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The Ledger and Times, August 11, 1967

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10, 1967 • Iss Selected As A Sul All Ronne Kentucky Oonuntmity Newspaper Th • The Only Largest ond Afternoon Daily Circulation In Murray And Both In City released Calloway County en wort- And In County Ira yes to tring his

In Oar Bith Year United Press International Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, U1 LYE- August II, 1967 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No. 189

OM OMM,MrimoMM., inn alp lien. nt. 1-3 In 11 MOW a opener —4 erne U. COUNTY -SCHOOLS TO OPEN 7-8 and Austin kidelphia Airman Raney Now k. Detroit Calloway High and Elementary id edged In The Philippines e teemed Murray Sidewalk GEORGE HART DIES Me. We- Centers Plan Opening Program ird CIML LUZON, Phthppmes — Airman 7-0 George Hart, retired president of the Bank Second Clem Hubert R. 0. Raney, 'es Park- whoa wife, Shirley, is the .daugh- been stained with certified peocie. er bases of Murray and former mayor of Murray, died ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oti' Crook 0f the one hundred and three Sale Is of en made Planned 203 Memorial Drive, , certified potations, one-third of Tenn, has 1 to pelmet today about 2 p. m. at the Gross Mont Hospital arrived for duty at these teachers have Master De- aid hand John Hay AB, Philippines grees and above ,,The ?Surrey Chamber af Com- ray wIS be particepteng in the in San Diego, Califcrnia, according to a tele- Airman Raney, a radio repair- All Canoe/tie Cotmty teachers merce maid today that the Manway two-dey event. offering clean-up tube lead men. previously served at Finiend and other maned people are to Sidewalk Sale Martha FrIday and sales at prices below cost in most phone report to Dr. John C. Quertermous. AL' Forre Station, Minn. He is meet at the Odloway County Hatt ending Elaturdery Meg. August cases atagned to the Air Force Com- Seco' on August 23rd. at 830 13th and 19th, is expeoted to be Murray's Merchants are delight- Tithe fly His wife, Mrs. Lochie Hart, retired librarian murientiona Service vitach pro- am, for in-Service Teacher Tra- the biggest in its Bluth year his- wuth the Salensiet Sae, in that ihr in vides global communications and ining The In-Service Training day tory. Lea year's mow& battled It gives them the opportunity to I Manly at Murray High School, called Dr. Quertermous side to aerial na wigsLion for USAF is under the direction of Edwere denble • 100 degree heat and rain to get ciean- up ere-sting inventories and and other agencies. attrareillar. the Pi- acme of the seasons most specta- make apace available for the new to report the death. Me rumen Is a graduate of The schools and &unities are mp frocn cular bargains fall mexhandiss The goods of- Yale (Mich) I. Schoci. follows. This year'soweather is expected fered teas into all ateirones. with Listed as Hart were visiting her brother, Hih sister la Mrs. Ceral Briti- on Jenk- to be mod, with the brig range bummer items predominating Mr. and Mrs. Calloway County High. Howell an of Rt. 6, Murray. e becorne roreast prethettng temperatures Meet appeance stores offer re- Harry Broach and family in San Diego. -Mr. Crittenden, principal. Jane SI*, e hurler In the low Me with partial clouts amed prices oh al hems to pro- Chaney, Chierem Parts, Almost all merchants in Mur- ved* apace for 1963 models. Hart underwent surgery at the Gross Mont V is. Milton Weldon. Joyce Wenn", four-run An aka& Mete lave been asked Genallane Myers, N P_ Paschall, In 21 at to dry In the onsuane of their pital last week, but his conditNn was not Jame Hall. David Howell, 13M Braves choice, and It kat year can be George Hart Tian Lowry Adams, Marguerite Brooks, Mate eht hits 4 Lt. Kopperud Oaken as an inclinaaor, thee cloth- Jones, Obera Milner Betty Riley, ught to be serious, according to reports. Herm Jeffref I S The ing peonesse to be WE this year June Wilson, Juitanne Smith, FROGMEN VANISH cited out Mad digigeas get into she mint Mr. Hart was an outstanding citizen of Mur- Is Director Douglas Tucker, Roy (uothnin, I and It On Tour To of ths esesaion with than dram Sue Outland. George Dowdy, Lar- year SYDNEY, Australia — The Aus- the mpeseally straw hob and Marta ry Dunn. Modest Jeffrey, Lucy e starter tralian navy (stirred every avail- ray and Calloway County. Inst year's sa:se was sommonly Ann Forrest. Bon Kertick. able ship and heboopter to loin Conserystion of WItillife is be- caled the -Knobbed Knee Para- Nix, Eva Rom. Lubte McDeniet South Pacific a search for two frogmen who ing taught to teachers attending ear. with the nickname *gybed The body is being returned to the J. H. Chur- John Clines, Louie Teary, Mar- vanithel Thuratley during a tra- • woriuhap at Murray State Uni- one; to the male set (Cantdkaaed 012 Page Ski Wog exerciae. chill Funeral Home. Weley by personnel of the Ken- Lieutenant Wnlarci R Koppereel. The Sitimak Bale will start tucky Department of Fun and who is stationed aith the Data with each dere* regular bran of Reeources, Frenktbrt • Bank Program US' Army, Irmiti- apersition and at unroll their nor- Missionary Speaker '"My Three Angels" The workshop. under the dir- Area Company imam, D c le on an ladillet- 1111 erne on both Friday Pad 91101‘ Calloway 441 ection of Lan Lowry. smatant ihr tour to the Per least. thread- and Saturdil Is Mrs. Thomas Play At professor at MSU, La designee:I to ing Arnie Headquarters in New meatandiee le added to acquaint teachers with principles Mire se Japan. Korea and Plat- the abase hourly to give eneryone ifrs BY it Thomas, For Two Weekends Launches Cash Attend Camp of wildlife conservation and to te= He wit return to Whatiling- a dame at the bargains tucity madonary to Singapore% pant up the need for wise use of tan the lest of this month. be the nakelatairy meginer during "My Three Angelo", the New York Broadway Comedy MI be wilaife and other natural resourc- Lieutenant Kopp-rid grallinje Waal week at Cediumore. Crop,Pulpwood Two Car Accident ifelapridet clannenne Camay 4-H peseenise Be the adallt" tine as. Atadetie materials. elms and at tram Murray State Unlverilty Mrs. Tionins, the lartiler Ret coaneas have attlterid a week of this sauna at Si. Kaiaks Afa- department penannel services 1104 with Douala was torn in Cieli,way In a II 8 degree We Occurs Thursday maping at Dawson Springs this an siel to Leaching oinservation PliA1K7ORT, Kg — A pulp County and grew up in Lone Oak. ptillthsater wee In the advarioed ROTC pro- west in the schools are enanerated. At three con- and paper company that is plann- S grant oncluating as • disereruish- 2nd & Olive She we graduated from Murray The comedy kr about Those standing are Beverly Various pinseu of conservation of ing to construct an MO million State Uneversity and taught arhool data who become the good angda ed rrektary student with a 2nd natural reeources are streamed by Ken- A two oar accident ccoirred Week lkiiinda 'Teske Byte !teen. taressed hotashob. mill at Wickliffe and dw Lieutenant Conenon He did his In Jefferson end Warren Counties of a may ji.Miller at Olive Phyla Adenia. other state agencies w. tucky Department of Natural Re- Second and Street at 3 46 Adana Seam Deb- before her appointment The story tete how the three grains te work in industry pay- launch a prograrn next pm yeetesday Involved were Au- bie Hogan Iblirtna Tacker. Dar- convicts he out the fanny which The wildele program is headed sources will at Cnivenity of Tuts. She is married to Rev. Bill Cl4n,mestere car- I Western Kentucky de- brey I. Stool of Ain° who mu lene Carer, Cathy Lovett. Karen they at IrIng with, and in dour' by James J year in lea t3epternber he entered the Crart Thomaa. &innerly of Cache Pulpwood as a driving a 1960 Mercury four-door Johnson, Vicki Pat Lamb, Regina they create some very funny actor of the Division of Conserve- signed behued IN serve*. gradiatine frcrn the Me- so, sedan Minh had damage to the Lovett, Drama Kelm Sarah Cal- and thee have served in Serameore penes. don Education, of the Department Matt crop diced Smola Service Einhoal, Pert 7 loft fender, hood, front bumper houn. Lellonra Mempin, Pleb dire 19611 They have three child- of Nth and WIldlife Resources West Vtririnis Puip and Paper Rani , Tans and was m- Thom of you who znalled the and grill; aid Janus P Hargrove Butterworth. Thereeea Parrish Ja- Company will match on a me-for - anned to the Data Bank program reo feet production of this comedy, The group stated Comp John of Dealer who was driving a mey Kedio, An WIliferd. Cecelia one basis pine seedlings purchased in Weihington, D 0.. as a pa- make pans to see ate of the fun- W Dune, on Kentucky lake. near 11191 Clwariest Mach had dam- Saw, Sherri lidteinney. linana by landowners In 13 Western Ken- n &mewed He was promoted to niest aomeetes that you will ever Bentsen to abeerve the campLng 1st age to the right front fender, Everaneyer. Cheryl Lane Brown, counties for reforestation. Lieuterant June first. Russell's Chapel see on the stage. prugreem as handled by Depart- trod. front bumper and grill Latins Miner, Storttdale. Nature I Resources 0ortimbeioner J, lieutenant ICopperud la the Itie production "My Three ment Personnel of the Dhinion of am Acrertang to Officer Matkok said Loden Joe P Akio attending are Libby Sens, Revival Planned of the De- of Dr and llhe A. R. Kopperud, Angels" will run the weekend of Comereation Education said the company's new Intl, Witherspoon. who Wanda:led. Jenlafer Lovett. Regina He SOO Man Street Lockhart. August 11th and 12th, and the partment at Pah and Wildlife Re- both cars were going at Wickliffe we provide a Meads north on Vicki Humphrey& Cale Broach, The Rumania Chapel Methodist place on Wed- weekend of Most lath and sources This took market for pine pulpwood in West- Second Al Harirrove Plesid Sewn Veen* June Harrison, Panetta Chunth, on Highway 732, will hold Admiration charge I 62,00 for nesday morning, August 9th. The Senn made a ern Kentucky. left turn In front Jeffery, James Burkeen, Loyd Mc- • revival beginning with the Camp and adult. and $1.00 for chilikiren The gridup had brach at The firm a-tla purchase Its seed- Barkley Lodge Unit of Harwrove striking am in the Clure. Elny Pau! Breen eleven o'okick. mortice Sunday. Rodney thaw begins at 3:30 CDT. then spent the afternoon ei the right front end, pekoe reporta lings term nurseries operated by Contract Is Signed Birkeen, Z36Sinith James Jar- August 13 etring room being taught the sad Hargrove then went off the ICentInswel On Page Sin) rett, Randy Willson, Mike Pas- The revival will camtinue thr- operation of the Department and right in Nide of the road e- enANKFORT - Construotton of ChM, Johnnie fttodlallsle. My ouch Prelate evening with services RIDING CLUB the services It gives to sportsmen • pithet a tree stump The police the 134-vat Lake Berkley Lodge Potts, Steve Tv*CuLston. Roger each evening at 5:00. The mln- The Canonry County Riding and conseriationists in the state, report sad Stern bed mid that all bean September 1 near Cadiz Perri*, (Beton Key, Jeffery Key, ater, Rev. A. M. Thanes, MI do Olub will meet at the fairgrounds how ilts Yr enforcement sect- 100th Division he did not Pee a tarn Ural be- Governer lidesani T Breathitt Jaunty Dodson, Freddie Ben,-y the preaching. at 7 30 pin Monday for a bus- ion operates and 'How Fish and • he did not see anew be- aliened a e4,216 791 contract with Leanne front Cialluarier Clounty The public Is invited to attend Mae meeting AS mesnbers are Waage 3aneflt NlyChinmunity." hind hint Edward Curd the Met Oonstrurtion Oo , Owens- attereeing camp -vrith the above than swarm ;treed to attend Ctelte aides; modes, and meter- Leave Saturday bore for the preen Junior campers are Mrs Ray ed were used in this claanoorn Al County fichoola will open Also to be conetrunted, under Broach, Mrs A It Home, and lecture Mrs. Lou Pool Dies for the fiaB term on Menet 24th, serierate (tontine!. are some 16 no- Mrs. Joe Pat Lomb Arnim lead- This Morning At Thureanr, Ma 10th, the group according to a release frurn Sup- For Training ;fern vocation notate, a multi- ers attending are: Debbie Oat- went on a fleed trip to the Bat- erintervient Buren Jeffrey. On purpose recreaeion ten Iowan Bobby Willimens, Neva Stull am • Daughter's Home Is tey Lake area and received in- tees date sohools wtI be in session par dolmen, two Lighting