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J Y l GRASS 1 JE I BLADE t FJDITRD BY do HEATHEN IN THE INT ST OP GOOD MORALS PUBLISHED WEEKLY 100 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ydLOME XIII NUMBER NOS 41 AND 42j LEXINGTON KENTUCKY SUNDAY DECEMBER 18 E M 304 100 A YEAR if a but for the past two years living In and take his medicine like the rest of New ROCKEFELLER I us HON JUUCE- I have known Tom Ballard for St Will you state what you mean tc TOBIAS O years YorkII never knew nor heard of convey Mr Newton was asked oven the least thing that was deroga- Denounced as a Hypocrite by a St You may draw whatever coriclu tory to his I never heart jlons you please was the answer GIBSON character Louis Minister PARKER of the least hint of any unkindness Eaton Is the pastor of Rockefeller It Side that he ever did to any human or and at Cleveland and Rev Wallace Pros ATTACK ON TRINITY CHURCH byterlan at Louisville has lately de- An Infidel and malHo Captain In the Con j took throe copies of Dog Fenne nounced Rocky as a very party WHO ACQUiTTED ME OF THE hard federate Service Dies In Lexlng took two Rocky has the would PHAROS OF BLASPHEMY and Fred Ito Wealth In Saloons Gambling but rocks and he ton Loved en- and Honored by All TALKS LIKE I DO- Tom is said to have read it with probably hire some fellow of his own j Joints and Houses of III Repute Who Knew Him w thusiastic pleasure and Fred said of stripe to preach to him- JudgelParker of Lexington was pre it It Is the greatest thing that ever I learned in the penitentiary that St Louis Mo Dec 5 The Rev siding andSaqqultted me when the men of the same stripe flock together happenedNo Df Frances Russell pastor of tin State at thjlnstanco of Rev Dr Hell peaceable moral gentle Just like birds of a feather 4thCaptain WjOst Presbyterian church one of tbe gate mo blasphemy temperate modest kind unobtrusive erate service died at the age of 67 od for oldest and wealthiest congregation agronstit1ol Ghost when I donl man than Tom Bollard ever lived and died in Lexington In the city startled the ministerIal even belieghosts upon KyHehad jnfegtlng today by a bitter attack Icture1of Judgekra in his His wifo an exceedingly popular looks like a regular masher lr InstructionsIt John D Rockfeller whom ho styled the grand ury December woman and patron and teacher of IAaton mash like Lexington whls readinghlftwife for sale a hypocrite and a severe arralngmen some thing you will notice music was my parishioner when I sweet mash He has his arms that ofTrInity church of Now York which oaf like me was a clergyman His son Fred T folded across his breast and a be- h charged derived large revenue adjoiningHe Slngton Democrats re Ballard a splendid fellow now a witching moustache with a look in called his daughter and newspaperman In Now City from renting her property to gambling eye yip t the following York his that looks like it would be fS youngest In houses and houses of Illrepute Ills shei r Judge said of the people of was perhaps the editor Irreslstablo to women the world theme was The Relation of the His church is on Euclid Avenue that foundhim KmtuC1Xt with all learning 1r their Church to tho Industrial Situation religio ndhospitality they were I was a subscriber to a paper that Walter Hurt used to bombard with EvelynBright and After questioning the sincerity of among thei t lawless people in the he edited BO cents a yearwhen he his Gatling Gun for exceedingly second cousin His daughter is regard- i sdclimen as John D Rockfeller he flyI ed as world and as a reason for this was only eight years old deportment among the sexes one of the greatest beauties of t sand Kentucky lawlessnefislfisprovalent disregard for When I was In tho penitentiary W All things considered Rev Eaton IsI and on this account and for Is there any doubt that men today strict administration of the laws His D Shipp who had been Mrs Ballarde exactly the kfnd of a man that the her various other attractions has i question the integrity of the church j plea to tho rid jury to do their full Sunday school teacher In the Camp Chadwick woman would be likely toI boon frequently honored orlthat women are skeptic of was bolllte church was also in the peni virtue tackle for her purposes and Eaton duty earnest Tfiey are asking give us a reason iTERM3 OF THE BLADE Judgoirecognized the great tentiary for robbing the bank ol looks for all tho world Just like the year which ho was cashier at Midway Ky foe your existence tell us what to dc The mother and daughter I 4 0 1 IsBuo for one i0k evil ortho traffic in his charge kind of a man who would bo liable to are In clubs of five NEW Bubscriberi notffl ume to place the tumble to the racket of a woman like itederateexceedingly lovely women re for five- butdd bothf ceata each 5260 x irtnnlliiHnvtAn the saloon man more