WEATHER p«, You Own Property? MAIN TO OAY. AMI PROBAITT/T f°r .¦ TO-MORROW. _. Page 'O opinion» \'»trr.Ut'. Temp*-*, rires: Brokers rrRardinjs Miaii. »A. >L«m, M. prominent Full rrporl an l'aga> ». Real -.»täte »ituMipn. ffltrrfc Srilmne prrsrnt Nm and M f ¦* *. ** N*w l.rk. Vftirt, Jar«»l nil 1 / * V T* 1,' V ,n CHj ¡( aprrtvM, 1»M. . * L* f\ D "P I'llKHIIKKI TWO ÍF.MTA. I*. Mm. Tribune \..... i,ul.i, \K\V 1914. j 1 WIV...NO. 24,806. | VOHK. FRIDAY, OCTOBER ifl. JOHN D. OUTWITS TRANCE LINERRIPPED Concludes Bargain After Man LOANS TO Has Seven-Year Nap. Sea Port. he to North John D, Korket»Irr gets what Germans Get CRASH; goes after. Sometimes it takes him BELLIGERENT! BAY 80 that one oil IN long every but the king forgets about it, but John I», never gives up. 76 RESCUED Seven yearn ago he tried to pur- NOT BARRE But Are Forced Eastward chase from Hyman l.evy a strip of Und adjoining hi» property at Pocan- tko Hill«, which he needed to round ^ Bow Smashed o«.t hi«, estate. He won Levy over to in Attitude of U. metapan's his way of thinking and negotiation» Change Border were about to be concluded when Lev*»* ^ a Announced Below by lowan, Freighter, lout his mind and fell into »emi- by Acting Franco-Belgian sîeep. of State. During Fog. For seven year» he was in a stupor, Secretary hut not long ago he regained his mind. The day after it happened Mr. Rocke¬ to GERMAN SUBMARINES FOR GERMANS ALLIEDCENTRE feller's agent* were on the ground SAME HUNT SINKINO SHIP SAVED clou© negotiations for the property. RULE APPLIES TO CHANNEL BY RAIL? FRENÖTHORSE Now John 1). own«» the land. AS IN FY CAPTAIN'S ACT Moral: Let the other fellow do the COMMERC IN ARMORED MOTOh rleeping. ,l.. «-.«hi» to The Tribun»" AND LEFT PUSH London. Oct. 15..There is a -»ide- SWIW LYSAND Disabled Fruiter to NAGLE DEFIES TAMMANY Neutrality Affected Onl ly circulât «I rumor in London to¬ Driver of One of Allies' Cars Tells of Breaking U| Speeds Cruiser in Idealistic Per night that the Germans expect to Shoal-English Takes Court Action in Com¬ Way, transport by rail to places on the Orgy.Many Evidences of Atrocities Discovered. INVADERS BACK Aid. mittee Place haps. Says Belgian and French coasts a num¬ TRAP ENEMY Offers Fight. Lansing. ber of submarines, with -»hich to Dash at Enemy with All Guns Going. executive com The Tammany Hall attack the British fleet. The entire niittee wan yesterday afternoon served of subma¬ | By Cable to The Tribune.] Justice Ford, feasibility ti.ant-porting «notor car Force to Evacuate IN LIFEBOATS with an order, signed by JAPAN BORROWED rines overland is the contention of 2,000 Cross Hold¬ Ostend, Oct. 15..The driver of one of the Allies' armored Enemy WOMEN of the t'ourt, on the applica¬ Rapids, one in whirl Supreme a «ell known American engineer lifted with three Maxim guns, one at each side and front, Bank of Lys and SING "TIPPERARY" tion of to »how cause in HERE DURING WA to Steel Cable, to Percy Nagle, here who has had much to do with ing bare been doing such splendid work in the 'a«t fortnight, pave the fol Estaires. the Supreme Court to-day why N'allé and the wh( Capture ¿¡ the study of submarines Take Estaires. lowing «tory. He is .t landowner and sportsman, aped thirty-three, should not be seated an a member of of submarine mines. He of him. He is Travellers 30th Fighting Powers Now handling volunteered three week« ago to do anything required Harbor Craft Bring the committee from the Assembly Expecte : District. aaid to-day ¦killed motoritt and mechanic, owning several cars himself in to Renew Efforts to Raise "It would be to trans- practical to City $500,000 Nagle was around the hall during the possible STRIKE FLANK OF "I have been learning to lie «aid. "and though I have no pilot': FRENCH ADVANCE afternoon, and after he and Charle» F. »Money in This Country. port submarines by rail from Ger- By," wit! Gold Aboard. it was de¬ 1 to pass the test and was pttt in the flying corps, Murphy had several talks many to the Belgian or French SURPRISED GERMANS certificate managed EAST OF RHEIMS clared that told Nagle that it [Krnm The Tl bunt Itiireau chief airman. did not know where I was goinsr. I simpl] to this Murphy coasts once (he railroad lines were the grade of Ot her firtt voyage port rty- was wrong for him to carry his opposi¬ Washington, OeL 15. The doubt tin So T wrote to my wife U Fruit selection of Frank