~ETHLEHEM Pt_IR''Cl!BRARY . Res1dents focus1ng · · . D1sney pn lcJlO ~Of Clg~!fb~bs on famlly m~mor1es skates into Pepsi :___ {;:dJ_to~..:._~uJldon:c 0 See Page 3 0 Family entertainment section

£t0::llf'lf' StB d99

Delmar man dies DEcJzvt . . . .. - _, following house fire

By JOSEPH A PHILLIPS 'There was some fire in the house, but no one else present at the time," Loomis A Delmar man died Saturday of injuries said. An- aide remained on the bus with sustained in a ·house fire on Borthwick the lorie special-education student Avenue, the cause of which remains under aboard, who apparently slept through the investigation. incident, Loomis said. Paul A Peterson, 53, of 18 Borthwick Police ·and Delmar firefighter.s Ave. was pronounced dead Saturday at. ::...The planning board voted unan- · · "Corisiderabfe attention has been _According ·to Llpnicky, the nearly six · · -'-imouslylastweektorecommendthatthe given to the . months taken to; · .: '''~-~{<,,:; •· - rJ . FEIS be adopted. . concerns of res- complete the FEIS . Lo.omis: Boali ··. . ; Also up for consideration is a request idential ,and Th I · ,., after public comment :aorezOneaparcelonNewScotlandRoad .commercial pro- 11 e p anntng boaru COU/d on the draft doc- '.·-.·mus" t -use . in Slingerlands, clearing the way for perty owners in COnSider Site pliJn apprOVal aS . ument ):on eluded in . construction of a professional office the vicinity of the soon as its first meeting in. June reflected not ··es· t··~,·nt building there, and a fresh start for a project site, and of only the rigorous 1 1 1 p . long-debated residential p.roject on the Bethlehem January. review to which it Blessing Road. Central School· k was ·subjected but .By RONALD E. CAMPBELL District," wrote Je 11 lipnic Y als·o the· lossbyNt'gro· The Town Center FEIS has drawn the most attention of the three. A draft EIS chairman Doug- of Home Depot, its Bethlehem school Super- was the subject of a public hearing before· las Hasbrouck in intended tenant for . intendent Les Loomis said the the town board in May, and the final a memo communicating that recom- the second largest of the two major retail board "must exercise restraint" in version of the document outlining likely mendation to Supervisor Sheila Fuller. buildings on the site. developing the district's 2002-03 environmental impacts and planned steps If the town board concurs, it would Negotiations are continuing -between school budget, which will be for their mitigation has been un.der. clear the way for the planning board to ·Nigro and another tenant, which required· presented to district voters for review ever since by the planning board,. complete a statement of findings in some reconfiguration of the site plan upon approval in May. · ·the town's engineering consultants on ·accordance with the state SEQRlaw and which the DEIS was originally based. The The board approved Loomis's act· on a building project application site plans submitted last week for review proposed budget calendar at the aired in an October public hearing.· list Lowe's as tlje new home-improvement board meeting last week. · Town Planner Jeff Lipnkky isaid last tenant. "' Loomis, an active member of week that his department receiyed "The last we've httard, they haven't New York State Council of School llllllllllll\1\llllllll revised site plans from Sear Brown on secured an agreement With them yet," said 6 098(;9 00020 Nov.30. . .· •. "_;;. _,:."J REs'r~~'t;JT;~;e 1~'" THE SPOTLIGHT$.75 · :J FEIS/page 16

.... ' .. ' .. '' .... '.'. ' I /> ,, ' • ' ' ~ I• I ' ' _I I ' 0 0 0 0 • ,-' • ":, i :.:.;,. l 'L 1 , , ~. t ,. ''\\it/ ,i~·il~j 3 .. , J •. , f: i • , THE SPOTLIGHT - t n ..HJ VI U V I V if j u Salvation Army Court cases adjudicate needs bell ringers Police arrest clerk Four individuals facing arrested Nov. i5; and two charges of driving while intox­ individuals arrested separately on The Salvation Army wants you! for embezzlement icated (DWI) pleaded guilty to Nov. 11 - David Michael A large portion of the annual local Geoghegan, 36, of628 Route 143, budget is generated by the based on internal audits. reduced counts in Bethlehem By JOSEPH A. PHILLIPS. Town Court last week. Ravena, and Jeffrey Ellsworth holiday kettle campaign that is a Sutton is charged with theft of Miller, 23, of 107 Delaware Ave., sure sign the. holidays. are Appearing before town Justice more than $1,100 over the past six Albany. coming. However, a shortage of For· the second time 'in two Kenneth Munnelly on Tuesday, months. Investigation of the volunteer bell ringers to take care weeks, an employee of a Stewart's remaining losses by Stewart's Dec. 4, the four defendants All four were fined $300 and a of the kettles greatly impacts the store in Bethlehem has been pl{'!aded guilty to driving while $35 state-manda~ed surcharge. investigators and Bethlehem Salvation Army's gain for the arrested and charged with police is continuing. ability impaired. (DWAI) in campaign since it is forced to hire embezzlement. Their licenses suspended for a Sutton's arrest came barely a satisfaction of all outstanding period 'of 90 days. people to fill this role. · Anna M. Sutton, 23, of 498 charges against them. · week after the arrest of Cynthia All four were also ordered to All teen-agers, adults, clubs Kenwood Ave. and an employee Anne Bush, 45, of 124 Buck They included Thomas James attend a victim-impact panel and and organizations with a desire to of the store, turned herself 'in to Ranch Road, Coeymans, an Martone, 21, of 229 Harrison undergo a drinking driver help during this holiday season by Bethlehem police on Wednesday, employee of the Stewar:t's store at Lane, Selkirk, arrested on Oct. 12; remediation program. volunteering an hour or more of Dec. 5, after learning of a warrant 1344 Route 9W in Selkirk, James Philip Hagadone, 46, of25 ·time atone of the many local sites; for her arrest. She was arraigned charged with theft of more than Goodfellow Road, Westerlo, including Price Chopper in before Bethlehem town Justice $1,900 in cash and merchandise Slingerlands and Ames in Kenneth Munnelly on a grand from that location. (518) 6]4.7754 Glenmont, will be warmly larcenY: count, a felony, ~d re- Co. Rt. 67 welcomed leased m her own recognizance, Bush is also due in Town Court Freehold, NY · < . ti' all B b K · pending a date iii Town Court on on Dec. 18. F orm,orma on,c o opp D 18 I VISA I ·at 4 75-9677 or e-mail ec. · · · [email protected], or The warrant followed an Church to host Steve Simons. at 475-1538 or investigation by a Stewart's loss [email protected].. prevention officer into more than holiday carol sing $3,000 in missing cash over the past year at the Delmar store, Delmar Reformed Church will host a community carol sing on Poinsettias Holiday Decorations the front steps of the church at • Fresh GreenArrllngmze,;ta!r Vot.ed.Top.IO·M-"'_ uAU.-:,Star L-ist-for 1999 386 Delaware Ave., at 7 p.m. on • Florist Quality Evergreen Garland f1J'tfU/--~, SJ Serving Dinner : Sunday, Dec. 16. Poinsettias at • Mistletoe, Exotic Boughs ofGreens RESTAURANT Thurs., Fri., Sat. 4:30-9 pm Everyone is invited to sing • Victorian Kissing Balls 0 · Growers Prices along to their favorite Christmas _ ··Dried Wreaths & Arrangements 13;·= ~T:T::. {{sffir~ifj~=rr~ carols. Song books and candles • Starting at $2.99 & Up 756-1766 . •,W-'0- - .. - "' will be provided.· · Christmas Trees. & Wreaths New Seasonal Menu Includes: Hot cocoa and cookies will be • Fresh-Cut Balsam Trees • Bunernut Squash Bisque with Toasted • Our Famous Calamari served. • Wreaths Made by Us - Gifts for Pumpkin Seeds • Grilled Tuna Filet with For information, call439-9929. Duorated. Plain or Custom • Sauteed Shrimp wirh Toasted Pinenurs, Roasted Pepper Coulis ... $16.95 the Gardener • Live Trees in Pots· Spinach, Mushrooms in a Lemon Garlic • Braised Lamb Shanks ..... $15.95 • Mixed Greens Wreaths Oil over Orz.a Pasta ...... $16.95 In Feura Bush Catering On & QffPremise The Spotlight is sold at Gift Certificates Available • www.storysnurs"?-.com For Dinner Reservations and Caiering Information, Houghtalings and Stewart's lease ca/1156-1766 and dine· with us at 13.1 Main St., Raven

Key JOOD Hannaford Bruegger's Bagels Men's Store oices Hair Studio Leather &Day Spa Nails Design For leasing mtor"nal;u Delaware Sallys Beauty Supply Plaza Associates 39-9030' Scissor Society

.. ''.' -. 'l' THE SPOTLIGHT December 12, 2001 -PAGE 3 Officer finds neglec-ted dogs

. By JOSEPH A PHILLIPS maybe five PO!!nds.:· sometimes even raised for Let~ talk trees. *"""XM'"""'*"*"""'*"''»»»-;:w..-:«w-<'..w Underweight, malnourished, fighting. The puppy 'brought to dehydrated and emaciated, Scar ''Youdon'tthinkaboutthis.scrt Bethlehem Veterinary Hospital was nevertheless so delighted at ofthing happening, pit bulls being last week is a Staffordshire human con.tact that he im- raised for fighting, in the town of terrier, commonly known as a "pit mediately began licking·any of the Bethlehem," Kearney said. bull." · hospital staff that handled him. . Grandy said the dogs. bore no Yet, contrary to popular belief "It doesn't appear to me to be · physical evidence of being· ·about pit bulls, his demeanor.is a case of active abuse," Kearney involved in ·fighting- but that gentLe and playful. Dr. John said. "It appears to be neglect. But Scar and the 'other puppies were Kearney estimated he is some- it's· a pretty extreme case of too young in any case where just over 10 weeks. neglect." · "In general, my understanding "He's the sweetest, sweetest · Bethlehem police are inves- .is, they don't actually start that thiilg," Kearney said. tigating it as a case of aggravated kind of training until they are He was apparently unregis- animal cruelty, a felony, not to mtich older," Kearney said .. tered when brought to the clinic mention failure to p~ovide for, The othe·r dogs found with prop_erly hcens: and Scar were taken by Grandy to the . vaccmate an ammal. Mohawk-Hudson River Humane Scar was one of five Society shelter in Menands. dogs found and " · 1 .. d. b G•a d In theory, unless the·antma s seize y ,. n Y • . " hr · 'tu f last Tuesday un- are m a 1ue t eatenmg si a IOn, attended in an~ art- they have to go t~· Mohawk,; ·ment oh Hangver Hudson. w~en.. they r.e seized, D · Kearney srud. But this guy was nve. in such dire straits, so emaciated, Grandy 'inves- and with wounds that were so tigated the apart- catastrophic, that George brought ment after a com- him here." plaint from a At the Bethlehem hospital, neighbor, who heard Scar was rehydrated and under­ animal noise· and contacted police, went surgery to remove .the concerned about the· harness. · welfare of the dogs. ''The · prognosis for his The neighbor re- recovery is excellent," Kearney ported it .had been said. "He's going to have ·some roughly three weeks horrific scars, but he's going to since any human recover very well. He's young and had · been . seen has tremendous regenerative coming or going power." from the apartment. Kearney said he nas to be An adult female taken to the shelter for proper Jim Suozzo watches Tom Wilsey irlm his Christmas tree at the sale last pit bull was found in . adoption proceedings. There, he weekend at Bethlehem Central Middle School to benefit the high school a Closet' with three and his fellows face.an uncertain varsity football team, . · · Jim Franco puppies, without fate. With local police, especially

·contaminatedfood and with onlytoilet a ·downin the recentlycity of Albany, on dog crackingfighting, ------• . .for drinking water. ''The shelter has had an over- on Route 9W in Glenmont on Dec. The apartment was strewn with whelming increase in the number 4 by Bethlehem Animal Control excrement, reeking of urine. Scar of animals surrendered to them State grant to 4-Corners officer George· Grandy. As a was found, alone, in a nearby or having been seized, animals result,. who his owner is has not· laundry room, so weak he had .to used for·fighting .or for drug been determined.. be carried out Kearney said it did protection," Kearney said.· wiU help develop plan "We've nicknamed him Scar," not appear the adult female was He estimated that some 70 Kearney said - not for any Scar's mother. percent ofdogs iii the shelter fearsome attributes, but for the ~Why anyone would have lately have been' pit bulls, causing· ByJOSEPH "A"PHILLIPS ari urban-village context for the · ugly, still bright-red one-inch multiple puppies in an apartment a dilemma for shelter officials .. - ~. core business district in Delmar. surgical incision that winds they don't even inhabit is beyond With their fearsome reputation, The check should soon be in The grant proposal included completely around the d'?g's rib me," Kearney said. "It. appears pit bulls are difficulfto place for the mail for a state grant on its · funding to aid in development of cage - in veterinary terms, a they <;lidn't even come to walk the adoption-particularly if they are. way to the town of Bethlehem to a vision statement; assembling "cic3.tricial scar." dogs. They defecated and . infested with parasites or have underwrite a development plan and analyzing zoning and tax A hospital staffer displayed ·urinated right in the apartment." become imprinted with bad habits for the Four Corners. mapping data; developing fragments of a fabric harness the . "We are seeking to speak to a like defecating indoors. Last month, the Governor's stan?ards for n.ew zoning puppy wore when he arrived. It coupleofindividualsandhave·not State law requires that an Office for Small Cities announced .req~nrements, architectura! ~d was cinched so tightly around been able to do that just yet," animal shelter hold 3n unlicensed the award· of 25 Technical. design stan~ards; and o!-lthmng him, Kearney said, that he was Bethlehem detective John Cox ·dog for five days. But with Assistance Grants to future fundi~g strategies and having difficulty breathing, and ·said on Monday. "It's under overcrowding at the Menands mumctp.. al'ti'1es,o t tall' m g$4 34 ,000 , otherstepstoimplementtheplan.· . the fabric had grown right into his investigation.". · .shelter, Kearney said, he has from among 54 applications under "It- includ~d ~tre_et-level chestwall. · · The apartment was apparently heard that unclaimed, unadapted· d a program funded through a C?mpont;nts hke hghtmg and ''The trench of the wound was rented .. by a 20-year-old woman pit bulls are generally euthamze . Federal Housing and Urban Sign~ge Improvements, and an _ in places an inch deep," Kearney immediatelyafter that. Development block . grant .. ~ffortto t~slate some stan~ar~s reportt;dly living with a 24-year- Atte~pts to co~firm that with said, as skin had grown right up old Albany man. When Grandy Bethlehem was one of eight mtothe zomng o~the town, srud through the buckle of the arrived with the landlord at the shelter officials were municipalities to receive the .architect Ed Klemke, a member harness. "He was 13 pounds when apartment last week . to unsuccessful. ·maximum $25,000 award under of the merchants group who has they brought him in, though he investigate, they .found thai the As for abusive i)wners, the Quality Communities spearheaded the proposal. should have been 18 pounds. But lock on the apartment door had Kearney said, '.'One of the scary Program, designed to provide With the· agreement now the'harness is made for a dog of been changed, allegedly without parts of all of this is, even with a funds for strategic planning of signed, the state will release the the landlord's knowledge, and more aggressive. Buster's Law,. community development funding to the town, which in tum had to be drilled out. probably nothing bad is going to initiatives. . will distribute the money for the According to police spokes-. happen to these folks." · · Two weeks ago, the town variousstagesof~eprojectupon board authorized Supervisor receipt of appropnate vouchers. man Sgt. Thomas Heffernan; no "Theoretically, (offender's)" chain of ownership of the ·could go to another county and· Sheila Fuller to sign an agreement- · _ .''The· town, the chamber and unregistered dogs has yet been adopt another animal almost with the state office to release the the state are all now partners in established. Nor have police immediately," Kearney said. funding, which will require a this, which I think is,wonderful," determined why the dogs were The sympathy of would-be $10,000 match in either dollars or DeLaney said. "It will improve the in-kind services by the town. appearance of our Four Corners, being kept, unattended, in an adopters may well give Scar a apartment. . better chance of avoiding The grant originated with an and tha.t helps. the whole But-Kearney speculated that it euthanasia. . application presented in Sept- community, not JUSt the Four ember by Bethlehem Chamber of · Corners." might be related to the growing ''I'm confident he will get a trade in ·pit bulls - reportedly 'home," Kearney said. "I'm more Commerce President Marty Kleinke, .she said, "has been DeLaney on behalf of the Four workingwithDOT,whichi~going prized by street toughs and drug ·worried ·about' his brothers and dealers for' their fierceness, 'and sisters." Corners Merchants Group, and to make improvements. m the endorsed by the town board. nearfutUreoilDelawareAvenue,"

The Spvtliglrt (USPS 396-630) is published each Wednesday by Spotlight. ~LC, 125_ t_\dams Sl., DeLaney outlined the merchant DeLaney said. 'Their design is Delmar, N.Y. 12054. Periodicals postage paid at Delmar, N.Y., and at additional mallmgoffices. group's goal of developing a Four going to incorporate some of ~e Po!ifmu.sler: send address changes to TheSpullighr, P.O. Box I(J:O, Delmar, N.Y. 12054. Corners ·Overlay District, nece.ssary infrastructure Im­ Subscription rates: Albany County, one year $26, two years S50, elsewhere, one year $32. Subscriptions are not ~efundable. providiiig for mixed land use .in provements we're seeking."

. . ··.· PAGE 4- December 12, 2001 THE SPOTLIGHT Some· Christmas memories last a lifetime

««««««<.w.««<=»>>«.,..w/~'"""'///,,~_.,:«w..,- - fort built just big enough for one to us, though, and unpacking comeintoourhouse,reachingout By KATHERINE McCARTHY COMMENTARY: "" "'«<-'*''- 10-year-old boy to fit in. those each year, I see -some to encompass my husband and Sometimes our memories During the Christmas season, justification for attaching value to· children: When I was a very little choose us, sidling up to us in a ,/14om's we work extra hard to create mere objects. · girl, my family Spent Christmas breeze that brings a change of duz · scenarios that will allow those Our ornaments are the record with my grandparents. Grandma season, reminding us of a walk to­ good memories to be created. Ifs of. our married life together. and Grandpa's house was always high school with four best friends. /!Oord as if a perfect Christmas could There is the Waterford ornament marvelously quiet, and very, very Fresh snow might remind us ______..:__.;:::::,__;_~become another piece of armor my mother-in-law gave -me the clean. In the front room, they had year before we married- and · asilverChristmastree,decorated of the delicious feeling of being a We start .with winter gear; we give our children to protect schoolkid and Mom saying it was snow pants and parkas after an them as they make their way in one of the first times I felt sure with red balls, and with a color a snow day. ·' · the big, wide world. Perhaps, that Chris and I would spend our wheel that gave the illusion offour impossibly mild autumn, which lives together. different otherworldly hues. I At this time of year, memories felt like a compensating gift for when they are grown, they will lurk in every ·box we pull out of the unsolicited grief that Sept. 11 live in a. big city, and between There's the lumpy crocheted thought it was the most beautiful attics and cellars .to gird ourselves brought. In those snow pants arid apartment and work, they will circle that my Aunt Mary, who thing I'd ever seen. When I asked and our homes against the dark boots, we will see winters past, pass a stand of Christmas trees. was mentally retarded, made for about it last year, my mother that envelops our region earlier and remember sliding down hills, For a moment, a parent's touch us. It's got a silver icicle worked fished it out of the dark recesses each day. making snowmen, and the snow will reach out to them, and they into it, and it reminds us of the of my grandmother's attic. will remember the trees that child who was always with us "Grandpa and I spent a whole displaced living room furniture during her life. day every y_ear puWng it . each December. · Eleven-year-old Christopher together," my grandm-other Locally Grown Trees We work to strike a good gets erp.barrassed when we warned me, but Cormac and !felt Manylj;pes balance with our kids, trying to. unear ththe ceramic turtle that he up to the task.· '~ teach them that Christmas is chose when he was 4, and the "I'm fascinated by things like Wreaths, Poinsettias about more than the boxes under class pet at his nursery school this," he said, dancing between the tree. It takes a long time for. was a painted turtle. When he was the piles of branches. · "World Famous" this lesson to sink in,-and until it 6, the ornament turtle broke, and Cl~d in fleece robes, drinking Claxton Fruit Cake does, most parents would- prob­ he was inconsolable until hot chocolate, Cormac and I got ably admit that it is a wonderful Grandma arrived with · a that tree up In two hours' time. Apples & Cider and rooment, giving our children what replacement. For Cormac, the "It's so beautiful," he uttered. other Fruits & they imagine their heart's desire Christmas tree is a playground for Christopher declared it "tacky, is. his imagination. There are so butwonderful,"andtheirdadjust Vegetables As a rule, Chris and I do not many Winnie-the-Pooh orna- shook his head at it for a couple value things too much -a faded· rnents that the whole tree has ofdays.l.astweekend, the balsam Kolber's Deerfield Farm couch, 10-year-old sweaters, and been "Pooh's Hotel" for a few went up in the living room. From Rt. 9W • Glenmont • 767-3046 cars with 100,000 miles on them years. This year, each ornament the couch, I can look at it, with its Mon. -Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4 suit us just fine. Our Christmas had to check in before heading off ornaments that are the map of my tree ornaments mean the world to its own branch. Six little life now. With the same glance, I Chinese men that friends sent can see the silver tree and red from Hong Kong dangle from the -balls in the dining room, and for bottom branc!les, where Cormac a little while, my children's sometimes lies on the floor and Christmases and my own elieving Stress is 01frfob, plays with them. · childhood Christmases are elaxing is Yours. An old memory of mine has memories come to life. At 'ffie/k cff'~ we have Special ·Packages for that Special Someone. 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Priest. . heads. to the hills. . in search. . of. direction good place to review his life. Broderick said. "I used a lot of after his one-year sabbatical, and way to spend one's time." "I went in the early fall," personalexamplesirommylifeto today is the chaplain' at three Broderick is also coordinator of Three years ago, the Rev. Broderick said. "It was a great make it grounded as. a journal." ·county jails - Albany, Schen- the Pueblo to People Project ·of Richard Broderick was at a place to become more Broderick's. hike gave him a new ectady and Rensselaer -·which. Accompaniment, whichlihksarea crossroads in his life. Feeling unencapsulated." perspective on the life he had he refers to as "gated coin- padshes with parishes in weary of working in a large, . Broderick carried a journal, considered wearying. munities." Guatemala . subu~ban· parish, the Catholic where he ruminated about life's "I got dirty and exhausted on "It's a nice way for me to be in Broderick grew up in Cohoes priest took a sabbatical and quintessential questions. That my walk," Broderick said. "It touch with the ground ze'ro of and has been a priestfor 31 years. headed for the hills. literally. "I journal became a book, The helped me to come back to this people's lives," he said. "I enjoy From 1970to 1977, was associate needed .a sacred place to review Leather Tramp journal, A 12-Mile ordinary world with different working with the inmates. It's a pastor at the Church of St. the quintessential questions of my Mountain Retreat, which hit the perceptions of my mission and mix of cultural and racial blending Thomas the Apostlein DelmaT. He life," Broderick said. "I headed to stands this summer. · purpose. Instead of feeling that you don't find in so many currently lives in Mechanicville, the Adirondack Mountains, 'This is a book on spirituality, restlessness, I felt a peaceful churches on aSunday morning." and sometimes assists with Span- · carrying a backPack, for an eight­ not religion," he said. "It invites· restlessness. I can live with Broderick said the. time he ish-speaking farm workers in day retreat." a person to ask where life is for uncertainty." spends with his jail ministry is·as Columbia County.· As he traversed the Adiron­ you, to trust that you know where Broderick said he found a beneficial to him as to .the Leather Tramp Journa!'is dacks, Broderick said he your life is, and that you can move greatappreciationforthingshe'd inmates. available in Delmar at I Love traversed the topography of his .in a direction toward finding life." sought to leave behind - "For the most·part," he said, Books and Friar Tuck; O'Con­ soul at the same time. The Leather Tramp Journal's community, people and his . "these are people whose lives ·nor's in Latham; from the "I wanted to figure out what chapters are called miles, and are ministry. have been wounded, who have publisher, Forest of Peace, 1-800. season of my life I was entering," linked to Broderick's experiences "It allowed me to sift out my undergone great struggles, 659-3227; andfromAmazon.com, on the trail. focus, spirituality, serving others, without many resources to bind ]>eyword Broderick. It is $11.95, Broderick said. "I wanted to live ' more deliberately and inten­ "Each mile is an observation a~d environment and ecology," the wounds. Being with them, and part of the proceeds will go tionally."-Broderick was 58 when about something in the world," Broderick said. praying, listening, talking and to the Guatemalan communities he hit the trail, carrying with him Broderick said. "Spider webs Broderick shifted directions ministering - it's a wonderful where Broderick works. the realization that he had lived were a springboard for a question more years than he had left. "I about the connectedness of life. wanted to select the values that When I watched a flock of Can­ would lead my life," Broderick adian geese flying by, it made me Crisafi•lli Bro·s. said. "I was asking myself, 'What think about where I was going, are you going to do with the rest what was guiding me and wonder Plumbing & Heating Contractors* Inc of your wild and wonderful life?'" what internal system I was using." Broderick started his journey Broderick also integrated Purchase any replacement Trane Gas Furnace or Weil Mclain boiler in Newcomb, Essex County, and Adirondack folklore into the trekked about seven miles a day. book. 'The book has spirituality and receive $150.00 DISCOUNT OFF the quoted price. Always an avid hiker, Broderick that comes from a very refreshing • Replace a complete central air conditioning system and receive said the Adirondacks felt like a place, the experience of nature," an additional $1 00.00 DISCOUNT OFF the quoted price. • Purchase a complete ducted warm air or hydronic baseboard system (with a value over $sooo.oo) ·~ and receive $250.00 DISCOUNT OFF the ...... i .. •.a. Call for additional information and to schedule a FREE ESTIMATE­ . HOUSE. CrisafuJii Bros. wishes everyone a happy, safe, RESTAURANT FINE FOOD & DRINK holiday season and a healthy and prosperous New Year. 614 Rt. 9W, Glenmont • 463-5130 www.crisbro-com • 24 Hour Service • 7 Days A Week Gift Certificates Available IZl 113 Iii 449-1782 DR 373-4181 Offer not applicable to prior purchases. All work must be contracted in writing. No offers or discounts apply or may be used in coml>ination. Accepting reservations for Christmas Eve · and New Year's Eve American.Continenta! Cuisine served in a warm inviting atmosphere. All meals prepared by Chef/Owner, C.I.A. graduate