beechen and The Senior 4-51 camp for More Oomph ny M, Third Bn., 399th Cal- struction from Prank Dibble, mane for one-half day. otter raciatiew Mrs Lou Pool, at loway Country 4-H members was Regiment, eking with other unite 56. died 710 biologist, Murray, on the pune Eadh achod. Calloway County Officials said 531it which this morning at the held during the week of hen 24- of the 100th Division win return home of a program as it is carried out in High, Akio, Faxon, Head Kirk- ehould oast ehout $9 realm Will daughter. Mrs Dewey Parke, 1623 XI Nine Odlloway County teen- se one Meld= to Skirt Jhelum Keritudqr by the Depolment. ay, Lynn Glove. and New Oen- be flreldied In time for the MD Partner. Muray. agers attended accompanied by Smith Clarcana. on neitinclay. Aug- Planned In City oord, hes planned a Owed pro- season at Lake Barbey elate Funeral services will be held Oien Sims, Area Intension Agent Cherie Bowers, &instant direct- ust 12 kr the nria time alma the at gram for opening cky. Park 3 30 pen Sundae' at the J. H. In Youth or, Div, of Fisheries, Pranirfcrt; divielon was onewezed there in President Johnsen already has airlated by Conservation Officer Announcements will be made 1942 Churchill Plmeral ohapd with Those &Mending were: Aiken The street Berses in the stern Bank of Murray Drive In Branch arvinunted • federal rant of $33 Jerry Maupin, Murray. and Paul pertainira to lunches, booke tram- Rev Noonan Oulpepper officiat- Palmer. elliebeth Nance, Kathy sertion of the Clay of Murray wet sod another one filen 5th Street 'The immediete effect ell be the minim for the wort. with the re- liciristead, Regional Director. Ben- eportation. and other items of Im- ing Burkett will be M the OM Be. Stubblefield, Regina Fulton, Ros- be improYed, acceyang to action In the front or the blanch bank traireini riven new entered pad- mainder eaneng ham a sage re- ton, takel to the portance All patrons are cord- Cemetery. Mends may call alyn Mumbler, t PUrchea City Counall The counal voted to place four group about the lees at het Jackson by members 50 venue bond lam taken by the Murray inty Invited to attend these open- hatchery and ficheries program at the funeral home anlaithe Marry Williams, Donal Graham held meters on the west and two on the of M Oornearry. The Murree Com- at the regular meeting ing exercises Ws Pool was a member of the ard Pat Lamb este side of South 6th Street be- and re-stooking of ponds, streams pany and other— units of the Thumb" night at the City Rai and lakes conducted thmtighout On August 36th retinas will be Cherry Ckrtier Rapti* Chu rch with Major Holmes Me presid- (Cendased Oa Paget Six) 100th wilt take over the training the state by the Division In seesion a full clay with Ittndhes She is survived by the daugh- ing Mon of Active Army unita ter; two eons, Albert of Murray being served In the cafeterias Thle could be the noir of the die- WEATI1ERREPORT. Hodges Arrives For Leen will be Installer-sr the The Diverion of Cionservation and Bee of St. lima MO . two Busses will make the meal rout- !non should It ever be meal to Vvftsd Pr. present tenting improved on Hospital Report Filteratinn of the Despertm,ent of deters. Mrs. Bien Witherepoon of Emergency Leave e.% on the earrun time scherbie as active &goy on an extended bass, Cherry, Pine, Ade North Ink Fish and Wildlife Reenurree can- Murray and Mrs Wilson Key of of but year: however. Mr Jeffrey as durtng the Beane Crs Cheetnut, Pest Street, and Mid- . Census — Adults 96 ducts its own school program, West Kentucky — Pair and 000l Pena, Tenn.; one brother, J. B. latiby Hodges. serving with the added. an students should keep in berry. Census — Nursery 5 meeting with beers and gels of M. Ciarripany. coneranded by this seterrienn, tonight and Set- Pertrell of Murray; five ginandchll- United State Army In Korea has rand that the admen will be The ocautoil also approved Up Admster Amend 9, 1067 the 5th, 6th. 7th. and 8th grades Capt. Willie Jerilyn, MI leave 9f a &en; and two great grandchild- been called hnme due to the te- on Dayliget (Inky Herb operated Saving Time this afternoon around speed limit of 26 miles per hie. eins Lottie Cooper. Rural Route of the erchoolle, in Kentucky once Murray on August 12 and reblirn 90 Northerly winds 12-la nines ren nse cif ha grandmother, Mrs. end it will take a few clays to get In the Douglas School area it, Farmington Mr. Henley C. a month and meeting ellereottl- Maud 216 after these einem -eold- neer at She we preceded in death by pierher Hodges, who b a patient all bus - per hour. Law tecesht Parting meters win be removed Lovett, Rural Route 1, Moo, Mrs. irately 100,000 during the whin! routes and schedules re lent mincilete the rroulred- two her huillaral Matt A on Nov 20, at the Murray-C..0mm,, County HMI Saturday Se flundey out- St pants In the downtown area IldiSe Bede Jones. 1306 Poplar, yeer. teaching same pitmen of weeks active duty traintng look — Fair and mild Ipso, floneatal be oak. for more ease in turning Murray; Baby gin Letterman. Ru- wilciffe mnservalion intim the Al bus drivers are to report to More than four officers and 31 Hodges has been in Korea for oo and entering the "treed; from the ral Route 2. Murray, Bala boy dim paled. During the stiffener the Cannway County High Soho°, enlisted men front Murray will Kentucky Lake: 7 sin. about a year Ile 356 b. CITATIONS Is Married to various bushman; Walker. Rural Route 2, Murray; It coastal bee, canes — one on on Amnia 21st. at 8:30 Lin. to get elseekiente In the Anrny Reserve dotal 02: below dam 304.6. the former Barbara Scarbrough up A meter will be rearmed from Mrs. Modena C Hackett. 904 Pop'. Comlwalland take, Canm Earl their bummer, receive instructiorne brandy this year. 02. Three sates open. The daughter of Mr &rid Mrs. Noble four Mations even by the 4th Street in front of the Bank Hr. Murray, Mrs Villiodean Wal- ~ere — and Ortnp 3ohn W. as to their meta, time richedules, The tonal unit sin train new Barleke Lake: 9316. *ern Murree Police floarbrough He Is the son of Tho- 0.2; Department include of Murree, and one from 5th ker. feral Rote 2, Murray: Mt. Ow-re During 11 weelot or (anv- reports, etc. rearnettis in Ptak combat tactics beim than 3106, diem 01. molders driving. two: on opera t- mism Hodges Street by the People! Dank Willem H. Jena, 1000 Fairlane, il* 4,500 bone and Ora Plitetitt- The Calloway County Hard of and millleary drill Sennise 1:10: senate 7:53. one avenge, and improper realetra- The mune soldier Is on a 30 Four meters we also be re- Murray; Mies Penny Wheatley. pate in the program. Ed. Adams Education Is peered to announce The soldiers ell travel th Fart 5 ,Mbort sets 11:13 p.m. don, and no city sticker, one each. day leave moved front Poplar Street by the (ftentetwed On Page 81x) it. director of thin Division, that all teaching mations have Sartain by chartered bus.

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• • ..esggreessagetimillanNalkaffilmatieweweisegostalwagwolleme

raoll TWO THE LEDGRB a TINS!) alLIBBAY. 11.11101TECKE • FRIDAY - AUGUST 11, 1967 -THE LEDGER & TIMES ogiUsallp) White Sox by LEDGER & TOMS POSLIIIINEINI 00111FAST. tec Now McGrmick Pitches 15th Giant • Consolidation of me Murray Ledger, The Ceiloway Times, and The times-Herald, October 2U, 1828, and the West Kartitieldan, January 1, 1941. Lead 2 Games Victory In Win Over Cardinals JAMBS C WILLIAMS, PUBLISHMI We reserve Use right to reject any Advertising, Letters le the Rditor.a For Pennant By FRED OilledANE tot proved to be one of the ben or Asiatic Voice items whim, in our opinion, are not for the test in- 'The Almanac CPI Sparta terest of our readers. COLDWATER Writer Wads the °SOU toe. made In A $035.000 loveettenset, origami!,Indeut yews. REPRBISEMTATIVES: inigken SI as a WALLACE WITMER CO, 1609 by Uselsil ham Luiersallemal By VITO fITELLINO business los, heit , woisi niunisw sotto ingsa five, Ave., lilerriplus, Tenn; Time & Life Bldg., Reath begun poring off dividends New York, N.Y.; Tulip is Pry, Aug 11 CPI Spada Write: Bldg., Detroit, ILich. NEWS the for the Ban Francisco lend der at 1A1 Bee DM* Giusti after AIM ea Pad with lei dew W. L. theleitY. the ilig1107 21 meth Mut at the Post Office, Murray, Kentucky, for legniesuison es to Joiner. Odom° insospar who's often amus- 141661Ple .11011116 JOIMIS Mr the Second Bt. Louis 06$ That am was the uncut the Class Metier. The mem Is between ed al entimisming, hard* weds Paskasast tistorie7inti7tho sge CaW::e Ste its new Maws ISIS Oazga pad to Mrs Options Basin the more thit will prove dips an 111-year- MICbvire three-run homer off los- 0./.0. Is Callowey and adiousing tougnes.per year. PIM; 1111111116111. pins and Bret _ Roloonati legal so on 1-611M1 - Aires e. /9417 the Wilthilithe enheinded pitcher mentinike efriliar-LAIII00010 M- the IBM Ion SOMIKILIPITON RATIO: y Coeds la Miwney. I Ito feemelig war tindoosti 69 In pinned hips? McOmelak per legit Oh PerihigiO akar*. In 1966. and Wille the Menlo libs erager der is lama Ting 11119 Ow lading question bewboancaleristeosibk: OW Howard was a re- Angela 51 51 M cripirsu reports tabbed Wm as ano- for "The Osilleading Civic Anse ef •'-le ihe• Mr..-end Jam Jen Ds aulAraTAttfiLDIONLANIN- ilhe Aniegidea Istegue tuft In Ito dew Sc— h5 91 LIM Otene.-the rang me"- MA' lead taw tbe sasserghtee -Integrity Illermipswere NelL Mrs. Winer Meier Ise Woo sea tam aus. U. UM Plusounch 56 66 eirthe—Wiiite am' Mutest 2.1 paw never entertained into • con- Csies to 7,4 games Jim Hart also a I. On this deg to history: hos Angeles Scam over tbe Detroit Tigers 49 61 sistent performer. htimisied tor ewe rheum& Jew Dermal to WU. the Hannon 47 Thursday night that torasbx1 their FRIDAY - AUGUST 11, 1967 Want Moodie nut radio HOB in GI That is until this year. Atter 11 Lague lead to two 11111th Mr. and Mrs J. a Limb &slum was max Sue the hoer 42 MO ft games as the long years that have included Stoat Ashes New clIto invades idinnente. tonight 0 MP* MIL Mans Amiens) with Its miens da- YuriLThereday's Reeedits to with • sore arm,• demotion to the .• I ; begin a series With In Sher NI.. eotron, Atlanta and Mei fide Maine wereI Waled reamed for hen c:liceirt, 3 Philadelphia 2 the Twine. minor leagues and 9CrVICe de. off Owe with totedMentos Ma. Waft Mona, of Co- ruittorss. NC. :.-Arargli 3 New Yore 0. night Biterdier bustled 20 players into three major league 10-3, Cincometi ed- teems. McCor- ged Lea Quotes Mx. GincAlUlair 5 hoe the game but singeles 5-4. Pettit:cosh From The News Mrs. James Stone. in lion, the WS remised Angeles 4, night has oontroversial move mick is finally showing the winning its bdoel Near Ycet 3-0 and Chicago C1 I NitSD rearms MOM. ISIS. NM Coca- mat passim tic= a apace 4::ante 10 Homan 1. debt Mer Me use al sce lettheocier Gary South predicted Mr him when ihiltemewebaal. ere- he topped Noihdrobia 34. -WASHINGTON - Fifty-.even big& WMIMS gen cum, 1110-poua51 awes San Prancegoo 6 le. Louis 1. night Peens in rend. indeed at We Polo (hounds out DIMIMMUMII 0111010110111101. ejected oil Olin. edged Deena 14, Weep- urging President , Donna. acm Friday's Probable Pities The move warted brilliantly for Areadki, Odd., high school. Johnson to take steps to ae%raper elec- Oonaverer 13. iota ebtoked . and Mrs lighoie Leuipsok We time tend be Peters amok Washington 5-0 and tions In South Vietnam: iii /heit, a soviet astronaut Bonn to be 210 nom old arid tio cleveaand elaildree was nipped Baudnore iu ed ithillials Irene We limushed all kilOnn Gash with the billinn binger the POIMealiOr of a blaming "11 the governmental authorities of Vietnam Con- tame Mr a lour- .Pet."1"tabutdaareedag imunip to an atrevymed Amer, pests at Mr. and IA& Moses soil 12.4,, roamed er!II: ,Rthanaingert" 6-4 °tat Can- Nadal and_two"ots to prawn the foot belt MoCe:mbil tinue to refuge to assure tree Re was unb needled ha adei uogue seeseduke. and Isar e they should and ADA and other TOM- space )4 -. 1s_. Alma after Memo KM Boyer t boar by • abecibd &l- bee PreViatle 9e0“--1 high for mon Nada Jonas d be informed that the United States may veeyfwell Sake ean Praneheo, Pill • homer rove irk eve melds a seri- Perry 8-13 at Ht. off Mike Plierdsli "41011411 Muleedel Illeht when he ous reappraisal of its policies Raman wassnan. the eao home runs add a double`' • in Vietnam." Clia Oherieon of ?diwoun4 sop el We eighth to map 1-1 notched nte 15th tritehnh while Pit- as else Reaves rapped Houston. Where were theiredare dinner In 19e. Negroes Housten. GOMA 6-10 at Atlanta, Bib lecher rettrad the TURIN in began noting ching the Glahta,f_J a 5-2 vtat°r, Baty ideOgol NEW YORK - Eight Republican ef Mrs. eigodie Marne and al she ?Akre II-6. anis in the WOW Do end the gains came out the vernors.