J. Hen- secured, hut after reaching the wanted to strike a blow at the Germans. ju«t ¡tetkt American flag the United tion to the has existed over the propriety of lonr I knew she woult and drick as a member of the committee coast then would come the problem say that i-had joined, and at she is a soldier's daughter Another Con¬ itiitBlhip Metapan was rammed Hendrick private institutions of tl for Passage eat Capture Big further, as he considered that by banking of the British »ar vessels Open Way understand. In less than ¦ week I was driving an armored motor nnk in s 'ok yesterday off Buoy No. 2, had been elected by the majority of the United SUtea to belligerent »goren escaping Von the Ambrose Chan- from the district as or mine fields.'' of Division Which Oc¬ in France and and have driven more than two thousand milei voy, Imperilling it the entrai»» of county committee nient s was dissipated to-day by assu Belgium, lowan. of the Amer- the executive member. The rumors are that the I.ermans Town. in a fortnight. Kluck's sal. Th« freighter .'Id "District, where unces »given in high quarters that th cupies Frontier Wing. I outbound for the In the Assembly mav try to send the submarines Í have seen would make a «aim ravage against thes< letB Hawaiian :ne, there was a contest on between Harry administration does not regard tram "The sights the Panama from near the mouth of f*he Scheldt. one soldier we whr pacific Ceta of Perry and Patrick H. Sullivan, Perry actions of this character as. illegal c German beast«. In the knapsack of German captured, withdrew from the contest, and Sulli¬ a hand. he car¬ tanal. was the ttel that hit her. in violation ot neutrality. ALLIES FIND SOME came to us begging for food, we t'<»und little child's Why DEFENDERS REACH and no one was van was seated. after of course, he was \© lives weie loFt. The statement was made that th ried it I cannot imagine. In two minutes that, VERDUN-METZ ROAD lajared. There was no par.ic, and quick government of the United States hel TRENCHES DESERTED dead. The lieutenant shot him himself, and the German shrieked with on or Hairy tkinking the part Captain BRITISH ENVOYS to the view of international law that CAPE DUTCH RALLY fear when we showed him his grewsome trophy. We came another time of the Metsnan was largely re- .«fencer was not constrained by the observanc on the body of a poor old woman, bearing the «abre cuts of the Germans. foT the grounding of SHOT BY TURK to to To Be Unconfirmed Alte ipossiblf quick of neutrality prevent, loans be1 Invaders Appear Retiring What possible motive for such a deed could the Germans have? I have Report Says kit veiiel, which makes it possible to individual TO EMPIRE IN WAR Kirch and Muelhausen Have ligerent powers by private on Centre to Concentrate seen the bodies of young girls lying by the roadside and the bodies of uht her. and Brother or institutions. Announcement wa Noel Further North. on -takes. Been which was the the State Forces ¦boyi impaled hedge Recaptured. Tbt fog, primary- on to made yesterday by Depart Germans in a to their at least Wounded Their Way "( hue we came upon a drunken orgy of village ruse of the collision, kept if« ment that "a citizen of the I'nite Boer Commandants the Battle Front, via Paris. 12:09 Funeral. Old At utter We could do nothing, lor the wretched women were hud¬ London, Oct. 1ft. The Germans hav* tsenvf-jfls sii.-hored in the vicinity of Royal States can sell to a belligerent govern Get. Hi. and surprise. Now to a. m., Infantry cavalry, >>r stable the street. wc appeared at Blankenberghe. oa the .»I there was an abun¬ London. Oct. 16.- A Reuter dispatch ment or article of com and dled in a sort of shed open in village Directly tht light.«hip. its agent any Burghers after a period of comparative inactiv¬ North Sea, nine miles northweet from says: lire German came from all direction*. The Germans dase« of help at hand when the Meta- merce which ha pleases." The sam for Britain. have been more dur¬ opened cavalry of and twelve miles northeast «member of the Briti«h Fight ity, doing fighting been for an start, but I think we Bruges psti »s« hit. Parliament frr North Norfolk) and his rule, it wan said to-day, applied t» the last few than for several apparently had getting ready early of Ostend, and are to arrivo 16. A Reuter ing days on live later. expected Th» fruiter, which left