Rev. Zachary Kucin Council 2230 February 2019 St. Cecilia Parish  Ames, IA

Grand Knight’s Report Calendar of Events This month brings us to our annual Spelling Bee Knights lead prayer of the rosary every Monday contest with the area students from 4th thru 7th evening at 7:30 p.m. in Burke Chapel, while adoration grade. This event has a long tradition and one is in progress. Come pray in the true presence of Christ. which I believe needs to be continued each year. This spelling bee promotes initiative with the fami- February 17 Admission (1st Degree) ceremonial lies, a confidence builder for the children and a sense Candidates arrive at St. Cecilia at 12:30 of accomplishment for all who attend including of p.m. course the Knights that bring it together. Special 23 Viva la Arc casino - 6:00 p.m. Christ thanks go out to Tim Simodynes who has been the Church of Ames, 2400 Oakwood Road, program director for the local and state activities for Ames quite a few years now. This year we will miss one special Knight who has moved to Omaha, NE. Bob 28 Officers meeting Steffes excelled in reading the spelling words for March 3 State Spelling Bee - St. Cecilia many years. Someone will need to step up to replace him. 14 Council meeting Another event, scheduled for February 23rd, is 15 St. Cecilia Fish dinner the annual Arc of Story County Viva la Arc casino 28 Officers meeting fundraiser. This campaign raises money through 29 St. Cecilia Fish dinner donations for this private, nonprofit organization that houses and provides physical, emotional and spiri- 31 Confirmation honor guard - Nevada tual growth for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. More importantly, as volunteers we are providing these people with our time, sharing a few hours of fun and games and listening and learning with men of the “Knights of Columbus”. We have Join the Knights of Columbus!! a choice to show our acceptance, faith and love for Catholic gentlemen, 17 or older, are invited to join the them as children of God. St. Cecilia Council of the Knights of Columbus #2230. With that said, I hope to see some new faces along A new membership initiation will be held on Sunday, with the regular volunteers at the events coming up. February 17th at 1 p.m. in the St. Louis Room at St. Look for the sign-ups in your e-mail. Remember, Cecilia. New members are asked to meet in the Narthex we have our monthly meeting scheduled for the 2nd at 12:30pm to fill out paper work. If you have ques- Thursday of each month. In March it is on the 14th tions and/or cannot make that date, please contact Philip at 6:30 in the North Social hall. Berg Deputy Grand Knight, Membership Director, at [email protected] (515)783-6316. Vivat Jesus! Dave Baldus, Grand Knight [email protected] 515-291-0988

Be informed regarding Knights events To request an invitation to the council e-mail group, do one of the following:  send your e-mail address and add request message to [email protected]  browse to Google Groups and search for the KCCouncil2230 group Be sure to add [email protected] to your safe senders list. Chaplain’s Message Local spelling bee Dear Brother Knights, Plenty of knights were on hand February 3 to support I hope that you found the “Rules of Knighthood” our local spelling bee. While student attendance and written more than 500 years ago by the philosopher participation at our local spelling bee was not as high Erasmus of Rotterdam in his book, The Manual of a this year as in others, competition in the 4th grade lev- Christian Knight helpful. As I write this newsletter el in particular was strong, with many young students column in my daily spiritual reading as a Benedic- going many rounds. Eventually, of course, winners tine the daily readings from the Rule of St. emerged and are excited to advance to district compe- Benedict will commence with chapter 4, “The Tools tition. for Good Works”. There are some similarities. Both provide practical guidance for living the Christian life. So if you have time, or interest, I’d encourage you to also read chapter 4 of the Rule of St. Benedict. Last month I listed the first seven rules of Erasmus. Here are the next seven. 8. Face temptation guided by God, not by worry or excuses. 9. Always be ready for attacks from those who fear the Gospel and resent the good. 10. Always be prepared for temptation. And do what you can to avoid it. 11. Be alert to two special dangers: moral cowardice and personal pride. 12. Face your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. 13. Treat each battle as if it were your last. (Obvious- ly, Erasmus here is speaking about military com- Local winners at the 4th grade level, 3 February 2019 bat. However, his advice can easily be applied to the preceding spiritual admonitions with which St. Cecilia in Ames will again host the state level we “battle” internally as well as externally at competition on March 3. As our grand knight men- times.) tions in his report, the spelling bee is an excellent and enjoyable opportunity to participate in Knights of 14. A life of virtue has no room for vice; the little Columbus activities in support of youth and families. vices we tolerate become the most deadly. To volunteer or for more information, contact Tim Until next month, Simodynes, long time coordinator of the local spelling In Christ, bee and for several years now, the state coordinator of the Knights of Columbus spelling bees. Father Jim Secora Newsletter mailing assistance “Chapter 4 summarizes the duties of the Christian Do you have keen attention to detail? Put your gift life under seventy-two precepts, which are called “in- to work by preparing the printed council newsletter struments of good works” and are mainly Scriptural for mailing. Jeff Witt is ready to train you in the either in letter or in spirit.” minor intricacies of bulk mail preparation for our from monthly newsletter. Contact our Grand Knight to volunteer. CPID presentation Last October, Knights from the Rev. Zachary Kucin Council and Msgr. James Supple Council banded together to raise awareness and donations for persons with intellectual disabilities in Story County. Through the generous donation of parishioners from St. Cecilia and St. Thomas Aquinas, the Campaign for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (CPID), which includes the Mail-A- Thon and tootsie roll drive, was able to raise $8,897 for the cause. All proceeds from this effort go to sup- port the Iowa Special Olympics, Main- CPID Chairman Terry Herrman, Amber Corrieri, Director of Communi- stream Living, Inc., and Friendship Ark cations for Mainstream Living, and Grand Knight Dave Baldus before the Homes and Community Services. Thank Council 2230 meeting 14 February 2019, where we presented a $4,252.92 you again for your generous support. check from the CPID fundraising events.