ç a manifesto Wins aettion oi Las As- over the Mftftie-ielew--.. St Lhnits Phindelphia. Hum** tamtlinses pen with one out and two an in aimed at ending rioting by Negroes in urban Ii Swerve clays of vagina tad 12-9 at Ms. Side Mane of Parts,"Tene., Chicago, Handl Cavil Beidirfire Os neigh inning aod stepped "Ilse time for effective action to meet Lee, and moored an wham 6-4. this craft of urban 1, heed These Doe's reiiy to preserve the Reds' Miaow Wang reietillmi end named Saturday's Gases Hot the see el seeress Is now We cannot afford delay." hele- wideepreed damage. le relief nor. MoOpoi promptly 1 Thew Polka returned to brawl 'Pittaisungh s New York gm gawp hidigliger-and Waded the Inanity McCormick traded ten the Giants bases on a sulk to ef diughler this scomiog tor •I A tishight for the Can- Phigethealida at Chigego inikedited pinch-hitter Jun ATLANTA - James WY - be NM% Me to do it Mat winter bY the Wishington San- Campsite. L. English, sheriff of 01a...stock ir. thew He hew but the big southpaw ty, Georgia. on why he and a group of bele issued istqaillea ilethw el°1111 31911310e nein- aim p • Seely in Ma lace. monk previously iron 15 gams angry rulaens broke up Bs Inieray-Callowey rime -at Lbws, bight 2Alat ma& for retired Hob Bailey an • Mul papa') 0ouoty Hee. I 'Our bitterest wine bereft 0. wow on the (Ants In 1960 when a meeting of 11,,,,i con as Atlanta 2, day_nigya Niers he MAW- to first erad got Jim Lefebvre the county commission and two state wdfare drateed tun crumbed ideals" fe, most „mew ed 16-12 on a a and led the Nationsi Leag- weneeendLog fly workers trying to establish a federal food program. tot 1.00n Medan, slatted her par- to left. t• • Ohs mama MI Mr the tins tie le earned run snug, with • "There'd Just be a lot of Wagers OA a few dors recelith• American Lanese Mas 2 70 TOMInie Wok towed • three-hitter lined up and that's all it and Mr* . her rower guests the peat week ea Fens b-sed IRMO giallipt- mart But thee was the only would do." 168111 to W. L. Pet GB ty and 1181 Ithaeroekt slammed We Panilitillellan went MeniPtIM I in. sod Mrs Ray Bassell Ms new three sesta fine year he burned tri for the at and Chicago 61 47 eighth brine run of the year tar a tundr rauliam the lielartal I children 505 - hist Blank, hope taw MI be Ganes before developing is the returned Tueedu to their Wrenn a sore Pirates stfpped SAN FRANCISCO Pm% SO 60 ‘.546 2 Mans lhoo slam Masaah arm to 101 the Meta. Bin al- - The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther ICing, Jr., home In Tartar. Mich rat, lowed Win and MilL Kenneth lisea Unmeant/a 59 50 541 3 en Mauled 7 The Giants only singles to 'flimsily DevLs, on Negro unrest that has sang& urban James sad Brine Monti sped 14 innings indmato gave IV on him ghettos this ailailiNg: and ass at North Carolina are mew amok se 51 506 In losing pachar Jack Asher and pin- -Riots ,' days with dude eraddw._ $ Timm reedy night. he mid las 196$ god traded.blene to the Bake- are caused by nice, NEW whets people 1410 cattornia 66 63 ch-hitter Gerry Duch* ilthee afseeel ems .527 4 int mine sight teak WM lbw lilt- mere once. some he went edit* even- _recognize tarsal walsee." 11. =,••••••••7. thin - 1 enaZotlhair.hie Thiglian-Tiamer clh..:i 161111111111-veibibi —16II 411. -4"1-11.1111111w kir endMrs. 53 59 cm to soaks. 116-11the 9111"A*- Hari MIMI""me Ma ReiISJ oas a Twins ilikkaboled amirlemotioll"ngn tonalcia8Rocheet"ter (limn anurelay evening anew SNOW Haltiesere 46 60 I gime moored Banker" eighth-icalirg efMrgod wank* caller or WO Mt, "I don't like to me stertlitg a the Internandwil League for mos Adolfo Haim With an Mew Hugh Mises Aide egid I NES York 47 Deeds 61 426 14 pitcher in rebel." Star* of dm 1914 meson. The unearned rim list enabled the Mien MAIM 100 Kama et Orioles sold A names Soden ot Dayton. • ma eArso an CA 49 64 434 14t, might have to do Min to Weetiusatce Cubs to asp the POWs Bible Thought For Today brbeabar. Jr. and quit In &pews an ISM arid It winning 030. is sPenstlice to days willa &damn Thunders Results her but were gueUa the mot wash I don't the to do It to ms there that McCormick remained • to mother, Mrs. Jenne I inenewea Hazard sod ega her parents. Washington 0 early" hie ocedidence arid began dithe Manse. Mr end WM i Mown 3 to pitch I "Lei, I am with you allitayli. 'Veil Unto Detroit 1. night Pitch To O. wet main the end of lies Earl Iamb. Cies world." -Matthew 211:20. Mr arid Ms Ronald (Red k ger- Rah 1, 13 look night tia and sco were Meth games He sato. "i woo Itheelleg Christ's promise to Sunday attention schedueetin Gob gibe to some punch in the leneup His disciples is His promise unto ea. ow Mu to What einem of Mr and Mrs. Cody Mit Friday's Probable Phobero face one ens I Sid the Senators let MoOsrmick go to a.comfort to Imov, tha Orel in Christ is always Penes with RS wan Boum. Aimee 7-7 at before the maw Um I might We Client& last Meter for hard to strengthen and sustain lieheittons Cntlfonela' mid to and Ms Prod Theligr 1110 9-4 him es Me eighth or ninth hitting r - -"tithe Ce0 Peiereen and the ma of Uath.nwent • few days Baltimore. Phoebus 5-7 and Bra- V Ablation =gm up„.• 'Oat pitcher nob Priddy, and it WM to mother. Mrs. Piegie Tebers bender 14 at Detroit came up in toe • • ana Lon* 5.12 and Deism 0-3, 3. 11= feet when Tiger 14n New m• onger Mayo Years Ago Today Ms. Fred= Wilkerson went Tort. Eirouieoryre 10.10 mod Smith sent the ien. ER ibe weekend Downey 11-5 AWN hithog a TOM Ma with ins Tres Pew at. Cleveland. Masi' Naas, Mali to pinch-hit I of 7-3 end Hanran 1.2-3 1. Ileyt Witham waft She lase OVERNIGHT SERVICE fibuirday dinner guests al Mrs. Chimps Bustard' 3-6 at Min- Mid two out Wilhelm hod E. L (Everett) Housden passed eigna. Jun ishigni away Atigust 9 M. the;Opine* hereel were Mr and Oil Clharse 144. Maw Manley. bed Murro Hospital. illeildriguan. Menke Between He was 65 years of age glebes L Piszaeli MS and lha. Pascual 114 sa Han- leaded to go with the len The Callaway ti tarry IS Cilty Waded County Faggli anti Home Development Club Career end Dotson 7-6 ambles Peters.-end Peters LOVHIViLLE, strlirms, NAMIVILLZ and ST. LOUIS held its annual and Mrs Tyree glatardere ARIA At ChM to make farm and ladle tour in the county Friday. 1111101a Und Geese the move and Farms Jerry Carter and Nay York at Cleve. Wok wart. and homes visited were thee Of Meeithi. and S Mrs. twitted Mesdames Attie Carter. 11116 at Ken The victory enabled Murray, Denten Hazel, Calvert City. Mayfield, Fulton Bali:, Joe fRubblefieki, W D McCelstOn, to One Center. Mrs. City. twilight the While Win= E. Hendon.'ithest liagen I 90 and Fred °untie, Mrs. letwen Dews, at Citifornia. olgtx to earn a oink of the aeries • • Enoch. I with the sod to Dodd Maier Thudsg 1111111113ore at Drum Tigers and Mgt than In Mr and Mn. Hardy Keys Outland are the n__. amennod parents of eines were o.Bro. and of the tight fece to Paschall Truck son, Danny Keys, born July 26 at the 110ankr rellumml Lines,inc. Murray Hospital. Mrs_ Ottewma Grociris and doted la aid k a "mud adensfield game- for runner. son of Mrs. John Farmer, AMON tem beeekley Enamor= alders were to Bea L,ouisville 584-2446 Memphis ___ S25-1415 Tarry, son of Mr and Mrs Eugene Mr. and As Rey "I don't like that plume Tarry, Jr., and HOW Boon end "mat Nashville 356-800/ St Mayer. son dem game My boys Louis CE1 - 3275 of Mn. Julian Mayer, left Monday fat eureemy Omer rum um Ms boanoe back pester 11111161.14 r good. jet elbow Murray 763-1717 Tenn. where they joined Inc Air Pewee. Pith Duman linen everybody in the Mrs wed lits Coiemen Orontes eountry ready to bury 1..\N111,Yray ^a. ahem. Wee INTERLINE 7'0 MOST sod eibeghiesWe Busiday dinner draw • riMe oxygen POLNTS IN UNITED STATES and mow faun or Dr. end We. awl Ad. o fthe moreuery I,AWYEli L, Monne Twenty Years Ago Today emi and reea. They deo Aka! Ws. ewer sow " gad Mks Carl CliwneeoberrY tzhaLit a TOWN /ILI mediae Remake Mr and to. James to and oPINTittriltel CAUCELA In the cady Mine American Imo- Mpeaurra toe mewed to tstbsy'srep 194' editioneditodation yofarethec.Call 0. owLy County Hone MA new H.stor-ins tei tie action Clevelessi SIMI/ Adler bur en us mat ula wise BAP was termed as one Oi the best in Higaireay Ill near the erg nese 2 1 le 13 the histedy of the yearly Coldlinger. Rut= elleiberiOr. used • teW110 0113 Min- feature. Over 100 entries ay nesota elnined appeared in the 21 deeds presented liklaird trait tt, enema:* hie despotic Wathisgo• 5-0. at the Semi IA retumed to. In the two day show. hose rule Be pintail to laws on p11- We Aim. rftniCIA01.• hrs, so high up that topped isagnetinshos TODAY and SATURDAY , age 55. and Clone Ms. and to Nan %ma of the mop& Loon, * Saucum, could never be 3-2. assamilla edged age six months Pbosols. Astarsia. idim Dunne sure eta t they toll rat- were Angels 5-11, 1111111Wide libiniod new Dr and Mrs. James C Hart of Durham. sta. to snow nossio. N.C., announce arai hams- f Tort 3-0, tla WAR WAGON the birth of ter Charles Hut ••• meow eseseur Num. ROLLS AND THE a eon, JOANN, jr., born August 2 Dr. Hart hill a Mania were cadets of today , delude 3-2, and SCREei EXPLODES! Mrs. • l Houston whipped residency at a Derhaila hospital. °cheek llama net week ACOMID IN 0111101f-Thssa, aths/ea 10-1 Miss Rachel and Mrs. Rex Watson two pollannin. Rowland. home demonstration agent, re- and Ronald W. I Although Boyere homer In We turned from Mrs. lisene Pentienerse seine one august. IN and ' Eighth a vacation trip to New Orleans, La, and left (lower) Rob. ran the 901C the triumph, dor the post week inds Mr and sit FaMa,to, an error Sunday fct LexIngtdn to at:end a short course ars charged by Tiger eenterfielder JOn in landscaping Km ban R. Hughet and fenny I at the UnlyersIti of Kentucky with the basbeg and Mote Lanus set lg. the solory Be drop- thitidday dither . guests or Mr. EA daytage of two _Negro pod Tsammie Agee's MO fly and Mrs Mary Black Imre ier Mrs. AIM is the A/glees Mold two base error after both he end Lode linago. Mr. and to law- Mims daring the nose anond berierran Dick McAuliffe so. READ rioting to Detroit. shred on the ball. THE LEDGER'S LLASSIFIEDS rayar=dinr;ct aVri g ljalbelimircedrs Minnesota end Wadtherton play- ed 20 inniogs mid 1:46 m. t01311 Thundey mosolog. • -- - Ate bead net' MiLe-,'?-/rinMLeMLkLq Bq PARKER BROTHERS itxxild UT to copy Osage/a, they True, it any not iderem be psis- soon run heed -ca into the "due that to mine the rules so plain I 5 Avst pours" 0.auie or the Constitution. that there le .no room for doubt. YOU WINK POLLY- I WASN'T AT Ti4AT SHE GOT IN YOUR BivT- WES Under this cause, no person may Perfect clarity is not required. JIM( GtQ, ON W,NKtele-SOME- MaQTuSo\ TH' CAE ,TOO - I T POLLY- CAR, oe punished under • law that he For eicampie: STRUM, GOT IN MY FROM 'NE r CAN I WEL annot reasonably underwand. An moused hi-run driver Wean- DOUGLAS EY E Pp IT IF - PARKER lege the caw of a motorist etio ed that the statute under- which was cited for upeenog. Aocalling he sib wrested *THE was too vague to WAR Watatore MOTORS :a the 10Cal traffic ordinance. the be onnetituiteheI TECHNICOLOR • PANAVISION• easel *nut applied to al "Milt up" 'It Tagil/MI 4111••• ATTRO.CT ALL TN' the giving of 'tee- orem of the community. ameba' assistance A &BAC PIPE striae i WM WOMEN ?p to an injured KIM 9TZ PRODUCTION • A Weed Pities tiut a court threw O." tint the penran". be said_ *bet *hoc apes eharge. on the ground RA -the or- 'reasonable WOO 00111010 ina7 STARTS sue too vague to be un- SUNDAY differ a Seen ihse sa IMO MOW" at:,tood The court wid a neigh- However, .••••••• the court AMIE the . turedol chat atoned "butit up" *Weimer ewe Mend 1191--11111111100- waiting farmrr :a a might sere guar es Wowed The sown aid MIURA different quite to his c.ty cousin the leastature could nei be es- tratacreef T no in a vague law lies pec'ed to well out a weeleic treat- • nit on.y in Mayan She people un- ment for every modes traierf. wire of their rensemeibiti ties but THE In other wr,rile. the Omelitsition jr-'• PARKER arming MOTORS Inc. who in e too much leeithy T a that serge roe- cn:creenr.nt Wits Thus.• law oa atnalf.y be avoided - but forbade the lisp:ever influencing of loran NAKED vagueness RUNNER Met leaves the pulath We _Sle?vice uricorwtituttonal ail maAe e7t.3 and 1tur1h area held because unfairly .n the dirk. there Lou much serve in she "The partna of criminal laws 701 weed "nruener. The court asid• high on ad a te nab Main St., Murray, Hy. a sernantac wall beyond IWO aFfill• keednirrlaff909 Phone PL3-5273 -A nee +pipet article it bribe. • the Anion of the pr, ep:e," meld one ,,,...19911BAtalin Fole 411111111ints shown TEOHNISOIANt gesture, a smile, a lifting nt the court. "cannot be given judicial elPEOMPORIOOPR% Ftefn WAR NEW SNOW eyebrows - all can be caught in ishetion " •