We'll help you ·puT IT ALL TOGETHER . INDUSTRIAL 489-8451 COMMERCIAL 35 Industrial Park Road At the foot of Watervliet Avenue 118 Erie Boulevard, Downtown RESIDENTIAL Everett Road Exit.l-90 Mon-Fri: Sam.Spm, Mon-Frl: Bam-6pm, Sat Bam-2pm Sat8am-1pm SHOWROOM Showroom Only - Thurs 'til Bpm Showroom Only - Thurs 'tii_Bpm www. wolbergelectric.com PAGE 6·- December 12, 2001 · THE SPOTLIGHT

. ;~'''l'iiifMf&iHi¥ill1%StENX>'' Coping with grief over· the holidays Holiday wish list By WILLIAM M. HANNAH togethers. One young widow -W<««««<->.,·»:<·~''''"•"••'•'c~,·.•,,•,•.,,wc,,.,-A->.'«C<'-••'•

Elsmere school shows Student seeks community support its great patriotism Editor, The Spotlight: $5,000, which includes meals, My program tuition is due by Editor, The Spotlight: the Bethlehem board of My name Is Amanda Brady of transportation, accommodations April 1. Checks can be made On Nov, 17, students, parents education, welcomed our guests. South Bethlehem, and I am a and educational activities. 1 am payable to People to People currently seeking financial Student Ambassador Program, and staff at Elsmere Elementary Kim Fusco and Joseph' seventh-grade student from sponsorship from family, friends c/o Amanda Brady and sent to me School celebrated "Praise Hartunian, a fifth-grade student, Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Middle and local businesses to help me . at 61 Spawn Hollow Road, Selkirk America Day," envisioned and were masters of ceremony. School. I was recently inter­ viewed and accepted as a member reach my goal. 12158. brought about by Kim Fusco, a Students Rory Burke, Melissa of the New York delegation of grade five teacher. Berger, Shauna Agneta, Kristi If it is possible to assist me by Your generous donation will People to People Student Arne making a contribution, I will be enable· me to share in this During the weeks prior to the Laccetti, ] ames Moody and bassador program to New event, the children made red, Allison Schreffler read their happy to share my journal, wonderful program. Zealan.d/Australia in the summer photographs and experiences Amanda Brady white and blue pins, necklaces, essays on heroes and what of 2002. bracelets, hats, potholders and T- America means to them. with you upon my return. South Bethleh~m This 22-day program consists shirts, which they sold to raise Throughout the program, they of meeting with government ______~ ____ ...;_ __· _ money for the New York City sang "Lean On Me," "God Bless officials,-interaction with other ~ . World Trade Center Relief Fund · the USA," and "Wind Beneath My · 1 V and the American Red Cross. Wings." Everyone was on their students _my age, .educa!I?~a JEWS ON opportum!Ies and home V!Slts · Parents scoured the for the closing "America· the with host families. community for raffle gifts and Beautiful" and "God Bless. silent auction treasures and for America." President Dwight Eisenhower personal services such as hair }osephD'Antoni,amajorinthe founded People to People in 1956. DENTAL cuts, massages and refreshments. National Guard, wrote a letter He believed that if people of Staff and parents decorated the after attending the Heroes' Salute. ·different cultures could come halls, audi.torium and "Liberty He said, "As a career soldier, I together in peace and friendship, HEALTH Cafe," and everyone listened to cannot recall an occasion when I so eventually would countries. Abele, D.M.D. Dr. Geoffrey B. Edmunds, D.D.S. the Nisky-Dixie] azz band which was more proud to have chosen Student ambassadors are played from 3 to 5:30p.m. to wear the uniform of my carefully interviewed and eval­ Treat Your Jaw With Care! · As a result of the efforts of the country." uated before their acceptance. We Many people take their jaw for If you .must chew gum, chew it are excited to . share our granted. They open Brazil nuts, chew ·gently. Gum chewing is not a good children, parents and staff, we As a result of Praise America ice and do any number of other poten- idea if you are prone to joint pain. raised .$5,723 from the Run for Day, our students have shown experience with schools and civic tially damaging things. Because the . A void over-opening your mouth dur­ America and $6,498 for the World · ·how proud and happy they are to clubs when we-return. jaw joint is arguably the most used ing a yawn. You can yawn just as well Trade Center Fund and $1,801 to be Americans. · As a student ambassador, lean joint in the body, it is also highly prone without hyperextending and damaging the Red Cross, Dorothy Whitney also earn high school and college to misuse injuries. The foll~win~ ~ips your joint. At 6 p.m, we had our heroes credit because of the many may help _you keep your Jaw Jomts Bitingfingernails,~uckingthumbs, Elsmere Elementary School d · 1 1 · healthy. smoking pipes and many .other oral salute. The children wanted to do principal e ucatiO'-?-a eements Ill my_l Avoidtakinghugebitesoffood: .. habitshaveoccasionallybeenlinked something to acknowledge the program. . I you may hyperextend youi joint. to joint pain: Discontinue these habits people who had worked and died ·I would like to become a Smaller bites can be eaten much more ... if you can. at the Trade Center on Sept. 11. student ambassador because I I efficiently with less potential for in- Maintain good posture. See your They invited firemen from all the will be able to see and study I jury. Your stomach will·benefit from physician or chiropractor ifyou'need companies in the district animals that are only found in one ·1 smaJ.Ier and more finely ~ivide~ doses to, but get your posture healthy! Pos- (Elsmere's company marched offood. Cut tough foods mto thm, easy tural maladaptations can affect the jaw plac~ on earth. T~e chance to I to chew portions. This will save wear joint also. from the fire company to the come face-to-face wtth kangaroos, I and tear from heavy chewing forces. 1"' school), the police, veterans and ?olphins, koala bears and em':s I Dr. Thomas H. Abele, D.M.D 1 National Guard officers. 1s_the most exciting part of th1s · . Dr. Geoffrey B. Edmunds, D.D.S. 1 We began the s

••• -~ •••••••••_ ...... !' ...... Le-W anda }ewefers · Now Open Extmtfetf Hours . For Ho{itfay Shopping HUNDREDS OF DESIGNER JEWELRY PIECES Monday Thru Friday AND MANUFACTURERS CLOSEOUTS. 10 to 8 EACH PIECE WILL BE SOLD AT OR BELOW Saturday 10 to 5 . THE MANUFACTURERS ORIGINAL COST. Sunday 11 to 4


Church to host Christmas dinner Many thanks to Scouts Editor, The Spotlight: Church, 428 Kenwood Ave., and the Christmas spirit will . The 14th annual Community Delmar, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. on prevail. This festive occasion is tor help with pantry Christmas Dinner for town res- Christmas Day at the church hall. made possible through the help, idents and Bethlehem community A turkey and ham dinner with coordination and gracious Editor, The Spotlight: than 300 individuals utilized our church members will be hosted all the trimmings will be served donations from town churches, On behalf of Bethlehem Senior pantry. by First United Methodist at2p.m.andanatmosphereofjoy caringindividualsandthetownof p . h k t th At holiday times throughout ------, Bethlehem Senior Services rojects, many t an s o e r- Bethlehem Boy Scout packs and the year, food pantry volunteers Department. dens who collected several prepare food baskets and work MAIL BOXES ETC.® Bethlehem Senior Transpor- thousand cans of food for the with civic, church and community Richard & Marcia Schaefer tation will provide transportation Bethlehem Food Pantry on groups to provide special gifts for forresidentsover60yearsofage. Saturday, Nov. 17. low-income elderly individuals . s all Wc sh· I All To make dinner reservations or and families. Blg Or. ·m ) e tp t arrange for transportation, please The food pantry is located at . contacttheSeniorServicesoffice 445 Delaware Ave. in Delmar.at Thanks to the continued sup­ 'd H M F · 8 30 7 S 1 9 4 S 12 4 town hall. It is run through port of the community, we are Exten de d H o I 1 ay ours: on- 11 : am- pm • a . - • un. - at 439-4955, ext. 170. Bethlehem Senior Projects, witli able to help those in need. We are • Copies • Xerox Color Copies • Fax Service • Shipping Supplies There is no charge for the ·help ·from Senior Services very appreciative. • Custom Packing • Fed Ex and UPS Shipping dinner, but a good will offering outreach workers. Karen Pellettier 159 Delaware Ave., Delmar Across from Delaware Plaza · will be accepted. Those who It is stocked through the Tel: 439-0211 Fax: 439-6036 would like to make 11 monetary Bethlehem Senior Services L-----.:...:=..:..::.=....=..::..:.:...:....==...:..:=...:..:==------' donation can contact Art Cope- generosity of individuals and director r------~------~----... land, Christmas Day Com-mittee groups in the community. chairman, at 439-4030 or Joyce Senior Services volunteers • · Becker at Bethlehem Senior keep the shelves in order and It's a ()».. On e U 1, e Services at 439-4955, ext. 169. make sure that a supply of food Tech crew J r/t l £ ~ and drug store gift certificates are joyce Becker kept on hand for special needs. Come and watch the movie as you shop!· Christmas Day Committee Dec. 17 & 18 member · During the past year, more deserves Wonderful Life doorsigns, ornaments, bells & more! support

.. · ·_ IIIPicket Pottery Editor, The Spotlight: -.pi I lpollw.7.mm • 518 439 8693 8. ...., {..1. good. Speaking 1 We were very pleased to see OPEN SUNDAYS•PARK BEHIND SHOPIII · . by llllclc va~ P.r. the extensive story highlighting our current production of INTO THE STRETCH "Macbeth" at Bethlehem Central The Bethlehem Lions Club will conduct its thirteenth annual When low back pain strikes, active therapies perfonning the exercises specifically designed H' h S h I · are typically necessary to rehabilitate the spine for their condition. If you have chronic back Ig C OO · and help alleviate pain. A regular exercise rou- or neck pain, ask your physician for a referral Theater people are always CHRISTMAS TREE tine provides patients with the-means to help toourphysicaltherapypractice. To learn more pleased to receive favorable avoid recurrences .of loW back pain, as well as about our services, please call our offices at Sat. & Sun., Dec. 15th & 16th reduce severity and duration of pOtential future· the number listed below. Free parking and publicity about their shows. . episodes. This routine should e~compass evening treatment hours available. To augment the information in. Sat. & Sun., Dec. 22nd &. Z3rd stretching, strengthening, and low-impact aero- the -article which defined two hie exercisin·g. Almost everyone can benefit BETHLEHEM ·PHYSICAL Balsam Wreaths 2 7 5 trees at fromstretchingthesofttissuesaroundthespine. THERAPY major. ·components of ·the also available $25.00 each Thespinalcolumnanditscontiguousmuscles, Feura Bush Road production process- the cictors ligaments, and tendons are all designed to m(].le. 365 and the parent-support group, the Benefit Community Service Projects Any limitations in this motion can accentuate GleflmOnt Centre Square pain. It may take weeks of stretching ·for pa- Ask your physldan for a referraL or can third necessary leg of the triangle Rt. 9W, Glenmont, N.Y. 112 tients with chronic pain to mobilize the spine 436-3954 is that of the tech crew. and soft tissues, bufmeaningful and sustained to learn more. Wheelchair access and plenty These are the students who 0. of for relief will follow the increase in motion. free parking your convenience. Taking pain relief medication isn't going to PleilseE·mallusyourquesUonsat build and paint the sets, run the improve your range of motion; in most cases, [email protected] lights, _operate the sound cues, true recovery is only achieved when the indi- P.S. Thrhaimtringmuscftssmntoplayakty and create the special effects. vidual experiencing pain and stiffness is will- rokinlowbackpain,aspatimtswhohavrlowback ~~~:;~~~~~i~m~ea~n~d~~~~P~''i''~md~,;~·~"i"~'gh~th~,,~""imi·'l!';·i"idi""~·,;,;'~'-~ productions,In this show we ashave in beenpast ~ fortunate to have many willing ·and dedicated workers. All the platforms used in "Macbeth" were built, by the student tech crew , under the leadership of Kelly McGrath and Brian McVoy. . Kelly is a senior who deserves special recognition: In her four et us years at BCHS, she has worked on every show, serving as set designer, builder, scenic artist cater you and tech crew leader. Her efforts have been a major contribution to life, ~hff, >hr~ty• - Th~ Bedroom Cl~set. the school's theater program. · Holiday Affa1 Very few people realize the The home is the heart of life: An ever chang­ Now taking orders for amount of time, energy and talent she brings to every show. ing story of o~rselves, our family, our friends. Christmas and New Year's. A welcome retreat where we protect, nurture Do come to see our production Home or Office - Small or Large of"Macbeth." At the curtain call, anq sustain all that is needed and loved. applaud our student actors - \\o\ina-y ~art-y 'tra-ys - worthy of your praise, but step Let California. Closets share 25 years experi­ backstage to say "Thanks' to the r-----, Give the ence with you to create the finest custom Me.o.ts • C:\te.e.se.s • \m\)ort.s 'techies' who do so much to make Gift of storage solutions for all the areas of your hu\.ts • \/e.?:,e.to.I::::J\e.s • De.sse.rts it all possible. Bill Morrison Organization home. Live the way you dream. Call today for anG. =uc.h =me\ "Macbeth" scenery adviser .______,a complimentary consultation in your horne. !'u\.\. si:z.t w.tu\ng mmu 'Tom SOU\)S to su'os fR££ ACCESSORIES S7S Worth of Acceuories 1 S\)t(\(1\.t\j l'illttm to ru\.\. C.ouTSt \)\nnm "Macbeth" will be performed at with the minimum I · · purchase of SSOO : Mlln\j \n-stott SjltC\ll\.s 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday, -co..-·-1125.U I Dec. 15, ant at 2 p.m. Dec. 16 at I CAI.IFOBNIA CI.OSEI'S" . : Home delivery service since 1950 the high school on Delaware ·------~--· We fax menus to your home or office Avenue. 518-218~7883 • www.caldosets.com 340 Delaware Avenue, Delmar 434-4838 Student and senior citizen CALIFORNIA CLOSErs· tickets are $5 and adults $7. THE SPOTLIGHT December 12, 2001- PAGE 9 Christmas party set Newspapers now housed in magazine section atnlethodistchurch The library's latest rearrange- agers, Where to Retire tells System acquired Dialog@ CARL· visited the periodical databases The United Methodist Women ment has been completed in the readerswhoismovingwhereand earlierthisyearthroughafederal fromJanuarythrough October of of South Bethlehem United periodicais section. Daily and why. grant administered by the New this year. That number includes Methodist Church will hold their weekly newspapers such as The Online periodicals York State library. For those who visits from remote.sites as well as annual Christmas party at the New York Times, Times Union, Full text of 1,860 mag!lZines have won.~ered, the acronym from library terminals. church today, Dec. 12, at 6:30p.m. Wall Street journal and The and newspilpers can be retrieved. s?nd~for, College and Research To access EBSCO, Dialog @ Prior to the program, a potluck Spotlight are now located in the online through the EBSCO libraries. R.esources r~nge from CARL, and more, visit our supper is planned. Each family is last two shelving units of the Masterfile database. In addition, th.e 1769 edition ofthe,KingJames homepage on a library computer asked to bring a covered dish, a magazine section. The previous EBSCO's Newspaper Source Bible to Peterson s College (or · at home at canned good for the local food week's issues will be retained at· consists of 159 regional U.S. Database. www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org) pantry and a grab bag gift for each. this location: Back issues up to newspapers, 18 international Domestic and foreign and click on Electronic person to exchange. five weeks may be requested at newspapers, six. newswires and newspapers are included, as well Resources. Access to any Following the supper, a nine newspaper columns. as 20 years worth of Consumer electronic resource from home program will be hosted by James Other EBSCO databases Reports ·and databases for requires your library card Staats. /Check It Out include the Dun ancj Bradstreet business, science, social science, ·number. Santa will arrive ·and distribute Bethlehem Public Library Directory and resources for technology, medicine, ·arts and Louise Grieco grab bl)g gifts. business, technology, and health. education. For information, call767-3147. the reference·desk. The Upper Hudson library More than 4, 700 patrons Newspapers with subject­ specific titles-such as Antiques and Arts, Chronicle of Higher Education, jewish World and the New York Review ofBooks - are now shelved alphabetically by title within the magazine collection. New signage directs your search for your favorites. These changes allow room for our ever-growing Large Print Books collection, which expands into the former newspaper area. New periodicals The library has purchased several new periodicals for 2002. Mystery lovers can investigate Mystery Review, a quarterly featuring book reviews, author­ interviews, word gam-es, bookstore profiles and more. Country living and Homestyles have been added to our array of home planning and decorating publications. Ancient disciplines and up-to-the minute technology are· represented with Yoga ·Journal and Yahoo! Internet life. Two for· One. For the younger set, Talk Get two $99.99 Sprint PCS Phones'" for the price of one. · Magazine includes pop culture Give a loved one the greatest gift of all- a clear way to connect with you. When you features, current events and celebrity interviews. For golden- purchase and activate two new Sprint PCS Phones, we'll give you a $100 mail-in rebate. That's like getting two $99.99 phones for the price of one .

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Dependmg on. credit, a $125 deposit. a $25 setup fee and custo_mer service charges may apply. !~eluded mm_u!es not good for calls Sale Ends December 22nd made while roam in off the Sprint PCS Nat1onwide Network, whether local or long-distance. Roam1_n_g calls are charg~d at $0.69 per n:mute or ~0.3_9_ per mm~te, depend!ng on spec1f1c loca_l-market off~rs. Domestic long-dista~ce calls made while roaming off the Sprint PCS Network will be charged at an a~d1t1onal $0.?5 per mmute. Phones su~Ject to ava1labil.1ty. See pnnted matena_ls rn store fo_r d~tarls. Offer subjew to withdrawal without notice. Copyright ©2001 Sprint Spectrum L.P. All rights reserved. Sprmt. Spnnt PCS, Spnnt PCS Phone and the ~Iamond logo are all trademarks of Spnnt Commumcatrons Company L. · PAGE 10- December 12,.2001 THE SPOTLIGHT Enjoy 'Feast of Love' discussion HVCC to offer classes Waking from a bad dream, Charlie weaves their personal ~7~ci_18. Forinformationcall765- Charlie Baxter goes for a walk in accounts into his novel, a at BCHS in January his moonlit Ann Arbor chronicleoflove-themadkind, The group will oe back to- its . neighborhood. the bad kind and the everlasting regular schedule of Tuesdays Bethlehem Central High HVCC will offer courses at Hesitsonaparkbench,where kind. By the end of this funny; from 1 to 3 p.m. beginning Jan. 8. School will host three college­ eight other ·off-campus locations Jevel courses offered by Hudson this spring, including Albany he is joined by his friend, Bradley raunchy, sad and heartwarming The board of trustees will meet Smith. Bradley suggests a title for tale of love, loss and redemption, Valley Community College this High·School, Colonie Central on Monday, Dec. 17, at 7:30p.m. High School,. Shenendehowa the book Charlie is writing. the characters have all found their <1t the library. · spring. Spring semester evening classes at BCHS include: English High School, Guilderland High ""'~•~. way to the feast, bittersweet The Thursday night poets though some of the dishes may Composition I, Business School, Tamarac "High School, Voorheesville be. - meet on Dec.13 and Creative Communications and Problems of Cohoes High School, Lansing­ Writing on De_c. 17, both at 7 p.m. Public Library The group will meet at the Adolescence. burgh Central High School and at library at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Storytimes are on holiday Each is a three-credit course. the college's Albany extension Jan. 9. Sign up now. break until Jan. 7. Tuition cost is $98 per credit, plus site at 175 Central Ave., Albany. 'You should call it The Feast of Barbara Vink Love- I'm an expert on love.' Fantasy is a hot topic at the fees. Spring semester classes HVCC offers more than 50 begin Jan. 22. degree and certification Bradley suggests that he send moment, and teens might want to get on the bandwagon with the For registration information, programs in four academic people to Charlie and that Charlie Church to host divisions: liberal arts and listen to their stories. teen fantasy reads book group, S call. the Office of Continuing which meets on Friday, Dec. 28 Education and Summer Sessions sciences, engineering and Now you can hear the stories t. Nick breakfast to discuss The Hobbit by ].R.R. Glenmont Community Re- at 629-7338. industrial technologies, health in The Feast of Love by Charles sciences and business. Baxter,· the book the discussion· Tolkien. formed Church, 1 Chapel Lane, · group will be reading for January. Students in grades six and up Glenmont, "will host a breakfast can sign up at the library with St. Nick on Dec. 15; from 9 In addition to Smith, we meet reference desk and receive a copy· to 11:30 a.m. Chloe, a young waitress at Orchestra program set Bradley's espresso bar, and her of this wonderful tale of travel, Children can have their photo boyfriend Oscar; Bradley's next fantasy and adventure in Middle- taken with St. Nick and enjoy a The Delmar Community Orchestra ls a community-based door neighbors, Harry Ginsburg, earth with Bilbo. Baggins, ·the pancake breakfast. Orchestra, under the direction of nonprofit organization dedicated an elderly professor of philo­ wizard Gandalf and the dragon The breakfast' costs $4 for David Beck, will perform to the sharing and enjoyment of sophy, and his wife Esther; and Smaug! adults, $2 for·children age 5 to 12, seasonal favorites at the Church music through ensemble playing. Kathryn and Diana, Bradley's two Nimblefingers will be meeting and free for children under age 5. of Saint Thomas the Apostle, 35 The orchestra performs ex-wives. for a holiday"lunch on Tuesday, For information, call463-6806. Adams Place, Delmar, on several times each year at Monday, Dec. 17, at 7:30p.m. locations in and around Delmar. The program will feature ·This year marks the 61st classical pieces as well as pops: anniversary of the orchestra. There is no admission charge. Visit the orchestra's ·web site The Delmar Community. at http://www.timesunion.com/ communities/ dco .

