
Published by AUDIO DEVICES, INC. 444 Madison Ave;ue, New York 22, N •.

Trod• Mork•

www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com 2 AVDIO RECORD

Random Scenes TAPE IN THE MAKING From the Audiotape Plant

Feeding on Audiotape coating machine with the layer of extra strong adhHlve, which is quickly large rolls of base material - cellulose acetate or dried . Then magnetic oxide is coated on with " Mylar" - is a tricky lob. The machines are never micrometer accuracy. Thickness is electrically mea­ slopped; new rolls are fed in with a " flying splice." sured throughout manufacture and the recording The coating machine appllH a microscopically thin properties are continuously measured and charted. First step in actual tape manufacture Is the physical formulation of the oxide coating. Special magnetic oxide powders, binders, antlfrlctlon materials, anti­ static agents and solvents a re mixed and d ispersed In huge rotating drums fllled with hardened steel balls. Then the liquid slurry is drawn from these THE FOG HAS LIFTED powerful "ball mills," fllte red and pumped to tanks that supply the coaling machines. C. J. Le8el Comments on Some Recent tape . speeds and three different methods of Technical Developments in cari;yrng the tape, all bidding for public approval. Tape Recording Let s see what they are: A. 'Two•trac~ 7½ ips tape on -reels. This is the old standby, the method which proved so Years ago an un• good that it created stereo in the public's mind. wary tape enthusiast As a proven arrangement, we may use it as the remarked that tape standard of comparison for the newer methods. was obviously superior B. Four-tTac~ 3¾ ips tape in a small maga• to disc because there zine. This created the fanfare a year to a year were fewer tape and a half ago, and has since been wending its speeds in use than slow way from the laboratory bench to the there were disc speeds. production line. Little did he know C. FouNTac~ 7½ ips tape on Tcels. Thjs is that even at that time, t~e most rec~ method to be released to the pub• ten years ago, there he, though 1t was proposed by engineers some were as many tape years ago. speeds as disc speeds D . In addition to speed and number of tracks and more to come. we ha:,,e the question of two diffc-rent types of Now we have not only magazines, (I) the small type that is mentioned the question of five C. J. LeBel in "B''. above, ~ two•bub arrangement (2) the ta(e speeds, but also Vice Pruident o magazines and Audio Device&, Inc. oth~r ,s _a continuous loop system available in various sizes. reels. The public, of course, asks which method is Much of the recent confusion resulted from "best." As always, it is not a question of what the tendency to mistake optimistic laboratory is best for the world as a whole but rather a claims for a guarantee of production perform· question of what is best for the i~dividual user ance. In the electtonic field it is very seldom that with specific requirements of his own. Let's com'. production performance is every bit as good as pare the different methods in detail rather than the laboratory promise, and a great deal of time in generalities. In the Quality Control laboratory, random samples inevitably intervenes between the first success· ore checked ot regular intervals during production. ful laboratory experiment and consistent com• The finished product Is again checked for uniformity, mercial production. In the intervening time, en• Two-track 7 ½ ips tape on reels gineering and management receive a great many sensitivity, frequency response, , peok This method is the old standby and many, bias point and perfection of coating. Specially surprises. As engineers and the public have had a chance to test the newer proposals, the fog many thousands of machines have been sold for constructed testing machines are used to a ssure uni• what is the best in quality of the various alter• form surface quollty, free from troublesome Imper­ of confusion has dissipated. fections or "drop-outs." At the present time, we have two different (Continued on page 27)

www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com October. 1959 3 QUICK FACTS ON RECORDERS ( Additional information can be obtained by writing to the manufacturer)

Manufacturar Model and Price Frequency Response Data

Continuous Auto matic Tape Reproducers -designed, proved, licensed. Play_s dual track, pre, for Rack Mounting recorded, 8·hour tapes continuously. Plays 4 hours on 50 -10,000 one track, reverses automatically and plays 4 hours on Model 450-D the opposite track, reversing and repeating indefinitely. with pre-amp cycles ( ± 2 db} •to•noise ratio: 50 db. Simplest mechanism driven $155.00 at 7½ lps by hysteresis synchronous motor and Ampex reel take•up system. Includes plug-in electronic. section with positive Mode l 450-DA 50-15,000 metallic tape impulse automatic reversing. Red change with cycles ( ± 4 db) switch. Operates with variety of accessories including Ad combination at 7½ lps Merchandiser. Model 450DA. same as above except ha.s pre-amp powe r combination pre•amp and I 2•watt power ompllfler and 50 -7,500 with 4, 8, 16 ohm and 70·volt output. Individ• mixe r. cycles ( ± 2 db) ual volume controls for , microph'one, chimetone $972.00 at 3J/ lp1 pager, Ad-Merchandiser; master gain control, and tone Add $33.00 for 7½ lps 4 control. Receptacle for timers, , low impe• dance transformer, and Ad Merchandiser.

Completely automatic packaged system to provide music Model 465-A and paging in installations ui>_ to 12 speakers. Contains Deluxe Console Ampex-designed Model 450-DA reproducer. Space for $1191.00 Ad-Merchandiser in concealed compartment under table• top together with other controls. Master volume control as abo,re and monitor volume control. Extended range monitor speaker in a separate enclosure within console. Cabinet is wood construction 34# high, 37" wide, 1r deep. ALTO Snap•on front panel with plexiglass window and plastic FONIC grille cloth, can be moved to change reels and to Etore extra reels. 12•watt ampli6er, T · I0 timer, 8• monitor CORPORATION speaker. Shipping weight: 161 lbs. 911 Commercial Street, Rack Palo Alto, Mounte d MODEL 458. Automatic unattended programming sys• California System s tern. Timers and silent sensing provide music intermixing between two dual-track, 14•, 8·hour reels. Plays 16 hours and then repeats. Each reel individually controlled by a timer that is variable from 0 to 3 hours. A third timer provides 7-day; morning,ON, night-OFF ... automatic operation which is repeated each week. Ad-Merchandiser can be used in separate rack mount. a s above RACK SERIES. Uses e.ither Model 450-D or 450·DA Ampex-designed reproducer. Accommodates Ad-Mer• chandiser in pull-out drawer. Accessories available. MODEL 450-DE. For restricted space installations. In• corporates Ampex-designed Model 450-D reproducer into Model 4 51 Rack Serles. Model 450- DE 36 ¾• h. x 22• w. x 1 r d. wrinkle finish steel cabinet. $2275.00 l"rlces Quoted $909.00 Automatic reversing provides continuous playback. On Request

AD-MERCHANDISER Endless loop tape cartridge player used with any Alto Ponic Reproducer for automatic insertion of sales mes• Model410-A sages between music selections. Alto Ponic Silent Sensing Playback only Circuit provides switching during 5 •second pauses. Se• $345.00 50 -7500 lee.tor switch permits playing of l to 10 musical selections cycles ( ± 2 db) between sales messages. Switch for monitoring. Snap•in Model 411- A at 3J/ lp1 cartridges hold 28· or 60•minute message. Self-contained Playback - e rase 4 3•watt amplifier and speaker. H igh impedance output. ~-I - recONI External switch will trigger start. Cartridge t.1pe auto• $495.00 matically threads through transport mechanism as car• tridge snaps into position.

New series of dual•speed recorders available with speeds 30-17,000 of 15 and 7½ ips or 7½ and 3¾ ips. Three motor AMERICAN direct capstan drive: one hysteresis synchronous, two CONCERTONE cycles ( ± 2 db) induction motors. Push-button controls. Timing accu· at 15#/sec. racy: 99.8%. Harmonic : 2.5% at maximum Division of record level. Signal to noise: H db at 15 ips, 50 db at 40- 12,000 7½ ips, 45 db at 3¾ ips. Flutter and wow: O.lS'o/o at American cycles ( ± 2 db) 15 ips, 0.25% at 7½ ips, 0.35% at 3¾ ips. Bias fre· Electronics, Inc. MARK X IROADCAST RECORDERS at 7½ • / sec. quency: 100 kc nominal. Separate heads for erase, record 9449West and playback. All triode playback amplifier. Two high X-1 Half-track monaural 50-7,500 impedance inputs. Three outputs: cathode follower, 600 Jefferson llvd. record/ playback ...... $9 65.00 cycles ( ± 2 db) ohm, high impedance monitor phone jack. Dimensions: Culver City, Calif. X-3 Stereo record/ playback .•...•...... 1050.00 at 3~/ •/sec. 14# h., 16½• w., 9• d. Weight: 45 lbs. including carry• X-6 full-track monaural 4 ing case. r e cord/ playback ...... •...... •.965 .00 X-8 Monaural or stereo play back •....• 150.00 X-9 Full-track monaural playback .... 120.00 www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com 4 .4UDIO RECORD

Frequency Data Manufacture r Mod•I and Prlc• Re1ponse New dual•speed recorder with 15 ips and 7½ ips or 7½ ips and 3¾ ips available. Has direct drive capstan 30-17,000 motor, four pole induction type reeling motors. Push• MARK VII button controls. Self energizing brakes. Master output Reco rde r cycle• ( ± 2 db} volume control, VU ca.librated meter. Dual inputs for $940.00 at 7 1/2 / 1ec. mike and auxiliary sources with four s_eparate level con• Mark Vll-f trols. Flutter and wow : 0.35 % at 3¾ ips, 0.25% at 40- 12,000 7½ ips. Dimensions: 14" h., 16½" w., 6N d. Weight: H Re corder cycles ( ± 2 db} $995.00 lbs. Mark VU has three heads for recording and play· AMERICAN at 3¾N/H c. back of two-track stereo and mono. Mark VII•F has four CONCERTONE heads for recording and playback of two-track stereo and monaural, playback of four-trade stereo. Dl•l•lon of American All Series 30 models have following features: Two-speed Electronlc1, Inc, 40-15,000 direct drive hysteresis synchronous motor and two torque 9449We1t cycles ( ± 2 db} motors; 3 heads with provision for 2 more; 4½• VU, at 15N/1ec. type meter; 2-channel input mixer; A·B test lader for Jeffe rson IIYd . cueing/ editinj switch. Instant speed sdection of l r / Culver City, Calif. 50-12,000 sec. and 7½ /sec or 3¾•/sec and 7½"/sec, Signal•to• cycles ( ± 2 db} noise, 55 db by proposed NAB Standard (full track). Total harmonic distortion, 2% at zero VU. Total Butter SERIES 30 at 7 ½ N/1oc. Model 31, full track recorde r ...... $795.00 and wow, less than 0.1% rms at 15"/sec., 0.2% at 7½"/ 50-5,000 sec. Past forward and rewind, less than 60 sec. for 2 500 Madel 32, ha lf track recorder...... $ 795.00 ft. High impedance input and unbalanced Mode l 32ST, monaural record/ play- cycles ( ± 2 db) back, stereo playback ...... $899.00 bridging input. Output impedance, cathode follower, at 3 J/ N / sec. Model 33, stereo recorder...... $995,00 4 600 ohms with plug•in transformer. New imported dual-track recorder and dictating/tran• scriber. Speed: l ¼ ips. Four push-button controls for AMERICAN Model G256/ 60 record, fast rewind, playback and stop. Automatic erase G£LOSO Goloso and correction. "Clo-light" recording level indicator. Tape counter band-resettable. Plays up to 128 minutes. ELECTRONICS, "StenOtape" 80-6 ,500 cycles at 17/a lps Transparent lucite cover. Signal-to-noise ratio better INC. Portable than 40 db. W ow and flutter: 0.3%. Output: I½ watts. Recorder Rewind ratio: I 5 • l. Past forward ratio: IO· l. Input 251 Park Ave. S. $179,95 impedance: ½ megohm. Output impedance: 3.2 ohms. N . Y. 10, N. Y. Preamp output. Extension ~eaker Lack. Acce.ssorics avail· able. Dimensions: 4" x 10 x 5½ . Weight: 6½ lbs.

30-15,000 Prof-essional•type, single-track, dual-speed recorder oper• cycles ( ± 2 db) ating at 15" and 7½" per second. Signal•to•noise, over 60 a t 15" / sec. db by NAB standards. Instant start and stop. Flutter and Model 300-C wow, less than 0.1 % at l r /sec. Rewind time, I min. Console 30-15,000 for 2400-ft. reel. Timing accuracy, ± 0.2%. Push button Tape Recorde r cycles ( ± 4 db) controls for start, stop and record - may be remotely at 7 ½"/ Hc. operated. Separate long-life, plug-in heads for erase, $2250.00 record and playback. Other features as on Model 3H•C ( ± 2 db 40to below. Also available for portable or rack mounting. 10,000 cycles) Dimensions 36" x 25" x 26". Weight: 195 lbs.

Pro fessional three-channel tape recorder with ··st1-Sync" Model 300-3SSC feature for recording sound,on•sound in perfect syncbro• Three Channel nization. With this optional feature, any given track can " Sel-Sync" be erased and re-recorded without effect to the other two AMPEX Console Recorder channds. 300 Series multichannel recorders are equipped CORPORATION with selector for NAB and AME curves. Latter curve $S125.00 a s a bove gives an effective 7 db increase in signal•to•noise ratio Profeulonal in the 2 to 6 tbol.14and cycle range. Separate erase, record Model 300-3C and playback heads. Signal•to•noise ratio (NAB curve) : Products DIY, Three Cha nne l 5 5 db. Cross talk rejection 50 db. Otherwise same as 934 Charter St. Console Recorder model 300,C shown above. 300 Series recorders are Redwood City available from one to eight channels. Rack mount units $4698.00 available. Dimepsions: 64• x 25" x 26•. Weight: 288 lbs. Callfomla Professional:tyFe (full or half trade) recorder with tape 3 0-15,000 speeds of 71/z and 15# or 3¾" and 7½". Signal-to• cycles ( ± 2 db) noise: 60 db. Flutter and wow, less than 6.i 5% at 15" / Mode l 351-C at 15" / sec. sec. Instantaneous starting. T iming accuracy, ± 0.2%. Console 30-15,000 Features new "plug-in" etched circuits, new input stage, new plus 8 output, new internal power supply, and Tape Recorder cycles ( ± 4 db) a t7½"/Hc. -popped" recording controls. Push-button controls $1475.00 for start, stop, fast forward and rewind. Independent 50-7,500 record and playback systems permit monitoring. Also cycles ( ± 2 db) available for portable or rack mounting. Dimensions: at 3¾ • / sec. 48" x 42½" x 28". Weight: 168 lbs.

Professio nal, dual speed two channel (stereo ) recorder. Speeds: 7½ ips and 15 ips or 3¾ ips and 7½ ips. Signal• Mo de l 351-2P to-noise ratio: 55 db. Flutter and wow: less than 0.1 5% Two-channel at Ir/s ec; less than 0.20% at 7½" /sec. Switch transfers portable as above 4" VU meter to read "input" or '"tape" level, bias and tape recorder erase current. Controls: separate record buttons on elec• tronics. Electrically inter-locked relay-solenoid operation $1955.00 permits full remote control. Red size switch. Also avail· able for rack mounting. Other features same as 351 ·C listed above. Weight {two cases): 105 lbs. October, 1959 5

Frequency Manufacturer Model and Price ltesponse Doto

Mode l 352-2 30-15,000 cycles ( ± 2 db) Professional tape reproducer for playback of pre•recorded Stereo Tape Re produce r at 15" / sec. tapes. No danger of accidental erasure since. the. 3 52 does not have erase or re.cord heads. Specifications are the with console 30-15,000 AMPEX cycles ( ± 4 db) same as the 351•2P recorder listed on previous page, less $1460.00 at 7½"/aec. the record feature; may be fully remote controlled. Other CORPORATION 50-7,500 available for full or half track playback. Also without console cycles ( ± 2 db) available. for rack or portable mounting. Dimensions: Prafeulonal 35" x 24¼" x 24¾". Weight: 109 lbs. $1350.00 at 3J/4 "/Hc. Products Div. New high speed tape duplicator for making four track 934 Charte r St. 7Vi. ips commercial stereo tapea, duplicating simultane• Redwood City Mode l 3300-B Detalle d ously two stereo tracks in the forward direction and two California High Speed Tape Duplicator specifications and stereo tracks in reverse direction. Up to l O one•hour with one slave unit prices avalla ble reels of four track stereo program material can be dupli· from cate.d in 4 minutes. Cao feed from one to ten slave units, ( other duplicator employing new permanently aligned head stacks. Equal• manufacturer ization compensates for speed ratios used, tape copies have mode ls avaliable) no appreciable change in frequency response from suit• I ably prepared 4•track masters. Model 960 is a two•speed recorder for either stereo re• Portable cording or half•track recording. Speeds: 7Vi and 3¾ Mode l 960 ips. Plays back half-track, full track, 2•track stereo At 7 ½ "/ sec. $650.00 and 4•track stereo. Automatic stop mechanism. Signal• 3 0 -20 ,000 cycles to•noise, better than 55 db below peak record level Mode l 910 ( ± 2 db) at 7 Vi• I sec. and 50 db at 3 ¾HIsec. Flutter and wow, under 0.2% at 7Vz" /sec., 0.2fo/o at 3¾" /sec. $495.00 50-15,000 cycles Inputs: high impedance line 0.4v rms for program level; Model 2 5 10 At 3J/ "/sec. high impedance oicrophone. Playback output greater 4 than 0.75 rms into high impedance load. Weight: 38 lbs. Stereo system 30- 15,000 cycles Uncased Model 910 is same as above except for two-speed, half, Model 902 Mode l 952 $849.50 ( ± 2 db) track monaural record. Plays back 2-track stereo, 4•track $449 .50 $595.00 50 - 10,000 cycles Mode l 2560 stereo, balf track and full track. Model 2510 stereo Mode l 2010 system includes Model 910 and two speaker- Amplifie r-Spea ker Stereo syste m {2010). Model 2560 stereo system includes Model 960 AMPEX $199.50 $ 995.00 and two speaker-amplifiers (2010). AUDIO, INC. Portable., professional•type single•track or dual-track a subsidiary of recorder with 7Vi" tape speed. Takes up to, 7.• reeb. Signal•to•noise, over H db. Flutter and WGV(, below Ampex Corporation Model 601 0.17%. Starting and stopping time, less than 1/5 second. 1020 Kifer Road Porta ble 30-15,000 Past forward and rewind, 90 seconds for 1200 ft. Timing Sunnyvale, Calif. Tape Recorde r cycles ( ± 4 db) accuracy ± 0.2% for 30 minute recording. Separate $595.00 at 7½"/sec. record and playback amplifiers. Separate erase, record ( ± 2 db 40to and playback heads. VU meter, independent level con• trols for microphone and line. Weight, 28 lbs. 10,000 cycles) Mo de l 620 Model 601 tape transport with two modified 601 elec• Model 601 -2 tronic chauis. Full-track erase, two•track record and two• Amplifier-Speaker 2-Track Stereophonic track playback. Signal-to•noise, over 50 db either channel. $ 189.50 Portable $995.00 lnter•track crosstalk rejection, over 50 db.