Chadwick The papers contain very Captain Gibson is tho last of six 1150 tbca people are being oppressed and r than Snanufocturer and the frequent accounts of Interesting little brothers who fought in the Confeder- < TermsL00 ryear In advance both In the penitentiary and my hus treasuark starving ate service 1f d he could pos episodes between preachers and wo foreign aUbllcrlptfon160 that Unless the church shows more piety slblYdrhjtijw tinctlon between the wIfeIband believing as he does- men of her kind and the chances are His brother Colonel Hart Gibson ofsintiment In these days she cannot man who drank his that the public does not get onto one died not long since and a few years In1raIls wjm She must take a clean position glass of t a corner saloon and CHRISTMAS in a dozen of these ago died his brother General Randall Make all Money Drafts and injthese matters and until she does payable the the rtchri o sipped his wine In Christmas Is coming and the Chris Mrs Chadwick is a Christian Gibson for many years United States one7ekExpress Orders to heir Influence is weakened Trinity Blade Lfedagtoa Ky- the club nor between tians will display the legend Peace The Louisville Herald says in part Senator from Blue OraM luxurys church that stands today as a grand the craps in an ally on earth good will to men as Captain Gibson went into the army < negrpeet mbnument followsThe Loulslanaf Whan change addrew ad to the head of Wall street as a private and was promoted ornc sa for five < man of affairs The Christian religion has now beer Cassie L Chadwlck story to a lrethis gvlng jourold iiithe In1 New York supposedly for every JIII who lost dollars In a < card exerting nearly 200 hovered for a time over Louisville Tcell as the new addreaL find its Influence for ng that is good and noblest where captaincyHo j limew aw never reached years and today Russia most last night when it became known born In Lexington Ky but Bubicriptlon the cr me and vice are denounced on- When you lend your 11- Mm HU for the adminis Is conduct- that the woman who has outfinanced spent the greater part of his lifo In J new or old i Christian nation on earth ryi I whether you are a e Sabbath morning yet Trinity t tratlon oil b whether they be ing one of the wars known the best business men of the United the South and In Woodford county subscriber bloodiest i 1j he Its wealth invested in houses of wise or iii him it was not to history brought on by her own States had used oven tho cloak of rel- KyHo j 111 iaiao saloons and gambling Joints Office of publication 165 W short Bt a would be better Injustice Fights igion toattaln her ends and had held was an editor farmer and law ¬ bcky queitUotdi cruelty and between too prone to lqo at the L xlflJKton to allow e shls saloon ln milI a conference last Kprlng in Cleveland yer Ho and all of his brotoej were e1 jof Sjl1nsw11sconj T7ltS spy ta rtcapitaltletiiu Irof things ilifSVdrrs PSpjst t1 tdTdt DrES wiS Mai 4TTrriggCi Vlmust main did Second Claw is the saloon must close iif were ever known before tQii pastor of the Rockefeller Euclid much writing In the farming MoreKTdt nunt suicides than ¬ that will Investi Matter itlon vear interest The newspapers of Lexing ¬ day because the law demands It and In the history of the world more mur gati avSnuo Baptist church who finished Ion The churches cannot afford ton contain the most complimentary r all communication to the law must be upheld ders and especially murders of wo- last night a serIes of sermons at the f Addms to Jccome Ailed with who pro encomiums upon BLUE GRASS BLADE P O BOX men and children by the husband and Broadway Baptist church him He was not at Kentucky 593 Lexington THE MRS CADWICK CASE father In all cases tho murderers be I wrote berore knowing anything of all a propagandist of his views about Christians- Mrs Chadwicks religious views that religion but ho did not bellevo in any SVyette Telephone 619 ing D Rockfeller has long posed as a Telephone 807 Mrs Chadwicks case shows the In Lexington soon Christmas would be found out that she is a religionI Cumberland after C yet ft has been proved that it same old story about the superiority realIItrlstian Known him for about 50 a devout Bible reading churchgoing Christian and the allusion to her p ht has signed petitions for saloons- years of Infidel morals over those of the praying Christian Bess is to be hung cloak of religion confirms my pro- and the nearest to any Immoral THE SOUTHWEST IS PROSPERING a d the terrible expose of the gigantic woman- phecy Interview with thing that I ever knew of him or i ChristiansAs for the murder of a cc rporation of which he is the head The Heralds Arkansas Texas and Louisiana Ful of banks she breaks I believe from personal observation Eaton shows him a man of monumen heard of him or that I suspect of him Persona