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COMING 2002·- PRICE CHOPPER SUPER CENTER ';:!t:i;stores ••• .} Owned and Managed by Schuyler Companies • For Leasing Information Call (.it !iii) 7!iii3-.i!iii71 PAGE 12 December 12, 2001 THE SPOTLIGHT ·Christmas Eve services slated Girl Scouts to carol Dec. 14 The community is invited to celebrate the birth of Christ. join a celebration of Christmas at . Also on Christmas Eve at 7:30 The Voorheesville Neigh-· NEWS NOTES Snowball slated First United Methodist Church, p~m., there will be a candlelight borhood Girl Scout troops will ·Voorheesville at high school _ 428 Kenwood Ave. in Delmar. service, accompanied by a variety carol throughout the village of The annual Snowball dance for On Dec. 24, Christmas Eve, at ·of musical styles. Voorheesville on Friday, Dec. 14, Jane Norris ninth though 12th grades will be 6 p.m., there will be a service Finallyat11p.m.,acandlelight from6:30to8p.m. 439-8532 held on Saturday, Dec.15, from 7 especiallyforfamilies with young service will highlight the The neighborhood includes to 11 p.m. at the high schooL children. sanctuary choir and brass more than 20 troops ·of Daisies, Town board to The dance is semi-formaL There will be music by the ·ensemble as we journey to the · Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes The 'New Scotland town Kiwanis to deliver children . and youth and a lighting of candles at midnight. and the ages range from 5 years board's regular meeting will.be · holiday gifts multimedia story with music to A reception will follow in the to teen-agers. held tonight, Dec. 12, at 7 p.m. at lounge. Legion to serve breakfast Members of the New Scotland town hall on Route 85 in Kiwanis Club will deliver food, ' American Legion Post 1493 on Slingerlands. clothing and toys on Thursday, Voorheesville Avenue will serve Singers rehearse Dec. 20, to needy families in the a buffet breakfastnn Sunday, Dec. HOUGHTALING'S MARKET town of New Scotland and 16, from 8 to 11:30 a.m. ·for ecumenical service GOURMET CATERING • FINE FOODS • FRESH SEAFOOD Rehearsals for the Dec. 23 sqrrounding areas. Elementary school slates Community Festival will be held Kiwanis member Mike Marlik Extra Tr1m USDA winter concert Thursdays, Dec. 13 and 20, at 7:30 is coordinating the effort. The elementary school fifth­ p.m. at the Methodist Church on Sheriff's dept. sponsors and sixth-grade chorus and sixth-. Voorheesville Avenue. All area .PRIME RIB grade band will perform tonight, singers are invited to participate. _Hilltown program The Albany County Sheriff's ()~~1M t4.e ~ Dec. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the For information, call Ken elementary school. The concert Department, in conjunction with s· 99 - George at 7654442. the Albany County Sheriff LB. is free and open to the public. PTA to meet Benevolent Association and the Chorus to perform at library Hilltown Community Resource at Crossgates The PTA next regular meeting Center, is sponsoring the lOth SHRIMP The elementary s.chool fifth­ will be held on Thursday, Dec. 13, annual Hilltown . Christmas PLATTERS grade chorus will perform at at 7:30 p.m. at Voorheesville Program. • Crossgates Mall on Saturday, _Public Library on School Road. The program provides families Dec. 15, at 11: 30 a.m. of the hill .towns with toys and food. Those wishing to donate non-perishable food items; new, unwrapped toys; or money can contact Deputies Debra Gilham,· Amy Carman or Nanette Falzo at 765-2351, or drop off the items at the patrol station on New Salem Air And Temperature Road. It pays to regularly check the air pres- Your vehicle's maintenance needs Checks should be made sure in your vehicle's tires. Improper air change with the seasons .. As noted in this payable to ACSD Hilltown pre_ssure can lead to irregular tread W!ar if week's column, tire pressure changes when the pressure is too high or too low. This can outdoor temperature drops. A properly Christmas Fund. reduce the service life of the tire, as well as functioning vehicle ensures your safety and All donations should be handling· and llraking pertormance. Con- that of your·passengers, At BETHLEHEM received no later than Dec. 18. · traryto popular belief, the single most com- AUTO SERVICE, our goal is to keep your mon cause of reduced tire pressure is not vehicle running smoothly throughout the leaks, but changes in temperature. For year. A routine maintenance check in- every 10 degrees Fahrenheit the tempera- eludes an inspection of the tires, brakes, Teach-In scheduled ture drops outdoors, the pressure in your battery,andbeltsandhoses. Call426-8414 at town hall Dec. 16 ~\nee Kendrick Jewelers vehicle's tires goes down about one pound to arrange a convenient appointment We per square inch (p.s.i.). If you have not .haveaclean,comfortablewaiting room and A Community Teach-In on the checked the air pressure in your tires for· offer shuttle service when vehicles are left War in Afghanistan will be held several months, seasonal temperaturefluc- for repairs. We. are located at 62 Hannay on Sl)nday, Dec. 16, from 3 to 5 tuations may be responsible for a far differ- Lane in Glenmont off Rt. 9W behind Stone p.m. at Bethlehem town hall, 445 ent pressure reading than you may expect. Ends. Busine~s·hours are Mon.- Fri., 7-6.. Delaware Ave .. in Delmar.. HINT: Always check the air pressure in your tires when they are cold.. Steven Leibo, a professor of .:;:::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;!J international history and politics l at the Sage Colleges and com- ~~-·--.· mentator on WAMC radio, will speak on 'Terrorism, A Primer.. " .• Featured He has r.ecently led two Item­ educational and reconciliation unique trips to Vietnam. He is a former custom international analyst for wrEN. designed and Delmar resident Scott Ritter artist' signed will consider "Iraq, The Next ritagni~ce~t Target?" · IBK yellow/ Many amiquc cameos, Ritter is a former Marine CorPs white gold Ceylon sap-phires and Victorian and Deco rings, s officer and a former United diamonds, pendam/enhancer and pins, pendants, bracelets. pierced earring ensemble. Sapphires Nations arms inspector in Iraq . For Him -Fine pre-owned rolex wrisl Linda Anne Burtis will speak ' are beautiful and watches with. I year guarantee at total over 9 carats on "Solar, An Alternative to Oil .. " 30% off .some and diamonds over · Burtis has successfully organ­ gold cuff)inks, ized a number of local en­ antique stock pins, classic vironmental initiatives. She was mechanical dress also a reporter on environmental watches.in "l4K issues. She is the director of N.Y. and 18K gold. fine art Shines and N .. Y. Shines on Business .. For information, call Joe Lombardo at 439-1968.. The pr;ogram is free and open 25% Off All Lamps & Accessories · to the public. Artwork • Lamps • Plants • Perfect.Gifts! Mon.-Sat.-10-6 Church sets holiday Thurs., Dec 13-10-a· Mon., Dec. 17-Fri., Dec. 21 - fo-~ program Dec~ 14 Sat., Dec. 22 -10-6 Clarksville Community Sun., Dec. 23-10-6 Church will hold its Community Mon., Dec. 24-10-4 Tree lighting at 7 p.m. on Friday, 471 Albany Shaker Rd., Loudonville Bl ·Quality makes quit~ a gift! Dec. 14, at the church on Route (518) 438-6350- F.X (518) 438-7464 ill 443. NORTHWAY MALL • 435-2333 There will also be caroling and · refreshments. Mon.- Sat. I 0 am - 9 pm, Sun. Noon - 6 pm l'k.lw rcnu:mhcr th.lt \\<.' provtdc expert jewell) & w For information, call768-2916. THE. SPOTLIGHT December 12, 20C1 ,-PAGE 13


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I PAGE 14-December 12, 2001 THE SPOTLIGHT D Fire Festival Fund drive (From Page 1) be some time before results of its them, in the event that the student the. fire started)," said Cox investigation are known, Cox observed the incident in Monday. "We just don't know said. The lab, burdened with progress. He also said that a helps local. residents. right now. We will have to wait for ·ongoing forensic work connected second bus stopped a short an affluent suburb with little need, lab results. We may never know with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks distance from the incident, with By KAREN HARMON what caused it without having the in New York City, is experiencing two aides and four special-ed butthat is not the case," said Paul opportunity to speak to a significant casework backlog. students aboard. · The Bethlehem Festival Fund Gutman, the Fund's treasurer. (Peterson) about it." · Loomis said Monday that dis- Efforts were· being made is participating again this year in 'The fact is that many Bethlehem the State Employees Federated residents. are struggling finan­ Evidence was turned over for trict officials contacted the. Mandai to contact parents of Appeal (SEFA), which has begun dally, particularly after they have examination to the New York parents of the student on the bus those.students to determine what the fall 2001 campaign to been struck by misfortune. Life State Police ·crime lab, but it may that stopped at the scene to alert they may have seen and to offer counselling services if needed, encourage state employees to can change ih an instant for all of Loomis _said. make charitable contributions us, and it is comforting to think through payroll deductions or that the Bethlehem community "Had we known that the direct donations. Last year, the cares enough to lend a helping Sleep Well, Do Well second bus ·had been in sight, we SEFAcampaigngeneratednearly hand." The Festival Fund has certainly would have contacted $4,000forthe Bethlehem Festival helped people who have been For kids to do their best in school or at play, they should get those parents sooner," he said. at least nine hours of sleep every night. Kids can be Star Fund, according to the Fund's struck by permanent injury or "And had we known at the time president, Greg Jackson. disease, the death of a spouse, Sleepers like GarflelCL Visit http://starsleep.nhlbi.nih.gov (of the incident) that it was taking for sleeP tips and fun activities. place on Borthwick; we would All of the money raised for the separation or divorce, fire or flood have rerouted that bus Festival Fund goes directly back damage, or job loss, as well as elsewhere." into the Bethlehem community to individuals and families who need help needy children, families and occasional assistance. As for the actions of the staff senior citizens while protecting State employees shou-ld members on the first bus, he said, their privacy. The Festival Fund designate SEFA number 50-303 ''We will be recognizing the driver is comprised of volunteers who on their pledge card. Donations, of the first bus and the aide. We donate their time to help their which are tax-deductible, can be feel they handled the situation not neighbors, and "the only mailed to Bethlehem Festival only professionally, but NATtoNAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH administrative costs involve a Fund, PO Box 341, Delmar 12054. · National Heart, Lunt~. and Blood Lnstltuta courageously. The driver, I think, Public Health Service rental mailbox, postage and To learn more about the Festival U.S. Department of Health and Human Servoce§ did everything he should have envelopes," Jackson said. Fund, contact Jackson at 439- ePAWS done, and more." He declined to identify the driver and aide. .,People think of Bethlehem as 7828. NELSON HOUSE INC. Mak~ Yours~lt at Home SENIOR HOUSING ARE YOU A SENIOR 55 YEARS OLD OR OLDER .... at The Pines . .. •Tired of shoveli~g snow, raking leaves, mowing the lawn and worrying about cosdy,. untimely home repairs? .

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on the campus of ~ 5 E N I 0 R C 0 M M U N 1 T Y"' •ir. Full training schedule begins jan. 2002. • •• a non-profit organization

Daught<:>rs of Sarah Senior Community is a member agency :ii Call now for enrollment. ••• of the jewish Federation of Northeastern New York. 759 Route 9W, Glenmont 767-9718 ••• 182 Washington Avenue Extension • Albany, New York 12203 (just south of Wemple Rd.) 1-888-MYPETSI 7 ~~9~9~9~~~9~9~9~~~ . THE SPOTLIGHT ·December 12,2001- PAGE 15 s1:art a 1:radi1:ion and_ pu1: a song in 1:he heartS of families and children! .

"Caroling For Kids" is an annual fundraising effort for Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region. ·Start the tradition in your neighborhood, your wqrkplace or your community: Caroling groups are gathering during the month of December to sing in their neighborhoods.··

·Call the Ronald McDonald House today at (518) 438-26~5 · . To receive your caroling kit or mote information.

'' . '. ~.:....__; .... , ' PAGE 16 December 12, 2001 THE SPOTLIGHT Quilters to meet D FEIS at Delmar church (From Page 1) otherwise," she said. But she anything about what, or when, withdraw its nine-year-old Quilters United In Learning expressed disappointment with DOT (the. state Department of application and start over, rather Together (QUILT) will meet on Lipnicky, "But that's what their the FEIS and its proposed Transportation) may do anything than pursue the legally Friday, Dec. 14, at First United elevation drawings are showing." mitigation measures. about upgrading 9W. It does not questionable lifting of its earlier Methodist Church, Kenwood do anything to address many of SEQR determination .. Avenue, Delmar. Fuller declined to speculate on "Our position has been pretty our concerns." what action the town board might much consistent throughout the In a letter to Fuller on Nov. 20, Holiday block exchanges, take on the FEIS. Board members review process," she said. 'This Martens declined to say what Gladstone's principal engineer, demos, gift exchanges and received copies for review _over doesn't include sidewalks at action PLAN-9W might take, James Green, withdrew the holiday cookies will be included. the weekend, but have had earlier Feura Bush Road and 9W, or road including possible legal action, if earlier proposal and requested For information, call456-0552. versions of it for several weeks, improvements between Town the project proceeds. that the board consider its she said. Squire and Bender Lane. It "We really haven't decided application for 50 single-family doesn't do anything for Library program set Kathleen Martens, leader of what we're going to do yet," she homes on the parcel, zoned as a Bethlehem Preschool. It doesn't said. "We can't really take any Planned Residential District. The for toddlers the citizens' group - and the do anything for the intersections action until the town board acts,'' board will consider a resolution project'smost prominent critic­ without traffic signals that will she said. tonight to refer the matter again Two 45-minute sessions of PLAN-9W, predicted the FEIS now confront heavier traffic like to the planning board for a fresh Bethlehem Public Library's would win approval tonight. Beacon and 9W or Wemple and Another project on the agenda SEQR determination. "Library Babies" program will be "I've heard nothing to indicate Feura Bush roads. There isn't is a proposed residential project offered on Friday, Dec. 14 from on 66-plus ·acres on Blessing "We're right back at square 9:30-10:15 a.m. and· from 10:30· Road, between the Brookhill one," Lipnicky said. 11:15 a.m. subdivision and the Normanskill, First Columbia Slingerlands Storytelling, rhymes and called Meadowbrook Section 3. LLC's application to rezone a finger plays are featured for First propos'ed as a 184-unit 3/8-acre residential parcel at 1224 babies 15-21 months .and single-family residence plan in New Scotland Road and add it to -accompanying adults. 1992, the project ran into a an existing 17-acre site already A free-play period follows with roadblock when the town board, zoned as a Planned Commercial age-appropriate toys. under advice by the planning District has fared better since Register for one ses~ion only. board, voted to require that a full introduced last spring. First DEIS be prepared - driven Columbia plans to build two ·Call439-9314 and press "4" for largely. by concerns about its professional office buildings, youth services. close proximity to the historically totalling 4'0,000 square feet, unstable banks of the Normans- adjacent to its existing medical Library Offers kill. office building. After reducing the number of The town board conducted a . career counseling· requeste d umts,· t h e deve 1oper. · public hearing on the rezoning Free career and education requeste d m· 1996 th at the DEIS request and related SEQR advisement is available .for adults requirement be lifted, but the determination on Nov. 14, but at Bethlehem Public Library's town board refused. Last July, . tabled the matter while the Career Resource Center. after further whittling down the developer awaited review of its First-time career seekers,· project, current developer proposal by the state Department those re-entering the work force Gladstone Development of of Transportation. DOT signed and returning students can get Connecticut again requested that off on the project on Dec. 3, and. help with job searches and it be relieved of drafting a DEIS. the town board is expected to educational planning. The town board referred the approve the rezoning request Hour-long appointments are matter. to the planning board, tonight, clearing the way for site available both day and evening. which in August tabled it to give plan review. The library is located at 451 Gladstone an opportunity to Delaware Ave. in Delmar, along a SHOWROOM major bus route. neKm MAKE GREAT Call 439-9314 for an CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Delmar Carpet Care appointment.

QUALITY CARPET CLEANING Legion to serve • WALL TO WALL Sunday breakfast oUPHOLSTERY ~~ The Voorheesville American • ORIENTALS AND AREA RUGS Tim Barrett Legion will hold an all-you-can-eat ""======-::::r frombreakfast 8 a.m. on to Sunday,noon. Dec. 16, · The menu includes eggs (made to order), sausage, bacon, Christmas trees are here! French toast, home fries, toast, coffee and juice . . Your choice of': INDIAN Fund-raising ongoing LADDER Community-wide participation Balsam Fit ••• Douglas Fit •.• Fraser Fit is solicited for the second phase of fund-raising now under way for Ranging f'rom 4 f't. to 18 f't. FARMS the Bethlehem Veterans Mem­ orial Park Restoration and We Invite you to browse through the green Enhancement Project. for the Bethlehem residents are house for your holiday flowers, wreaths, encouraged to contribute cash in' dozens of canisters that have been kissing halls and more. placed on counters of businesses Holidays throughout the community. Our gift shoj» Is filled with unique ideas for your home decor as well as lovely A Check out our Helderberg Holiday Shop featuring · Unique Ornaments, Locally Crafted Gifts, Wreaths, gifts for family and friends. apd Greens Arrangements A Buy Helderberg-grown Christmas Tree and support the. Albany County Land Conservancy . HAPPY HOLIDAYS A ·Now shipping Apple Gift Packs and Gift Baskets for Menands True Value the Holidays 342 ALTAMONT ROAD INDIAN ALTAMONT, NY 12009 Home and Garden Showplace LADDER IS I Bl 765-2956 WWW.INDIANLADDERFARMS.CCM Menands, New York 12204 FARMS [email protected] STORE OPEN 9·5, 7 DAYS A WEEK CA,F'E HOURS: SERVING BRUNCH & LUNCH WEEKENDS -1 0•3 465-7496 CAFE CLOSE!;) ON MONDAYS & TUESDAYS LOCATED 2 MILES WEST OF VOOI'IHE:EBVILLE ON ROUTE 1 56 COs or-deferred annuities: Which one is right for you? Given the impact of taxes, you pay taxes and how much you be as short as one month or as continuous need. In some instances. it may be ·inflation, and longer life expect- pay. long as several years. Withdrawals from the earn­ beneficial to allocate a portion of ancies, to day's decisions could Your money earns interest on. Keep in mind that if you need. ings portion of a deferred annuity funds to a CD to meet short-term dictate tomorrow's retirement the principal, interest on the access to funds prior to the are taxable, and if you are under needs and a portion to a deferred lifestyle. interest, and interest on the maturity date, you may have to age 59 1/2, the earnings may be annuity for the long term. Bank certificates of deposits money that you would ordinarily pay an interest penalty, ranging subjectto a 10 percent tax penalty. Ultimately, the decision depends (CDs) and deferred annuities are pay in current taxes. The tax from 30 days to six months As you can see, CDs and on your individual goals and two popular vehicles that indi- deferral feature is one of the interest. To avoid this pitfall, you deferred annuities are different. objectives. vidtials have used to accumulate advantages of deferred annuities. can invest in several CDs with wealth. Both are highly effective • In addition, the tax-deferred staggered maturity dates. Johnson to discuss state of the economy tools with their own unique earnings are not used in the If you are taking a long-term strengths and weaknesses. For · calculation to de.termine the approach, a deferred annuity The Albany-Colonie Regional members and $45 for nonmem­ that reason, it's important to · current income taxes due on may be more attractive. The Charriber of Commerce will hear hers if reserved on or after Dec. choose the one that best meets Social Security benefits. But with ability to compound earnings on from a local stock market guru on 13. your financial goals and object- CDs, interest earnings are used a tax-deferred basis could help Friday, Dec. 14. -. · The chamber will also salute ives. in the calculation to determine . you accumulate assets· for The chamber will host Hugh· its outgoing president Wally Alles Risks and rewards taxe·s on your Social Security retirement. And, should you Johnson ·of First Albany for his atareceptiononWednesday,Dec. CDs and deferred annuities benefits. As much as 85 percent need additional in-come, most 13th annual state of the economy 12, at the Crowne Plaza hotel in are considered low-risk, conserv- of Social Security can be subject insurance companies provide. presentation at its breakfast at Albany. Tickets are $30 .for alive investments. CDs ar_e to taxation, depending on income you with the ability to access the 7:30 a.m. at the Marriott hotel at members and $50 for nonmem- usually issued by banks and, in level. accumulated· cash value in the 189 Wolf Road. hers. most cases, insured by the Investment horizon. annuity. Tickets are .$20 for members For information or reserv- Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. · When deciding between a CD Some companies will allow and $40 for nonmembers; if ationsfo,r either program, call431- (FDIC) for up to $100,000 per and a deferred annuity, the time youtowithdrawaportionofyour reserved before Dec. 13; $25 for 1400. - depositor. If the bank should you have set aside to save for a deferredannuity'saccountvalue, happen to fail, the FDIC guaran- · specific goal- your investment usually up to 10 percent a year, tees CDs up to this amount.. CDs horizon - is a key factor. In the with a surrender charge. With­ also offer a. guaranteed rate of short term, a CD may prove to drawals can be made in response return for a specified period of ·be the better choice because you to a one-time cash need or can FREE GUIDE THAT EXPlAINS COSTLY FACTS time. The rate of return you canselectamaturitydatethatcan be set up to ta.ke care of a AND MISTAKES TO AVOID WHEN PURCHASING receive varies depending upon LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE. current market conditions and ~ the length of time untn maturity. F _. ('h. apes g. Colou ....s · Insurance companies issue 0 9 r • CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR COPY deferredannuitycontractswhich, , d-., (' ~ 518-371~5522 or 800-695-8224 ext. 116 · unlike CDs, are not insured by. . . vay opa . . -. the FDIC. Deferred annuities are New York Long-Term Care Brokers, Ltd. backed in their entirety by the (7/Q_,~ .... GLAD.E financial strength of the issuing '/V 11 Halfmoon I;xecutive Park • Clifton Park, NY 12065 • www.NYLTCB.com _ ...... - insurance company. Because of ...... this, you should make sure the formerly of Hair Studio One, Slingerlands .: Yes, I would like more information on Long-Term Care Insurance! :. issuing company is financially of Price Chopper Plaza secure before you purchase a · Mention this adfor any service with Glade and receive :Name:------'------deferred annuity. OFF Deferred annuity rates are 1 00/o · :.Address:------. sometimes higher because they All new & existing clients are designed to encourage people :Phone#: -~------008: ----~- to leave more on deposit for. the ~ exp. 6/19/02 ~ longtermduetothetax-deferred 150 Wolf Road 869 4247 feature. A guaranteed interest Next to WeathervaneRnta'urant _ . - . rate is usually locked in for an ~~~~======~~~~ initial period, rapgingfrom one to ,... ..------...------""1 three years. After the initial . l1hhh . 5 •. -4 o_o___· ~~ fctj~~~~e~cfrfj~~~lr;tesmaybe H... -·20.·. -- . ·so··eas··yf.- 7C As an added advantage, most _.. deferred annuities· offer a mini- Gu. aranteed For 3 Years! mum guaranteed interest. rate Experience rust-free sinks, softer clothes, and clear, that extends beyond the initial rate of period. Regardless of what great tasting water. There's never been a better time An enhanced three·year initial interest 5.40% will be credited to all UfeStages" Single Premium Fixed Annuity happens in the market, the annu­ to get a great Culligan value! ity will pay at least the minimum policies with an lnHial premium of $100,000 or more. guaranteed interest rate estab­ lished at the time of purchase. For premiums over $50,000 but less than $100,000, an enhanced three­ The effect on taxes year initial Interest rate ol 525% will be credited. For premiums over Current' tax law treats the $25,000 butless than $50,000, an enhanced rate ol4.75% will apply. ·interest earnings of CDs and deferred annuities quite differ­ Softer. ' ently. If taxes are a concern, ·a Cleaner. Tastier. deferred annuity may prove to be a better option for several rea­ sons. THE RIGHT • Earnings on CDs are taxable in the year the interest is earned. Also, you do not necessarily have to withdraw the earnings from TIMEl the CD to pay the taxable amount. Call me today to see how you can take advantage of this _rate Rather, you usually pay the tax ,------.,. ' . due out of current incom.e or call Now And say... · with-holding from other income 1 & Months .1 For a free consultation call: sources. This re-duces spendable Timothy Green or Sheila Wells income today and may also : Same as Cash : reduce it in the future, when it is tt1~ (518} 220.. 4200 needed m(}st. I No Interest, No Payments I ._.· ...· . . • 1 Normal installation only! Subject to credit approvaL ljAI.!5;3884l \~~~fl!M.( Not to be cons1derea w1th any other of!ers. Expires 12131101. • • With deferred annuities, lfU_ _.-.-:-. ,_ . . 1 Rater art ubjtct 111 cba111. Alllr llltlil'll: Dlllt vun. tilt paUcy wiii11Ctin t Dtw illllrat rill enrr Jill q111 taxes oh earnings are deferred L------.. ff to the rllltfard one rur 11nanl rllt tllltll"t'UAC ls m{llil1 011!111 pn~-KI tlllllllillll. Since Culligan. Dealers are .mdependently opera1 e 'd , o ers an d OF THE until the earnings are withdrawn. participation may va-ry. Subject to credit approyal. Not to be HUDSON VALLEY 1111e• byHmYIII'I: ~ JDsmna 111- Amity Clrportti~ (A Dtlmte C~rporatlenj Ill~~~: This allows more of your money combined with other offers. SINCE 1949 51 MI-llan Anut, Htw Yolt, HY 1001& IIJ no~~ YooK to work harder and gives you a Ia mosljtriljicUoa, 1111 po6cy IDrm •mblr fill' ftll Uleltag_. Sillllt Premllm fixH An•iiJ Ia 817-111 measure of control over. when 6 Spring Avenue, Troy ·PAGE 18-December 12,2001 THE SPOTLIGHT e've