" Crescendo" Consoles At 7 ½ "/sec. Each Crescendo console includes a Model 960 stereo• 30-20,000 phonic tape recorder-reproducer, described on page 3, 6500 Serles cycles ( ± 2 db) $1895.00 plus: a Garrard 4-speed record changer with stereo/ 50-15,000 cycles monaural diamond stylus pick•up, push-button Audio Other Consoles: Control Center, Ampex 2-channel AM and PM stereo• 4000 Se rles At 3J/4 / sec. phonic tuner, two matched Ampex amplifier speaker from $549.50 30-15,000 units consisting of twin H•watt amplifiers and six 8000 Serles cycles ( ± 2 db) speakers - a 12" bass, 8" mid•range and one omni• $2650 .00 50-10,000 cycles directional bigh,frequency projector for e.ach channel. "Standard Trans-Magnemlte " Professional, transistorfaed, battery•operated, spring• Speed motor, portable field recorder. Available in single•, two•, Models In/ sec. Price three•, and four-speed models. Models at speeds of 3¾, 612-A 15/16 $420 300 - 2,500 cps 7Vi and 1 f ips exceed NARTB Broadcast standards. 612-B 17/a $370 100 - 3,000 cps Uses small dry replaceable or rechargeable batteries which 612-C 3J/4 $380 50 • 7,500 cps last 12 5 hours. No microphonics or motor noises; low 612-TD 7½ $390 50 - 10,000 cps noise input stage (0.25 microvolt). High-speed rewind; AMPLIFIER 612-SD 7 ½* $390 50 - 10,000 cps modular plug•in construction; ball-bearing supply and CORPORATION 612-E 15* $430 50 - 15,000 cps take-up reel shaft. Dimensions: 11" x 10" x 7". Weight: *$Ingle Track Unit 15 lbs. Same units with VU meter: $75 additional. OF AMERICA 398 Br-dway ''Trans-Flywelght'' Professional, transistorized, portable, electric-motor, bat• tery•operated recorder available in six single-speed Ne w York 13, Speed models. Low noise input stage (0.25 microvolts); no New York Mode l In/ sec. Price m.icrophonics. Overall gain 110 db. Uses 10 selected tran• 312-A I 5/16 $436 50 - 2,500 sistors. Operates from dry rechargeable or replaceable 312-B 17/s $386 50 - 4,000 batteries. Special meter incorporated for VU, Amplifier 312-C 3J/, $396 50 - 7,500 and Motor Batteries. Electrically rewinds r reel in less 312-TD 7 ½ $406 50 - 10,000 than three minutes. Modular plug•in construction. Models 312-SD* 7½ $406 50 • 10,000 at speeds of 3¾, 7Vi and 15 ips exceed NARTB Broad• 312-E* 15 $446 50 - 15,000 cast standards. Dimensions: "½" x 9" x 12". Weight: *Single Track Unit 8 lbs. Same units usually available completely hidden in conventional briefcase: about $89 additional. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com 6 ,4l)DIO RECORD

Frequency Doto Monufocturer Model ond Price Response Completely self •contained, battery•operated portables SpH d with spring motor drive. Models 610-SD and ·E, one Model In / He. Price track. Four speed models 610,DM and -EM, one or 11 two track. All others dual track. Winding interval, 3 to 610-A /u $275 300 - 2 ,500 cps 15 min. Motor can be rewound while operating. Indicator 610-1 17/, 225 100 - 3,000 cps 30 sec. before motor rewind. Playback through 610-C 3'/• 255 50 • 5,000 cps or external amplifier. Optional erase. Dimen• 610-TD 7 1/2 275 50 - 7,500 cps sions, llH x 8" x r for 610-A and B; I,· x 10· x r for 610-SD 7 ½ 295 50 • 7,500 cpl all others. Weight, 12 to I 7 lbs. 610-1 15 335 50 • 15,000 cps All standard "Magnemites" avai1able in weather•tight 610-DM i/14-7½ 355 } 0 1 abovo sealed aluminum cases with tongue and grooved edges " Magnemlte " Portables 61 0•IM 17/.-15 395 and built•in neoprene gasket seals: $30 extra. Completely self-contained battery-operated portables with VU " Mognemlte" ipring motor drive. 610-DV and EV are single track - Speed others, dual track. Winding interval 3 to 30 min., de• Model ln/ Hc. Price pending on. tape speed. Motor can be rewound while AMPLIFIER operating. ''i!U meter for measuring record level, output CORPORATION 610-AV IS/14 $365 300 - 2,500 cps level, "A" battery and "B" battery. Playback through 610-IV 17/, 315 100 - 3,000 cps OF AMERICA earphones or external amplifier. PM erase optional at 610-CV 3 S/4 345 50 - 5,000 cps extra cost. High and low level inputs. Output impe• 610-TV 7 ½ 365 50 • 7,500 cps 391 lroodwoy dance, 50,000 ohms. Incoming signal can be monitored bJ 610-DV 7 ½ 315 50 - 7,500 cps VU meter or earphones. Dimen~ion~, 6½ • x 9½" x I -4 New York 13, 610-!V 15 425 50 - 15,000 cps Weight, approx. 19 lbs. New York 51NGU CHANNEL 5 35-1 1 7/, $345 50 - 2,500 cps Designed to record and play back any messages, musical programs or sound effects up to 60 min. in length on 535-C 3S/4 365 50 - 7,500 cps 535•D 7 ½ 315 50 - 10,000 cps cartridge-loaded endless loop of std. ¼" tape. Automatic 535-E 15 405 50 • 15,000 cps erase. Push•button start and stop, switch or relay re.mole ( other models control. Electronic-eye recording level indicator. Micro• ovolloble) DUAL CHANNEL phone and bridging inputs. Output impedance, 600 536-1 111, $495 50 • 2,500 Cpl ohms. Output level, +6VU. Headphone monitoring. 'Mogneloop" 536-C 3 S/4 515 50 - 7,500 cps Standard rack panel mounting or custom rack cabinet. Continuous loop 536-D 7½ 535 50 - 10,000 cps Size, 19H x 8¾ x 9½". Weight, 24 lbs. Tape Recorder 536-E 15 555 50 • 15,000 cps

''Stereo-Mogne mlte'' Portable, stereophonic battery-operated spring-motor re• corder. Mechanically similar to 610 series. two separate channels for stereophonic recording. Independent gain 611-C 100 - 3,000 cps for each channel. Can be monitored with binaural head• 611-D 50 • 7 ,S00 cps phones while recording. Optional PM erase. Input im• 611-E 50 • 15,000 cps pedance, I Mei?ohm. Output impedance, 50,000 ohms. Site, 8½ff x 11" x \OH. Weight, 17 lbs.

This endless loop device, using standard ¼" tape, per• Pre-Monitor 150•5,000 cps mits monitoring broadcast program several seconds before Program De loy For Telephone UH it goes on the air. Designed for 600•ohm balanced lines at plus 4 VU. For use with telephones, frequency re· Device Wider Range for $ 523.25 sponse is intentionally limited to maximize intelligibility Direct Mike u.. and minimize hum and noise.

A. AUT OSPERSER The new Autosperser has two Perfectone tape players, ( descnbed on nut page), a control panel for either wired or multiplex service, and an Adcaster tape player for storecasting or similar special services. The Adcaster pro· vides up l'O 30 minutes of recorded commercial on one track and automatically rewinds and cues to Jirst commer• c.ial when played through. T he twelve•station program• AUDIOMATION ming cycle repeats automatically. Automatic standby. New Autosperser•24 System available that is identical LABORATORIES to standard Autosperser System excepting control panel has 24•station programming cycle. 7230 Clinton Rd. 40. 15,000 Uppe r Darby 23, B. CONSECUTOR cydes Po. T he Consecutor System is comprised of two Perfectone at 7 ½ "/soc. 8•hour machines and a control panel. For unattended operation in broadcast or wired service. Operating cycle: 40-1,000 Machine # 1 plays track A, reverses, plays track B, re• cycle, verses, shuts off, starts machine #2. Machine #2 per•

at 3s14 • / sec. forms same cycle and restarts machine #1. Automatic standby. P rovision for manual operation so that tape..~ may be changed without interrupting program. C. VARYTAPE Consists of two identical Perfectone automatic 8-hour tape-handling mechanisms arranged for unlimjted varia• ,. I C tion of program continuity by the automatic inter-mixture (Write to manufacturer for prices) of the music content of any two reels. Automatically stops one mechanism and starts the other whenever 30 seconds or more of silence occurs on the tape being played. Permits up to 16 hours of muMc without repeti• tion. Cycling fully automatic. Automatic standby. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com October, 1959 7

Frequency Data Manufacturer Model and Price RHponse H eavy-duty rack type tape for providing up to 8 hours of unattended, background music without PERFECTOhE repetition. Two speeds. Automatic reversal and shut•off Continuous Tape with unmodi6ed tape. Automatic, continuous re•cycling Player 40-15,000 or shut•ofl' controlled by switch on panel. Simple con• AUDIOMATION cycles at $730-$830 trols, light tape tension. Easy and precise head alignment. LABORATORIES 7 ½ #/sec. Signal•to-noise, better than 50 db at 7½" /sec. Hysteresis synchronous capstan motor and two 4•pole torque motors. 7230 Cllntan Rd. CONCERTCASTER 40-8,000 Max. reel size, 14". Price depends on type of ampli6er Upper Darby 23, lncludlng cycles at and number of speeds desired. Pa. Perfectone and 3 ¾#/sec. Concertcaster consists of the Perfectone, cabinet and amplifier power amplifier. The 7 /32" crystal glass cover rests on $835-$1010 a sponge rubber gasket to exclude dirt and dust. T he mechanism pivots for eas( access. Price depends on num• ber of speeds and type o ampli6er desired. Two•speed, dual track monaural portable. Five push• BELL & button controls. Two 51/.i•incb speakers. Tape speeds: HOWELL Model 785 7½ and 3¾ ips. Recording level guide. Play and Record 50-13,000 COMPANY pushbuttons interlocked to prevent accidental erasures. Monaural Portable cycles ( ± 4 db) Fast rewind: 1200 feet in 80 seconds. Distortion less than 7100 McCormick $199.95 at 7 ½ #/sec. 1 %. Signal•to•noise ratio more than 40 db. Wow and Raad Rutter less than 0.35%. Input for microphone, radio, phonograph or TV. Output jack for external speaker. Chicago 45, Ill. Dimensions: 10" x 15½" x 15!/4". Weight 33 lbs. Maestro Group for Stereo Tape Cartridge N ew series of four-track stereo tape cartridge players and Model 404 Player recorders. Single speed: 3¾ ips. Flutter: less than 0.25%. $239.95 Power output: 7 watts each channel. Dual outputs: 8 Model 405 Recorder ohms for speakers. Model 404 bas playback heads with $309.95 playback preamps and ampli6ers, selector for tape, Model 450 phono, auxiliary. Model 405 has erase/ record/playback Speaker System 30-15,000 heads with record/playback preamps and amplifiers; two $53.95 cycles volume level indicators; three dual inputs: phone, mike,

The Playmate at 3i;4 "/sec. auxiliary. Controls: knobs for selector, treble, bass, two Model 406 volume. Model 406 is portable version of Model 405. Stereo Cartridge Approximate dimensions for all three models: 9½" h., Recorder 16½# w., 1r d. Approximate weight for all -three $309.95 models: 43 lbs. Model 460 Model 450 speaker system matches Models 404 and 405. Speaker System M odel 460 speaker system matches Model 406 recorder. $42.50

Overture Serles for Stereo Tape Cartridge Model 401 New series of four•track stereo tape cartridge players Transport and recorder. Single speed: 3¾ ips. Flutter: less than BELL SOUND 0.25%. Units have knob controls, where applicable. $104.95 30-15,000 DIVISION Model 401 has playback heads only. Model 402 has play• Model 402 cycles back beads with dual playback prearops. Model 403 has Player Thompson Ramo at 3¾"/sec. erase/record/playback heads with dual record•playback $134.95 preamps. Approximate dimensions of all models: 7" h., Wooldrldge, Inc. Model 403 12" w., 11½" d. A pproximate weight of all models: 555 Marlon Road Recorder 2f lbs. Columbus 7, Ohio $204.95

Tape Transports A basic tape transport providing almost unlimited flexibil• ity. Three motors. Two speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. Signal· T210 $118.95 to•noise ratio: better than 50 db. Flutter less than 0. 2 5 % . T211 $128.95 Distortion less than I%. Has index counter, power T212 $138.95 ofl'•on switch, piano•key controls, micro-switch automatic T213 $158.95 stop. Available in following combinations: T •210: T218 $319.95 25-12,000 monaural record/playback; T,211: monaural and half• T221 $149.95 cycles ( ± 2 db) track stereo playback; T-212: monaural record/playback T223 $174.95 and half-track stereo playback; T•2 l 3: monaural record/ overall-record• T228 $339.95 playback and half-track stereo record/playback; T•221: T238 $349.95 playback extends quarter-track and half•track stereo playback; T•223: to 15,000 cycles half-track stereo record/playback and quarter-track RP 1201 playback only stereo playback (above models require matching pre• Record/ Playback Pre-Ampllfler amplifiers); T-218: incorporates T •213 with two RP,120 $62.00 preamps in carrying case; T-2!8 incorporates T-223 with two RP 120B preamps in a carrying case; T-238 has P 100 Playback Pre -Ampllfler monaural and quarter•track stereo record/playback and half•track stereo playback with two RP 220 preamps in $41.50 carrying case.

BOGEN­ Model Pl-17C Dual•track reproducing mechanism with 3¾" tape speed PRESTO and automatic reversal, giving up to 8 hours or continu• Tape Reproducing ous music on a 4800•ft. reel. At end or this time, mecha· Mechanism nism may be made to recycle or stop. Heavy duty capstan co. 50-8,000 $785.50 drive unit with individual torque motors for each reel. A division of the cycles at Fast forward and fast rewind. Signal•to•noise, 55 db. Siegler Corp. Model A-909 3 ¾ "/sec. Flutter 0.35% at 3¾" speed. Silence sensing switch and P. 0. lox 500 Pre-amplifier timing accessories available. Console Model PB• I 7C Paramus, incorporates tape transport mechanism. Dynamic range, $132.00 45 db. New Jersey 8 AUDIO RECORD

Frequency Model and Price Data Manufacturer Response 100 Se rles Tape Recorder New professional-type tape recorder featuring sweep with Ampllfler loadfog, automatic tape lift, new type editing function for run-off of unwanted tape, new cue button for hand Monaural cueing without motor or brakes, and new solenoid brakes BOGEN­ Rack Mtg. $1375.00 and pressure pulley. Has a direct•drive hysteresis syn• Portable $1410.00 30-20,000 chronous capstan motor and two torque motors. Three PRESTO Console $1649.00 cycles ( ± 2 db) speed ranges of rewind and fast forward. Input can be co. Stere o at 15"/sec. switched to balanced or unbalanced 600-ohm line, bridg, ing input or microphone input. llluminated VU meter. A division of the Rack Mtg. $1710.00 Two separate output circuits. Wow and flutter are no Portable $1930.00 40-12,000 Siegler Carp. cycles ( ± 2 db) more than 0.10% at 15 ips or 0.15 % at 7½ ips. Signal• Console $2094.00 to•noise ratio is 60 db at LO% distortion. Distortion is P. 0. lox 500 Transport only at 71/1 "/sec. 1.0% (harmonic) at ± 18 dbm output from l5 to 15,000 Paramus, $993.00 cps. Monaural version with either full• or half•track heads. Add $50 to stereo prices for two channel version. Ne w Jersey Made l 850 Model 850 is new stereo recorder with exclusive design Rack Mtg. $3500.00 permitting instant change from half•inch to quarter-inch Portable $3695.00 or vice versa. Has three amplifiers. Otherwise specifica• Console $3100.00 tions are the same as above. Pocket-size compatible subminiature transistor tape re• corder•reproducer. Pocketape recordings may be played back on standard tape recorders. "Broadcaster" model records 90-mil track at single speeds of either 7½ or 3¾ ips, giving up to l 5 continuous minutes at 7½ ips. "In· BROADCAST 100-9,000 cycles vestigator" model records at single speeds of either 3¾ EQUIPMENT at 7 1f1"/sec. or I¼ ips on dual tracks totaling one hour or two hours Pocketope respective)y on 600' of ¼" tape. Speeds of both models SPECIALTIES 100-6,000 cycles may be changed by a technician. All models erase, record, CORP. $349.50 at 3 ¾ "/sec. and play back. Interlocks. Microphone doubles as listen• ing device. Signal-to-noise ratio: 55 db. 10-hour motor P. O. Box 149 100-4,000 cycles batteries. Size: l½" x 4½" x 61/s". Weight: 2¼ lbs. l eacon, N. Y. at 1 7/ 1 "/sec. "Tapelog" is the group proprietary name for various communications and instrumentation memory devices employing the basic Pocketape mechanism. Tapelog power source may be internal or external, AC or DC of any common voltage. Prices and performance data from the manufacturer on request. Portable, transistorized, dual-track, four-flashlight bat• tery•operated recorder with push-button controls. D riven Butoba 50-9,000 by special spring•wound motor with elapsed-time indi· Portable Recorder cator. Tape speeds: 3¾ and 11/s. Running time is 20 and cycles BUTOBA Mode l TS61 40 minutes respectively. Multi-purpose head: record and ( ± 3 db) $245.00 playback-erase. Volume level indicator is magic eye tube. distribute d by Playback through built-in oval speaker or external amfli· Turning Corp. fier. Telephone conversation recorder adapter optiona . of America 60-13,000 Same as above except for single speed: 7½ ips. Has noise Mode l TS71 cycles level of ± 45 db. Record and playback time: 15 minutes. 60 fast 42nd St. $295.00 at 7 1/2 / sec. Single track. New York 17, Butoba New battery•o_perated transistorized recorder that oper• New York 50-13,000 ates on eight flashlight batteries or on electrical current. Mode l MT4 cycles Two speeds: 3¾ ips and 11/s ips. Seven transistors, push· Portable Re corder button operation, fast rewind and fast forward, tone and at 3 ¾ "/sec. $249.50 volume controls, volume indicator. Dimensions: 6" h., 12" w., 9" d. Weight : 12 lbs. A dictating/transcribing machine that uses "Mylar" mag· netic tape. Push-button controls. Duplicate set of controls Stenorette on microphone/speaker for start, stop, automatic review, Dictating and electronic erase and correction. Functions perfectly in a De JUR Transcribing 150-5,000 moving car {with transformer). Has built-in conference Machine cycles setting for recording groups. Recording time: 30 min• AMSCO $179.50 utes per reel. Transcription accessories: foot pedal con· CORP. trol or typewriter control - features remote control backspacer for quick review. Dimensions: 11½" x 9½" x 45-01 Northern 4½". W eight: 12 lbs. Blvd., New portable version of the Stenorette dictating recorder Long Island City 1, Ste norette-1 described above. Pushbutton operated, with duplicate set New York Portable Dictating of controls on mike. Uses batteries that can be recharged. a s above Operates three hours on each charge. Battery condition• Re corder indicator shows when recharge is required. Recordin~ $199.50 time: 30 minutes for standard tape. Dimensions: 10½ • h., 6" w., 3¼" d. Weight: 6 lbs.

