Part VIII-a... The Mark of

We’re coming on down to the end of this series on prophecy... This beast that once was, then was not; is now an eighth; and brings us to this study which is on (The Mark of that Beast). So I hope these studies are helping us understand God’s Word as we’re looking at Bible prophecy.

It’s most important that we understand where we are. What says the Bible, the blessed Bible? This should my only question be. Prophecy is fulfilling, the end is nearing. What says the Word of God to me? That’s what we want to find out. That’s what we want to know.

We’ve actually had two studies... or two series on prophecy... the first one we did was Five Have Fallen and the second part was about a beast that was, and is not, one is, and another has not yet come ; but when he does come , he must remain for only a little while. The beast that was, and now is not , is himself an eighth king, is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

Those are the two studies on the prophecy of the beast. This has been a very, very important study because this is an area that most people misunderstand. And neither do they understand what the scripture teaches about life in Jesus Christ.

This study is about The Mark of the Beast... We want to find out what it is. That’s what we want to know. Well first of all, we need to be very, very clear in our thinking as to who the beast is. We need to establish that... Have a clear understanding of that.

Also we want to be very clear in our thinking of what the image to the beast is. We need to also understand clearly what the mark is. How does a person receive this mark and what’s involved in that. Now the scripture is very, very clear on this subject.

So it’s not something that we have to be in doubt about. It’s very clear about what the Mark of the Beast is. So let’s follow along as we take a look at this mark of the beast. I think you’ll find it to be a subject that will help you see clearly what the scripture teaches.

Heavenly Father, as we study Your Word, as we look at this subject, as we pray for the Holy Spirit in a special way. We pray that He may be present. That He will give us the insight, the knowledge, and the understanding. That we may purpose in our hearts to stand on Your side and to follow You and to walk with You. To let You be our God and that we will say “We are Your people, You be our God.” We pray that we will walk and follow You by faith. We ask that You grant us that opportunity and that privilege is our pray; In Christ’s name, Amen.

Well over the years, I just can’t count all the different things that I have heard people say that the mark of the beast was. I even remember when they said that somebody’s going to come around with a branding iron and is going to brand 666 on your forehead.

And everybody’s going to receive the mark of the beast. And many people believed that that’s the way it was going to happen. And then as time went on, people said when they came out with social security numbers they said... “Don’t take one of those things. If you take a social security number, you’re going to get the mark of the beast... without question you’re going to have it.” 1

And then I can remember... I was just a kid at the time of the Second World War and they came out with rationing stamps. And they said... “Don’t take them. If you take those rationing stamps, you’re going to get the mark of the beast. That’s just for sure... you’ll get it.” But they didn’t.

And then, just here in the last few years, they talked about the computer chip. Saying... “Oh, somebody’s going to come around and they’re going to put in your forehead a computer chip and that will be the mark of the beast.”

So you hear all kinds of things about the mark of the beast, what it was and so forth. We need to understand what the mark of the beast is. It’s Very, very important that we understand where we stand. Well you see the scripture divides things into two’s. Not threes... it divides things into two’s. It talks about the saved and the lost; the sheep and the goats; the righteous and the unrighteous.

When it comes to the mark of the beast, It’s divided into two’s... only two. The one’s that have the mark of the beast... and the ones that don’t. Let’s watch what the scripture says about it.

These are the people that receive the mark of the beast. Contrasting those people you read in Revelation 15 and it says... Here are the people that don’t have the mark of the beast. So you have two classes... those that have the mark of the beast; those that do not have the mark of the beast.

Therefore, for you and I, and I don’t care where you are in the world, anywhere in the world you have to make a decision, a decision as to whether you’re going to be on God’s side or whether you’re going to be on the beast’s side... Because there’s only two classes... that’s all there is.

And so in this study we want to clearly identify, first who the beast is. Now the beast that’s referred to here is the beast mentioned in Revelation the 13 th Chapter. But we found out in our last study last study... the last presentation we found out that the best of Revelation 13 is also the one that’s pictured in Revelation 17. OK?

Because he’s the one that was, is not, yet is, so let’s take a look at what the scripture says about this beast here in Revelation 13, and I have italicized different parts in these texts to help us identify who it is...

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion... and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed... and the entire world wondered after the beast.


And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast... and they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months .

And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven . And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them... and power was given him over all kindreds , and tongues, and nations.