Kingston. brother, Charles Roden Buxton, sons loans. London. Oct. dispatch avenged those tortured women before we dashed »seconds at Ostend Buxton. former that Colonel weeks. to-day. 6ve ago on her way to of Sir Thomas Powell Mr. Secretary o from Cape Town says Several men with arms bound behind them were forced to look Jmaica. dayt Governor of South Australia, who had Lansing. Azting General Two thousand French cuirassiers standing Paris. Oct. 15. The i aribbean had Brits, the officer appointed by must have seemed to those brutal battle being from ,iorts. been in to confer with Bul¬ Stute in the absence of Mr. Bryan, aim have distinguished themselves by a on at the frightful «pcctacle. We Louis Botha, Premier and commander 1 want to waged along a 300-mile front from Bel¬ finei un her mlot at .1 p. She en- garian politician* regaAiing Bulgaria's said to-day that there was no legal oh daring feat in swimming the River Lys Germans a thunderbolt from Heaven. For my part I feel gu toward the war, in chief of the I'nion forces, to take¬ seer gium through France and into German*/« ittedthe channel cautious.., ind had attitude Kuropean stacle to loans being made by banker: where it flow-, and swift. on the German« as long as I live for the deeds 1 have were both shot by a Young of the rebel Lieu¬ deep They fighting just according to to-day's announcement by .'tat«me off No. i when, about to-day in this The objection over the command who Buoy Turk, Pachel Hassan. country. only Solomon Gerhardus completely outwitted the Germans, and know of from absolute evidence. the War Ministry, is going hat aheaii. lie lowan loomed was that wh from ar tenant Colonel whe slowly JMiards up The Buxtons were travelling in sn_^Jie udded, ch, were awaiting them on the other side "We have men in each car. including the driver and man in favor of the Allies. »on of CuechofT. Maritx, reports that one of his patrols eight surely ?« cf tht m -i. The Metapan was automobile with a M. idealistic point of view, might li< with machine guns and h*>avy artillery. if he i« hit. and the lieutenant, who com¬ former Premier, to attend has a part of Maritz's force at sits »beside him to take the wheel I'nder the pressure of the allied north, and the Bulgarian against such transactions on the grouni engaged a IIMhg approximately the funeral of the King of Rumania, Raledraai snd tsken eighty prisoners. The French horsemen made long mand«. We generally -tart at 2 a. m. and go to look for the enemy. troops the Germans who started to ad¬ tarar, fouth-soir.heast when the ves¬ fired at the four that by enabling nations at war to pro detour the One man is when Pachel party earing night. we lind them we dash straight on with all guns going. If there vance on Calais and other French «roast other. a revolver. One of the Bux the conflict were not in striel Oct. 11.- As a result of When ted each Captain -hots from long they Cape Town, s« am the river with a rope, then and turn. have been forced to evacuate ihm tons was «hot the lung. The in the north¬ an obstruction in the road we have to tf" back They always ports >p*nc»r ligntlled hit engine room to through accord with the spirit of neutrality. Colonel Maritz's reb»llion over a cable, which he at¬ other was wounded. dragged we but we never go back the same left bank of the Lys River, which is a i»n»l followed it up with only slightly Attitude. west of the Cape provinces, General throw down tree trunks after pa«», ¦*»p enfines The assassin was ar'ested. It ap¬ (hange in tached to a tree. The others, holding mi at considerable cast of the astern. here of the Union of We have good map- and know all the road«, and just rush way points Él s.jnal to reverte full speed pears that he had just arrived Statements made indicated £ Louis Botha, Premier to thu rope, crossed singly with their way. a to-day a side road, then turn up it which their advance guards reaehed from Salónica. He had passport South Africa and commander of the horses the waters. forty mile« an hour till we come to suitable .Metapan Tried to Encape. was vised at Constantinople change on the part of the administra¬ through swirling last week, and the Allies have captured which of the I'nion, is taking the Hold and oft' we go. Twice vre dashed thrmAh and past great columns of Affording to hit officers, he signalled September '2d. tion from the attitude indicated bj troops