DELMONICO Two-speed West German portable recorder. Speeds are INTER­ 50-16,000 7½ and 3¾ ips. T wo speakers. Illuminated function Sala MK-5 indicators. Single knob control. Double effect button for NATIONAL Portable Recorder cycles at recording over a recQrding. Automatic end-of-tape shut• $129.95 7½ "/ sec. off. Magic eye record level indicator. Pause control for 42-24 Orchard St. record and playback. Lock prevents accidental erase. Long bland City, Dimensions: 7" b., 15¾" w., 12¼" d. Weight: 40 lbs. New York www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com October, 1959 9

Frequency Manufacturer Model and Price Data RH ponse Miniature, dual•track, magazine loaded, magnesium case tape recorder. Powered by two 7•volt mercury batteries for motor, and separate battery for transistor amplifier. Dlctet 200-4,000 Battery life: 20 hours for motor, 40 for amplifier. Battery Portable life indicators. Magazine has self-adjusting spindles; cycles automatic stop at end of reel. Records at 2½ ips; 30 Re corder minutes recording time on each side of magazine. Wow I I $294.00 and Butter: 2.25%. Signal•to•noise: 45 db. Magnetic microphone is both microphone and monitor speaker. I Motor ~erates only when mike is plugged in. Dimen• sions: 2 x 4½H x 6¼H, Weight: 2 lbs. 11 oz. New Dictet Typer reproducing machine de5igned to re· produce magnetic tape magazines recorded on the Dictet recorder described above. Controls: instant start•stop, Dlctel unlimited backspacing. Continuous variable volume, tone DICTAPHONE and speed. Fast forward and fast rewind. Separate erase Typer 100-4,000 head. Safety interlocks. Printed circuit amplifier. Four CORPORATION Re producing pole capacitor motor. Complete with power cable, foot cycles 730 Third Avenue Machine or hand control, choice of hearing devices. Dimensions: 3½H h., ll•9/16H w., 9¾H d. Weight: 12 lbs. This ma• Ne w York 17, $376.30 chine is also the key component of the AIMO message• N. Y. control playback unit for conveying instructions to manufacturing workers. For more information write Dictaphone.

Five•channel recorder that permits simultaneous record• ing of four communication and one time•signal channel Dlctatape on a standard ¼ H magnetic tape. Up to 16 hours con• 300-2,700 Continuous tinuous unattended recording. Speed: l¼ ips. Instant cycles ( ± 3 db) start and stop. Six motors. Separate reproduce heads and Recorder at 1 7/ a H / sec. amplifier provide playback on either unit while record• $3400.00 ing. Automatic safeguards prevent accidental erase. Har• monic distortion : 5% or less at 1,000 cps. Flutter: lo/o. Past forward and rewind.

A unique concept in magnetic tape transcribing equip· ment. Tape speed is continuously variable between two• tenths and thirty ips. Can play back any ¼ H magnetic tape recorded on American or European tape recorders. Transcribe r depends Passages may be rapidly scanned or slowed down by Mode l K-3 on tape Oicking a switch which doubles or halves the selected $1, 100 spe ed speed. Automatic back•spacing. Single channel, in•line or staggered stereo tapes can be played. Poot pedal con· EDUCATIONAL trol for stopping, starting and rewinding. Signal•to•noise LABORA­ ratio: better than 40 db. Wow and Outter: less than 0.5%. Weight, 46 lbs. Dimensions: 14H x 19H x 5¼H. TORIES, INC. Portable, two speed, two channel recorder with single 1048 Potomac St., knob•control tap e mechanism. Two separate record/ re• N.W. 70•7,SOO produce amplifiers and two separate record•play•erase Washington 7, heads. Records or plays back both channels simultane• lducorder cycles at ously or records on one while playing back the other. D. C. Dual 7 ½ H/ sec. Monitoring by headphones while recording. Signal-to· Model M-6A noise ratio: 40 db. Wow and Butter: 0.3% at 7½H/sec. 70-S,oob Past forward and rewind, 70 sec. for 1200 ft. Nominal 75 $33S.OO cycles at watt peak power from each channel. Two input connec• 3 '/,/ / sec. tions. Three output connections: Channel 1, Channel 2 and Dual for binaural headphones. Includes headphones and microphone. Weight, 30 lbs.

Record: Transistorized professional miniature recorder. Speed: 30-14,000 7½ ips. Speed accuracy plus or minus 0. 5 o/o. Wow and Stellavox SM4 cycles ( ± 2 db) flutter: 0.4% PP. High frequency erase head in ferrite Portable al 7 ½ H/sec. and combined record/playback heaJ for half-track or full•track. Equalized either CCIR or NAB. Operates Recorder Playback: from rechargeable miniature dry cells. Operates three $399.00 60-14,000 hours per charge. Recording time 20 min. per reel (2/10 cycles ( ± 2 db) min.). Built,in monitor speaker. Reel compatibility with at 7 ½ H/aec. all pro machines. Dimensions, 2¾H x 4¼" x I0¼H. ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS Professional, dual speed recorder that operates at 15 and 7½ ips. Direct hysteresis syncbro motor drive. Timing 194 Richmond HIii accuracy: 0.2% or better. Unique constaot tape tension electronic servo system insures motor torque compensa· Avenue 30 Stamford, Conn. tion for tape reel and effective hub size differences. Push Portable 30- 15,000 button controls all functions. Remote all functions in• Recorder cycles ( + 1, - 2 db) eluding "cue" position. Signal to noise: 56 db. Wow and $1,375.00 at 15• / se c. Butter: 0.1%/0.15% PP. Tape time counter available. Independent pla_yback/record amplifiers and all circuits In caae use dual triode E 80 CC tube. Input 0. 5 to 4 volts bal• anced bridge. Output 0.7 to 4 volts balanced 200 ohms. Size: 20H h., 13¼H w., 12¾H d. Weight: 66 lbs. in wooden case. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com 10 .4.UDIO RECORD

Frequency Data Manufacturer Model and Price Response Portable, professional, completely transistorized unit 30-15,000 available as Model B with three speeds (3¾, 7Y.z., and Nagra Ill I & E cycles 15 ips) and as model E at 7½ ips. Types B and ~ con• tain three heads. Speed constancy: 0.1%. Wow and Portable I ± 1.5 db) flutter: 0.15% at 15 ips PP, or 0.2% PP at 7½ ips. Recorder at 15#/sec. Signal-to-noise ratio: H db or better. Meter for battery condition and level. Output: +6 at 600 ohms balanced. $675-$925 40-12,000 Self-contained monitor speaker. AGC automatic gain· depending on cycle• control for speech recording. All normal mike inputs plus ELECTRONIC mode l ( ± 1.5 db) 2 line mixers. Motor speed servo controlled. Operates at 7½H/ sec. from any 12 volt source or self-contained flashlight bat• APPLICATIONS teries. Accessories available. Fast forward and rewind. 194 Richmond HIii Semi•pro portable stereo, mono unit. Two speeds: 3¾ Ave nue 40-12,000 cycle1 and 7½ ips. Three motors; separate recording and play· Stamford, Conn. ( ± 2 db) back amplifiers; wow and flutter at 7½ ips: 0.20% RMS. Re vox D-365 Signal,to·noise ratio: 50 db; two cathode follower out· 15,000 cycles Stereo puts; 6 watt internal push•pul! monitor channel; SH coax (-3 db) Portable speaker; push-button solenoid operation; magic eye re• at 7 ½H/1ec. cording level; tape counter; end of taye switch-off; $429.00 remote control of selected modes; up to 10 reels. Dimen• 50-8,000 cycles sions: 18H h., llH w., 13½H d. Weight: 43 lbs. at 3 ¼ H/sec. Accessory: compatible 6 watt push•pull amplifier/ speaker in portable case for full stereo monitorini:. Professional language laboratory recorder, dual track, MONITOR unique "split" amplifier performs simultaneous playback 2-Channel and recording function on separate tracks, distinctive Portable in aural/oral laboratory work. Selector switch modes for Model E-3 listen/record, dual playback, master record, master play, $297.08 50-6,500 cycles duplicate. Volume level meter. Separate record/play heads with azimuth adjustment. Bias: 60KC. Signal-to• Mode l E-3C ( ± 3 db) noise ratio: 4 5 db or over at 3 % harmonic djstortion. ELECTRONIC Console at 3 ¼ #/sec. Model E-3C for console mounting, all components $280.07 mounted on ¾" aluminum panel, size 19 x 11 x 5¾, TEACHING Model E-3CS weight 15 lbs. Special feature: multiple installations have LABORA­ Console remote control tape duplication facility. Model E·3CS is $273.05 same as Model E•3C except for omission of master record TORIES, INC. and master play selector switch modes. 1811 M St., N.W. Washington 6, D. C. MONITORET Language laboratory recorder, dual _parallel tracks - a 2-Channel "stripped-down" version of Monitor E•3 with same char• Re corder as above acteristics except only two selector switch modes for Mode l E-4 listen/ record and dual playback. Model B-4C for console mounting. $247.00

f .M.I, 50-7,000 Battery•operated recorder manufactured by Electrical fi lottery Portable cycles ( ± 2db) Musical Industries, Ltd. of England. Accommodates r E.M.I. $395.00 at 15# / sec. reels and requires no external power source. Signal-to• noise, better than 45 db unweighted, when replayed on Sole U.S. Age nts Mode l L2A 50-5,000 hi§_h quality studio eq'-!ipment. Wow, less than 0.2% at ERCONA CORP. 13 i/4 lp1) cycles I ± 2 db) 15 /sec., 0.25% at '7½H/sec. and 0.3% at 3¾"/sec. at 7 ½ H/1ec. 16 W. 46th St. Mode l L21 Separate recording and playback heads and amplifiers for (7½ lps) morutoring and instantaneous playback. VU meter for Ne w York 36, 50-2,500 recording level. Manually operated geared rewind device Ne w York Mode l L2C cycles ( ± 2 db) to conserve battery life. Operates with cover closed. ( 15 fps) at 3i;4 HI sec. Wejght, 14½ lbs. complete. Transistorized portable that operates ue to 100 hours on Stu.ul 4 flashlight batteries. Dual speed (I¼ and 3¾#), dual ERCONA Magnett• track. T wo motors: capstan motor electronically con· Portable trolled. Magic•eye record level indicator. Battery condi· CORPORATION 50-9,000 cycle• tion indicators. Push-button controls: stoe_, record, re• Recorder at 3i; H / sec. play, fast forward, fast reverse, and pause. Record safety 16 W . 46 St. 4 $269. 50 60-4,000 cycles button prevents accidental erasure. Three-digit counter. Ne w York 36, Wow and Butter approximates professional standards. Carrying at 1 7/ # / sec. N. Y. 1 Inputs: microphone, radio, pickup or telephone adaptor. Case $17.50 Output: built-in speaker, outside amplifier, earphone connections. Size: 11 H h., 4½" w., 8" d. Wejght: 8 lbs. Profeulonal Magnett• $369.50 Professional Magnette is professional version of above.

Portable dual track tape recorder, self-contained recharge• FAMOUS able batteries. Rewind electric. No batteries to replace. Privatee r to 3,500 Battery charger separate unit but included in price. Units MODEL may be operated in covert fashion in briefcase from CO., INC. Mark VIII cycles at external concealed switch and making use of external $379.00 1 7/1 "/sec. concealed microphone. Available accessories include in• Melbourne, Fla. put level indicator, headset, external microphone, tele· phone recording adaptor. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com October, 1959 11

Frequency Manufacturer Model and Price Dato Response

Portable dual track rccurdc:rs with completely self• contained battery powered tape transport, amplifier and speaker for playback. Rechargeable battery cycle up to 777 FAMOUS eight hours depending on tape speed. Has self•contained Serles to battery recharger. May be operated on 110 AC. Rewind MODEL Battery cps at is electric: speed 10 to I. ·Maximum reel size, r. May Portables be operated with door open or closed. Monitors while CO., INC. 3,500 • 1'/1 " / sec. recording. Inputs for microphone and headphone moni• 6,000 - 3 3/ "/sec. Melbourne, Fla. 4 toring. Crystal or ceramic microphone included. Acces• 12,000 - 7½"/sec. sories include snap·on retractable legs, canvas carryin~ Tapo Mode l 777 (blue) $295.00 case and shoulder strap. Weight 21 lbs. Size 6" x 10 Traveler Model 777-1 (brown) 298.50 X 15". Tempo Mode l 777-2 (gray) 314.00

30-15,000 cycles ( ± 3 db) Three•speed tape decks for monaural and stereophonic FEN-TONE Fen-Tone at 15"/sec. record/playback, with three•motor drive. All mount up lrenell to four heads with individual azimuth adjustment. Cap· CORP. 50-12,000 stan•sleeve speed change. Dual half•track operation for Mark IV cycles ( ± 3 db) 106 Fifth Ave. up to 7" reels. Two•knob control, fully interlocked. W ow Tape Deck at 7 ½"/ sec. and flutter, less than 0. 2%. Fast forward and rewind, New York 11, 50-6 , 500 45 sec. for 1200 ft. Monaural deck can be converted to New York Mark IV (monaural) Mark IV/ I (stereo) cycles ( ± 3 db) stereo or sound•on•sound recording by installing addi· $144.47 $182.87 at 3 ¼ " / sec. tional heads. Can be used with PRO•2 amplifier.

Custom Dual-speed, dual•track recorders for portable or custom• Installation installation, manufactured by British Ferrograph Re• corder Co., Ltd. of London. Accommodates up to 8¼" Model 66/ N 40-15,000 reels. Signal•to•noise ratio, better than SO db, 200· 12,000 (3¼-7½ lps) cycles ( ± 2 db) cps; 45 db unweighted (including hum). Wow and flut• $399.50 at 15"/ sec. ter less than 0.2% at 7½" / sec. Longterm speed stability, Mode l66/ H better than 0.5%. Erase and Bias frequency, n,000 cps. (7½-15 lps) 50-10,000 Inputs: Two; 1 megohm and 0.1 megohm respectively. $445.00 cycles ( ± 2 db) Outputs: Two; 0.75 volts at 0.1 megohm for external amplifier; 15 ohms at 2½ watts (undistorted). 3 motors Portable (Illustrate d) at 7½"/sec. including hysteresis synchronous drive. Includes ..Ferr o• Mode l 4A/ N Model 4A/ NH dexer" counter, clock type with zero setting. Master (33/4-7½ lps) (7½-15 lps) control switch for permanent inputs and outputs. $399.50 $445.00 Weight: 45 lbs.

Stereo Model 4S/ N (3¼-7½ lps) Model 4S - data on this model identical with 3A Series FERROGRAPH $49S.OO above ex~ept for addition of stereo playback. Signals Stereo from stacked stereo head may be fed into external dual RECORDER Model 4S/ H as above amplifiers via an chain for each section or to CO., LTD. (7½ -15 lps) a ..Stere•ad .. unit which provides all power output for $520.00 stereo replay requiring only a suitable speaker system. "Stare-ad" Unit Weights: Model 4S: 49¾ lbs. "Stere•ad" unit: 12½ lbs. $ 195.00

Portable recorders for stereo recording and playback Mode l 808/ 2 manufactured by British Ferrograph Recorder Co., Ltd. Dual-track Stereo of London. Signal•to•noise ratio, better than 50 db, 200, and Monaural 40-15,000 12,000 cps; 45 db unweighted (including hum). Wow Record/ Playback cycles ( ± 2 db) and flutter, less than 0.2% at 7½" /sec. Longterm speed stability, better than 0. 5%. Erase and bias frequency, $595.00 at 15"/sec. 53,000 cp~ Accommodates up to 8¼" reels. Model 808/ 4 50-10,000 Twin recording amplifiers and twin replay preamps ter• Quarter-track Stereo minating at 3 milliwatts across 600 ohms (balanced). cycles ( ± 2 db) Switched VU level meter provides proper recording levels and Monaural at 7 ½ • / sec. for each track which is served by dual inputs ( 1 megohm Record/ Playback and 0.1 megohm 0.003 V peak and 0.1 V peak respec• $59S.00 tively). l ncludes "Ferrodexcr" counter, clock type with zero setting. Weight: 48 lbs.

Dual speed, dual track portable transistorized tape re• fl-CORD fl-Cord corder that operates on batteries. Speeds: 7½ and 17/4 distributed by ips. Uses 3 ½" reels that will record 36 minutes per track Monaural 50-10,000 at I¾ ips. Can be operated closed. Past rewind. Record, Kingdom Recorder cycles ( ± 3 db) ing level indicator; battery and motor indicator. Battery is Products Ltd. Mode l lA at 7 ½ "/sec. rechargeable. Inputs: microphone and radio/phono. Out• $330.00 put for external speaker. Wow and flutter: 0.4%. Noise S 14 Broadway level: 35 db. Dimensions: 91/s x 5 x 21/s. Weight: New York 12, N. Y. 4½ lbs.

