2017 01 13 Catalog
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LANCASTER MENNONITE HISTORICAL SOCIETY ’S BENEFIT AUCTION OF RARE , OUT -OF -PRINT , AND USED BOOKS FRIDAY , JANUARY 13, 2017, AT 6:30 P.M. TEL : (717) 393-9745; FAX : (717) 393-8751; EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : http://www.lmhs.org/ The Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society will conduct an auction on January 13, 2017, at 2215 Millstream Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, one-half mile east of the intersection of Routes 30 and 462. The sale dates for the remainder of 2017 are as follows: March 10, May 12, July 14, September 8, and November 10. The auction not only specializes in local and denominational history and genealogy of southeastern Pennsylvania, but also includes theological works and other types of material of interest to the nationwide constituency. Please refer to the last page of the catalog for book auction procedures. Individual catalogs are available from the Society for $5.00 + $3.00 postage and handling. Persons who wish to be added to the mailing list for the rest of 2017 may do so by sending $20.00 with name and address to the Society. Higher rates apply for subscribers outside of the United States. All subscriptions expire at the end of the calendar year. The catalog is also available for free on our web site at www.lmhs.org/auction.html . 1. Cassel, Daniel K. History of the Mennonites, Historically and Biographically Arranged from the Time of the Reformation; More Particularly from the Time of Their Emigration to America. Containing Sketches of the Oldest Meeting Houses and Prominent Ministers. Also, Their Confession of Faith, Adopted at Dortrecht, in 1632. Philadelphia: Author, 1888. 450pp (fp, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, exlib, stis, syp, cover edges worn, covers worn, mc). 2. Cassel, Daniel K. Geschichte der Mennoniten. Von Menno Simons’ Austritt aus der Römisch-Katholischen Kirche in 1536 bis zu deren Auswanderung nach Amerika in 1683. Mehr speciell ihre Ansiedlung und Ausbreitung in Amerika. Enthaltend: Kurze Skizzen der einzelnen Gemeinden mit den Namen ihrer Prediger vom Jahre 1683 bis zur gegenwärtigen Zeit. Philadelphia: I. Kohler, 1890. xv, 552pp (fp, b/w ill, ind, copy of M.G. Oberholtzer, syp, some pp creased, gc). 3. Smith, C. Henry. The Mennonites: A Brief History of Their Origin and Later Development in Both Europe and America. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1920. 340pp (b/w ill, bib, copy of A.S. Rosenberger, ppn, syp, covers sl soiled, gc). 4. Krehbiel, H.P. The History of the General Conference of the Mennonites of North America. Canton, Ohio: Author, 1898. xx, 504, [1]pp (b/w ill, ind, stis, syp, gc). 5. Brumbaugh, Martin G. The Life and Works of Christopher Dock, America’s Pioneer Writer on Education, with a Translation of His Works into the English Language. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1908. 271, [1]pp (b/w ill, bib refs, “To Seward M. Rosenberger from Rev. N.B. Grubb,” no. 139 of 1000, syp, gc). 6. Landis, Aaron S. Benny [biography of Benjamin L. Landis, 1904-2000]. Perkasie, Pa.: Pro Publishers, 2000. [xi], 85pp (pb, b/w ill, pn); Who’s Who Among the Mennonites. Pt. 1. Edited by A[braham] Warkentin. [North Newton, Kan.: Bethel College], 1937. 221pp (b/w ill, syp, gc). 7. Whether by Word of Epistle, II Thess. 2:15: Letters of Frank W. Hurst and Other Weaverland Conference Mennonites of Pennsylvania to Thomas Reesor of Ontario, 1920-1948. Ephrata, Pa.: Muddy Creek Farm Library, 2006. xxxiv, 307pp (pb, b/w ill, bib refs, ind, pn). 8. Menno Simon. Ein Fundament und klare Anweisung von der seligmachenden Lehre unsers Herrn Jesu Christi. Aus Gottes Wort kurz begriffen. Allentown, Pa.: Blumer, Busch & Co., 1849. xxii, 680, [1]pp (marbled covers, copy of Milton G. Oberholtzer, foxing, ds, stis, syp, clasps missing, front cover detached, mc). 9. [Burkholder, Christian]. Nützliche und erbauliche Anrede an die Jugend, von der wahren Buße vom seligmachenden Glauben an Christo Jesu, und der reinen Liebe zu Gott und seinem Nächsten; und dem Gehorsam der Worte Gittes und der reinen Uebergabe der Seelen an seine Hand. Vorgestellt in Fragen und Antworten. Allentown: Heinrich Ebner & Comp., 1829. 96pp (al, copy of Abraham Oberholtzer and M.G. Oberholtzer, foxing, stis, syp, gc). 10. [Roosen, Gerrit. Christliches Gemüths-Gespräch. Von dem geistlichen und seligmachenden Glauben, und Erkäntnüss der Wahrheit, so zu der Gottseligkeit führet in der Hoffnung des ewigen Lebens. Doylestaun: Joseph Jung, 1848]. 448pp (al, 4½” x 2¾”, copy of J.H. Oberholtzer, caif, syp, tp missing, single clasp missing, spine cover torn, gc). 11. Langenwalter, J.H. Christ’s Headship of the Church According to Anabaptist Leaders Whose Followers Became Mennonites. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1917. 187pp (bib, copy of Arthur Rosenberger, syp, gc); Langenwalter, J.H. The Charge of the Church of Jesus Christ to You. Newton, Kan.: Bethel College, 1923. 