overe •

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Outside Albany County o 1 Year- $35.00 o 2 Years - $68.00 THE SP.OTLIGHT December 12, 2001- PAGE 19 D Restraint Group names Delmar woman (From Page 1) community wealth, which is In other business, -four to board of directors Superintendents, said that group measured, according to Loomis, American Field Service is concerned about the level of m· two components - property E xc h ange students were Lynne Perry of Delmar has Hospital. state aid to public schools in year value and resident income. introduced to the board, and each been appointed to the Homeless Among her volunteer act­ 'd , & Travelers Aid Society board of 2002. Considering projections of Ofthe 10 school districts in the sru a,ewwords. In each case, the directors. · ivities, Perry has been active in state revenue shortfall, the best Suburban Council, only North students were impressed by the Delmar Presbyterian Church,'the i· to hope for "is state aid may be Colonie exceeds Bethlehem in large size ofthe'school and their Perryiscurrentlythemanager Village Volunteers Fife & Drum I flat" when compared to last years community wealth, which results class sizes. Th~y are Orane for Volunteer Services at St. Corp., and previously served on figure, he said. Of course, another in reduced state aid as a percent Can toni of France, Luciana Peter's Hospital in Albany, with the Homeless & Traveler's Aid possibility would be-reduced state of the district budget. North Giacosa of Argentina, Oliver responsibility for planning and board for eight years. aid. . Colonie is blessed with a very · Shammah of Beigium- and implementing all volunteer Prior to joining the staff of the This provides a district like Iarge commercia.· 1 tax base, w h i1 e Benedi.ktStaeubi'IofSWI'tz. er1 an d. programs, recruitment, retention, hospital, Perryimplemented the Bethlehem witb a dilemma. Bethlehem relies more on Each host family was present recognition and regulatory original Lifeline Program at ·st. . · requirements at St. Peter's. "Eighty-five percent of the residential property owners for its Loomis also reported six new Peter's. schools' budgeted expenditures tax revenue. high school classrooms have Her administrative functions "!tis a pleasure to return to the The state budget was not been completed and are iww in extend to data compilation for HATAS board," said Perry. "I are for staffing salaries and volunteer services for St. Peter's benefits," Loomis said. approved last year until seven use. look forward to lending my The district is committed .to months into the fiscal year. This The board authorized the· Health. Care Services, which knowledge and experience to left school districts guessing what issuance of bonds in the amount includes the hospital, hospice, development and internal contractual increases for · addiction rehabilitation and-long compensation to the staff, over property tax rate would provide of S976,416 for the purchase of systems improvement." . term care programs, as well as . Homeless & Travelers Aid which it has no control. Increases needed income to complete the ·new b uses that had been administrative coordination for St. in energy costs and health school year. Income projections in approved in the budget vote for Society, founded in 1925, provides coverage are normal from year to the budget process occurs this this fiscal year. Peter's auxiliary and Becky's 24 hour emergency service to House, a hospitality house for people in crisis in the Capital year and must be dealt with. · year with a recession in full Thenextschoolboardmeeting ,amiies< '1' an_ d patients of St. Peter's Loomis's concern inirrors that bl oom, exacerbated in New York will be Wednesday, Dec. 19, at District. expressed in a news release dated by undisclosed state revenue 6:30p.m. at the district offices at r-;~i~-:---;i;&i~iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:il=-~ Dec. 4 by the New York State shortfalls. 90 Adams Place. School Boards Association Meg's Confections entitled "Don't backslide on & support for education." Library schedules programs The release refers to a letter to The Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk library, books can be delivered on· Gourmet Foods & Desserts Gov. George Pataki by the Community Library has a regular schedule to those who 11.-.h_AIA·H /'>-~-- <::"'. /'>__ .._.__ association's executive director, scheduled the following activities. are housebound. .r7h~ v-c;.;r v~ Timothy G. Kremer, asking the Call the library to make your Cheesecakes • Fruit Tarts • Meat Platters governor to maintain the state's Gingerbread cookies are the commitment to public education theme, the scent and the taste of selections and arrange a time for • Festive Salads • Gift Baskets in his soon to be released story tiine on Thrusday, Dec. 13, delivery. · executive budget recommenda­ at 11 a.m. . Sessions of the new computer _L------=~:.:o:...... :O:.:r:.:d::.:e::r:...... :C:.:a::I::.I_:4:..:6::2:_-.:::3~6:..:6::...:7___ ~_J tions. It will be the last story time of class will start on Wednesday, Jan. · Kremer said, !'The daunting the year. Story times will resume 9, at7 p.m. GIVE THE GIFT OF PEACE OF MIND challenges New York state faces on Jan. 10, weather permitting. The focus will be on travel, ------tpday cannot cause ·us to put For information, call756-2053. booth local and by air. aside, even for a year, the vision Ifyou are unable to come to the of tomorrow we· hold for our children. A state 3id package that r---~------....,---....,~-, is both adequately funded and equitably distributed is critical to Safe and Secure providing every child . the • The Protector System9 non contact reverse. opportunity for a sound basic • Inc lodes Security+"' Anti·Burglary Coding. education, regardless of. their Durability/Long Life communities' wealth." •Lifetime warranty on motor and belt. Model1280 R . State aid is responsible for 23 • Drive belt as strong as a steel belted tire. "'Mj~!~·------THIS HOLIDAY SEASON, GIVE TH£ GUT OJ MUSIC! 1/2 H.P. Belt Drive • Unique ~floating motor" design eliminate percent of the current Bethlehem 00 vibration f_or the smoothest, quietest Quality Instruction in Regular $238. operation available. district budget The formula for Less mail-in rebate $15.00 state aid distribution is based on Piano • Violin • Guitar ~ Voice • Flute • Saxophone CH•'"EERI AJIIrt,l• by some of the Capital Region's finest musicians/teachers ONLYNOW $22300 lmta!lation Extra LiftMaster. Also Pre-Schoof Programs, Art Classes I $M ~M.M #M :w;.-w;_1 M.MgoW.W. Murphy Overhead Doors 1148 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12205. 459-3610

OhristmCLs Eve Services In .,.he tdttle Town of Bethlehem" Come Celebrate Young Families Service • 6 pm · Early Candlelight Service • 7:30 pm

. v_ ... -~ ' - .. ~·- W·.· / Electronic Repair Chrlstm'··· as· lth· Us'. Candlelight Service • 11 pm with· Brass! December 16, 10:00 AM· Christmas Choral Service TV·VCR·co· Reception of Fellowship follows the 11 PM service. Time Lapse VCR December 23, 10:00 AM ·_Christmas Service of Worship Stereo · Phono December 24, 8:00 PM • Family Christmas Eve Service ':OUr 'Dcors, Hecr.m cuxt Mfnd.s a.n Opes\" CLt the PlayStation _ Rev. Jeffrey A. Matthews 'First United Methodist Church Slingerlands Community Home Service Available United Methodist Church 428~emNood Major Credit Cards Accepted 1499 New Scotland Road· John's Electronic Slingerlands, N.Y. 12159 RePair 9w & Feura Bush • Glenmont A ·Reconciling Congregation - Open: Tue-Fri 10·6, Sat 1o-2 Open Hearts, Open Minds, 465-1874 Open Doors THE SPOTLIGHT .

·wednesday in a 5-0. victory over By ROB JONAS . Christian Brothers. Academy at Sometimes, it doesn't pay to be BIG Arena aggress~ve. The Eagles jumped out to a 2- The Bethlehem Eagles 0 lead in the first period on goals learned that lesson in a 5-1 loss by Jim Moehringer and Evan ·. to South Glens Falls last Saturday Gall. Bub, Wendth and Jeff in a Capital District High School Kattrein tallied in the second Hockey League game. period, and Erich Minnear Bethlehem tra.t1ed 2-1 after two added a third-period goal. periods before allowing three "The kids played well," Dugan South Glens Falls goals in the said. "Our power play scored a third period. couple of goals, so they're starting "We started to get aggressive, to come ~ound." and we gave up a couple of Jordan Murray made 18 breakaway goals," Bethlehem saves to pick up the shutout in coach Tom Dugan said. "Our goal for the Eagles. defense is tightening up, though. "He did the one thing a goalie We only allow.ed 29 shots ori needs to do.:._ he stayed between -.- ;--· -~ . goal." the puck and the net," Dugan · · Andrew Wendth scored the said. · lone goal f9r the Eagles off assists The Eagles host Shaker I from Chris Abbott and Chris .Colonie 7 p.m. Saturday on "Big Bub. Goaltender Greg Pittz had Orange Freak Out Night" at BIG 24 saves. Arena. Fans are asked to wear '_,. Bethlehem had better luck last orange and black for the game.

Bethlehem's Andrew wimdth carries the puck up the ice during the first period of last Wednesday's' game against Christian Brothers Academy at BIG Arena. The Eagles shut out the Brothers 6-0. -Rob Jonas SeaJ~n ~ -(jreelinlJJ ·& /JeJt UAJheJ · · · BC hoop-teams ~B.!l,llJ.iJ~~JJISUits The Bethlehem girls basket-ball half. Emily Bango contributed 11 Columbia in East Green,bush . team doWned Schenectady 56-25 in points, and Kaitlin Foley added Hi The Eagles (2-1) were held to ./or a..J/app'J a non-league game last Wednesday, points. . eight points in the third quarter, as:. Sue KellY had 12 points for the · The Bethlehem boys basket-ball Columbia built a nine-point lead. "Lady Eagles (2-1), who outscored teamsuffereditsfirstsetbackofthe Bethlehem outscored Co-lumbia ·JJo/iday $e~Jon_,_ Schenectady 30-5 in the second season last Friday in a45:40 lo§s to .1M in the fourth quarter to cutinto ··-----~-'------~----=------; the deficit- · · · Boutique Girls Clothes LIQ Matt Robbins had 18 points, John Fritze, Jr. and Bob Boughton added 11 · · Jeweler · At Least points for the Eagles. 4 Normanskill Blvd., Delmar (Next t~ Del Lanes) -·· Hours: Tues:-Fri. 5)-5:30 • Sat. 5J-2 ' ~~~,·J·k« 439-769U ~~- Off Everything CALL TO ARTISTS FOR While Supplies Last! ·; .,_ c_, FEESTELIJK BETHLEHEM II ·@Wolf Rd. Shoppers Park, Saturday April 27, 2002. next to Arby's 1 mile North of Bethlehem area entertainers and pertormers Colonie Center on Wolf Rd for families of all ages, who are interested in •• participating in our festival next year at one of Look fur Yellow I Red Banner the various venues in the Town of Bethlehem, Open Tues- Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5 should send promotionals to:, r------, .~· ;.' ~""'-r f~stelijk Bethlehem Bring in this coujlon and PO Box 1 I I · Delmar NY ·12054

Orcontad- 1Take 60%·off1 - Bethlehem Chamber Ot Commerce any one itL'lll of your

ADMISSION /!Ptease jofn us ·as we ·sHAKER .MJ•rtJJidfJ,~ol•i rtllllldtat CHRISTMAS· ... Saturday, December 15th . · . CRAFT FAIR! _25% OffAl/ Lamps &Accessories STORE SPECIALS REFRESHMENTS A portion ofyour purchase will be donated to Guilderumd Animal Shelter . Nov. 3~Dec. 22 . l...ainps • Artwork • Plants • Perfect Gifts! Gift cenificates -Toys -Crates -Collars & Leashes -l!eds -Vitamins ·9:30am-4:00pm Supplements -Shampoos -Grooming - Dog Obedience Classes - Breeder Referrals {CLOSED SUNDAYS} Shouldn't Your Pet Eat-Healthy Food Too? · . Gift Shop & 50 Crafte~s Shaker Meeting House In addition to the old standbys (Nuuo, Euk_anba, Hills) we offer the best · Albany,NY n~tu!al and h-olistic food by C_alifornia Natural~ Eagle, Innova and more. · America's First Shaker Site HELDERBERG PET CENTER · Mos.-FR1. 10-6 Corner of Albany Shaker Quality makes quite a gift! . SAT. 10-4 & Watervliet Shaker Rds. 100 Main St., Altamont -- Grounds of Ann Lee Home (Across from Altamont Fair Sign) ~iii::~] near Albany Airport NORTHWAY MALL • 435-2333 861-6254 A Benefit ForTht Mon.- Sat. I 0 am - 9 pm, Sun. Noon - 6 pm . Shaker Heritage Society 518-456-7890

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·· 3 Great Reasons To Buy A New Furnace . ' . Greater Efficiency Our new Carrier and Trane furnaces, have effi­ ciency ratings up to 96.6%. Most old furnaces . ·have only 40% efficiency ratings. You may . save hundreds of dollars in energy costs each year. . Greater Comfort With a typical furnace temperatures can dip as much as 4° degrees befor"e the heat kicks on. A · new furnace reduces fluctuation in temperature to 2° or less.- Greater Affordability We can provide you with low-cost financing packages that can put -a new furnace well within your budget. You can own a new furnace for as little ~s $35 per month. .. ·--·---·------. I s10 OFF*· $25 OFF* 1 $25 OFF* Any High Efficiency Any Service Call, 1 ! . . Contract or 1· . Any . I . Air Cleaner .. Water Heater I or Humidifier . Furnace Cleaning : I \tf~M!h'(J~~N~~~ ~ .. \tf~M!~h'!NPn~~~~- ~ . , 'tf~M!h'!NPn~~~-. [---,.t!ifJJJL~ ir!i~lJt1JiJ1~1~f11~pJy~ ~~~1 :.w ~~E ~;nw11J31/IYI!11JJ ~1JtJJd .JJ1Jlat'!J1i;;Jfl1~ ·:. -- -~" ~------.. -- --- ______l PAGE 22- December 12, 2001 THE SPOTLIGHT · · BC wrestling team·falls to 1·1 after loss to·Shen ., .. ' By ROB JONAS regional Class· AA champion _,_ __,_ football team. That has opened The Bethlehem Wrestling team the door for several younger is 1-1 after two Suburban Council grapplers to get in a few matches dual meets, and it-isn't even at full . before the others r_et:urn tp_actiof!. strength. · at Saturday's Dutch Duals in The Eagles opened with a 63- Guilderland. 12 victory over Shaker Noy. 28 in "We're missing them, but Latham before losing to Sl!enen- · they'll be back," DeMeo said. dehowa 60-10 last Wednesday in Two Eagles won their bouts. 'their home opener. against Shenendehowa. Arthur Bernard pinned Will Blakely 56 "It was a good learning exper- seconds into 'their 215-pound ience·for us," Bethlehem coach Johl! DeMeo said. "That's a match, while Dan Dougas de- pretty strong Shen team, and we feate~ Charlie Jordan 9,1 at 135 pounds . . <" did what we could." Prior to its trip to the ·Dutch "We caught them on a good Duals Saturday, Bethlehem will night," Shen coach Rob Weeks host Columbia in· a Suburban said. "They're going to be better Council. match· tonight, Wednes­ ·in a week and a half." day, and Albany in a non-league The Eagles have competed· match Thursday. Both matches without seven wrestlers who begin at 6 p.m. with the junior played on the Section II and varsity division.

· Beihlehem's Dave Denio, left, tries to slip out of Dan Bresler's grasp during last Wednesday's Suburban Council dual meet agains! Shenendehowa. Denio lost to Bresler in the 140-pound match. Rob Jonas Bethlehem hosts girls lacrosse clinics· The Bethleliem Girls Lacrosse The clinics run on Sundays two-day Holiday Clinic Dec. 28 Booster Club is sponsoring a from 2 to 4 p.m. through Feb. 24. · and 29 at the high school. series of skill clinics for piayers No clinics will be held the Sun- Instruction will be given by . in grades three through eight at days before Christmas and Presi- Bethlehem varsity coach John :Bethlehem Centr3! High School. dents' Day. Ina:ddition, there is a Battaglino, as well as current r---~------:-----'------,------, members and alumn·i of the girls lacrosse team. The cost for the Sunday cliniCs is $50 and $100 for the Sunday and DELMAR Holiday clinic pafkage. For information, call Battag- · CHIROPRACTIC lino at 439-4921 or Joan Link at 439-2471. 0 FFI C£ Respected by physicia~s. · Trusted by patients. Winter racing series Since 1984 begins Sunday The first event of the Hudson Lee Masterson, DC .Mohawk Road Runners Club's winter racing series ~es place Tim Talmage, DC Greg Panzanaro, DC.· Sunday, Dec.16, atthe University 59 GROUND CHUCK -···-··--.. - .. - .. - ...$1 ._ atAlbany. · 29 . GROUND ROUND ..... - ... - .... - .. _ ... _ ...S2 u. Races of 5 and 15 kilometers .. -.... _..... :.)999 u. $2"9 ~ROUND SIRLOIN E~tro Lean~····-····".... "- ·439-7644 will .start at 10 a.m. from the · Pr~ct:s Good fhru 12/15101 • ruesdav·Frtday 9-6, Saturday 8-5, Closed Sunday-Monday :======::;-' physical education building. .------=--, Registration starts at 9 a.m., and Be American, ·a Good· Look· .theremembers, is a $6$4 forentry non-members. fee for club ., Buy American, The races are open to runners Invest In America! of all ages and abilities. Let a Master Barber make the most ofyourgood looks! Come to Gregory's for a classic cut and contemporary styling. Urschel chooses . Enjoy a professional barbering experience in a comfortable atmosphere. Byappointment or walk right in. You'll know University of Hartford that you've treatea yomelf to the best.And that kind of Bethlehem softball pitcher customer satisfaction is what makes !LIIook good. Jessica Urschel signed a nati' onal letter of intent to attend the University of Hartford last Friday. Gregory'S Urschel has a 33-10 career iBARBERSHOP ..Masters of Barbfflng record with the Lady Eagles over .the last three seasons. She owns Main Square o 318 Delaware Ave., Delmar Tues., Wed .• Thurs. 9 to 8 pm,Fri.9 to 6 pm, an earned run average of 0.94, in- Sat. 9 to 5 pm o wv.w.gregorysbarb!'rshop.com - eluding 12 shutouts, and has 383 · 419-3525 o Gift(rrtificates available career strikeouts.

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Call or E-Mail ~r- a free quote 756-1873 . [email protected] THE SPOTLIGHT December 12, 2001 PAGE23 loCAL-H16H ScHOOL SPoRrs. RESULts. FOR THE ·WEEK or DEc.· 3-8 61RI5 BASKETBAll Individual winners: · BETHUHEM 5b, SCHENEUADY 2.5 Voorheesville..:...... Zac Fluster BOWllll6 High scorers: Bethlehem- Sue ( 112 pounds). Mike Ashline· (119). Dan Denn (125), Will SCIIAlMOIIT 18.5, Kelly 12 points, E_mily Bdngo VOORIIEESVIllE 13.5 II points. Kaitlin Foley 10 Dcnn ( 130), Kevin Ma5sHP insurances and don't forget your flexible spending accounts~ "Wirh purchaseofacompletepair of eye gi3SS(S or coitraa lens package. Not to be combined wirh any ocl1er promotions and discoun£S.. 12,2001 THE SPOTLIGHT

This is the watch Stephen Hollingshead, Jr. was wearing when he encountered a drunk driver. Time of death 6:55pm.

Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk .


I . 0 U.S. Department of Transportation THE SPOTLIGHT December 12, 2001- PAGE 25 Residents appointed saleswomen Blackman DeStefano Real : Estate has recently appointed tWo local residents as licensed sales­ persons at its Delmar office. Sandra Tutshen's of Slinger­ lands has a bachelors· degree in Human Services Advocacy from The University of Massachusetts and is an active member in her community at Bethlehem Central High School with the BCCO. Tutshen is also vice president of the board and is with. the Literacy Volunteers of America. · Amy Dinn of Delmar was formerly with the NYS Confer­ ence of Mayors & Municipal· Officials' for more than seven years. Dinn has a master's in Public Affairs & Policy from Nelson A Rockefeller College and a bachelor's degree from leMoyne College. She is a member of the Greater Bonnie and Alired Olsen Capital' Association of Realtors, Inc. arid the NYS ·Association of Budd, -Olsen we_d Realtors.