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him , whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man has an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity... he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb , and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, who’s deadly wound was healed.

And he doeth great wonders , so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads... And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the ... for it is the number of a man ; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

One point we need to listen to carefully. Now notice God’s giving us one point right after another to help us in identify who this beast is. So here in Revelation 13, God list one point right after another.

And then it continues and says... Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast ... for it is the number of a man ; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

We have just looked at seven points that God gives to identify this beast. Now I do not have time, to go back and completely go through each one of those points and spend a lot of time on them. But we must review or look at these 7 points quickly.


Now if you want to study it more, then go back and get the one on Five Have Fallen and look under papal , that fifth beast and it will help you there.

Well, I’ll go through these quickly because there are probably people who didn’t see any of those and they need to understand who the beast is.

So let’s see if we can take the 7 points of identification and talk about who they are and find out what the scripture says about it. OK. The first point of identification is simply this... The Dragon gave him his power, his seat, and his great authority.

The Second point... So we’re finding out how long he’s going to be ruling with those seven points that the scripture gives. Now, there is only one power in all the history of mankind in all the earth that fits all the points of identification.

You can’t find another power other than the papal power that will fit all those points of identification. So the scripture makes it absolutely clear who the beast is. Now you can take probably four of them and make them fit some other power. But you can’t take all seven of them and make them fit some other power... It will only fit this power.

So let’s take a look at those seven points and see what the scripture has to say about it for us.

The dragon referred to here, this is the beast of Revelation 13, and the dragon that’s referred to in the 12 th Chapter. The dragon in the 12 th Chapter of Revelation gave to this beast in Revelation 13 its power, its seat, and its authority.

And if you pick up your Bible and you go back and you study it, you’ll find that the dragon mentioned here in Revelation 12 is pagan Rome.

So it’s saying that pagan Rome would give to this beast its power, its seat, and its authority. And history tells us that’s exactly what happened. Watch... And history says that the bishop of Rome stepped to the seat of Caesar and seized the scepter.

And so we find exactly the dragon, pagan Rome, gave to papal Rome its power, its seat, and its authority. Second point... This was the period of time that this beast power would continue; it would be forty-two months. And as we looked at this in the scripture and have studied it, we found out that in the Bible a day represents one year in Bible prophecy.

So if I’ve got forty-two months, and I multiply, because there’s 30 days in a Biblical month, and I multiply it times 42 it gives me 1,260 years or days. That was the time that they would rule... 1,260 years.

And history tells us that’s exactly what happened. That is known in history, as the years of papal supremacy. That’s when they were in charge. And then it says... And so this power is going to make war with the saints.

Persecution... that’s what it’s basically saying. This is what it says here... Now, just stop and think about that. 4

Remember, I told you... never in history has there ever been a time in which a church power took over civil power, state power that it didn’t persecute.

Because really a church... a church in actual fact isn’t worth its salt, if it doesn’t believe that it’s teaching truth. Now stop and think about that. A church is not worth anything if it doesn’t believe that what it’s teaching is true.

So that church believes they’re teaching the truth. Therefore, if they can get everybody to accept what they believe, then they believe they’re giving them the truth. And so without question churches that get involved in civil power persecute. That’s what happens; that’s what takes place. And of course the papal power believed that and they persecuted.

Now as I mentioned... All you have to do is, you know, pick up such books as Fox’s Book of Martyrs or read Here I Stand by Bainton or History of the Reformation by D’Aubigne. All those books outline for you what took place, and you can read about the persecution that happened by this power.

OK. Let’s go on. So it says that he would speak great things and blasphemy. I don’t have time to go back and give all the basis. Do you understand what blaspheme is? You understand what the scripture says blasphemy is?

The scripture says that blasphemy is when a person puts... considers himself God. When a person... like they accused Jesus of blasphemy because He said He was God. That’s one definition scripture gives.

The other definition that scripture gives is when a human being claims he has the right to forgive sin. They also classify that as blasphemy. And so it says this power would speak great words and blasphemy.

Well, I’m just going to read you a statement. There are many, many, many statements I could read concerning this power speaking great words and blasphemy they say. “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.” And this is basically what they believe. So as far as scripture is concerned, that’s blasphemy. Now this beast has seven heads.

And he said... “I looked at one of those heads and it was mortally wounded.” And in our study you remember we found out that at this particular time Napoleon had come to power. Napoleon was very desirous of being able to rule all of Europe.

