~ETHLEHEM Pt_IR''Cl!BRARY . Res1dents focus1ng · · . D1sney pn lcJlO ~Of Clg~!fb~bs on famlly m~mor1es skates into Pepsi :___ {;:dJ_to~..:._~uJldon:c 0 See Page 3 0 Family entertainment section £t0::llf'lf' StB d99 Delmar man dies DEcJzvt . .. - _, following house fire By JOSEPH A PHILLIPS 'There was some fire in the house, but no one else present at the time," Loomis A Delmar man died Saturday of injuries said. An- aide remained on the bus with sustained in a ·house fire on Borthwick the lorie special-education student Avenue, the cause of which remains under aboard, who apparently slept through the investigation. incident, Loomis said. Paul A Peterson, 53, of 18 Borthwick Police ·and Delmar firefighter.s Ave. was pronounced dead Saturday at. ::..<W'\"' Westchester Mem­ orial Hospital, where he had been trans­ ported the day before for treatment of severe burns on the upper · half of his body suffered in the Friday, Dec. 7, fire at his · home. Peterson was alone in the home at , . the time. The fire was reported to Beth­ lehem police at about ·-·-:_ 2:45 p.m. Friday by a bus dispatcher for the Bethlehem Central School District, alerted by the driver of a passing responding at the scene found Peterson, severely burned, kneeling on the lawn of , f Bethlehem Central SchoolDistrictvehicle . a home across the street from his residence. He was transported by Dehnar Ambulance to Albany Medical Center . i Hospital, and then flown to Westchester· * . ·;~'",;1'1 ~id~::;,~;;;;~:.~~; for· treatment in the hospital's burn unit, Noah and Ellie Bell enjoy a ride on a flying saucer with their lather, Greg Bell, at.·-·· after reporting the incident, entered the ·where he died. Normanside Country Club last Sunday. .. •· - . Jim-Franco :"" home. Delmar and Elsmere firefighters ; ··-- 'f.". brought the fire under. control within a ,~~r'~'' ··,;· .. .'.·.half -.hour: The house sustained · . substantial interior damage. _ _ l~vestigators from the state Fire · 'Investigation and Prevention unit .and Beth_lehem police determined that the ·.. ·By JOSEPH A p. HILLIPS .. ~.·. · the project atVollmer·Associa~es and "Ournextstepisto.sitd~~n ~ith th~s~ · fire originated in a bedroom, but the .Sear Brown· Associates, design revised .site plans; go ·over them". :.specific. cause remains under , }I'hree major d~ve!o~me~t pr9jects top ·- eiiginee,rs for 'fowri Center developer thoroughly .and provide :(Nigro)_ with . ·. investi~atiori, according to Bethlehem . the,agenda for tonight's firialregular NigroCorripanies. comments,': he said, 'Theirjobwouldthen · DetecttveJohnCox. meeting of the year of theBethlehem On i:iec. 4, the pla'nning board be to respond t9 those'coinrrients." : --: "Because of the damage, we can't at town. board"-- including consideration of · adopted a resolution finding, thaUhe The pl;,nning bo~rd coiild consider site . · this. time pinpoint an exact point (whe:-e . .:the .:Fi,nal Enviro;,_mental ·Impact FEIS is complete and recommending· _ plan-approval as so_oh as its first-meeting "·' .- ... :Statement (FEIS) for the Bethlehem that the town board concur and accept .in January, he;said, depending on the· :::J FIRE/page 14 .~· ·' ~'- ;· - .T0vm Center project in Glenmont the document. - - outcome of tonight's town board action. ·.- -------------- :.. ->.The planning board voted unan- · · "Corisiderabfe attention has been _According ·to Llpnicky, the nearly six · · -'-imouslylastweektorecommendthatthe given to the . months taken to; · .: '''~-~{<,,:; •· - rJ . FEIS be adopted. concerns of res- complete the FEIS . Lo.omis: Boali ··. ; Also up for consideration is a request idential ,and Th I · ,., after public comment :aorezOneaparcelonNewScotlandRoad .commercial pro- 11 e p anntng boaru COU/d on the draft doc- '.·-.·mus" t -use . in Slingerlands, clearing the way for perty owners in COnSider Site pliJn apprOVal aS . ument ):on eluded in . construction of a professional office the vicinity of the soon as its first meeting in. June reflected not ··es· t··~,·nt building there, and a fresh start for a project site, and of only the rigorous 1 1 1 p . long-debated residential p.roject on the Bethlehem January. review to which it Blessing Road. Central School· k was ·subjected but .By RONALD E. CAMPBELL District," wrote Je 11 lipnic Y als·o the· lossbyNt'gro· The Town Center FEIS has drawn the most attention of the three. A draft EIS chairman Doug- of Home Depot, its Bethlehem school Super- was the subject of a public hearing before· las Hasbrouck in intended tenant for . intendent Les Loomis said the the town board in May, and the final a memo communicating that recom- the second largest of the two major retail board "must exercise restraint" in version of the document outlining likely mendation to Supervisor Sheila Fuller. buildings on the site. developing the district's 2002-03 environmental impacts and planned steps If the town board concurs, it would Negotiations are continuing -between school budget, which will be for their mitigation has been un.der. clear the way for the planning board to ·Nigro and another tenant, which required· presented to district voters for review ever since by the planning board,. complete a statement of findings in some reconfiguration of the site plan upon approval in May. · ·the town's engineering consultants on ·accordance with the state SEQRlaw and which the DEIS was originally based. The The board approved Loomis's act· on a building project application site plans submitted last week for review proposed budget calendar at the aired in an October public hearing.