Bonnie Budd, daughter of Joan honor attendant. Slingerlands student· and ]. Allan Budd of St. James Ushers were TI. Weintraub, earns scholarship City, Fla., and Alfred Olseniii, son brother-in-law of the groom, of Kathryn and Alfred Olsen Jr. Charles Trenchard, brother-in­ Stella Albanese , a student· at ofVoorheesville,were married o'n law of the groom, Eric Dombrow­ .Syracuse University's School of June 30. ski, David Williams, brother-in­ Education, has been named a The Rev. Susan Shafer per, law of the groom and Ron Evans. · Frederic Presbrey II and Megan Marshall formed the ceremony at Asbury chancellor's scholar at the Brett Roberts, nephew of the institution. First United Methodist' Church iri bride, was junior and Ty . Rochester. · Turner was ring bearer. · Chancellor's scholarships at Marshall; Presbrey engaged Syracuse University are awarded· A reception followed at Mario's The bride is a graduate of Via Abruzzi. · to entering first-year and transfer Megan Marshall, daughter of The couple plans a Dec. 15 Vestal High School, Robert students and recognize outstand­ ·carmen Wycoff was matron of Packer School of Nursing in Linda and Richard Marshall of wedding. ing academic achievement. Delmar, and Frederic Presbrey II, .honor. Sayre; Pa., Elmire College and the son of Janie Presbrey of Hyannis University of Rochester. To receive. a· Chancellor's Bridesmaids were Robin Arm­ Port, Mass.,· and Frederic Pres­ strong, sister of the bride, Lee She is a pediatric nurse Scholarship, students must have strong academic credentials in brey of Barnstable, Mass., are Ann Roberts, sister of the bride, practitioner for School Based engaged to be married. Karen Turner, Jennifer Arm­ Health Center at Edison Tech­ high school, be active in extra­ strong and Kristen Roberts, all nical High School in Rochester. curricular and community activi­ The bride-tO:.be is a graduate of nieces of the bride. ties, and demonstrate good char­ Bethlehem Central High School, The groom is a graduate of acter and citizenship. Word of Life Bible Institute in Junior bridesmaids were Clayton A Bouton High School; Melissa Weintraub and Patti Awards are as high as $6,000 Schroon Lake and Uberty Univer­ Rochester Institute ofTechnology sity in Lynchburg, Va. Weintraub, both nieces of the and attended SUNY Oswego. per year and are renewable. groom. . He is an accountant for Rural She is a senior store manager Lyndsey Wycoff, god-daughter Opportunities, Inc. in Rochester. Delmar girl inducted for The Mark Group. of the bride, was flowergirl. .Following a wedding trip to . into Epsilon Sigma Pi The futtire groom is a graduate .. Kathleen Weintraub; sister·of Car Harbor, Maine, the couple of the University of New Hamp- the groom, was the groom's resides in Rochester. . shire. · Erica St. Lucia of Delmar was one of more than 100 students Heisvicepresidentofsalesfor who were inducted into Epsilon Click Action. ·Sigma ·Pi during Manhattan College's Fall Honors Convo- · cation in Oc-tober. :<;.' ; · . Come join Us for · S· ' ; ':.:;_'·' Epsilon Sigma Pi, the oldest ·::_(, ~ fli~':J --6~ _--.~~e '1 College-wide honor society at Manhattan, recognizes seniors .r·.: . L (;;\. .; ·x: who have maintained at least a 3.4 ,~- ~ V.. ~~ . ayerage for six consecutive ·.,. e® - "'· ''t semesters with no failures. ·f£ ~:- '". Caravelle ;1. • <'>;: RISTORANTE ··c.; ·'i-. Choose Either ' ~ Our All Inclusive Party Package Which Includes an Open Bar, Hot and Cold Hers d'ourves,:Choice of Entree, and a BOUQUETS Live Band Featuring Benny Cannavo SILK WEDDDING BOUQUETS Cus­ and the Accents, Cocktails Start at tom Cake Tops/Unity Candles. New/ . Used Bridal Gowns $109. Call 355-7962 · 7:00pm, Diner is Served at 8:00pm, or http://silkweddingflowers.tripod.com/ and the Band Plays From swf/ . INVITATIONS 9:00pm Until ~1:00am l'aper MUJ Delaware Plaza. 439-8123 · Only $80 Per Person Personalized invitations & annOunce-· ments for weddings, showers, bar or mitzvah, new baby, graduation. ·Make Reservations In Our Dining JEWELRY Room and Enjoy a Delightful Dinner Harold Finkle, "Your Jeweler" 1585 From our Special New Year's Eve Menu. Central Ave., Colonie. 456-6800. Dia­ .c==:==:o:o mcinds- Handcrafted Wedding Rings & · 257 Washington Avenue Extension, Albany Attendanrs Gifts. (518) 456-0292 PAGE 26- December 12, 2001 THE SPOTLIGHT . liifiidriifids!!iil'trC,iUF- :,_ Off£\,,£ .mftfEillill&li·l~'tW; -8ffti0W-i1'L-E.-vAf Vl@.¥ffffillillffi?WfW&#Ii£4¥f.tMWtltv&iXf5 TID Xf

Dr. ·John Kiley Board of Internal Medicine .. Writing, was written about his 20- Williams of Delmar; a brother, · auctioneer. month battle with cancer. Dr. John E. Kiley, 81, of · In 1977, Dr. Kiley became Keith Barker Williams of He enjoyed bowling. Slingerlands died Tuesday, Dec. professor of medicine at the He was an avid fisherman and Champaign, Ill; and two Survivors include his wife, . 4, at Good Samaritan Lutheran University of Mississippi Medical outdoorsman . grandchildren. Joan Sherwood; two daughters, Health Care Center in Delmar. Center. He returned to the Albany He was a graduate of Services were from Delmar Patricia Dunn Caldwell of Lindale, area in 1991, where he continued Guilderland High School and Reformed Church in Dlemar. Texas, and Pamela Dunn Altman Born in New York City, he was his work at the Stratton Veterans one of the country's first Hope College in Holland, Mich. Burial ·was in Bethlehem of Glenmont; two sons, Lt. Col. Administration Medical Center He earn€d a-master's degree from Cemetery. James Jay Dunn of Charlotte, N.C. nephrologists and was an Hospital. internationally recognized expert Union Theological Seminary in Contributions may be made to and John Paul Clinton Dunn of on kidney disease. He was a member of Sigma Xi, New York City. Albany Medical Center Cancer Guilderland Center; a brother, the American Federation for Walter Dunn of Scipio Center; In 1949, because of Dr. Kiley Survivors include his Treatment Center. Clinical Research; the American eight grandchildren; and three and thre·e associates, Albany companion, Marilyn Mowry; two Society for Artificial Internal brothers, Barkley Butler and great·grandchildren. Medical College acquired the Organs, the American nation's third artificial kidney, one Bradford Butler, both of Marion Fitzgerald Services were from the Association for Study of Liver Pennsylvania; and his many Marion Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Church of St. Thomas the Apostle · of the first hemodialysis Disease, the American College of machines. Dr. Kiley co-authored friends l).nd colleagues at The 87, of Haines City, Fla., and in Delmar. Physicians, Renal Section and the Altamont Enterprise. formerly of Elsmere, died Arrangements were by the the. first scientific paper Council on Circulation, the describing the operation of the Services were from Emmanuel Saturday, Dec. 8, at her home. Meyers Funeral Home in Delmar. International and American Friedens Church in Schenectady. in ere, she a· Contributions may be made to artificial kidney. It was published Societies of Nephrology, and the B~rn ~Ism wa~ in the Journal of Clinical longtime restdent before movmg . Community Hospice of Albany Great Lakes Interurban Club. Contributions may be made to: Investigations and is still cited Hudsonia, Bard College Field to Florida. · County, 445 New Karner Road, widely today. Dr. Kiley was an avid tennis Station, Annandale 12504; the She worked for the state <:;olonie 12205 or Onesquethaw player and skier. He graduated from RensselaeP Cancer Research Institute, 681 Department of Education as a Volunteer Ambulance, Clarksville Polytechnic Institute and received He was a communicant of the Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10022; private secretary before she 12041. his medical degree from Harvard Church of St. Thomas the Apostle Home Furnishings Program, 924 retired. She was a homemaker. in Delmar. Medical School. Albany St., Schenectady 12307; She was a former member of •• fA P'' He was an Army veteran of Survivors include his wife, Community Hospice of Albany the Home Bureau and the nlargare nn laCe World War II, serving as a captain Catherine Walsh. Kiley; a son, County, 445 New Karner Road, Elsmere Fire Department Margaret Ann Place of Delmar in the Medical Corps. Edmund Kiley of Bainbridge Colonie 12205; or C.O.C.O.A. auxiliary. died Wednesday, Dec. 6, at Afterthewar,hewasstationed Island, Wash.; four daughters, House, Schenectady Inner City Survivors include . her Community Hospice of Albany in Fulda, Germany, and was Elizabeth Kiley . Kinder of Ministry, 930 Albany St., husband, Edward FitzgeraJd. County. · Providence, R.I., Dr. Catherine Schenectady 12307. selected to attend the University Kiley of South Dartmouth, Mass., Services were from St. Ann's · Born in Albany, she worked in Church. the medical field for many years. of Vienna Medical School. Mary Ellen Henderson of Fairlee, Burial was in Forest Hill She also worked for Cornell In 1962, Dr. Kiley performed Vt., and C. Abbie Kiley of Troy; Susan Almindo Cooperative Extension in peritoneal dialysis on five infants and eight grandchildren. Susan W. Almindo, 60, of Elm Cemetery in Haines City. Voorheesville and "Blossoms •wh?weremis~enlygivensaltin Services were from the Avenue in Selkirk died Thursday, Contributions may be made to Montessori School. in Delmar. therr formula mstead of sugar. In A 1 b F 1H · d th Dec. 6, at Albany Medical Center the Alzheimer's Association, the March 23, 1962, issue of Time , PP e ee unera orne an e Hospital. Tampa Bay Chapter, 9365 U.S. She enjoyed gardening and magazine, it was reported that he ~h~r~h ofSt Thomas the Apostle A life'long resident Of the Highway 19 North, 'Suite B, traveling. had worked on five babies for 36 m e mar. Pinellas Park, Fla. 33782. Mrs. Place was also a volunteer hours with only one hour's sleep, Burial w~ in Saratog~ National Capital District, she \Vl\S a at her grandson's school, and all but one of the infants were Cemetery m Schuylerville .. graduate of Bethlehem Central Arrangements were by the High School and Michigan State Lane-Holt Funeral Home in Voorheesville Elementary. · taken off the critical list University. . Haines City. Survivors include her Dr. Kiley was profe-ssor of husband, Alfred Place; two Bryce Butler. Mr~. Almindo was a teacher at medicine and head ofthe division Bryce Butler, 56, of New daughters, Pattie McGehee of Glenmont Elementary School Cary, N.C., and Deborah Fenner. of kidney diseases at Albany Salem, an award winning news before she retired. James Dunn Medical College from 1960 to of Voorheesville; a son, William and features reporter for The She was involved in 4-H, the James Washington Dunn, 74, 1977. He was program director of of Clarksville died Wednesday, King of Delmar; a stepdaughter, Altamont Enterprise, died Junior League and Triangle. Albany Medical Center's general Tuesday, Dec, 4, at his home. Dec. 5. Deborah Place of Latham; a clinical research center. He was Survivors include her He was a graduate ·of stepson, Richard Place of · A longtime· resident of husband, Burton Almindo Jr.; two certified as a specialist in internal Bethlehem Central High School. Canandaigua; a sister, Ruth · medicine by the American Board Altamont, he was a writer and sons, Kenneth Burton Almindo Mirabile Cornacchia of Elizaville; of Internal Medicine and was ·a features editor for The Altamont and Mark Almindo, both of Mr. Dunn was a marine Corps four grandchildren; and four step­ Diplomate in the subspecialty of Enterprise for 19 years. His most Selkirk; a sister, Linda Jean veteran of World War II. grandchildren. recent column, Dead Man nephrology by the American He was a cattle dealer and Services were from Bethlehem 1"'------·~-.,..--. r:======----:------:------, Lutheran Church in Delmar. · t. Mrs. Place donated her body· · · , .. ~ · totheAnatomica!GiftProgramat (jood Sa_ maritan .v· ; ' Albany Medical College. Contributions may be made to . Senior Living ~~- Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 85 ~ \ Elm Ave., Delmar· 12054 or the year~ by Lee Bormann · d This ""'''Jmttc.E.o. Chi! 's Cancer Center, Albany Medical Center Foundation, P.O. Senior Surfers Box 2928, Albany 122o8. utthe · There may not be as many seniors surfing the Web as younger people,_but those who douse the Internet are an active group. Marie Sullivan Accordmg to a recent survey, only 15% of those aged 65 and Marie Sullivan, 95, of older are Internet savvy (compared with 56% of al\ Americans Covington, Ga., and formerly of ·ghtsunder who go online), but 69% ofolder Internet users go online on a Delmar, died Monday, Dec. 3. ·typical day. Once online, 93% of seniors indicated thattheyuse Mrs. Sullivan was a volunteer e-mail, while 58% found hobby information, 55% read news for the Red Cross. reports, 53% researched health and medical information, 53% Survivors include a daughter, the.tree. had surfed the Internet "Just for fun," and 53% checked for Margaret Sippel ofVoorheesville; weather updates. Perhaps more importantly, 56% of seniors three sons,' John Sullivan of online indicated that the Internet had improved their relations Annapolis, Md., Robert Sullivan of with their family members. Deerfield Beach, Fla. and Richard Sullivan of Covington, Ga.; 16 ·It's never too late to be young. It's also never to late to learn grandchil<;lren; and 25 great· ~5% Off All Lamps & Accessories something new. At Good Samaritan Lutheran Health Care· grandchildren. Center, 125 Rockefeller Road, Delmar, we urge our residents to Services were from the Lamps • Artwork • Plants • Perfect Gifts!· stay active, both mentally and physically, and provide cultural Meyers Funeral Home in Delmar. opportunities to make that possible. Our residential community Burial was in Our Lady Help of features assisted and independent living. Give us a call at 439- Christians Cemetery in Glen­ 8116. Come see for yourself! mont. Contributions may be made to ••••••;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;aaaiiiii-.1 Abbey Hospice, Highway Route Quality m·akes quite a gift! 278, Covington, Ga. 30014. In Slingerlands NORTHWAY MALL • 435-2333 The Spotlight is sold at Falvo's Price Chopper and the Toll Gate Mon.- Sat. I 0 am - 9 pm, Sun. Noon - 6 pm .spotlightnews. Restaurant THE SPOTLIGHT


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world of Big AI in human scale and By DONNA J, BELL ""·Y-"«'<<'////,>0+"//-'-'-'-'""" >: ,, -""''"'Tk>"-1'•>'.'>0>><-0-' then switch to see the world from a small toy's perspective. To accomplish or those ready to travel "to this, we've included lots Of oversized infi. nity and beyond," Disney sets and scenic elements designed to On Ice skates into the Pepsi make the audience feel tin(' . Arena tonight with Buzz PLightyear and .Woody's adventures in The show features an international "Toy Story 2." team of world-class figure skaters. ·This new comedy­ Choreographer action ice show Barry Lather helped features all the the skaters interpret favorite characters 'their characters. from the original ''Toy Story"- "I think the · Woody, Buzz challenge is that Lightyear, Rex, Bo many skaters are Peep, Hamm, Slinky more athlete than Dog and the Green actor, so you have to Army Men - along find out what their with some new ones strengths are," -Jessie, Bullseye Lather said. "For and the Prospector. exainple, Woody requires all of it - The show begins he has to be ·a good on a faraway planet, actor, he has to be as astronauts musical, and he has Mickey, Minnie, to have good skating · Donald and Goofy ability." introduce the story. Lather has Just as Mickey and Reunited in Disney On Ice's "Toy Story 2", Woody and Buzz celebrate their friendship. his gang depart, choreographed ice Buzz enters to battle shows based on "It's about making a connection," "Toy Story 2" will be in town for five his nemesis, the "Grease," 'The Lather said. ''The audiences respond to days with eight performances- Dec. dark-helmeted, Jungle Book," the skaters' display of happiness, 12 to 14 at 7 p.m., Dec. 15 at 11 a.m., heavy breathing, "Tarzan" and "The sadness, fear and courage on the ice." 2:30 and 6 p.m. and Dec. 16 at 1 and Evil Emperor Zurg. Lion King." 4:30p.m. The accompanying And, as always, the musical score Lather's credits Ticket prices are $12.50 and $17.50 alien forms, laser will get you moving in your seat. Woody, the beloved, loose-limbed cowboy, also include but you can save $5 on tickets on lights and skates in the spotlight. · chor_eography for Good family entertainment that will opening night, Dec. 12. Tickets are pyrotechnics are just music stars Janet hold the interest of everyone from· the available online at the beginning of the fun. Jackson, and , as well baby to grandma and grandpa isn't www.DisneyOnlce.com, at Famous for special effects, Disney as Olympic figure skating stars Nancy always easy to find, but this production Ticketrnaster ticket centers, the Pepsi on Ice loads "Toy Story 2" with Kerrigan and . delivers. Arena box office or by calling476-1000. innovative props and stunts, including an airport sequence that lands a full­ scale airplane wheel on the ice and a 16-car traffic jam which climaxes in the toppling of a 3Moot-1ong, 10-foot-tall tractor trailer filled with toothpaste. The ice show remainstrue to the popular movie. Andy's toys fly into a panic when they discover Andy's mom is planning a yard 8ale. Wheezy the Penguin is nearly up for sale but Sheriff Woody saves him. In doing so, Woody puts himself in danger and winds up abducted by Big AI, the nefarious proprietor of AI' s Toy Barn. Big AI knows the modest sheriff is really a highly valued collector's item and plans on selling Woody for a big · price. At Big Al's apartment, Woody meets up other collectible toys, Jesse the Prospector and Bullseye. Turns out they're all old friends from Woody's Roundup, a 1950s children's television ·show; Jessie was Woody's sidekick, Bullseye, his faithful steed, and the seemingly friendly old Prospector. ' As Woody discovers his roots, the intrepid Buzz Lightyear is planning Woody's rescue. But when Buzz's plastic posse finally finds and rescues Woody, the straight-shooting sheriff is uncertain as to where he truly belongs, with his 1V show friends or back in Andy's room. "This production explores profound issues of friendship, loyalty and identity," said Jerry Bilik, vice president of creative development for Feld Entertainment, producer of Disney on Ice. "At the same time, the story is entertaining for both parents · and children. One of the really big challenges is creating-a sense of scale. We want to make the audience see. the THE SPOTLIGHT December 12, 2001- PAGE 29

MOUNTAIN SNOW AND MISTLETOE State Plaza, Madison Avenue. CLIFTON PARK CAPITAL COMMUNITY VOICES 'lltR-ateJ< annual holiday show by Christopher lnlormalion, 474-5877. Call g:.cr COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA .rehea,rsals at Columbia High School, · Shaw, Bridget Ball a~d friends, Troy openings in strings, especially cello and Luther Road, East Greenbush, Ito 9 Savings Bank Music Hall, State and · ALBANY INSTITUTE · :AI'tisis bass, and in French horn. rehearsals p.m., Tuesdays. Information, 477-8308. M!RACLE ON 34TH STREET Second streets, Dec. 15 alB p.m. Dec. 16 OF HISTORY AND ART Tuesdays at 7 p.m .• Coburg Village, al2 p.m., $16.1nlormalion, 273-0038. Rexford.lnlormation, 383-1718. New Yorl< Slaw Theatre lnslilute, Schacht exhibits on Hudson River School DELMAR COMMUNITY Fine Arts Center, Russell Sage College, painting, the Albany Army Bazaar of ORCHESTRA Troy, lhrough Dec.13, $17,$14 for JUDY COLLINS 1864, American sculpture, Egypt and the MALE SINGERS NEEDED ClassR.S/)(eetures openings in the string, horn and seniors and students, $8 for children with Albany Pro Musica, Troy Savings history ol Albany, 125 Washington ~ve. for Electric City Chorus, training under 13.1nlormalion, 274-3256. lnlormation, 463-44/8. percussion sections. Information, 439_- Bank Music Hall, State and Second 7749. provided, rehearsals at Faith United ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENT CLASSES streets, Dec. 2ll at/:30 p.m. $28. Methodist Church, Brandywine Avenue fiddle, guitar. banjo, pennywhistle,. THE SANTALAND DIARIES lnlormallon, 273-0038. ALBANY CENTER GALLERIES and Eastern Parkway, Schenectady, COLONIE TOWN BAND hammered dulcimer and bodhran, six- David Sedaris comedy, Capital Repertory works by Taft Fitterer, Anthony Cafritz . Tuesdays, 7:30p.m. Information, 785- week sessions on Tuesday evenings at Theatre, 111 N. Pearl SL. Albany, and Nancy Engel, 161 Washington Ave., several openings, rehearsals on Mondays 4807. the ROI Smith Center, Route 155, through Dec. 23, $281o $36. through Dec. 28.1nlormation. 462-4775 .• at/:30 p.m. atlown hall, Roule 9, Guilderland, sponsored by Old Songs, · lnlormation, 445-7469. 7-amil'[ gun Newtonville. Information, 783-2760. PAINTERS WANTED $75.1nlormalion, 765-2815. ALBANY INTERNATIONAL the Colonie Art League seeks local two- A TUNA CHRISTMAS TOY STORY2 AIRPORT GALLERY COLONIE CENTENNIAL dimensional artists to exhibit at Local DANCE CLASSES BRASS CHOIR s_mall-town comedy, Curtain Call Theatre, Disney on Ice production, fiepsi Arena, Private Eye, unusual local collectioils, Color Art Gallery, 961 Troy-Schenectady ongoing, all levels, ballet, jazz and 210 Old loudon. Road, Latham, through Soulh Pearl Street, Albany, Dec.121o 16, third floor of terminal buildiog, through openings for brass players, rehearsals on Road, Latham.lnlormation, 786-6557. modem, New School of Balle!, 1098 "" Dec. 22, $15.1nlormation, 877-7529. $12.5010 $30.1ntormation, 487-2100. March 17, two hours free parking. first Thursday and third Tuesday of the Parkwood Blvd., Schenectady, Mondays lnlormation, 242-2241. month,·at 7:15p.m., town-hall, Route 9, MONDAY MUSICAL CLUB to Thursdays and Saturdays. Information, Newtonville. Information, 783-2760. NUTCRACKERS IN OUTER SPACE WOMEN'S CHORUS 346-1096. lamily show by Albany Symphony LOCAL COLOR ART GALLERY invitation for new members to join in /Uusic SIENA CHAMBER singing classical and popular songs, ART CLASSES Orchestra's David Alan Miller, with 961 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham, ORCHESTRA AND CHOIR -dancers from Northeast Ballet Co-., Palace "ll's Warm Inside," through Jan. 27; Third Relormed Church, 20 TenEyck watercolor, oil and drawing, beginner and rehearsals Thursdays at 7:30p.m. for Ave., Albany, Tuesdays, 7:30p.m. ELIZABETH VON TRAPP Thealre, North Pearl Streel and Clinton Holiday Art Shoppe, through Dec. 22; intermediate, Wednesdays and orchestra, Wednesdays at6 p.m. for Information, 477-4454. Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Slate and Avenue, Albany, Dec. 15 and 16,3 p.m., Wednesday to Sunday. lnlormation, 786- Thursdays, taught by Kristin Woodward. · $12, $6 for children under 14. 6557. choir, Siena College, Route 9, Information, 783-1828. Second streels, Dec. 13, 7 p.m., $18. toudonville.lnlormalion, 783'2325. lnlormation, 273-0038. Information, 465-4663.