FILNOR Transistorized portable recorder with variable speed con• trol. Operates on four type C flashlight batteries. Pl_ays PRODUCTS, Teltape ta 4,000 for 16 minutes with 3" reel containing 300 feet o( ¼" Recorder magnetic tape. Erase head can be swung out of the way INC. cycles $29.95 so that erase is optional. Instant braking, fast rewind, 101 West 31st St. automatic slack take•up. Plays back through headset fur, New York 1, N. Y. nished with recorder. Weight: 2 lbs. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com 12 AUDIO RECORD

Frequency Data Manufacturer Model and Price Reaponae

GBC GIC Stenamaster New dual track, dual speed Italian portable recorder. AMERICA Dictating/ 75-7,500 Speeds: 3¾ and l¼. "Picture" push buttons for fast CORP. Transcribing rewind, playback, stop, record, fast forward. Magic eye cycles at volume indicator. Built-in . Undistorted 89 franklin Street Re corde r 3 ¾ "/sec. power output: 2½ watts. Two hours maximum record• New Yark 13, $159.S0 ing time. Size in case: 5½ x 10 x 11. Weight: 10 lbs. New Yark Includes GCT transport, HTH head assembly and RPA amplifier to record and playback half•track monophonic. GCT transport: high current silicon diode power supply; 30-30,000 three speeds, H, 7½, 3¾ ips (others available). Differ• cycle• ( ± 2 db) ential magnetic brakes, magnetic payoff, and two•position at 15H/ sec. magnetic torque takeup. Up to l0½H reels. Fast forward and rewind: 34 sec./ 1200 feet of tape. Forced air cool· 20-20,000 ing and adjustable microsync timing. Maximum wow and cycles ( ± 2 db) flutter: 0.06% at 15 ips, 0.09% at 7½ ips, 0.18% at 3¾ ips. Timing accuracy: 99.5% for pole motor, 99.9% foi: at 7 ½ H/sec. synchronous motor. 30-11,000 HTH head assembly is half-track monophonic. RPA amplifier: has two high impedance input channels; cycles ( ± 3 db) mike or phono and mike or play; bass and treble boost; INTERNA­ at 3 ~/4 •/sec. recording bias check; tbree•speed record play equaliza• TIONAL Gold Crown Model GCP " Crown Prince" tion; VU meter. Hum and noise: 60 db below - H db Half-track Monophonic Re corder $445.00 input on mike channel and 75 db below - 20 db input RADIO AND on phono channel. ELECTRONICS Includes GCT transport (described above), PSH head CORPORATION assembly, two RPA amplifiers (described above), SXA Gold Crown Madel GCR amplifier, for stereo record/playback to speaker outputs. South 17th St. " Crown Royal" PSH head assembly is for two•track in•line stereo. & Mishawaka Rd. Dual-track Stereo SXA amplifier; is two 30-watt power amplifiers on the as above same chassis; separate and · master gain controls; push• Elkhart, Recorder $885.00 pull EL 37 tubes; silicon diode power supply; fixed Ind. SXA amplifier alone bias; l volt input for 30-watt output. Distortion: less $190.00 than 0.2% harmonic and 0.3% in at 30 watt output. Maximum hum and noise: 80 db below 30-watt output. Output impedances: 4, 8, and 16 ohms.

Gold Crown Model GCSX " Stereo X" as above Same as "Crown Royal" but without SXA amplifier. Re• Dual-track Stereo Recorder $695.00 cords and plays stereo to cathode follower outputs.

Gold Crown Includes GCLPT transport, PSH head assembly (de• Madel GCV scribed under "Crown Royal" above) , two RPA ampli• "Crawn Vanguard" fiers (described under "Crown Prince" abon) and SR as above speed reducer for 11/a ips. Dual-track GCLPT transport has the same speci1ications as the GCT Stereo Recorder (described under "9rown Prince" above) except that $810.00 it has provision for 14# reels.

Model 100 Se rles WITH fOIIMICA CASE A series of tape recorders for both stereo and monaural Mecha,,lcol Unit and Stereo Recorders recording and playback. Two speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. "'•-only $469,95 Separate channel balance controls. Master level control. Speaker Amplifier 40-15,000 $159.95 Individual VU meters for each channel. Pour inputs: WITH POITAIU CASE cycles at two microphone-high impedance unbalance; two high Mecha,,lcal Unit -d 7½ • / ■ e c . level auxiliary for tuner, phono, tape. Outputs: two cath• P••- only $449,95 Speolter Ampllfler ode follower, unbalanced. Binaural monitor phone jack. only S129,95 50-7,500 Recording indicator. W ow and flutter: less than 0.3%. WITHOUT CASE cycles at Signal•to•noise ratio: more than 48 db. Distortion: 1% Mechanlcol Ulllt at 10-watt output. Formica cases available in walnut, only $255.00 3i;4 "/ se c. l're-arnp only $165.00 blond and teak finishes. Add $H for synchronous motor Mechmllcol Unit Rlld available for all models except the mechanical unit and Pr••-P only $419.95 pre•amp in portable case. Single unit recorder and for rack or portable 50-15,000 mounting. Two•speed, single-track, with capstan speed MAGNECORD, cycles ( ± 2 db} change and hysteresis synchronous motor drive. Signal• at 15"/ ■ ec. to•noise, 50 db unv,,eighted. Flutter, 0.3%. Rewind time, INC. 40 sec. for 1200 ft. Erase and record/playback heads. 50-10,000 VU meter for record and playback level. Phone jack for P.O. lax 7186 Magnecar cycles ( ± 2 db} monitoring. Microphone and unbalanced bridging inputs. Tulsa, Okla. 600 ohm balanced or unbalanced line output. Weight: Recorder and Preamp. with Ca ■ e $415.00 at 7½"/sec. Without Case $385.00 40 lbs. in case. Professional portable for sound•on•sound stereo or Model 728 monaural record/playback. Speeds: either 15 and 7½ Stereo•ttereo 30-18,000 ips or 7½ and 3¾ ips. Hysteresis synchronous motor. Re corder cycles ( ± 2 db) Electrical pay-off and take•up torques. Push-button con• $759.00 at 15"/ sec. trols. Tape position indicator. Can be supplied with full track, half track or stereo heads. Two VU meters. Sepa• Stereo-stere o 40-15,000 rate record and playback amplifiers. Individual controls Recorder cycles ( ± 2 db} for record gain and master gain: Timing accuracy: ± 3 with Fourth Head at 7½ • / sec. seconds in 30 minutes. Signal•to•noise ratio: better than ( ¼ track) H db per channel. Wow and Rutter: 0.1 % at 15 ips, $800.00 50-10,000 cycles ( ± 2 db) 0. 15 % at 7½ ips. Output: cathode follower. Input: two Case for either high impedance and two unbalanced bridges, two low im• at 3i;4 H/sec. of above $50.00 pedance with plug-in transformer. Panel siz:e: 17½ H x 13 " x 12". Weight: 50 lbs. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com Oclober, 1959 13

Frequency Monufocturer Model and Price Data Response

Model N35- 1 Recorder and 8•watt power amplifier in composite carry• Four Pole Motor ing case. Tape speeds 7½ and 3¾ ips by capstan change. $299.95 Exte nded range Phone jack on front panel for monitoring. H igh im• Model NS35-1 pedance microphone Curnished. High and low impedance Hyste r esl1 to 12,000 cycles outputs for feeding external system. Printed circuit rec· Synchronous ord amplifier. Interlock prevents accidental tape erasure. Motor 6" x 9H speaker. Illuminated VU meter. Panel size 8½n x $349.95 l r. Weight: 40 lbs. Half•track heads standard.

Portable, two•speed, single•track recorder witb speed• Magnecord PT6-6A change switch and hysteresis synchronous drive motor. Monaural Recorder Signal•to•ooise, 50 db unweighted. Flutter: 0.3% at 15"/sec., 0.4% at 7½"/sec. Rewind time, 40 sec. for Without Ca,e 50- 15,000 1200 ft. with automatic tape lift. Erase and record/play• Recorder $375 cycles ( ± 2 db) back beads. VU meter for bias, record and playback Amplifier $265 at 15H/ sec. level. Monitoring by 5H speaker and phone jack from tape or input. 10 watt power amplifier. Microphone and Add $30 for case 50-7,500 unbalanced bridging inputs. 4 and 16 ohm power out• cycles ( ± 2 db) puts, 600 ohm line output. at 7 ½n/ ,ec. Magne cord PT61A2HZ Stereo Recorde r vers.ion of above. Same specifications Without Case except for three speeds ( 15, 7½, 3 ¾ ips) with capstan Recorder $450 Amplifier $495 change, 48 db signal•to•noise ratio, and interchannel Add $45 for case calibration circuit.

Magnecord P75 Rack-mounted or portable full-track recorder with 10½" Tape Tr,an,port reel capacity. Direct drive hysteresis synchronous motor. with case $575 Pusb•button controls, instantaneous start and stop, fail• 40- 15,000 safe brakes and tape break control. Signal•to•noise, 55 without case $535 cycle s C± 2 db) db unweighted. Flutter: 0.2% at 15"/sec., 0.25% at Amplifie r at 15n / sec. 7½H/sec. Rewind time, 100 sec. for 2400 ft. Timing with case $305 accuracy, ±3 sec. in 30 min. Separate erase, record and without case $265 40-12,000 playback heads. VU meter for bias, record and playback MAGNECORD, cycles ( ± 2 db) level. Adjustable bias and high-speed cueing control. at 7 1/, "/sec. Microphone and unbalanced bridging inputs. Phone jack INC. Magnecord Ste reopho nic P75 for monitoring from tape or input. 600 ohm unbalanced Tape Transport Tape Transport with line output. For recorders with 50•cycle operation, P. 0. lox 7186 with case $695 Matched Amplifie rs add $75. Tulsa, Okla. without case $655 without case $1, 185

Tape transport mechanism similar to above, but designed Magnecord 50-15,000 for use with P73·J amplifier instead of P75•C, permitting P73 (Other models cycles ( ± 2 db) conversion of existing equipment to new, improved per• Tape Transport formance standards. Signal•to•noise, 50 db unweighted. avallable) with ca•e $575 at 15n/ sec. without ca,e $535 Microphone input, 50 to 250 ohms balanced or unbal· 50-10,000 anced. Unbalanced bridge input. Monitoring by 5" Ampllfier cycles ( ± 2 db) speaker and phone jack from tape or input. Amplifier, 600 ohm balanced line output, 4 or 16 ohm, 10 watt with case $390 ot 7½"/sec. without ca,e $345 speaker output. For recorders with 50-cycle operation, add $75.

Magnecord M90 Tape Tran,port Portable, professional-type two speed recorder/ amplifier with case $995 units, also available in console cabinet mounting. Elec• without Cate $935 trically interlocked push•hutton controls. Direct•drive hysteresis synchronous motor. Separate erase, record a!ld Ampllfier 30-15,000 playback heads - interchangeable assemblies for full with case $390 cycles ( ± 2 db) track, half•track or instrumentation. Instantaneous start witho ut case $360 at 15" / sec. and stop, automatic tape lift. Separate record and play• Recorder/ Amp. back amplifiers for simultaneous monitoring from tape. with case $1375 30-15,000 High speed cueing control. Signal•to•noise, 58 db un• without ca,e $ 1285 cycles ( ± 4 db) weighted. Flutter: 0.1 o/o at l 5" /sec., 0.15% at 7½n/ sec. Rewind time, 55 sec. for 2400 ft. VU meter fo"r bias, Recorder/ Amp. and Console Cabinet, $ 1450 at 71/, •/sec. record and playback level. 50 or 250 ohm balanced or unbalanced microphone input, balanced or unbalanced Magnecord Ste reophonic M90 bridge input. Line output, 600 ohms balanced or Record/ Amplifiers Tape Transport unbalanced. with case $2165 with cose $14 55 without cose $2035 without case $ 1385

A long term storage recorder that is completely auto• 50-10,000 matic in operation. This single channel, two-speed, rec• Magne cord cycles ot ord/ playback machine is designed to operate continu• 817DL 7'/, H / sec. ously for at least 8 hours ( 14H reels - 4800 feet of tape). Long Term To avoid any loss of recording information, tbe erase Record Unit 50-5,000 head has been eliminated. Will record and playback one $1814 cycles o t track in the left•to•right direction, automatically reverse, 3 ¾"/,ec. record and replay the second track in the other direction. It will start and stop on voice signals. AUDIO R.ECORD 14 The COMPLETE LINE of professional quality AUDIOTAPE

Description Type No.• l ength Reelt list Price

151 150 fl. 3" Plastic $ 0.70 PLASTIC-BASE AUDIOTAPE 351 300 ft. 4" Plastic 1.35 on 1 ½ -mll cellulose acetate 651 600 ft. 5" Plastic 2.25 ( In the Red lox) 1251 1200 ft. 7" Plastic 3.50 Meets the most exacting requirements of the 2551H 2500 fl. NARTB Hub 8.50 2551 R 2500 fl. 10½" Aluminum 10.90 professional, educational and home recordist at 1 minimum cost. Known the world over for its *2551FS 2500 fl. 10 /2 " Fiberglass 10.90 matchless performance and consistent uniform 5051 H 5000 ft. NARTB Hub 17.00 quality. Series 51. 5051 R 5000 II. 14" Aluminum 22.10

AUDIOTAPE ON 1 ½ •Mil MYLAR* 671 600 ft. 5" Plastic 4.10 7" Plastic 6.65 (In the Green lox) 1271 1200 fl. 2571H 2500 fl. NARTB Hub 12.10 A premium-quality professional tape that pro- 2571R 2500 fl. 10½" Aluminum 14.50 vides the utmost in mechanical strength and *2571 FS 2500 ft. 10½" Fiberglass 14.50 immunity to temperature and humidity. Will 5071H 5000 "· NARTB Hub 24.20 not dry out or embrittle with age. Series 71. 5071R 5000 fl. 14" Aluminum 30.20 • Ou Pont Trod• Mork

261 225 ft. 3" Plosti c in Self-Mailer Pkg. 1.00 "LR" LONGER-RECORDING AUDIOTAPE 961 900 It. 5" Plastic 3.60 on t -mll " Mylar" 1861 1800 fl. 7• Plastic 6.20 ( In the Black-and-Red lox) 3661H 3600 ft. NARTB Hub 12.00 50¼ more recording time per reel. The strong, 3661R 3600 ft. 10½" Aluminum 14.40 super-durable polyester film base assures *3661FS 3600 f t. 10½" Fiberglass 14.40 trouble-free operation even under severe con- ditions of heat and humidity. Series 61. 7261 H 7200 It. NARTB Hub 24.00 7261 R 7200 ft. 14" Aluminum 30.00

PLASTIC-BASE " LR" AUDIOTAPE 941 900 fl. 5" Plastic 3.50 on 1 -mll cellulose acetate 1841 1800 fl. 7" Plastic 5.50 ( In the Blue lox) 3641H 3600 ft. NARTB Hub 10.00 3641R 3600 f t. 10½ • Aluminum 12.85 50% more recording and playback time on low- 364 1FS 3600 ft. 10½" Fiberglass 12.85 cost 1-mil cellulose acetate base, a ffording maxi- 7241H 7200 ft. NARTB Hub 20.00 mum economy for applications where high 7241 R 7200 f t. 14" Aluminum 26.00 strength is not required. Series 41.


Item Type No.• Description list Price

AUDIOTAPE IN THE SNAP-LOAD CARTRIDGE on 1 -mll " Mylar" 560 II. in twin-hub Strong super-durable polyester film base Audio­ C560 $4.50 tape in new cartridge that has two hubs en­ snap-lood .. cartridge closed in dust-resistant plastic maga1.ine for easy handling and loading. Series 60.

COLORED PLASTIC-BASE AUDIOTAPE G REEN BLUE LENGTH REEL -- on 1 ½ -mll cellulose acetate ( In same box 01 above 151G 151B 150 fl. 3• Plastic .70 with label for color) 351G 351B 300 ft. 4" Plastic 1.35 Green and blue colored Audiotape, in conjunc­ 651G 651B 600 ft. 5" Plastic 2.25 tion with the standard red-brown tape, provide 1251G 1251B 1200 ft. 7" Plastic 3.50 instant visual identification of recorded selec• 2551HG 2551HB 2500 ft. NARTB Hub 8.50 i>1 tions spliced into a single reel (as shown) - 2551RG 2551RB 2500 ft. 10½ • Aluminum 10.90 •I . - permit fast and easy color cueing and color f 2551 FSG f 2551FSB 2500 ft. 10½ • Fiberglass 10.90 coding. Eliminate need for identifying leaders 5051HG 5051 HB 5000 fl. NARTB Hub 17.00 between selections. 5051RG 5051RB 5000 ft. 14" Aluminum 22.10

3PB 3" Plastic Reel in Box .25 4PB 4" Plastic Reel in Box .45 .60 EMPTY AUDIOTAPE REELS 5PB 5" Plastic Reel in Box 7PB 7" Plastic Reel in Box .75 V IN INDIVIDUAL BOXES l0RB 10½" Aluminum Reel in Box 4.00 l0FS 10½" Fiberglass (RETMA) in Box 4.00 14RB 14" Aluminum Reel in Box 7.40 10H NARTB Metal Hub .70

www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com October, 1959 15 -The World's Finest Magnetic Recording Tape

Description Type No.* l e ngth Reelt list Price

SUPER-THIN AUDIOTAPE on ½ •mll "Mylar" (In the Ye llow lox ) 1231 1200 ft. 5" Plastic $ 3.50 Twice as much recording time per reel as stand­ 2431 2400 fl. 7" Pla stic 6.50 ard plastic-base tape. Suitable for extended­ play applications where tape tension is not ex­ cessive. Series 31.

SUPER-THIN AUDIOTAPE Sl.fll lll' a,edictnpe on "Tempere d" "Mylar" .... ,a..P1Ul9:0 flly1.,. (In the Ye llow-and-Re d lox ) 1231T 1200 fl. 5" Plastic 4.75 Twice as much recording time per reel as 2431T 2400 fl. 7" Plastic 8.75 standard plastic-base tape, and is twice as 4831T-R 4800 fl. 10½" Aluminum 20.50 stro"ng as other double-length tapes. Will not t4831 T-FS 4800 ft. 10½" Fiberglass 20.50 stretch or break on any tape recorder - will not dry out or embrittle with age. Series 31T.

MASTER LOW PRINT-THROUGH • AUDIOTAPE 651-M 600 f t. 5" Plastic 2.75 on Plastic lase 1251-M 1200 fl. 7" Plastic 4.30 2551H-M 2500 ft. NARTB Hub 9.80 The finest, professional-quality recording tape. 2551 R-M 2500 f t. 10½" Aluminum 12.50 Base material, l ½-mil acetate. Maximum fidel­ t2551 FS-M 2500 fl. 10½" Fiberglass 12.50 ity, uniformity, frequency response and freedom 5051H-M 5000 fl. NARTB Hub 19.55 from noise and distortion.. ... Plus low print• 50S1R-M 5000 fl. 14" Aluminum 26.00 through. Series SIM.