Arrived on the opposite bank, the Kstaires. Further east, in the Lens travelled extensive¬ earlier thon he originally intended to German«, as we vent, and must have done tremendous damage. to the lowan that he was reversing, Noel Buxton has Secretary Bryan in an announcement French «lrr«v up in line and charged firing district, and southward between Arras ly in the Near F.ast. He is chairman Ameri¬ do. General Botha is placing himself at (lank at driving The Germana seemed in for some .ntxplicable reason the London Balkan Committee and íopiying to inquiries made by the German *I«*«tn*ille, panicstricken. and Albert, where the Germans mada Of the at the head of several strong Dutch com¬ the I have been in was when \se went over a dead tpproachir.g- ship is said to have con¬ has actively interested himself in can bankers in August. He said the Germans back and opening way "The tightest tight their initial attempt to work round the with the Bul¬ mand?, organized on the old burgher for the over the river of a There were Germans rushing up on tinued on her courte. A desperate ef¬ Macedonia. He served that time: "There is no reason why passage horse and the steering j;car jammed. Allies' left, the English and French staff during the war in the to the lines, which are affiliated with regi¬ division of Allied who later them oft*. fort was made by th Metapan to get garian old. loam should not be made gov¬ infantry, both sides and I had to clear the gear while the others kept have made "notable progress." Balkans. He is forty-three years in ments trained by the I'nion defer.c« in each belt, out of harm- i he could not Rt.den Ruxton was private ernments of neutral nations, but, occupied Estaires. We K"t through five »belts on each gun there. 450 cartridges The capture of another big German Charles Aus¬ that »»o;d the b ¿r '¦. ,."'r. which hit her secretary to his father in South the judgment of this' government, forpe. New Battle Now Begun. and we can »ire MHI a minute. We must have killed many Germana convoy, the second within a fortnight, been interested for a Commandants, field cornets and on the- forward of tralia. He has loans by American bankers to any for¬ and the lire went wide, they shooting it is render the situation hard p.r»rt suie, just time in welfare work. Mr. Bux¬ who served under General The present war differs from all pre¬ time, ft «ras }USt KettiiiK daylight will, said, fke Tl l< wan's stem crushed in long where eign nation which is at war is incon¬ burghers The at several bridge. ton lived foi a time in Texas, in the South African war are vious wars, inasmuch as no one knows each other mostly. Only two of us were hit and neither seriously. of the enemy critical pointa her sides ?.- ' been made of sistent with the true spirit of neu¬ Botha they had he studied ranching. of their just when a battie begins and when it one of mir driver« wai shot the head and the com¬ m the north. As before, the feat waa -.- rallying to his call, irrespective other day through n*tr. trality." the ends. What is now known as the bat¬ took the wheel. Our guns fire the accomplished by the cavalry, which has that in view ot political feeling, »o fight alongside mander be«ide him. a famous airman, Firmly the freighter'! stem wedged PANIC It was understood tle of the four rivers the the done so much lately to harass the Ger-» WOMAN HALTS FIRE .1. & Co. in defence of the empire Scnrpe, «.une cartridge a« our ntles, »so we never get short of ammunition. ¡e»te the fruiter about eight feet, mak- thia declaration P, Morgan English the Oise and the Aisne mans in this way. bankers negotia¬ against which, twelve years ago, they .Somme, may¬ "We carry beef and biscuit to eat and blankets for sleeping in «mder >*f t gap about ten feet wide. The to ml other dropped a be as concluded :.nd a fresh Prisoners Are Fsmished. Seventy Girls Led Safety were in arniM. This fact has had regarded m. a« a rule. ! have twice in «eel bow of the intruder smashed the tions for a loan of $ 100,000,000 to the our car. We turn in about 9 p. only slept effect on waverers. who are now stage of the operations begun with the which The prisoners brought in daily no*» hole :*v from Building. French marked a bed «ince I joined. Sonic cars are fitted with Hotchkiss gun«, fltry »».a sleeping accommoda- government. standard. fall of and the renewed ap- as famished as were