Annual Report 1987
NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART 1987 ANNUAL REPORT \ 1987 ANNUAL REPORT National Gallery of Art All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 20565 Copyright © 1988. Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Art This publication was produced by the Editors Office, National Gallery of Art, Washington Edited by Tarn L. Curry Designed by Susan Lehmann, Washington Printed by Schneidereith & Sons, Baltimore, Maryland The type is Bodoni Book, set by VIP Systems, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia Photo credits: James Pipkin, cover Lucian Perkins, The Washington Post, p. 10 Kathleen Buckalew, pp. 2-3, 98, 102, 104, 106, 148-149 Philip Charles, pp. 97, 122 Ann Hageman, p. 124 Mary Ellen Wilson, p. 65 William Wilson, pp. 74, 77, 92, 100 ISBN 0-89468-116-8 Pages 2-3: Sculpture from the Patsy and Raymond Nasher Collection CONTENTS 6 PREFACE 8 ORGANIZATION 11 DIRECTOR'S REVIEW OF THE YEAR 32 DONORS AND ACQUISITIONS 50 LENDERS 56 LOANS TO EXHIBITIONS 64 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 64 Department of Public Programs 71 Department of Extension Programs 73 CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY IN THE VISUAL ARTS 81 OTHER DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 81 Curatorial Division 89 Division of Records and Loans 90 Changes of Attribution 91 Library 95 Photographic Archives 95 Conservation Division 101 Editors Office 102 Exhibitions Office 103 Department of Installation and Design 106 Gallery Archives 107 Photographic Services 109 STAFF ACTIVITIES AND PUBLICATIONS 121 MUSIC AT THE GALLERY 123 ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 123 Publications Service 123 Facilities, Security, and Attendance 124 Office of Planning and Construction 126 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 141 ROSTER OF EMPLOYEES AND DOCENTS PREFACE The National Gallery's fiscal year ending 30 September 1987 con- tinued the busy but rewarding pace that has characterized the past few years.
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