St. 1294 Makawao Avenue, Makawao, HI 96768 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES CONTACT INFORMATION DAILY MASS: Monday-Friday…...7 a.m. Office: (808) 572-7652 Saturday Sunday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Fax: (808) 573-2278 Sunday Masses: 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Website: Confessions: By appointment only on Tuesday, Thurs- Email: day, & Saturday from 9a.m. - 11 a.m. at the rectory. Call [email protected] 572-7652 to schedule your appointment. PARISH MISSION: St. Joseph Church Parish is a faith community in Makawao, Maui. We are dedicated to the call of God, to support the Diocese of Honolulu in its mission, to celebrate the Eucharist, and to commit and make present in our lives. ST. JOSEPH CHURCH STAFF Administrator: Rev. Tolentino Deacon Patrick Constantino Business Administrator: Donna Pico EARLY LEARNING CENTER Director: Helen Souza; 572-6235 Office Clerk: Sheri Harris Teachers: Renette Koa, Cassandra Comer CHURCH COMMITTEES Pastoral Council: Christine AhPuck; 463-1585 Finance Committee: Ernest Rezents; 572-8663 Church Building/Master Planning: Jordan Santos; 572-9768 Stewardship Committee: Arsinia Anderson; 572-8290 & Helen Souza; 572-5142 CHURCH FUNDRAISING Thrift Shop: Joslyn Minobe: 572-7652 Sweetbread: Jackie Souza: 573-8927 St. Joseph Feast: Donna Pico: 572-7652 CHURCH MINISTRIES WORSHIP MINISTRY Altar Servers: Helen Souza: 572-5142 Arts & Environment: Berna Gentry: 385-3442 Lectors: Erica Gorman; 280-9687 Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion/Sick & Homebound: Jamie Balthazar; 572-6403 & Johnelle Omura; 298-1346 Music: Michael Balderas-572-9434, Rochelle Alo-572-0262, Joe Cacalda-283-1123 & Damien Paiva/Lani Kukaua-572-2324

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sheri Harris: 572-2273 Children (K-8) Faith Formation/Adult Faith Formation: Sheri Harris: 572-2273 Youth Ministry (Confirmation) (Ages 13-17): Jason & Diane Jacinto: 572-4623 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Chris AhPuck: 463-1585 Young Adult Ministry ( Ages 18-35): Kianalei Jacinto: 572-4623, Lennel Alvarez: SOCIAL OUTREACH MINISTRY Food Pantry/Parish Emergency Assistance: Helen Tabaco, Judy Cambra & Frieda Inciong; 572-7652 CHURCH MOVEMENTS Divine Mercy: Robert & Daisy Muego; 250-9126 Filipino Catholic Club: Earl Lamadora; 276-0973 Hawaii Catholic Engage Encounter: Fred & Eileen Corpuz; 572-8833 Holy Hour Devotion: Linda Mitchell: 264-3388 Holy Name Society: Ed Ferreira; 572-0015 : Oscar D’Souza; 573-5826 Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight, Steve Rinaldi 573-1840 : James & Carol Stenger; 572-7884

BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated monthly on the last Saturday of the month at 2 p.m. To prepare for the Sacra- ment, parents and Godparents are required to attend a Baptism catechesis that is scheduled every second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.. All Godparents have to have attained the age of 16; not be the child’s parent; be a practicing Catholic and also need to have received the sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Each Godparent needs to provide a Letter/ Certificate signed and sealed from their own Parish stating that they are a member in good standing and have completed the baptism class. For more information and registration forms, please contact the office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Couples planning to marry in the Church must meet with a priest for several preparation meetings and attend an Engaged Encounter weekend. A minimum of 6 months is required. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please notify the office or rectory when a family member is about to be hospitalized, is hospitalized, or is confined at home due to sickness, or aging. In the hospital, ask your nurse to page the on-call Hos- pital Chaplain. The Chaplain will call the priest assigned for the day to the hospital to provide spiritual care and meet the sacramen- tal needs of the patient. FUNERALS: We ask families to call the Parish Office PRIOR to any arrangements with the Mortuary to avoid conflicts. HOUSE BLESSINGS: If possible, we ask parishioners to schedule house blessings at least one week in advance. NEW PARISIONERS: Are invited to join our parish family. Please register at the Parish Office. PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday: 11 a.m.– 3 p.m.; Tuesday thru Friday: 8 a.m.—3 p.m.; Closed on Weekends & Holidays SEPTEMBER 18 & 19, 2021 DAILY READINGS REFLECTION ON Mahalo to Deacon Pat Constantino for leading Monday, September 20, 2021 TODAY’S READING: the Communion Service this past week while Ezr 1:1-6, Lk 8:16-18 Jesus speaks of his Fr. Michaels attended the Diocese Priest Re- own rejection, torture, Tuesday, September 21, 2021 and shameful dearth. treat on Oahu. St. Matthew, True discipleship, he Apostle, Evangelist says, is concerned not Eph 4:1-7, 11-13, Mt 9:9-13 with status but with ser- Wed., September 22, 2021 vice to the poor, with Ezr 9:5-9, Lk 9:1-6 justice and peace. Thurs., September 23, 2021 Hg 1:1-8, Lk 9:7-9 Please call the parish office at 572-7652 Friday, September 24, 2021 before 3 p,m., Hg 2:1-9, Lk 9:18-22 Monday-Thursday Saturday, September 25, 2021 to make your Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a, Lk 9:43b-45 Mass reservations. Small group, in-person, bible study is TWENTY-SIXTH Do not leave your res- returning to St. Joseph Church! SUNDAY IN ORDINARY ervation request on the TIME—September 26, 2021 answering machine. A Biblical Walk through The Mass Nm 11:25-29, Jas 5:1-6, Thank you. Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Begins October 27 SEEKING LEADERS 5 Lessons On Wednesdays 3PM or 7PM STEWARDSHIP OF For the USHERS & TREASURE: BEREAVEMENT Min- This faith-enriching study examines scripture September 11-17, 2021 istries. Leaders should be to explain why we do what we do during the (If you are able, please support able to communicate with Mass. our church during this time, by committee members, coor- Study materials are $26.95 or can be reduced mailing your Sunday offerings dinate Mass schedules/ to the parish office at 1294 events, etc… For more to $15 per person if needed (includes book, Makawao Avenue, Makawao, information please call the workbook, and online access to videos). We Hawaii 96768) or by Online parish office or see Fr. Mi- are seeking 10 people for each session to giving. chael if you are able to start. serve SJC Parish. Sunday Collection $4,057.00 Bible Study will be an ongoing program of Pastoral care for St. Joseph Church, we have Building Fund 437.00 The Sun- day 9 selected four studies for the first year. Diocese: Catholic a.m. To sign up, or for more information, contact Charities, Catholic Mass Gayle at [email protected] or text/call University 548.00 will be live streaming on Gayle at (808)344-7021 Candles 424.40 Facebook. go to: https:// For more description see: https:// Mass 25.00 through-the-mass. Assumption of the 20.00 josephchurch.makawao Blessed Mary Parish Calendar for the Week Cemetery 50.00 DAY EVENT TIME PLACE Mon.—9/20 Morning Mass 7 a.m. Church Misc. 210.00 Tues.—9/21 Morning Mass 7 a.m. Church Thrift Shop 403.00 Neo Catechumenate 7 p.m. Gym Wed.—9/22 Morning Mass 7 a.m. Church Total $6,174.40 Neo Catechumenate 7 p.m. Gym Tithes and offerings are an act Thurs.—9/23 Morning Mass 7 a.m. Church of worship and reflect our grati- Stewardship Meeting 5:30 p.m. Virtual tude for our salvation in Christ. Youth Group Meeting 7 p.m. Convent The gifts that we offer, along RCIA 7 p.m. School with the bread and wine, repre- Fri.