THE TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA SANTA'S liST Christmas concert, Palace Theatre, North holiday musical, The Egg at Empire Slale Pearl Street and Clinton Avenue, Albany, Plaza, Albany, Dec. 21 and 22 at7:30 Dec. 13, 8 p.m., $27.50 to $42.50. p.m., Dec. 23 al2 p.m., $12, $10 lor · lnlormalion, 465-4663. seniors and children under 13. lnlormation, 473-1845. ANIMAL· HOCUS-FOCUS BY ALBAN.Y SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA HENRY BOlTINOFF MAGIC MAZE e PHRASES performing works by Jalbert, Sac~ and Beethoven, Troy Savings Bank Music • F F C A Y G 0 D T 0 H. W U R P Hall, Slate and Second streels, Dec. 14. 8 p.m., $17 to $36: lnlormation, 465-4755, N L J E S R 0 HE N 0 H F. D T· NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM . JANE MONHEIT Ancient Life of New York, through March BZFXVGWWTRQOMKO - The Egg al Empire State Plaza, Albany, 31, plus permanent ~olleclions, Empire Dec. 15, 8 p.m., $24.1nlormation, 473- . 1845. IHFAESROHHGIHDP L B(C A T T L E C . A L L) Z T D kt Ovv AYRWVCTMRDQONAO Real Estate ClassiReds PELKIHASFDECARG DEY E G U B T Z.X W R V K D Bvi~ Yov OTACYDIARFUSCCA Ito Me:-! GRQONWOCHSACMAY Phone. in. Yovv KJ lHDR I BYLRAEPS C..la~~ificd with Fines die lisl

ACROSS. S1 COnnecticut 97 Ullman or 1 Pixie and 43 -·aerobics 84 TV's ·- Gold Dixie 4& Rotlsserie & Greg" 1 Wr\1er town ' 85 "Comln' - Susan 54 Summit 91 Goatish 8 ~- Breaky part 47 Defer the Rye" 7AAA 55 Llve and a:'"boter Heart" breathe 100 r hop? ('92 hit} 48 NASA tap 86 HaH-baked? handout UMore 10 Explorer 58 Mighty mite 101 Dr. ~choU's 8 Princess 49 Equine 58 SauNge concern bruiser accessory squalid Tasman ·ao Heavenly 14 Checker segment 102 Source 10 OrthodOn- 52 Skirt shape rriove? 59 Long Island 103 Cardinal · tists' org. 53 Coney sight resort 105- Flynn 11 With 44 Island 91 Alphabet 19 Carry too sequence far 62 Tel Aviv Boyle - Across, attraction 12 Netw'ork. 20 Winter teacher 107 Mil. training &alad 57 Ballet's hazard 6-' Out of the ctr. veggie Tallchlef 94 Try for a hl1 21 Creme- way 110 African 12 "Silas 59 Actress 97 Provoked &a Biblical creme S6 Beak capital Marner" Steyens 22 Kunta- B7 One way to 113 End of author 60 Santa's city (·Roots• pari< remaf1( 13 Endure problem 99 Pianist Watts character) . 68 TranqUil 116 Jazzman 14 Ring stat 61 Destiny 100 Fishermen, 23 Start of a 70 Part 3 of Chick 15 Kansas city 63 Dominant, r,mark by ramarl( 117 Forehead 18 :::.~e Lady as a dog frequently 101 Auber's •- Steven 71 Kukla or 118 Organ ot 85 On tha sly Wright Lamb Chop equilibrium ('79 film) 66 Doris Day Oiavoro· 26 Patrician 72 !II will 119 Steak or 17 Gawk refrain 102 Confront 27 Canadian 73 Chertlourg lobster 18 French &7 Handba~ 104 Swedish prov. chapeau 120 Abrasive bean'? 61 Master, 10 rockers 28 Victim 74Gtoe substance 24 Fancy vase Madras 105 Last name in lim8ricks 2SI Wool Ts·-a 121 ·- forglv~ 26AMuse 59 '85 John 31 Inflatable Matkovich 106 Crooked ~a:therer? Symphony" those ... 30 oil-call ('65 song) 122 Be too item? movie 107Gr1mm reply . ." 76 Submarine interested? 32 Sell 70 B8myard creature 108 "Moon- 31 Level finder 123 Arid area 33 Continue belle· struac- star 33 Entire n Competitors 34 Circle 71 MotUed ranlje 78 Facilitate a DOWN section 72 Soi-vlnoor 109 Dele a dele 36 Put up felony 1 Manhenan ·SS "Mel de-. Nair w;th 82- Tin Tin district 37 Impoverish- 73-fide 111 Utter 83 Paradise 2 Hot spot? ed 74_ Complains 112 Blow away 38 Thick SliCk 11s onn 41 Put aside as Merchant 3 Frog's 31 Fountain 76 6lg rig aergeant's •3 Blind part 87 Cal. page kin order 77 Lute Shout 44 See 11 88 Part 4 of 4 Singing 3SII Component feature Down· remarl< syllable 40 Canhagin- 79Coll. 114 Compass pl. 45 Part 2 of Sll3 Over 5 The)' may ian queen hotshot Jai- be personal 41 Book part ; 80 Roof part 115 "-Not remark 85 Unu,uat• 88 Sounds the 6 Mahalia's 42 Travel with 81 Playing 6011 may get ('66 M} flipped tocsin music Spock? card PAGE 30- December 12, 2001 THE SPOTLIGHT

TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY Jerusalem Reformed Church, Route 32, TREASURE COVE THRIFT SHOP FAITH TEMPLE Weekly meeting at Delmar Reformed Sat. 12/15 Feura,Bush, 439-0548. First Umted Methodist Church, 428 Bible study, New Salem, 7:30p.m. Church, 386 Delaware Ave., Delmar, t- · Mountainview Evangelical Free Church, Kenwood Ave., 9 a.m. to 6 p:m. Information, 765-2870. 2:.30 p.m. Information, 465-8732. Route 155, Voorheesville, 765-3390. Onesquethaw Reformed Church, BETHLEHEM BETHLEHEM TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY PRAYER MEETING Tarryto_wn Road, Feura Bush, 768-2133. - YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Presbyterian Chuich in New Scotland, Glenmont Community Church, Weiser evening prayer meeting and Bible.study, . YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Parks and Recreation Office, Elm Avenue BREAKFAST WITH ST. NICK Route 85. 439-6454. Street, 6 p.m. weigh-in, 6:30p.m. Mountainview Evangelical Free Church, Parks and Recreation Office. Elm Avenue Park, 4:30-7 p.m. Information, 439-0503. Pancake breakfast photos with Santa; St. Matthew's Roman Catholic Church, mee!lng.lnformation, 449-2210. Route 155,7:30 p.m. Information, 765- Park, 2-4:30 p.m. Also Mon. Information, Glenmont Community Reformed Church, . MOuntain View Road; Voorheesville, 3390 . 439-0503. . BETHLEHEM ART ASSOCIATION 1 Chapel lane, Glenmont. 9-11:30 a.m.: 765-2805. PLANNING BOARO Bethlehem Public library, 451 Delaware $4 adults, $2'children 5-12, under 5 free. .Unionville Reformed Church, Delaware Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware NEW SCOTLAND SENIORS Information, 463'6806. Turnpike, 439-5001. MIDWEEK ADVENT SERVICE Ave., 6:45p.m. Information, 768-2624. Ave., 7:30 p.m.lnformali?n, 439-4955. Wyman Dsterllout Community Center, United Pentecostal Church, Route 85; New Salem, call for time. InformatiOn, AdVent supper 6:15 p.m.: service, ,7:30 New Salem, 765-4410. p.m. Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 85 CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP · AA MEETING BINGO 765-2109. Elm Ave., Delmar. Information, 439- Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, 35 Bethlehem lutheran Church, 85 Elm at the Bethlehem Elks lodge, Route 144, 3947. • Adams Place, 7 p.m. Information. 439- Ave., 7:30 p.ni. Information, 489-6779. 7:30p.m. AA MEETING 7387. Men. 12b7 ONESOUETHAU LODGE 1096 F&AM First United Methodist Church of SOLID ROCK CHURCH Masonic Te~le. 421 Kenwood Ave .. Voorheesville, 68 Maple St .. 8 p.m. DELMAR FIRE DEPARTMENT _Information, 489-6779: .,. evening prayer and Bible study, 7 p.m., Sun. 12/16 BETHLEHEM Kenwood Ave. Information, 439-4314. AUXILIARY NEW SCOTLAND firehouse, Adams Place, 7:30p.m. BETHlEHEM MOTHERS' TIME OUT TOWN BOARD ' STORY HOUR. Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware ELSMERE FIRE CO. AUXILIARY Chris!ian fellowship group for mothers of preschool children, Delmar·Reformed Voorheesville Public Library, 51 School Ave., 7:30p.m. Information, 439-4955. firehouse, Poplar Drive, 7:30p.m. WORSHIP·t~FORMATION Road, 10 a.m. Information, 765-2791. Church, 386 Delaware Ave., nursery care­ BETHLEHEM Bethlehem Community Church, 201 Elm provided, 9:30 to 11 a.m. Information, BETHLEHEM TOASTMASTERS BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHOIR Ave, Delmar. 439-3135. 439-9929. NIMBLEFINGERS/QUILTERS Bethlehem Congregation of Jehovah's The Clubhouse, Adams Station Apts., 1 children's choir, 6:15p.m., senio'r choir, Voorheesville Public library, 51 School BETHLEHEM SENIOR CITIZENS Witnesses. ~lm Avenue·and Feura Bush Juniper Drive, Delmar, 7:30p.m. 7 p.m., 85 Elm Ave. Information, 439- DELMAR KIWANIS Road, flo 3 p.m. Information, 765-2791. Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware Information, 439-08/t. 4328. - Road, 439-0358. Ave., 12:30 p.m.lnfo(mation, 439-4955. Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 5 Elm Ave., Quality Inn, Route gW, 6:15p.m. Delmar, 439-4328. lnlormation, 439-2437 or 439-6952. VOORHEESVILLE PTA· ' BINGO BETHLEHEM MEMORIAL VFW Delmar Full Gospel Church, 292 Eiementary school cafeteria, 7:30p.m. TAKE OfF POUNDS SENSIBLY Blanchard_American LegiOn Post, 16 Posl3185, 404 Delaware Ave., 8 p.m. Elsmere Ave., Delmar, 439-4407. CLASS IN JEWISH MYSTICISM lnlormetion, 765-3644. Weekly meeting al Delmar R8formed Poplar Drive, 7:30p.m. Information, 439- Information, 439-9836. Church, 386 Delaware Ave., Delmar, 1- Delmar Presbyterian Church, 585 · Delmar Chabad Center, 109 Elsmere 9819. Delaware Ave, 439-9252. 2:30 p.m. Information, 465-8732. Ave., 7 p.m. Information, 439-8280. AA MEETINGS Delmar Reformed Church, 386 Delaware BOY ·sCOUTTROOP 58 Ave., Delmar, 439-9929. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Slingerlands Community Church, 1499 · INDOOR PISTOL SHOOTING Elsmere Elementary School, 247 First Church of Christ, Scientist, 555 · Parks and Recreation Office, Elm Avenue New Scotland Road, noon, and Delmar Delaware Ave., Delmar, 439-2512. Delaware Ave., 7:30 Ia 9 p.m. ReformBd Church, 386 Delaware Ave., Albany County Pistol Club, Winne Plac~. Park, 4:30-7 p.m.lnlormation, 439-0503. First Reformed Church of Bethlehem, BETHLEHEM 8:30p.m. Information, 489-6779. ?to 9 p.m. Also Tuesday. Information, Route 9W, Selkirk, 767-:>243. 439-0057. DELMAR FIRE COMMISSION BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN First Uni/ed Methodist Church of Delmar, YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICES firehouse, Adams Place, 7:30p.m. 428 Kenwood Ave, 439-9976. children's choir, 6:15p.m., senior choir, EXPLORER POST 157 Parks and Recreation Office, Elm Avenue . - Information, 439-3851. Glenmont Community Church, 1 Chapel 7 p.m., 85 Elm Ave.lnlormation,'439- Park, 2-4:30 p.m. Also Mon. Information, lane, Glenmont, 436-7710.· Fo~ boys and girls 14-21. focusing on 4328. 4.19-0503. King's Chapel, 434 Route 9W, just south environmental conservation, 310 TESTIMONY MEETING Kenwood Ave., 7:30-9 p.m. Information, First Church of Christ, Scientist. 555 BETHLEHEM ol Glenmont Road, Glenmont, 426-9955. AA MEETINGS Mount Moriah Ministries·.. Route 9W, 439-4205. MIDWEEK ADVENT SERVICE Delaware Ave., 8 p.m. Information, 439- Slingerlands Community Church, 1499 Glenmont, 426-4510. Advent supper 6:15p.m.: service, 7:30 2512. - New Scotland Road, noon. and Delmar Q.U.I .. LT. Slingerlands ~ommunily UMC, 1499 WINTER ORCHESTRAL CONCERT p.m. Bethlehem Lutheran Church. 85 · Reformed Church, 386 Delaware Ave., Quitters United In Learn'mg TOgether. New Scotland Road, 439-1766. Elm Ave., Delmar. Information, 439- Delmar Community Orchestra, Church of 8:30p.m. Information, 489-6779. NEW SCOTLAND meeting and exchange of holiday blOcks, Solid Rock Church, 1 Kenwood Ave., St. Thomas The Apostle, 35 Adams 3947. demos, gifts, and holiday cookies. First Glenmont, 439-4314. Place, Delmar, 7:30p.m. Information, United Methodist Church, 428 Kenwood NEW SCOTLAND TOWN COUNCIL South Bethlehem United Methodist 439-7749. . BETHLEHEM LIONS CLUB Ave., Delmar. Meeting time and Church, 65 Willowbrook Avenue, 767- New Scotland Town Hall, Route 85, 7 information, 456-0552. 9953. Days Inn, Route 9W, Glenmont, 7 p.m. p.m. Information, 439-4889. ROYAL ARCH MASONS NEW SCOTLAND KIWANIS CLUB St. Michael's Shfine, Beacon Road at Information, 439-4857. Temple Chapter No.5; Masonic Temple, New ScotJand Presbyterian Church, 'LIBRARY BABIES' Route 9W, Glenmont, 462-2016. PRAYER MEETING Sf. Stephens Episcopal Church, Poplar 4~1 Kenwood Ave. Route 85, 7 p.m. · Two 45-minule sessions of storytelling, ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT GROUP Drive and Elsmere Ave., Delmar, 439- evening prayer meeting and Bible study, rhymes and linger plays for babies 15-21 Northeast NY Alzheimer's Association 3265: Mountainview Evangelical Free Church, months and accompanying adult; register AA MEETING meetings for families, caregivers, and St. Thomas The Apostle Roman Catholic , Route 155, 7:30p.m. Information, 765- for one sesSion only. Bethlehem PUblic Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 85 Elm freinds: Delmar Presbyterian Church, 585 3390. . Church. 35 Adams Place, Delmar, 439- library, 451 Delaware Ave., 9:30-10:15 Ave., 8:30p.m. Information, 489-6779. , Delaware Ave., 7 P.m. 4951: a.m. and 10:30-11:15 a.m. Registration, Unity of Faith Christian Fellowship, 436 · FAITH TEMPLE 439-9314. BETHLEHEM Krumkill Road, North Bethlehem,438- NEW SCOTLAND SOLID ROCK CHURCH Bible study, New Salem, 7:30p.m. 7740. 1 Kenwood Ave., evening prayer and Information, 765-2870. AA MEETING QUARTET REHEARSAL Bible study, 7 p.m. tntormation, 439- . AA MEETING 4314. First Reformed Church of Bethlehem, NEW SCOTLAND United Pentecostal Church, Route 85, First Reformed Church of Bethlehem, NEW SCOTLAND SENIORS Route 9W, 7:30p.m. Information, 489- New Salem, 7:15 p.m.lnformation, 765- Route 9W, 7:30p.m. Information, 489- • Wyman Osterflout Cor)lmunity Center, 6779. 4410. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 6779. ALL·YOU-CAN-EAT BREAKFAST New Salem, call for time. Information, Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware 765-2109. CHABAD CENTER Eggs made to order, sausage, bacon, Ave., Delmar, 7:30p.m. Information, CHABAD CENTER · French toast, home fries, toast and Friday services, discussion and kiqdush 439-4955. ' beverages; Voorheesville American Friday services, discussion and kiddush AAMEETING at sunset, 109 Elsmere Ave. Information, Legion, Voorheesville Avenue, 8 a.m.­ . at sunset, 109 Elsmere Ave. Information, First United Methodist Church of 439-8280. noon.' BINGO 439-8280. Voorheesville, 68 Maple St., 8 p.m. BETHLEHEM Blanchard American Legion Post, ·15 . Information, 489-6779. • NEW SCOTLAND Poplar Drive, 7:30p.m. Information, 439- WORSHIP INFORMATION NEW SCOTLAND 9819. Bethel Baptist Church, meeting al DElMAR ROTARY PIONEER CLUBS Auberge Suisse Restaurant, Route 85, PIONEER CLUBS Howard Johnson's, Route-9W, 7:30a.m. BOY SCOUT TROOP 58 For children grades 1 through junior -475-9086. ·Information, 767-2930. For children grades 1 through junior high; Mountainview Evangelical Free Clarksville Community Church, Route ·.·Elsmere Elementary School, 247 high: Mountainview Evangelical free. Church, Route 155, 3:45- 5 p.m. . 443, 768-2916., . Delaware Ave., 7:30 to 9 p.m. Church, Route 155,3:45-5 p.m: BETHLEHEM Information, 765-3390. Family Worship Center, 92 Lower Information, 765-3390. · Copland Hil.l Road, Feura Bush, 768- BC SCHOOL BOARD 2021 . . BETHLEHEM SENIOR CITIZENS YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS district office, 90 Adams Place, 8 p.m. Faith Temple, New Salem, 765-2870. YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware United Pentecostal Church, Route 85, Information, 439-7098. 68 Maple United Pentecostal Church, Route 85, Ave:, 12:30 p.m. Information, 439-4955 First United Methodist Church. N·ew Salem, 7 p.m. Information, 765- Ave., Voorheesville, 765-2895. New Salem, 7 p.m. Information, 765- 4410. BETHLEHEM ELKS LODGE 2233 4410. Route 144, Cedar Hilt', 8 p.m. Information, 767-2886. Sat. 12/22 _ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR Onesquethaw Chapter, Masonic Temple, \ oa~a~Ia 421 Kenwood Ave., 8 p.m. Information, BETHLEHEM ****RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 439-2181. Rt. 9W • G,lenmont (Across From K-Mart) 463-4331 AA MEETING TESTIMONY MEETING Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 85 Elm Specializing in Northern Italian Cuisine first Church at Christ, Scientist, 555 Ave, 7:30p.m. Information, 489-6779. Delaware Ave., 8 p.m. Information, 439- Op«:m Christmas Eve 2512. and New Year's Eve • Sun. 12/23 Make- Your Reservations Early DUMPLING• HousE NEW SCOTLAND Chinese Restaurant Banquet Rooms Available • Buffet or Sit-Down V'VILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BETHLEHEM IJpecializing in Dumplings, Lunches, Dinners, Happy Holidays to all our Cocktails, Mandarin, Szechuan; Hunan & Cantonese. HOLIDAY CONCERT Customers & Friends! · Ea~ in or Take Our.- Open 7 days a week. · Presented by Magic of Music Studio; · --~ 458-7044 or 458-8366 Bethlehem Town Hall, 445 Delaware ., ' Ave .. Delmar, 2:40p.m. Free. Tues.-Thurs. 11 am·9pm, -Fri. llam-1 Opm, 120 Everett Road, Albany • (Near Shaker Road) Sat. 4-10, Sun. 4pm-9pm, CLOSED Mon. Information, 475-0213. · THE SPOTLIGHT December 12, 2001_- PAGE 31