MASTER LOW PRINT-THROUGH AUDIOTAPE 671-M 600 ft. 5" Plostic 4.60 on 1 ½ •mll "Mylar" 1271-M 1200fl. 7" Plastic 7.70 Super-durable tape that meets highest stand­ 2571H-M 2500 ft. NARTB Hub 14.00 ards of performance. Withstands extreme tem­ 2571R-M 2500 ft. 10½'" Aluminum 16.40 beratures and is virtually immune to humidity. t2571 FS-M 2500 ft. 10½ • Filierglass 16.40 Gixes maximum tape life under any conditions. . . . Plus low print-through. Serii::s 71M.

• Type Numbers llsted cover red oxide wound on reel with OXfDE IN. For tope wound one color. To desi9note color of rHI (R•d, Yellow, GrHn or Blu•l odd l•llus ··u·· with Oxide Out, change lost digit of Type No. from .,1" to ••o." E.g. Audiotape and "'YR," "'GR"' or '"BR"" to Typ• No. list~. E.9. Type 125IYR cov•rs 1200 f•et 1250 co••n 1200 ft. rHI of plastic bos• lope wound with Oxide Out. of standard plostic-bos• top• on Y•llow RHI. Type 1251GBR cov•n 1200 f•et of Grffn t COLORED PLASTIC REELS. Audiotape on 5" and 7" plastic rHh con b• suppll~ on plostic.-bose tape on Blue Rffl. colored reel, ot no Increase in price when ordered Jn lots of 30 reels or more of ony $ "FS"' In Type No. indicotes Fib•raloss rffl with solid hub and 5/16" center hole.

Audio Accessories

Type list Ite m Ite m Type list No. Price No. Price

CORRUGATED MAILING BOXES 5M $.15 AUDIO HEAD DEMAGNETIZER Strong, re-usable containers for 5", 7" and 7M .20 Removes all permanent IO½" reels. 10M .30 from recording and reproducing 400 $10.00 RECORDING HEAD CLEANER heads in a matter of seconds. Includes 7-foot cord and is individually boxed. Especially formulated for use on recording lHC .65 heads. Contains silicone solvent. Superior to car• bon tetrachloride. One-ounce bottle with brush. AUDIO SELF-TIMING LEADER TAPE AUDIO HEAD ALIGNMENT TAPE Pre-recorded at 2,000, 10,000 and 15,- A strong, durable leader 000 cps (15" /sec.) with precisely cor• 200 10.00 tape of white "Mylar" ma­ reel head alignment. Each box contains terial with spaced markings 3l .SS 300 ft. on a 4 • reel and instructions. lo permit accurate rate time of leader intervals. Each box contains 100 feet, how to make Clothbound ¼" wide. GOOD TAPE RECORDINGS ADHESIVE REEL LABELS This handbook of tape recording con• Provide positive identification of your tapes 30Al .20 tains up-to-the-minute information of in­ right on the reel. Simply press to apply, pull terest and practical value to every tape off to remove. Envelo e of 30, 2" x ½" labels. recordist. Profusely iJlustrated with pho­ Paperbound AUDIO ECHORASER tographs, charts and diagrams prepared ± A new instrument for the instantaneous re­ especially for this book, it contains 150 moval of print-through (magnetic echo) from 500 12.50 pages of valuable information on all 15P 1.50 recorded tape during playback. Easy to use and phases of modern tape recording. inetall. Complete instructions provided. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com 16 AUDIO RECORD

Frequency Manufacturer Model and Price Data ResponH Dual recorder-reproducer permitting simultaneous re• cording on two channels, or simultaneous playback of "master" channel and simultaneous recording on "stu• Synchrot ane dent" channel; or simultaneous playback of "master" as well as "student" channel. Speeds: 3¾ and 7½ ips. Two Dual Language ta 10,000 record-play safety lights. Concealed selector switch for Recorder cycles at recording on "master" channel ( makes student erasure Model 68-DL 7 ½ "/sec. of "master" impossible). Inputs: external line and micro• phone. Two outputs for headphones. Single volume con• $295.00 trol for both channels. Shut-off switch for external line. Single knob control; beltless drive. Automatic safety switch prevents accidental erasure during rewind; auto• matic shut•off switch; footage index counter. Master distribution amplifier complete with mechanism. Less than ½% total harmonic distortion at Madel MDA 8 watts. T otal power output 10 watts. Complete with master meter system measuring proper output signal Tape Player/ being fed into student positions. Sufficient capacity to Ampllfler as above handle up to 200 student positions. Separate bass and $250.00 treble controls. Three position selector switch permitting instant flipover from tape to living voice (microphone) or to external source (phonograph, shortwave radio, e~c. ). Complete with 14" x 18" master panel. Dual magnetic tape recorder-reproducer for simultaneous recording on two channels of magnetic tape; or simul• taneous playback of "master" channel and simultaneous recording on '"student" channel; or simultaneous play• back of '"master" as well as '"student" channel. Two MAGNETIC speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. Built-in electronic mixer ana• RECORDING Model 65 lyzer permits student to listen to "master" off magnetic Synchrotone tape as he speaks into microphone. Built-in electronic INDUSTRIES mixer for automatically mixing external "master" with Dual Language as above student's microphone and automatic recording of both 126 Fifth Avenue Recorder- "master" and student's voice onto the student's tape. New York 11, Reproducer Concealed selector switch for recording on '"master" channel ( makes student erasure of "master" impossible), New York $250.00 and/or for preparation of tape duplicates through the laboratory system. Two inputs: external line and micro• phone. Two outputs for headphones (one for student, one for instructor). Single volume control for both channels. Single lever control for all functions: built·in tape lifter and pressure pad mechanism; azimuth adjust• ment for all heads. Dual magnetic tape•disc recorder•reproducer using standard ¼" tape as a master, and pregrooved magnetic Synchro-Magnetlcon Dual Tape-Disc to 10,000 (tape) disc, 9" diameter, as student's record•play medium; built·in electronic mixer analyzer permitting student to Recorder-Reproducer M odel ML-66, $295.00 to 6,000 (disc) listen to "master" off magnetic tape as he speaks into his miuophone, recording himself on magnetic disc as he progresses with the lesson. Tape speeds: 7½ and l¾ ips. Magnetic disc recorder-reproducer using pregrooved mag· Model44 netic disc, 9" diameter, indestructible, erasable, instantly Magnetlcon Linguist reusable. Rim drive mechanism employing four•pole M agnetic Disc motor with hum bucking shield. Built-in electronic mixer• Recorder­ analyzer permitting student to hear "master" and simul• Reproducer taneously hear his own voice from the microphone with $195.00 to 6,000 automatic recording of both the "master" and his voice cycles onto the student's magnetic disc. Instant playback of any M odel 45 or all of the recorded materials without need of stopping Magnetlcon of mechanism or rewind. Instant scanning across entire Examiner Dual M agnetic Disc recorded area. Split•a•word control permitting student to stop and start turntable from push•b~tton on r~mote am• Recorder­ plifier panel. Two inputs, external line and microphone. Reproducer Two outputs for headphone listening (one for student, $295.00 one for supervisor). Model 4 5 is dual version of above.

Model MC series multi•track language laboratory student listen•record•playback equipment. Designed for electronic classroom use with the Mark IV console. No equipment in student booth. System includes microphones and ear• phones of matching characteristics. to insure. optimum ROBERT C. Entire system sound reproduction. Fully automatic electronic volume balanced for control on each student track ( no manual controls). All MERCHANT transistor, plug in amplifiers with sealed circuits. Abso· language t eaching lute minimum of moving parts and no student operated 1702 Annandale and Road controls. Fully remote-control operation, record•play· speech correction rewind with automatic stop and auto cut•off. Built in Falls Church, requirements reliability for long, maintenance-free operatio~.. Pro· Virginia Custom Language Teaching Equipment tected against humidity and fungus growth. Minimum space and power requireme_nts. Negligible cross~alk. Pe~­ MC-16TA far 16 students, $10 ,500.00 mits the latest student testing techniques. Special prov1• ( Other model and price Information sions eliminate the need for head cleaning and reduce on request) wear. Meets military specifications. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com October, 1959 17

Frequency Dato Manufacturer Model and Price Response

METZNER Tape transport mechanism that records and plays stereo. Two speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. Half• or full•track erase. ENGINEERING Hysteresis synchronous motor. Flywheel loaded capstan CORP. Starllght " 120A" 40•15,000 drive. Index counter. Shielded head. Interlocked controls. Ste re o Tape Deck cycles ( ± 2 db) Wow and flutter under 0.18% at 7½ ips. Stereo head 1041 N. Sycamore at 7 ½"/sec. inductance 400 mhy. for high output voltage. Timing Avenue $ 189.S0 accuracy better than 0.2%. Signal•to•noise ratio: H db. Hollywood 38, Fast forward at l l.7' / sec. Connections to heads at sub• Callfornla mounted phono•type jacks.

MINICORD Miniature recorder for up to 2½ hours of continuous Mlnlcord CORPORATION 200-6, SOO recording. Will pick up voice conversation up to forty Pocket Recorder cycles feet away. Battery operated. No warm•up needed. Play· 1915 Atlantic Ave. back through conference amplifier. Dimensions: 4" h., $239.S0 Atlantlc City, N. J . 6" d., l½" w. Weight: 2 lbs.

Pocket tape recorder that instantly records and plays right back. VU meter for distortion control. No elec• tricity required. Battery life 12 to 50 hours. 6 transistors. Optional I battery operated, all transistor, palm size Mohawk "Mldge tape" amplifier S{)eaker. 4 5 minute cartridge-loaded tape. Three 50-10,000 Profeulonal 500 controls: On•Off, Play-Record and Volume. Wow and cycles at flutter: 0.3%. Signal•to•noise ratio, 48 db. Input 2,000 Pocket Tape 3 ¾ "/sec. ohms or less -.2mv to 3mv. Outputs: two -one I0mw Recorder at 2,000 ohms; two Zero VU at 600 ohms. Sockets: $359 .50 three - I input, 2 output sockets. Distortion: maximum recording level: 2%. Tape type: ¼" Mylar base, erase AC•20kc. Supplied with battery. Accessories available. Size: 8½" x 31/g" x 11/s". Weight: 3 lbs. MOHAWK BUSINESS Portable recorder. Instantly records and plays right back. No required. Battery life 12 to 50 hrs. 4 tran• MACHINES Mohawk sistors. I or l½ hr. cartridge-loaded tape. 3 controls: On•Off, Play•Record and Volume. Wow and flutter, less CORP. "Mldgetape" 300 150-5,500 cycles at than 0.7%. Signal•to·noise ratio, 42 db. Input, 2,000 944 Halley Street Pocket Tape ohms•one mv min. Output, 10 milliwatts at 2,000 ohms. 17/ "/sec. Brooklyn 33, N. Y. Recorder 1 Tape used: ¼" "Mylar" base, twin track. Supplied with battery. Optional internal transistorized louds~eaker. Ac• $249.50 cessories available. Size: 8½" x 31/g" x 11/s . Weight: 3 lbs.

Mohawk Midget recorder/playback unit with continuous-loop tape Message Repeater cartridges of from 15 to 240 seconds capacity. Repeats 200-5,500 message continuously or intermittently by external switch Record-Playback cycles ( ± 1 ½ db) control. No rewinding necessary. Neon bulb recording Unit $159.50 level indicator. Built•in 5" speaker. Output, 1.2 watts. at 3 i;/' I sec. Plug•in sockets for microphone, external start, external Message Rep eate r Junior amplifier or speaker. Overall size, 6½" x 5¾" x 5½". $99.50 Weight: 5¾ lbs. Numerous accessories available.

Model A·2 is new dual speed (7½ and 3¾ ips) portable Movlcorder A· 1 stereo recorder with hysteresis synchronous motor and MOVIC Monaural Record two induction type reel motors. Records, plays and eras'es Ste re o Playback stereo. Records sound on sound. Two VU meters. Knob COMPANY 4S-12,000 $495.00 controls. Wow and Butter: less than 0.18%. Signal-to• cycles ( ± 2 db) noise ratio: 50 db. Outputs: two cathode follower; two 738 22nd Street Movlcorde r A-2 at 7 ½ •/sec. internal or external speaker. Inputs: two radio, phono, Santa Monica, Stereo Record TV; two mike. Dimensions: 18" h., 16" w., 6½" d. Callfornla Weight: 44 11:is. and Playback Model A·l is monaural record, stereo playback version of $595.00 Model A•2. New two-channel stereo and monaural recorder that has NEWCOMB two speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. Records and plays back 30-15,000 stereo and monaural. Joy stick transport control. Syn• AUDIO cycles ( ± 2 db) Model 5M-310 chronous motor. Knob controls. Record interlock pre• PRODUCTS CO. at 7 ½ "/sec. vents accidental erase. Oversize brakes. Automatic shut• Stereo Recorder off switch. Four digit counter. Vacuum tube voltmeters 6824 Lexington $499.50 40-10,000 for record level. Flutter: less than 0.2% at 7½ ips, less Avenue cycles ( ± 3 db) than 0.25% at 3¾ ips. Signal•to•noise ratio: 50 db at 7½ Hollywood 38, at 3'/ "/sec. ips, 45 db at 3¾ ips. Inputs: two high level, two mike. 4 Outputs: one for each channel, one monitor. Dimensions: Callfornla 12¾" h., 16¾" w., 9½" d. Weight: 34 lbs. NORDMENDE 30-16,000 New German imported recorder with two speeds: 7½ and distributed by cycles ( ± 3 db) 3¾ ips. Push button controls with two editing keys. Re• Sterling NordMende cording control prevents accidental erase. Three-digit in• at 7 ½ "/sec. dex meter. Three•motor drive. Magic•eye level indicator. Hl-Ftdellty, Inc. Titan 40-10,000 Three speakers. Bass and treble controls with visual indi· 22-20 40th Ave. $389.95 cators. Inputs: mike, record, radio. Outputs: monitor, cycles ( ± 3 db) external speaker. Dimensions: 16½" h., 8" w., 15" d. long laland City 1, at 3¾"/sec. Weight : 33 lbs. New York www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com 18 AUDIO RECORD

Frequency Manufactu,., Model and Price Data Response New three-speed recorder for four-track stereo and four, 50-18,000 cycles track monaural record and playback. Speeds: 7½, 3¾ ot 7 ½ • / se c. and l ½ ips. Records sound on sound. Piano key con• Contlnentol "400" trots. Magic eye modulation indicator. Pour-digit pro• four-Track 60-14,000 cycles gram indicator. Signal•to•noise ratio: better than H db. Ste reo Recorder at 3 ¾ "/sec. Wow and Rutter: less than 0.3% at all three speeds. Inputs: one stereo mike; one stereo phono, radio; mixing $399.50 60•7,000 cycles of these two. Outputs: two sr,eaker, two amplifier, one at 1 7/ 1 • / sec. headphone. Dimensions: 8½' h., 18½" w., 15½" d. Weight: 55 lbs. Three-speed, dual track, push-button controlled portable Norelco 40-16,000 cycles recorder. Has "magic eye" volume indicator, piano•kei at 7 ½ "/,ec. controls. H ead has air gap of only 0.0002". Contains 5 NORTH "Continental" twin-cone speaker. Signal-to-noise ratio is 54 db. Wow AMERICAN Portable 50-8,000 cycles and flutter is 0.2% at 7½ ips, 0.3% at 3¾ ips, 0.35% at 11/s ips. Past forward and reverse: less than 2 minutes Recorder at 3 ¾ "/sec. Model EL 3516 for 1200 feet. Automatic stop at end of reel with metal• 60-4,500 cycles ized tape. Inputs: one radio/ phono, one microphone. CO., INC. $269.50 at 1 7/a "/sec. Outputs: one external speaker, one external amplifier. 230 Duffy Ave. Dimensions: 16" x 13" x 8". Weight: 30 lbs. Hlcksvllle, N. Y. Norelco 40- 16,000 cycles Stereo version of above. Same specifications as above "Contine ntal" at 7 ½ "/sec. except for following. Wow and flutter is 0.15% at 7½ Portable 50-10,000 cycles ips, 0.2% at 3¾ ips, 0.35% at 11/s ips. Five outputs: Stere o Recorder at 3 ¾ "/sec. three for external amplifiers, one for external speaker, Ampllfler/ Spe ake r Model EL 3516 G/ 73 60- 5,000 cycle, one for monitor. Second amplifier and speaker are in a $95.00 $299.50 at 1 7/a • / sec. matching cabinet. New dual track portable recorder for dictating and tran• Nare lco "35" scribing. Speed: 2 ½ ips. 3 5 minutes total recordKlg time. Dictating/ 300-3,000 Two heads: erase and record/playback. Controls for: Transcribing cycles record, playback, rapid review, fast wind, fast rewind, Machine at 2 ½ "/sec. stop, start, volume. Moving coil microphone doubles as loudspeaker. Many accessories available. Dimensions: 10" $179.50 h., 7½. w., 4" d. Weight: 8 lbs.

