1101120 Orderofworship 20Th Sunday After Pentecost
THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PEACHAM, VT “Whoever you are and wherever you are in life’s journey, you are welcome in this church.” www.peachamchurch.org The life of a saint is not the life of a great man or woman, but of God’s life in an ordinary man or woman. ― Kate Tristram ORDER OF WORSHIP — ALL SAINTS / ALL SOULS SUNDAY 9:30 A.M. 22TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST NOVEMBER 1ST, 2020 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE: ALLEGRETTO, FROM BEETHOVEN'S SONATA QUASI UNA FANTASIA (OPUS 27) RESPONSIVE CALL TO WORSHIP & OPENING HYMN One: In Luke's gospel, Jesus called together the disciples and a great multitude to a level place. There he touched, healed, and taught. There he spoke, "Blessed are.." There he named the blessed — the saints of the faith. All: O God, call us together as you did those so long ago to discover your blessed people. Today, in this place, Christ gather us. Let us remember, confess, celebrate, and embody the blessed saints of God. Christ, come among us. Alleluia! INSTRUMENTAL HYMN #551 — AWAKE, MY SOUL, AND WITH THE SUN LOVING OUR NEIGHBOR/AN INTERFAITH MOMENT: ALLHALLOWTIDE (CHRISTIAN AND WICCAN/NEO-PAGAN) CONCERNS, CELEBRATIONS — (INCLUDING SILENT PRAYER, A PRAYER FOR ALL SAINTS BY IAN FRASER, PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE, AND LORD’S PRAYER) PIANO RESPONSE — HEAR OUR PRAYER, O LORD RESPONSIVE PSALM (PSALM 8) One: YHWH, our Sovereign, how majestic is your Name in all the earth! You have placed your glory above the heavens! Many: From the lips of infants and children you bring forth words of power and praise, to answer your adversaries and to silence the hostile and vengeful.
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