· list Lowe's as tlje new home-improvement board meeting last week. · Town Planner Jeff Lipnkky isaid last tenant. "' Loomis, an active member of week that his department receiyed "The last we've httard, they haven't New York State Council of School llllllllllll\1\llllllll revised site plans from Sear Brown on secured an agreement With them yet," said 6 098(;9 00020 Nov.30. .· •. "_;;. _,:."J REs'r~~'t;JT;~;e 1~'" THE SPOTLIGHT$.75 · :J FEIS/page 16 .... ' .. ' .. '' .... '.'. ' I /> ,, ' • ' ' ~ I• I ' ' _I I ' 0 0 0 0 • ,-' • ":, i :.:.;,. l 'L 1 , , ~. t ,. ''\\it/ ,i~·il~j 3 .. , J •. , f: i • , THE SPOTLIGHT - t n ..HJ VI U V I V if j u Salvation Army Court cases adjudicate needs bell ringers Police arrest clerk Four individuals facing arrested Nov. i5; and two charges of driving while intox­ individuals arrested separately on The Salvation Army wants you! for embezzlement icated (DWI) pleaded guilty to Nov. 11 - David Michael A large portion of the annual local Geoghegan, 36, of628 Route 143, budget is generated by the based on internal audits. reduced counts in Bethlehem By JOSEPH A. PHILLIPS. Town Court last week. Ravena, and Jeffrey Ellsworth holiday kettle campaign that is a Sutton is charged with theft of Miller, 23, of 107 Delaware Ave., sure sign the. holidays. are Appearing before town Justice more than $1,100 over the past six Albany. coming. However, a shortage of For· the second time 'in two Kenneth Munnelly on Tuesday, months. Investigation of the volunteer bell ringers to take care weeks, an employee of a Stewart's remaining losses by Stewart's Dec. 4, the four defendants All four were fined $300 and a of the kettles greatly impacts the store in Bethlehem has been pl{'!aded guilty to driving while $35 state-manda~ed surcharge. investigators and Bethlehem Salvation Army's gain for the arrested and charged with police is continuing. ability impaired. (DWAI) in campaign since it is forced to hire embezzlement. Their licenses suspended for a Sutton's arrest came barely a satisfaction of all outstanding period 'of 90 days. people to fill this role. · Anna M. Sutton, 23, of 498 charges against them. · week after the arrest of Cynthia All four were also ordered to All teen-agers, adults, clubs Kenwood Ave. and an employee Anne Bush, 45, of 124 Buck They included Thomas James attend a victim-impact panel and and organizations with a desire to of the store, turned herself 'in to Ranch Road, Coeymans, an Martone, 21, of 229 Harrison undergo a drinking driver help during this holiday season by Bethlehem police on Wednesday, employee of the Stewar:t's store at Lane, Selkirk, arrested on Oct. 12; remediation program. volunteering an hour or more of Dec. 5, after learning of a warrant 1344 Route 9W in Selkirk, James Philip Hagadone, 46, of25 ·time atone of the many local sites; for her arrest. She was arraigned charged with theft of more than Goodfellow Road, Westerlo, including Price Chopper in before Bethlehem town Justice $1,900 in cash and merchandise Slingerlands and Ames in Kenneth Munnelly on a grand from that location. (518) 6]4.7754 Glenmont, will be warmly larcenY: count, a felony, ~d re- Co. Rt. 67 welcomed leased m her own recognizance, Bush is also due in Town Court Freehold, NY · < . ti' all B b K · pending a date iii Town Court on on Dec. 18. F orm,orma on,c o opp D 18 I VISA I ·at 4 75-9677 or e-mail ec. · · · [email protected], or The warrant followed an Church to host Steve Simons. at 475-1538 or investigation by a Stewart's loss [email protected].. prevention officer into more than holiday carol sing $3,000 in missing cash over the past year at the Delmar store, Delmar Reformed Church will host a community carol sing on Poinsettias Holiday Decorations the front steps of the church at • Fresh GreenArrllngmze,;ta!r Vot.ed.Top.IO·M-"'_ uAU.-:,Star L-ist-for 1999 386 Delaware Ave., at 7 p.m. on • Florist Quality Evergreen Garland f1J'tfU/--~, SJ Serving Dinner : Sunday, Dec. 16. Poinsettias at • Mistletoe, Exotic Boughs ofGreens RESTAURANT Thurs., Fri., Sat. 4:30-9 pm Everyone is invited to sing • Victorian Kissing Balls 0 · Growers Prices along to their favorite Christmas _ ··Dried Wreaths & Arrangements 13;·= ~T:T::.
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