Concerto New portable recorder with two speeos: 7½ and 3¾ ips. Madel TR-10 Available as monophonic or four-track stereo version. Monophonic 40-11,000 Single lever control for play, record, fast forward, fast Re corde r cycles ( ± 3 db) rewind. Motor: 4•pole, shaded pole heavy duty. Separate $129.95 at 71/2 / sec. interlock. Neon type record level indicator. Speaker: 6" Concerto round PM extended range. Fast rewind: 7" reel in 90 Mode l TR-10S 40-7,000 seconds. Signal•to•noise ratio: 45 db. Flutter: under ~ r\ Ste reo Re corder cycles ( ± 3 db) 0.4% at 7½ ips. Inputs: one for mike; one for radio, I $159.95 at 3 ¾"/sec. TV, phono. Outputs: one for external amplifier or II Amplifier/ Speake r monitor; one for external speaker. Dimensions: 11 • h., $59.95 14" w., 17" d. Weight: 25 lbs. New dual•speed recorder system for stereo playback, monaural record/playback. Speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. Model TR-20 40-15,000 Single rotary control for play, record, fast forward, fast rewind. Interlock record button. Two volume control, two Aristocrat II cycles ( ± 3 db) at 7 ½ • / ,ec. tone controls. llluminated VU meter for record level. Monophonic Two detachable speaker cabinets, each containing two Re cord/ Playback 40-12,500 speakers. Signal•to•noise ratio: 52 db. Flutter: under Stereo Playback cycles ( ± 3db) 0.3% at 7½ ips. Inputs: one for mike or phono; one for THE radio, TV, phono. Outputs: two for external ampli6ers PENTRON $ 350.00 at 3 ¾ "/sec. or head phone monitoring; two for external speakers. Dimensions: 11¾" h., 22½" w., 15¾" d. Weight : CORPORATION 42 lbs. 777 South Tripp Triumph New dual-speed, push-button-operated portable recorder Avenue Model XP-60 available in both monophonic and stereo versions. Speeds: Chicago 24, Ill. Monophonic 40-15,000 7½ and 3¾ ips. Motor: 4•pole, shaded pole heavy duty. Re corde r cycles ( ± 3 db) Automatic interlock prevents accidental erase. Electron $219.95 at 7 ½ "/sec. beam record level indicator. Digital type index counter. Model XP-605 Speakers: one 4 x 6 oval (with built-in whiner cone) Stereo Recorder 40-12,500 and one 4 x 6 round. Signal•to•noise ratio: 52 db. Flut· $249.95 cycles ( ± 3 db) ter: under 0.3% at 7½ ips. I nputs: one for mike, one Companion at 3 ¾ • / sec. for radio, TV, phono. Outputs: one for speaker, one for Ampllfler / Speaker ampli6er. Dimensions: 6½ h., 12!/4" w., 13" d. Weight: $59.95 18 lbs. H ome stereo system that can play record and play back Emperor II 2· and 4•channel stereo, and monaural. Speeds: 7½ and Stereo Syste m 3¾ ips. "Finger Flite" single rotary control. Safety inter• lock record button. Dual pole erase head. Two 4" x 6" oval Model NL-4 40• 15,000 cycles speakers. (ES-2 speaker system contains six more.) Power Stereo Recorder at 7 ½ "/sec. output: 20 watts push-pull. Two electron recording beam $500.00 40-10,000 cycle s level indicators. Signal•to•noise ratio: 50 db. Wow and flutter: under 0.3% at 7½ ips. Index counter. Automatic at 3 ¾ •/sec. Model ES-2 shutoff. Inputs: one for microphone, one for radio/phono. Speaker System (Each jack has two input positions.) Outputs: two for external ampli6ers, two for external speakers. Dimen• $75.00 sions: 17" x 1r x 11·. W eight: 45 lbs. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com October, 1959 19

Frequency Manufacturer Model and Price Data ltesponH THE Series of magazine repeaters playing a regular loop for LP Magaalne R 28 minutes, Moebius loop for 55 minutes. Stopping by PENTRON Re peate r 40-7,000 voice operated relay activated by silence on tape between CORPORATION messages. When applicable, signal•to•noise ratio is 45 db, Mode l A· 1 $99.95 cycles at flutter is 0. 5%. A· l is complete with amplifier, speaker, 777 South Tripp Mode l A-2 $87.95 3 ¾#/sec. triggering circuit, casei handle. A-2 is same without trig· Mode l A-3 $79.95 Avenue gering circuit. A•3 inc udes pre-amp, case, handle. A·4 is Mode l A-4 $119.95 recorder/ playback, speaker, recorder indicator, micro• Chicago 24, Ill. phone, case, handle, magazine. Dual track, dual speed recorder for monaural record/ playback and stereo playback. Speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. PHILCO Push-button controls. Safety switch prevents accidental CORPORATION Model ST 300 40-15,000 erase. Pause control. Automatic shutoff. Index timer. Stereo Re corde r cycle s at Two internal speakers. Tuning eye recordini;: indicator.

Philade lphia 34, $249.95 7 ½ H / sec. W ow and flutter less than 0.5%. Inputs: one for micro• Pennsylvania phone, one for radio/phono. Outputs: one for external speaker, one for stereo speaker. Dimensions: 9½" x 15" x 14". Weight: 39 lbs.

PHONO-TRIX Variable speed transistorized West German portable tape Imparte d by Suitable recorder that operates on four flashlight batteries for 50 Mathew Stuart Phono-Trlx recording hours. Speeds variable from l to 8 ifs. Record• and Co., Inc. Re corder for voice ing time is 30 minutes on each track of 3• ree of tape at $69.95 r ecording l ips. Playback through microphone or speaker. Past 353 We st 54th St. rewind. Color•coded slide button operation. Dimensions: New York 19, 6½ x 4¾ x 3½, Weight: 5 lbs. in case. New Yortc Portable professional type three-speed dual track re• 30-18,000 corder. Three motors, including hysteresis synchronous drive motor. 41/iH VU meter. Push button operation PREMIER cycles ( ± 3 db. ) " Tapesonlc" at 15# / sec. using seven relays and one solenoid. Three separate ELECTRONIC Mode l 70-C heads, permitting instantaneous monitoring from tape while recording. A.B. switch permits comparison between LABORATORIES $398.75 30-15,000 cycles ( ± 3 db. ) original and recorded program. Flutter and wow 0.1% . Ste re ophonic Mixing channels for mike. radio or phono inputs. Acci• 382 Lafaye tte St. at 7 ½H/Hc. dental erase prevented. Bass and treble controls with flat Ne w York 3, Model 70-C I .L. 30-7,500 response setting. Fast forward and rewind. less than one Ne w York $446.75 minute for 2400 ft. Electro-dynamic brake action and cycles ( ± 3 db.) tape tension, never requires adjustment. D.C. on preamp at 3i;4 H / sec. beaters. Push-pull 16 watts audio output. Also available with stereo head for dual track record/ playback.

RADIO Model SCP2 New portable tape cartridge player•recorder which plays or records either monaurally or stereophonically using CORPORATION Portable Cartridge new tape cartridge. Tape is four track, quarter·inch tape Player- Recorder which runs at 3¾ ips, playing up to two hours of mon• OF AMERICA 50 to 15,000 $299.95 aural music. Unit contains a 6½ and two 31/z inch RCA Victor Radio cycle • . speakers. Contains two microphones for home stereo• " Victrola" Products Mode l SH513 phonic recording and patch cord to record electrically Cherry HIii Speake r from stereo phono or AM•FM radio. Push-button opera• $9.95 tion, no•erase guard, automatic shut•off or standby, Camde n 8 , N. J. window counter, pilot light, input jacks.

"Range rette" FOR SYNCHRONOUS SOUND RECORDING Portable Professional-type, single or multi track, dual•speed re, corders, with choice of 3¾", 7½H, 15" or 30• per second Model A·2 tape speeds. Up to 2 hours recording at 7½• per sec. on RANGERTONE $1500.00 45-15,000 14" reel. Distortion, less than 2% total harmonic. Maxi• complete mum signal-to-tape noise, H db. Double-puck, tight-loop INC. cycles ( ± 2 db) at15H/ sec. tape drive. Peak•to•peak flutter, less than 0.1% at 15"/ sec. Rewind speed controllable continuously from 73 Winthrop St. 50-8,000 0 to 2 50•/ sec. in both forward and rewind. Meets all Ne wark 4, cycles ( ± 2 db) N.A.B. adopted standards. Complete monitoring and Ne w Jersey mixing facilities. VU meter, signal indicator and footage Console at 7½#/sec. counter calibrated in minutes and seconds. Complete Model tape editing facilities. Also available with positive R•5C "sprocketless" synchronization for motion picture and with synchronlaer TV applications. Weight of Rangerette - H lbs. $4925.00 Kits added to other professional recorders for Syn• cbronous Sound Recording for $320.00.

New single•speed monaural portable recorder that plays at 3¾ ips. Has knob controls. Takes up to 5" reels. Cali• RECORDIO Model603 brated dial for record indicator. Provision for optional "VIiia" AM tuner. Harmonic distortion: less than 10% at peak CORPORATION 100-1,000 output. Bias frequency: 80,000 cycle. Wow and flutter : Monaural Portable cycle s at 0. 5%. Inputs: one for radio, phono, turntable; in "rec• Charlotte, Recorder 3i/4. , .., . ord'· posit.ion serves as low level for radio, TV, pbono; Michigan $89.95 in "stop" serves as low level for complete amplifier and playback. Output: external sreaker or earphonea. Dimen• sions: 8H h., 10½• w., l ◄½ I. Weight : 19 lbs. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com 20 A.UDIO RECORD

Frequency Data Manufacturer Model and Price I H ponH New dual-speed, stereo portable recorder that plays 7½ and 3¾ ips. "Piano key" controls. Neon light record indicator. Record interlock to prevent accidental erase. Model 592 Harmonic distortion 7% at peak output. Signal•to•noise Stereo Portable 80-10,000 ratio: 40 db. Bias frequency: 80,000 cycles. Two 5 x 7 speakers. Wow and Butter: 0.35% at 7)(2 ips. Inputs: Recorder cycle• at 7 ½ H/H c. dual for radio, phone, turntable: in "play ' position serve $219.50 as low level for external amplifiers; in "stop" serve as low level for complete amplifier and playback; mike input. Output: external speaker or earphones. Dimen· RECORDIO sions: lOH h., 14½# w., 15½# d. Weight: 37 lbs. CORPORATION New dual:speed, monaural portable recorder that plays Charione , 7½ and 3¾ ips. "Piano key" controls. Neon light record Model 591 Michigan indicator. Record interlock to prevent accidental erase. Manaural Portable Harmonic distortion 5% at peak output. Signal-to-noise Re carder ratio: 35 db. Bias frequency 80,000 cycles. Wow and $149.50 Butter: 0.35% at 7½ ips. Inputs: one for radio, phono, a1 above turntable: in "record" position serves as low level for Model 602 radio, TV, phono; in "stop" serves as low level for com• Monaural Portable plete amplifier and playback. Output: external speaker or earphones. Dimensions: 9½H b., 14" w., 14# d. Recorder Weight: 27 lbs. $149.50 Model 602 is the same as Model 591 except that it in• eludes a mechanical tape timer.

40- 15,000 New two speed portable recorder. Speeds: 7½ and 3¾ Model T-202 ips. Two matched speakers with cross•over network. Key• Monaural Portable cycle• ( ± 3 db) board control. Automatic safety lock and warning light $207.50 at 7 ½ #/Hc. to prevent accidental erase. Two-level record indicators. Index counter. Automatic stop on tape runout. Appli• Madel T-204 40- 8,000 ance power outlet. Drop-in loading head slot. Wow and Ste re o Portable cyclH ( ± 3 db) flutter less than 0.3%. Signal-to-noise ratio greater than $237.50 at 3 ¾ #/Hc. 48 db. Model T -204 is the same as Model 2·202 except for the addition of stereo playback.

40-14,500 Madel T-700D cyclH ( ± 3 db) $225.00 at 71/,"/HC. 40-7,500 Madel TR-800D Portable dual track recorder available with either single cyclH ( ± 3 db) or dual speed. Convenient keyboard control, electrical $275.00 at 3 'I•" I H e. solenoid operated. Signal•to•noise ratio over 48 db on ,. dual speed machines and 50 db on single. Distortion less Model T-700 than 0.65% on normal levels. Rewind and fast forward 80-8,000 $235.00 speed, 170 ips. Flutter and wow less than 0.3%. Two cyclH ( ± 3 db) neon lamps for accurate level setting. Precision revolu• -~~---- .._ - . -. ~ Model TR-800 at 3'/• H/ Hc. tion index counter, for instant location of recording. Can be operated as a PA system. Provisions for electrical .. - $287.50 .... -..,, - remote controls. REVERE Model T-10 Models TR-SOOD, TR-800 and TR-20 have built-in AM 60-15,000 CAMERA $245.00 tuner. cycle• ( ± 3 db) COMPANY Model TR-20 at 7½"/Hc. $297,50 320 Ealt 2ht St. Chicago 16, Ill. Model T-700 l&M $245.00 Model TR- 800 l&M (with radio) $297,50 Table models ( as above) in solid blonde oak or solid a1 above Honduras mahogany. Special pressure relief port for Madel T-10 l&M $255.00 extended frequency range. Model TR-20 IM (with radio) $307,50

Model T-1100 $169.50 75- 12,000 cyclH ( ± 3 db) Madel TR- 1200 at 7½"/Hc. ( with radio) Portable dual track recorder available with either single $219,50 85- 7,000 (3¾ ips) or dual (3¾•7½ ips) speed. Signal-to•noise ModelT-1120 cycle• ( ± 3 db) ratio over 48 db on either machine. Distortion less than at 3 '/4"/H c. I% at normal levels. Rewind and fast forward, 170 ips. Stereo Flutter less than 0.3 %. Single knob control automatically $199.50 return to stop when power is turned off. Dual level indi• cator. Revolution index counter. Instant stop button. Model T- 900 Two-speed knob can be changed while in any function. Rugged fiberglass case. Two speakers. Can be operated $199.50 85- 7,500 as a . Weight, 28 lbs. Model TR- 1000 cyclH { ± 3 db) ( with radio) at 3'/• "/HC, $224.50 www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com October, 1959 21

Manufacturer Model and Price Frequency Response Data

High fidelity lO½H reel tape recorder for monaural rec· ord/playback, stereo playback. Has built·in lower chan• 40-16,000 nel preamp. Signal•to•noise, over 50 db, wow and Butter Model T-11 less than 0.2%. Features: One volt cathode follower pre• cycles ( ± 3 db) amplifier output. Monitor amplifier with 2½ watt output. $284. 50 at 7½H/Hc. Adjustable 70 Kc bias•erase oscillator with indicator. Less than ½•second start and stop. Automatic head demagne• tizing. Precision revolution tape counter. Electrical remote REVERE with automatic drive roller release. CAMERA COMPANY Model T-100 $169.50 85-7,500 320 fast 2 ht St. Madel TR-200 cycles f ± 3 db) 01 Chicago 16, Ill. (with radio) at 3 3/4 H , .., . Portable, dual•track recorder available in either l ¾ $224.50 3¾ ips tape speed. Signal•to•noise ratio, over 45 db at ejcher speed. Distortion, less than 1. 5%. Rewind and Made l T-500 rapid forward: s.ingle knob control. Flutter less than 5H $179.50 100-5,000 0.3%. Two level recording indicator. x 7" Alnico V speaker. Wejght, 25 lbs: Model TR-600 cycles ( ± 3 db) ( with radio) at 1 'f1 # / sec. $234.50

Dual speed monaural full•track portable recorder with hysteresis synchronous one-motor drive. Locking device ROBERTS prevents accidental erase. Digital index counter. Cali• 40- 15,000 brated VU meter. S1gnal•to•noise ratio: H db. Wow and ELECTRONICS, cycles ( ± 2 db) Butter: 0.18%. Inputs: level, high impedance mike; high level line. Outputs: high impedance preame; 8·ohm am• INC. at 7 ½ ff/sec. plifier. Dimensions: H¾H h., 14½# w., 9 d. Weight: 1045 North 40-9,500 28 lbs. Sycamore St. cycles ( ± 3 db) Model 90·C same as above except for following. Has Madel 191 Monaural Recorder $325.00 stereo record/pl&back head. Frequency resr,onse is Loa Angeles, Callf. Gt 3 ¾ H Se(. 40•7,500 cycles ±3 db) at 3¾ ips. Signa •to·noise Model 90-C Ste re o Recorder $349.50 ratio: 50 db. utputs: auxiliary speaker or line; Mode l A-901 Stereo Ampllfler $149.50 input/output jacks for connecting directly to either or both channels. Switch for by•passing Channel 2 preamp.

flat ta 10,000 New vers.ion of the Mini~ape available at single tape speeds of l ¼, 3¾, or 7½ ips. Operates completely cycles at 7 ½ ff I sec. Mlnltape enclosed. External pushbutton for start or stop. Warning flat to 5,000 light for end of tape. Takes r reels, records up to two Re corder cycles at 3 ¾ #/sec. hours continuously. Battery•operated. Automatic volume $494.00 control over a 40 db range. Does not contain amplifier/ flat to 4,000 speaker. External amplifier/speaker and other accessories cycles at 17/ ff I sec. available. Dimensions of the Minitape: 9H x 1r x r . 1 W e.ight, including battery: 13 lbs.

Professional· type, single· track recorder/ reproducer. Model R5 Speeds: 15 and 7½ ips. Direct drive hysteresis motor. Torque motors with mechanical brakes. Bridging or Magnetic Tape 50-15,000 single low impedance microphone in_put and 6000 zero Recorder/ cycles ( ± 1 db) level output. Continuously variable high speed forward Reproduce r at 15"/aec. and rewind for editing and cueing. Piano key push• THE button relay controlled for either local or remote oper.1• $1,600.00 STANCIL­ tion. 10½' reel capacity. Less than 1½% total harmonic distortion at H db sijlnal•to•noise. Dimensions: 19" x HOFFMAN 14# panel space, 10½ d. Weight: 100 lbs. CORP. 16mm 50-10,000 Magnetic film recording/reproducing_ system available 921 North in film sizes of 16mm and l 7½mm. Operating from '.l4 Model S6 cycles ( ± 2 db) Highland Ave. volt battery sources, a rotary converter is available for Magnetic FIim 17.5mm Hollywood 38, field use. System includes two microphone input pre• Recorder/ 50-10,500 amplifier mixer, Model AM6; record playback amplifier, Callf. cycles ( ± 2 db) Reproducer Model ARP6; and film transport unit, Model S6. Distor­ at 45 fPM tion: 2%. Signal•to•noise: 50 db. Wow and Butter for $2,000.00 50-15,000 16mm and 17½mm at 45 PPM: 0.15%; for 17!/4mm cycles ( ± 2 db) at 90 PPM: 0.1%. Dimensions (each case): 14½# x at 90 FPM l0¾ff x 8#. Weight ( 3 65 lbs.