In fact, he said Europe was soon to become one nation. He was going to put it all together. But he realized he could not do that unless he could break the back of the papal power because the papal power was in control.

And so we find on February the 15 th , 1798... The papal power came into being 538 AD. That is when the bishop of Rome took over the seat... 538 AD. It said he was going to rule for 1,260 years... which takes us to 1798 AD. 5

And just exactly as the scripture said Napoleon was there, took over, and established a secular government. 1,260 years. When Napoleon took over, they took the . Put him in prison... he died in prison.

They elected another Pope. He moved back to the Vatican, moved in and didn’t show his face for 50 years. But there was effort after effort made to try to settle this thing. And in history is this called The Roman Question. And it was always a question of settlement. And they always tried to settle it by the Italian Parliament. But Rome was never willing to accept that.

And that went back and forth, back and forth, for over a hundred years. And it was not until they finally got to the 1900’s and then a new man now is in charge in who is not controlled by the Parliament... He was a dictator, and his name was Mussolini. Mussolini decided he would settle that whole Roman Question.

Well they set up conferences and after negotiation it was settled. And history tells us this is what happened... And thus the Lateran Pact was signed in 1929. Do you understand what it did? Do you understand what the Lateran Pact did?

Well it gave back to the Vatican the right to be a civil government. So it’s not a church... when we refer to this, it’s not just a church... It is a church as well as a government.

Let me give you a quick illustration of what I’m talking about. Why did the Pope have the right to speak to the United Nations? That’s because in the United Nations, the only people allowed to speak there is a head of state.

But you see, he is head of state and therefore he had the right to speak at the United Nations. There’s one other religious leader that spoke at the United Nations. Do you know who that is? The Dalai Lama can speak, because he’s the head of a state. So you see, this is... this is what the Lateran Pact gave back to them.

It paid them 21 million dollars for the spoliation of the papal states; it gave them the right to be a civil power... Re-established the right to be a civil power and it gave them the right to send ambassadors to every country in the world and in return, receive ambassadors.

All of that was given to them at the signing of the Lateran Pact. Now, let me just pause right here for a moment. We have to read this carefully. It says that it is the number of a “man.” The Bible also says this... So it tells us it’s the number of a man and it tells us it’s the number of his name.

So that gives us some indication of what it’s talking about. Now when we’re looking at this we must realize that this is symbolic. Therefore, we don’t have beasts running around here with seven heads you see. So then, we can see that the beasts are symbolic.

So then when it talks about an image, that’s symbolic. And when it talks about a name, it’s going to be symbolic also. And when it talks about a number, the 666 number, that’s also a symbol... It’s symbolic. 6

The seal is; the mark is a symbol. Revelation 13:17-18... “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, OR the name of the beast, OR the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore and six.”

So as we can see, the number of the beast 666 is not the actual mark of the beast. It is the number of a man within this beast kingdom. This number has been given to us in the Word of God in order for us to further identify the beast system, and the leader of that beast system.

It is also interesting that it states people will either get the mark of the beast OR the name of the beast OR the number of his name. This would suggest that ANY affiliation with the beast or the image of the beast would be deemed as going against God. And Revelation 14:11 confirms this by pronouncing judgment upon those who "worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."

We can see from Revelation 13:17-18 above that the number 666 is NOT just three digits that could appear on a barcode or tattoo or whatever. These Bible verses tell us that 666 is an actual number that needs to be calculated.

So it isn’t just three digits. It is a real number that needs to be added up, and we need "wisdom" in order to arrive at the number.

Does this number match the Roman Catholic Church? Yes! The of the Roman Catholic Church have previously been given the "VICARIUS FILII DEI", which means "Vicar of the Son of God".

OK, All that’s symbolic language... The official name. The official name or position of the Pope is Vicarius Filii Dei. That’s an official title for him just like the title of President is for United States. OK then. It says that... The number of a man is the number of his name.

Now, if we take his name Vicarius Filii Dei... and when we went to school you were taught something. Remember you were taught Roman numerals. Why?

Do you use them? No. But God intended for you to understand this... That’s the reason you were taught Roman numerals. So watch, because you remember Roman numerals are nothing but letters that have numerical values.