LEGAL NOTICE ___ LEGAL NOTICE--~ LEGAL NOTICE ___ LEGAL NOTICE. ___.. LEGAL NOTICE ___ LEGAL NOTICE~-- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION L.L.C. Authority field with "secy. of gage in any lawful act or activity. bany County. SSNY designated State of New York. Org. on file with FL Secy. of State, State of N.Y. (SSNY) on 10/24/01. The office of the LLe is to be Ia- as agent of LLC whom process 3. The Secretary of State is des­ Div. of Corps.-, P.O. Box 6327, 147 FLATBUSH REALTY, LLC Fictitious name in NY State: cated in Albany County. The Sec- against may be served. The P.O. ignated as agent of the. Limited Tallahassee, FL32314. Purpose: • was .filed with SSNY on 11/08/ · Administaff Insurance Agency. retary of State is designated as. :address which SSNY shall mail Liability Company upon whom any lawful activity. · . · 2001. Office: Alb_any County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on the agent of the LLC upon whom any process against the LLC process against it may be serVed. (December 12, 2001) SSNY designated as agent of LLC 2/13101. NY office location: Albany process against the LLC may be served upon him: The LLC, 46 The Post Office address within or whom process against may be County. SSNY designated as served. The address to which the State Street,- 3rd Fir, Albany, NY without this state to which the served. The P.O. address which agent of LLC upon whom process Secretary of State shall mail_a 12207. The registered agent is: Secretary of State shall mail a LEGAL NOTICE SSNY shall mail any process against it may be served. SSNY copy of any process against the USA Corpo"rate S8'1Vices Inc. at copy Of any process against the against the LLC served upon him: shall mail copy_ of process to: c/o · LLC is 302 WaShingtori Avenue the same address. Purpose: any Limited Liability Company served Notice of Qualification of CELLU­ c/o Waterview, 119-15 27th Ave., Corporation Service Co., 80 State Extension, Albany, New York lawful purpose. upon him or her is: 35 Whitestone LAR ONE L.L.C. Authority filed Flushing, NY11354. Purpose: any St., Albany, NY 12207. DE ad­ 12203.. . (December 12, 2001) Way, Slingerlands, New York wtth Secy. of State of N.Y. (SSNY) lawful _purpose. · dress of LLC: 2711 Centerville (December 12, 2001). 12159. on 1118/01. LLC formed in Dela- (December 12, 2001) Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE 4. The Limited Liability Comp8.ny ware (DE) on 6/14/01. NY office 19808. Arts. of Org .. on file with NOTICE OF FORMATION-OF is to be managed by one or more location: Albany County. SSNY DE Secy. of State, 401 Federal CERTIFICATION OF LLC of its members. designated as agent of LLC upon NOTICE OF FORMATION OF St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: CONVERSION OF BIG 5.. None of the members of the whom process against i_t may be LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY conducting business as an insur­ MOOSE PARTNERS Articles of Organization for Limited Liability Company (the ·served. SSNY shalt mail copy of (LLC) ance agency, BROWN & WEINRAUB LLC were "Members") in their capacity as process to: c/o Corporation Ser­ ·(December 12, 2001) Under Section 1006·of the Lim- filed with the Secretary of State Members, shalt be personally or v1ce Co., 80 State St.,Aibany, NY Name: 1843 Central Avenue· As­ ited Liability Company LaW of New York on September 27, individually liable for any_ debts, 12207, registered agent upon sociate, LLC. Articles of Organi­ FIR~T: The partnership was, in 2001. Office located in Albany bbligationsorliabilitiesofthelim-. whom process may be served. zation filed with Secretary of State NOTICE OF FORMATION OF accordance with the provisions of County: The Secretary of State . ited Liability Company. DE address of LLC: 2711 of New York (SSNY) on 10/04/01. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY thS New York Limited Liability has been designated as agent 6. The Limited Liability Company Centerville Rd., Ste. 400, Office Location: Albany County. Company Law, duly converted to upon which process may be shalt have all powers and pur- Wilmington, DE 19808. Arts .. of SSNY designated as agent of LLC NAME: ALBANY INVESTIGA­ a limited liability company. · served and a copy of process poses allowed it by law. Org. on file with DE Secy. of State, upon whom process against it TION AND PROCESS SER­ SECOND: The name of the part- shalt be mailed. by the Secretary 7. The effective date of formation 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE may be served. SSNY shall mail VICES, LLC. Articles of Organi­ nership was Big Moose· Partners. of State to the LLC at 12 Sheridah of the LLC shall be the date of fil- 19901. Purpose: any lawful activ­ copy of process to 1843 Central zation were filed with the Secre­ THIRD: The name of the limited Avenue, Albany, New York 12207. ing of these articles of organiza- ity. Avenue Associates, LLC, 1843 tary of State of New York (SSNY) liability company is Big Moose Purpose:foranylawfulactivityfor tion by the New York State De- (December12,2001) · Central Avenue, Albany, New York on 11/20/01. Office location: Al­ Partners LLC. . which limited liability companies partment of State .. 12205. Purpose: any lawful pur­ bany County. SSNY has been FOURTH: The county within the may be formed under the law. (December 12, 2001) • pose. designated as ag~nt of the LLC state in which the office of the lim- (December 12, 2001) ARTICLES OF (December 12, 2001) upon whom process against it ited liability company is to be lo- ORGANIZATION OF CIN may be served. SSNY shall mail cated is Albany. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION DEVELOPER LLC a copy of process to the LLC, P.O. FIFTH: The secretary of state is NOTICE OF FORMATION OF NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Box 4182, Albany, New York designated as agent of the limited LLC · CATTON INTERNATIONAL LLC Under Section 203 of the Limited LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 12204. Purpose:.For any lawful liability company upon whom pro­ was filed with SSNY on 11/06/ Liability Company Law purpose. cess against it may be served. Articles of Orgcinization for 2001. Office: Albany County. FIRST: The name of the limited 1. The name of the limited liability (December 12, 2001) The post office address within or BROWN VIDAL & WEINRAUB SSNY designated as agent of LLC liability company is: GIN Devel­ company is 467 DELAWARE AV­ without this state to which the sec- LLC were filed with the Secretary whom process against may be operLLC. ENUE, LLC. retary of state shall mail a copy of of State of New York on October served. The P.O. address which SECOND: The county within the 2. The articles of organization of NOTICE OF PUBLICATION any process against the limited . 10, 2001. Office located in Albany SSNY shall mail any process state in which the office of the lim- · the limited liability company were liability company served upon him County. The Secretary of State against the LLC served upon him: ited liability company is to be lo- filed on November 27, 2001 with BELFORD LLC was filed with or her is: has been designated as agent The LLC, 46 State Street, 3rd Fir, cated is Albany. · the New York Secretary of State. SSNY on 11/08/2001. Office: Al­ 12 Century Hill Drive upon which process may be Alb.any, NY 12207. The registered THIRD: The latest date on which 3. The office of the limited liability bany County. SSNY deSignated Latham, New'(ork 12110 served and a copy-of process agent is: USA Corporate Services the_limited liability company is to company is located in Albany as agent of LLC whom process SIXTH: The -effective date of the · shall be mailed by the Secretary Inc. at the same address. Pur­ dissolve is December 31, 2050. County. against may be seryed. The P.O.­ Certificate of Conversion shall be of State to the LLC at 12 Sheridan pose: any lawful purpose. FOURTH: The secretary of state 4. The Secretary of State was address which SSNY shall mail the date of filing with the Secre- Avenue,.Aibany, New York 12207. (December 12, 2001) is designated as agent of the lim­ designated as agent of the limited any process against the LLC tary of State. Purpose: for any lawful activity for ited liability company upon whom liability company upon whom pro­ served upon him: The LLC, 46 SEVENTH: The limited liability which limited liability companies process against it may be served. cess against it may be served. State Street, 3rd Fir, Albany, NY company is to be managed by all may be formed under the law. LEGAL NOTICE The post office address within or 5. The Secretary of State shall 12207. The registered agent is: of its members. (December 12,-2001) without this state to which the sec­ mail a copy of process served to USA CorPorate Services Inc. at IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Notice of Qualification of CEO retary of state shall mail a copy of the limited liability company-to 413 the same address. Purpose: any certificate has been subscribed to CONSTRUCTION MANAGE­ any process against the limited Kenwood Avenue, Delmar, New lawful purpose. this 14th day of November, 2001, ARTICLES OF MENT, L.L.C. Authority filed with liability company ser:ved upon him York 12054. · (December 12, 2001) by the undersigned who affirms ORGANIZATION OF CAPITAL Secy. of State of N .Y (~SNY) on or her is: 1-Q/9/01. Office location: Albany 6. The latest date to dissolve is that the statements made herein DISTRICT PROPERTIES, LLC 12 Century Hill Drive indefinite. are true under the penalties of County. LLC formed in Florida: Latham, New York 12110 7: The purpose of the limited li- NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A perjury. Under Section. 203 of the Limited (FL) .on 6/20/00. SSNY ~esig­ FIFTH: The effective date of the . ability company is· to conduct all. DOMESTIC LIMITED S/Kenneth M. Raymond, Jr., Au­ Liability Company Law Of the nated as agent of LLC upon Articles of Organization shall be lawful activity. LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) thorized Person State of New York whom process against it may be the date of filing with the Secre­ (December 12, 2001) (December 12, 2001) 1. The name of the Limited Liabil­ served. SSNY shall mail copy of tary of State. The name of the LLC is-BERK­ ity Company is: ·cAPITAL DIS­ process to:. c/o Corporation Ser· SIXTH: The limited liability com­ SHIRE PARTNERS, LLC. The TRICT PROPERTIES, LLC (the vice Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY pany is to be managed by 1 or • .LEGAL NOTICE Articles of Organization of the LLC . NOTICE OF PUBLICATION "Limited Liability Company") . 12207, registered agent upon · more members. were filed with the NY Secretary 2. The principal office of the Lim­ whom process may be served: Fl IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Notice of Qualification of of State on November 6,' 2001. BROADMEAD LLC was filed with . ited Liability Company is to be lo- · address of LLC: 15-51 San.dspur certificate has been subscribed to Administaff Insurance Services, The purpose of the LLC is to en- SSNY on 11126/2001. Office: AI- cated in the County of Albany, Rd., Maitland, FL 32751. Arts. of this 15th day of November, 2001, · SUBSCRIBE TODAY! 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LEGAL NOTICE ___ ·LEGAL NOTICE:---, LEGAL NOTICE: ___ LEGAL NOTICE: ___ LEGAL NOTICE ___ LEGAL NOTICE:--.,- by the undersigned who affirms LEGAL NOTICE bany County. SSNY designated the authorized officer in Texas retary of State shall mail a copy designated as agent of the limited that the statementS made herein . as agent of LLC whom process where a copy of the Certificate of of any process served on him liability company upon whom pro· are true u_nder the penalties of . ·against may be served. The P.O. Limited Partnership is filed is: The againstthelimitedPartnershipis cess against it may be served. • perjury.·· SYNOPSIS OF THE EMINENT address which SSNY shall mail Secretary of State of the State of 50 State Street- 6th Floor, Albany, Secretary of State shaH mail cop· S/Jesse Vandergrift, Attorney in DOMAIN PROCEDURE LAW any process against the LLC Texas, James E~rl Rudd~r. State New York 12207. ies of any process against it to: J .. Fact DETERMINATION AND serv.ed upon him: The LLC, 30 E. Office Building, 1019 Brazos, Aus­ 5. The name and the street ad·· Conti Ventures, LLC, c/o (December 12, 2001) FINDINGS 40th Street, Ste 605, New York, tin, Texas 78701. The name and dress of the general partner is: Jacqueline R. Conti, 1182 River NY 10016. The registered agent address ·of the sole General Part· Name: GBD, LLC Road, Selkirk, NY 12158. The In accordance with ArtiCle 2, Sec· is: USA Corporate Services Inc. ner is available from the Secre~ Address: 50 State Street purpose of the limited liability NOTICE OF PUBLICATION tion 204 of the Eminent Domain at the same address. Purpose: tary of State of New York. The 6th Floor company is to engage in any law· Procedure Law, a synopsis is any lawful. purpose. character Of the business of the Albany, New York 12207 ful actor activity. The limited Jiabil- CLAYBROOK LLC was filed with hereby given of the Determination '(December 12, 2001) limited partnership is the provision 6. The latest date upon which the ity company is to be managed by SSNY on 11/26/2001. Office:· Al­ and Findings of the 'Albany County of two-way radio transmission Limited Partnership is to dissolVe one or more of its members. bany County. SSNY designated Legislature regarding the Route services. · is December 31, 2051 unless (December 12, 2001) as agent of LLC whom process­ 52 (Elm Avenue and Cherry Av­ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A (December 12, 2001) sooner terminated at a prior time against may be served. The P.O. enue) Delmar ByPass to DOMESTIC LIMITED in accordance with the -Limited address which SSNY shall mail Kenwood Avenue Improvement LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) Partnership Agreement. _ LEGAL NOTICE any process against the LLC Project in the Town of Bethlehem, NOTICE OF FORMATION OF 7. The certificate referred to above s_erved upon him: The LLC, 46 Albany County, New York. The name of the LLC is FIRST LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY has been sWorn to bY the general Notice of Qualification of KRX, State Street,-3rd Fir, Albany, NY The Er.:;nent Domain Procedure COLUMBIA 575 HVA, LLC. The partner. LLC. Authority filed with Secy. of 12207. The registered agent iS: Law public hearing commenced Articles of Organization of the LLC Name: GCAP EQUITY ASSOCI­ (December 12, 2001) State of N.Y. (SSNY) on 11/15/01. USA Corporate Services Inc. at on August 30, 2001 at 7:00PM at were filed with the f\;JY Secretary ATES, LLC. Articles of Organiza~ LLC formed in Connecticut (CT) the same address. Putpose: any the Town of Bethlehem Town Hall. of State on November 6, 2001. tion were filed with the Secretary on 9/4/01. ~Y location: Albany lawful purpose. The hearing was continued to The purpose of the LLC is to en­ of State of New York (SSNY) on NOTICE OF FORMATION OF County. SSNY designated as (December 12, 2001) September 13, 2001 for the pur~ gage in any lawful act or activity. 10/19/01. Office location: Albany LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY agent of LLC upon whom process pose. of receiving written com­ The office of the LLC is to be lo­ County. SSNY has been desig- against it may be served. SSNY ments on the proposed public cated in Albany County. The Sec­ nated as agent of the LLC upon NAME: GREAT OAKS 200, L.L.C. shall mail copy of process to: c/o LEGAL NOTICE project. In reaching its Determi· retary of State is designated as whom process against it may be . Application for Authority was filed Corporation .Service Co., 80 State nations and Findings, the County the agent of the LLC upon whom served. SSNY shall mail a copy with the Secretary of State Of New St., Albany, NY 12207, registered Notice of Qualification of Legislature considered com­ process against the LLC may be of process to the LLC, c/o Herrick, York (SSNY) on 11/29/01. Office agent upon whom process may CornProductsMCP Sweeteners ments, statements, and questions . served. The address to which the Feinstein LLP, Attn: Lawrence M. location: Albany County. SSNY be served. CT address of LLC: 16 • ~LC. Authority filed with Secy. of made at the public hearing and Secretary of State shall mail a Levinson, Esq., 111 Washington has been designated as agent of Munson Rd., Farmington, CT State of N.Y. (SSNY).on 11/1/01. the written comments and state­ copy of any process against the Avenue,Aibariy, New York 12210- the LLC upon whom process 06032. Arts. of Org. on file with LLC formed in Del~..ware (DE) on ments submitted by the close of LLC is 26 Century Hill-Drive, Suite 2210. Purpose: For any lawful against it may be served. SSNY CT Secy. of State, P.O. Box 10/27/00. NY office location: AI· business on September 13, 2001. 101, Latham, New York 12110- purpose. shall maira copy of process tO the 150470, Hartford, CT06115. Pur­ bany County. SSNY·desiQnated The proposed public project will 2128. (December 12, 2001) LLC, 115 Great Oaks Office Park, pose: any lawful activity. as agent of LLC upon whom pr_o~ include the full depth reconstruc· (December 12, 2001) Albany, New York 12203. Pur­ (December 12, 2001) cess against it may be served.· tion of County Route 52 from its pose: For any lawful purpose. SSNY shall mail copy of process intersection with New York State NOTICE OF FORMATION OF (December 12, 2001) to: c/o CT Corporation System, Route 32. (Delmar ByPass) to its NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF 111 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011, reg­ intersection with New York State DOMESTIC LIMITED LLC istered agent upon whom process Route 140 (Kenwood Avenue), a LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) NAME: Gl DEVELOPMENT LLC. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION may be served. DE address of. distance of _approximately .1.5 Articles of Organization were tiled Articles of Organization for LAST­ LLC: 1209 Orange St., miles. In addition, left turn lanes with the Secretary of State of New HALSALL LLC was filed with ING IMAGES, LLC were filed with Wilmington, DE 19801. Arts.- of The name of the LL6 is FIRST at itS south bound approach to the COLUMBIA CENTURY-30, LLC. York (SSNY) on 07/26/01. Office SSNY on 11/06/2001. Office: AI" ·the Secretary of State of New York Org. on file with DE Secy. of State, Murray Avenuemerney Drive in~ location: Albany County. SSNY bany County. SSNY designated on October 11, 2001. Office lo­ Townsend Bldg., Dover, DE The Articles of Organization of the tersection, on all approaches to lLC were filed with the NY Sec­ has been designated as agent of as agent of LLC- whom process cated in Albany County. The Sec­ 19903. Purpose: to serve as the the Delaware Avenue intersec­ the LLC upon Whom process ·against_may be served. The P.O. . retary of State has been desig· safes and distribution for Corn retary of State on November 6, tion, and on its nor.th bound ap~ 2001. The purpose of the LLC is against it may be ~served. SSNY address which SSNY shall mail nated as agent upon which pro­ Products International, Inc. and preach to Orchard Street, to~ cess may be served and a copy to engage in e~:ny lawful act or ac­ s~all mail a copy of process to the. any process against the LLC Minnesota Corn Processors, LLC gather with the full depth recon~ LLC, 30 Trumpeter Place, Sling~ served upon him: The LLC, 46 of process shall be mailed by the in designated product categories. tivity. The office of the. LLC is to struction of approximately 800 be lpcated in Albany County. The erlands, New York 12159. Pur~ State Street, 3rd Fir, Albany, NY Secretary of State to the LLC at (December 12, 2001) feet of Delaware Avenue for the Secretary of State is designated pose: For any lawful purpose. 12207. The .registered agent is: 112 State Street, Suite '1314, Al­ addition of-left turn lanes on each as the agent of the LLC upon (December 12, 2001) USA Corporate Services Inc. at bany, New York 12207. Purpose: approach to County Route 52 wm whom process against the LLC the same address. Purpose: any for any lawful activity for which LEGAL NOTICE be constructed. Also, the pro­ may be served. The address to lawful p·urpose. limited liability companies may be posed public project wilt include NOTICE OF FORMATION OF (December 12, 2001) formed under the law. Creative Resources Broker Ser~ which the Secretary of State shall geometric improvements includ­ mail a copy of any process GIO REALTY, LLC (December 12, 2001) vices, LLC, ·App. for Auth, filed ing a new closed drainage sys­ SSNY 10/11/01. Albany Co. LLC against the LLC is 26 Century Hill tem, new pavement markings and Notice is.hereby given of the for~ NOTICE.6F PUBLICATION. org. in Rl 6/23/98. SSNY desig­ Drive, Suite 101, Latham, New signs, new curbs, new gutters, York 12110-2128. mation of GIO Realty, LLC, a lim­ NOTICE OF PUBLICATION nated as agt. upon whom process new sidewalks, and new land­ ited liability company. The date of HEARN LLC was filed with SSNY may be served and shall mail (December 12, 2001) scaping. filing of t~e Articles of Organiza~ on 11/06/2001. Office: Albany LATCHMERE LLC was filed with copy .of proc.: Richard M. The benefits to be obtained and tion with the Secretary of State is County. SSNY designated as SSNY on 11/27/2001. Office: Al­ Spaziano, 250F Centerville Rd., agent of LLC whom process bany County: SSNY designated the purposes to be served by the NOTICE OF FORMATION OF October 22, 2001. The county in f Warwick, AI 02886, the principal proposed public project are as against may be served. The P.O. as agent of LLC whom process LLC which the office of the limited li­ office addr. in AI. Art. of Org. on follows:· 1. Restoration of the road­ ability company is to be located address which SSNY shall mail against may be served. The P.O. file: SSAI, 100 N. Main St., Provi~ way. pavement and correction of First Street Troy Associates LLC, is Albany. The Secretary of State any process against the LLC address which SSNY stiall mail dence, AI 02903. Purpose: any the roadway paVement deficien­ has been designated as the agent ser.ved upon him: The LLC, 46 any process against the LLC lawful purpose.. filed ArtiCles of Organization with cies, 2. Improvement of the road­ of the limited liability companY. Stale Street, 3rd Fir, Albany, NY served upon him: The LLC, 46 (December 12, 2001) ' the New York Secretary of State way drainage, 3. Improvement of on November 23, 2001. Its office upon whom process against Jt 12207: The registered agent is: State Street, 3rd Fir, Albany, NY vehicle traffic operations, 4. Im­ is located in Albany County. The may be served and the post of­ USA Corporate Services Inc. at 12207. The registered agent is: provement of vehicle traffic safety, the same address. Purpose: any USA Corporation Services Inc. at Secretary of State has been des~ fice address within this state of the NOTICE OF PUBLICATION lawful purpose. and 5. Enhancement of bicycle ignated as agent upon whom pro~ limited liability company is 3 the same address. Purpose: any and pedestrian accommodations cess may be served and shall mail Groesbeck Place, Elsmere, New (December 12, 2001) lawful purpose. CROSSHEAD LLC was filed with and safety. SSNY on 11/0612001. Office: Al­ a copy of any proCess served on York 12054. The limited liability (December 12, 2001) The approximate location of the him or her to First Street Troy As­ company has no specific_ date of bany County. SSNY designated proposed public project .is that as agent of LLC whom process sociates LLC, 75 State Street, Al­ dissolution. The limited liability NOTICE OF PUBLICATION section of County Route 52 which company is organized for the pur~ NOTICE OF.FORMATION OF agains.t maybe served. The P.O. bany, New York 12201-0459. Its HEPSCOTT SERVICES LLC is located between its intersection busines-s is to engage· in any law­ pose of carrying on· rental -real LED LIGHTING COMPANY, address which SSNY shall mail with New York State Route 32 was filed with SSNY on 11/06/ any process against the LLC ful activity for whiCh limited liabil-' estate activities and for any and ~LC (Delmar By Pass) and its intersec~ all business activities permitted 2001. Office: Albany County. served upon him: The LLC, 46 ity companies may be organized SSNY designated as agent of LLC tioh wilh New York State Route under Section 203 ·of the New under the laws of the State of New (Pursuant to Section 203 of the State Street, 3rd Fir, Albany, NY 140 (Kenwood Avenue), all in the whom process againsf may be 12207. The registered agent is: York Limited Liability Company York. DeFabio, Tommaney·and Limited Liability Company Law) Town of Bethlehem, County of Act. . Legnard, Professional Corpora­ served. The P.O. address which NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that USA Corporate Services Inc.- at Albany, State of New York. SSNY shall mail ariy process (December 12, 2001) tion, attorneys for GIO Realty, the Articles of Organization of the same address. Purpose: any The following different alterna­ against the LLC served upon him: lawful purpose. \,.LC, 4 Automation Lane, Albany, LED LIGHTING COMPANY, LLC tives were considered, the 1. Null New York 12205. The LLC, 46 State Street, 3rd Fir, (the "Company") were filed with (December 12, 2001) Alternative, 2. Resurfacing, Res­ Albany, NY 12207. The registered LEGAL NOTICE (December 12, 2001) the Secretary of State of the State toration, and Rehabilitation Alter­ agent is: USA Corporate Services of New York on November 8, native, and 3. Highway Recon­ Inc. at the same address. Pur· NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Notice of ·QualificatiOn of Five-0. -'------­ 2001 . • struction Alternative. The reasons pose: any lawful purpose .. The Company is being formed to D. A. YOUNG, LLC Staffing, LLC. Authority filed with NOTICE OF J"UBLICATION for selecting th_e Highway Recon­ Secy. of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on (December 12, 2001) engage in the manufacturing and struction Alternative are that this 1115/01. LLC formed in Delaware GLENDOWN LLC was filed with sale of lights and to engage in any PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that D. alternative satisfies all the project A. Young, LLC filed its Articles of (DE) on ·3/22/01. NY office loca­ SSNY on 11/26/2001. Office: AI· other lawful act or activity tor objectives and is considered fea~ tion: Albany County. SSNY des­ bany County. SSNY deSignated NOTICE OF FORMATION OF which limited liability companies .Organization with the Department sible. of State on September 4, 2001, ignated as agent c;>f LLC upon as agent of LLC whom process LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY may be organized under the The proposed project underwent pursuant to Limited Liability Com~ whom process against it may be against may be served. The P.O. LLCL. . a thorough and proper State En­ served. SSNY shall mail copy of address which SSNY shall mail NAME: HIGH YIELD LIQUIDITY The office of the Company is to pany Law Section 203. The name vironmental Quality Review Act fUND LLC. Application for Au­ of tJ:le limited liability company (the process to the principal office of any process against the LLC be located in the County of Al­ (SEQRA) environmental review. LLC: 1128 Penn!Wivania Ave., served upon him: The LLC, 46 thority was filed with the Secre· bany, State of New Yo!"k. The S'ec~ "Company") is b. A. Yo1.,1ng, LLC. Among the items considered were tary of State of New York (SSNY) The office ofthe Company is to Suite 110, Al~uqu~rque, NM State Stre~t. 3rd ~lr, Albany, NY retary of State has been desig­ evidence relating to: 1. Surface 87110. Arts. of Org. on tile with DE 12207. The registered agent is: on 11/05/01. Office location: AI~ nated as the agent of the Com· be located in Albany County. The waters and wetlands, 2. Water bany County. SSNY has be.en Secretary. of State is designated Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., USA Corporate Services Inc. at pany upon whom process against source quality, 3. General ecology designated as agent of the LLC as agent of the Company upon Suite 4, Dover, DE '19901. Pur­ the same address. Purpose: any the Company may be served. The and wildlife, 4. Historical and cut~ upon whom process against it whom process against it may be pose: any lawful activity, · lawful purpose. post office address to which the tural resources, 5. Visual re­ (December 12, 2001) (December 12, 2001) may be served. SSNY shall mail Secretary of State shall mail a served. The post office address sources, 6. Parks· and recreational a copy of process to the LLC, c/o within this state to which the Sec~ copy Of any process against the facilities, 7. Farmland assess· ·one Capitoi·Center, 99 Pine retary of State shall mail a ·copy Company served upon such Sec· ment, 8. Air, noise, and energy, 9. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Street, Albany, New York 12201. retary of State is 50 State Street, of any process served against it Contaminated material assess­ Purpose: For any lawful purpose. is 11 Palmer Avenue, Delmar, GORDON BROTHERS 6th Floor, Albany, NY 12207. ment, 10. Regional and local land. (December 12, 2001) ' New York 12054. The Company FLEETTALK MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT, LP, A (December 12·, 2001) use plans, 11. Construction im~ is authorized to engage in all busi~ SERVICES LIMITED PARTNER­ LIMITED PARTNERSHIP pacts, and 12. Anticipated permits SHIP, a limited partnership formed nesses permitted by the Limited and approvals. UNDER SECTION 121·201 OF NOTICE OF PUBLICAl'ION Liability Company Law of the on June 27, 2001 in the State of NOTICE OF PUBLICATION It is determined that the project Texas, filed for authority to do THE REVISED LIMITED State of New York. The character will. not have a significant adverse PARTNERSHIP ACT I.P.G. MARKETING LLC was filed or. purpose of the business of the business in the State of New York LIBERTY LIGHTHOUSE GROUP impact on the environment under with the Secretary of State of New . with SSNYon 11/30/2001. Office: LLC was filed with SSNY on 11/ Company is to engage in any law~ the New York State Environmen­ Notice is hereby given that the . Albany County. SSNY designated ful activity. . York on October 4, 2001. The 14/2001. Office: Albany County. tal Quality Review Act (SEQRA). persons named below have as -agent of LLC whom process SSNY designated as agent of LLC (December 12, 2001) county, within NeW York, in which It is further concluded that the the office of the' limited partner­ formed a limited partnership for against may be served. The P.O. whom process against may be project will not impair-the charac~ ship_ is located is Albany County. the transaction of business in the address which SSNY shall JTiail served. The P.O. address which ter or quality of, aesthetic; arch eo~ State of New York by filing a Cer- any process against the LLC SSNY shall mail any process NOTICE OF PUBLICATION The Secretary of State of New logical, architectural, or historical York is designated as agent of the tificate of Limited Partnership of served upon him: The LLC, 46 against the LLC served upon him: resources or the existing commu­ limited partnership upon whom which the substance is as follows: State Street, 3rd Fir, Albany, NY The LLC, 122 East 42nd Street, ELMFORD LLC was filed with 1. Th~ '!arne of the limited part~ 12207. The registered agent is: SSNY,on 11/0812001.. Office: Al­ nity or neighborhood character. process against it may be served. Suite2210, New York, NY 10168. Copies of the complete Determi­ The address to which the Secre­ nersh1p IS GORDON BROTHERS USA Corporate Services Inc. at Purpose: any lawful purpose. bany County. SSNY designated DEVELOPMENT; LP (The "Lim- the same address. Purpose: any as agent of LLC whom 'process nation and Findings will be for­ tary of State of New York shall (December 12, 2001) warded upon written request with­ mail a copy of any process ited Partnership"). lawful purpose. • against may be served. The P.O. 2. The office of the the Limited (December 12 2001) address which SSNY shall mail · out cost. against the limited partnership is: Albany County 701 N. Green Valley Parkway, Partnership is to be located in AI------·-----­ NOTICE OF PUBLICATION any process against the LLC bany County. served upon ·him: The LLC, 46 Department of Public Works Suite 200, Henderson, Nev.ada · (December 12, 200l) 89074. The address of the regis­ 3. The Certificate of Limited Part­ LEGAL NOTICE LOCKFIELD LLC was filed with State Street, 3rd Fir, Albany, NY nership is to be located in Albany 12207. The registered agent is: tered office required to-be main­ SSNY on 11/27/2001. Office: Al­ County. J. CONTI VENTURES, LLC, Cer· bany County. SSNY- designated USA Corporate Services Inc. ~t tained in accordance with section titicate of Limited Liability Com­ NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 1.06 of the Texas Revised Limited 4. The Secretary c;>f State is des~ as agent of LLC whom process the same address. Purpose: any ignated as agent of the Limited pany filed with NYS Secretary of lawful purpose. Partnership Act is: 8350 Meadow ag8.illst may be served. The P.O. EXPERTLINK LLC was filed with Partnership upon whom process State ·on October 3, 2001. Pcinci· address which SSNY shall mail (December 12, 2001) Road, Suite 281, Dallas, Texas pal office located in Albany SSNY on 11/13/2001. Office: AI- 75231. The name and address of against it may be served. The post any process against the LLC office. address to which the Sec- County. NYS Secretary of State serv~d upon him: The LLC, 46 '· THE SPOTLIGHT · December12; 2001- PAGE 33

