The Celtic Harp at Stonehenge
The Celtic Harp At Stonehenge - structure in ancient Celtic thought ©1994 CW BAYER 1 © 1994 by C. W. Bayer Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 94-092038 ISBN 0-9628890-1-6 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author. See more books at: 2 And now, for lords who understand, I'll tell a fable: once a hawk, high in the clouds, clutched in his claws a speckled nightingale. She, pierced by those hooked claws, cried, 'Pity me!' But he made a scornful answer: 'Silly thing, why do you cry? Your master holds you fast, you'll go where I decide, although you have a minstrel's lovely voice, and if I choose, I'll have you for a meal.... Hesiod, Works and Days, c.700BC 1 There are some, although few indeed, on whom divine favour has bestowed the gift of contemplating, clearly and very distinctly, with scope of mind miraculously enlarged, in one and the same moment, as though under one ray of the sun, even the whole circle of the whole earth, with ocean and sky above it. St. Columba c. 580AD2 The nation that disdains the mission of art invites the fate of having nothing to look backward to with pride and nothing to look forward to with hope. Amherst College, Oct. 26, 1963, John F. Kennedy 3 Contents INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................................
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