Our Catholic Faith The Ten Commandments As Knights of Columbus, we all share 1. I am the Lord, your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. our common Catholic faith and our 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. solidarity with the clergy and hierarchy of the . The truths of 3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day. our Catholic faith inform and inspire 4. Honor your father and your mother. all that we do as Knights in support of our Church, our communities, our 5. You shall not kill. families and our brother Knights. 6. You shall not commit adultery. Among these truths are the ten com- 7. You shall not steal. mandments, the seven sacraments, the precepts of the church, and the gifts of 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. the Holy Spirit. 9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.

Field Agents for our council Shawn Still and his son Nick are now officially the field agents covering our council and district. Con- tact either of them for answers to your questions and to schedule a free review. Shawn Still Nick Still Office: (319) 668-8171 (319) 668-8171 Cell: (515) 975-2645 (515) 630-9698 [email protected] [email protected] Knights of Columbus 3919 Hoover Avenue NON PROFIT ORG. Ames, IA 50010 US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 97 Return Service Requested AMES, IA 50010

February 17 Admission (1st Degree) ceremonial 23 Viva la Arc March 3 Spelling Bee (state) 15 Fish dinner (St. Cecilia) 29 Fish dinner (St. Cecilia)

Council 2230 Officers 2018-2019 Chaplain Fr. Jim Secora 233-3092 Grand Knight David Baldus 291-0988 Dep. Grand Knight Philip Berg 783-6316 Chancellor Steve Joerger 203-5082 Recorder Sam Rothstein 763-443-1420 This newsletter is written and published for the members of Financial Secretary Dan Scoles 306-4039 the Knights of Columbus, Ames Council 2230. In 1882, Father Treasurer Bill Ripp 232-0230 Michael J. McGivney and a handful of laymen founded the Advocate Noel Hindt 292-2306 organization in New Haven, , in the basement of Warden Bill Breidinger 232-0102 St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Today the Knights of Columbus Inside Guard Steve Bond 232-4175 is the world’s largest organization of Catholic men and their Outside Guard Ron Schnoes 712-540-0488 Trustees: families. Along with providing financial support for families 3rd Year Paul Fell 520-3426 through insurance, the Knights of Columbus provides support 2nd Year Emil Polashek 292-2757 within the Church for programs of evangelization and Catholic 1st Year Don DoBell 708-3795 education, and for civic involvement and aid to those in need. This newsletter is also available on-line: To accomplish your plan, he gave himself up to death, and, rising from the dead, he destroyed death and restored life. And that we might live no longer for ourselves but for him who died and rose again for us, he sent the Holy Spirit from you, Father, as the first fruits for those who be- lieve, so that, bringing to perfection his work in the world, he might sanctify creation to the full. From Eucharistic Prayer IV, 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal, English Translation, 2011