—9/24 Morning Mass 7 a.m.. Church sent our lives offered to God as Sat..— 9/25 Sunday Vigil Mass 5 p.m. Church a holy and living sacrifice. Neo Catechumenate Eucharist 7 p.m. Gym Mahalo for your Sun.—9/26 Sunday Mass Times 7, 9a.m. &5 p.m. Church Sacrifice & Generosity! Youth Group Meeting 10:15 a.m. Convent Twenty-Fifth Sunday in The 5 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass this week- Reci Go end is intended for the Missa pro populo Who Is the Greatest in God's Kingdom?- (Mass of the parish people). Whose glory do you seek? There can be no The following collective intentions are share in God's glory without the cross. When offered on other masses. Jesus prophesied his own betrayal and crucifix- ion, it did not make any sense to his disciples Special Intenons because it did not fit their understanding of what May the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ give them the Messiah came to do. And they were afraid to strength and consolation through all their trials. ask further questions! Like a person who might Nelson, Ann, & Carl T. Boteilho Violet Figueira receive a bad verdict from the doctor and then Pat Brown Daisy Muego refuse to ask further questions, they, too, didn't Juliet Bundshuh Gwen Robello want to know any more. How often do we reject M/M Eustaquio Savella Jr. & Family Sue Del Greco what we do not wish to see? We have heard the M/M Bartolome Palting & Family Balthazar Family good news of God's word and we know the con- sequences of accepting it or rejecting it. But do Repose Souls we give it our full allegiance and mold our lives Miguel & Maryann Pastores & Family Louis DeCoite, Sr. according to it? Ask the Lord to fill you with his Joseph & Harriet Santos & Bryan Pico Holy Spirit and to inspire within you a rever- John Sr. & Gandy Molina Virginia P. Coelho Raymond M. & Anne C. Pires Sidney Fevella ence for his word and a readiness to obey it. Frank & Janet Boteilho Edward Boteilho Nelson Jr., Gary & Leina Boteilho Patrick Fevella A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Thomas & Mary Yamashita David Perreira In today’s Gospel, we learn that the disciples of Jesus Raymond & Anne Pires Henry & Helen Abreu had been discussing among themselves who was the Minnie & Frank Maldonado Gary Boteilho greatest. Jesus is about to turn their idea as well as Timothy Cambra Marivick B. Bugtong our society’s idea of “greatness” upside down. He Reggie, Claudia & Donna Perreira Daniel Flavin embraces a child and tries to help the Twelve under- Frank Sr., Rosaline & Harry Estrella Josephine Reyes stand that to be great is to be focused on something Emil, Agnes & Arnold Balthazar Lorraine Gomes other than themselves. Jesus teaches that true Margaret Amoral & Family Anthony Feiteira, Sr. “greatness” lies in being a good steward of those who Priscilla Pearl Medeiros Manuel Amoral are not great: welcoming one who is not viewed as Rufina DelaCruz Frank Nicolas great by our society’s standards, like the child, the innocent, the vulnerable, the suffering, those who are Carolina Romero Desiree T. Phillips outside our comfortable circle of family, friends, Albert & Elsie DeLima Carrie Caires companions and colleagues, those who need a wel- Delfin & Rizalina Alipio & Family Jules Ramon come. Jesus redefines our notion of greatness. How Marie Amoral Steven do we define greatness? Is our notion of greatness Hunter Otani Veronica Metz consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ? Michelle C. Davis Marcelino P. Felipe Bernard Sagawinit Lillian Texeira Louis & Edith Fernandez George & Mary Kocsis SJC Breaking Bread Ministry Teresita T. & Fernando Jr. Ballesteros & Family thanks you for your past support and donation during the Thanksgiv- ing and holidays. The Food Pantry is GIVE ALOHA AT preparing to serve the needy and again asks for FOODLAND OR your donation of Foodland Maika'i My Rewards SACK N SAVE TO Certificates. A drop box for the certificates is HELP RAISE FUNDS provided at the church entrance. Mahalo nui loa FOR THE PARISH ke Akua BUILDING FUND. At checkout, present your Maikai’i card and inform the cashier that your would like to make a donation to St. Joseph to help support the mission of Church, our code St. Joseph Church #77274 Drop off your donations at the church or the Your donation will be added to your grocery pur- parish office. chase total. You may give up to $249 per organiza- tion. The amount you have donated to us will ap- Mail your donations to: pear on your receipt for tax purposes. St. Joseph Church, 1294 Makawao Avenue Makawao, HI 96768 ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY Donate online by visiting our website: MAINTENANCE OFFERING If you have loved ones interned at SJC Cemetery a Donate by using your smartphone and go monetary offering to assist with the maintenance of the to: myparish app. Cemetery would be truly appreciated. We thank you for your generosity! Sunday, September 19, 2021