16mm Magnetic film recorder/reproducer designed for 16mm, 50-11,000 l 7½mm or 35 mm. Available for rack mount or carry• cycles ( ± 2 db) ing case housing; equipped for synchronous and/or inter• Model 57 lock drive. Film capacities up to 8,000'. Uses large single Magnetic FIim 17.5 or 35mm film sprocket with automatic cut•off in case of film Recorder/ 50-11,000 breakage. Automatic rewind and cut•off with dynamic Reproducer cycles ( ± 2 db) braking. High speed cuejng both forward and reverse. at 45 FPM Distortion: 1. 5%. Signal•to•noise ratio for 16mm, and $2,500.00 50-15,000 17½mm or 35 mm at 45 PPM: 50 db; for 17.,-mm or cycles ( ± 2 db) 35mm at 90 PPM : H db. W ow and Butter: 0.1%. at 90 fPM Dimensions: 19• x 3l½H panel space, l0½H deep. Weight in cabinet : 150 lbs. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com 22 ..4UDIO RECORD

Frequency Model and Price Data Manufactvrer RHponso THE STANCIL­ HOFFMAN Model CRM-16 A multi-channel communications recorder designed to 16 Track record simultaneously signals from as many as 16 sepa­ CORP. rate sources with playback of the recorded signals either Magnetic FIim 250-3,500 at the time of recording or subsequently. Provides con, 921 North Rocarder/ cycles ( ± 3 db) tinuous recording for twenty-four hours. Distortion: 5%. Hlghland Ave. Reproducer Signal-to-noise: 30 db. Wow and flutter: 0.25%. Dimen, Hollywood 38, $9,000.00 sions: l0H x 67H panel space, 21H deep. Calif. STEELMAN New dual-speed, dual-track, all-transistor portable re­ corder/player. Speeds: 3¾ and 11/s ips. Electric motor PHONOGRAPH drive with battery power. 64 minutes playing time. Bat, Tran1ltape AND RADIO for tery level indicator. 4H speaker. Glow tube recording Portable Recorder voice level indicator. Fast forward. Record safety interlock. CO., INC. $199.50 re cording Overall gain: 55 db. Wow: 0.5% at 3¾ ips. Inputs: one miniature jack, 100,000 ohms. Outputs: mike, earphone 2-30 Andenon Ave. or external speaker. :Oimensions: 9¾H h., 6½H w., 3H d. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Weight: 6½ lbs. Complete self-contained stereophonic recording and play, back unit ... includes built-in circuit of two recording amplifiers, two playback and two power amplifiers. Hysteresis synchronous drive motor utilizing 30- 18,000 cycles advanced rim drive principle on dynamically balanced at 7 ½ H/ 1oc. Aywheel. Two VU meters. T wo high-impedance input& 50-15,000 for microphones. Two high impedance inputs for AM/FM tuners or stereo dubbing. Two low-impedance cycles ( ± 2 db) cathode follower pre-amp outputs. Two speaker outputs. STERECORDER at 7 ½ H/sec. Binaural/monaural headphone monitor output. Com­ SUPERSCOPE, plete editing and cueing facilities. Flutter and wow less Model DK-555-A ( Illustrated 30-12,000 cycles INC. $395.00 than 0.2% at 7½ ips. ~i~nal-to-noise ratio: 50 db per above) at 3 ¾ H/ sec. channel. Dimensions: 13¼H x 151/aH x S¾H. $70.00 8520 Tujunga Portable carrying case Model DK-5H-A4-same as Model DK-555-A plus Avenue Mode l PSC ·212 Portable Ste reo additional ¼-track playback head for 4•track stereo Sun Valley, Callf. Speaker System $189.00 tapes, $470.00. Single-speed, spring and battery operated portable re, corder that plays at 7½ ips. Built-in capstan strobe and Sony viewing device for perfect speed accuracy. Variable speed 100-6,000 adjustment control. Graduated level control for record/ Newscaster M4 cycles ( ± 2 db) playback. Window lid. Signal-to-noise ratio: 55 db. W ow $395.00 at 7 ½ H/sec. and flutter: 0.3%. Distortion: 2% at 3 db below maxi, mum signal. Bias frequency: 30 kc. Inputs: mike. Out, puts: headphone monitor, external amplifier. Dimensions: 15H I., 6H w., 6½H d.

New recorder for 4-track stereo and monaural record playback. Speeds: 7½, 3!/4 and 11/s ips. Single lever control. Clock counter, automatic shut-off, dual recording level indicators, built-in monitor speaker, 2-power play, back amplifiers, cathode follower output switch; equali, Model 5.3 zation switch. Inputs: 2 each for microphone and radio, Ste re o pbono, or TV. Outputs: 2 for external speakers or $469.50 external amplifiers. Signal-to-noise ratio: 60 db. Power ou~ut: 8 watts peak. Distortion Dimensions: · 15 x 11 ¼" x 6¼ ". Plug,in external stereo record amplifier, dimensions: 21/a" x r x S¾H. Luggage case is $20 additional. 30-20,000 Model 5 is a 4-track monaural recorder and stereo reproducer. Other features the same as Model 5-3. Wired Mode l 5 cycles at TANDBERG OF 7½ "/sec. for plugging in of external stereo record amplifier Model $399. 50 241 (not furnished with 5). Luggage case is $30 AMERICA, INC. additional. 8 Third Ave. Model 5-2-266 Model 5, 2,266 is stereo tape system consisting of Model Pelham, N. Y. $608.50 5-2 and 2 matched bookshelf speaker systems. Model 4 is a monaural 4•track recorder and stereo reproducer. Specifications are similar to Model 5. Has Model 4 pre-amp output tor tower channel permitting 4•track $349.50 stereo playback. Built-in solenoids and plug-in foot pedal for remote control operation are $ 50 additional.

Model 2 is a portable dual-track recorder with speeds 30-10,000 of 11/s and 3¾ ips. Precision laminar heads, microphone, cycles at radio-phono inputs, damped electronic eye recording in, Mode l 2 dicator. Clock type counter. Goodman 5½# x SHspeake r. 3S/4 H / soc. $249.50 W ow and flutter below .2% at 3¾ ips, 25% at 11/s ips. 30-6,500 Signal-to-noise radio: 'f7 db at 3¾ ips. 3.5 watts output; cycle, at distortion under 1%. Built-in solenoids and separate foot pedal for remote control operation are $50 additional. 13/a N / soc. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com Ocwber, 1959 23

Manufacturer Model ond Price Frequency Response Data

Model 375 Monaural dual track background music sysrem that plays TAPE-ATHON Background at 3¾ and I¼ ips. tO½" reels. Automatic reverse. Music System 30-8 ,000 Automatic tape tension shut-off. Wow and flutter: 0.2% 523 South Hlndry $465.00 cycles at at 3¾ ips, 0.35% at l¼ ips. Distortion: Jess than 1%. Stre et Signal•to•noise ratio: 50 db. H um levd : 90 db below with 3 0-watt 3>/4 • / sec. rated output. Tolerance: 0.001 H. Inputs: two mike, one Ingle wood, Calif. amplifier ~hono. Outputs: 30 watts; 4, 8, 16, 500 ohms, 70 ,rolt $595.00 line.

Mode l 444 90-14,000 Model 444 is new triple-speed dual•track monaural re• Monaural Portable cycles ( ± 3 db) corder made in England. Speeds: 15, 7½ and 3¾ ips. at U H/sec. Instantaneous track change; pause control. P ushbutton Recorder controls. Electronic eye recording level indicator. Pour TAPE $ 175.00 90-11,000 erase and record heads. Tape tension device. D igit foot· RECORDERS cycles ( ± 3 db) age indicator. Wow and Rutter: 0. 1o/o. Signal•to·noise Model 555 at 7 ½ H/aec. ratio: 4f db. H igh flux elliptical loudspeaker. Inputs: ELECTRONICS, Monaural Portable 90-5,500 mike. Outputs: external speaker. Weight: 30 lbs. LTD. Re corder cycles ( ± 3 db) Model 5H is the same as Model 444 except for: three $225.00 at 3 ¼ "/sec. , full monitoring facilities, jack socket for 784-788 High Rd. hi•fi output. Signal•to•noise ratio: 50 db. Totte nham, Mode l 333 New single•speed dual track monaural recorder made in London, N- 17, England. P ush-button control. Electronic eye recording England ...... tt 90-8,500 level indicator. Wow and flutter: better than 0.1 o/o. Monaural Portable cycles at Signal•to•noise ratio: better than 4 5 db. Inputs: super

Re corder 3 >/4 • / sec. impos.ition - has straight-through ampli1ier for pick-up, $85.00 tuner or mike. Outputs: external speaker. Dimensions: r b., 10" w., 8" d. Weight: 11 lbs. Professional-type recorder for portable, rack or conwle mounting. Plug•in head assembly - single or dual track. Te lectro Two speeds: 7½ ips and 15 ips. Wow and flutter : Mode l 30- 10,000 less than 0.2% at 7½ ips, less than 0.15% at 15 ips. 938 cycles ( ± 2 db. ) Distortion: less than 0.2% RMS at maximum recording Price on at 7 ½"/ sec. level. Signal•to•nofre: over H db at both speeds. VU TELECTRO Re quett meter. Adjustable bias. Microphone, bridge and line inputs. Outputs: 600 ohms balanced: monitor jacks for INDUSTRIES power amplifier and headset. Playback timing accuracy: CORP. better than 0.2%.

3 5-16 37th St. Professional tape transport for rack or portable mount· long Island City 1, Te lectro ing. synchronous motor drive, with torque Ne w York 14" Tape 30-15,000 motors for supply and take-up reels. Speeds, 7½" and Transport 15H/s ec. Starting time: 0.1 sec. Stopping time: 2" at cycle• ( ± 2 db, ) I 5 "/ sec. Timing accuracy: 0. 2 % . Fast forward and Price on at 7½"/sec. rewind: 1 min. for 14" reel. Wow and flutter: 0.H% Re quest at 15" /sec. Plug•in head assembly - 3 heads single or doal track. Push-button rday operation, editing knob~, automatic shut•off. Solenoid brakes. New three-speed recorder for four-track, dual•track ''Ste reo Master'' 50- 15,000 stereo record/ playback and dual-track monaural record/ cyclH ( ± 2 db) Ma d el 400 playback. Speeds: 7½, 3 ¾ and 11/s ips. Pushbutton at 7 1/2"/• ec. controls. Volume and tone controls for each channel. $289.95 50-10,000 Two neon record level indicators. Wow and flutter: Model S-200 cycle• ( ± 2 db) 0.25% at 7½ ips. Signal•to•noise ratio: ·H db. Distor· ot 3 ¼ "/aec. tion: l % at normal power output. Bias oscillator fre• Speaker quency: 65 kc. Speed accuracy: 2% at all speeds. Inputs: $24.00 50-5,000 cycles two low•level mike; two high-level radio, TV, phono. at 13/e"/HC, Outputs: two external speakers. Dimensions: 9½" h., 18" w., 14½ " d. Weight: 35 lbs.

"Stereo ndellty" Model 360, $179.95 Model 360 is the same as Model 400 except stereo play• a s above back only, plus monaural record/ playback. Preamplifier TELECTRO­ Mode l AS-360 Speaker, $59.95 only for second channel. Outputs: external speaker jack, SONIC external amplifier jack. Weight: 30 lbs. CORPORATION Model 333 is same a.s Model 400 except stereo playback "Stel'eo fidelity" Madel 333, $219.95 aa a bove only, plus monaural record/playback. Phono inputs for 35-11 37th St. direct play-through in play position. Long l•land City 1, Model 359 is same as Model 333 except monaural record/ Ne w Yortc playback only. Can play tape through e.xternal and in· "High fldellty" Mode l 359, $164.95 a.s above ternal speakers simultaneously. Monitoring. Speaker 1 output cuts out internal speakers, Speaker 2 output paral• !els internal and external speakers.

Telectro Portable, dual track recorder with 3¾" and 7½" tape flat to about speeds. Push-button speed control and single knob con• Mode l 1965 8,500 cyclH at trol for record and playback. Neon record-level indi· $79.95 7'/, "/ aec. cator. Bw1t•in 6" speaker. Patch cord available for direct recording from radio•phono. Weight: 15 lbs. 24 AUDIO RECORD

Frequ.ncy Manufacturer Model and Price Response Data

Two speed monaural tape recorder. Speeds: 7½ and Te lectro 100-10,000 3¾ ips. Single-knob function control for Record and Model 1985 cycles at Pl;iy. Fast Forward-Rewind switch. Interlock prevents accidental erase. Two speakers. Output: S watts peak. $99.95 1 TELECTRO­ 7 i2 • / sec. Input: microphone, radio, TV, phono. Output: external speaker. D imensions: 15 • x 8 • x 11 ¼ •. Weight: 24 lbs. SONIC CORPORATION t------t------+------35-18 37th St . New dual•speed portable recorder for dual-track mon• " Stereophonic" 100-12,000 Long laland City 1, aural record/ playback and two• and four•track stereo Model 1975 cycle, at playback. Speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. Single-knob function New York $119.9S 7½"/aec. control. Interlock prevents accidental erase. Neon record• level indicator. Wow and flutter: 0.3% at 7!/2 ips, Model AS- 1975 100-7, 500 0.35% at 3¾ ips. Signal•to•noise ratio: 40 db. S_peakers: Speaker-Amplifie r cycle, at 5" woofer, 4" tweeter. Crossover. lnruts: one for mike, $29.95 3 ¾ "/sec. radio, TV, phono. Out,ruts: e.xterna amelifier, external speaker. Dimensions: 8 h., 15" w., 11½ d.

30-20,000 New dual _speed German monophonic portable recorder. TELEFUNKEN Telefunke n cycles ( ± 3 db) Speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. Push-button controls. Three• dlatrlbute d by at 7½"/sec. digit counter. Automatic tape tension. Built•in splicing American Elite , Inc. Monophonic device. Signal•to•noise ratio: 50 db. Inputs: three, Portable 30-15,000 changeable by an input•sclector•switch for radio, mike 48-50 34th St. and phono. Outputs: for monitoring earphone and elec• long Island City 1, $349.00 cycles ( ± 3 db) tric remote control. Dimensions: 7½" h., 15½" w., Ne w York at 3~/, • / sec. 11½" d. Weight: 26½ lbs.

Harting Two speed (7½ and 3¾ ips) stereo playback, monaural TOEPFER, record, half track unit. Records stereo with auxiliary Mode l HM 5 S A. C., INC. recording preamplifier. Basic unit bas 4•watt amplifier $285,00 30-16,000 cycles and two playback preampliiiers. Second amplifier con• at 7 ½"/ 1ec. 1 Broadway ( othor models tained in speaker case, available as accessory. Signal•to• New York 4, N. Y. noise ratio: 55 db. Flutter and wow : 0.25 % at 7½ ips. available ) Push•button controls. Double shoe mechanical braking.

Mark IV Dual track, dual speed. TR,2106 with timing scale. Stereo Tape Deck TR-2116 with precision index counter, both fitted witb TR-2106 stacked stereo head. With suitable electronics for mon• $199.50 40-15,000 aural record / playback plus stereo playback or monaural record/playback plus stereo record/ playback (half•track TR-2116 cycles ( ± 3 db) erase head requires raw tape). 3 shaded pole B.T.H . $215.00 at 7½"/ 1ec. motors. Wow and flutter: less than 0.2% at 7½ ips. Type "K" Push butlon operation, electrical braking, high speed re• TRUVOX LTD. Record-Playback wind ( 45 sec. for r reell. Automatic tape lifter. Dimen• Truvox (U.S.A. ) Amplifier $ 109.50 sions: 14!/4" x 12·13/ 16 x 5". Weight: 14½ lbs. Ltd. For monophonic and stereo record/ playback. Unit "A" 275 Se venth Ave. contains deck mechanism TR-2116 (described above) Ne w York 1, plus identical amr,lification system and pre-phased New York Mode l T-A-B speaker in Unit "B. • Amplification: 8 watt total output. Stereo Twlnset Two input jacks for mono and stereo microphones, (2 unit•) AM•PM, pickups or telephone adaptors. Outputs: ex• as above Record/ Replay ternal amplifiers and speaker systems. Speakers: 10# x 6H elliptical wide range with flux density of 10,000 lines. $495.00 Each unit has tone controls and magic•eye level indi• cator, monitoring facilities. Accidental erase prevention. Dimensions, each unit: 15¾# w., 8¼" h., 14" d. Weight : Unit "A," 37 lbs. Unit " B," 22 lbs. New triple-speed monophonic portable recorder. Speeds: UHER 40-16,000 cycles Uher 3¾, 11/s and 15 / 16 ips. Hysteresis synchronous motor. d latrlbuted by at / sec. Push-button controls. Record level indicator. Tape coun• Unive rsal 33/," Warre n W e iss, ter. Signal•to•noise ratio: 45 db. Wow and Rutter: Monophonic 40-8,000 cyclH ± 0. 3 % . Inputs: live; radio, phono, mike, remote control c/ o Trans-World Portable at 1 7/ 1 #/sec. speaker; Akustomat ( aHows recorder to be operated Ele ctronics, Inc. solely on audio); mixer ( allows four inputs to be mixed $299.95 1650 Broadway 40-4,000 cycles at once) . Outputs: radio, amplifier; external speaker, New York 19, N. Y. at 15 / 16"/ sec. earphones. Dimensions: 4½" h., 12# w., 10" d. We.ight: 17 lbs.

