noviembre 22, 2013 RUMBONEWS.COM• Edición 421L • Lawrence, FREE!MA • A ñTAKEO 18 .: ONE Rumbo | GRATIS :. 1 Paz Mundial /

RumboEDICIóN NO. 421L • The Bilingual Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley |13 World Peace Noviembre 22, 2013 Edición Local: (MA) Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, Andover & North Andover Mayor-Elect Rivera Un Puente para el Héroe announces Transition Committee Chairs Lawrence leaders will begin a community conversation about the future

Mayor-Elect Dan Rivera of Lawrence has made his first public announcement about plans for the transition pending the recount planned for this Saturday. Speaking in the main lobby of the historic Everett Mill, Rivera said “Ten months ago we stood in this room and kicked off our campaign for Mayor of Lawrence. Many of the people standing in this room were part of that event and have been with us throughout the campaign. On that day, we made a commitment that if elected we would govern this city with integrity, with honesty, and with professionalism. Most importantly, we made a commitment to making Lawrence better for every single one of its residents….As everyone knows we’re still waiting for the outcome of Saturday’s recount, and the transition process will not begin until that is complete. I want to be clear that we are not taking anything for granted in terms of the outcome, but at the same time we think it is the responsible thing to do to get the transition process underway. Lawrence has waited long enough for real progress and we cannot afford to lose a single day.” “The transition will reflect the way we intend to govern: thorough, thoughtful and professional. The process will draw on leaders from the community who bring deep subject Admirando la placa acabada de develar en honor matter expertise and a serious commitment to Lawrence. del Sargento Alex R. Jiménez que será colocada en A Hero’s Bridge The fundamental goal of the transition process over the el puente sobre el Río Spicket, conectando la Calle Admiring the just unveiled plaque in honor of Staff Sgt. Alex next seven weeks is to begin a community conversation Marston con la Calle Canal están, de izquierda a R. Jimenez to be affixed to the bridge over the Spicket River, about making Lawrence better. The process will bring derecha, el Alcalde de Lawrence William Lantigua; connecting Marston Street with Canal Street are, from left, together people from all walks of life to share their ideas los padres de Alex Jiménez, María Durán y Andy Lawrence Mayor William Lantigua, Alex Jimenez’s parents, Jiménez. También en la foto a la derecha está el Maria Duran and Andy Jimenez. Also pictured at right is director de la Oficina de Servicios al Veterano de Lawrence Veterans’ Services Department Director, Jaime PLEASE SEE rivera Lawrence, Jaime Meléndez. Melendez. |2 |2 CONTINUES ON PAGE 5 Panel escucha quejas de CLASS

|9 Panel hears complaints about CLASS

From left, State Representative and Lawrence City Council President Frank Moran; Pastor Luciano Taveras, Spanish Free De izquierda a derecha, el Representante Estatal y Presidente del Concejo Municipal de Lawrence, Frank Moran; Methodist Church, Lawrence and Milagro Grullon, Executive el Pastor Luciano Taveras, de la Iglesia Hispana Metodista Libre, y Milagro Grullón, Directora Ejecutiva, Director, Lawrence Community Connections, listened on alleged Lawrence Community Connections, escucharon sobre supuestas violaciones de derechos de los trabajadores de workers’ rights from recently fired CLASS employees. |11 algunos empleados recién despedidos de CLASS. |4

YMCA: Clases de natación / Swimming classes - |12

02 EDITORIAL English En Español 04 DALIA DíAZ Tuesdays @ 10am Sábados a las 11am 19 DIRECTORIO 20 clasificados 22 CALENDARIO CrossOver 102.9 fm HD 2 Rumbo on the Radio! 2 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online! El Puente del Héroe EDITORIAL | EDITORIAL Lawrence honra a sus héroes

n esta edición, nuestras páginas recogen el emotivo acto de reconocimiento llevado a cabo en días pasados al Sargento Alex EJiménez que fuera capturado el 12 de mayo 2007 por fuerzas enemigas en Irak. Sus restos fueron recuperados un año después, el 8 de julio 2008. Durante todo ese tiempo, la ciudad entera brindó calor y consuelo a sus padres, Doña María Durán y Andy Jiménez. Todos teníamos la esperanza de que aún estuviera vivo y algún día retornaría a casa. Quiso el destino que no fuera así. Cuando se supo que sus restos habían sido identificados, la ciudad entera se vistió de luto y lo acompañó a su última morada. Aunque Alex está enterrado en el Cementerio Nacional de Farmingdale, Long Island cerca de su madre, él permanece aquí, muy cerca, en nuestros corazones. Aunque fue emocionante ver cuántas personas, y en especial veteranos de distintas guerras se reunieron en el puente dedicado a su memoria, no ha de extrañarnos de una ciudad como Lawrence que en el pasado ha demostrado saber reconocer el sacrificio de estos soldados Un momento con su hijo. / A moment with her son. que han dado lo mejor de su vida, su juventud, para proteger nuestras libertades. En este Día de Dar Gracias que se aproxima, es nuestro deber hincarnos de rodillas y dar gracias no sólo a estos hombres y mujeres Por Alberto Suris que ya no están con nosotros, sino a los que aún se encuentran a nuestro alrededor, nuestros Veteranos. Ellos son los únicos que tienen De ahora en adelante, atravesar el nuevo asignado a la cuarta infantería, Fort Drum, puente construido sobre el Río Spicket New York, fue capturado el 12 de mayo derecho. que conecta Marston con la Calle Canal 2007 por fuerzas enemigas en Jurf Al ¡Nosotros solo deberes! tendrá un significado especial. Usted no Sakhar, Irak, cuando su unidad fue atacada estará cruzando un puente cualquiera, usted por insurgentes usando armas automáticas y estará cruzando el Puente Sargento Alex R. explosivos. Sus restos fueron recuperados Lawrence honors its heroes Jiménez: El Puente de nuestro héroe. más de un año después, el 8 de julio 2008. El viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013 En la acción, también perdieron la vida n this edition, our pages collect the emotional ceremony held in autoridades estatales y municipales, el soldado Byron J. Fouty, 19, de Michigan recent days to honor Sergeant Alex Jimenez, who was captured on veteranos y familiares de Jiménez se y el soldado Joseph J. Anzack, Jr., 20, de May 12, 2007 by enemy forces in Iraq. His remains were recovered reunieron en el puente para dedicar una Torrance, California; Sargento Primera I a year later, on July 8, 2008. placa que se adjuntará en un sitio visible clase James D. Connell, Jr., el soldado para recordar a las generaciones futuras del Daniel W. Courneya; Cpl. Christopher E. During all that time, the whole city gave warmth and comfort to sacrificio de este joven soldado. Murphy y el sargento Anthony J. Schober. his parents, Doña Maria Duran and Andy Jimenez. We all had high Según el Presidente del Concilio de Diez días más tarde, el cuerpo de Anzack hopes that he was still alive and would return home someday. As fate Lawrence, Frank Moran, varios veteranos se fue encontrado flotando en el río Éufrates. showed, it was not to be. le acercaron con la idea de dedicar un puente Jiménez fue enterrado el 2 de agosto When we learned that his remains had been identified, the entire a Alex; luego de presentar la propuesta al de 2008 en Long Island, en el Cementerio city mourned and accompanied him to his final resting place. Although pleno del ayuntamiento, esta fue aprobada Nacional de Farmingdale, NY. Alex nació por unanimidad el 19 de septiembre, 2013. en Nueva York y su madre María Duran, Alex is buried in the National Cemetery of Farmingdale, Long Island Jiménez, de Lawrence, Massachusetts, vive en las cercanías en Queens. close to his mother, he remains here, very close to our hearts. de 25 años de edad, Especialista del Ejército, Although it was noble seeing how many people, especially veterans from different wars gathered to dedicate a bridge to his memory, it is no wonder in a city like Lawrence that in the past had recognized the sacrifice of those soldiers who have given the best of their life, their youth, to protect our freedoms. As this approaches, it is our duty to kneel and give A Hero’s Bridge thanks not only to the men and women who are no longer with us, but to those that are still around us, our Veterans. They are the only ones having rights. By Alberto Suris We have only obligations! From now on, crossing the new bridge of Lawrence, Massachusetts, assigned to the built over the Spicket River connecting 4th Infantry, Fort Drum, N.Y., was captured Marston with Canal Street will have a on May 12, 2007 by enemy forces in Jurf special meaning. You won’t be crossing Al Sakhar, Iraq, when his unit was attacked just another bridge. You will be crossing by insurgents using automatic fire and Rumbo the Staff Sergeant Alex R. Jimenez Bridge: explosives. His remains were recovered The BILINGUAL Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley Our Hero’s Bridge. more than a year later on July 8, 2008. Publicación de SUDA, Inc. On Friday, 15, 2013, State Also killed were Spc. Byron J. Fouty, 60 Island Street, Suite 211E Lawrence, MA 01840 and City Officials, veterans and several 19, of Michigan and Pfc. Joseph J. Anzack, Tel: (978) 794-5360 | Fax: (978) 975-7922 | Jimenez’s closest relatives gathered at the Jr., 20, of Torrance, California; Sgt. 1st bridge to dedicate a plaque which will be Class James D. Connell Jr., Pfc. Daniel W. DIRECTOR AND GRAPHIC DESIGN CONTRIBUYENTES Frank Benjamín visibly attached to remind future generations Courneya; Cpl. Christopher E. Murphy and Dalia Díaz CONTRIBUTORS José Alfonso García of this young soldier’s sacrifice. Sgt. Anthony J. Schober. Ten days later, [email protected] Paul V. Montesino, PhD According to Lawrence City Council the body of Anzack was pulled out from the SALES & CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Maureen Nimmo President Frank Moran, several veterans Euphrates River. Alberto M. Surís Arturo Ramo García approached him with the idea of dedicating Jimenez was buried on August 2, [email protected] Rev. Edwin Rodríguez a bridge to Alex; he then presented the 2008 at Long Island National Cemetery in proposal to the full council, and it was Farmingdale, N.Y. He was born in New approved on September 19, unanimously. York and his mother Maria Duran, lives in LOCAL EDITION Jimenez, a 25-year-old Army Specialist nearby Queens. Published on the 8th & 22nd of Every Month noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 3 4 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online!