77pp (copy of S.M. Rosenberger, syp, gc); Krehbiel, H.J. A Trip Through Europe: A Plea for the Abolition of War and a Report of the 400th Anniversary of the Mennonite Denomination. Newton, Kan.: Herald Pub. Co., 1926. 107pp (pb, stis, syp, front cover sds, gc). 12. Wedel, C.H. Abriß der Geschichte der Mennoniten, 1. Teil: Die Geschichte ihrer Vorfahren bis zum Beginn des Täufertums im 16. Jahrhundert. Newton, Kan.: Bethel-College, 1900. 153, [1]pp (syp, gc). 13. Menno Simons’ Life and Writings: A Quadricentennial Tribute, 1536-1936. Biography by Harold S. Bender; Writings , selected and translated from the Dutch by John Horsch. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1936. 110, [1]pp (pb, b/w map, copy of A.S. Rosenberger, back cover sl scratched, vgc). 14. Gingerich, Melvin. Service for Peace: A History of Mennonite Civilian Public Service. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1949. xvii, 508pp (b/w ill, map on endpapers, bib refs, ind, syp, gc); Bauman, Elizabeth Hershberger. Coals of Fire. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1954. 128pp (dj, ill, sl yellowed endpapers, gc). 15. Wenger, A.G., A People in Mission, 1894-1994: The Story of Missions by Mennonites of Lancaster Conference and Its Partners, 1994. 95, [1]pp (pb, b/w ill, spine cover faded, gc); Twenty-Five Years with God in India, written by the Page 2 January 13, 2017 India missionaries, 1929. 250pp (fp, b/w ill, copy of A.S. Rosenberger, syp, gc); Epp, F., Mennonite Peoplehood: A Plea for New Initiatives, 1977. 120pp (pb, fore-edge sl stained, covers sl worn, gc); Roth, G., and G. Lehman, An Instrument of God’s Grace: The Story of Sharing Programs/Brotherly Aid, 1995. xiv, 180pp (pb, b/w ill, bib refs, vgc); Hostetler, J., Mennonite Life, 9th printing, 1960, c1959. 30pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, vgc); Kissinger, W., The Buggies Still Run, 1983. 126pp (pb, syp, gc). 16. Items pertaining to the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society: Third Annual Meeting, Hammer Creek Meetinghouse, May 27-28, 1961, with accompanying tour guide; Annual Meeting Field Trip, East Petersburg Mennonite Meetinghouse, June 26, 1982; Field Trip, Martindale Area, June 28, 1986, with accompanying program; Congregational Historians Conference II, May 14, 1983 (some items sl yellowed, gc to vgc). 17. Die kleine geistliche Harfe der Kinder Zions, oder auserlesene geistreiche Gesänge, allen wahren heilsbegierigen Sänglingen der Weisheit, insonderheit aber allen christlichen Gemeinden des Herrn. 5. Aufl., auf Verordnung der Mennonisten Gemeinden. Doylestaun: Jung und Löb, 1848. 412, [7], [9], 24pp (al, 6½” x 4”, marbled endpapers, fp, foxing, syp, 2 clasps missing, covers worn, gc). 18. Gesangbuch zum gottesdienstlichen und häuslichen Gebrauch in Mennoniten Gemeinden. 1. Aufl. Philadelphia, Pa.: 1873. 855pp (7 ⅛” x 4¾”, words only, caif, ds, syp, covers sl worn, gc). 19. Gesangbuch mit Noten. Hrsg. von der Allgemeinen Conferenz der Mennoniten von Nord-Amerika. 2. Aufl. Berne, Ind.: Christliche Central-Buchhandlung, Welty & Sprunger, 1890. 412pp (quarter bd, copy of Arthur S. Rosenberger, loose p, syp, spine cover torn and pt missing, covers sl worn, gc); Mennonite Hymnal: A Blending of Many Voices. Prepared and arranged for use in the Mennonite churches of the General Conference of North America. Berne, Ind: Mennonite Book Concern, 1894. 330pp (quarter bd, copy of Milton G. Oberholtzer, Krausedale, Pa., syp, gc). 20. Mennonite Hymn Book. Published by the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1927. xxv, [i], 338, 51pp (foxing, caif, syp, spine cover torn, back cover spotted, gc); The Mennonite Hymnal. 3rd printing. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1970, c1969. 640pp (foxing on edges, gc). 21. Katechismus, oder kurze und einfältige Unterweisung aus der Heil. Schrift, in Fragen und Antworten, für die Kinder zum Gebrauch in den Schulen. Ausgegeben durch die christliche Gemeinde im Waldeckischen, welche Mennonisten genennt werden. Schippack, Penns.: J.M. Schünemann, 1848. 112pp (al, 4 ⅞” x 3 ⅜”, foxing, caif, yp, covers sl worn and sl warped, mc). 22. Das unparteiische biblische Fragenbuch, zum Gebrauch in Sonntagschulen u. Familien für Kinder-Unterricht. 1. Theil. 1. Aufl. Milford Squär, Bucks County, Pa.: Menn. Druck-Verein, 1859. 121pp (marbled covers, 5⅛” x 3½”, foxing, stis, syp, gc). 23. Same as above (marbled covers, 5⅛” x 3½”, stis, scribbling on tp and back p, syp, covers loose, pc); Katechismus, oder kurze und einfache Unterweisung aus der hl. Schrift, in Fragen und Antworten, für die Kinder zum Gebrauch im Religions-Unterricht. Ausgegeben durch die christliche Gemeinde im Waldeckischen, welche Mennonisten genennet werden. 3. Amerikanische Aufl. Milford Squär, Bucks Co., Pa.: Mennoniten Druck-Verein, 1863. 105pp (5¼” x 3⅝”, syp, gc). 24. Katechismus, oder kurze und einfache Unterweisung aus der hl. Schrift, in Fragen und Antworten, für die Kinder zum Gebrauch im Religions-Unterricht. Ausgegeben durch die christliche Gemeinde im Waldeckischen, welche Mennonisten genennet werden. 4. Amerikanische Aufl.