A Current Listing of Contents

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A Current Listing of Contents WOMEN'S STUDIES LIBIWUAN The University of Wisconsin System . EMINIST ERIODICALS A CURRENT LISTING OF CONTENTS VOLUME 11, NUMBER 2 SUMMER 1991 PublishedbySusanSearing,Women'sStudies Librarian )) University of Wisconsin System 112A Memorial Library::::::: 728 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 "It (608) 263-5754 EMINIST ERIODICALS A CURRENT LISTING OF CONTENTS Volume 11, Number 2 Summer 1991 Periodical literature is the cutting edge of women's scholarship, feministtheory, and much of women's cuijure. Feminist Periodicals' A Cyrrent Listing of Contents is published by the Office of the University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian on a quarterly basis with the intent of increasing public awareness of feminist periodicals. It is our hope that Feminist Periodicals will serve several purposes: to keep the reader abreast of current topics in feminist literature; to increase readers' familiarity with awide spectrum of feminist periodicals; and to provide the requisite bibliographic information should areader wish to subscribe to ajoumal or to obtain a particular article at her library or through interlibrary loan. (Users will need to be aware of the limitations of the new copyright law with regard to photocopying of copyrighted materials.) Table of contents pages from current issues of major feminist joumals are reproduced in each issue of Feminist Periodicals, preceded by a comprehensive annotated listing of all joumals we have selected. As publication schedules vary enormously, not every periodical will have table of contents pages reproduced in each issue of Ef. The annotated listing provides the following information on each joumal: 1. Year of first publication. 2. Frequency of publication. 3. U.S. SUbscription price(s). 4. Subscription address. 5. Current editor. 6. Editorial address (if different from subscription address). 7. Intemational Standard Serials Number (ISSN). 8. Library of Congress (LC) catalog card number. 9. OCLC, Inc. Control Number. 10. Locations where the joumal is held in the UW System. 11. Publications in which the joumal is indexed. 12. Subject focus/statement of purpose of the joumal. Please note that in the actual text, only the numbers 1 to 12 are used to identify the different categories of information. ii. Our goal is to have represented in EE all English-language feminist periodicals with a substantial national or regional readership, with an emphasis on scholarly journals and small press offerings. We do not include publications which, though feminist in philosophy, do not focus solely on women's issues. Nor, with few exceptions, do we include newsstand magazines. We are also forced to omit periodicals which lack a complete table of contents. We encourage feminist serials to build a full table of contents into their regular format to facilitate the indexing feminist literature sorely needs. Interested readers will find more complete information on feminist periodicals in The Index/DirectOlY of Women's Media published annually by the Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press (3306 Ross Place, NW, Washington, DC 20008); and in Women's periodicals and Newspapers; A Union List of the Holdings of Madison Area Libraries. edited by James P. Danky, compiled by Maureen E. Hady, Barry Christopher, and Neill E. Strache (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982). Suggestions for improvements of Feminist periodicals are gratefully received. We would particularly appreciate assistance from readers in the UW-System with our efforts to keep the holding information complete and up to date. Please let us know about new subscriptions, subscriptions we have overlooked, cancellations, or other pertinent information. Feminist periodicals is also available on microfilm at the library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Alternative Cataloging in Publication Data Feminist periodicals: a current listing of contents. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian quarlerly. "Table ofcontents pages from current issues of major feminist journals are reproduced. .. preceded by a comprehensive annotated listing ofall journals... " Frequently cited as FP. 1. Feminist periodicals--Directories. 2. Feminism-­ Bibliography--Periodicals. 3. Feminist periodicals-­ Current awareness services. I. University of Wisconsin System. Women's Studies Librarian. (courlesy of Sanford Berman) Feminist Periodicals (ISSN 0742-7433) is published by Susan E. Searing, UW-System Women's Studies Librarian, 112A Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706. Phone (608) 263­ 5754. Compilers: Linda Shult,lngrid Markhard!. Graphics: Daniel Joe. Publications of the Office of the UW-System Women's Studies Librarian are available free of charge to UW Women's Studies Offices, UW Campus Women's Centers, and UW Libraries. Subscriptions rates: Wisconsin subscrip­ tions: $5 (indiv. affiliated with the UW System), $10 (organizations affiliated with the UW System), $10 (indiv. or non-profit women's programs), $15 (libraries or other organizations). Out-of-state sub­ scriptions: $20 (indiv. & women's programs), $38 (ins!.). This fee covers all publications olthe Office, inclUding Feminist Collections, Feminist periodicals. New Books on Women & Feminism, and bibliographies, directories, and occasional publications produced throughout the year. Wisconsin subscribers, please add salestax ($.50 - indiv; $1.00 -libraries). Subscribers outside the U.S., please add postage ($5.00 - surface; $15.00 - air). iii. ArALIA: JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND socw. WORK AURORA 1. 