Anuncio Pagado Por Dalia Díaz READ IT IN ENGLISH ON PAGE 16 [email protected] OTROS TÉRMINOS IMPORTANTES defectuosas. ¿Futuros paparazzis? Recuento de votos Las baterías pueden ser otro problema. DE SEGUROS En la columna de esta semana, la El sábado, 23 de noviembre las Para el proceso típico de elección en bibliotecaria Maureen Nimmo escribió autoridades municipales llevarán a cabo Connecticut, identificaron el tiempo en que acerca de su experiencia mientras asistía el recuento de votos en las elecciones. Si las baterías frescas pueden ser instaladas DEDUCIBLE: a la inauguración del puente dedicado al bien la diferencia entre el Alcalde William y los intervalos durante el cual la tarjeta Sargento Alex Jiménez, pero menciona Lantigua , y el alcalde-electo Daniel Rivera de memoria dependa de la energía de la Las pólizas tienen algo desagradable que se está convirtiendo es de 60 votos que parecen insuperables, batería. Para tarjetas de memoria cuyos deducibles. Un en algo común y la mayoría de la gente ni el alcalde y los votantes tienen derecho componentes dependerán de la batería, deducible es la siquiera se da cuenta. Le recomiendo que a solicitarlo. Mientras tanto, he estado el tiempo de aviso del sistema AV-OS es cantidad que debe lo lea en la página 15 porque yo aplaudo leyendo muchísimo sobre los problemas insuficiente para garantizar la conservación pagar antes de que que ella lo haya hecho. que afectan a los escáneres utilizados de los datos durante la duración del proceso la compañía de La cuestión es cuán fastidiosos algunas durante las elecciones. electoral. Como resultado, la retención de seguros le pague su personas pueden ser en todo tipo de actos Más de 40 estados utilizan los los datos no puede ser garantizada de por reclamo. públicos tomando fotos y videos con sus escáneres ópticos AccuVote (AV-OS). ningún tiempo de duración después de las iPads, los teléfonos celulares y cualquier Varios informes documentan ocurrencias elecciones, como puede ser requerido por Muchas de las pólizas tienen más otro instrumento moderno que tengan a de fallas de tarjetas de memoria de AV-OS, algunas jurisdicciones. Recomiendan que de un deducible. Un deducible mano. Esta ceremonia, en particular, fue con un máximo de 15% de todas las tarjetas para cada elección se tenga en cuenta la separado puede aplicar a los daños muy solemne y el comportamiento de las que fallan en algunos casos. El Centro de edad de las baterías usadas con las tarjetas causados por tormentas de viento o personas que probablemente ni siquiera Investigación de Tecnología de Votación de de memoria o debe ser sustituida antes de granizo. conocían a Alex y su familia, fue muy la Universidad de Connecticut ha realizado las elecciones para mitigar las ocurrencias irrespetuoso tratando de captar todos los una amplia investigación, financiada por el frecuentes de pérdida de datos. Encontraron La cobertura de terremoto también detalles como si fuera una estrella de cine. Secretario del Estado de Connecticut que que 4 de cada 17 tarjetas de memoria pierden tiene un deducible especial, pero Cuando Alberto regresó del puente, implica el fracaso de tarjetas de memoria. sus datos incluso después de la instalación usted debe comprar cobertura de él me dijo lo mismo porque se estaban A veces, se borran los datos de la tarjeta, de las nuevas baterías. terremoto y pagar más si quiere poniendo en su camino al tomar las como el caso en el condado de Washtenaw, El porcentaje de tarjetas que pierde cobertura de terremoto. fotografías que aparecen en esta edición. Michigan, donde algunas tarjetas "fueron La próxima vez que esté en una boda, limpiadas" de sus datos después de una IMPORTANTE o cualquier evento público, fíjese cuán elección. Los informes indican que de POR FAVOR VEA mi esquina fastidiosos pueden ser - y se acordará de 3.5% a 15% de las tarjetas de memoria continúa en la pagina 14 SABER Maureen. examinadas en las auditorías se encuentran Una póliza de seguro no es un contrato de mantenimiento. Si el techo es viejo usted debe pagar Panel escucha quejas de CLASS para reemplazarlo. Su compañía de seguros no paga por un techo nuevo si comienza a gotear. Usted debe Por Alberto Surís mantener su propiedad para evitar A. Harris, President/CEO), y tuvimos una tener pérdidas y para evitar que su El Comité de los Derechos de los entrevista muy cordial y él me aseguró que seguro sea cancelado. Trabajadores del Valle de Merrimack trabajarían con la unión y que sólo habían convocó a una audiencia pública en la despedido a cinco empleados y ahora oigo Una compañía puede no renovar Iglesia Hispana Metodista Libre el pasado que son ocho”, dijo el Representante Morán el seguro si usted presenta un martes, 12 de noviembre, 2013, con objeto reaccionando a lo dicho por Mbuga. reclamo. de escuchar los retos que enfrentan los La historia de Liz Parrilla es muy trabajadores de servicios humanos en el similar. Ella trabajó 2 años como chofer y Una empresa puede cancelar o no ARC of Greater Lawrwence, (CLASS). no le daban ni para limpiar la guagua. En renovar su póliza si las condiciones El comité estaba formado por el viajes largos, sobre todo en invierno, tenía o el uso de su edificio cambia. Representante Estatal y Presidente del que parar y echarle nieve al parabrisas Concejo Municipal de Lawrence, Frank para limpiarlo ya que no le daban líquido Si se muda de una casa a otra, debe Moran; el Pastor Luciano Taveras, de la para limpiarlo. Dijo haber adquirido una cambiar el tipo de póliza sobre la Iglesia Hispana Metodista Libre, y Milagro erupción, para lo cual mostró un video. vivienda en la que no vive. Si usted Grullón, Directora Ejecutiva de Lawrence Cuando se quejó a la administración de sufre una pérdida y tiene el tipo Community Connections. CLASS, le dijeron que lo había contraído equivocado de seguro puede que no Susan Mbuga: "Ellos pagan una miseria Específicamente, el comité escuchó en su casa. “Yo soy una mujer muy limpia lo paguen por una pérdida. sobre supuestas violaciones de los derechos y esperan que hagamos mucho. Eso es y sé que lo contraje allí.” esclavitud” de los trabajadores de algunos empleados Parrilla que fue empleada de CLASS recién despedidos de CLASS, entre ellos, por más de 2 años como chofer y luego “They pay peanuts and expect you to do much. Susan Mbuga y Liz Parrilla. como Integrated Day Service Specialist por That's slavery," Nancy Greenwood Insurance Según Susan Mbuga, una emigrante de un total de cinco años dijo al panel: “Me 11 Haverhill Street Kenya, ella comenzó a trabajar en CLASS dejaron fuera. Me dañaron mi record. Me dijo llevar más de 10 años trabajando para Methuen, MA 01844 en noviembre, 2006 hasta junio 2013 que acusaron de poner a dos clientes a pelear, CLASS y que actualmente están colocando fue despedida y expresó su intensión de cosa que nunca he hecho,” dijo sollozando. a personas sin los conocimientos necesarios. (978) 683-7676 continuar la lucha por los derechos de los “Empleados han sido despedidos por “Si Bob Harris le dijo a usted que solo habían (800) 498-7675 / Fax (978) 794-5409 compañeros que aún están trabajando. asuntos que han venido sucediendo todo el despedido a cinco personas, es un mentiroso.” Dijo haber luchado y luchará en contra de tiempo, tal como escuchar la radio. Antes “Todos los días veo algo nuevo, una Hablamos Español trabajar por salario mínimo. "Ellos pagan estaba bien, pero ahora que los empleados nueva disposición, para que nos cansemos y Anuncio Pagado una miseria y esperan que hagamos mucho. se han unido a la Unión, se ha convertido busquemos otro trabajo,” dijo la empleada y Nancy Greenwood Ronald Briggs Eso es esclavitud”, dijo y añadió, “A los en un problema y una razón de despido,” añadió, “si voy a salir de CLASS voy a salir choferes les pagan $8.00 la hora y algunos dijo Jason A. Stephany, Director de con la frente bien alta y convencida que lo tienen que ir tan lejos como Ipswich (39.20 Comunicaciones, Local 509 –SEIU. que estamos haciendo es lo correcto.” millas ida y vuelta). “Yo creo en regateo colectivo con la “Cuando Bob Harris se reúne con los CARTAS AL EDITOR Mbuga dijo que algunos empleados de unión pero estoy en contra de represalias,” miembros estatales de donde recibe “tax RUMBO CLASS que no son miembros de la unión dijo el Representante Morán, añadiendo dollars,” les dice que no está utilizando ese 60 Island Street, Suite 211E han tomado represalias en contra de ella. que está inclinado a encontrar un terreno dinero para luchar contra la Unión. Cuando Lawrence MA 01840 Email: [email protected] “Algunos de mis compañeros no se unieron común con CLASS y solicitar la ayuda de se reúne con los donantes privados, les dice a la unión por temor a ser despedidos, aún la Congresista Niki Tsongas para que haga Las cartas deben tener menos de 300 palabras de así, desde que se formó la Unión, ocho presión a nivel Federal. largo. Favor de incluir un número de teléfono o empleados ya han sido despedidos.” Otra empleada que no quiso ser identi- POR FAVOR VEA class dirección electronica para confirmar quién la envía. “Yo me reuní con Bob Harris (Robert ficada o fotografiada por temor represalias,a continúa en la pagina 7 noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 5

continúa de la pagina 2 continue from page 2 jimenez jimenez

Los padres de Alex Jiménez, Andy Jiménez y María Duran y algunos familiares vistiendo camisetas que llevan las iniciales POW/MIA (Prisionero de guerra/Perdido en acción) con la imagen de Alex posando ante la Guardia de Color de la Policía de Lawrence.

Alex Jimenez’s parents, Andy Jimenez and Maria Duran and relatives wearing POW/ MIA T-shirts with the picture of Alex posing before the Lawrence Police Color Guard.

continue from page 1 rivera and aspirations for the city. It will include Education and Youth Committee: Quin people who supported the current Mayor. Gonell, Lawrence resident and social studies We are all one city and one community teacher at Lawrence High School and a and we need to begin the healing process founding member of the Greater Lawrence through these conversations. The feedback Young Professionals Network, and Eliana gathered during the transition will be used Martinez, Lawrence resident and a teacher by my administration to help understand at Lawrence High School. community needs and focus priorities over Public Celebrations and Unity the next four years” said Rivera. Committee: Eileen Bernal, Lawrence The transition effort will be led by City Councilor for District E and attorney, ten committees charged with addressing a Dalton & Finegold LLP. (Co-Chair to be range of issues in the city. Maggie Super announced at a later date). La placa de Staff Sergeant Alex Church, Co-Chair of Rivera’s transition Community Engagement Committee: Jim R. Jimenez. team, said “The Committee chairs will Blatchford, Lawrence School committee facilitate conversations with a larger group member and Night Auditor for Marriot Staff Sergeant Alex R. Jimenez’s about what’s working in the city, what isn’t International. (Co-Chair to be announced plaque. working, and what can be done better. They at a later date). will help to identify strengths we can build Jobs and Economic Development on as a community as well as best practices Committee: Marianne Paley Nadel, Owner from other places so we’re not reinventing and General Manager of the Everett Mills the wheel. The process will create an in Lawrence, and Julia Silverio, Lawrence opportunity for people who are living, resident, CEO at Silverio Insurance Agency working, investing, and raising families in and former Lawrence City Councilor. this city to brainstorm together, contribute Quality of Life Committee: Pedro Torres, their ideas, and be part of the change we Lawrence resident and General Manager at want to create.” Napolitano Marble and Granite, and Brenda El Padre Joel Almonó bendijo al According to Zoila Gomez, Co-Chair Rozzi, Lawrence resident and President soldado, su familia y el Puente. of Rivera’s transition team, “The people we of the Sacred Heart/ Brookfield Street have selected to help us lead the transition Neighborhood Association. process reflect the community at large Housing Committee: Jessica Andors, Father Joel Almonó blessing the and bring deep subject matter expertise in Lawrence resident and Executive Director soldier, his family and the bridge. their respective fields as well as a strong of Lawrence Community Works, and Efrain commitment to the city of Lawrence. The Rolon Deputy Director of the Lawrence El Representante Estatal great majority of them are also Lawrence Housing Authority y Presidente del Concilio residents. This group represents the Arts and Culture Committee: Mary de la Ciudad de Lawrence, diversity, energy, vitality and talent that this Guerrero, Lawrence resident and owner Frank Morán, explicando los city has to offer, and we are proud to have of Café Azteca and El Taller restaurant detalles de cómo surgió la them join us.” and bookstore and a teacher at the Oliver idea de la placa a Jiménez. The Transition Committee Chairs School in Lawrence, and Victor Perez, announced today are: Lawrence resident and Company Director Public Safety Committee: Manny of the Hacha Y Machete dance company, State Representative and Gonzalez, Lawrence Firefighter and city Boston’s first Professional, New York Style President of the City Council resident, and Marc LaPlante, City Councilor “ON 2” Salsa dance company. of Lawrence, Frank Moran, for District F. Health and Wellness Committee: Dr. explaining the details of Budget and Finance Committee: Kristen John Raser, MD, Lawrence resident, family how the idea of the plaque Harol, Lawrence resident and Vice President physician, and Director of Community to Jimenez was born. of the Life Initiative, and David Tibbetts, Medicine at the Greater Lawrence Family Senior Advisor for Workforce Development Health Center and Wander Morel, Lawrence at Northern Essex Community College and resident, physical fitness expert and Owner Middlesex Community College. of Anos Fitness. 6 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online! Groundwork Lawrence recibe el premio Peter R. Lee de Comunidades Saludables

El viejo adagio de Benjamín Franklin: la importante labor que realizan para "Una onza de prevención vale una libra de mejorar la calidad de vida de Lawrence", cura", todavía dice mucho a los expertos dijo Heather McMann, directora ejecutiva en salud pública de hoy en día, así como de Groundwork Lawrence y Miembro activistas de la comunidad de Lawrence. del Concejo de la Asociación de Salud En la 22 de octubre Conferencia Anual Pública de Massachusetts. Ella añade que Onza de Prevención patrocinada por "Construimos vías verdes y limpiamos el Departamento de Salud Pública de parques y auspiciamos el mercado de Massachusetts (DPH MA), Groundwork agricultores, ya que es bueno para las Lawrence recibió el premio inaugural personas, familias, barrios y nuestra Peter R. Lee de Comunidades Saludables ciudad. Y también hace una diferencia en ante un público de todo Massachusetts. la economía más grande de nuestro estado Nombrado en honor de Peter Lee, un y el país debido a que estos esfuerzos líder en el movimiento de comunidades preventivos mejoran nuestra salud física y más saludables quien falleció en 2013, mental, y reducen los costos de atención de este premio se otorga a las organizaciones salud." que hacen contribuciones importantes y Ms. McMann aceptó el premio significativas en el avance de la salud de sus del Departamento de Salud Pública comunidades en Massachusetts. del Comisionado Cheryl Bartlett y del "Es fabuloso que los voluntarios director interino de Política Pública de de Groundwork Lawrence, el personal, Massachusetts Geoff Wilkinson ante cerca Equipos Verdes, y miembros de su junta de 500 compañeros de todo el estado. directiva están siendo reconocidos por Groundwork Lawrence Receives the Peter R. Lee Healthy Rumbo Communities Award “The Bilingual Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley”