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••• MEW

1 1,1967

ylantc • FRIDAY - AUGUST 11, 1967 TEE LEDGER & TIMES - MURRAY, KENTUCKY !ACM TIRO dinals Scout Jamboree and Presidential rv cAmEosivLaTty Bbrien' of the bed rye made Possibilities Are TV Highlights in Television Schedule M.c.'ing Quiz Shows? Easy, Larry Says ka only five By JACK GAVER Is on NBC, "Daniel Boone" and Minds an Ma NEW YORK 215 - ABC-TV has "Star Trek" are preempted Sy fAEL HEWN he Led CIUL 1:30 • Channel 5-WLAC-TV NPSL Soccer August 12 specials on Them:lay and Friday, "The Lucy-Deal Comedy Hour" on LARRY BLYDEN, Idlin and les ior the 3:30 Doble 1968 Gillis 7:00 Ghost Stories thee, respectively. review :he CBS Offers "Luoy's Summer Vaca- bespectacled, Is a genuine pro- segue. %Mee 400 I report business, a Love Lucy Porky Pig presidential possibilities and tion.' with Ida Lupine and Howard fessional in show MINT off ta- CBS 1110 4.30 Amateur Hour on the World Boy Scout Jamtewee l Duff as guest stars tRi. man who has starred on Broad- ble . King Kong nftlh tee M Idaho. The maneuvering WK. going till way and in television, a gent 5:00 The 2.1st Oencuri 11:30 Beatles Cartoon cents to the dol- decides Mow ratwark Programs Meg On Thursday, NBC will offer • in behalf of potential Repubiloan Who gives 100 5:39 Newsbeat 10:00 Casper Cartoons the A the Card- two-hole spectre of amille.ireln president oandiciatee and the divi- lar when he appears before 10:30 Milton the 'A"-t-- indaRe. er:00r place (*n. Fltrarteest Chasiee7 00 learttneland Carfare. "Eterkshire Festival sions within the Democratic Party 11:90 Bugs Bunny He also, alas, is an honest Si Hart also Week of August 12-August 14 8:30 Ws About Tine Highlight details Aug. 13-19: will be examined m "Who in '68?" amen -- 11:30 Milton The Monster man-and when you ask him to 7.00 Ed Sullivan Show SUNDAY an ABC "Summer AIOUS" special. SATURDAY 12:30 Carl Tipton outline the mechanics, the prob- ABC's Answers" will Scene notables a 6.00 Smothers Brothers 1:30 All-Star Wrestling "Issues and .on the program will lems, the assorted difficulties interview A/kn. Ulysses S. Grant be Eiserrhower, Nixon, Romney .• August 12 9: 00 Candid Camera 2:30 Brieleh Open Goil and of m.c.'ing a daytime quiz show, Atlanta Sharp, oommander-in.chief, Pacific, Reagan. de- 910 What's my 3.00 Percely Thestre which he does with NBC's "Per- ltic:Innen ad- 8:30 Summer Semester at lin headquarters in Pearl Her- Guests on NBC's sunener replace- sonality," he just shakes his 10:00 Sunday hews 4:00 World's Heavyweight Boxing , Pettelbutwh 7:00 Eddie Hill Variety bor. ment hour for Dean Martin MS be head and looks at you ruefully. 10.15 Radar Weather Championship Elimination and Chicago 8:00 Mighty Mouse Play on late holes of the final singer Don Cherry, the comedy team "It's like stealing mosey," he 1090 Wood 'N Wateo 5:00 PGA Golf round of the American Golf Made of Claw and McMahon and com- says frankly. "It's thee 4WD& 0:16 Mallon Dollar Movie 6:00 Death Valley Days 24. None- CIO 'Underdog at Akron, Ohio, will be carried live edian Flip Wilson. job I ever had." 12.00 Sign Off 6:30 Dating Game Larry :on 5-0 and 8:00 Fraiiiterustein_e,. by ABC. Friday The Intelligent, amiable 7:00 Newlywed Game -the same man who did that more 24 in 9:30 Space Mats' ON MONDAY EnirN17110 Versatile Broad star Joel Ored Is "The 730 Lawrence Welk Show Wild Wild West" on CBS memorable portrait of Sammy mated 111.011 Superman the guest on "Our Piece" for CBS. Amer. 8 30 Piccadilly Palace has an episode in which agent West Click in 'What Makes Sammy 10:30 Lone Ranger August 14 "The ABC Sunday Night Movie" Is put on trial by a "court" of cut- Run"-does add some quali- 11:00 9.30 RAT Patrol screens "King Solomon's n five ruzij FoPeTe Party 710 Newsiest Mines," throats for the murder of his agent fications, however. "It's easy W 10.00 Iron Horse• starring Deborah rid a double 11:30 Huckleberry Round till Radar Weather Kerr and Stewart partner, with West doomed to die for me," he says, "but I WILL Tedh and Jerry Granger R. Houston 12:00 1:10 Tads, II/ Oporto 11:00 Viewpoint If he "ii-lotmd innpeent (R). say that the crew, the camera- NBC's "The Saint" (A the bull- 0:30 Read Runner 8:90 Gilligann Island 1110 ABC News has "The Rus- In "Judie Dragnet" on NBC's man, the director, etc., have to sian Prisoner." two on in 1:00 The Beagles 7.00 Mr. 'Terrific 11:45 Sign Off Simon Templar gets "Tartan," Tarsal tries to guide a Work pretty hard. 1:30 Adventure mixed up in the a..`tempted defec- 'Personality' is a etognied a 7-30 Vacation Play House little girl to safety through a ring "You see, 300 Action (Safari) tion o a Russian piedesaor. & show that leans kind of heavily s the Fische 8:00 Andy SUNDAY hostile tribes (RI Grffirirs on its panel guests - and, at I, leaded tbe 4:00 Daktari MONDAY ABC news has a one-hour spec- 8:30 Family Affair August 13 least so far, ours have all been h 4:45 Koratorn Affair In "Heaven Help Us" on the CBS hal, 'Work! Boy Scout Jamboree," -hitter Jim 9-00 Coronet Blue professionals, people such as Getting •veryone to relax is o panel show 5:00 6.45 Cecile Security in Action "Vacation Playhouse", the covering activities at this annual I southpaw Fanwood 10:15 Big News ghoul Marty Allen and Joan Fontaine, host's big job, according to Lorry Illyden, 7:00 Teaching of the New Testa a nrismaine editor's late we re- international gathering of Boy . foul PorelP 5:30 Roger Mudd 1030 Radar Weather All I really have to do is make man; turns to beep him find a new inate. Somas. held for t'ase first Ume hi serious, skilled perforMer, if°byre on a 6:00 Newsbeat 1015 Today in Snorts . a rapport jell between them and hours and years of experience. A 7:30 Herald of Truth Huey Nelson stars the U S., at Idaho's looks back on "Sammy" ft. • 11:15 Radar Weather 10:46 To Tell The Truth Parragut Mate ' My work virtually is done. They "Just to behave naturally, and Blyden 800 House of Worship NBC's "The Read Wen" offers Part. Actor James Stewart is the personality come as his moat successful TV chore, ' three-hitter I:20 To in Sports '1:15 The Las Vegas Snow carry the ball from there, and let your Jackie Gleason 8:30 Benny & Cecil "'Ibe beeklar." Ben Pride recognizes narrator. "Ramo" and end Phyl- through, is tough even for an "although later I did a drama arnmed his 6:30 1:00 Sign Off jiver/thing seems to go easily 7:30 Mission Imposelble 9:00 Lines the Llon Hearted a deputy es one of the men reven- lis Diner's program are preempted. 111110oth1y." experienced actor - when he on "Play of the Week" called year as the led Special Baby" that 8:SO Pistols and Petticoats 9:30 Peter Potamus ge/Ale to rids mother's death R. "Something Nista in the Nur- • • • first tries television," he says. "A Very ea. Sink al- little 10:00 News In."Elliz Illordhs to Mars" on "Car- sery" is on ABC's "'Me Avengers." !P 'THE SHOW Is taped as far "All that equipment and lights might even have been a mmy Davis, 9:00 Gunernoke Channel 6-WPSIi-TV 10:30 Viewpoint on& Biwa" for CBS the hero is Three ponerient men are mamas as four and five weeks ahead and cameras whooey. I did more satisfying." er and M- bl00 Saturday News 11:00 The Big Pieties drawn -into participating at a ban In the theft of Mims 'ascreera. of time-and Larry says that a lot of 'live' TV in the begin- • • • atilde even- 13:16 Radar Weather half-hours ning, coming to it directly from NRc 11:30 ABC News anima apace expeetment. Saturday some of the early _"I T 1hebgest . ---- . 10'.20 Today ki Snarls 'because I was The stage-and -an I can nay is bidi Network Proersme Also On 13106 Directions Pour ex-Confederate soldiers OW- ---ABc's Wide Werld-of were enlisters I've ever gotten out of acting," 10:30 rims of the 50'. just putting too much of my- that It was marvelous, but ebonite sin- lleehvIlle rterrinel 4 13:90 Issues & Answer, titre the Berkeley home in -Court covers live and tape the AAU Wt- he says,"was doing James Bald- 12:30 Night Traits Stan's self into them." frightening." ge *Mb ane 11:30 Joe Pyne Martral" on ABCs -The Big Val- outdoor swirraning and dia. win's play, 'Blues for Mr. Char- Week of August 12-August 14 Right from the star t, the • • • needled the SUNDAY 1:00 ABC Scope ley" (11). ing cheinPionships at inabadellphis. lie,' on Broadway and later in Sterrirn a• Paul Singer beautiful audiences applauded 1:30 Sunday Movie Bryan tries to help a, teen- 1 dallie Blair and planed. "IT'S A fine line to walk," he London. It never really was per- avast 13 sad bombed sad cheered," he August 12 4:00 Sun Aft... 11U1/11 Movie age gill runaway in "Haag comedian Pete BarbutU formed the way it should have In are the says with a wry grin. "and I adds, "when you're a host on a Your Head and guests on "Away We been-the white people in it COS Sunrise Pernesiai 7.00 RPD-TV 0:00 Voyage to The Bottom of The Laugh" on NBC's Go" for for the idea that it Was game show. You have to keep "Run CBS. guess I got turned 'up as caricatures on 710 Amp the Pence Pod Sea for Your Life" (11). adorable everyone affable and articulate 700 LePerree reunify all for lovable. lairrY Broadway, and Jimmy Baldwin 1-66 New, 7:00 The F B. I. Tuesday The ionedimse I went on -but you have to make sure 710 Cisuak Wagon Gang CBS "on frogre" Elyelers. So me at an English bar one The stars on the you don't patronize people. But told MOO Reavars Julelee 8.00 Super 0 8:00 Sun. Nile Movie CBS "Spotlight" offering Is an epiaode in whets a and as with a story, thinking variety hour will once you know how to do that, night that he never intended II:30 Pelt:ern 8.30 Attire Ant 10:15 be singer Eddie contortionistIs added to the un- to myself I should just go on fen Laving Ten O'Clook News Pieter cinch. My job is an easy that-but it is a lovely, lovely 9.00 rtntatonee and his actress fiancee, Con- dercover team being adorable. . . until I got It's a 10:00 Camera Three 10:46 Viewpoint to meet a special have guests who play, a moving tragedy." 9.30 Snare Ridettes nie illweens. • Wine° because we DO 10:30 Faith For Today 11:16 ABC Soope need in appreheoding a defector spotlight. Actu- The future? "lit this busi- 1000 Secret Squirrel NBC's "Tuesday Nauhe at the 'That eeetposure, that at- are used to the 11:00 The Deans Deek 11:46 ABC News Mo- possemine nuclear secrets (R) we could do ness?" Larry says with a big vies" starts a half hour home attitude of show his pro- ally, I don't think • 11:16 Sacred 10.30 The Jeterrie 12:00 Sign Off earlier than NBC's "Saterday Night at the grin. "All to do is to ▪ Skeet usual -Occasional fessionals. Larry notes, le some- this particular show with ama- I want WOO Cool IleCool Wife" is Movies" screens "Potty Pounds of 11:30 Pace the Nation at to„to. that comes from long teurs." survive." 11.30 PopeTe PM MONDAY E YINING acoornalate the length of a Trouble." atarrirg Unng 12-00 Popeye "A Tony Curtis (R. 1200. Oar 54 Place in the Sun," starring Eli- 72:16 Maywood Spectacular CE 12.30 Preparing to Teach the Bible August 14 sabeth Tailor, Montgomery Clar sod Ellelley Winters 100 %utensil 0:30 Mon Nlta Movie R. In "The 4.00 File Six 8.00 Felony Squad Leeches" on ABC's 'The Itimders", six top 4 30 Rifleman 11•30 Peyton Place scientists disap- pear semi • 5:00 Courttry Music Carouael 9:00 The Big Valley seventh thinks he will geigt (RP NOW ON I 5.30 Prank McGee 10:30 Issmisai 4.09 Pewter Wagoner In 'Passage to Mena" on ABC's u Iton 11:30 avenged= • 15:30 Flipper Mae Fugitive." Kimble is Involved • 700 Please Dont List the Daes In the struggle between a racist 7.30 Get Smart and a No sheriff nc. 8.00 Set Night Movie Wednesday NEW YORK 7 - Don't look in 930 Rifleman In the -Lost in Space" episode the mirror for a while after digest- 1415 10.16 News, Weatrier. reports on CBS. the Robinson's robot needs ant this information-the OPEI recharging but 32'75 Movies there is no power "ledge" eangram Is etiout to start 10:30 Weekend at the available Its 14th season 1=ZE=1/" 1.1111resdi an telmenlice. Bone SUNDAT NBC's "The Chrysler Theater' how that dog grts011 MAIM wina presents "Verdict far Tenor" with TES year. August 11 Cliff Robertson. An ataorney is ac- GROW A cused of Lg a muter co:erection It Is 7:00 IMO ter Today • good news that NBC wet to advance himself poiSietsliy (R). 