General . on the of Miss M. E. flocking to General Botha's Antwerp one seem just tiop.i fer tht en n into bita, but no oolnes part At the present time, when foreign within the Union, only tire 250 »-artridges a minute. We took forty prisoners day. They Snedeker. a manufacturer of children's The other rebels pearance of a strong Allied army in von Kluck's men when he was rushing ¦M were in it at the time. Had it oc- even te.I ».overnnients are making extensive declared themselves, the were all and we fed and took them ten tnilcs trailing behind at dresses at 24H West 2Sd st., pi having openly Helgian territory, v. here if has made its starving on to Paris. Diaries found on last this modi- itself to we torture headlong ttrred at the j>ailormen would a when t ht- building tool: fire purchases of supplies here, government considers obliged great risk to ourselves. All German soldiers are told that night panic from thr Snede- of the with them out of consider¬ presence felt by the capture of Ypres. the bodies of German soldiers reveal it»« been eruthed where they slept. night. Seventy (-iris lication of altitude on the part deal gently who. and cannot believe wc will not kill or at lea-t illtreat them when <>n fifth floor, and the for certain Dutch people, Meanwhile the siege of the German prisoners that ever since the retreat fro« the struck when ktr factory, the United Btntea might result in a re- ation the lowan Waist and Dre«s Company, on even though they are not strong sup¬ further south has become the has in*» Savoy nations are said to positions captured." Ai. <*âfclt» to The Trli.un« J Rome, Oct. 15. Additional details their advance toward the but .".traveller* that) while there was no Weather conditions las*, night indi¬ from the Scandinavian countries, Spain cathedral The remainder of the very strong coast, other neutral countries for Amer¬ London, Oct. 15. While some Ameri¬ have been received here of the arraign¬ this, it is thought, would be as it '.»».?r, they had better go up on the cated tha» the rainstorm which visited end cotton Paris, Oct. 15. "Le Temps" »ays allied forces at these various points are risky, New York was not a ican products, particularly shell fell in the Rheims cans here entertain fears of a German ment at Sarajevo on Tuesday of (¡av- might permit the Allies to break «**tderk ami be prepared for the lovv- yesterday merely an»! textiles. The chief obstacle that a German the kept, m reserve within measurable dis¬ passing shower, and that tho drouth of .foods trade in; Cathedral Tuesday and destroyed for invasion, that is not considered by the rio Prinrip, the assassin of Archduke through and interrupt the communies. months' was about tobe toward the development of Three other shell*», tance, ready any emergency. The three standing is the break¬ gallery of an apse. I'ni'ed States Embassy as a valid rea- Ferdinand of Austria, and tions of their armies north Meanwhile, it.e Marconi operator had broken. theee countries, however, to the newspaper, demol¬ cold and wet have made trench work Francis fighting of thoroughly of the credit system. according The son at present for departing from the wife and other the Aisne. ..tout his S O 8 call, and the British According to *he United State« ing down ished a part of the law court. «.cry trving, bat the Allies are well pro¬ Priniip's twenty-one Weather Bureau the storm is centre:! attorney was buried in the vided with and new rule regarding passports which in the crime. .Niter I.anciste), taking a chance on bu» public was blankets waterproof alleged accomplices Alliea Advance in Centre. about Louisville. Ky., ¡i ruins of the court building. He has been issued by Ambassador Page. to these details in fitting i.<"jtr. Iterate* within ;ti its reope to cause BRINGS 1,000 from! sheets. The soldiers are also combat¬ According Prinzip, In the centie also enough heavy MAURETANIA extricated, suffering greatly Th,-- was at the head- the Allies have ad*» milt limit tb the Metapan rains in Pennsylvania. New Jersey and ing the cold by means of sheets of! ruling posted addition to having admitted that he severa: shock. of the American committee a vanced, particularly toward Craonna '.< asked if hi,.