www. .com Benjamin Franklin’s old adage, “An rumbonews ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” still speaks volumes to today’s public health experts as well as community activists in Lawrence. At October 22nd's annual Ounce of Prevention Conference sponsored by the Massachusetts Department Para TODo tipo de seguro of Public Health (MA DPH), Groundwork Lawrence was presented an inaugural Peter R. Lee Healthy Communities Award before an audience of their peers from across Massachusetts. Named in honor of Peter Lee, a leader in the movement for healthier communities who died in 2013, this award goes to organizations that make important and Personales significant contributions to building health individuals, families, neighborhoods, and communities in Massachusetts. our city. And it also makes a difference in “It’s just fabulous that Groundwork the larger economy of our state and country Automóviles Lawrence’s volunteers, staff, Green Teams, because these preventative efforts improve and board members are being recognized our physical and mental health, and reduce for the important work they do to improve health care costs.” Casas the quality of life in Lawrence,” said Ms. McMann accepted the award from Heather McMann, Executive Director Massachusetts Department of Public Health of Groundwork Lawrence and Board Commissioner Cheryl Bartlett and Interim Negocios Member of the Massachusetts Public Director of Public Policy Geoff Wilkinson Health Association. She adds that “We in front of nearly 500 peers from across the build greenways and clean up parks, and state. * Tarifas bajas para host farmers market because it’s good for seguro de AUTOS y CASAS * Sin depósito con EFT Dondequiera que estés SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Wherever you are Degnan Insurance Agency, Inc. 85 Salem Street., Lawrence MA 01843 TEL. (978) 688-4474 . FAX (978) 327-6558 WWW.DEGNANINSURANCE.COM noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 7 continúa de la pagina 4 Otorgan a Lawrence Lawrence awarded clAss $900,000 for MassWorks $900,000 para MassWorks Governor Deval Patrick announced a lo mismo. Tenemos que averiguar a quien MassWorks award for the City of Lawrence está Bob Harris mintiendo,” dijo Jason A. totaling nearly$900,000. This award Stephany. El Gobernador Deval Patrick anunció will create the important nexus from the De acuerdo con SEIU, los compañeros una dádiva para MassWorks en la Ciudad de new Northern Essex Community College de trabajo en CLASS, Inc. se unieron para Lawrence por un total de casi $900.000. El (NECC) Allied Health and Technology tratar de cambiar las condiciones inseguras propósito es crear el importante enlace del Center to Essex Street in downtown para los clientes y los trabajadores. Ellos nuevo Centro Aliado de Salud y Tecnología Lawrence. The grant will also support estaban preocupados con la seguridad en las de Northern Essex Community College economic development surrounding the camionetas que se usan para el transporte (NECC) con Essex Street en el centro growing urban campus. de los clientes, la falta de entrenamiento comercial de Lawrence. La donación The City of Lawrence is well-positioned en materia de seguridad, y las condiciones también apoyará el desarrollo económico to undertake needed infrastructure improve- insalubres que afectan a todos. “¡OSHA que rodea el creciente campus urbano. ments that will revitalize its downtown area inspeccionó CLASS, Inc. y ha exigido de La Ciudad de Lawrence está bien and provide long-term economic benefits to la administración que la seguridad sea una posicionada para llevar a cabo las mejoras de the City and by extension, the region. The prioridad!” dijo Stephany. infraestructura necesarias que revitalizarán infrastructure improvements will include the OSHA emitió las siguientes CITAS Y el centro de la ciudad y proporcionará renovation the Essex Street and additional MULTAS CONTRA CLASS, INC. beneficios económicos a largo plazo para alley ways which provide critical linkages Grave: La falta de evaluar los peligros en la ciudad y, por extensión, de la región. throughout the downtown area. These areas los vehículos de transporte. Las mejoras de infraestructura incluirán la are used on a regular basis by NECC students Grave: Falta de seleccionar y dar a los renovación de la calle Essex y callejones and faculty. empleados afectados equipos de protección adicionales que proporcionan vínculos “I am very pleased to have supported personal, tales como guantes. Muchos residentes que trabajan en fundamentales en todo el centro de la ciudad. this MassWorks award totaling $900,000 Grave: Falta por no proporcionar entrena- el Valle de Merrimack son graduados Estas áreas se utilizan de manera regular por was awarded to Lawrence. This is a great miento sobre los patógenos transmitidos de la universidad, mientras que muchos los estudiantes y profesores NECC. investment that will stimulate economic por la sangre. otros están matriculados en programas de "Estoy muy contento de haber apoyado development in downtown Lawrence,” Grave: Falta por no revisar el plan de control educación y entrenamiento en el campus de esta iniciativa para MassWorks por un total said Representative Frank A. Moran de la exposición anual. Lawrence. de $900,000 otorgada a Lawrence. Esta (D-Lawrence). Grave: Falta por no proporcionar instala- "Estoy encantado de que muchos es una gran inversión que va a estimular Many residents who work in the ciones de lavado de manos viables, anti- de nuestros residentes podrán cosechar el desarrollo económico en el centro de Merrimack Valley are graduates of the séptico limpiador de manos. los muchos beneficios que ofrece esta Lawrence", dijo el Representante Estatal college while many others are currently Sanciones totales: $7,200 subvención", dijo el Representante Moran. Frank A. Moran (D-Lawrence). enrolled in education and training programs De acuerdo con SEIU, un representante on the Lawrence campus. de CLASS fue invitado a participar de esta “I am delighted that so many of our audiencia pública pero nunca se presentó own residents will be able to reap the many por lo que carecemos de una réplica oficial benefits afforded from this investment de la institución respecto a las acusaciones grant,” said Representative Moran. aquí mencionadas. 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WOW! WOW! WOW! 603.898.2580 8 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online! TD Charitable Foundation TD Charitable Foundation responde al aumento de responds to increased need necesidad en las comunidades a través de una donación a in communities through comedores comunitarios food pantry donation

TD Charitable Foundation, la rama comedores comunitarios a medida que The TD Charitable Foundation, the The following food pantries in our area caritativa de TD Bank, El Banco Más crece la demanda de alimentos”. charitable giving arm of TD Bank, America’s received grants: Conveniente de América®, recientemente Los siguientes comedores comunitarios Most Convenient Bank®, recently donated donó un subsidio por un monto total de en nuestra área recibieron subsidios: a total of $900,000 in grants to food pantries Massachusetts: $900,000 a comedores comunitarios de throughout the bank’s footprint from Maine The Open Door Cape Ann Food Pantry, Inc. toda el área de influencia del banco, desde Massachusetts: The Open Door Cape Ann to Florida. – Gloucester Maine hasta Florida. Food Pantry, Inc. – Gloucester The grants will help pantries prepare Estos subsidios ayudarán a los for the holiday season and aid in assisting The Greater Boston Food Bank, Inc. – comedores a prepararse para la temporada Massachusetts: The Greater Boston Food thousands who will experience a reduction Boston de fiestas y servirán para brindar asistencia a Bank, Inc. – Boston in their food stamp benefits, due to the miles de personas que sufrirán una reducción expiration of the Supplemental Nutrition New Hampshire: en sus beneficios de vales para alimentos, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Food Assistance Program. Pantries are expected New Hampshire Food Bank - Manchester debido al vencimiento del Programa de Bank - Manchester to double their current levels of distribution Asistencia para Nutrición Suplementaria and play a very important part in feeding A staunch commitment to active (SNAP, siglas en inglés). Se espera que los Un elemento vital de la filosofía de many communities. involvement in the local community is a comedores dupliquen sus niveles actuales TD Bank es su compromiso acérrimo “Thousands of people will be impacted vital element of the TD Bank philosophy. de distribución y desempeñen un papel muy por realizar una participación activa en la by the food stamp cuts and with the holidays TD Bank, America’s Most Convenient importante en la alimentación de muchas comunidad local. TD Bank, El Banco Más approaching the assistance from food banks Bank® and the TD Charitable Foundation comunidades. Conveniente de América® y TD Charitable will be vital,” said Elizabeth K. Warn, provide support to affordable housing, “Miles de personas se verán afectadas Foundation brindan apoyo a iniciativas President of the TD Charitable Foundation financial literacy and education, and por el corte de los vales para alimentos y, para la vivienda asequible, la educación y and Senior Vice President of Community environmental initiatives, many of which con las fiestas más cerca, la asistencia de la cultura financieras, y el medio ambiente, Relations for TD Bank. “We are extremely focus on improving the welfare of children los bancos de alimentos será vital”, declaró muchas de las cuales se enfocan en el proud to continue our support of food and families. Elizabeth K. Warn, Presidenta de TD mejoramiento del bienestar de niños y pantries as demands for food increases.” Charitable Foundation y Vicepresidenta familias. Sénior de Relaciones Comunitarias de TD Bank. “Estamos extremadamente orgullosos de continuar apoyando a los BORIS BALSON, MD Tratamiento para el asma bronquial, alergias nasales y oculares, bronquitis y enfermedades de la piel.

• Eczema y alergias a alimentos y medicinas. • Intolerancia a la comida, dieta individual de pérdida de peso. • Inmunoterapia clásica y vacunas para las alergias y métodos nuevos para el tratamiento de enfermedades alérgicas sin inyección. GOMAS NUEVAS y USADAS Todas las pruebas y exámenes se llevan a cabo en la oficina. abierto los 7 dias Boris Balson, M.D. de la semana Se aceptan todos los Profesor Adjunto de Medicina, en la Universidad de Boston Horas al Día seguros médicos. Certificación de la Junta de Alergia, 24 Asma e Inmunología de EE.UU. El Dr. Balson habla español 348 bROADWAY LAWRENCE, MA 01841 BORIS BALSON, MD 978.327.6802

101 Amesbury St., Room 312, Lawrence, MA 01840 Tel. (978) 984-5149 - Fax (978) 984-5159 BRIAN DE PEñA noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 9 Local Athlete trains at Colorado Springs OTC

Kate Quinn of N. Andover, a member ANA head coach, Leah Pinette, who is of the YMCA’s ANA Synchro synchronized also the former Captain of the 2011/2012 swim team had the honor of training at US Olympic Selection Team, was one of the Olympic Training Center in Colorado only three coaches selected from the East Springs last weekend. Under the tutelage of Zone to attended the USA Synchro Coaches Olympian Myriam Glez (Sydney ‘00/Beijing College, which ran concurrently with the ’08), Sue Nesbit, US National Team Coach All Star Camp, which was sponsored by and Fred Pasqualin, Lyon Gymnastics, USA Synchro. Lyon France, Quinn had the opportunity For young swimmers who may not to perfect her skills in an environment few be quite ready for the Olympics but are will ever experience. Only the top athletes interested in synchronized swimming, from each of the four zones or regions of ANA Synchro has openings in the Novice the , who achieved a minimum program. For more information contact score of 67.0 at a championship level meet head coach Leah Pinette at 978-685-3541 were selected to attend the All Star Camp. ext 147 or [email protected]


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Community Medical Associates está afiliado a Lawrence General Hospital, el proveedor Lawrence Dog Haus líder de la atención médica más avanzada, centrada en el paciente, del Valle del Merrimack. 606 Canal Street, Lawrence, MA 01840 - (978) 687-3647 Lawrence General Hospital está afiliado clínicamente a Beth Deaconess Medical Center y al Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center for Pediatrics. 10 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online! Practical Money Skills Don't Let Cyber No deje que los “Ciber-Grinches” le roben su Navidad Grinches Ruin