7-30 Deeps] hone 'Wild!L=" with naturel- Weft SPAM "The ABC Wediverechey Nana Mn. ist Marlin Parties at the controls. sato Palneish Deadens PULPMILL • screens "Mining Bei." dar- tact ageln barb:ming newt J. 7. e•te Broth= eilarld ning Elves Predey (Re 9 'Thuds 'It* day is the Name. Sunday, but .30 Herald of Ousts cm -The • Mere Allen Co- 10:00 This is The Life instead of tbe usual late efterneon medy Hour" on CBS will be comed- Answers tkne the show will start at 7 p in. 10:30 The ian John Byner, singer Lou Rewis That 11:00 Pepsin PLANT shoutl make far more view- and 8w ccaiedy team of BMW and ers for this very fine prorrarn. 11:30 PIM Mx 12-00 Meet The Press TREES Thursday Mel Merman will be seen as - 1210 Catholic Hour "An Evening at Tangiewond," a who steel - Ethel Merman. stage 4.30 Sportinvan HoiklaY concert by the Boston tbeeivery muelcal star. In me of the coincides 5.00 Frank McGee Orchestra presented Prevent Fruit,. Firrha live hem ?he on As "mat Girl" early in the 5:30 The Smithsonian Bertahlre Peatival tn Lenox. Maw.. new season. The dory centers a- 6-00 Animal Secrete round heroine Mark) Thanes get. 0:30 Wonderful World Of Odor ting • tart In a Pretoria revival of 7:20 Hey Landlord "Gypvy." one of Mles Mennan's COO Bonanza wrest surceseee. 9.00 The Paint 10.00 News, Weather, BM% Paula Prentiss and Richard Ben- 10.11 Weekend al the Moving jamin. who piny men and wife in MONDAY ZVI:NINO the new CBS "He az She" aeries, August 14 • are man and wife. The third prin- 510 local News cipal of the series. Jack Cuddy. b 6- 30 Monkeys on his own: his screen Mar wife, 7.00 I Dream of Jeannie Shirtea Jones. is net a member of 7:20 Captain Nice the oast. However, I wisiukki't want 8.00 Road West to bet against the chance of her 9,00 Rim For Your Llfe dinwing up as a guest star in one 1010 News Plebe* episode. 10:10 Tooted Show

The Broadway production team or Cy P'euer and Emcee Channel 8 -WSIX-TV 111 Martin. wedoh has an enviable record of stage hits. including "Guys and ABC Done' and "How to Succeed In Hug- eness Without Resay Mrying,"to Network nrograms Al.. On mention two, hes a deal with MOM- Jackson Channel 7 and TV to create video spectab based on Harrisburg Channel 3 Ford Galax.e 500 MOM properties. Week of August 12-August 14 Harr:lop-sale pr,ced, • -JACK PAYER SATURDAY Get368 THERE'S MORE TO SEE ON CABLE TV ideas at'67close-out prices • Tilt-Away steering • V-8's that run on regular • SelectShift MURRAY • Magic Doorgate for wagons • Quietest ride yet • Stereo Tape. It's time to save hundreds at your Ford Lea•eeslAnd look (id'e' , save on 4 C,J r r2ar Big, strong, quiet Fords. Cleara-ce. Mustang, the sports car that has outsold all its competition 5 to 1. Faititmes, Falcons. America's best-selling wagons and convertibles. All loaded with better ideas. SNIPER'S FATAL TRACES-A sniper's bullets put the holes In Hurry. 411$ CABLEVISION this Detroit hotel window, killing Mrs. Helen Hall of Oak- dale, Conn., who was there on business. Pointing to the damage Is William A. Keller, a resident of the hotel, who Murray, Kentucky s standing PARKER beside Mrs. Hall MOTORS, when she was killed. Both Inc. were atandieg at the window watching paratroopers trying Phone 753-5005 105 N 5th Street to fiah out snip, s from rooftop vantage points, Murray, Kentucky Phone 753-5275

• 1••••-•• - ••••••• tr • •- AP' AV. 411 ••••••••••••••a.--a. •-•Jlleo•:••••*diF .••••••••1011;40 ,,•••0.•••••••/.-:,.11 I', •••••4 ••••.1.• 4•••••••••••••-•• •-•••••••• ..14.••••-v •N: .C.44.3...1.112fige••••••••••••••4.. • • •


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S. PACHI rocrtt T151. EDGER & T1141131, _Tr IVIUSIII4Ts_j(111EUT,....a., FRIDAY - AUGUST 11, 1867 • Miss Nancy Cotham Medics Casttion Parker Home Honored At Tea At Mrs. J. B. Burkeen . . . Phone 753-1917 sr TS3-4N7 On Sun Fun Of Tea Honoring The Hughtt&Home IAN FRANCIENDO int - You'll Andrea Lassiter mei Haney lon Gletiaia Of feel young in 'the sun, I)ut too sle !may ham of Mrs. V. W. Heys, Kama, August 11th bride- much of k trIE lake you look Parker on hoodi Illateendo Street cent of Robert Lee POW was oett. moires immeserthe seen.till -ibLiotbriedsiar tc Wit honored guest at * lowy tea Orersoposure to the ix= penanc- heed in ooniplithat to Mies And- hest at the beatitiful heath Of es proodolowity weathered lobo Mrs. Nat Ryan Hughes on orolt- MUMto allailliegthe and can • wood 'Pace. Murray, On *Mel, puma* had the. bean madam A u41.441. The Clidlthinle Idelset Mrs-. Sent' eggeidirs'ages,1412114roliorge. 341114. onAnziewerierk*dthe _ Tat grac.ceis hostess* a the non we Vat skis algaged Idols- 1111110‘0111 hostesses for the prenup- Program At Meetint Social trams mom= _ ware ___Migginenes give* In the sures ohnistolst laba CAileadar -tat-event bead enturay, August Amain, bares', alma Blimettin but becomes dry andi and At The Hutson No 6, ham two to tour °teak in the Home - mown•ngesnoini Prat liosamn, devempe whimmile plgoientation ilateday, And 12 Of the Rainbow "for atterneon. ...C.4.11.....5011-1elheMen. Ohio eft meet ...150...111adh Callakt..181mOrn and doom% thigkeold, itra -A.--hestiter,-eapper-end 'dmee Ib -ter -Iteesmaig the \nese with the --sansor-warm- Levee bauuria. bran, 1 *I &tax -hassedr stimmer pregreat at and NIG Ryan 54missiting, the netning at the tie twin lamell- Dad at the Geka Camay dela hundise sere her mother, his.' t. lbta nil be Kte Anal tint as. rang: bleryieene Plat °trete Otthe WO- Ada are Messrs ad beindantes Lanai leater, nauther-in- of the Grand Worthy Attneor and and her insn's Sada at Cluistisai Ser- JObn 1Voliter. anis Cothena chow tio wear! BY 4Mr",Von reale% -The sun Is lend dendaging he- Lwow% Vaughn, all mesideent ore tinged saw to be, Mrs. Thomas H. Hog& ve* ot the !kat Maned ki attend. the ptenuie-iai 4.1C-LIC S. Uremia: fore 10 am. and after 4 pm. Church erenk Haan Bine 16ay, sod bele •• • MAR AWRY Ms re e•••• Inam ILLICAMI). "'• o•••tea awda dram fine pow area held lake, noorelmr et nate- Her molar. neittifflp Not so -The iiiregginisth bildedIrad, W1' - 1-7. ilatinititer 'Role 111.1, "war /*mils &fellow tr. r•rotn saes lemiter chose to wear from thirty oaten at the be of Idita Amon It 114r..Frani Colrain) of Murray. eght-raored polka it silpMlaity The Ulm munk on her costar, watch TV. mend .as who weiebilisee tier unuiseau a rid hum Mat. N P Naga an Wad Man clay luncheon mil be *ore a paw green crepe. Her as- bele suactimuse to frees • the And listen to rock 'n roll tweeds. tag adeleweina tier mother wore a pent kali 13...reet. Sesiday, Aiwa 13 served at noon at the Oaks Clotho 1 ter. Mrs Chester Cia004, 01 Nadi- estahitan ownenun- ann. Lad sait-masoad peelma The. One's even too hey to empty the lesUon with oreti jIltaiie Mrs Mcgancemp was anima. V Jason . featly re- try Club. Nene sign at die pro v.....e, loin,. wa4 attired in a yet- their parents. Moo he easily Can develop The taiderti haw diseased wayte taket nor room. • • • sea- ssured ui a ewe nio woe tenon mil be held at the Keralte ilhoP ar eke the benemes, dress. • Pearl it sore -a Bridge Sue Ore... thin as ma/. In Pea- _nate mean Mara Wit a overweight, but the doctors DEAR ABB . I Au we pit corge•es of white pennon. All mei Anis. law Owen* , ant nowise, her modish. Lao haw a 14- -Uiltnivsulet ems generally do lair and a recent article added tneree nothing weft with morsels ontiationa .armly Meade are 12W11•611. !her aster -old nephew whow feet turn not Why I Hely" • • • Mee prelialliti nonage* pass uirough wInclow gams. • • • tier Sne gen no exercise whateo- outward ittheti be 1 ale wawa tally spointes tea 1cit today pink carroothisi by the Walks. Bo rev- -Do nen sappy ohs, matt as Mrs Rex Alexander 'eve the ewr and eats nen mil day-ean- ereiy in fact Rau ohne was oovered with • elute The famine& or Cals. Doc, Pim- hostaiells. the child Walks baby ual and wive Oki, when you devotion on the theme. Tot. Are I ay berth pollen digs, mid soft sideways. My eager Meows 04.411 illX1 oenteraxi with a = gew Bruce. and Dee Parker will Lldrage Circle A pace setting_ of hes thogen it and are ectpueed to the am. They in- ---thering Above row Of dead* keeps Winne about yaw/ flomi araingement awe S. peak /iieon the pattern of aver wee presented by asking hat crease damage rather in pre- es" She wad incrodiced by Mr* Hazel pediatrician to put eendwedias, outs, mints, and City Part at ram fnends and Charch Meets ae hoitemea to the honoree as a 811e et1/1 Ma ChIldtei tantrums, the child In vent. It. Robert lloyee, eica-cesurman mere:tire punch were served In aver ap- re-ttives are invited At Barnett necking gatt siamenng door* inn Mom. ilhoultine this The ence chairman. Home • • • Mrs- Grev- • • • have been done menthe 'the gusts signed the resister things when one dOellia't before the e* Opened the Meeting with pray- The Kra child started to P°Lilltaatznez".Patincia Parker and Ma Ridellage Mole of the with the white fathered plume get her own way. She has no re- walk? ' et din be reading the parpnie of Ineaday. Miran IS liromant aimesitary spect, I've meniumat atm to 14Alla Parte: served at the pima Mete) of the pen at the register tenth in the for her Mahar Or me, taiks my sister Mrs. Jack Bailey the WM'S !the appointed Mrs. Youth Day win be held at flog Mad Hata Mirth several tiros, and I don't bowls Mrs Don Curd and Mims met in the entrance hall decorated with a back and won't take critic-1am. want to N P Nina: as ctestrman at Caticsay County Country Club. Min of c bring It up again Hostess For Bessie Lynette laater who all be at- Mrs. Men Barnett on bud vow of roses Rinht now site's throwing a fit fur fear Shell swie .,12 Swimming and god vrill be held Thdlilthe evening, hunk I'm patine [andante of the bride-to-be also Anguirt 8 Relailliments were served beinii&e I won t let her drive my my nose where Tucker Circle Meet from aegotad ltra B C Athena as bar mei 11\3° ua° by car. A Ind who all be. It &ain't bead. in wring b've 92°' 1°;1°%ect Vie Seery Miler am 11111111/1111Y lPtoclinivel tea tentrums ":stets nt. a dance helm seven to eleven p.m. gave tile de- table Mrs. Jack Mien opened her The regpster was kept by billj meabil tillli Iin imported an't *vying my MC. if she Meow don't my that if my • • • witton and Inla ano in charge of white home on Olive Extended for the • • Mrs. Lloyd Rimer sternal Me meant respect her water wards her Renews licipancamp, rioter of the Decigram linen ddlh gin centered with an parents, the child to grow up meeting' leader. etair-o.4 Led ninths of the Beene "Tucker Cir- groom-eiect for The Faith Doran ariengeetilit of pink and oereismy won't respect packet- wait out-turned feet, Ws her ba- Circe of the rod car- cle of the Woman's Society of Mks a prayer p•rtners and aka for Others attending nem, or other dribera. nal* becruie inn Leaner mg presented WM Ittst Metbothat Ceturen WSCS and taking nations flaked by White tapers in AM I right my Aster Chreitian prayers for Ham 1^-nger vilea is 1,1120 Serv1ce of the First Me- a saver tosteh holder as a wilds Ma at the haw part hi the preens:I were Mrs. diver candelabra Saver appesert- or wrong? What do you asy about ME have to stumble thru 70 of Mrs. thodist Church held on Tuesday, usr gift a entrallog in Ma and tor nussion- Merest Darn::t, his. Ian unepanatee led Moe Ude ther- years of life on deformed from the hositings. Auny Panne. UM We Bonk- Marten dente were used feet. I August 8, at niae-tharty • ;.simee se the grayer ca.encter o'clock Pam:, guests caned Adis the yard. at sec p.m 'Mrs Genre, Barran Mrs Ruby. Jiadtson. lid Seveney pentane called between m a ear' DADDY see her pediatrician watelly quite in the morning. afternoon hour* Eage Itailley, Mr* Owen X. toe DEAR DADDY: If you're addag dna Wotan it be unethical ot Ai iern mis made al the flan di w^.,1 be colhatess Mrs. nouns Of two-thirty to Rye The Interesting and me Informative • • • Nurses, Perree, and Mrs. Thelma o'clock et net an lerespenasis to my something to hien about • • • tenet of tree snd rhumb Wide In the attcrnoca. Praire= on 'Operation Moloney" . ,Jdie Memel paramilled to Melee 11? WORMED ABB3*-ITIF itherear ma voi7- ably presented by Mat a ear, the aairwerU as. Eat be DEAR WORRIED: on. Sunda) esemags durfig- Oele- It's laces- It A. Tucker. 