St. Joseph Church Catechist Christine AhPuck Jonelle Davis Shanlin Fujimoto Gregory Harris Sheri Harris Elizabeth Miller David Sereda Leslie Van Hook

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Fr. Michael Tolentino Ordained: October 2, 2004 Fr. Michael was born in the Philippines on January 18, 1978 to his parents, Armando & Ofelia Lazo Tolentino and is the eldest of four children. Fr. Michaels biggest influence of becoming a priest was his grand- mother, Felicisima T. Ibarra, however, his family and former pas- tor, Rev. Ramos was also influential in his calling. Fr. Michael was ordained on October 2, 2004 and says “I live my priesthood and my ministry from the words of Jesus,” “Learn from me for I am humble and meek, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” And “Feed my sheep.” Father enjoys cooking and his favorite food are pizza and burgers. Pray for Fr. Michael Priesthood Sunday is a special day set aside to Gracious and loving God, we thank your for the gift of our priests. honor priesthood in the Through them, we experience your presence in the sacraments. United States. It is a day to reflect upon and af- Help our priests to be strong in their vocation. firm the role of the Set their souls on fire with love for your people. priesthood in the life of the Church as a central Grant them the wisdom, understanding, and strength they need to fol- one. low in the footsteps of Jesus. Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom. On this day say a prayer for Fr. Michael or send Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. a simple note, card, or Allow them to experience joy in their ministry. maybe even a phone call to assure him of your Help them to become instruments of your divine grace. loving care and appreci- We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal ation for his presence in Priest. the life of St. Joseph parish and school. Amen.



 St. Theresa Church Wednesday, Sept. 22, 3pm-6pm Ilocano/Spanish interpreters on-site

 Queen Ka'ahumanu Center Friday, Sept. 24, 3pm-6pm

 UH Maui College - Pa'ina Bldg/ Cafeteria Saturday, Sept. 25, 9am-1:30pm

 St. Theresa Church Monday, Sept. 27, 10am-2pm Ilocano/Spanish interpreters on-site Our email is [email protected] and phone number is 521-2731. SPREAD HOPE, HELP SAVE A LIFE THIS SEPTEMBER From the Office for Social Ministry

Beginning this month, many advo- cacy groups such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the Suicide Preven- tion Resource Center (SPRC) are asking for your support to help raise awareness and hope for those suffering from depression and suicidal tendencies during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. The National Catholic Partnership on Disabilities (NCPD) also reminds us that “good pastoral practice demands that the family members and other survivors of suicide be treated with the utmost compassion and care.” Suicide is often stigmatized as dark and “taboo”, but is neverthe- less, an important subject that needs to be brought to the light. As the 2nd leading cause of death in the nation for young people ages 10-24, we must all do our part as a faith community to address the underlying issues that cause this alarming statistic. During this pandemic, many people are experiencing mental health issues or trouble coping with COVID-19 challenges and other life traumas; and it is not uncommon for some to turn to a parish priest for help. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) affirms that faith communities are a natural and appropriate setting to assist in suicide prevention. Spiritual beliefs and practices tend to increase a sense of hope and purpose in people’s lives, so we encourage all parishes to pitch in by providing more opportunities to develop positive relationships and offer support during difficult times. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 2283): “We should not despair the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives.”

When a failed attempt occurs, the National Catholic Partnership on Disabilities (NCPD) recommends “great care and love can be offered by family, friends, and professionals to as- sure the person is loved and can find help in coping with the source of their pain.” Other re- courses can be found on the Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers website, which has produced two important resources by Ave Maria Press:

 Responding to Suicide: A Pastoral Handbook for Catholic Leaders  When a Loved One Dies by Suicide: Comfort, Hope and Healing for Grieving Catholics Both books may be purchased online at this link.

Let’s all do our part to open our eyes, ears, and hearts to the struggles of those around us. Maybe it’s that one interaction with a person in need that could just save a life. For more infor- mation or to seek help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.