Por/by Jason alderman Your Holidays By Jason Alderman Por lo general, vendedores confiables (fíjese que la • Intentando venderle mercaderías I'm usually in too much of a Thanksgiving suelo comer tanto dirección web “https://” tenga una “s” y un robadas o contrabandeadas. food coma to hit the sales on , el Día de Acción de símbolo de candado). • Tratando de obtener acceso a su but millions of other Americans somehow Gracias que no estoy • En las tiendas físicas, solo compre perfil de sus medios sociales para ingresar find the energy. Last year, 89 million people en condiciones de tarjetas que estén guardadas bajo llave. Evite a otras cuentas vinculadas, o publicar took advantage of Black Friday sales (57 salir de compras en el las que se ofrecen en exhibidores abiertos ilegítimamente ofertas supuestamente million of them online), while an estimated Viernes Negro, pero donde no haya nadie que los atienda, ya que avaladas por usted para tentar a sus 247 million shopped throughout the four- millones de otros los ladrones pueden escanear el número de amigos. day weekend, as stores increasingly have estadounidenses logran encontrar la energía serie de la tarjeta y, cuando usted la haya Otro engaño común es el envío de un opened their doors on Thanksgiving itself. para hacerlo. El año pasado, 89 millones cargado, pueden hacer compras en línea correo electrónico comunicando que alguien In addition, millions of bargain hunters de personas aprovecharon las ventas del con su dinero antes de que usted tenga la está intentando entregarle un paquete o que spent another $2 billion on , Viernes Negro (57 millones de estos, chance de usarla. hay un problema con su pedido. Le pedirán so it's clear that online holiday is por Internet), mientras que 247 millones • Nunca compre tarjetas o tickets que haga clic en un link para ver los detalles here to stay. Unfortunately, cyber criminals realizaron compras durante el feriado de para eventos que se ofrezcan con mucho y seguramente tendrá que revelar datos de have zeroed in on this trend and are cuatro días, aprovechando que las tiendas descuento en los sitios de venta por Internet su cuenta u otros datos personales para redoubling their efforts to separate shoppers están abriendo incluso el mismo día de como eBay o Craiglist –es muy probable verificarlos. A menos que usted les haya from their hard-earned cash. Acción de Gracias. que sean falsos o robados. dado previamente su dirección de correo Whether you're shopping online by Además, millones de cazadores de electrónico, esto probablemente sea falso. computer, smartphone or tablet, here are ofertas gastaron otros U$S2.000 millones La mayoría de los comercios ofrecen Algunos otros consejos de seguridad some common cyber scams to watch out for el Ciber-Lunes, lo que indica a las claras promociones navideñas para incrementar relacionados con las compras navideñas: and security precautions to take: que las compras en línea han llegado para sus ventas de fin de año. Si usted ha • Al comprar por Internet, evite los Tips for buying gift cards: quedarse. Desafortunadamente, los ciber- indicado que “le gusta” un producto o tienda avisos emergentes (pop-up) que le presentan • Only buy from secure websites of delincuentes han captado esta tendencia y en Facebook o Twitter, o se ha registrado ofertas increíbles. Si cree que puede ser trusted retailers (look for an "s" in the están redoblando sus esfuerzos por despojar para recibir sus correos electrónicos, real, ingrese al sitio web del comercio y "https://" web address and a lock symbol). a los compradores del dinero que tanto les seguramente recibirá ofertas genuinas de verifique si la oferta está publicada o no. • At walk-in stores, only purchase cards ha costado ganar. importantes descuentos o ventas de último • Los hackers crean direcciones web from employees who have them locked up. Ya sea que compre por Internet con su momento. que parecen muy reales y que, al hacer Avoid cards at unattended display racks, computadora, teléfono o tableta, estos son Pero tenga cuidado con las ofertas clic en ellas, lo llevan a un sitio falso que since thieves can scan the card's unique algunos de los engaños cibernéticos de los falsas de sitios que imitan a comerciantes puede infectar su aparato con malware o serial number; then, after you've loaded que debe cuidarse y las precauciones que legítimos. Podrían estar: instalarle un programa troyano para robarle it with cash, drain its value with online debe tomar: • Tratando de obtener el número de su su información personal. Para estar seguro, purchases before the recipient has a chance Consejos para comprar tarjetas de tarjeta de crédito y otros datos personales pase el cursor por encima de las direcciones to use it. regalo: para hacer compras ilegítimas contra web que usted no haya escrito y observe si • Never purchase deeply discounted cards • Compre solo en sitios seguros de su cuenta o abrir nuevas cuentas en su aparecen secuencias de caracteres extraños or event tickets from online marketplaces nombre. o mal escritos. like eBay or Craigslist – chances are good • Antes de hacer una compra por Internet, that the cards are counterfeit or were visite las páginas de “Contáctenos” y stolen. “Términos y Condiciones” del sitio para ver su número de teléfono, dirección postal, True Photo Studio Most retailers offer holiday sales as política de devoluciones, etc. Los sitios a way to boost their year-end bottom line. falsos no suelen tener estas páginas o las If you've "liked" a product or store on ¡Gran apertura de su nuevo local! tienen pero llenas de errores fácilmente Facebook or Twitter, or have signed up detectables. to receive their emails, you may well get No deje que la posibilidad de hacer un genuine offers for steep discounts or last- buen negocio el Viernes Negro le haga bajar Bodas minute sales. la guardia ante los estafadores que quieren But beware of bogus offers from sites llenar su bota navideña con carbón. that mimic those of legitimate retailers. Bautismos They could be: Jason Alderman dirige los programas • Trying to harvest your credit card de educación financiera de Visa. Para Cumpleaños number and other personal information to seguir a Jason Alderman en Twitter: www. make illegitimate charges to your account Modelos or open new accounts in your name. • Attempting to sell you counterfeit or Fotos familiares stolen goods. Se necesitan • Trying to gain access to your social voluntarios para media profile to log into other accounts tied Fotos para to it, or to post illegitimate offers purportedly jugar con niños que endorsed by you to lure in your friends. pasaportes Darío Arias, Fotógrafo viven en refugios Another common scam is to send an email claiming a courier is trying to deliver Horizons for Homeless Children busca a package or there's a problem with your personas serias, bilingües en inglés order. You'll be told to click on a link to get y español para jugar con niños que details and will likely be asked to reveal viven en refugios para familias sin account or other personal information to hogar. Se requiere un compromiso verify. Unless you previously provided de 2 horas a la semana (un turno them your email address, this is probably bogus. semanal) por 6 meses. Para más A few additional holiday-related información o para inscribirse en security tips: línea, favor de visitar el sitio www. • When shopping online, avoid pop-up ads touting incredible deals. If you think it o llame al 978.557.2182. Es una might be real, log into the retailer's website experiencia muy agradable que yourself to see whether the deal is posted. beneficia a los niños y también a todas las personas que se envuelven 406 Essex Street, Lawrence, MA 01840 PLEASE SEE en el programa. money 978-975-3656 CONTINUES ON PAGE 20 noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 11 Panel hears complaints about CLASS (Léalo en español en la página 4) By Alberto Suris had a very cordial interview and he said he be identified or photographed for fear would work with the Union and that only of reprisals, said that she has worked for The Committee on the Rights of five employees were laid off and now I hear CLASS for more than 10 years and know Workers of the Merrimack Valley convened they are eight," said Rep. Moran reacting to for a fact that now they are currently hiring a public hearing at Hispanic Free Methodist what was said by Mbuga. people without the necessary skills. “If Church on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, to Liz Parrilla's story is very similar. She Bob Harris told you he had fired only five hear the challenges facing human service worked for two years as a driver and never people, he is a liar." workers in the ARC of Greater Lawrence, received any supplies to clean the bus. On “Every day I see something new, a new (CLASS). long trips, especially in winter, she said she provision, so that we get tired and look for The committee was formed by State had to stop and throw snow on the windshield another job," said the employee, and added, Representative and Lawrence City Council to clean the dirt, since they never give her any "If I get out of CLASS I'm going out with President, Frank Moran; Luciano Taveras, windshield wiper fluid. She acquired a rash, my head held high and convinced that what Pastor, Hispanic Free Methodist Church; for which she showed us a video. When she we are doing is right." and Milagro Grullón, Executive Director of complained to the administration of CLASS, "When Bob Harris meets state officials Lawrence Community Connections. she was told that she had contracted it at from where he receives ‘tax dollars,’ he tells Specifically, the committee heard about home. "I am a very clean woman and I know them he is not using that money to fight the alleged violations of the rights of workers from I contracted it there." Union. When meeting with private donors, some recently laid off CLASS employees, Parrilla, who worked for CLASS for he says the same. We have to find out who including Susan Mbuga and Liz Grill. more than two years as a driver and then is Bob Harris lying to," said Stephany. According to Susan Mbuga, an as an Integrated Day Service Specialist for According to SEIU, fellow workers immigrant from Kenya, she began working a total of five years told the panel, "I was at CLASS, Inc. came together to try and at CLASS in November, 2006 until she left out. They damaged my record. I was change unsafe conditions for clients and Liz Parrilla: “Me dejaron fuera. Me dañaron mi was fired in June 2013. She expressed her accused of getting two clients into a fight, workers. They were concerned with record. Me acusaron de poner a dos clientes intention to continue the struggle for the something I've never done," she sobbed. safety in the vans that transport clients, a a pelear, cosa que nunca he hecho,” dijo sollozando. rights of colleagues who are still working. "Employees have been fired for issues lack of training on safety, and unsanitary She said she struggled and fought against that have been happening all the time, conditions affecting everyone. OSHA "I was left out. They damaged my record. I working for minimum wage. “They pay such as listening to the radio. Before it inspected CLASS, Inc. and has demanded was accused of making two clients get into a peanuts and expect you to do much. That's was fine, but now that employees have that management make safety a priority! fight, something I've never done," she sobbed. slavery," she said, adding, “The drivers get joined the Union, it has become a problem OSHA ISSUED THE FOLLOWING $8.00 an hour for pay and some have to go and a reason for dismissal," said Jason A. CITATIONS AND FINES AGAINST as far as Ipswich (39.20 miles round trip). Stephany, Director of Communications, CLASS, INC. plan annually. Mbuga said some CLASS employees Local 509, SEIU. Serious: Failure to assess hazards in Serious: Failure to provide feasible hand who are not members of the union have "I believe in collective bargaining with transport vehicles. washing facilities, antiseptic hand cleanser. retaliated against her. "Some of my the Union, but I am against reprisals," said Serious: Failure to selected and have Total Penalties: $7,200. colleagues did not join the union for fear of Representative Moran, adding that he is affected employees use personal protection According to SEIU, a representative being fired yet, since the formation of the inclined to find common ground with CLASS equipment, such as gloves. from CLASS was invited to participate Union, eight employees have been laid off.” and enlist the help of Congresswoman Niki Serious: Failure to provide training on in this hearing, but never showed up for "I met with Bob Harris (Robert A. Tsongas to put pressure at the Federal level. blood borne pathogens. what we lack an official response from the Harris, CLASS President/CEO), and we Another employee who declined to Serious: Failure to review exposure control institution regarding the allegations herein. 12 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online! Clases de natación en la YMCA Swimming

Lawrence YMCA baja sus classes at precios para clases de natación con el fin de responder mejor the YMCA a la necesidad olvidada en la Ciudad de Lawrence Lawrence YMCA lowers its prices for swim lessons in order Niños de la ciudad tienen menos to better address an overlooked probabilidades de aprender a need in the City of Lawrence nadar Inner-city children less likely Con recursos limitados y la mayoría de su población viviendo en la línea nacional to know how to swim de pobreza o por debajo, no es de extrañar With limited resources and the majority que proporcionar a los niños con clases of its population living at or below the de natación no ha sido una prioridad para national poverty line, it is no surprise that muchas familias en Lawrence. La YMCA de providing children with swim lessons has Lawrence está tratando de ayudar a cambiar not been a top priority for many Lawrence esta situación mediante la educación de las families. The Lawrence YMCA is looking familias sobre los peligros asociados con to help change this by educating families los niños que no saben nadar y también la about the dangers associated with children reducción de los precios de sus clases de not knowing how to swim and by also natación con el fin de que la instrucción lowering the prices of its swim lessons in formal de natación alcance a más niños. order to make formal swim instruction Según los Centros para el Control y la attainable to more children. Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC), uno de According to the Centers for Disease cada cinco personas que mueren ahogados Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five son niños de 14 años o menos, y las minorías people who die from drowning are children se encuentran entre los de mayor riesgo. age 14 and younger, and minorities are Con la instrucción de natación formal, este among the most at risk. With formal swim riesgo se reduce hasta en un 88%. instruction, this risk is lowered by as much En mayo del 2013 la YMCA de as 88%. Lawrence, en colaboración con la Escuela In May of 2013 the Lawrence YMCA, Henry K. Oliver y Up Academy en Lawrence, working with the Henry K. Oliver School se embarcó en su misión de ayudar a enseñar and Up Academy in Lawrence, embarked a más niños de la zona urbana a nadar con su on its mission to help teach more inner- Iniciativa para Aprender a Nadar. Durante city children how to swim with the Learn esta iniciativa, la YMCA de Lawrence fue to Swim Initiative. During this initiative capaz de proporcionar clases de natación alone, the Lawrence YMCA was able a 340 niños de Lawrence lo que se traduce to provide 340 Lawrence children with en un 92.4% de los participantes que sabían swim lessons that resulted in a 92.4% of participants knowing how to swim by the end of the program. This was an incredibly POR FAVOR VEA YMCA impressive statistic, especially given the continúa en la pagina 13 fact that at the beginning of the program 75% of participating children did not know how to swim, and for many, it was their first time in a pool. The Lawrence YMCA hopes to continue its progress of teaching even more children how to swim and has recently adjusted its prices to help make sure that cost is not a deterring factor when it comes to Lawrence parents enrolling their children in swim lessons. Starting with its Winter Session in January 2014, the Lawrence YMCA will start offering swim lessons for as low as $21-$42 per six week session. “We hope that by making our learn-to- swim program affordable for the community, parents will give the opportunity to their children to learn how to swim so they can be safe around water” says Julian Villegas, Executive Director of the Lawrence YMCA. To learn more about the swim lessons offered at the Lawrence YMCA, please contact the Welcome Center at 978-686-6191 or visit http://lawrence. noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 13 Paz World Peace Big Sis' eighth grade class has been day). Now, after reading about the struggle "But, T, girls fight, too, don't they?" reading William Golding's 1955 dystopian for power on the island between Ralph and Big Sigh from Big Sis. Mundial novel The Lord of the Flies, about a group of Jack, and the gruesome deaths of Simon “Sure, Dad, but if girls ruled the world British boys marooned on a deserted island there wouldn't be any wars—just a bunch of La clase de octavo grado de la hermana and Piggy, she has come to an important who struggle with how to survive, organize, countries not talking to each other." mayor ha estado leyendo la novela de conclusion: Girls should rule the world. and govern themselves in a civilized way, Note to Hilary, Sarah, Condoleeza, William Golding del 1955 El Señor de ((Are you sure about that, T?" I asked before devolving into confusion, conflicts, and any other "girls" thinking about ruling las Moscas, sobre un grupo de chicos her. and violence. the world a few years from now: Big Sis T británicos abandonados en una isla desierta "Of course, Dad," she responded. "If Looking around at that behavior of the (Class of 2017) for Secretary of State! que luchan por la forma de sobrevivir, it was a bunch of girls on that island, we crowd at her middle school, Big Sis had organizarse y gobernarse a sí mismos de would have all helped each other and live already suspected that boys were largely Thanks to Nancy Greenwood of una manera civilizada, antes de entregarse together in one big hut, and everyone would barbaric and not very bright (on a good Greenwood Insurance for submitting it. a la confusión, los conflictos y la violencia. be a vegetarian." Mirando a su alrededor al comportamiento de los estudiantes en su escuela secundaria, Big Sis ya había READ PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF RUMBO ON OUR WEBSITE RUMBONEWS.COM sospechado que los varones eran en gran medida bárbaros y no muy inteligentes (en un buen día). Ahora, después de leer acerca de la lucha por el poder en la isla entre Ralph y Jack y las horribles muertes de Simon y Piggy, ella ha llegado a una conclusión importante: Las féminas deben gobernar el mundo. ¿Estás segura de eso, T? "Le pregunté. "Por supuesto, papá", respondió ella. "Si se trata de un grupo de chicas de esa isla, nos hubiésemos ayudado unas a otras y viviríamos juntos en una gran cabaña, y todas seríamos vegetarianas." "Pero, T, las niñas pelean también, ¿no?" Gran suspiro de Big Sis. "Claro, papá, pero si las niñas gobernaran el mundo no habría ninguna guerra, sólo un puñado de países que no se hablan el uno al otro." Nota a Hilary, Sarah, Condoleeza, y cualquier otra "niña" que esté pensamiento sobre la decisión de gobernar el mundo dentro de un par de años: ¡Big SIS T (clase de 2017 ) para la Secretaría de Estado!