Portable handler for use with Pidelipac continuous loop Viking tape cartridges holding up to 1600 feet of tape. Single VIKING OF Endless Play 40- 14,000 lever control. Speed change control for 3¾ or 7½ ips cyclH at tape speeds. 115v, 60 cycle A·C motor ( 50 cycle motor MINNEAPOLIS Cartridge Record er 7 ½ "/sec. available). Accommodates one or two PB60 pre•ampli• 9600 Aldrich fiers, or PA62 combination pream_p•amplifier, or RP61 35P $60.00 40-7,000 Ave ., So. record/ playback amplifier: 10½ x 9!/4" x 5!/4" 35R $67.00 cycles at mounted in case. Weight $ lbs. Minneapolis 20, Model 35P is monaural half•track flayback o nly, 3 3/, # / sec. mounted in case. Model 3 5R is monaura balf•track rec· ( othe r models available by reque st) ord/ playback/erase, mounted in case. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com October, 1959 25

Frequency Manufacturer Model and Price Data Response

Broadcast type recorder designed for professional appli• cations. Available with any of three drive pulleys: 15 - 7½; 7½ - 3¾; or 3¾ - l¼ ips. Three motors: " 95" SERIES hysteresis synchronous drive; 6·pole induction torque Dependent upon Tape Deck motors. Space for six interchangeable heads allows head typ e of configurations for any tape application. Rewind and fast ( Prices avallable heads supplie d forward time, 70 sec., for 2400 feet tape. I nstantaneous on request) dynamjc braking, less than 2 sec., from fast forward or fast rewind. Signal•to•noise ratio: H db or better. Wow and flutter: less than 0.1% at 15 ips, less than 0.15% at 7½ ips rms. Deck is available with matching VU Record/ Playback Amplifiers, for rack mounting. Component tape deck offered with a wide variety of Viking interchangeable head assemblies. Features flutter•filter belt 75 Se rles drive. Wow and flutter 0.2% rms. Front panel speed Tape change, 3¾ and 7½ ips. Split-knob position shift for Decks record/play, fast forward and rewind. For playback, re• quires preamplifier with low level tape input and NAB 30 - 15,000 equalization. For recording, requires Viking RP6 l or Monaural cycles ( ± 2 db) equivalent matched record/playback amplifier. (Two Record/ Playback $ 78. 50 at 7 1/ "/ sec. RP6 I aml)lifiers and stereo deck serve for stereo record · Mode l FF75RM-LP. Monaural 2 ing.) All Viking decks may be modified through addition VIKING OF Erase / Record/ Monito r 87. 00 of heads and brackets to provide same functions as other Mode l f1'75SR. Monaural models listed. Decks accommodate three heads and arc MINNEAPOLIS Erase/ Re cord, Ste re o Playback 113.00 also ava.ilable with the quarter track head configuration. Mode l Ff75ES. Ste reo (In-Line) 9600 Aldrich 121/,( x 8¾" x 5" deep. 115v, 60 cycles A•C. {50 cycle Era se/ Re cord and Playback 113,00 cycle also available.) Weight: 11 lbs. Ave., Sa. Mlnne apolls 20, Minnesota Series of tape decks featuring Auttcr•filter belt drive. Two Viking motors providing fast forward and rewind. Front panel. as Serie, speed change, 3¾ and 7½ ips. Dual rotary control Tape lnner ring selects "fast forward" and "fast rewind." Outer knob selects normal forward, stop and cue (edu) Decks Footage counter. Space for five heads. Pressure pads pro, vided at three head positions. Tape-lifters remove tape Model 85P, Monaural Playback $ 99.00 from heads except in play and "cue" positions. Short•gap Model 85R. Monaural 30-15,000 record/ playback heads. Ultra•short gap quarter-track in,line head available. See models. Signal·to·noisc Re cord/ Playback 119.00 cycles ( ± 2 db) "Q" ratio: 50 db. W ow and Autter: 0 .2% rms. Use with Mode l 85RQ, Monaural at 7 ½ "/sec. Erase/ Record, Ste reo Playback 147.50 RP61 record/playback amplifiers for recordinj!. Use Model 85SR. Mona ural PB60 preamplifier or amplifier having equivalent (NAB) Erase / Reco rd, Ste reo Playback 143.00 tape equalization. Tapes recorded on Vikjng may be Model 8 5SRQ. Monaural Eraae / Record, played back on any machine having standard NAB Four-Channel Stereo Playback l 67. 00 equalization. I I0v, 60 cycles. (50 cycle models available.) Model 85ES. Monaural-Stereo (All 85 Series Viking decks are 8exible in that head~ Eraae/ Re cord/ Playback 147,00 may be added to provide special functions such as oound• Model 8 5 ESQ. Monaural Four-Channel on-sound recording, stereo monjtorinl{, language teach· Stereo Erase/ Re cord/ Playback 172.00 ing, etc.) Dimensions: 9½" x 13" x 5". Weight: 12 lbs. RP61 Record/ Playback Ampllfler $ 77.50 RP61 record/ playback amplifier matche5 all Series n RP61VU Record/ Playback Ampllfler l 19.00 and 85 tape decks above. P P61VU is the same as the PB60 Playback Preampllfler 29,50 RP61 but has a VU meter instead of "Magic eye."

" Tape •O•Matlc" New dual•speed portable recorder for dual• and four• Stereo Portable track stereo record/playback. Speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. V-M Push-button controls. Tape index timer. Cathoptic tuning Record er 40- 15,000 CORPORATION eye. Monitor switch. Pause button. Safety switch pre• $225.00 cycles { ± 5 db) vents accidental erase. Pilot light. Record bias and power Benton Harbor, at 7½ µ/ sec. erase: 75 kc. Wow and Butter: 0.4%. Signal•to•noise Model 166 ratio: 45 db. Inputs: mike and radio, TV. phono. Out Michigan Ampllfler•Speaker puts: external speaker, stereo speaker. Dimensions: 9½" $75.00 h., 16" w., 14½" d.

Royallte Model 2008 is a new triple·speed portable recorder for Mode l 2008 dual• or four-track stereo playback and mono record / 50 . 12,000 Stereo Portable playback. Speeds: 7½, 3¾ and 1½ ips. Knob controls. cycles at Editing key. Record safety lock. Cathode ray recording $244.50 7½ "/ sec. level indicator. Monitor control. Digit tape counter. Sig• Royallte nal-to•noise ratio: 45 db. Wow and Rutter: 0 .4%. Two 70•7,000 speakers. i nput: one. Outputs: external a~plificr. Model 2001 cycles ot speaker; stereo speaker. Dimensions: 8" h., 14½• w . WEBCOR, INC. Monophonic 14½" d. Weight: 23 lbs. 3 3/• "/ se c. 5610 West Portable Model 2001 is monaural only version of above. Same lloomlngdale Ave., $194.50 specifications, but weighs 20 lbs. Chicago 39, Ill. Regent Model 2005 New triple speed monophonic recorder with the same Monophonic specifications as Model 2001 above, except for sinj!le speaker. Dimensions: 9" h., 15" w., 16½" d. Wetj!ht : Portable a s above $ 164.50 28 lbs. Model 2006 is the same as 2005 except for remote con Mode l 2006 trol jack for starting and stopping recorder in record or Monophonic playback with mjke. Portable, $164.50 www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com 26 .4UDIO R ECORD

Manufacturer Model ond Price Frequency ltesponse Data New dual•speed table recorder system for monophonic, two· and four-channel stereo record/playback. Speeds: " Ekotape " 7½ and 3¾ ifs. Central control selects tape direction. Second contro for tape speed and on/ off. Odometer Model 300W 30- 15,000 type program selection finder. Automatic stop. W ow and Stereo Table cycles at Rutter: 0.2% at 7½ ips., 0.3% at 3¾ ips. Signal•to· Recorder Sy•tem 7½H/ Hc. noise ratio: 45 db. Inputs: six - mike, radio/phono, $699.00 record/playback head - for each channel. Outputs: four - amplifier, erase head - for each channel. Deck and preamp only: $439. Speakers, cros50ver network and power amplifier: $149. Portable, two•speed, dual-track recorder with monomatic single-knob control. Speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. Meter type recording level indicator. Powe.r output, 8 watts max. " Ekotape" 30- 15,000 Distortion, 1.6%. Total harmonic at 6 watts, 400 cycles. Model 320 cycles at Signal·to•noise, 43 db. W ow and Butter, 0.2% max. at 7 ½ H/ Hc. ?½H /sec. Odometer type selection finder. Past forward $279.50 and rewind ratio, 15 to I. Two built•in speakers: 6H x 9H oval PM and 3 # round. External speaker jack and output for preamp. I nputs: mike and radio•phono jack. Dimensions: I LH x 13½" x tr. Weight: H lbs. Similar to Modd 320 above, except designed for mon• WEBSTER "Ekotape" aural record/playback and stereo playback with stacked ELECTRIC - Stereophonic heads. Includes two amplifiers for stereo playback - one as above for half-track monaural record/playback. Each amplifier ELECTRONICS Made l 350 has 12 watts maximum output. W eight: 44 lbs. Matchini DIVISION $455.50 stereo speaker cabinet, including 6H x 9" oval and 3 round speaker, available at $59. S'O. Racine, Wisconsin Audio-visual control center for any automatic slide or "tkotape" strip film projector. Eliminates need for audible signal. Mode l 310 Has two recording heads that record over full width of tape. One records from mike or radio. T he other records A•V Control as a bove l000•cycle signal that operates an automatic projector. Center Speeds: 7½ and 3¾ ips. Other specs same as Model 320 $399. 50 above except for following: output, 12 watts: no preamp output jack; microphone is acce~ry.

Series of tape decks for stereo record/playback and "Ekotope" monophonic record/playbaclc. Model 340 is for record Stereo De cks and playback of monophonic or two-channel stereo. Cen• tral control selects tape direction. Speeds: 7½ and 3¾ Model 340 ips. Second control for tape speed and on/off. Pause $118.00 control button. W ow and Butter: 0.2% at 7½ ips., 0.3% Model 342 as above at 3¾ ips. Dimensions: 7½H h., 12¾# w., 9• d. $138.00 Model 342 is same as Model 340, but includes program Model 360 selection 6nder and automatic stop. Model 360 is same as Model 340, but with four-channel $ 124.00 record/playback. head. Mode l 362 Modd 362 is same as Model 342, but with four-channel $144.00 record/playback head. Stereo playbaclc preamp for decks is $70. Stereo record/playbaclc preamp is $199. Portable, two•speed, dual•track recorder with interlocked keyboard control that can be operated in any sequence. Mo de l 40- 15,000 T-1500 Flutter and wow: less than 0.3%. Signal•to•noise: 48 db. cycles ( :!: 3 db) Overall distortion less than 0.8 % . Fast forward and $199.50 at 7 1/1/ HC. rewind, 150• / sec. Dual level record indicator, revolution index counter. Automatic drive roller release when Stereo Mode l 40-8,000 power switch is off. Pre•amp output for hi•fi system. T- 1515 cycle s ( ± 3 db) Extension speaker jack. Built-in automatic head demag· WOLLENSAK at 3 )/4• / HC, netization. Remote foot control available. W eight: 18 lbs. $229.50 Stereo model is same as above with built-in lower channel OPTICAL pre·amp added. COMPANY Automatic, dual track portable recorder. Two speeds: 320 E. 21st St. 7½ and 3¾ ips. Stops, rewinds, replays and turns off Chicago 16, Ill. Mode l automatically, by means of electrical tabs placed on the 40-15,000 tape. Push•to•tallc button on mike. Back space bar re• T- 1600 cycles ( ± 3 db) verses tape and immediately replays. Keyboard functions $249.50 at 7½ lps electronically. Instant stop lever. Operates as 10 watt PA system. Remote electrical typewriter control available on 40-8,000 Stereo Model secretarial models. Other specs same as Model T •l mo cycles ( ± 3 db) above. T-1616 at 3¾ lps Stereo Model is the same as above with built-in lower $279.50 channel pre•amp. Can play two and four track tapes. Frequency response goes 2000 cycles higher at upper level at both speeds.

All specifications and performance data on tape recorders listed in tlus directory are based on information supplied by the manufacturer. Performance data are generally based on average values and individual machines sometimes vary widely from published figures, depending on the amount of quality control exercised in manufacture. Space limitations do not permit listing of all features of each recorder. Consult manufacturer or local dealer for further information. Prices subject to change without notice. Consult manufacturer or local dealer for exact price, as some prices are list and others not. October, 1959 27

It should be noted that relatively few selec· Accordingly, we believe that the very large 9ual• The Fog Has Lifted tions have been duplicated at 3¾ ips four-track ity market which bought two•track tapes w11l be at the time that this article is being written. and interested in this vers.ion of the four•track tape, (Continued from page 2) so engineers lack adequate statistical data on the and the substantial economy will induce many problem. There is no doubt that the offensiveness to change. Conversion kits will help convert their nates being compared. Since it is the highest in o( the Elmore Effect will depend a great deal on machines inexpensively. quality, it is natural that it is also the highest in the particular musical selection; thus a number cost. Nevertheless, it is a very convenient stand• which is rich in high frequency effects, loud Some notes on magazines ard to compare the other methods with because trumpets, percussion, etc. will call for a greater it is so widely used and because it was extra• reduction in level than a string quartet. On the Convenience is a rather broad term and often ordinarily successful in _in~rodu_cing ste_reo to the other hand, producing one tape with a duplicated public. We know that Jt is easily possible to ~b­ misused; thus the magazine for tape is often level l 5 db lower than that o( another would touted as extremely convenient. This is only tain uniform response up to 15 kc and that a s1g• arouse general public complaint, and we believe nal to noise ratio of the order of 50 db is not too true as regards ease of threading. It is certainly that this would force a somewhat lower recording not true for the user who wants to do a bit of difficult to secure. These are the cornerstones of level in general, to minimize the contrast between the quality which we recognize. We know that editing. Then the magazine becomes more different numbers. T he fact that the effect de• awkward. this method is good; the only question is whether pends only on the presence of strong high frc, we can find some other method that may be a quencies is probably why it was not discovered Magazines may be new in the audio 6eld but happier compromise for some userg, if not for early in the development of the four·track 3 ¾ they are very old in the home motion picture others or all. ips system. photography 6eld. Five years ago a fhotography periodical published a directory o the 8 mm With this discussion a.\< a preface, let's see movie cameras ava11able in the U. S. Of the 50 Four-track 3 ¾ ips in small magazine what possible alternates offer themselves to us models shown, 26 were magazine type. In the for consumer requirements: same publisher's current home movie annual, a This method generated a great deal of fan• A. For a system that will cope with a substan• 8imilar listing shows 101 models available, of fare a year and a half ago, based particularly on tial proportion of the recorded repertoire we can which 23 are magazine-load machines. One well• some laboratory results; these tapes have been envision the use of a fairly high recorded level, kno wn camera manufacturer has dropped in regular production (for the last several producing some considerable amount of Elmore magazine-load cameras entirely from his line due months) sjnce certain errors in the magazine de• intcrmt)dulation on the wrong type of musical to lack of interest. A second manufacturer esti• sign were remedied. This is the cheapest so far selections or orchestrations. This would produce mates the industry ratio 2 ~: l in favor of roll type as cost of tape is concerned, but the saving js about 6 to 8 db poorer signal to noise ratio than movie cameras. Dealers report that roll movie reduced considerably by the cost of the magazine the old two•track 7½ ips system, and the overall fi lm enormou~ly outselJs the magazine type and itself and the cost of loading the tape into the rei.ult would undoubtedly be salable to the that the trend is ovcrwhehnfogly to the roll. This magazines. We would naturally expect the low• nonquality·sensitive public. is a bit surprising because a home movie camera est cost to be accompanied by sacrifices jn qual, B. In this alternate the system record level is much harder to thread than a home tape re• ity, and this is indeed true: signal to noise ratio, would be reduced enough to minimize intermod· corder. 1n fact, if home movie cameras were as disto rtion and practical frequency response arc ulation for most, but not all, music, leading to a easy to thread as the home tape recorder, the the poorest of the three methods. When we say loss of signal to noise ratio of 12 to 15 db. The film magazine mjght never have been born. These poorest, we do not suggest that they are neces• distortion would be then reduced to a level suit• tend to suggest that the magazine is not likely sarily unaccept.ible results, but merely that they able for many quality-conscious customers, but to overwhelm the world. may prove satisfactory to some people and unsat• the loss in signal to noise ratio might very well As a matter of fact, the magazine situation is a isfactory to others. Let's examine the reason for make the system unsalable to them. little more complicated than it seems. We ac• the poorer signal to noise ratio first, since this is tually have two magazines being offered at the the easiest. C. If the record level is reduced sufficiently, then the system will cope with all music jn the moment. One of them is a small magazine which First, in order to get four tracks o n a tape repertoire without excessive distortion, but the will hold o nly a limited footage of t-ape (on hubs) where two tracks used to go, it is necessary to use loss in signal to noise ratio will be 17 to 20 db. and therefore is irrevocably bound to use at 3¾ narrower magnetic tracks, and in fact, the track which guarantees that it is not falable. ips; it is this which has just reached the market. Since this magazine uses hubs, the tape can be width has been reduced to about half of that used We also cannot ignore the fact that the frc, on a rwo•track system. This inevitably results in shuttled backward as well as forward to 6nd a quency response of the system would be abnor­ particular selection part way through the length. a signal to noise loss of 3 db. The reduction jn mally sensitive to the cleanliness of the head, due tape speed produces another inherent loss in sig· Another type of magazine, using an endless loop to the abnormal shortness of wave length re• of tape, has recently acquired new sponsorship. nal to noise, again 3 db. We then have the ques• corded on the tape; this means that in the actual tion of the much shorter length of the magnetic home the machine would never have the fre, This construction is available in a series of inter• gap, which allows the head to pick up corre• changeable different sizes, and in fact the largest quency range which it showed in the laboratory, size will hold a full 1200-foot length of t.ipe, spondingly less energy from the tape. This is not perhaps by a factor of two to one. as easy to estimate as the previously mentioned which permits its use at 7½ ips as well as at All of this discussion seems to characterize the slower speeds. It is not necessary to use the large losses since the effective length of the gap in a 3¾ ips four•track system as a low cost system, magnetic head is always longer than the physical magazine for a shorter length of tape. Por home competitive with disc, but happily free ftom the applicat.ions this design has one unfortunate !uni• length, however, we may very well accept a 3 db latter's tics and pops. Nevertheless, the system deterioration as the probable minimum. Finally, tation: because of the endless loop arrangement would possess serious and not as yet fully mca• the tape motion direction cannot be reversed so the "Elmore Distortion Effect" may force a re• sured distortion and noise limitations. These duction in recording level of perhaps somewhere that it is impossjbJe to use a reverse motion to would seem to impair its interest to the find a particular selection, it is necess.,ry to pro• between 6 and l ~ db; the signal to noise ratio is market. then impafred to precisely the same degree as gress continuously through the length until the the record level is reduced. I have taken the .selection in que.suon is reached. Nevertheless, this liberty of naming a new distortion effect the El• Four-track 7 ½ ips lope on reels endless loop design has shown considerable ad, more Effect since it was first brought to my vantage for restaurant entertainment equipment, attention by Austin Elmore. This is a reverse Many engineers have long felt that this is the and from this very broad application may well intermodulation effect, resulting from the eras• ideal combination of economy and quality. This spread into the home also for background music. ing action of the signal at abnormally short system would be half as expensive as two-track In view of what has been said in previous para• wave lengths and high recording levels. How recording in terms of tape, and there would be graphs, this magazine competes more with other much loss is produced depends on the quality no magazine cost and no magazine loading prob• designs ratber than with tape on reels. standards of the user, since some users might in• lem. Result would be a cost half that of two•track sist on no Elmore intermodulation effect at all tape and slightly above that of the disc. H appily, Conclusion ( they can best secure this by buying tapes re· there would be very little quality loss since the corded at 7!/2 ips ) or alternately, ther may _be 3 db loss due to reduction in track width could The fog of uncertainty wruch has hung over willing to tolerate a varying amount o such 10• be compensated for by a combination of head de• the tape 6eld for the last year or so has finally termodulation (in which case correspondfogly sign and improved duplicating techniques. Vir• lifted and we can clearly see that each of the less reduction in record level becomes necessary). tually none of the losses in signal to noise ratio various proposals has its own natural market jn previously mentioned would apply since they are which it should do quite satisfactorily. In other It is true that a certain amount of the loss in tied to the abnormally reduced tape speed. There than its jntended market the going should be signal to noise rati~ can be reg~foed by the u~e would be no Elmore Effect distortion. This adds hard. This fall should see a new burst of activity of special head design and by improvements 10 up to slightly more cost than the 3¾ jps four• in the home tape .6eld with thousands of selec• duplicating technique, but we are inclined to be• track magazine, but with substantially· all of the tions available in new recorded forms, and there lieve that these would total no more than 3 db. quality of the original 7½ ips two,track tape. will be machfoes to play them.

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