

> ,. ;"V'« v i i 2 Sfte . aid ** Betf ry «, 1921. SumU;, Ftbra. JJasl}jmgi0t* v /. PLAYS AND PL;WERSOIF THE EARLY FEBRUARYISTAGE /. . y * 0 % ' ; > --vv.. iii \ Has uV .ji*r-1, J ,-s t in Saddle The Griffith .% fT=HBHHI -mi.*_ Comedy OfBiograph Days Among New Plays Really Returned? Of Current Week "" Shows Many "Cognac" at Bel&sco Awaits DHl ... Glimpses of Style that Made Broadway Verdict.Victor Screen Genius Famous. Herbert Hit Appear*. the By EARLE DORSEY. Although exigencies booking «"r»ngemeat» have ts something always hilariously funny in resulted, apparently, in the temporary elimination THEREthe spectacle offered by the usually sane analyst of the Garrick from the list of open playhouses, the three of the drama the moment he undertakes a critical discussion of some major product of the D. other legitimate theaters of the city offer an array of W. Griffith camera. attractions that should meet with general approval. Given, as a rule, to the orderly assembly and calm restraint of his adjectives, your average critic 'ICognae," a new Shubert comedy-drama, opens a will, nine times out of ten, tosa. his circumspection week's run at the Belasco tomorrow to the night with a cast winds, blush with an Incoherent, school-girlish ' hysteria and give himself over to a semi-maudlin of sizeable and talented proportions, while at the delirium of superlatives which rise, months the week will be devoted to an exposition of-theNational, to hiss gleefully at his embarrassed memory.afterward, :£l ^ % ' Personally speaking. I have never yet won a ' charms of Victor Herbert's musical comedy success, against the suffocating dynamics of Griffith'sbattle 5, > ',.. Sff "The Girl in the Spotlight." D. W. Griffith's "Way style and I'm not alone a shot- It makes |--1f by long little difference how contemptuous or low-spirited 0-3 Down East," whidf had an attractive opening at Poli's toward the current dramatic scene your critic \ last will continue at Monday night that theater for may be. set him in front of a Griffith screenhabitually another week at least. snd instantly he lets out a wild, hoydenish whoop, Vaudeville bills of charm and are glorying in his own seduction and praising Heaven, novelty announced as a for no ymm at B. F. the Cosmos and the rule, greater weakness. 'H Keith's, Strand, while the Generally speaking, there may be less raving over ^HLb Gayety announces something a little different in the Griffith's "Way Down East" than is customary. Part burlesque opens a week's of this may be due to the fact that Griffith's "Way line."Jingle, Jingle".which l>own East" comedy is sufficiently Sennett-like in run this afternoon. spots to restore one's faculties and one's orientation; ( but it is more than likely due chiefly to the fact that the human race is getting used to Griffith's "CofMc" BeUKO. artillery, just as it gets used to beingemotionalin The Messrs. Shubert will present "Cofnac." a love or paying income tax. in ^firee art#, at the Shubert-Belcomedy-dramaa»c«> In some quarters, Griffith has unconsciously started Theater tomorrow night. This company ha* been a fault especially organised for Broadway where it will be dissenting cult whose chief doctrine is to And . with what he does. There's some reason in that seen following its engagement in this city. It OliTe Tell. Tom Power*. Edith madness. A man who can intelligently Andapparent ZE&g fpgl King. Jam**includes fault with Griffith's work within two days of seeing Seeley, Sylvia Field. Leonard Doyle. Marie Hay. Cyrus it is a superior person indeed and the very act of Wood. Harry Hamalainen and Harry Humphrey. ia in three acta, the putting up a struggle againat the Griffith hypnosis "Cognac" time present, the local# a small in Vermont. Tom denotes a superior quality of mind. Tillage Towers Elmer Stubbs. a who haa returned I make no doubt that legions of new disciples of doughboy, justimpersonates this cult will Down East" full of holes in In the Pictures. Today's Amusements. from overseas with a French war bride. Another pick "Way who has also returned from the course of time, but I prefer to rave on through the doughboy front, Pnira.1"Wi* D#m> East,** D. in Marcelle none other than a years, calling him the greatest of them all and Olive Tell, one of the "Cognac."discovers members of the cant that W. ( rifl'k'a film produrtioa. famous French cocotte whom he had met at Bordeaux blithely ignoring the smart alecks who are prominent will Interpret "(ojfmacr tke new Natloaal *Olrt la tkr This creates a commotion, but finally, Marcelle finding a 50-cent picture that has Griffith Vkt»r H«rbfrt,i nrw constantlyShubert comedy-drama, wklck >p*tUfht." proven herself such an admirable wife, Tom having stopped by a city block. a week's run at the begin* nuromrdy. her her past and they live happily ever Generally speaking, thst universal tendency of tomorrow night, prior to Ita «, who Mra. Ward. I adaptation. It's not the comether of Beiasco, with his the role In Hunpkrr* late of "The Night Boat" and formerly of "FiddJers it's play* leading Da air a genius for minutiae; not all due to sweeping Down Rlnlto.Bfbt la "Sfcf Three" MFlo Flo" and other big musical hits; Mary climax development, nor yet to subtle "Way Eaat," whichGriffith'* Coolda't Help It," ky Miriam it's that odd, unduplicated and Intangiblecharacterization;begin* the aecond week of Ita I Milbum a new prima donna who has won a name as local ran at Poll'* Mlckelaon. than that occasionally is defined "perspective"somethingor today.Above Uardra.Makloa Hamlltoa aad quicker probably any other prima donna in stereoscopic quality".a qualitv as distinctly a part at right. years; Minerva Grey last seen here in Angel Face;** of the Griffith camera style as D. W. s nose is a of Betty Rlytke la "Tke Traaat part Dorothy Jardon, headllner Eunice Sauvain. and two score other entertainers. of the Griffith physiognomy. / the vaudeville bill at B. F. Huaband.** Mr. Herbert s score in this Keith'* thl* week.Below at left. Knickerbocker."loobel.** wltk piece, consisting of Jack Fairbnnkn, featured In Bonae Petera aad Jaae ISovak. numbers, fairly bubbles over with melodyseventeenand /,irrAY Down East", is remarkable first for its Craadall*».Dorolky la several of the numbers are hits Mr. Victor tke vaudeville bill at the Coamo* .- .«I Pkllllpa song lesson in I went " YJyTT object adaptation. into that "Once ta Every Woman discussion a week ago but a further thl* week.Below In center. Herbert will conduct the augmented orchestra tonight. is in order. It is hard to get rid of thereferenceidea Both Dwyer, In "The Stealera," Criterion-.**Tke Safe Hea." that the evasive Griffith.a man who is not above at the Strand.Below at right. Eaapreoa "1 p la Mary'a Attic." beseeching you to try to remain awake through the second part of his picture.has practised an "Way Down East".PoK's. sly and excessively practical joke on theexcessivelyfilm D. W. Griffith's "Way Down East" will enter upon fraternity. This particular desk has been flooded its second week at Poli's Theater with the matins* for more months than I care to remember with a of information the brilliant Bj today at 3 o'clock and evening performance at R:15. species concerning effort Next Week's Shows being made to comb the language of two hemispheres Edith Was a