Gracias a Nancy Greenwood de Greenwood Insurance por enviarlo.

continüa de la página 12 YMCa nadar para el final del programa. Esta fue una estadística muy impresionante, especialmente dado el hecho de que al inicio del programa el 75% de los niños que participaron no sabían nadar y para muchos, era la primera vez en una piscina. La YMCA de Lawrence espera seguir su progreso de enseñar a más niños a nadar y ha ajustado recientemente sus precios para asegurarse de que el costo no es un factor de disuasión para los padres a la hora de inscribir a sus hijos en clases de natación. A partir de su período de sesiones de invierno en enero de 2014, la YMCA de Lawrence comenzará a ofrecer clases de natación a tan bajo costo como de $21 a $42 por la sesión de seis semanas. "Esperamos que al poner nuestro programa para aprender a nadar al alcance de la comunidad, los padres darán la oportunidad a sus hijos de aprender a nadar para que puedan estar a seguros en torno al agua", dice Julián Villegas, Director Ejecutivo de la YMCA de Lawrence. Para obtener más información sobre las clases de natación que se ofrecen en la YMCA de Lawrence, por favor póngase en contacto con el Centro de Bienvenida al 978-686-6191 ó visite http://lawrence. 14 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online! El hambre no conoce estaciones

Por James Arena-DeRosa, USDA de Agricultura de Servicios de Alimentos de elegir entre pagar por calentar la casa y Administrador Regional del y Nutrición de Estados Unidos. Usted poner comida en la mesa. Para muchos en Servicio de Alimentos y Nutrición puede conocer a estos programas, ya que este país, el hambre está oculta. Pero existe se llevan a cabo por los socios locales en en todos los rincones del estado. Tradicionalmente, la temporada el estado y la comunidad en los comedores Ahora más que nunca, es el momento navideña trae a la vanguardia los esfuerzos escolares, centros de cuidado de niños de arrojar luz sobre el hambre en todo el para ayudar a los menos afortunados. y adultos, clínicas de WIC, bancos de año y trabajar juntos para poner fin a la Grupos comunitarios recogen alimentos alimentos y comedores y oficinas de SNAP. misma. y prendas de vestir, el voluntariado en Los programas sirven a uno de cada cuatro Así que, ¿qué puede hacer? Cuando comedores populares, comidas especiales estadounidenses. pueda, done a su banco de alimentos para las fiestas, las colecciones de juguetes Estos programas de alimentos vitales local, sirva de voluntario en un comedor y ayudar con los costos de calefacción están nunca han sido más críticos. Para algunos de beneficencia, o traiga una comida a un en pleno apogeo en esta época del año. niños, las comidas que comen en la cafetería vecino necesitado. Y asegúrese de que Es una forma en que los estadounidenses de la escuela pueden ser las únicas que saben que puede haber recursos disponibles nos cuidamos unos a otros, de vecino a reciban. WIC presta servicios a más de la para ayudarles. Pero también tenga en vecino. mitad de los bebés nacidos en los EE.UU. y cuenta que para todos estos esfuerzos locales Sin embargo, pese a estos nobles SNAP ayuda a las familias a poner comida heroicos, saben que cada día, los programas esfuerzos, los más vulnerables de nuestra en la mesa. de asistencia nutricional del gobierno sociedad siguen luchando, los jóvenes, los A medida que el país sigue en ascenso estarán operando en todas las comunidades ancianos y los desposeídos, los que han de la recesión, las necesidades son mayores en todo el país que proporciona una red de caído en tiempos difíciles - los trabajadores que nunca. El año pasado, Massachusetts seguridad para aquellos que necesitan un CARTAS AL EDITOR a tiempo completo que ganan salario recibió $1.7 mil millones en ayuda federal poco de ayuda extra. mínimo, el que se encuentra subempleado para nutrición. Pero más allá de los Para obtener más información sobre que trabaja en varias posiciones de tiempo números, les pido que piensen en lo que los programas federales de nutrición, visite parcial sin beneficios, los desempleados y esto representa. Se trata de ayudar a la RUMBO gente a fin de mes y evitar la posibilidad 315 Mt. Vernon Street, Lawrence MA 01843 las personas sin hogar. Email: [email protected] Las familias están luchando en nuestras ciudades, suburbios y áreas rurales. continüa de la página 4 Las cartas deben tener menos de 300 palabras de largo. Favor de incluir un número de telé- El hambre no conoce de límites fono o dirección electronica para confirmar geográficos ni temporada. quién la envía. Afortunadamente, hay ayuda mi esquina contado seis votos y, en Worcester, MA disponible los 365 días del año a través sus datos osciló entre la baja del 3.4% en la en el año 2004, las máquinas de votación de 15 programas federales de asistencia auditoría de las elecciones de noviembre de saltaron más de 170 papeletas afectando el nutricional financiados por el Departamento 2007, a la elevada 15.4% en la auditoría de resultado de al menos una elección. Usted las elecciones en agosto 2008. puede ir a y encontrar Más recientemente, en 2009, en una un registro increíble de fallos de todo el candidatura ganada por cinco votos en país. lunes a viernes | 10Am - 11Am Methuen, MA, las máquinas no habían ¡Será muy interesante ver el proceso! MICRóFONO Buon Giorno ABIERTO Good Morning ¡Lo diferente del dial! Buenas Tardes

Every Sunday beginning at 9 AM with Entrevistas Sicilian music 10-12 Noticias Locales, Italian/English Nacionales e 12-1 Internacionales This is Rock ‘n Roll Comentarios 1-2 Así es Música Carmen Chalas “La Embajadora” Nunzio DiMarca and John Savastano Productora & Conductora ¡Y Mucho Más! en Celebrating 16 years bringing you five su nuevo horario TELEFONO EN CABINA continuous hours of entertainment, news, de 10 a 11 AM 978.974.0890 interviews, music and fun. WLLH 1400 AM noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 15 Hunger notas de su bibliotecaria Notes from your librarian BY/POR MAUREEN NIMMO Knows No Lawrence Public Library Director

Season Hola, queridos lectores de Rumbo. He realmente lo que está sucediendo o que Hello Rumbo readers. I have found a encontrado algo brillante dentro de los días observa con solemnidad la ocasión. Este bright side in my winter doldrums at least depresivos del invierno, al menos por el for the time being. My husband Norm By James Arena-DeRosa, USDA tipo de comportamiento, mientras que Regional Administrator for the momento. Mi marido Norm y yo vivimos en molesta a un nivel social es realmente and I live in an old house with a fireplace Food and Nutrition Service una casa antigua en Tower Hill que tiene una alarmante al nivel filosófico y psicológico. on Tower Hill. This is the first year we chimenea. Este es el primer año que hemos ¿Está ahora la gente tan preocupada por have been able to use the fireplace and we podido utilizarla, y estamos encantados. Es captar la vida en vídeo que ya no se vive are both loving it. It is warm, cozy and Traditionally the holiday season brings cálida, acogedora, y hermosa. De verdad, plenamente el momento? A veces parece beautiful. I can’t see this being sufficient to the forefront efforts to help those less no creo que sea suficiente para calentar la que sí. Me recuerda al flagelo de los for when it gets real cold but for the time fortunate. casa cuando haga mucho frío, pero por el años ochenta y noventa, que parece haber being it is a delight. (And it keeps me from Community food and clothing drives, momento, es una delicia. (Y me quita los disminuido (gracias a Dios), es la grabación constantly moaning about being cold.) volunteering at soup kitchens, special deseos de quejarme por el frío.) en vídeo del nacimiento de los hijos. En I have just returned from the bridge holiday meals, toy collections and help with Acabo de regresar de la inauguración lugar de experimentar lo que podrían ser dedication in honor of Staff Sgt. Alex R. heating costs are in full swing this time of del puente en honor al Sargento Alex R. los momentos más emotivos y profundos Jimenez. It was a very moving ceremony year. Jiménez. Fue una ceremonia muy emotiva en la vida de estas personas, se concentran and celebrated the brave actions and hero’s It is one way we as Americans take donde se conmemoró las acciones valientes en conseguir un buen vídeo que (créanme) death of Sgt. Jimenez. The city turned out in care of each other—neighbor to neighbor. y la muerte de un héroe el Sargento ¡nadie en este mundo quiere ver! force and there was no sign of any political Yet, despite these noble efforts, the Jimenez. Muchos ciudadanos asistieron, y Perdónenme por hablar sobre este tema. maneuvering or grandstanding—just an most vulnerable in our society continue no hubo ninguna señal de maniobra política Tengo un teléfono inteligente y realmente effort to honor Jimenez and his family who to struggle, the young, the aged and the o alguien tratando de lucirse o impresionar, me encanta, pero hay un punto en que un loved him so well and miss him so much. dispossessed, those who have fallen on hard sólo un buen esfuerzo para honrar a Jiménez dispositivo deja de ser una conveniencia, y This is our city at its finest and it was lovely times --full-time workers earning minimum y su familia que tanto lo amaba y que tanto se convierte en una obsesión y además ¡una to see in times when we are, once again, so wage, the under-employed working multiple lo echan de menos. Esta es nuestra ciudad que es muy grosera! divided. I can but hope we can find this part time positions without benefits, the en su mejor momento y fue maravilloso La selección de noviembre para spirit of unity underneath everything as we unemployed and the homeless. verlo en estos momentos en que estamos, nuestro club de lectura de la temática move forward into an uncertain future. Families are struggling in our cities, una vez más, tan divididos. Sólo espero "Libros que Cambiaron el Mundo " es El I am afraid I do have one thing to say suburbs and rural areas. que podamos encontrar este espíritu de Hijo Nativo por Richard Wright. Escrito en that may seem petty after such a lovely Hunger knows neither geographic unidad sobre todo a medida que avancemos 1940, este libro aún conserva toda su fuerza event. I am afraid that people are becoming boundary nor season. hacia un futuro incierto. emocional hoy en día. Leí este libro hace more and more oblivious to good manners Fortunately, there is help available 365 Temo que lo que voy a decir parezca muchos años y me pareció absolutamente and respect when it comes to recording days a year through 15 federal nutrition insignificante después de un evento tan terrible. No obstante, le recomiendo que events on their tablets, phones and other assistance programs funded by the United bonito. Siento que la gente está cada vez lo lean y que vengan a discutirlo el 25 de devices. There seems to be no event that States Department of Agriculture Food and más ajena a las buenas costumbres y el noviembre. (Digo que lo recomiendo en el is off limits to constant recording devices Nutrition Service. You may know these respeto a la hora de grabar eventos en sus mismo sentido que "recomiendo" ir a ver being thrust out and inhibiting onlookers programs as they are carried out by local tabletas, teléfonos y otros dispositivos. No Doce Años Un Esclavo - un logro artístico, from actually seeing what is happening or partners at the state and community level parece haber ningún evento que esté fuera pero una cosa horrible de ver.) observing the solemnity of an occasion. - in school cafeterias, child and adult care del alcance de los dispositivos de grabación Tengo que reconocer que se acercan las This sort of behavior, while annoying at centers, WIC clinics, food banks and soup que se extienden constantemente que son navidades, y quiero recordarles a todos a que a social level is actually frightening at a kitchens, and SNAP offices. The programs un estorbo para el público que quiere ver compren nuestros calendarios publicados philosophical and psychological level. Are serve one in four Americans. por los Amigos de la Biblioteca. Son people now so concerned about capturing These vital food programs have never regalos perfectos para amigos y familiares, life on video that they are no longer actually been more critical. For some children, the especialmente los amigos y familiares que living it in the full in real time? Sometimes meals they eat in the school cafeteria may It’s easy finding se han extendido por todo el país. El tema it seems so. It reminds me of a scourge be the only ones they get. WIC serves more de este año es la publicidad antaña, y es of the eighties and nineties that seems than half of the babies born in the U.S. Rumbo realmente tan divertido usarlo como nos fue to have abated (pray to god)—that is the and SNAP helps families put meals on the (978) 794-5360 publicarlo. Consiga un calendario y venga videotaping of the birth of one’s children. table. [email protected] a vernos en la biblioteca. Rather than experiencing what could be As the country continues to climb out the most moving and profound moments in of recession, the needs are greater than these people’s lives they concentrated on ever. Last year, Massachusetts received getting a good video that (trust me on this) $1.7 billion in federal nutrition assistance. no one else on god’s earth wants to see! But beyond the numbers, I would ask you Sorry to rave about this issue. I have to think about what this represents. It’s a smart phone and I really love it but there about helping folks make ends meet and is a point past which a device is no longer avoiding the choice between paying for a convenience but an obsession and a rude heating the home and putting food on the one at that! table. For too many in this country, hunger The November selection for our “Books is hidden. But it exists in every corner of the that Changed the World”-themed book club Commonwealth. is Native Son by Richard Wright. Written in Now more than ever, it’s time to shine 1940, this book preserves all its emotional a light on hunger throughout the year and force today. I read this book many years work together to put an end to it. ago and found it absolutely harrowing. I do So, what can you do? When you can, recommend that you read it and come to the donate to your local food bank, volunteer discussion on November 25th nonetheless. at a soup kitchen, or bring a meal over to a (I say I recommend it in the same sense I neighbor in need. And be sure they know “recommend” going to see Twelve Years there may be resources available to help a Slave—an artistic achievement but a them. But also keep in mind that for all these horrifying thing to watch.) heroic local efforts, know that every day, I do have to acknowledge that the government nutrition assistance programs holidays are approaching and I want to will be operating in every community remember to urge all of you to purchase throughout the country providing a safety our Friends of the Library calendars. They net to those who need a little extra help. make perfect gifts for friends and family, For more information about the federal especially friends and family who have nutrition programs, go to www.fns.usda. spread out all over the country. This year’s gov theme is vintage advertising and it is really as fun to use as it was to put together. Get a calendar and come see us at the library. 16 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online!

