Vol. VI, No. 4 (1945, Oct.)
THE SHAKESPEARE FELLOWSHIP JAN 29 1946 SEATTLE, WASH INC.TON The Shakespeare Fellowship was founded i,, London in 1922 under the presidency of Sir George Greenwo94~. VOL. VI OCTOBER, 194.5 NO. 4 Oxford-Shakespeare Case Loses Brilliant Advocate Bernard Mordaunt Ward (1893-1945), Author of The Seventeenth Earl oJ Oxjord Friends and admirers of Captain Bernard M. searching out the original records at great pains and Ward will be saddened to learn of his death, which expense. He took as his guiding principle in the occurred quite suddenly at his home, Lemsford Cot accomplishment of this task the following text of Itage, Lemsford, Hertfordshire, England, on October Edmund Lodge in Illustrations of Br,tish History 2, 1945. (17911: Captain Ward's untimely demise--due to over• "For genuine illustration of history, biography exertion in the war-removes the last of a distin• and manners, we must chiefly rely on ancient orig guished family of British soldier-scholars. He was inal papers. To them we must return for the correc• one of the founders of The Shakespeare Fellowship tion of past errors; for a supply of future materials; in 1922, and for several years prior to his return to and for proof of what hath already been delivered the British Army in 1940, served as Honorary Sec unto us." retary of The Ft-llowship. As author of The Seven• In order to keep the size of his book within reason• teentk Earl o/ Oxford, the authoritative biography able bounds, Captain Ward did not attempt to in o( Edward de Vere, based upon contemporary doc· troduce detailed Shakespearean arguments into The uments, and published by John Murray of London Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, being content to leave in 1928, Captain Ward will always occupy the place to others the rewarding task of making apparent the of honor next to the late J.
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