- be of as¬ southern New York for days. Well Known on Liner parchment v. inch they wear under their' qunrters shot the Archduke and his wife, ,ie- could - People any . few and arid to the n«/rthea*«t of the road fron» altee. was de¬ uniforms and which are found to resist days ago explains: clareü that, far from repenting his Bel help thankfully Will Land To-day. SHIP "The American Ambassador has been berry-au-Bac to Rheims. To the north for time of the MOTHER PLEADS FOR SON ar¬ MINE LAYING cold weli. »Pei, he was proud of what he had fied, by thit fie« The Canard liner Mauretania ¡the informed by the British of Prunay, in the direction of Beine, and Many of the advanced German government done, ft was not a crime, he said, at which is to the southeast ¦«Upsn's lifeboati were filled rived at (,'uarantine last night from OFF DEAL that his authorities do not slightly of '..»red, and to Boy Who Sent Poisoned Candy CAUGHT trenches appear to have been majesty's his object was not to kill .1 man, but RheiaaM, several German trenches have read} pull away. Liverpool with nearly a thousand pas¬ aban-¡ require passports from American citi- been carried. Seeks Shoal Held for Grand Jury. will land in the do-ied and the Allies were able to make to show the world the desperation to Captain Safety. sengers, whom she Oct. 16. "The Daily Mai!" zens for residence or travel in or exit which the whole Slav under All this shows a determined and Rocklie. the London. much headway to-day, where previously population successful to Meanwhile the fruiter was settling Louis Brooklyn youth morning. that British gunboats over¬ from the I'nited The am¬ Austria had been reduced. partially attempt drive who candy *.«. Robert lln» included Hamilton reports a had met with furious resistance. Kingdom. the Germans from n the serSfg poisoned pn-sengers and captured last evening they After having tried by every means, away Rheims. which head, and Capta-n Spencer knew the box manufacturer, «vas Mrs. l'hilip I.ydig. Mrs. James hauled was at¬ bassador will therefore no longer issue was again under bombardment ". (lair, paper Fish. John steamer which The «dea prevails that the Germans legal and illegal, to obtain justice and to-day. »ai linking With splendid judg- arraicned yeaterday in «¡ates av. court A. Burden, Alexander 'ochrin. mysterious the Downs, off Deal. except in cases where it can The famous cathedral has again been hail for the Klsie Jams,. tempting to pass are .preparing to retire at the centre pas«-pcrts recognition of their rights, Prinr.ip de¬ made the of *"t, he put her wounded nose over and held without grand McCormack, opera singer; that the steamer was at- c'parh e(-tab!i»hed that are to target the German or- 'n the It is supposed and concentrate their be they clared. Aus.ria continued trample "**»rd jurv The charge il assault the and A. B. LÀk I, editor of Liverpool to sow mines. energies further tillery, the Germans accusing ti««t the neereat shoal, which was of Commerce." temptin*; it is UaMOMary." on the nationality, language, culture, 1* rench of used these towers for Oral di**r<»'. .Journal north, where, lapposed, they in- ar.»i which the having **T a few hundred yard« away, and The admitted the While G,i; was a* the at¬ religion everything Slav purposes. The French advance youth sending tcml to make another attempt to break explained nation at a whole or famines as indi¬ military "full s|,t,.,| (|roVf her on the bul rofuaed to plead guilty to of .!.«. in this vicinity also indicates an at- sandy eandy, < titude embaas* to-day,then viduals considered most *r*n the .-.pec i tie charge of assault, claiming the All i* sacred, uting ...»lint to break the German front and the north hank of the Ambrose a r od fies' . 'rt-. t¦¦-. t all the at its thni it was not ins intention to harm Fresh Forces at Hand. weapons disposal» a wi-ilge between the Gcrmsa to \o. Socialists ' a "The moment arrived when dote Buoy I she Mr. (iair. He iia«l warned him by let¬ to r- g. t changed shoald the fear of rebellion r.ght snd left wings. ¡*»»el.. a Appeal was a the went ,.,,,,, Big 'he cmmar.ders Iitt|f watei by 'he drive, ter of the coming of the candv. hoping It appear.' that of Germa-., .i rasión of Britain be based duty,'' prisoner on, The French also claim to have mada «v:n manufacturer's armies nave Peen rein¬ "when th». wat to an **ttled [n this there!» '.