Name Helianzhiwei Date of Birth 1958.11

Degree Doctor Title Professor The reviewer of School of iournal of Schools & Academic economics and science and Departments Posts management technology of helianzhiwei@ys Website E-mail Research Field:

Human resource and strategic management, Industry cluster and innovation network, Marketing and logistics management

Education background & Professional Experiences: 1975.8-1978.9 : Water Conservancy Youth Hostel of Yi'an County in province,educated youth 1978.9-1982.7: Light Industry Institute,machine design,undergraduate 1982.8-1988.9:the enterprise of sugar refinery in Qiqihar, engineer,director of technical services 1988.9-1991.1: industry university,school of management,master 1991.1-1997.12: the enterprise of sugar refinery in Qiqihar, senior engineer, chief economist, deputy director of management 1998.1-2009.12: School of economics and management in Yanshan University, Professor, associate dean 2010.1-2017.6: School of economics and management in Yanshan University, Professor, supervisor of PH.D. students

Teaching & Research: I have teached 8 undergraduate courses, 6 Master's courses and 3 doctoral courses since 20 years before. I have awarded third prize for one teaching achievements in province. At the same time, I have finished 4 items of reform in Education and published 4 teaching papers. In the field of scientific research, I have presided 1 projects of the National Social Science Fund and completed 1 projects item of the Ministry of education, and finished 11 provincial projects of Hebei province. At the same time,I have published 3 monographs and 3 textbooks and have published 10 papers in EI and ISTP, and 51 papers in the core journals. Among them, 4 articles were the influential journal as rank of 1B and 2 journals were identified by the National Natural Science Foundation of china. As a master instructor,I have obtained one excellent master's degree theses of Hebei Province, and 2 excellent master's theses in Yanshan University.