1 The butliscee maim • eras con- Ohms trhieten breads cook amen. Isol ber this year way al cermete that an amid WOW be Household Hints • and Morselseecr menth by Mrs Neil th son tainted loiknred be edreahmenta quicker Mies Erin Montgomery gave the ttian other. thinker ports, pabillehm yoftw disegliter for Whig mere esewerned &beet It was innonaced-abst • , :AMMO anthem eel See Weak 1 aszodulthes. Se health devotion. tinted bt Me. sod OokaS be- ad braises sifter the rat of the diereepetWel. atieeperatern, Prete International and and et a child than the child's mother, The •WcrChnlosk" idelked118- lbooktoillida Ailig tag semen by the teliellis aide chwirman. Mrs. John °Ilka 4: Uir the Mad r'. to the Ma has rocked for 10 minutes generally elbaatlitaT her It'. not Women"' eft be lifted a cloth Uzi dahlia Curd, were Ibipsediele. l'ou may T Irvkea. preauied end present. ditto"thblePrit Prelialm. Or more 'tour announced tens amen popperal odd .por- problem aka aesells de- not have all the hiets, bat ea it. - sat a friend o/ the Beeme nicker forations. lb punt the his,tab- sperately to kb he trembiss is chasm Meet year stmer Is pre- Clink was presents* free hfilm- out dontroome Hanoise-eboultdog maillane who sadorstaada he. greetins.Une neediest,, and the nals to the ahurich in honor Of functldn. remove the pant from Bey eareely, bud, rebeinea at- dater es 'gnawer,, by all samas, one of the cords members, Ms, the nay holes with totes sernan titude is a cry for M.There are mentioo to hint Neva Mazedon. The meta with • • • the Imam duke Read Announcements ware made All About of ere ideal ter out the It DEAR ABBY. read In your the Wan Bridal Luncheon At at Minions Aura 21- ban without amen* the punt. • column that "in addition to tea- 35 and the runimage alb by the -- - • • • Some New Books That Are Holiday ening daughters Mn Held how to cook. nun general W8C6 inSegianter. lb dean order.,aw oh onto and keep house, Of Interest mothers amid Reireetunents wore served by the contalner, =Men MIL 'Me- To Women For Mrs. Hendon teach them to wane • man, lis- Mrs. Bailey to the eleven mem- ow and nib. By /OM O'SVUJVAN Mrs Preddle 1.• Haim Who ten to hen, entertain laugh ber. and two gueita. Mrs. I. C. • • • 1VEXT wee the former with tern, forgive him. end Halley taros you're boos t ed certified swimmer In the Clat Thurman be- make and Mrs. E. W Meg. Ube Wane powder In Therieve his home a /soppy • • • "browsing. take a loos at liar: of the American Na- fore her maniac on Jteg 14 was tine in come steins Mom plane oil* the LAM.'mentioned been They Red Croon occiplisassited ualth a he km- to. 11 law UM* • 11•Can' mar- If you pion to rearrempe your • • • are all at special intend to Excellent cheon nate." pictures, photorraphs Slag- held at tee/re-thirty oceock be Sure to all0011113 the I/ yeu home a rag ttlet Sures up women Most are vsJnalike re- tasting the how-to I have aiwaye hit teadlignes in the sherry= In the red ram that way, but new imams* before yos begin in the corner, ota sn L-abops ferenoe volumes. Several will at teacieng wonagalliag it- you put It so directly Of the Plaid* Inn and amply. tc pang In this tam you can phase of cardboard and tags bans appeal to mothers be- lag the one repeeleced hero) The plidloos hattaes for the I hate three chthetsters and awned damming your WV* paint- Moe • they em children's mein .. beak it to the tack of the reg. a valuable event held on We sum Have rou amtnar ad- ed walla Remove • • • br,,es that will make aaannew guide. Thursday. h113 21, the oh books were lire W. C Mrs vice far eine to &Mow if they are and rash and as all Wm with ouungs more rewastlIng. Is Thee by Hilda Por may grawy, brown sndh- Mitchell Mrs. James tID ham happy marriages? speekano material 1 Gnat Hemeniekeirr &pip- Komi iMenwilth Press, For leaner, before paint:pm solved dry flour in a awit Iron fry Mrs. Raymond MOTACH OP suggest* era Guide by I. Louise J. theme who enjoy needlework. Hewitt. and Mrs SIX the leasiorad Runt ear- yen In the oven Add dLredity to Peet olowa Mate Univcrsity this Is lint only a A W Rummel. nett and lacquer Amodellien. tenth book of DRAM MOTHFR: If a an Idea_ and Air U1disk. Press , What do you know Am•rican history sem The recent teen chose to wear ana wife sima_by ahem he gem about bighting, plumbing. "through the needle's eye" Mr bat the bridal entammuti • "elite to mark, rears hokum& blenders. determine able a valuabie ember and kilns • edema d in- kat Imo piece dress fastenaig • lb,. haw. asssio ask lies what and the Ike! Little' Noth- drachms. Meek and estate Ote th Mack Hey, bm,dibuw and keep, MURRAY ing' nth here's.the book iter Nos Kamen, *11Isv LOAN who took acemoortes Her lawitameW gift -e0.-quft you. thillelary as a bobby at.: prawboding how that she is loved corsage was at PItt ithmellIse MONEY As mad go a cookbook ft boons so doodnated des and appreciated, no matter what HEADQUARTERS lath anal wedding balls w. melllaimarylehig train span- Waft II a Stetif,'preltes lab WM lib- he lank& tele wont' even node.* •daiS Street Phase bon. it. 1.14INI las to glingliplikt wiper- ea bore IMP SWIM& ISM AM Ups you thorptherear ildiready Mira Claim Ttsureen, ilr m- on =log dmIgg. swag ha he 'Roe filiiiphirs repro- elte df herons wore a three How hag the world been treat- and aditaltog midmost • ---1111111111a the balk ire charm- piece elle 'Moe engsrlible ing yen' tinicad your preniena on The book. it digit, is a ling aid her dishosiory of em- With higelk *omelettes Mrs lid- Dew Abby, Box (WHO. I. Ange- graduate courts KM me loin battle, mita* Is eery help- s ard L Hendon, motiter-trollew les. Cal 000111, Per a personal, WALLIS who wants to maider the att ed DRUG of the ricindrer. *WA attired In a unpublielhed mph, aldose a sell- of being a Mrs •C - Bade Per .p Me Ord tat it tilleh black moos- edtIresed. Manipsid envelope Phone 751-1272 Teaddog Aa Mist To Woridog Illether by BIRD-WATCHING can Mergaret be nut Whitman books to hen, en- sorter • • • Swim by Virginia Plaat Wow- Albreebt (Dostadayi Should thusiaata are "Birdie Benne-here" * PRESCRIPTIONS and "Sleds Around 1.4". diteh Mothers wore hartemes' Irer Mb" A SPECIALTY roan. photographs by Robert you stay benne and raise your beekist, 'Bow to P Oft coileages of estate Ham a Newman (Hatiesert, Wend faiuly or should you have a other glasedlea. Leven Wedding.- mend ti We Wave it -We Will art Tt -6r Tt on the boniefreint age, rainy-day Can't Ile 'fad & Breeel : At what age should stab at teas a working moth- problems and Mrs Hendon wee presented with I. they, Beg @Ma Les The randy Camping feside sunny children learn to arta' The er' Read Ms day pleasures, it is a Aver pitcher as a weEkhrig gift cut., MM. book, then make by Atnies and Barbara New- author who has taught written by two campers of 20- • • 11- your own dectstOn. man (Wit" ' Have from Me hootessea. • • month you de- years who have pitched -olds how to paddle The author hits the Has cided their The actor scheme of ph* To nake to join the many wh i've tents in 200 lad mak illIthen. bath- &nun& made head)nes when and rcwards and offers wine locations from f•Aincl family fun in camping Key elide was mie mad in the de- morn. Ind did011et's PUY one at her pupils. Mary Fran- and witty advice on West to Alaska. emu various out' Then add this book to corsairs* with the stain table muter to ces (dsaghter of Ring Cheesy) aspects of The G••dyear Outdo to being 11ealt Math Ore them a coping with two your shelf A practical manual beinernd with a wire dr_ mat or two became at age 2, the young- tone State Parka (Crown : If you ca meni-gicas sismad. one In an ales, the on equipment. cooking, stow- are planning to see America, nmgetrsent of pink end REVIVAL this guide liii five paperback white chryeentheerame Weed by • • volumes devoted to different pint candles St Meer eandellabist spina 111111E regione of the country) offers Other arrangements On the ti- tens b mem tsar, me* al- a wealth of irdorrnatkin name weary sod Weeks IYIE, on mbal:led table were allightly alek the fees, facillUes and ale nimbi thiotieen attrao- ler botainets of pale pink gladioli ger me oat et ses sealed none of state Meas. parks. and white chreanthemume faun- To oelkymi Ina Ma ow, names. Martins Chapel The volumes' answer Wook SEIM lust ed by the pink cantles in sma/- Oak about any question that let braelerawaire 110 HU,S. br might candelabra. Peeing come uip and provide ler serer wig Messer her- a wealth hafts MI the lithales of tale! informatics/Is An arreemernent of pre mew loseresset k 71214 biZzas• While censidertag family buds An a aver bowl adorned the now nem. Man C - Methodist outing Church beets, here ere a few register Vele titles from Whitman Publleh- A delicious, two noun* luncheon Mg (Racine, Wis.) that will was served 1111111111111iiiiiiiiiii111111 make them more meaningful Place bridal motif to children: cards In the were marked kw Mimes Anne AUGUST 13th din 18th Zoo Trips: "Aithnal Habien;" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Thurman, Mary Ems Illeasdl. "Wed Animals I Have SERVICES Known," "World of Animals." ps laterthell, Vickie las, Tre- Partner Ave. at N. 11th St. Farm nets and trips to the ch Poen Oarland, Pseatte • Country; "Good Morning. Bode, Illialsotte holornen. Jan Murray, Kentucky Farm" (for toddler.); "Gold- Osteihn lhatersorth, and flunday at 111:11 A.M. :3O P.M. [4111 MINING en Prise" netniut horses); Mardia-411111;1 -111MMS- a hod Wednesday at 1:941 P.M. "World of Dogs"; "Birds Ev- Boar. Yee 131cit. Alger Cherry. - ALL WELCOME - erywhere"; - Birds Around Flamed amber, Janie, The Um". Resents. Bible Speaks to You • John N Pun/mt. Slay leturrean, Station WHAS Reach Expeditions: "Turn to - 1340 KC Stub Wenn, H Chinn Doran; the Sea" and "The Rea and Sunday at 8:15 a m horrwee, the Mothers, Its Creatures". Both are sim- the and th" Sr.. Charles Fennel ply written, iscientifkally ac- beiges's IMINIMIM1011111N11111U curst* and colorfully illustrat- Ammo •••/MINERS. _ ed. 'The Best In lberittee . . . BMA et Meseta Oenellese Trips: "Rocks and it.. What They Tell ti," -Rep- will be the ines Since the World Began" d "Animals of Long Ago." The children'• books are available In (lime odor's and toy ""Vin,J•WAII=6.•1 Evangelist m writ ROOK. "Teaching An departments. The adult Infant to Swim'', Virginia Hunt Newman eigesst• vAhinhle IMMO& Uere aber• 0Wn Wiwi can be ordered through • We • alth Matisse and Mom children et PIM: and Jobe Wayne. your IOW bO011ibip. we 4*44664 V isneeo