That’s what they are. So if we take the word Vicarius, watch what happens. V is worth how much... 5 and I is worth 1, C is worth 100. “A” has no numerical value; neither does the “R.” I is valued as 1. The U carries the same value as V. U is a modern letter... Years ago there was no U, it was V.

And if you doubt what I’m saying to you, I’m going to show you something. This is a little town in North Carolina called Goldsboro. OK? I’m going to show you the Wayne County courthouse in Goldsboro N.C. Look at it. Can you read it there?


Wayne... Look at how the U is a V. County... Look how they spelled county. Court. See how they spell it? Look how they spelled House. All of them have a V instead of a U because the U is a modern term.

So when it says there Vicarius Filii Dei that U has the same numerical value as does a V. Filii. F has no numerical value.

So in Vicarius, the V and the U has a value of 5 each, a total of 10 and both I’s increases the value by 2, and the C adds 100, making it total 112. And in Filii the L has a value of 50, and then adds the three I’s and that gives a total of 53. Then in Dei the D is worth 500. The I is worth 1 which totals 501. You add them all up... And you get 666.

So when the scripture says it is the number of a man, it’s the number of his name, and that is his official office name. God gives this information to us in order to help us understand and identify who the beast is. And that’s what we have just done. We have identified who this beast is. OK, now let’s move ahead and see if we can find out what the mark of the beast might be.

Well to begin with, let’s get something clear. It says the mark of the beast can be received in the right hand or it can be received in the forehead. So then, why does the scripture say it can be received in the right hand and it can be received in the forehead?

Because in the scripture, the right hand represents cooperation, and that’s what it stands for and it is saying that he gives his hand to it... That means I am willing to cooperate. The forehead represents intelligence, and that represents where I give mental acceptance to something.

Let me make something clear, they’re not going to come around and hold you down and put in your forehead a computer chip. That’s not going to happen. So let’s understand that. Let me ask you something...

If I serve the Lord; if I love the Lord, I’m going to stand with Him. So let’s say somebody comes around and they hold me down and they install a computer chip in my forehead. Is that going to change my relationship to the Lord? No... Not in the least.

So let’s not be led astray by that kind of thinking. That... when it says that it is given in the forehead, which means that I give mental acceptance to that. I believe that. That’s what I say.

That’s what I believe. If I may not give mental acceptance to it but I say I’ll go along, that’s giving my right hand to it. That is what it means when it talks about being in the right hand or in the forehead.

OK... Let’s examine three texts here. Let’s go to Revelation 14:9-11. When we’ve examined it I’m going to ask a question. If the answer to the question right, then we’re ready to go on.

If we don’t answer it right, we need to go back and read those texts again because it’s important that we know exactly what it says. So let’s look and see what it says... 8

“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb... And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”

Now let me ask, is this talking about the people that receive the mark of the beast? Well let’s back it up... Let’s take a look. We’ll just back it up here and see what it says. OK, Verse 9... here we go. Is that talking about people that receive the mark of the beast?

Yes. OK... Is that talking about people that receive the mark of the beast? Yes. Is that talking about people that receive the mark of the beast? Yes.

Is that talking about people that receive the mark of the beast? 4-Yes! All three of those verses are talking about people that receive the mark of the beast.

OK. Let’s go to verse 12... “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Do these people receive the mark of the beast?

No, they don’t. Why don’t they? Why don’t these people receive the mark of the beast, because they keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.

Are you with me? Because they keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. Therefore... THEREFORE if I keep God’s commandments and have the faith of Jesus I don’t receive the mark of the beast... Right? Right!

Whereas... THEREFORE the mark of the beast must affect the commandments of God and faith in Jesus Christ. Are you with me? See? It has to. It has to affect the commandments of God and faith in Jesus Christ.

So the question then is of these two things... next two things... What does the scripture tell us about faith in Jesus Christ? Well, this is what it says... So the scripture is telling me that the way I walk with the Lord is by faith.

OK. That’s how I walk with Him. So it simply tells me that my life is changed and the righteousness of Christ is given to me by faith. That’s how I walk as a Christian.

Does the papal power have anything to say about this question of walking with the Lord by faith? Well, let’s look. The papal power says the only way you can be saved is by being part of the Catholic Church.

Not by faith... not by justification by faith but by belonging to the church. Well, let’s look at one more. In other words, they’re saying that it isn’t by justification by faith but it’s by us working our way into the kingdom of heaven. All right.