by dalia díaz LéALO EN ESPAÑOL EN LA PáGINA 4 advertisement [email protected] OTHER IMPORTANT INSURANCE upon battery power. For memory cards Future Recount of votes whose components depend on the battery, TERMS paparazzis? On Saturday, November 23rd, city the warning time provided by AV-OS officials will be holding the recount of is inadequate to guarantee the retention In this week’s column, Librarian votes on Election Day. While the difference of data for the duration of the electoral DEDUCTIBLE: Maureen Nimmo wrote about her moving between Mayor William Lantigua and process. As a result, data retention cannot be guaranteed for any duration beyond experience while attending the bridge Mayor-Elect Daniel Rivera is 60 votes and Policies have the elections, as may be required by some dedication for Sgt. Alex Jimenez, but she that seems insurmountable, the mayor and deductibles. A jurisdictions. They recommend that for mentions something unpleasant that is the voters have the right to request it. In the deductible is the each election, consideration be given to the becoming commonplace and most people meantime, I have been doing lots of reading amount that you age of the batteries used with the cards or don’t even realize it. I recommend that you on the scanners used during elections. must pay before the they should be replaced before the election read it on page 15 because I applaud her for Over 40 states use the AccuVote insurance company to mitigate the frequent occurrences of data doing it. optical scanners (AV-OS). Several reports pays your claim. The issue is how impertinent some document occurrences of AV-OS memory loss. They found that 4 out of 17 cards lost their data even after the installation of the people can get at all kinds of public events card failures, with up to 15% of all cards Many policies have more than one new batteries. taking pictures and videos with their failing in some cases. UConn Voting deductible. A separate deductible may The percentage of cards that lost their iPads, call phones and whatever modern Technology Research Center performed apply to damage caused by windstorm data ranged from the low 3.4% in the instrument is at hand. This ceremony, extensive research which was funded by or hail. in particular, was very solemn and the the Secretary of the State in Connecticut audit of November 2007 elections to the high 15.4% in the audit of August 2008 behavior of people who probably didn’t involving the memory card failures. At Earthquake coverage also has a special elections. even know Alex or his family, were very times, data is erased from the card such as deductible but you must purchase Most recently, in 2009 in a race won by disrespectful trying to get every detail as if the case in Washtenaw County, Michigan earthquake coverage and pay more if five votes in Methuen, the machines hadn’t it were a movie star. where some cards “were wiped clean” you want earthquake coverage. When Alberto returned from the bridge, of their data following an election. The count six votes and in Worcester, MA in he told me the same because they were reports indicate that anywhere from 3.5% 2004, voting machines skipped over more getting in his way while taking the pictures to 15% of the memory cards examined in than 170 ballots affecting the outcome of IMPORTANT you see in this edition. audits are found to be faulty. at least one election. You may go to www. and find an unbelievable TO KNOW Next time you are at a wedding, or any Batteries can be another problem. For An insurance policy is not a record of failures all over the country. public event, watch how brazen they can be the typical election process in Connecticut, maintenance agreement. If your roof It will be very interesting watching the – and think of Maureen. they identified the time when fresh is old you must pay to replace it. The process! batteries can be installed and the intervals insurance company does not pay for during which the memory card depends a new roof if it starts to leak. You must maintain your property to avoid having losses and to avoid having your The NILP's Annual Meeting & Open House insurance cancelled. A company may non-renew your insurance if you fi le a claim. The Northeast Independent Living Program, Inc. (NILP) recently held its 33rd A company may cancel or non renew Annual Meeting and Open House at its 20 your policy if the condition or use of Ballard Road, Lawrence office. your building changes. The NILP provides advocacy and Independent Living services to people If you move from one home to another with disabilities living in northeastern you must change the type of policy Massachusetts so they can live and work on the home you do not live in. If you independently. Many Merrimack Valley have a loss, and you have the wrong program participants who receive services type of insurance you may not be paid depend on their Personal Care Attendant for a loss. program, Assistive Technology, Peer Counseling and travel training in order to thrive in our communities. Guests joined with Board Members Nancy Greenwood as well as staff for light refreshments and Insurance visited the different NILP programs and 11 Haverhill Street talked with staff about their programs and Methuen, MA 01844 activities. From 5:30 pm-7:00 p.m., our Annual Meeting was an opportunity to honor our Award Recipients. If you would (978) 683-7676 like to volunteer, or know of someone with In this picture, Nicole Fortier of Methuen is presented with the 2013 Volunteer of The (800) 498-7675 a disability who needs services, please don't Year Award by Alicia Thyne, Youth Services Program Manager, and Zuleika Gonzalez, Fax (978) 794-5409 hesitate to contact our Community Supports as Board Member, Kevin Hatch joins in applause. Nancy Greenwood Program at 978.687.4288 v/tty for more Ronald Briggs information. advertisement The Volunteer Award is presented and supporting the mission of NILP Administrative Assistant. annually to the volunteer staff member and improving the lives of people with Nicole excelled at this position and after who has gone above and beyond their disabilities. Nicole Fortier lives in the internship came to an end, she requested responsibilities. Nicole has consistently Methuen with her family, attends Methuen to continue this position as a volunteer. It’s easy finding demonstrated exemplary performance, High School, and turned 21 years old on Nicole has volunteered at NILP two days a as well as dedication to the people with November 7th. She has been a participant week for the past year. The NILP staff and disabilities the NILP serves. Throughout of the Transition to Adulthood Program Nicole's parents have seen a remarkable Rumbo her tireless work with The NILP she has (TAP) at NILP for several years. Over the difference in Nicole over the past year and shown her commitment to the Independent summer of 2012, Nicole participated in that a half. She has confidence and an increased Living philosophy, and equal access for all TAP-VR (Transition to Adulthood Program self-esteem. Nicole began as a young, shy (978) 794-5360 people with disabilities. with a Vocational Rehabilitation focus) in teenager and over the past year and a half The NILP Volunteer of the Year which she was placed in a six-week, paid she has grown into an exceptional young Award, given to an NILP volunteer for internship. Nicole's internship was at NILP woman. [email protected] her commitment to Independent Living working with Zuleika Gonzalez, NILP's noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 17 DiZoglio Visitó NA High DiZoglio Visits NA High School School con clase de on Civic Education Tour Educación Cívica Program Is Designed to Educate Students federal and state branches, which is stuff El programa está diseñado para educar "Pensé que el simulacro de la audiencia About the Democratic Process I hadn’t learned before,” said student a estudiantes sobre el proceso democrático judicial fue muy útil para ver cómo Marking the latest stop in her initiative Brendan Hartford. Con motivo de su iniciativa para funcionan los juicios", dijo la estudiante to engage and educate students across the “Rep. DiZoglio and Mike Ryan did a involucrar y educar a los estudiantes de Emily Crabtree. Merrimack Valley about the democratic great job of keeping the program interesting todo el Valle de Merrimack sobre el proceso En muchas de las escuelas de hoy en process, State Rep. Diana DiZoglio and entertaining,” said student Matt democrático, la Representante Estatal Diana día, el aprendizaje cívico es a algo (D-Methuen) visited North Andover High Varoutsos. “I really enjoyed it.” DiZoglio (D-Methuen) visitó la Escuela que se ofrece al final de los estudios de un School on Friday, November 15. “I thought the mock judiciary hearing Secundaria de North Andover el viernes, 15 estudiante, en el duodécimo grado. En la Held in the school’s auditorium, the was very helpful in seeing how trials work,” de noviembre. evaluación de educación cívica nacional program covered the executive, legislative said student Emily Crabtree. El programa celebrado en el auditorio más reciente, administrada en el 2006 por and judicial branches of government and, In many of today’s high schools, civic de la escuela, abarcó las ramas ejecutiva, el Concejo Nacional de Evaluación de through interactive exercises, was designed learning is often only offered toward the end legislativa y judicial del gobierno y a través Gobierno, dos tercios de los estudiantes to educate students about what it means of a student’s studies, in twelfth grade. On de ejercicios interactivos, fue diseñado obtuvieron una calificación inferior a to be a citizen and how to be involved in the most recent national civics assessment, para educar a los estudiantes acerca de "competente." En el 2010, más de una the democratic process. During the event, administered in 2006 by the National lo que significa ser un ciudadano y cómo cuarta parte de los estudiantes universitarios students had the opportunity to participate Assessment Governing Board, two-thirds participar en el proceso democrático. informaron que no se han registrado para in mock legislative and judicial hearings, of students scored below “proficient.” Durante el evento, los estudiantes tuvieron votar por no saber dónde o cómo hacerlo. the latter conducted by Michael J. Ryan of In 2010, more than a quarter of college la oportunidad de participar en simulacros "Con demasiada frecuencia, las aulas the Office of Jury Commissioner for the students reported they did not register to de las audiencias legislativas y judiciales, carecen de un programa de educación cívica Commonwealth. vote because they did not know where or esta última dirigida por Michael J. Ryan, de fuerte como para informar a los estudiantes “I was delighted to be among so many how to do so. la Oficina del Comisionado de Jurados del acerca de lo que el gobierno estatal hace en fantastic North Andover High students as “All too often, our classrooms lack a estado. nuestras vidas diarias", dijo DiZoglio. "Es I spoke about how ideas become laws and strong civic education program to inform "Estoy encantada de estar entre tantos importante que los jóvenes comiencen a engaged the students in an interactive mock students about what state government does fantásticos estudiantes de North Andover entender realmente estos conceptos básicos committee hearing,” said DiZoglio, who has in our daily lives,” said DiZoglio. “It is High mientras les hablaba acerca de cómo para asegurar que son capaces de participar sponsored a bill to establish a comprehensive important that youth begin to genuinely las ideas se convierten en leyes y los activamente y participar en el proceso, ya student civic education program. “I look grasp these basic concepts to ensure they envolví en un modelo interactivo de una que están entrando en la edad adulta." forward to visiting more schools across the are able to actively participate and engage audiencia de la comisión", dijo DiZoglio, "Es muy importante que los estudiantes Merrimack Valley in the months to come to in the process as they are entering into que ha patrocinado un proyecto de ley para tengan una comprensión de nuestro sistema discuss how our government works.” adulthood.” establecer un programa de educación cívica judicial desde el principio, ya que deben “Involving students as part of the “It is critical for students to have an para los estudiantes. "Espero poder visitar estar preparados para servir como jurado, presentation was a great way to keep people understanding of our judicial system early más escuelas en todo el Valle de Merrimack tan pronto como la escuela secundaria", interested so that they could learn a thing on, given they should be prepared to serve en los próximos meses para analizar cómo dijo Ryan. about our government that they never knew jury duty as soon as high school,” said funciona nuestro gobierno." Además de la Escuela Secundaria before,” said student Joe Mosby. Ryan. "La participación de los estudiantes de North Andover, DiZoglio ha visitado “The presentation helped to establish a In addition to North Andover High como parte de la presentación fue una gran Methuen High School y Hunking Middle practical sense of what goes on at the state School, DiZoglio has visited Methuen High manera de mantenernos interesados para School de Haverhill en su Gira de Educación level of government, even though the federal School and Haverhill’s Hunking Middle que pudiéramos aprender algo nuevo acerca Cívica en el Valle de Merrimack. La government is more widely discussed,” said School on her Merrimack Valley Civic de nuestro gobierno," dijo el estudiante Joe Representante tiene previsto a continuación student Dillon MacInnis. Education Tour. The Representative plans Mosby. visitar a Lawrence. “I learned the difference between the to next take the tour to Lawrence. "La presentación ayudó a establecer un sentido práctico de lo que sucede a nivel estatal de gobierno, a pesar de que el gobierno federal se debate más ampliamente", dijo el estudiante de Dillon MacInnis . "Aprendí la diferencia entre el poder federal y estatal, que es cosa que no había aprendido antes", dijo el estudiante Brendan Hartford. "Rep. DiZoglio y Mike Ryan hicieron un gran trabajo de mantener el programa interesante y entretenido", dijo el estudiante Matt Varoutsos. "Realmente lo disfruté." Volunteers Needed! Did you know that 1 in every 50 children in the US will go to sleep without a home this year? Horizons for Homeless Children is looking for energetic and enthusiastic volunteers to play with children living in family homeless shelters in Northeastern Massachusetts. A commitment of just 2 hours a week will make a significant difference in the lives of some wonderful children in your community. Trainings for your region are coming up soon - sign up today!