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L • RENT • SWAP HIRE • BUY • SELL.• RENT • SWAP • I41RE • BUY • -SELL.RENT • SWAP • HIRE • Auctior Scene CROSSWORD PUZZLE w"ribv•"*""'"' Mg AUCTION* Antique show arid sale, fixtuny, August 12th, 10 a. in, to citii"AS @Ma COO LOW 6 p. to,, Sunday Mama 13, 12.110 atearrow, he 121C12E3 COST ACROSS board p. to 6 p. m at North or CLASSIFIED MsZ 5-Scettish cap IlE21 Kra. V. W. *ADS County Mgt 1-Crony GET RESULTS Babool, Calvect 6 Ouperaged WO alti Erect Looated on Highway 401180 7 96. half- *Begin Flows DOD bridled tea way betrween li-Anearancs WIUMfl Federal Highways SS 9-0anc• step be 7.100E1 WM And- and 08. waste P7IFICK:MIL3C11111 12:Gera name 9-6touglit up nnis x" Bell and does WOC.311'11010 15T.y • FOR A-11-0 raid. ItMIK Sur v tans °Nisi.d Wend it time 10-Exist SALE We.plastered. paw,dloolng room. 1100'Z MIZIC3U E liirRIRSeli 11 Weaken nne Mod, 181111 TWO.11111511110091 frame, wow idithen bed Wee DOB i4.0 WEITZ 066C pei-un truck and bath and is priced at HELP WANTED 111-fammis 19-Preposato4l were ovagemang. beige garden mot, ROOFS REPAlFtLD fi3G Sell ▪ the chh-rona - We have another Phone 788Allft. A-11-C nice only $15.000. or repaceti. 1741ereee cloth 21-Above and load , abide Wens I 1 • to he prenup- J Cutters at Lynn Groat NUMBER 2 is located built-up - shingle - gravel Law In. 4-foot heavy duty Ougihojar an 0011Ed EXPERT:1E40ED BODY 22harilmercaliscil Auguat raw 1/11/01L -Ana meal Good = Doe fotlassta -11161011-up ▪ gear box. 15tunfp AMON Mb tail kart cok Reed between Eth end- DR. TA-State- -294Vidlisinely 32-Place bat on be 42--tbrertuan Qui egziggee $lug 6:00 TIN341111131110011 salary and Rod waning iota in the wheel, $265.00: 5-1326.00. haft veneer at Has carpet in Ring room sod din- cone- Roofing Co Dial 733-6309 TPC 22-Nit 24-thi1 it 33 Wager 43 Obtans Aka RIB A-114e tme. bedew A comment 44 Cr 14. P. to- Patowellia Mow. aompletely turn- brag area, Contact Thome keg. 7118 as-Nawaras 34 type Inman /raetor Co.. I drosanditioned. " 24:tring implement 753-49113 drePs• 7561 *ion, CAM AA ..-46earberowed (abbr.) 100,101-11110.1104-mtor-siormkori... Am ready- ler, you so more In 7615406 AMR 1 p.-.-., and pi:attar:apish; equip- 35-Very recien 44-hiehananedien I with the Aug. II/17W 13CE WE* -as WildritcdrioninWt .1011111111014, Mal A-11•C ment repaired Pree estimate 29-Articie it 27-JUlernattes 37-COmunctien name Ater, 1 Beate, *18,50000. ?do- NORWEGIAN ebIL FINN' ii-2196. A."1 soatilar dreira National furniture current (abbr.) 39-Clipper 47 esernrt ELKHOUND,- AKC MEW Gilloway-Build- NUMBER 3 is on Parthine Camera ServiShope 29 Propcn.lan -Indefinite 49-II• in debt mother-in- I mg just ANTI..1..): Sometiap to keeP 10-Bracing 40 moldered. bleapimeive. Endemic. LCY1' ON MAGNOLIA Drive abaseallin. Phone 763-7731 watt dm& 1606 So 6th 1St.. Paducah, Kentucky 30411ain lac. article 50-Damp as h. Hog& in of Booth lath Has brae iv- clukt in my honks II 756400. Ritibisnd days a wed. Phone 443-2353 Aug Pialereing prayer A.1111-NO flubdivision. rs' IN% MI 1.42-0 ing morn, Lady room, ceramic tie 8 a. -ii-C IF _ _ in. to 4.30 p. to. Phone 703- 113-thisical 1 2 3 , .4 1 6 7 8 76.,:c. 09 10 '11 dater. MO WOW, Cattr 666100/ RIK Witty and carport, Wear from AMPL213. PIM baba. 7E-Ideli tat ANTIQUE ;odd table. this house 6430. A-14-C evesrisilens inr ur cal picattee. FOR ALL YOUR Weil Pump and 34-Wetched 4'..k1-1i linen &!t. Odense Oradea mod Red Debates JobanY Bactitall*I. bowls, other esiiiips. Col 2 :%7•;:.;.'''13 Istass. allir 7 Y to" cid "Id Imd Muddle repair call Elroy Sykes secretty .... lt A-11-C one demi. occupy. 3S-oetsil ..',..? pant knit A-12-0 ATTENTION LAM: Chtistroas Plumbing & Repair Six-vice.750- :„...::: 16 LABOR /bedroom brick MAWS language garsall4) Ws& an blacktop. __ _ on Keene- dine Our ing 81590. BY OWN: PAY owning time. Several 8ePt--6.0 Nioe-2-bedroom brick ly NO DEICIOUNT. New i-bei 11.°2 Dr2". bath. In by- a 19 pun.* dress. /badman brick home with iniy 2 carvet operoogn for women dm wish to tZelit lend ,...... 20 all electric. Located at 718 by. room brick veneer home. Nem z and dining roam, range. Milli anis a oI White room and Erhart. Deep welt 66 cum Make a mentor Gramm for m more. Wall-to-wall carpelng in Ow- Shopping heater on aoudads. Al dishateher and gattiage dUpoist. WANTED 10 BUY =ram* 22 23 ,72I' - V75 26 77 add cheered gentle mallet yourself and tangly. Wiite Avon, ing room and heilL Wanton blinds kind. city tabbies. city biros study with bad all limed and sowed as permanent aohoOl Odra& sheaves. di Mrs. NI io •• pointed tea and drapes living Evelyn L. Brown, Avon In roan. Attachod pasture Bea double carport, mends Ihy• dad* room, aarport and de. WANTED: Good alescanii a ascent 18 soros in crops. Mgr, Diet. 440, Shady Grove Road, used boys' Sr" bi- 46-Confused ...... •,,- NW* gunge with bressoway. On aim riots carpeting t* Ni adage Price boo been ... 32 33 Good Meek -am, outacoo tam and , tilled reduced Marion, Ky. 42334. cycle. Phone 763-5E3, 68-ease v.•:.31 th a lot ,Oall 761-7940. /144-C baths, walk-in E.800.00. tool Rod. doe ckeeits. Tare% 91-Guido's thas oumPare ith _ A _...14.f.,,',.3o _. 37 neat. IlYPI:rt, • contra airoonclitionteb. I WANTED: high note 34 others and you will agr num 3-BEDROOM briok, earner NOTICE Used Vollorwagen, 1982- .:4 ', ,-,,..1...4 nines, and PARMALL Dub feeder. with mow- the Ottee pecan pareeling ItIbin and , _ .4,' is AMC 8211.180.00. and birch askanote Chilosety and 17th Street. Ike 1l id modal. See Bobby H. Wilson or haS 38 ,••- M1 er between Wheels. like dd. 73- Ni kitchen and er ap- EVELYN V SMITH, utility room. Caddie baths, patio, outside anit 700-5/117 or 1663110. *10,-C 53 Reverence 1600. A.4 Realtor, New titapmg. tbuth „utter storage car- ELEt7TR0LUX SALES homing 2 and range, • and & Service, 54 •.::•::: Ooncard, immediate ...Ma 'IMMO Ky.. phone 436-6010 aro- tepatat, &fling panesehon. Box 213, Murray, Ky., C. 55-Temporary S r and Mrs. mom. DistaioUve Priced Id Sand- shelter (p1.) FOR better deanielg, to keep cokes ' titre. to NEC. posaestion with datek,ers, 1.0R ;A -45'4 : '4Y. ,".•-•1411 49 50 A42-C hardwiu-e and Phone 3113-3176, Lyhnville, Ky. RENT 56-issa • the punch giossmog, use Blue Lustre carpet dew fiNtAlral ROUSE AND 2 acres on Hamel nab. • 1 ugtsout see by Sept -2-C 1 and Miss Rosner Rent electric itampocer Appotntment. Phone way, has several outbuildings, DOWN TT .....,52 91. VACANT HOUSE at 708 Zan on 253_00in goodj r';'••. ..., see Illesibes land, immediate FIVE ROOM HOUSE with up- be at- Paint Store. A-16C 1 hinuilkt poeiression, $950000. i JCIENd DRIVE-EN la De closed for 34 •F}Ce_15 '45)756 _ _ I baps lot. Pull beamed. stairs, I-Eraser •.-.. e-to-he aim madion storage and Issaiteneht.CbS 6:::7-' .... 'BUS", carpeting, air-oond- a...EAR/010E SALE GOOD 2-BEDROOM timer. corner August, 7th then August 2-Fuse -• WE VW goad New 1667 763-5094WA-U-P • •16. OWL Ilisopsn Zr Manes Ilanday, 7.-Listiess Distr. by Lotted Feature Syndicate. /0 cheap. Oail 41110-33111 bade 600 tante. slid electric heat. Olcae to °MC Mot- Am and -ham Hatcher MI mid Odes Camp Ground Rd. j YPt Amid 14th. , bY 1408, • p. m. or after 10:00 p. m. hohooh. clam-chez, and AAdo add. A-14-C Has over an ain't kA for $'3b00' A11-0 'TIRE MilBABBY. large berofasl- . beet of the town. Orator* tamer across greet 8% ACRES on 641 Highway sight -- room spertments; agepoted, di- or cab MEW ofthe new plant location for 510.- WE WILL on Saturday, victual hed and ak-canatliontrig. tram Am coHINTSIORI. A-16P DonmerAN Masciam. puppies. Auguet seated Wilk 60000. 12th, 1067 offer for sale and sell Phrnahed or tedurnahed, 100 So. 1111-4473 Used 2 months. 1.-11-D Ex wake aid. MCC with papers, as a wed& Taminammoost hatata at pan. Phone to the highest bidder the remain------758-8818 or 763.9186. A-14-P 95 ACRES of land lust off Irvin NICE THREE-ROOM apartment. ing part of the old home place CRUSHED STONE enema Shard OEM Oabb Rood. Rue fences. for 04760.00. completed) furnished, private en- &Arlin the for driveways known MI OW Xi McClure home. TWO-BEDROOM bane 2 acres. 2 NEED IMIMEDIATK posetation 5614 ACRE PARM located at Cherry trams end bath, no dilates earn- 1 and septic tanks. badonery sand at of00, including tin miles ead of Mairray On HIgfillwr Ismael Then see Corner Church Extra good land. Ilk Med. 409 N 5th Street Clifford Oarellson. oat sifter 4 p m. us at anise es have home OE dila Eat and running Phone ss_ 760-609 54. $7900.111. 4 threettedroom acre corn baae, house with hot and Bind Ranh day 753.3474, A-16P brick hoses tor water. Roes as Ile* tap road. The debt 1:11:allieillID11010111 home. double mat... Poommilon. du& dad _eater. full bath sewed- ouh. Mellharillobir""•-• - A-34,On- LARGE MAIII0OAKY dining room eloggase. - strwr YOU TARE NM- CHANCE ttf:N Vitt gores of and. all"MHER 1 Is a new Mang inert- butldings WIt trade for good house suite watt de Ohara Plaine 435- 4 isles elien of Miser on bladctop In town. Hints 0 • Wed at 171.1 Partner, Ma brie lade TRADE WITH . . . HOMES 80/1111115 BMW aid, weakens," 0000 &ACRE lot on le 050111111111. training. boarding stale said pea Si that gi& 110t for from lake, doe banes on kne. apastion. stallon service. PARKER tzs E.aa ktik13 both aka. $2,004100. 1412ild Ming Eng. Backend M MOTORS rad wadi pure 14 AORD3 with one of the nr Stades. 1Phane 1111111)71. eivrAtec e Me"* 'II 753-527 3 Murray, Ky. All The Way Nome homes in county. Has 50 by 80 ft. building ideal for carpenter Mop, Pam tlEld LOST & FOUND LARGE VOLUME - LOW PROFTI uses, Oeton Ned fliifElify-thrillter by DO1O2ES HITCHES Wage or other extra otos _- shade. Medan From "Service Built Our Business" MIES the rowel patt.shed by P a fichustor, Camnstit 0 LOST: It grey and die 1); lied by Del,tres luau by rainless THE AND MANY other good male, ng out ea King itlyadicate part buys can be found St Roberta Red- Peram cat. Ida on South NE IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US ON A NEW OR USED CAM • •: it the Shilide o% 506 Main Street or me 783-1101. Street. Oall 7537763. A-14.P _CEL6121111R-BS------bliew doya Veer be bed beard to his own accotatt. auspicioo. ITC Or ink tele amieowelli talk BeetheImeruresee people. Un- or Sargent as Olt you at al abed the cle Ids daughter's n wadi dal- Mak opened the door to lover-why Mel.4440 won tod oddness deal be bed with the would he be playing XIS I ttil ,VeT R1SHT Ar- sheet. a part MUT Cannon"- Chuck In Sargent's sedan, NT MD MOUT THAT Mier theme Made ensillher pieta LARGE NATIONAL concern no• EVERY asked Rick Owed , "You're sure that he wan" MAil @poem of trywepsagy kir Doris opening in Murray. High ectiool FA5CINA1E54A)? en ranove Only that the "1 have • hunch teat he was venture was and then looked at graduate culla. speculative Uncle Cheek That tob be told about minimum. Some ales ex- Which 1 took to and said, 'Goodbye, you mean Mr. Sad- strewth' the poker while perience preferred Martine salary risky Of Cohens I IfesSISI • he very Cannon handily was looking in at applitiosisish REM a month. In. let turas up by reputation and know polio yar- Meek nodded in his n sounds prepared alurilog Moos henedits 30•26 c- what he Age an does Owens'.Mae direction. Oteeknxistv 1.41teei "like adding you, the mrolve was Rad ecaplate _..aritsompa4iNo ne wouldn't tr Thr a otall- ainutre and (Poulin- 11, ad tape tee deli Elk Mr Owed' pi( ion on cannon• kind of garailis you rhe tarn as • caw= s. MIK ID-I c, o Lodger al die reg with On de alseralk beaded for • hundre4deot pole bald lie He couldn t even see Tbstes. Mi fella con/Mental the eor. Dale Rid. "You cer you Briskly to Doris from the bill below the 1.12-0 Oliellaaeth teddy got co ao wrong rown snai- -lbrim side of fl use But be Might nave been Wind 'Vow. ow we go Idea. Uncle Cinet." hanging around out l:net Wen fry ever=re peen" Kr you If "He there in use wasn't Sam le tell us dark, true Kral* to The I Vitae egg as ea* enough In which ebelleas. Dorria I hal to rib cam. THERE'S AN DO YOU MIND IF HE of yes me with • sveler. be the one who snot de- leiL delinally, as Mr an busi- ide IMO - liewiranse WOW old Pet.? Is he even the EXPERT PICKS SOME OUT Ora Ten sein owls. ties right IT'S HARD TO BUY hid two -the law liaraeser LIMED it Mare to hare dales FOR ME ? people carry ante- "He couldn't have killed BANANAS-I CAN'T WHO CAN vial take the mobilo Kat' a and re "Maybe be =I. a hap Eli sr 11 drove her to kill TELL THE HELP ME damold any to be canceled out herself " An be paid to you is inanthly by odes Of the big outfits RIPE 1111111111mentil Brgsnt wad "Cia. no Never.