosovo and Serbia” which was organiszed We always again and again express our ing all the chapters and benchmarks that by the “Forum for Ethnic Relations” in Belgrade, gratitude to all of them. Actually two of EU prepared for Croatia on its pace to the Serbia. The visit was enabled by the mediation of the ministers in the Kosovo government institutions in Brussels. Some of them the European Union Office`s in Prishtina and Bel- have double citizenship: they are citizens already are posted in Montenegro; others grade. The visit was welcomed by the civil society of Kosovo and Croatia. I should mention are ready to give their knowledge to other in Serbia. their names: Agim Ceku and Besim Beqay. countries, especially to Kosovo. The fulfill- But a multitude of others are in the same ment of the requirements of the European Kosovo closer to visa liberalization. First Kosovo visa issued position and that is something that you Commission concerning the SAA or the can never forget or underestimate visa liberalisation in Kosovo is a battlefield Minister of Foreign Affairs of the safety; opening door to foreign visitors How big is the Croatian presence in where their skills can be more than useful. Republic of Kosovo, Enver Hoxhaj to visit Kosovo; and fulfillment of a Kosovo? Croatia’s duty as a new member of EU and took part in the ceremony of for the European requirement. 2 As a new member of the European the leading country in the region for the issuance issuing of the first visa of the After having submitted the first Union and even before that Croatia was in mo-10investigated thoroughly enough, Republic of Kosovo, in the General Kosova visa, Mr. Hoxhaj said: “Edem a position to attach special attention to its especially in the Prizren-Strpce area. Consulate of Kosovo in Istanbul, on Adzogenu, a Ghana citizen will enter relations with Kosovo. Both politically and What is your favorite part of July 1st.He added that the full func- Kosovo’s history as the first national in the economy. We have excellent coop- Kosovo?I must admit that Prizren tioning of the Visa Centre has a who obtained the first visa of the eration with Kosovo institutions. We had 4 and Peja have a more urban threefold significance for Kosovo: Republic of Kosovo”. more bilateral visits in both directions at image for me than Pristina. They share the highest levels than with almost all the important dates of Kosovo history and Kosovo Parliament other countries in the region put together! tradition and they have rivers and their ratifies EU-brokered normalization The visits were on the presidential, prime banks contoured with streets and houses ministerial, Speaker of the Parliament that I like very much. And the top destiny deal with Serbia and ministerial level. As a result we had, is close to Peja - the Rugova Valley that Kosovo’s parliament has overwhelmingly ratified among other results, a constant growth of you can be proud of and that I consider an EU-brokered agreement aimed at normaliszing trade exchange.