Sign up today! Contact us at (978) 557-2182 or at northeast@ for more information and an application, or fill one out online at www. 18 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online! Local Companies Register Now for Candle are Eligible for State MCC’s Technical lighting Training Funds Writing Certificate Local businesses interested in state fundraiser grants to train their current employees are Program invited to attend a Workforce Training Fund Program Information Session at Northern Enrollment is now open for Middlesex pays tribute Essex Community College's Center for Community College’s Technical Writing Corporate and Community Education, 360 Certificate Program. This 120-hour, post- to loved ones Merrimack Street, Building 9, Entrance graduate noncredit certificate program K, Lawrence. The information session is provides students with the tools and skills Light up the night with Merrimack scheduled for Thursday, December 12th necessary to write technical documents and and will begin at 8 a.m. with registration Valley Hospice at their fifth annual “Candles effectively communicate about technical of Remembrance” memorial event on and coffee & pastries. information. Spring-semester courses begin Primeros Compradores de Casa The information session will provide an Thursday, December 5th at Renaissance Monday, Jan. 27. Golf Club in Haverhill. Time: Clubhouse overview of the Workforce Training Fund This program is a career enhancement El Merrimack Valley Housing opens at 5:00 p.m. for guests; ceremony Program, including who is eligible, what opportunity for individuals with well- Partnership se complace en anunciar begins promptly at 6:00 p.m. A reception kinds of training programs are allowed, and developed writing skills, a bachelor’s que estamos ofreciendo en Lowell el will follow. how to apply. degree and at least three years of work Proyecto Génesis, Seminarios para All are welcome to attend this Grants of up to $250,000 are available experience. Primeros Compradores de casa. for programs including Workplace English, complimentary event. Participants will Students will learn how to conduct gather outdoors for a candle lighting Lean Manufacturing Leadership and audience and task analysis, work with Las clases se llevarán a cabo en el 67 ceremony to celebrate the lives of loved Team Building, Supervisory Boot Camp, subject matter experts, understand product de la Calle Middle (Edificio Pollard ones lost and impart warmth and hope to Customer Service Skills, Computer documents and the product-development Exchange) en Lowell. Las próximas their families and friends. Each guest will Training, and more, customized to meet cycle, write clear procedures, review and clases serán diciembre 3, 4, 9 y 10 de 6:30 be given a vigil candle and will be invited your specific training needs. revise technical information, manage p.m. a 9:00 p.m. Otra serie comenzará el to pass the flame and say the name of his or Northern Essex Community College projects, and make content useable. Mark- 7 de enero, 2014. has helped over 50 companies apply for her loved one. A chaplain will lead a brief up languages, such as HTML and XML, as non-denominational service. An indoor these funds and has served as the primary well as tools for authoring information for El costo es $100 por familia e incluye reception including refreshments as well training provider for companies in electronic and print distribution will also be todos los materiales. as Tribute Book viewing will immediately industries such as manufacturing, finance, covered. Through lecture, online learning Information Technology, and health care. follow. and projects, students will create a portfolio “Our candle lighting ceremony is an Se requiere asistir a las dos clases "A well-trained workforce is essential in featuring samples of their work. para recibir el certificado del Proyecto today's competitive business environment," opportunity for individuals and families Solid MS Windows and MS Word to pay tribute to their loved ones during Génesis. said George Moriarty, NECC's executive skills, access to an MS Windows Operating director of workforce development. "The the holiday season,” said John G. Albert, System, and an aptitude for learning new President and CEO of Home Health VNA, Temas Incluyen Workforce Training Fund Program is technology are required. Classes are held Merrimack Valley Hospice and HomeCare, El Proceso de Comprar una Casa the ideal source of funds to ensure that from 5:45 to 9:45 p.m., Mondays on Inc. “We welcome anyone in the community Guía de Hipoteca del Banco your workers have the skills they need to the Bedford campus, 591 Springs Road. who would like to honor someone to this Aspectos Legales maximize your company's productivity." The cost of MCC’s Technical Writing special event.” Inspección de La Casa To register for the Workforce Training Certificate Program is $1,499 plus textbook Please RSVP by November 28th by Programas de Asistencia Fund Information Session contact Sharon fees. Courses are not eligible for waivers or calling 978-552-4924 or emailing lgalimi@ para el Depósito Schoolcraft at [email protected] vouchers. to include your Información de Crédito or call at 978-659-1214. For more information about the NECC's Center for Corporate and loved ones name and to indicate whether Writing Technical Information Certificate you will join us. Those who are unable to Llame a nuestra oficina al 978-459-8490 Community Education offers a variety of program, or to apply, contact Sheila attend the event can still reserve a vigil para registrarse. noncredit business, computer, occupational Morin at [email protected] candle that a volunteer will hold during and professional development courses, or visit certificates, certifications, and training the event to recognize your loved one. careertraining/techwrite.aspx Volunteer opportunities are also available First Time Home Buyers programs for individuals and companies as well as an array of personal enrichment by calling 978-552-4927or lgalimi@ courses. Located at the Riverwalk on the The Merrimack Valley Housing Donations are also accepted and names Partnership is pleased to announce that Lawrence/North Andover line, the NECC LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Center for Corporate and Community can be added to our Memorial Tribute we are offering the Project Genesis Home RUMBO Education also provides high quality, cost- Book with a donation of $25 or more. The Buyer Training Seminars in Lowell. 60 Island Street, Lawrence MA 01840 Tribute Book will be placed on display at effective, cutting-edge programs designed to Email: [email protected] meet the training needs of local employers. the Merrimack Valley Hospice House in Classes will be held at 67 Middle Street Letters must be less than 300 words in For more information call 978-659-1200, Haverhill, for a year following the event. (Pollard Exchange Building), Lowell. length. Please send a telephone number Those who make a gift of $100 or more The next series will be held on December visit us online at or email address by which we may confirm the sender. will be given the 2013 commemorative 3, 4, 9 and 10th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 noncredit or email us at noncredit@necc. candle stick holder, as a memento of their p.m. Another series will begin on participation in the event. With a single January 7, 2014. gift of $1,000 or more your loved one will be honored year after year during the The fee is $100.00 per household which ceremony. Proceeds benefit Merrimack includes all materials. ¡La Fundación Valley Hospice patients and families who are cared for in their own homes, in long-term Participants must attend all sessions to Big Brother Big care facilities or at the Merrimack Valley receive a certificate of completion. Hospice House. Donations and memorial Sister necesita tu Tribute Book listings can be made online at Topics include Overview of the Home Buying Process ayuda! Merrimack Valley Hospice is a not- Bank Mortgage Guidelines for-profit agency dedicated to serving the Legal Aspects Si tienes ropa usada y pequeños artículos del hogar que ya no usas, medical, spiritual and supportive needs of Home Inspections dónalos para quienes si los necesitan. Llegaremos a tu puerta para terminally ill patients and their families. The Down Payment Assistance Programs recibir lo que puedas entregar. agency is affiliated with Home Health VNA Information on Credit and HomeCare, Inc. Together, the three Para programar una cita, llama al 1.800.483.5503 o visítanos en agencies serve more than 90 communities Please call the office at 978-459-8490 to nuestra página web en internet: throughout the Merrimack Valley, register Thank you. Lo que nos entregues ayudará a los niños locales que participan Northeastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire. For more information, en nuestro programa de tutoría. Debes saber que tu donación es visit deducible de impuestos. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo! noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 19 Calendario DE EVENTOS | calendar of events NECB’s is back!

The Nutcracker Ballet storyline begins college age and will perform alongside some with a festive holiday party. Clara receives seasoned veterans of the production. The a Nutcracker from her Uncle Drosselmeyer, new costumes, scenery and choreography, a toymaker. That night she sneaks back into but especially the talent of the dancers of the party room and falls asleep under the all ages will dazzle and entertain you from Tree next to her precious gift. beginning to end! During the night her Nutcracker comes to life to save her from the mischievous New England Civic Ballet’s mice. A battle begins with the mice being beloved annual performances of the led by their beloved Mouse Queen and the holiday classic, Tchaikovsky’s THE toy soldier dolls led by their fearless leader, NUTCRACKER BALLET, returns to the Nutcracker. Brave Clara rescues her the stage at the Rogers Center for the Nutcracker by distracting the Queen long Performing Arts at Merrimack College, enough for her to be fatally wounded. North Andover. The magic begins on Magically, her becomes Friday, Dec. 13 at 7:30 PM, Saturday, her human prince and together they travel Dec. 14th at 2:00 PM and 7:30 PM, and through an enchanted snow forest to meet Sunday, Dec. 15th at 2:00 PM. Tickets the Sugarplum Fairy at the Palace of Sweets. may be purchased online at www. Clara is entertained by dancers representing or by calling delights from throughout the world and the studio at 978-975-0289. Ticket awakens back in her home with her beloved prices are $25 for adults; $22 for children Nutcracker doll. age 12 and under, and seniors age 55 Was it a dream or was it real? Come and older. Group rates are available for enjoy this beautiful presentation of a holiday groups of 20 or more attending the same classic and decide for yourself. performance. For more information The dancers, selected from an open regarding the ballet, performances, and audition in early September by directors other information, contact the director, Mrs. Phyllis George and Mrs. Roshni Mrs. Phyllis George, at the New England Pecora, are as young as 8 years old through Civic Ballet studios, 978-975-0289. Local dancers in this year’s production are: Back row: Kimberly Wentworth Middle row (Left to Right): Kaitryn Hinchey, Abby Jankowski, Julia Sugden Rumbo Front row (L to R): Agnes Norman, Allison Jankowski, Gary Mannion “The Bilingual Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley”

Wednesday - Saturday 20 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online! Calendario DE EVENTOS | calendar of events continue from page 10 Lowell Transitional money Living Center

• Hackers create realistic-looking web they're filled with easy-to-spot errors. Hosts the Triple addresses that, when clicked, take you to a Don't let the prospect of getting a great bogus site that can infect your device with deal on Black Friday allow you to drop your Play Raffle! malware or install a Trojan Horse program to guard against scammers who would love to Lowell Transitional Living Center has steal your personal information. To be safe, fill your stocking with coal. brought back the Triple Play Raffle to help let your cursor hover over web addresses raise funds for its Winter Emergency Bed you didn't type in yourself and look for This article is intended to provide Program (WEBP). Raffle tickets are just misspelled or weird-looking sequences of general information and should not be $5.00 for a single or you may purchase three characters. considered legal, tax or financial advice. chances for $10.00. Tickets are sold onsite • Before completing an online order, It's always a good idea to consult a tax or Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. – visit the site's "Contact Us" and "Terms and financial advisor for specific information on RUMBO 5:00 p.m. at 189 Middlesex Street, Lowell, MA Conditions" pages for their phone number, RUMBONEWS.COM how certain laws apply to your situation and @ or visit the Owl Diner on November 23 and 24 mailing address, return policies, etc. Phony about your individual financial situation. from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Take a chance to sites often either don't have such pages or win tickets for two to the Celtics vs. Atlanta game on New Year’s Eve, tickets for two to the Boston Bruins vs. Florida March 4th and two tickets to see our world champions, the Boston Red Sox in the 2014 season. Last’s year’s Triple Play Raffle raised $7,000 for programs and services that benefit homeless men and women. Funds raised this year will help our Winter Emergency Bed Program primarily which opened its doors on November 18th and will remain open through April 15, 2014. The Winter Emergency Bed Program is a lifeline for street homeless men and women who have nowhere else to turn for food, shelter and warmth. In 2012 this program served 362 unduplicated clients and we anticipate another busy season ahead. All funds raised help cover the costs of added staffing, food and supplies. The Triple Play Raffle is a great way to show you care about homelessness and on December 17th one lucky winner will take all.