Also, what about keeping God’s commandments? Does God have anything to say about keeping His commandments? 9

Didn’t He say...? “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Very clear; very simple. He said... “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Well, has the papal power done anything that affects the commandments of God?

Well, If you pick up your Bible and read Exodus the 20 th Chapter you’ll find the 10 Commandments. If you pick up a Douay version of the Bible or an American Catholic version of the Bible and turn to Exodus 20 and read the commandments, they’ll read just like ours.

But when you pick up a Catechism, their summary of religious doctrine in the form of questions and answers, the picture changes. You see the second commandment has been taken out. And the third commandment’s been pushed up to the second. And the fourth commandment up to the third and so forth. And they divide the tenth one so they can still have ten.

But they do something. Listen to this... So they took the second one out. They moved it up; the fourth commandment became the third. And they said that it really applies not to the Sabbath but to Sunday.

Uh, I read this next statement a few years ago. I couldn’t believe it when I read it. And so I want you to listen to the statement.

Now he’s... he’s saying this is one of the most revolutionary things that’s ever been done... they changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Now listen to what he goes on and says... He said there’s nothing in the scripture here saying that they could do this.

He said... “The church did it of their own power.” He said... “If you’re going to follow scripture... you’re going to say this is my authority, this is what I believe...” he said, “then you’ve got to come back to keeping the Sabbath.”

That’s what he’s saying. Definitely made a change. Listen to this... And so you find the change was definitely made. OK, let’s hurry. We’ve got quite a little bit yet to go. This is saying what this beast power is going to do. It says that this was going to cause the people... was going to enforce it... So it says that in order for this to happen it has to be enforced by government.

That’s what it says. When it says that he will speak and cause that means legislation and enforcement. And so at this present time, nobody has the mark of the beast.

It is not being enforced on people. But when the day comes that it IS enforced and you and I willingly accept it... or accept it period... then we are receiving the mark of the beast.

That’s what its saying. So how are they going to put teeth into this? How are they going to make it happen? This is what they’re saying, so listen carefully... Now who should? They say in other words... “It needs to be enforced.” It needs to be a requirement.

We need to close up things on Sunday. Listen to one more... Now listen to what they’re saying here. Now, you live in a democracy, right? Yeah. And in a democracy the majority rules; right. OK... Then you should be able to think that through right quick.


So how are they going to enforce that? Well, very simple. As long as people have money you cannot boycott them. You did know that didn’t you. Well if you can’t get it at the front of the store then you can get it at the back.

But we live in a different time. We live in a time of the Internet. And you can’t use cash on the Internet. You have to use what is called “cyber money.” You use your card. You can take that card and you can trade and buy stuff anywhere in the world.

You did know that didn’t you. But all they’ve got to do is say “don’t accept that number” and, dear friend, you have been boycotted. See, this is how it happens. The believers of the last days... You did know what they are going believe didn’t you... They’ll worship the Lord.

I’m talking about us... The signs, what the believers will do. They’ll worship the Lord. They’ll be a small remnant, but they’ll worship the Lord. There’s not going to be a large group of people, folks. The world as a whole is not going to come running and join the Lord’s side. That’s not going to happen.

They’ll believe that salvation is by Jesus alone. No other way. Justification by faith in Jesus Christ. They’ll keep God’s commandments. They’ll have the faith of Jesus. They’ll say... “This is what we believe.” They’ll say... “This is where we stand, we stand with Jesus Christ.”

They’ll have God’s seal in their forehead. And by the way, the seal of God is placed in the forehead... it’s not placed in the hand. So when they get the seal of God, that means that person gives mental acceptance to what God says.

I say... “I’m going to follow what God’s Word says. I’m going to obey His Word.” And they’ll uphold God’s Sabbath. That’s what the believers in the last days... the days in which you and I are living... are going to do just before Jesus comes.

You and I must place ourselves on the Lord’s side. We need to take the same stand that the apostles of old took. That’s where we need to stand. We need to say... “I’m standing with the Lord. Put myself on His side. I’m going to follow Him.”

I hope that we have learned and I hope that everyone has been helped with this study on Bible prophecy. Let’s stand with God in all that you do.

Well the next study will be on The Conflict of the Ages. We're going to be looking at how there is a great conflict going on between God and Satan. In this conflict we know who is going to be victorious... and that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.