«. thfl both awaiting now is. only thing possible advance between the Meuse and the. ufely. pontion work in the box in War forcements where are most need-; on more than it I tot.'st by striking at the individual after no boats bttU the gratitude and obtain of World to Join thej Mo'.elle, and, having repulsed the _* lowered, lives factor] ed. an«l in the BMaatiaM fire feeling Il«,m eve.-, a numbs- of r«-:«Jent who lr.eurni». i such a despotic, retro¬ German attacks, to have reached south ?v**y one on hoard would have The candy is --aid to have contained each other out. There is reason to be- Air.erirsr.s have bee:'. Insisting that the grade and ciuel organuat on." of the road leading from Verdun vis m On this account N. these it (oreas have ar- eioi-uent as he lai». ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a solution of cyanide Wireleee via Looiaburg, S.] lieve that its arr.bajsador has no to r. fpst them Prinz.p gr-w pro¬ Metí. It is probable this is the fight« is inclined to [By to in «he ..r 1. rived «nd hfcve been assigned to their right ceeded, dec »ring that he was no mort which the Germans referred to aa kwan. it was the manufacturer press 15.-A appeal Jo.n so a» can estab¬ ing said, lowered a the mother Bordeaux (si. London). Oct. powerful an«! a passports long they a criminal those Ital¬ in ^***U,d took the charge, *but prisoner's France" to the Socialists of neu« proper places, rtpid development liai» Hungarian, having taken place the region of aboard two of the Mcta- are with him not' to-d.v in the Bordeaux journal "La mav be « lish their right of citizenship, whether ian?-, Pole« t r Irishmen "who, for the Motz '¦ and si««ter pleading __4t for obvious reasons \pected. Ptisenger>. They were James to prosecute. countries. The writer, ah« conceal, hi. Identity The moony arr.vcd Gansai t*-oop* b«* birtii or r.a'u-. They be- tame dutresting conditions in their The report conns from Basle, .1 the to have «.«me from tht « and T. s. bat who it one of greatest hvln, are thought directly safe to have on», no luring the nineteenth cen- through Rome, to-dav that the French plortr, under the signature of "A Sori.ll..." c of l eve i: Is p«ay«ng ,UiBn|''i. Germany and are imposed locaad *.l ... followed Ko-suth, Mar.7.ini, *»!»».- have reoccupied the towns of Altkirch M'a"UllU' ,h<- st''a»! Bill Now a Law. there ii a den .¦ tot dredge Clayton French Socl.lists, says: and third reser«.* Beaded nattai whathe* .. »i '.o. ».: »'( nnnell in and in hut if 4tUi have th. courage to look the aptrioiij at- Muelhausen, Alsace, this F*" ««ame-l »o the Metapan and, .Let the Soci.lists of neutr.I states great of palling together befare coin-; to the it or not. ata aini tyranny, regardless were so it probably would have been * 16. I it only . lifeless ,'"W,'r ihlin,'>1' ,ook >n tow Washington. Oct. Coinçidei realitv in the face, and they «rill tee that neutrality front. rtg of the !..1 ans th y need." nun'ioned in the French official state« t*»"»"'**. the his signing the so-called trade commis¬ of the norld are being derided The allied comnai der» expect the ment. lifeboats »laden with twenty« sion and billa t.. «ia> the Presi¬ ..rmula. At the moment, »hen «he destinies German» .nother powerful -g to Wa q Clayton leave the tettlement to chance. v. ¡' do not German Left *.» sBî!t,,CnKt'rs' and ¡"teamed back to des* received a ti'legram from ¦'«. ni. f.r cent,nee to come, it U their duty not to blow looking to the achievement oi of .«' ether Aaahaaaadoi r.i,ro >ou icg.ster ran cannot Repulsed. the *ar. It I. no a to a c.:...-n. rat«. ritlaea should *ote. On the French where T»r.thortge. if. Defrees, president of the Chicago | ¡fe bai altered, the deep meaning of the words «tap their one great objective -Paris. But right to refuse pa-sport Lvery good right, things M«ll(jry |,nor Alamo, inbound of Commerce, warmly in¬ of a univertal revo¬ this is awaited with confidence in the Your vote it needed to put an anti- have been «luiet for sopje time, the In, Association the »hich we denounced. It ia the beginning -wetten, ttood by and offered dorsing the measures, saying that the longer WUt power of the allied aimy to respond Imported Bock Panetela. More satisfy¬ Tamman) administration in Albany. If Germans have attempted JrTensive tac« laws will be a benefit to the country lution."_ with a vigorous counter plow. ing than ever, fáweet and mild.-AdvL fan have not registered do it to-day. tics in the Ban «ic «¿«tut, aArth oí Samt "^Uuee oa p*,,«. t> .,iu.D 4 and a credit to the administration.