WEATHER p«, You Own Property? MAIN TO OAY. AMI PROBAITT/T f°r .¦ TO-MORROW. _. Page 'O opinion» \'»trr.Ut'. Temp*-*, rires: Brokers rrRardinjs Miaii. »A. >L«m, M. prominent Full rrporl an l'aga> ». Real -.»täte »ituMipn. ffltrrfc Srilmne prrsrnt Nm and M f ¦* *. ** N*w l.rk. Vftirt, Jar«»l nil 1 / * V T* 1,' V ,n CHj ¡( aprrtvM, 1»M. * L* f\ D "P I'llKHIIKKI TWO ÍF.MTA. I*. Mm. Tribune \..... i,ul.i, \K\V 1914. j 1 WIV...NO. 24,806. | VOHK. FRIDAY, OCTOBER ifl. JOHN D. OUTWITS TRANCE LINERRIPPED Concludes Bargain After Man LOANS TO Has Seven-Year Nap. Sea Port. he to North John D, Korket»Irr gets what Germans Get CRASH; goes after. Sometimes it takes him BELLIGERENT! BAY 80 that one oil IN long every but the king forgets about it, but John I», never gives up. 76 RESCUED Seven yearn ago he tried to pur- NOT BARRE But Are Forced Eastward chase from Hyman l.evy a strip of Und adjoining hi» property at Pocan- tko Hill«, which he needed to round ^ Bow Smashed o«.t hi«, estate. He won Levy over to in Attitude of U. metapan's his way of thinking and negotiation» Change Border were about to be concluded when Lev*»* ^ a Announced Below by lowan, Freighter, lout his mind and fell into »emi- by Acting Franco-Belgian sîeep. of State. During Fog. For seven year» he was in a stupor, Secretary hut not long ago he regained his mind. The day after it happened Mr. Rocke¬ to GERMAN SUBMARINES FOR GERMANS ALLIEDCENTRE feller's agent* were on the ground SAME HUNT SINKINO SHIP SAVED clou© negotiations for the property. RULE APPLIES TO CHANNEL BY RAIL? FRENÖTHORSE Now John 1). own«» the land. AS IN FY CAPTAIN'S ACT Moral: Let the other fellow do the COMMERC IN ARMORED MOTOh rleeping. ,l.. «-.«hi» to The Tribun»" AND LEFT PUSH London. Oct. 15..There is a -»ide- SWIW LYSAND Disabled Fruiter to NAGLE DEFIES TAMMANY Neutrality Affected Onl ly circulât «I rumor in London to¬ Driver of One of Allies' Cars Tells of Breaking U| Speeds Cruiser in Idealistic Per night that the Germans expect to Shoal-English Takes Court Action in Com¬ Way, transport by rail to places on the Orgy.Many Evidences of Atrocities Discovered. INVADERS BACK Aid. mittee Place haps. Says Belgian and French coasts a num¬ TRAP ENEMY Offers Fight. Lansing. ber of submarines, with -»hich to Dash at Enemy with All Guns Going. executive com The Tammany Hall attack the British fleet. The entire niittee wan yesterday afternoon served of subma¬ | By Cable to The Tribune.] Justice Ford, feasibility ti.ant-porting «notor car Force to Evacuate IN LIFEBOATS with an order, signed by JAPAN BORROWED rines overland is the contention of 2,000 Cross Hold¬ Ostend, Oct. 15..The driver of one of the Allies' armored Enemy WOMEN of the t'ourt, on the applica¬ Rapids, one in whirl Supreme a «ell known American engineer lifted with three Maxim guns, one at each side and front, Bank of Lys and SING "TIPPERARY" tion of to »how cause in HERE DURING WA to Steel Cable, to Percy Nagle, here who has had much to do with ing bare been doing such splendid work in the 'a«t fortnight, pave the fol Estaires. the Supreme Court to-day why N'allé and the wh( Capture ¿¡ the study of submarines Take Estaires. lowing «tory. He is .t landowner and sportsman, aped thirty-three, should not be seated an a member of of submarine mines. He of him. He is Travellers 30th Fighting Powers Now handling volunteered three week« ago to do anything required Harbor Craft Bring the committee from the Assembly Expecte : District. aaid to-day ¦killed motoritt and mechanic, owning several cars himself in to Renew Efforts to Raise "It would be to trans- practical to City $500,000 Nagle was around the hall during the possible STRIKE FLANK OF "I have been learning to lie «aid. "and though I have no pilot': FRENCH ADVANCE afternoon, and after he and Charle» F. »Money in This Country. port submarines by rail from Ger- By," wit! Gold Aboard. it was de¬ 1 to pass the test and was pttt in the flying corps, Murphy had several talks many to the Belgian or French SURPRISED GERMANS certificate managed EAST OF RHEIMS clared that told Nagle that it [Krnm The Tl bunt Itiireau chief airman. did not know where I was goinsr. I simpl] to this Murphy coasts once (he railroad lines were the grade of Ot her firtt voyage port rty- was wrong for him to carry his opposi¬ Washington, OeL 15. The doubt tin So T wrote to my wife U Fruit selection of Frank J. Hen- secured, hut after reaching the wanted