1986. 2. 4/y••r. Ceasing publlcatlon. 3. $32 (Indlv.), $78 (Inst.), plu. $6 for for.lgn post.g. 4. Sage Publloatlons, Inc" 2111 W. Hillcrest Dr., AusmAlJAN FEMINIST STUDIES N.wbury P.rk, CA 91320. 1. 1985. 5. Betty Sanoler. 2. 2/y••r. 7. ISSN 0886-1099. 3. $53 Au•. (Indlv., .irm.I~, $38 Au•. (Indlv., sun.e. 8. LC .n85-3234. m.m, $75 Au•. (Inst., .lrm.I~, $60 Au•. (Inst., .un.c. 9. OCLC 12871850. m.I~. 10. La Crosse; Madison; Milwaukee. 4. Research Centre for Women's Studies, University of 11. Family Resources Database; Health Instrument File; Ad.I.ld., GPO Box 498, Ad.I.ld., South Austr.lI. Human Resouroes Abstracts; Sage Family Studies 5001, Austr.II•. Abstracts; Social Work Research and Abstracts; 5. Susan Margarey. Soolal Planning/Policy & Development Abstracts; 7. 0816-4649. Soolologloal Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts; 11. Australian Serials In Print; Studies on Women Wom.n'. Studl.s Ind.x, 1989, (GK H.I~. Abstracts. 12. -This Journal Is committed to the discussion and 12. "Australian Feminist Studies pUblishes development of feminist values, theories, and transdlsclplinary scholarship and discussion In the knowledge 8S they relato to SOCiisl work research, fields of feminist research and women's studies education, and practice" Contains articles, reports, courses. In addition, it aims to attract and of research, essays, poetry, and literary pieces. encourage discussion of government and trade union Dedicated to "the task of eliminating discrimination Inttlatives and policies that concern women; and oppression, especially with respect to gender, examination of the Interaction of feminist theory and but Including race, ethnlctty, class, age, disability, practice; comment on changes In curricula relevant and sexual and affectlonal preference as well." to women's studies and feminist studies...; reviews, critiques, enthusiasms and correspondence." THE AHFAD JOURNAL.: WOMEN AND CHANGE I, 1984. BACKBONE: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S LITERATURE 2. 2/y••r. 3. $20 (Indlv.), $35 (In.t.). Singi. eopl••: $10 (Indlv.), Temporarily suspended with #5, 1988. $20 (In.t.). 4. Business Manager, Suite 1216, 4141 N. Henderson BEllES L.ETrnES Rd., Arlington, VA 22203. 1. 1985. 5. Amn. E. B.drl. 2. 4/y••r. 8. Ahf.d Unlv.r.1ty for Wom.n, P.O. Box 167, 3. $20 (Indlv.), $15 (stud.nt), $40 (Inst.). S.mpl. Issu.: Omdurman, Sudan. $3. Add $9 for for.lgn po.t.g•. 7. ISSN 02554070. 4. Karen T. Jenkins, 785 Verbenia Dr., Satellite Beach, 8. LC .n85-234n. FL 32937. 9. OCLC 12747840. 5. Janet Palmer Mullaney. 10. M.dlson. 8. J.n.t Mull.n.y, 11151 C.pt.ln'. W.lk Cl., N. II, ERIC, UMI. Potomac, MD 20878. 12. "Issues affecting Women In Africa, the Middle East 7. ISSN 0884-2957. and In other developing countries; women In 8. LC .n85-6513. development." 9. OCLC 12357950, 10. M.dlson. A11.ANT1S 11. Book Review Index; Women's Studies Index. 1989 I, 1975. (G.K H.I~ 2. 2/y••r. 12. "To promote and celebrate wrttlng by women, 3. $20 (C.n.dl.n Indlv.), $30 (C.n.dl.n Inst.), $30 pUblished by trade, unlverstty, and small presses in (U.S. Indlv.), $40 (U.S. In.t.), plu. $5 for oth.r the genres of fiction, nonfiction, essays, biography, foreign postage. and criticism." 4. Mount S.lnl Vlne.nt Unlv.r.lty, 166 B.dferd Highway, HaUfax, Nova Scotia, 83M 2J6, Canada. BERKElEY WOMEN'S LAW JOURNAL 5. Drs. Susan Clark, Margaret Conrad, Deborah C. 1. 1986. Poff. 2. Annual. 7. ISSN 0702-7818. 3. $35 (In.t.), $18 (r.gul.r), $8 (low Incom.). Add $3 8. LC en77-32338. for foreign postage. 9. OCLC 3409840. 4. Berkeley Women's Law Journal, Univ. of California 10, St.t. HI.torle.1 Soel.ty. Press, Periodicals Dept, 2120 Berkeley Way, 11. Historical Abstracts; America: History and Life; The B.rk.l.y, CA 94720. Alternative Press Index; Resources for Feminist 5. Stud.nt. of Bo.h H.II School of L.w. R••••reh; Wom.n'. Studl•• Ind.x, 1989 (GK H.I~. 7. ISSN 0882-4312. 12. "Atlantis is an Interdisciplinary Journal devoted to 8. LC .n85-965, critical and creative writing In English or French on 9. OCLC 11830558. the topic of women. Contains scholarly articles, 10. M.dl.on. review essays, book reviews, art and poetry." 11. Alternative Press Center; Annotated Guide to i v. Women's Perlodioals; Current Index to Legal CALYX Perlodioals. 1. 1976. 12. "The Berkeley Women's Law Journal Is a forum from 2. 3lyear. which to give voice to the complex and varying 3. $18 (Indlv.), $22.50 (lib.
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