LEGAL NOTICE ___ LEGAL NOTICE-~­ LEGAL NOTICE ___ LEGAL NOTICE--~ LEGAL NOTICE ___ LEGAL NOTICE ___ State Street, 3rd Fir, Albany, NY Org. on file with DE Secy.'of State, dissolve is Dec9mber 31, 2051. limited liability company is to be ·location: Albany County. SSNY 19 Catherine Place 12207. The registered agent is: Loockerman & Federal Sts., Do­ FOURTH: The secretary of state located i~ Albany County. The designated as agent of LLC upon Latham, New York 12110 USA Corporation Services Inc. at ver, DE 19901. Purpose: any laW­ is designated as agent of the lim­ ·secretary of State is designated whom process against it may be FIFTH: The effective date of the the same address. Purpose: any ful activity. ited liability company upon whom . as agent of the professional ser­ served. SSNY shall mail copy of Articles of Organization shall be lawful purpose. (December 12, 2001) process against it may be served. vice limited liability company upon process to: c/o Corporation Ser­ the date of filing with tt)e Secre­ (December 12, 2001) The post office address within or whom process against it may be vice Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY tary of State. without this state to which the sec­ .serv~. The post office address 12207, registered agent upon SIXTH: The .limited liability com­ CERTIFICATE OF retary of state shall mail a copy of within or without this State to whom prqcess may be served. pany is to be managed by 1 or NOTICE OF FORMATION OF any process against the limited which the Secretary of State will Principal office of LLC; 350 West more members'. REGISTRATION OF NEB RES mail a copy of .any process LIMITED· LIABILITY COMPANY • & PATEL, LLP liability ~mpany served upon him 2500 North, Logan, UT 84341. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this or her is: against the professional service Arts. of Org. on file with DE Secy. certificate has been subscribed to NAME: MARJO, LLC. Articles of Under Section 121 -1500(a) of the P. 0. Box26 limited liability company served of State, Federal & Duke of York this 9)h day of November, 2001, Organization were filed with the Partnership Law Newtonville, New York 12128 upon him or her is 6 Lincoln Av­ Sts., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: .by the undersigned who affirms Secretary of State of New York FIRST: The name of the regis­ FIFTH: The effective date of the enue, Delmar, New York 12P54. any lawful activity. that the statements made herein (SSNY) on 10/11/00. Office loca­ tered limited liability partnership Articles of Organization. shall be The specific date upon which the (December 12, 2001) are true under the penalties of tion: Albany County. SSNY has LLC is to dissolve is: April. 30, is: the date of filing with the Secre­ perjury. been designated as ag.ent of the NEBRES & PATEL, LLP . tary of State. 3051. The purpose of the busi­ S. Jesse Vandergrift, Attorney in LLC upon whom process against ness ol the LLC is registered pro­ SECOND: The address of the SIXTH: The limited liability com­ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Fact · fessional nursing. · it may be served. SSNY shall mail Principal office of the partnership pany is to be managed by 1 of LLC (December 12, 2001) ·a copy of process to the LLC, without limited partpers is 1500 more members. (December 12, 2001) ATIN: Jeffrey Feinman, 137 Lark Second Avenue, Watervliet, New IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Notice offonnation of limited liabil­ Street, P.O. Box 1428, Albany, York.12189. certificate-has been subscribed to ity company (LLC). Name: SIG- ARTICLES OF New York 12201. Purpose: For THIRD: Th9 profession to be this 1st day of November, 2001, ARTICLES OF NAL HILL PROPERTIES, LLC: ORGANIZATION OF THE any lawful purpose. practiced by such partnerShip by the undersigned who affirms ORGANIZATION OF RIVERS Articles of Organization filed with ENCLAVE AT MALTA, LLC (December.12, 2001) without limited partners is the that the statements made herein EDGE LLC the Secretary of State of New York practice of generalmedicjne, and are true under the penalties of (SSNY) on November 19, 2001. l!nder Section 203 of the Limited such partnership without limited perjury. Under Section 203 of the Limited Office location: Albany Gounty. Liability Company Law LEGAL NOTICE partnerS is eligible to register as Sf Robert J. Sneeringer, Attorney Liability Company Law _SSNY has been designated as FIRST: The name of the limited a ~registered limited liability part­ in Fact FIRST: The name of the limited agent of the LLC upon whom pro­ liability company is "The Enclave NOtice of Organization of McCabe liability Company is: Rivers Edge · cess against it may be served. at Malta, LLC." Holdings, lLC nershipn pursuant to 121-1500(a) (December 12, 2001) of the Partnership Law. LLC. - SSNY shall mail a copy of process SECOND: The county within the On November 9, 2001, McCabe SECOND: .The county within the to: Signal Hill Properties, LLC, State in which the office of the lim­ Holdings, LLC ("LLC") filed Ar­ FOURTH: The Secretary of State NOTICE OF PUBLICATION state in which the office of the lim- B.ddress 32 Brookwood Dri,ve, ited company is located is Albany ticles of Organization with the is designated as agent of the reg­ istered limited liability partnership ited liability company is to be Ia- Latham, NY 12110. Purpose: to County. . New York State Department of OXTOBY LLC was filed with cated is Albany. engage in any lawful business of THIRD: The latest date on which State. The office of the LLC ·is to upon whom process against it may be served. The post office SSNY on 11/06/2001. Office: AI· THIRD: The latest date on which every kind and character for which the limited liability cqmpany is to be located in Albany County. The bany COuilty. SSNY designated the limited liability company is to LLCs may be organized under the dissolve is November 1, 2065. . New York Secretary of State is address within or without this state to which the Department of State as agent of LLC whom process dissolve is December 31,2050. New York LLC Law, or any sue­ FOURTH: The Secretary _of State designated as the agent upon against may be served. The P.O. FOURTH: The secretary of state Cesser statute. is designated as agent of the lim­ whom process against the LLC shall mail a copy of any process served against it is 1500 Second address which SSNY shall mail is designated as agent of the lim- (Decem~er 12, 2001) ited liability company upon which may be served. The post office any process against the LLC ited liability company upon whom process ag·ainst it may be served. · address-to which the Secretary of Avenue, Watervliet, New York 12189. served upon him: The LLC, 46 process against it may be served. The post"office address within or State shall mail a copy of any pro­ State Street, 3rd Fir, Albany, NY l'he post office address within or NOTICE OF FORMATION OF without the State of New York to· cess against the LLC served upon FIFTH: The registration is effec­ tive upon filing. 12207. The registered agent is: without this state to which the sec­ LLC which the Secretary of State shall him or her is to the LLC,_c/o Erin USA Corporate Services Inc. at retary of state shall mail a copy Ol mail ,a copy of any process - McCabe, 67 Cascade Terrace, SIXTH: The partnership without limited partners is filing a regis­ the same address. Purpose: any any process against the_ limited Sky Box Cafe, LLC, fil~d Articles against the limited liability Com­ Niskayuna, New York 12309. The lawful purpose. liability company served upon him of Organization with the New York pany served upon him or her is: LLC·is organized for the purpose tration for status as a registered limited liability partnership. (December 12, 2001) or her is: Secretary of State on November The Enclave at Malta, LLC., 1698 of holding real and personal prop­ 12 Century Hill Drive 21, 2001. Its office _is located in Central Avenue, Albany; NY erty. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, !his Certificate has been subscribed Latham, New York 12110 Albany County. The Secretary of 12205. (December 12, 2001) on th9 9th day of November, 2001 . LEGAL NOTICE FIFTH: The effective date of the State has been designated as FIFTH: The effective date of the by tt)e undersigned, who affirms Articles of Organization shall be agent upon whom process may Articles of Organization shall be . that the statements made herein Notice of Qualification of. PCP the date of filing with the Secre~ be served and shall mail a copy the date of filing witt) the Secre­ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A are true under the penalties of Acquisitions, LLC. Authority filed· tary of State. of any process served on him or tary of State. with Secy. of State of N.Y. (SSNY) DOMESTIC LIMITED perjury. . SIXTH: The limited liability com­ . her to Sky Box Cafe, LLC, 900 SIXTH: The limited liability com· LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) SNina R. Patel, Partner on 10/26/01. LLCformed in Dela­ pany is to be managed by 1 or Delaware Avenue, Bethlehem, pany is to be managed by one or 1500 Second Avenue ware (DE) on 10/22101. NY office more members. New York, 12054. Its business is more of its members. The name of the LLC is MDS Watervliet, New York 12189 location: Albany County. SSNY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this to engage in any lawful activity for IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT designated as agent of LLC updn (December 12, 2001) certificate has been subscribed to which limited liability companies Articles of Organization have PRODUCTIONS, LLC. The Ar· whom process against it may be this 15th day of November, 2001, may be organized under Section been subscribed to this 4th day ticles of Organization of the LLC served. SSNY shall mail copy of by the undersigned who affirms 203 of the New York Limited Li­ of December, 2001 by the under­ were filed with the NY Secretary process to: c/o Corporation Ser­ NOTICE OF PUBLICATION that the statements made herein ability ·company Act. signed who affirms that the state­ of State on November 6, 2001. vice Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY are true under the penalties of (December 12, 2001) ments made herein are true un­ The purpose of the LLC is to en­ NORTH SIDE STUDIOS, LLC 12207. Principal office of LLC: cl perjury. der the penalties of perjul)'. gage in ·any lawful act or activity. was filed with SSNY on 10/30/01. o lnvestcorp, 280 Park Ave., 36 S/Jesse Vandergrift, Attorney in S/ Victor Gush, Manager The office of the LLC is to be lo­ Office: Albany County. SSNY des­ W NY, NY 10017.Arts. of Org. on Fact ARTICLES OF (December 12, 2001) cated in Albany County. The Sec­ ignated as agent of LLC whom file with DE Secy. of State, 401 (December 12, 2001) ORGANIZATION OF THE retary of State is designated as Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. process against may be served. ENCLAVE AT MALTA, LLC the agent of the LLC upon whom The 'P.O. address which SSNY Purpose: any lawful activity. LEGAL NOTICE process against the LLC may be shall mail any process against the (December 12, 2001) NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Under Section 203 of the Limited served. The address to which the LLC served upon him: The LLC, LIMITED .LIABILITY COMPANY Liability Company Law · Notice of Application for Authority Secretary of State shall mail a 543 Bedford Avenue, PMD 299, FIRST: The name of the 'limited of The Harbour Group,. L.L.C., a copy of any process against the Brooklyn, NY 11211 .. Purpose: NOTICE OF FORMATION NAME: ROSENBLUM EQUI· liability company is ·"Stockbridge foreign 1imit8d li~bility company LLC is 36 Par~ Hill Drive, Albany, any lawful purpose. TIES, L.L.C. Application for Au~ Financial, LLC." (LLCJ. Auth. filed with Secy. of The name of the limited liability New York 12204 .. (December 12, 2001) thority was filed with the Secre­ SECOND: The county within the Stale of N.Y. (SSNY) on 10/18/ (December 12, 2001) company is Philip F. McGuire, tary of Slate of New York (SSNY) State in which the office of the lim­ 2001. LLCformed in Virginia (VA) LLC. The Articles of Organization on 11/29/01. Office location: Al­ ited company is located is Albany on 8/23/1995. NY office location: were _filed with the Secretary of ARTICLES OF bany County. SSNY has b9en County. Albany County. SSNY designated · State on October 24, 2001'. The as agent of LLC upon ~hom pro­ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A ORGANIZATION OF O'KEEFE designated aS agent of the LLC THIRD: The latest date on which principal place of business of the upon whom process against it cess against it may be served. DOMESTIC LIMITED DEVELOPMENT u:c the limited liability company is to LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) LLC shall be located in Albany may be served. _SSNY sh

d1WLIOi!!il.1tf£Wflillllllilltf"t" K\Mif•, ;t$W111!P"' • ~.:;;»;IIWiiE'1-.· "" ""'"·'iW"'·::;;;~·P ' . ,.-,_.____ mX' .iii--"'"" ~YMW''•"'"""""""'·-'& --:-:-.- lw&~•u...... @:., .. ,•,•. a guide to services for your horne •. I .--=-----====--~ NORTHEAST HOME SERVICES Our family, serving your family ..• over 60 years. • general remodeling OLD DIRTY GROUT? • siding & windows Re-groutlt to look like new! • bathrooms & kitchens Bathroom • decks & patio enclosures Restorations • additions & garages • basement conversions • fully insured • free estimates • references Call 24 Hours

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You bou~ht- a new car, but- t-he old one•s st-ill in t-he driveway_· Get- it- int-o our paper · and out-. of: your lif:'e_

Place your ad in •he Spo•li~h• ClassiAeds_ Call Us A• 439-4940 THE SPOTLIGHT December 12, 2001- PAGE 35

ANNOUNCEMENTS pacities, more options, Manufac~ BODYTONE ROWING MA­ SPECIAL SERVICES WANTED childr6n's books, ei cetera. Tom turer of sawmills, edger's and CHINE & SCHWINN Jardas, 356-0292. FOR SALE BY SEALED BID: 1982 skidders. Norwood Sawmills, 252 EXCERCISE BIKE. Any reason­ SNOW PLOWING, reasonable ABSOLUTE BEST prices for old BUYING: All old costume and bet~ FMC Fire Dept. pumper/tanker, Sonwil Drive, Buffalo, NY 14225. able offer accepted. 475~9001. rates. Delmar, Glenmont, costume jewelry and real jewelry, ter jewelry. Call 439-6129. GMC chassis, 427 gas engine, 1-800-578-1363. · Slingerlands areas. ~39~7864. antiques of all types and contents DESK, SOLID MAHOGANY, 15,200 miles, 1000 gpm pump, of estates. Call ROSE, 233-1195. PINBALL, BOWPNG & ARCADE 6'x3', 70~~0 years, law practice, 1QOgallon.tank, 9000 lbfrontaxle, FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES TELEVISION MACHINES wanted 1-800-421- needs some refinishing. $900 ANTIQUE PAPER ITEMS: 22,000 lb rear. Tank leaks. Bids 6908 . firm. 438-6776. RENT-TO-OWN 50" Big screen autographs, photographs, opened 12/17/018pm. For info or 29 PEOPLE WANTED TO GET TV's. Starting at $29.99 a week. 1- stereoviews, daguerreotypes; to see, call Bruce 392-3047. PAID $$$ TO LOSE UP TO 30 END TABLES, wooden w/glass 800-77 4-4553. sports programs, auto/motorcycle LBS IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS. top $80. Pair of fireside chairs Austerlitz Fire District, PO BOX sales literature; road maps, travel 77, Spencertown, NY 12165. Programs start at $38. All natural $150. 377-9823. & doctor recommended. Call 1~ TOWING brochures, airline/oceanliner . KAWAI ORGAN: 8 pedal w/ac­ schedules; political items; Gen~ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 800-589-5819. TOWING: Junk cars and trucks cessories. $1 ,000. 294~ 7179. eral Electric Edison~Mazda cal­ GROWING BUSINESS NEEDS towed free and fast. You Call, We _endars, posters, scrap books, $$2500.00 -$$3200.00 Weekly!!! NEED A QUICK XMAS GIFT? HELP! Work from home! Mail~or~ Haul! 441-7067. sheet music, billheads, stocks; Mailing letters! Easy! Free der/E-Commerce. $522+/week local a·uthor, Louise Boomer, supplies/ postage! No· Selling! maps, globes, poSt cards, PT, $1 ,000-$4,000+/week FT. published· a cookbook • The Capital Disttict's Quality Weeklies. Weekly paychecks!! $1,000 www.SecureDestiny.com 1~888~ "ADIRONDACK PARTY· Boriuses! Send SASE: 685-9350. RECIPIES" $13.50 plus $3.00 CGenterprise Box #1222 Elk shipping&handling. Call 399~ GrOve, California 95759-1222 WORK YOUR COMPUTER. 3872, MondaY-Friday or 668~ EARN YOU WORTH. SECURE www.MailinglettersfromHome.com 5286, Saturday & Sunday~ !3ave YOUR FUTURE. ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE. Do Reviews. www.u2richnhealthy.com · you earn $800 in a day? Your own ORGAN, YAMAHA 415, Spinet, localcandyroute.lncludes30 rna~ CREDIT CARD DEBT? •stop 3 Manuals, Walnut Cabinet w/ . chines and candy. AU for $9,995. Collection Calls. *Cut finance RoiiTop, Exc.Condition.- $995. CALL 800-998-VEND. charges. *Cut payments. up to 439-0058. ' 50%. *Debt Consolidation. Fast Put yqUr computer to Work! Work Office Hours • Deadline· Phone • Fax ·Approval! No credit check! Avoid WOMANSOLEG CASINI WHITE from Home. Training/Mentor/Life~ bankruptcy. (800)270-9894 FUR COAT. Size Medium. Call 8:30AM- 5 PM Monday-Friday (518) 439-4940 time Support/ Flexible hours/ No after lOam: 355-5150. Daycarel No Boss. $1500-$7500+ Deadline: Friday at noon (518) 439-0609 Fax FIREWOOD . mo. FT/PT. 1-888-554-5805 MUSIC www .afirststeptosuccess.com · FIREWOOD SEASONED: Cut, Mail Address • In Person split, free deliVery. $65 F.C. 330~ SJRING INSTRUMENT RE­ .Readership CHILO CARE NEEDED 3849. PAIR: Bow rehairing, Violins for Spotlight Newspapers sale. 439-6757. 8 Newspapers FULL-TIME,CHILD CARE IN MY SEASONED FIREWOOD: 112Full P.O. Box 100 · 125 Adams St. 105,000 Readers HOME: For twins, anticipated Cord: $70 (4x4x4). Delivered. Call MUSIC LESSONS · Delmar, NY 12054 Delmar, NY 12054 starting April 2002. Salary & Ben­ 767-9501. • . GUITAR LESSONS, guitarist efits negotiable. Call 438~0064. SEASONED . HARDWOOD: available for private instruction in 16"x4x8 Face Cord. $70 Deliv~ CARE NEEDED, PART-TIME IN your home or mine. 20+ years ered. 731-9401. DELMAR HOME For3boys: Ages experience. Call Rob, _372-5077. Classified Ads Appear In All Eight Papers 3,1 ,infant starting in January. Call SEASONED FIREWOOD: Mixed 439-8748. PIANO LESSONS IN YOUR hardwood, $100 face cord, deliv~ HOME by experienced licensed · · In Albany County · · · PART~TIME after school hours, ered; stacking extra. Call 365~ teaCher. Car~ng, patient, and en· Monday~Frid~y. in my Niskayuna 7334 or 756-8375. thusiastic. Classic, popular mu- · The Spotlight • Colonie Spotlight • Loudonville Spotlight • Guilderland Spotlight home. References required, pay MIXED HARDWOODS: Full sic. Digital piario and keyboard. negotiable. 374-1867. cords, $160; face cords, $75. Jim· Children, teens, ad~lts.459~3984. Haslam, 439-9702. In Schenectady County CHILDCARE SERVICES NOTICES Niskayuna Journal• Scotia-Glenville Journal• Rotterdam Journal HANDYMAN AT HOME MOM HAS IMMEDI­ For all the days that end in "why?n ATE OPENINGS for 1-5 yearolds, BEST BEf HANDYMAN, Hom"e Our hearts, our minds and our South Colonie/Shaker Elementary Repairs & Maintenance, Electri~ doors are alWays open. The · In Saratoga County. ·area. Lunch/snack provided. 453~ cal, Plum~ing, et.c., Senior Dis~ people of the United Methodist Clifton Park/Haffmoon Spotlight 6429. counts, Call 434-5612. C h u r c h CHILDCARE AVAILABLE MY M&D REPAIRS & INSTALLA- www.UnitedMethodist.org LOUDONVILLE HOME. Experi­ TIONS: Your local handyman. PAINTING enced, CPR certified, infants pre~ Free estimates, reliable service-.- --~-"'=="---­ !erred. Call 220-9375. Call Mike at 432-9715. WANTTOCHANGEthecolorsof Classified Rates CHILDCARE IN MY GLENMONT the rooms in your home? Hire a HOME: Ages 2-o. 465-6419. HOME IMPROVEMENT man with 15 years experience in Private Party Classifieds- Line Ads- Eight paper combo $12 for My ALBANYI DELMAR home - 2 Weather and emergency repairs painting, wallpapering etc .. Call openings. Experienced with ref~ of barns, houses and garages. today for free es.timates and 12 words 50 cents for each additional word. erences, 449~4853. Call Woodford -Bros. Inc for prompt, professional service. straightening, leveling, and foun- . Bruce Hughes, 767~3634. Commercial Classifieds- Line Ads- Eight paper combo- $15.50 CLEANING SERVICES . dation repairs. Free estimates 1~ PETS AND PET PRODUCTS 800-0id-Barn. www.1-800-0I~- ·CLEANING- residential/ small Barn.com GET THE LATEST TECHNOL­ for 12 word~ 50 cents"for each additional word. Multiple insertion business/industrial. Free esti~ OGY in active ingredientd91ivery mates. R8ferences. Call Ro~e LEGAL for liquid wormers. Get all new discounts available. Please call for information. 439-0350. Happy Jack(R) LIQUI-VICT DIVORCE OR ANNULMENT IN (R) at Agway (R) Stores. Display Classifieds - Several combination rates are available - please COMPUTERS ONE DAY, without travel, even if WY>fW.happyjackinc.com you can't find your spouse. RENT-TO-OWN. computers! call for information. www.divorcefast.comAianAiford, Startingat$19.99aweek.1-800- PIANO TUNING & REPAIR PO Box 377 Sudbury, MA 978- 422-3368. . 443-8387. PROFESSIONAL PIANO tuning Business Directory - Several combination rates are ~vailable - please and repair, Michael T. Lamkin, EDUCATION MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Registered Piano Technician, call for information. EARN YOUR COLLEGE DE- 9 INTERIOR DOORS, BROWN Piano Technicians Guild. 427- . GREE QUICKLY. Bachelors, WOOD GRAIN FINISH, $10.00 1903. Masters, Doctorate, bycorreE!pon- 7049 dence based upon prior educa- each.· 899- · SENIOR ASSISTANCE Ads will appear in all eight newspapers, as well as on the tion, lffe experience, and short BEAUTIFUL OAK 1800's AVAILABLE study course: For free informa- . SERVER. Excellent condition EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER . internet for the number of weeks requested, tion, catalog, call: Cambridge $850. t9951BMAptiva PC. $150. WITH GERIATRICS AND PEDI- · State University (800)964-8316. 439-1873. ATRICS. ·ReferenCes available. 756-8041. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Order Form SAWMILL $3895. NEW SUPER LUMBERMATE 2000. Larger ca- r------~------, c I I ·· ~c Maze Answers ., ! I I .:a I I "! I , I 0 I I I I I e I I -.. I I :. I~= I :a I I - I Address: I I City: State Zip I I Home Phone Work Phone I I I Advertise Your Business Give us a Gall at:. I Amount Enclosed Number of Weeks I - lll-­ 1 MasterCard or Visa# I SpotlightNewspapers 439-4949 LExpiration date: ~ ______::gnature~ ....:_ __ ;______JI ·!

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