ATTENDING MASS AT PRAYER FOR THE COVID-19 ST. JOSEPH CHURCH CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC by Bishop Larry Silva The following are rules and guidelines im- Dear God of all the living, you sent your Son plement by CDC and Diocese of Honolu- Jesus to heal us from illness and sin. We turn lu: to his healing power in this time of anxiety 1.Reservations are needed for all Sun- over the pandemic of this potentially deadly day Masses and Weekday Masses. virus. Please call the Parish office 572- 7652 by Thursday at 3 p.m. to re- St. Damien and St. Marianne Cope dedicated serve your seat for the Mass that their lives to service of those who had an infec- tious disease. St. Marianne Cope said, “I am you want to attend. For contact trac- not afraid of any disease,” because she was ing purposes in case of a virus out- confident of your power to save. At the same break, we will need your name, ad- time, she took prudent precautions of hygiene dress and contact number. Should the to assure that she and her Sisters would not be particular mass you are requesting is infected. filled, you will be given an option to choose another time for Sunday or for Let us learn from this example to put our trust a weekday Mass. in you to save us from the ravages of disease 2.Those who do not have a reservation and to take prudent measures to prevent its spread. Guide us to know when to isolate our- and insist on attending, must stand selves from the possibility of infection, but and WAIT outside practicing social never let anyone be left without the care and distancing until the sign in person is concern of others in the community. ready to check them in and then the ushers will seat them. Other- As our Diocese of Honolulu has been dedicated wise, “No reservation, No Entry” . to the Divine Mercy, we pray with confidence, 3.Always wear a face mask inside and “Jesus, I trust in you.” outside the Church. The only time you can remove your mask will be after receiving the Holy Communion and then you put it back on. You are en- courage to bring your own hand sani- tizer's. 4.Please check in at the door and then the Ushers will seat you. Household Families can sit together. Couples also can sit together. Others will be alone 6 feet apart. 5.After mass please follow the ushers’ instructions keeping 6 feet social dis- tancing as you leave the church. 6.Candles may be lit after Mass only, using social distancing. 7.Socializing and visiting in the parking lot is not allowed. Please go straight to If you have any signs of a fever, per- your car and exit the parking lot. sistent cough and/or shortness of 8. Donation box will be at the entrances breath, sneezing and/or runny nose, or if you have received a shielding letter, of the Church. You can place your do- please refrain from entering the nation in the basket before or after the church. Mass. Stay Safe! Rev. Michael Tolentino LEAVE A LEGACY FOR THE ST. A Specific Bequest is the most common JOSEPH FAITH COMMUNITY type of bequest. Typically, it is a dollar THAT WILL MAKE AN IMPACT amount like $25,000 or some other specif- AFTER YOUR LIFETIME ic asset like appreciated stock. Here is sample wording for a specific bequest: 3 EASY STEPS “I/we give, devise, and bequeath the To make a planned gift to sum of $______(or description of Joseph Church specific property) to St. Joseph Church, Makawao, HI to be used for repair and/ or renovation of parish facilities.” 1. Determine which type of legacy gift you would like to make and the dollar A Residuary Bequest gives all or a spe- amount. A bequest in a Will is the most cific percentage of assets remaining in the common planned gift. You may indi- estate after debts, taxes, expenses and oth- cate a specific dollar amount, or a per- er bequests have been paid. Here is sample centage of your estate after all fees and wording for a residuary bequest: taxes are settled. “I/we give, devise, and bequeath ______% of the remainder of my estate 2. Decide if you would like to desig- after all debts, taxes, expenses and fam- nate your gift to a specific intention ily bequests have been paid to St. Jo- (for example, facilities) or leave it un- seph Church, Makawao, HI to be used restricted for the general benefit of the for repair and/or renovation of parish parish community as determined by the facilities.” pastor with approval by the Finance Council. A Contingent Bequest takes effect if those you have remembered in your Will are no longer living when you pass away. 3. Finalize your intention with the ap- Here is sample wording for a contingent propriate legal document, as deter- bequest: mined by you and your legal and finan- “If upon the death of the survivor of my cial counsel. Be sure to identify the spouse and I, or at any time thereafter, recipient as: but prior to complete distribution of my estate, there is no living descendant of St. Joseph Church mine, any property of my estate not Makawao, Hawaii vested or effectively appointed shall be distributed to St. Joseph Church, Maka- Rooted in Jesus we love wao, HI to be used for repair and/or and serve others renovation of parish facilities.”