@thesikhtimes thesikhtimes qaumipatrika VISIT: PUBLISHED FROM Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, The Sikh Times Email:
[email protected] Chandigarh, Himachal and Jammu National Daily Vol. 12 No. 335 RNI NO. DELENG/2008/25465 New Delhi, Thursday, 15 April, 2021
[email protected] 9971359517 12 pages. 2/- Simmi Kaur Babbar ∑§Ù⁄UÙŸÊ ∑§Ê ∑§„⁄U, ÁŒYyh ∑§Ê ªflŸ¸⁄U øȬ ÄUÿÙ¥? ÁŒYyh ◊¥ „¡Ê⁄UÙ¥ ‹Ùª, ∑§Ù⁄UÙŸÊ ∑§Ë ø¬≈U ◊¥ •Ê ª∞ „Ò¥ •ı⁄U •S¬ÃÊ‹Ù¥ ◊¥ ÷Ê⁄UË ÷Ë«∏, ÃÕÊ ‡◊‡ÊÊŸ ÉÊÊ≈UÙ¥ fl ∑§Á’˝SÃÊŸ ◊¥ ‹Ê‡ÊÙ¥ ∑§Ê ÃÊ¥ÃÊ ‹ªÊ „Ò, ß‚∑‘§ ’Êfl¡ÍŒ ÁŒYyh ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U, ªÈL§mÊ⁄UÊ ∑§◊≈UË ∑‘§ øÈŸÊfl ÄUÿÙ¥ ∑§⁄UflÊ ⁄U„Ë „Ò? ÁŸflŒ∑§ Sardar Gurcharan Singh Babbar PRESIDENT ALL INDIA SIKH CONFERENCE BABBAR ADDRESS- 5, BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG, PRESS AREA, ITO NEW DELHI 110002 PHONE, 9971359517, 9312262300, 9868068019, E-mail ID,
[email protected] 2 New Delhi, Thursday, 15 April, 2021 NATIONAL THE SIKH TIMES NEWS BOX Survey to identify encroachments in areas under MCM Testing up, positivity rate rises Gurgaon: The newly constituted Municipal Corporation of Manesar (MCM) will soon conduct a survey in the industrial town to identify encroachments and plan a too in Noida and Ghaziabad demolition drive accordingly. A direction to this effect has been given to the enforcement Noida/Ghaziabad: The health departments the positivity rate has planned to maintain this surge team by the MCM commissioner at a recent of Noida and Ghaziabad have been increased too. In Noida, the in RT-PCR tests in the coming meeting.