The Republican Journal: Vol. 74, No. 8
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The Republican Journal. nl 1 MK ~4'_ BELFAST, MAINE, Till RSDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1002. NlMBElTs^ ot lo-Day’s Journal. OBITUARY. Concerning Local Industries. Waldo County Jail. judge Fogler Dead. Secret p age i. Societies. PERS >NAL. •John Wakefield of the Frison and Jail • a. K A Siimof Waterman was found L- L. The annual report His Spring. Macomber has another gasoline Successful Career as a Soldier. Lawyer Industrie-..Tran-- dead in his room The frank C. in the “Leach house” on launch, Jo feet Inspectors is published. report shows and Jurist Enterprise Lodge of Belfast was Logan ar .ved home last week" \. u long with 3-horse en- closed Feb. 18tli. repre- port Milk Factory, power in sented from da.I High street Saturday morning, Feb. loth. to the number of prisoners the State prison at the A. 0. U. W. in Ban- Boston. New- t»f tlio gine, build for Waterville parties, and meeting -• -• Fradulent Cream- He was with living his mother, who is an orders for a November 30, ljXfl, to have been 171; ad- A gor Tuesday by M. C. Hill. •• 22-foot telephone was Frank A. ai 1 e I >**ad state Assessor yawl boat and a number message received here Tuttle rived last and as he did not 30. 83; Thursday .-! B*h:a-t Weather invalid, appear Saturday of launches. mitted to November 1901, total, 254. In June the annual Report He has a sloop yacht and Tuesday morning announcing the death at field day of the Patri- front Waltham. Mass. ]:• 1 Harvest. .Secret So- morning a who came in to see the on of neighbor several row boats for Discharged expiration sentence, 53; his home in Rockland of archs Militant will be held in at Ni.t»-- K. M. C. Seminary. sale. Judge William H. Augusta, Wm. H. Wood of W est mother went to his room 2; 61. Number of Medtield, Mass., Situation, and found him pardoned, (>; died, total, Fogler, for which time from 1200 to 1500 .('apt. Bragdon- The Roelcport Ice Co. is many years a prominent mem- members will is at ,1. F. Sheldon's. _• about visiting Repr.h;;* an-Nominate dead. It is supposed that he died in an at- employing prisoners November 30,1901, 193. Of the 83 ber of the be present. M< 15o men and 30 Waldo County liar and an in- F-.t Kinley. tack of teams, at an outlay of about committed the Waldo Miss Mower of South Berwick is epilepsy. He was born in Sears- during year, county fluential and At visiting PAGE 2. e35o per day, and to progressive citizen of Belfast. the last session of the Grand of a son of expects harvest about sent E. lodge her aunt. Mrs. Amos P"it. Mary T. and the late Richard 2—Thomas Larrabee, aged 35, born Judge was born Clement. A hr* .ad County Correspond* ■Puiui! tons, and load the Fogler in Lincolnville Nov. Odd Fellow s of Maine it was voted to have W W aterman. during cutting sea- in convicted of assault with ■in C.-orgia. When a boy he fell and re- Jackson, intent 10, 1837. He M. B. Smith of Ct was in son about 15,000 tons direct entered W'aterville college in its next meeting in the Hartford, Bel- from the pond 4 Augusta during PAGE 3. ceived injuries to his head which resulted to rape, sentenced to years; and George R. 1859, and remained fast the past week on business. into vessels. There are vessels two \ears, and then month of October. The statement has been 1 •!•:*■:- Authore*- Married loading now in in epilepsy, from which he suffered the Staples, aged is, born Newburgh, con- studied law with Hon. N’ehemiah Abbott William F. 1 ..trs.. Newspaper N->te<. and others chartered. The ice is made that it will be held in but it Thomas of Camden is visit of ex- and Portland, ng P ViK -t greater part of his life. He was originally victed of breaking entering, sentenced and Hon. J. G. Dickerson of Belfast. relatives in cellent quality, about 17 inches clear He is erroneous. The meeting will take Belfast and vicinity. _ Bells.. In Kin*: Edward’s of a thick, to 21 place robust constitution and of good mind, and years. Other prisoners sentenced from was admitted to the bar in Waldo >: k. -i- Tile New-of Krook-u solid. Countv in Augusta. Mrs. Archie I’eavey returned home last and are: Lauren \\. s ;t:}-..rt N ..