to strike a blow at the Germans. ju«t ¡tetkt American flag the United tion to the has existed over the propriety of lonr I knew she woult and drick as a member of the committee coast then would come the problem say that i-had joined, and at she is a soldier's daughter Another Con¬ itiitBlhip Metapan was rammed Hendrick private institutions of tl for Passage eat Capture Big further, as he considered that by banking of the British »ar vessels Open Way understand. In less than ¦ week I was driving an armored motor nnk in s 'ok yesterday off Buoy No. 2, had been elected by the majority of the United SUtea to belligerent »goren escaping Von the Ambrose Chan- from the district as or mine fields.'' of Division Which Oc¬ in France and and have driven more than two thousand milei voy, Imperilling it the entrai»» of county committee nient s was dissipated to-day by assu Belgium, lowan. of the Amer- the executive member. The rumors are that the I.ermans Town. in a fortnight. Kluck's sal. Th« freighter .'Id "District, where unces »given in high quarters that th cupies Frontier Wing. I outbound for the In the Assembly mav try to send the submarines Í have seen would make a «aim ravage against thes< letB Hawaiian :ne, there was a contest on between Harry administration does not regard tram "The sights the Panama from near the mouth of f*he Scheldt. one soldier we whr pacific Ceta of Perry and Patrick H. Sullivan, Perry actions of this character as. illegal c German beast«. In the knapsack of German captured, withdrew from the contest, and Sulli¬ a hand. he car¬ tanal. was the ttel that hit her. in violation ot neutrality. ALLIES FIND SOME came to us begging for food, we t'<»und little child's Why DEFENDERS REACH and no one was van was seated. after of course, he was \© lives weie loFt. The statement was made that th ried it I cannot imagine. In two minutes that, VERDUN-METZ ROAD lajared. There was no par.ic, and quick government of the United States hel TRENCHES DESERTED dead. The lieutenant shot him himself, and the German shrieked with on or Hairy tkinking the part Captain BRITISH ENVOYS to the view of international law that CAPE DUTCH RALLY fear when we showed him his grewsome trophy. We came another time of the Metsnan was largely re- .«fencer was not constrained by the observanc on the body of a poor old woman, bearing the «abre cuts of the Germans. foT the grounding of SHOT BY TURK to to To Be Unconfirmed Alte ipossiblf quick of neutrality prevent, loans be1 Invaders Appear Retiring What possible motive for such a deed could the Germans have? I have Report Says kit veiiel, which makes it possible to individual TO EMPIRE IN WAR Kirch and Muelhausen Have ligerent powers by private on Centre to Concentrate seen the bodies of young girls lying by the roadside and the bodies of uht her. Buxton and Brother or institutions. Announcement wa Noel Further North. on -takes. Been which was the the State Forces ¦boyi impaled hedge Recaptured. Tbt fog, primary- on to made yesterday by Depart Germans in a to their at least Wounded Their Way "( hue we came upon a drunken orgy of village ruse of the collision, kept if« ment that "a citizen of the I'nite Boer Commandants the Battle Front, via Paris. 12:09 Funeral. Old At utter We could do nothing, lor the wretched women were hud¬ London, Oct. 1ft. The Germans hav* tsenvf-jfls sii.-hored in the vicinity of Royal States can sell to a belligerent govern Get. Hi. and surprise. Now to a. m., Infantry cavalry, >>r stable the street. wc appeared at Blankenberghe. oa the .»I there was an abun¬ London. Oct. 16.- A Reuter dispatch ment or article of com and dled in a sort of shed open in village Directly tht light.«hip. its agent any Burghers after a period of comparative inactiv¬ North Sea, nine miles northweet from Bucharest says: lire German came from all direction*. The Germans dase« of help at hand when the Meta- merce which ha pleases." The sam for Britain. have been more dur¬ opened cavalry of and twelve miles northeast Noel Buxton «member of the Briti«h Fight ity, doing fighting been for an start, but I think we Bruges psti »s« hit. Parliament frr North Norfolk) and his rule, it wan said to-day, applied t» the last few than for several apparently had getting ready early of Ostend, and are to arrivo 16. A Reuter ing days on live later. expected Th» fruiter, which left Kingston.
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