Questions? Concerns? Contact Cara Green at 978-685-3541 ext. 26th Annual Details

The Feaster Five is a much-loved Thanksgiving morning family tradition. This event is for participants at all levels— world class athletes, fast and slow runners, joggers, and walkers. Strollers, wheelchairs, and family dogs are also all welcome!

When? November 28, 2013 - Thanksgiving Morning 7:45AM - Kid’s Fun Run 8:30AM - 5K/5 Mile

Where? Start on Main Street at the corner of Rt. 133 & Rt. 28 in Andover End at Brickstone Square noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 21 Calendario DE EVENTOS | calendar of events Lawrence Senior Center Actividades Futuras Upcoming Events Nov 27 No habrá Nov 25 Movie Day! 12:00pm actividades en la tarde. Nov 27 No Afternoon Activities. Nov 28 Centro Cerrado. Nov 28 Center Closed! & 29 &29

Somos expertos en precios módicos y servicio de alta calidad. La Primera Funeraria hispana sirviendo con esmero y satisfacción a la comunidad latinoamericana. Brindamos servicio de asistencia social y enviamos el cuerpo a cualquier lugar incluyendo a Puerto Rico, 137 Lawrence Street la República Dominicana, Lawrence, MA 01841 Centro y Suramérica. También ofrecemos planes pagados con anticipación y (978)682.4060 estampas de recordatorios. Necesitan choferes para transportar ancianos interfaith Caregivers of Greater Lawrence, una coalición de comunidades de fe, agencies de servicio social y Starving Artists NO MORE: Building organizaciones de salud, está buscando voluntarios para llevar an Artist Community in Haverhill a ancianos a citas al médico y otras citas de calidad de vida a

través del Programa de Friends in Deed de Elder Services of Please make note of the venue change for November's meeting! the Merrimack Valley. Si usted puede, aunque sea ocasionalmente, por favor, When: Tuesday , 2013 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST llame a Jerry Proulx, reclutador de voluntarios, al 1-800-892- Where: Shops at 90 Wash, 90 Washington Street, Haverhill, MA 0890 ext. 463 (y mencione Interfaith Caregivers.) Gracias de parte de Interfaith Caregivers y los muchos This month's guest speaker is Maxine Farkas, manager of Western Avenue Studios. ancianos que necesitan de los servicios de choferes voluntarios Western Avenue Studios host more than 225 working artists within two buildings. The para poder permanecer independientes en su propio hogar. studios host six floors and 245 studios filled with artists working in all disciplines, media and styles. The studios are located in the heart of downtown Lowell. Maxine will speak to attendees on how to create and establish artist studios here in the heart of our service area. Starving Artists NO MORE is a monthly forum designed by participants and facilitated Merrimack Valley YMCA Hosts by Creative Haverhill. Each month we gather to discuss best practices for getting creative products and services to market. Great way to network with other artists and creative the 26th Annual Feaster businesses! Join us for these monthly events, each prepared with different topics to openly discuss as professionals in the creative fields. This program's purpose is to enhance the creative Five Registration Expo economy by opening doors to find new contacts and to learn more about how to promote, enrich, and further develop your business or creative organization. The Feaster Five Road Race has been a renovation in the very near future. Give us a call or send us an email if you have any questions. We look forward to much loved Thanksgiving morning family In addition to hosting the Expo, the seeing you. tradition. Long before the family sits down Merrimack Valley YMCA is very proud to Have a creative day! to feast, there will be more than 10,000 be one of the charitable beneficiaries of the people walking and running, as part of Feaster Five Road Race. Other beneficiaries Sincerely, the 26th annual Feaster Five Road Race, include Ironstone Farm, Bellesini Academy, hosted by the Merrimack Valley Striders on and the Merrimack Valley Striders. The Creative Haverhill Team Thanksgiving Day, November 28. You are invited to the Feaster Five Creative Haverhill The race attracts world class runners Registration Expo to talk with and take [email protected] like Billy Rodgers, Joan Benoit Samuelson, photos of runners, participants, volunteers, 978-373-5663 and the Hoyts, as well as walkers, and race organizers, and the numerous vendors runners of all speeds and ages. This race who will be present. is truly a happening…it’s more than just a race and it is all about family, fitness, and WHAT: Feaster Five Registration SE NECESITAN VOLUNTARIOS PARA JUGAR fun. Beginning on Monday, November 25 Expo CON NIÑOS QUE VIVEN EN REFUGIOS at noon until Wednesday, November 27, thousands of participants will be parading WHO: Merrimack Valley Striders Horizons for Homeless Children busca personas serias, bilingües en through the doors of the Andover/North & DMSE Andover Y, a branch of the Merrimack inglés y español para jugar con niños que viven en refugios para familias Valley YMCA, to pick up their registration sin hogar. Se requiere un compromiso de 2 horas a la semana (un turno packets. For a lot of these community WHEN: November 25-27 semanal) por 6 meses. Para más información o para inscribirse en línea, participants this will be the last time they Noon-7:00pm favor de visitar el sitio o llame will see and experience the Andover/North al 978.557.2182. Es una experiencia muy agradable que beneficia a los Andover branch in its present state as the WHERE: Andover/North Andover niños y también a todas las personas que se envuelven en el programa. YMCA is set to undergo a transformational YMCA, 165 Haverhill St., Andover 22 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online!


Phineas Phineas here came in with his brother Ferb. Ferb has already found his forever home and Phineas is waiting to have the same. Little Phineas had a rough start to life he was so skinny when he arrived at the shelter as a stray. At only ten months old this French Bulldog Chihuahua mix has a lot to learn but is so willing to please. This little man would love to live in a active household who wants to train. Since roaming the streets this man hasn't had any training but since being at the shelter Phineas has learned to sit and walk loosely on a leash in that short period of time. In his future home Phineas would want to be your only doggy but may welcome a kitty cat in his new home as long as they are dog savvy and would enjoy some other kids to play with. Before Phineas can come home he asks if you could read the book "Fisty Fido" to understand him a little more and have a consult with our trainer. So if you want a cute, fun loving, treat eating, little man rush over to the shelter today to meet him!!

Boots Hi, I'm Boots. I am a 2 year old female Polish rabbit. Yup! That's the name of the breed, Polish. I am a real beauty. I am playful and fun to be with. i enjoy exploring and running around. Give me toys, please! I like paper towel tubes, old phone books or paperback to dig in, wooden toys to chew like apple branches and grapevine wreaths, any safe items like those for rabbits. You can even make me a castle out of cardboard boxes! Yoo- Hoo! Then I would be in heaven. Come in and meet me. Maybe we can build a relationship together!

Bonnie Bonnie is a 4 year old female. She is a friendly girl who loves to chatter while running around. She enjoys playing with balls and running through tubes especially while chasing her friend Rowan. She is in foster right now. If you would like to meet Bonnie contact a staff member.

Cosmo and Penny Cosmo and Penny are a wonderful pair of cockatiels. They need to be adopted together. They are very curious and still learning how to be hand friendly. They are about 2 1/2 years old. They need a roomy cage and love to whistle.

Cookie Dough If you can't find Cookie Dough when you visit the adoption center, be sure to ask for her by name! Cats are often moved around.

Reggie If you can't find Reggie when you visit the adoption center, be sure to ask for her by name! Cats are often moved around.

One of three MSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Centers statewide, the MSPCA at Nevins Farm in Methuen cared for more than 7,000 animals last year. The MSPCA does not receive state or federal funding and continues its work based solely on the generosity of its supporters. The Noble Family Animal Care & Adoption Center at Nevins Farm is located at 400 Broadway, Rte. 28 in Methuen and is open to the public from 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays; 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wednesdays & Fridays; 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. To contact the MSPCA at Nevins Farm regarding adoptions and programs please call (978) 687-7453 x. 6101 or on the Web at: nevins.

SAVE LIVES: get your pet spayed or neutered Reduced SNAP fees are made possible through generous donations of time and resources by participating veterinarians who believe in the importance of spaying and neutering as part of a complete pet health care program. noviembre 22, 2013 • Edición 421L • Lawrence, MA • AñO 18 .: Rumbo :. 23

True Photo Studio NEW OFFICE 33 Franklin Street LOCATION Suite A By Dario Arias Lawrence, MA 01841 Bodas Bautismos DETECTIVE PRIVADO Y ALGUACIL Cumpleaños Modelos Harry Maldonado Fotos Familiares DETECTIVE Fotos para Pasaportes New Office Number!:978-688-0351 406 Essex St. FAX: (978) 688-4027 Lawrence, MA 01840 Tel. (978) 975-3656 Para más información llame a Fifi García (978) 681-9129

Marcos A. Devers J., P.E. Registered Professional CLASIFICADOS | classifieds Civil Engineer Es facil Professional Services include: encontrar a EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY • Structural and architectural design and plans • Zoning, Site Planning and Permitting process CITY OF LAWRENCE MASSACHUSETTS • General Contracting • House Repairs and Remodeling Rumbo MAYOR WILLIAM LANTIGUA • Commercial Building and Remodeling • New construction CARPENTER For information, 978-804-7588 (978) 794-5360 [email protected] Pay Grade: Per Collecting Bargaining Agreement Union: Carpenters Local 111

Duties: Under the direct supervising of the Building Facilities Supervisor, constructs, Register Now for MCC’s Technical alters and repairs structures, buildings, furniture, equipment and fixtures made of wood or similar materials. Work is performed in accordance with building codes Writing Certificate Program and standard trade practices. Fabricates, alters and repair structural wood work, floors, stairways, and fixtures. Perform such activities as measuring, sawing, squaring, Enrollment is now open for Middlesex drilling, sanding, fitting and, fastening. Perform repair of such equipment as; desk, well as tools for authoring information for Community College’s Technical Writing chairs, tables, shelves, and cabinets. Hang doors and repairs related hardware. Repair electronic and print distribution will also be Certificate Program. This 120-hour, post- windows, frames, and screens. Perform other carpentry duties as required. covered. Through lecture, online learning graduate noncredit certificate program and projects, students will create a portfolio provides students with the tools and skills Qualifications: At least 5 years’ experience, and skilled, in the carpentry trade, featuring samples of their work. necessary to write technical documents and confirmed technique in the selection of equipment and materials. Demonstrate Solid MS Windows and MS Word effectively communicate about technical knowledge of state and local codes. This position requires a possession of a current skills, access to an MS Windows Operating information. Spring-semester courses begin and valid Commonwealth of Massachusetts Class Driver’s license. CDL driver’s System, and an aptitude for learning new Monday, Jan. 27. license is a plus. technology are required. Classes are held This program is a career enhancement from 5:45 to 9:45 p.m., Mondays on the opportunity for individuals with well- Deadline to apply is November 25, 2013. Applications and full job Bedford campus, 591 Springs Road. The developed writing skills, a bachelor’s descriptions are available in the Personnel Department of the City of cost of MCC’s Technical Writing Certificate degree and at least three years of work Lawrence, Frank Bonet, Personnel Director, Lawrence City Hall Program is $1,499 plus textbook fees. experience. 200 Common Street, Room 303, Lawrence, MA 01840 Courses are not eligible for waivers or Students will learn how to conduct Download an application by visiting the city’s website at vouchers. audience and task analysis, work with The City of Lawrence is an Equal Opportunity Employer For more information about the Writing subject matter experts, understand product REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS are provided to applicants with disabilities. Technical Information Certificate program, documents and the product-development If you need reasonable accommodations for any part of the application and hiring or to apply, contact Sheila Morin at morins@ cycle, write clear procedures, review and process, please notify the Personnel Director at (978) 620-3060. The decision or visit https://www. revise technical information, manage on granting reasonable accommodations will be on a case-by-case basis. projects, and make content useable. Mark- techwrite.aspx up languages, such as HTML and XML, as

Rumbo “The Bilingual Newspaper of the Merrimack Valley”

Is your product Irresistible Let’s talk about ? Consejeros de los Pequeños Negocios de América spreading the word! ¿Comenzando un Negocio? ¿Comprando un Negocio? Rumbo is a FREE bilingual (English-Spanish) ¿Haciendo Crecer su Negocio? newspaper published four (4) times a month by SUDA, Inc. Consejos gratis y confidenciales sobre negocios por una Publication Dates: organización sin ánimo de lucro 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd of Every Month Sesiones de Consejerías jueves de 10:00 AM a 2:30 PM er The secret is out… Excepto el 3 jueves de cada mes Rumbo Tells Everybody! Por favor, llame al 978-686-0900 para una cita con Lawrence SCORE Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commerce Advertising 264 Essex St. Sales 978.794.5360 Lawrence, MA 01840-1516 24 .: Rumbo :. AÑO 18 • Lawrence, MA • Edición 421L • noviembre 22, 2013 read rumbo online!