• Tumble notwithstanding his led an YYalrio county Blake, aged in out am not until infirmity begin practice The from a visit of We have in Relfast one of the best born in sentenced in installation of the officers of Aurora Thursday two weeks in Isles- active life. He was a fine penman and in ice 38, Brooksville, 1900 to his return from the in ISM. He first PAGE 5. in army, Rebekuh will boro. privileges the Mate. The houses have a YV. Lmlge take place N-wspaper Notes... curly life taught writing to large classes. years for arson; Henry Colson, aged served as captain of I), Nine- Tuesday of Company Feb. 25th. Miss !:• 'i*e* t..H. 1* Leach II took storage capacity 15,000 tons.there is a born in sentenced in 1897 to evening, Regular supper at 6 p. Maud Gammans is her great interest in music, and in his good 40, Sear>p«»rt, 6 teenth Maine He was visiting wharf w ith excellent Infantry. promoted m. which cousin. Miss laten facilities for for t a Installation, will be public to Edith Gammans, in Newton' PAGE K. years followed the business of making loading years setting lire barn; James E. to Major and to Lieutenant Colonel, and de- from the houses or the Odd Fellows and their Mass. 1 :* irister of I». and pond, necessary im- born in New families,a. 8 o'clock, Centre, j. Water repairing violins. As a youth he was Simpson, aged 25, Brunswick, clined a commission as Colonel. He was :<iej t'- ( for followed an "U-iii. interested in plements cutting,and an open port w here sentenced in b»on to m for Of by entertainment and refresh- N I.. Porter and >. r 7 out-door in years forgery. severely wounded at the battle of bride of Bangor a sports,particularly vessels load at Tolopo- ments. < may any time of year. It is few M. S* n '.ary. Buck— b.ise bail, and was one of the those committed from other counties but He was Provost days the past week with Mrs Am \[ 1 pioneer play- tomy. Marshal in ist>4, -t ••** .S'-' ^ 1 > Teie- an opportunity which to be ei > of now ought utilized one claims a Waldo county John (The officers of l'hu-nix F. and A. Taylor of East Belfast. l!"i iGi >ii Ma ne.. Pointed the national game. As as birthplace, and Deputy Collector of Customs in ISM Lodge. long some one. < lie lor. A\ d I by •s. born in East sentenced in were installed lupjM hi> health he was active in Baker, Knox, and '(57. In 1S71 he was Masons, Monday evening by permitted church elected County At- dames 11. Clark, w ho has been comiimd to --p"i T .I'.ttillg-s. j The 1W for life for in Past and Hood work. He Roekland-Roc-kport Lime Co. is now murder, Kennebec county. and held the office Master W. C. Libby, assisted by C. E the house I Templar leaves, be-! torney, until 1877.' He six weeks by a complication of ': ■ six kilns at Of Waldo the '■'! on:* :p do ! and invalid one sis- running Rockport, all of which county jail inspectors say: was a member of Tibbetts, acting Grand Marshal The offi- aged mother, | the Board of Aldermen diseases, is siow iy gaining. ter. Mrs. .Julia A. Krw.wlton of Rockland. are being supplied with lime-stone hauled “The jail at Belfast, while being an old-time in and cers of Corinthian Royal Arch 1871,'72 *78 and Mayor in 1SS5. He Chapter Mr. and Mrs. d. A. Have- r. who came by the Rockland, Thomaston & affair, answers the needs of the was will be installed next ■■ Camden county. interested in all that to the Monday evening by S OF THE WEEK. pertained here last week to ■Street Co. This is a Sheriff Norton’s Past attend hi.- brother's I lie lu ieral of John Hammond was Ry. great improvement During administration s welfare High Priest b. A. Parker. held city and was active in forwarding funeral, | over the old returned ii!- <i\ernor lliii. i ai h late home on fashioned way of stone (several years it has always been found in all It is home‘Thursday High street, Fairfield, hauling movements looking to that end. He or- quite a long look ahead to Sept. lout, -,e ! ] fine Mrs. Geo. \\ Maine obi Home 1*1). and was [ by teams, and the arrangement is such condition. Havener, who nth, largely attended by that ganized the Belfast City Guards, a local when the Triennial Conclave of the Grand accompanied on. Inis decided it does not interfere with Sheriff Norton's is as follows: her husband's remains to this last friends ami relatives. 1 he deceased was the regular report company of the State of city week, for hold- I Militia, and was cap- Encampment Knights Templar will be proper place hum in passenger ears. Number of prisoners Nov.