- Doris was Etat tam people mad sawiltslike opsoiry-bo lift it up to 100kInd at him bar eyes Stint" ONES you." Owens aad the wash Insurance 'Ihri "Bill eosidn't have doer that tiabDo=ae dvile a- companiesto willies cover the "Dards. If It was left Sailed unfortunatea up to There's a perfect- you, nobody could ausa-asaio-. "The ewe= bawd have been iy do anything legitimate aleph Mil be fills Lad pad es Bargee hi • tunic, SUM" yet we nave two wart- aamemettwo It. What e woman, de . -This ems litow is. dew% eal I'm damned tf cart 3.egent4 chore" I have a Nelda 1 Rigid have we Sargent as the only II lain tried • few NW* qpiostioneea be Owen, searched in his an of It. Do you think he beat deek turn Lees. tor eadspai, for some did Ear- 111111111111if to death?" forma which gent row do tddi were. take Doris was to sign She shook tier bead miserably Undo Chuck out • short-term got policy to oover -No, I'm not such up and, leaning on thy cane. a fool as Wale special situation I should that." 7_ ea, ea a..1 ,,,,d went over to the front of the Olt 1•01.4 P•••••• tad..a a have staked that" 'Wan office when be tied a View or start thinking on the 'Don't you think that the darker the street In the inner room side, the worst side of policy backs up Arthur's story? everyone. Doris and Owens went on dis- And by the way i That Sargent must have claiming the money she ordered hope you didn't mallow s :•114;":',f•tc.. was to the stock, and the NOTHING DEFINITE. BUT IV NE dr get insurance was GIN'a philanthropic interest ui to cover eK... JR...OR ( arty loss if nomethteg you- I'M SURE JOHN SMITH waRse, '0U Id A rth Mr Cannon have motoeRER. happened to him before he could "No, I 15 OUR MAN. ONE ME A MAYBE been the intrud•r who bad can Sas she nate. ` pay for It?" Arthur and LITTLE MORE TIME AND . SM/The frightened Istria y•sterd• y wants to put him in "It looks that way. rn bet the worst I'M SUPE I CAN .5740dt BE morning' Quite possibly. Uncle possible light ' Cannon doan't come whining -With • TURN UP WARN... Chuck thought He might have mother in law like I. around with that brief case her, be ass POSITIVE thought the nutlet, was empty no need of enemies again-and If be doe., ru give What's of occupants for the moment or the wife like"' EVIDENCE, him • taste of this cane '' "Caroline that he could be quiet enough is compietei% "WE. Arthur always was wrapped to escape being heard He must up in making • mg sort of . . . tactless, Uncle show for have wanted desperately to the neighbors" Chuck." "ilimmrnrn know what provision. if any. I figured as "So, time he learned better." much - Sargent had made to cover the • • • Iowa in inarnond Tunnel A For some time Uncle Chuck S Uncle attack got la behind search of Sargent's private drove In silence A the wheel. Doris said. "Do papers would have been first on At lent Doris spoke you think we'll ever find out -If Barge his agenda had a scheme of some exactly what Serge was pan- kind it Would thirty - five thousand didn't Include his own ning Kverything be had rode, Murder 11" dollars be enough to tempt a I mean "I believe that." Uncle Chuck man like Cannon to commit "Oh. a few tag ends replied, -He regarded his murder' Well, there were type. are be- own ginning to Wow, Dorria. hide as• pretty precious Mang.' who would do It for • few dol. We might find the right end to un- "Ito, then - erbat tars and think nothing of It. west ravel. Tell me, was wrong!" rnele Chuck reminded himself Knowles and his restaurant operation Whether Cannon would have a eta- "Maybe nom cone wouldn't ER -050LF1- BLU SA-1.TP- AH'S tomer at Sargent's? murdered for the insurance Did Sar- play the part Sargent had as Ihi TH' mooD -RD SASHAY gent hanthe their accounting?" money would depend upon bow signed. Or perhaps woke up to OVER.TO "KISS! ROCKt• "When N' bad • fix hi was in financially. RN Brut started. just what the part was going to Sarge did. Faring disaster--maybe. Un- But them Bill bunt more and more pieces, cle Chuck decided. But the the "Barge seed people," Dons job was too much for Serge whole thing in regard to Can- to said bitted/. "Look at the way carry it along with his other he non was murk y at present; end me. I kept his home 1 clients, and he gave it up. • there was no proof so far that BM provided a respectable back tried for • while to get Sargent had actually ordered Serge wean& I was the cover Me the to come with him, to the addlUonal Diamond Tunnel work for dirty thing be WY doing a salary. But with stock. unless you could consider Sarre said he Rat K nowlea . and would never with that taking out the additbsial do that again-he others before her, would for all Insurance wee proof. have his own business or know," nothing." Maybe it was at that. Uncle Chuck put the car into 'In Doris had r s• • from her lee mind's eye. Unnle rear and they pulled away from Chuck chair In the .thnee Office, and maid see Rat Rotestien. the rut% 'Illtristolvai Owens was ringom around his nut le &mai. . "Why on earth would Knowles, The story desk. promising to call her In continues here to- wealthy as he is-and according morrow. Prom the novel published by Simon & *buster. Inc. Copyright • 0 1986 by Dolor-se Hitcher's. Distributed Or King Feature Irodlcsta


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LIDOSIt • TIMES - 1111:11111•T, FRIDAY - AUGUST 11, 1867 Cattle Trading In lee Post- go-between would press them, sen- day. At the mart, the cattle are la- It's all very smooth, efficient, sing raGCOIil;M SCHOOLS... Hospital Report AREA COMPANY... ik deal. But DOW they do things dif- belled, ticketed, damnified and sold Ireland Ain't What quick - and bonne "Do what I say. Here hold out ferently. Around- ten o'clock in in lots by a lawdy-dwar type of lemillneed Frans Page 11 (reatased From Page One) treattansil nem Page One) It Used To Be Going to the fair used to be your hands . . . the morning a truck pulls up and chap with clean ftngernalls- WI an exciting, worrisome day, full "Come on, ,pow. Sure you're loads the cattle. The -. Lucinda Darrtae. Car- ROW; Murray. Mrs, Evelyn the Department of listural Reouir- not farmer fol- The oheck arrives next day. And ca Beano of hope and challenge. of sharp going Story, FRS Farmer. Murray; Mrs. cos' f,.:estry dffiride.r.. a co-spor.• By DONAL O'HIGGNS to break my word" lows leisurely in'us car. that's all there is to it. ohm Ftsig. Jlo Williams. and Janice wits, agile minds and flavored ADS Wiwi 1614 Ryan, Murray; or of the :irograin. Other United Press International And the deal was made Then Sutton tiPotror• speech It was a crowded, jostling Mrs. Ama hicAskill. 201 College tot:.-ude the US. Selakilliral Stab- Btau...tN, ,cPr Cattle trading it was sealed in the pub as the AMno: Thornes Rumhing, prin- day of friendships made and fri- Court, billurray: Mrs Annie IL and 01111111,111111o6 Be vice. us Ireland these days is a stem's seller, with a whisper and • wink. deal. Beserdean Wrather. Ruby* endships strained It was a clay Knight. fith Kaitended. Murree; the U.S. Son Ommismilion Sex- genie, now that marts have re- told the buyer the beast was ire:betts. Nancy Roberts Fninces when hype:title meant an under- Mr. Robert W McKinney. isin vice. the Oneeenity at KintiliclrY placed the oldtnne fairs and some- lame - and the buyer, with a Phitley. Maurelle Na. Miele statement and dullards stayed at Chaellante De . Warren Ohio; lithis 3:eternize Service. and the athaDa- one else makes your sale grin. explained that that was why Couglaisa, Mary etinift, Enid Sand- home But, above all, it was • day * Prances Fair, 117 South SOW 'foa- tion Departmentit vomellonal edu- Praised be the time when a spit he'd given 15 pounds O..wi than he ers, Mane Brown. ,CeMa Grogan, that began early. my: Master Jesse In Horton, cational etkositin bursa& and slap of the palm closed the had intended iirqUOVI Camil. and J W. Jon- Dawn would find the breakfast 406 North lath. Murray: Lil1 amens. the eampatar nave deal and a pint of stout sealed it. At home that night the man rthmearleared away- Talk_ of prices Vane Bisee, Rural Rotee 1. -ffr--111101211111-1reieVudry- -Rtreess Teltow lh a White -himself wtrmat recount his 'victor- Amon: 111,1Ry Lisie Outaind. pion- to be wrang:ed and purchases to ma. Mrs Csor'.yn Jane Boggess. 121000 pine seedLngs an a match- coat and a fins .ent =ekes the ins puffing his pipe and relish- I olgal, W. T. Perliterson JadDeCt be made, still echoing fresh from Rural Route 1. litorse. ing be.. Illasitera Essabsila Um- , sale and a beaker -.J.& the itheck ing asere the banter of the fairi.4 -aectits3. - ---Ltim-sightottetima-aealet-lasioemared -rs-liketililearl* Wises rite-notes lerbilld be &tinted ou tin Nellie ISM Welk. Outland, and aired again. Mrs. Weans Duman. Irven, ants at Luke. Md., and Clovuoo and put away and the parcels Ito-Mrect Issaikter. 1LJdred Dunn, Sandwiches had to be cuit, money , Mrs Floole E Hopkins. ton. Va would be opened with ceremony. 'owl as* 011 LIGHTING . .. carefully counted out, and any oitY 1111 Meth 7th. Mateck seed only pine swathes MORE It was a worthwhile sort of lbw& Sams Feltner. head tea- lierfeY: Mrs. Eli- defects in the bests amudiged over Dowdy, Mimi acute 3. will be offeeed free in the 19611 cher, Mpg lindavrood. Crystal ▪ I Continued From Page I) Ware the long trek began. remora= alittaugh they Mil as off Pleater, 111&- -13lathran, Mara Rob-- -11111111dctt. tn- -thaw days each Desist re- has ettic*. SU North MK Murray: Min used so mateh landowners' pur- tater; Maybe and Maw Street. to the Irarkle of the top part of tram, &eon Kee. Charkne Curd. presented something real, some- Mudd, 0. 311WeIlon. Kirtscy: chases of hardwood seedlings as Ranekt Anis. MIS et 111r. and a licutAe boiler Turn the pot up- and Louise Outland thing much more exciting than Mn. we] ptne. Mat Man Janes Wine side Ithrtsey: 31. B Rogers. erizedent„ Mare .1. Witteety, Rant! Rt. Drke, just money in the bank down in hot water for a I. Denier: lEmeer Oary A. 1111- The program mil be dumbed • eingillayed as palissimin for short time. Leine RIM& Laura, Jimalemik It might be a now coat for the 1er. Rural Route I, litersew: Mr. In Western Keneuellty In the coun- the Cete at Murray to NI a We- • • • NEED MONEY tie Twang, Mary Alba Ilknowlwirl. rititts. a bicycle for the lad or w Arthur H Mies' lensamore ties at Bediarcl, Oallotaki, anew in the denouement. OMIOW Musk nom Oreedord. shotgun for the man himself It Street. Murray: Wham Larry SS- Carlisle. Crittenden.. Ptalion. Grav- A letter of mug-ration was read LABOR? Deem armems,e Porde. Anis made the day a deep family af- Support FOR • Sceman. Mew Ocinormil: Mr es, Marahall. MoOmdren. laving- from City Comet/man Frank Lan- I Mae Hoghlns. Jerry 'Malice. and fair. Steve Ciadhalot. us Routh 15th, aeon Lyon. Illelnimin and Trigg. caster whose %meowed term win Cheryl Dailey Each farmer Mel bk own fay-. SEED? Murray: Mr Joseph T Under- Markt add the Kra will aim Better Scouting Lyres Grove- Freed OrnsL head be flied be/ C W Jones who Was °rite site at the fair. He believed wood. Reanai Route 3. Murray. rye free seedinge as a non-mst- in election LC teadher, June Story. Agnes Mt- elected Ste recent certain knolls or corners showed FtRTILIZER? aging haus to 4-H and vocational ttie gime of city councOnsan start- Daind. Brion Brom Margaret at his etaue to the best advent- agreagrand grouga. 11* In 1986 Crawford. and Juana Indann. Kkonsellegy Libearien: Olds. Free- age. The (1...y promised well if you He said landowners could in- REDUCE INTEREST COSTS New Concerti: Lunn man. 111101eselesy librarian: Jen- A discuseron at prohibiting got there first. Sieroslan& quire about the penman through head teacher. rust) Grogan Mi- ny, Clarlo. 111asentery Loretta:1: parking on parts of Poplar Street WITH A PCA LOAN! the offices at any cif the No Idlers Rerkekk, Ann lite& Remedial Reeding was he)d, but no deftrate decisions te Barbara McCeleaan. sponse:eine farmers who save money NIariperette Winchester, organaaMonts or by were made at the meeting. Follow the example of successful Lorene leo0age. Ruby Parks. Los- At 'be fair yet, xere a buyer, labor and operating supplies: Fitting to John 11 Harmon. West The dontreet three ways when financing retie Torras. VW Bobby Man ▪ Reedbor Teacher and for timingisralpg • at er or thit. ga-aetween. There because you are Virginia Puip and Paper Com- I. With a PCA loan you pay lels interest Maar .aertitted 11113111- ewe, Remedial Read- sptanofys gmv between the and only for the peesonnell an ▪ pany Box rX, Wickliffe. Ky. and of 'Murraywasy ass via littleroom for the Idle =- charged only on the money borrowed, NOW as tofbeww. Been Began- ing Tosilher W H Brooks will city length of time you use it • be in Marge of the Adult approved. sign multiple awnp. Stilerci Lunch Supervisor; Farmer The buyer had a bag of tricks FOR CORRECT 2. You eliminate expensive tripe to town to 141inan and Theodore filainevelt. your entire operation! Frances JOIWW0n. Ildnealion program. notes. One PCA DOW covers Elementegy lair the Mo-nt Rushmore Nat- Apparent,:diatimoin enbaivin. to raa‘ch against the seller's TIME aid And, you have a *Resod financing program that assure' ledesard Cried. General Hug- -- • Memorial in the on itnshosu, were dimmed down-to-earth der ots But the im- 3. tenet hills at you will have money when you peed it! eieriwar: Margie lemur. Director NOW YOU KNOW af Bout& porportent man was at go-between TEMPERATURE Dakota. He dled in 1941 the nweeng Mat nicht folks who are FIRST IN FARM CREDIT ...your .. of Pepe Feratimad: w appreveg at the "Well, gentlemen what's DAY OR NIGHT See the aMika. In Caked Pram Iniernatienal be Me wort was fleadwd and The moirowl, between Amestant atiperintencient. Outmin his am_ Lneohik added the final ell Ire ThanwigieiCadvert Clmtpany re- Ream Bobo& Num: Joanna Wks, hem! ef Jefferion, That was the momentdeveryone DIAL 753-p63 • details. ams eampled try the teneolL PRODUCTION CREDIT waited for. It was the signal for - ASSOCIATION - --' ------. -4 .theT Wide:;tire - tennird - Mlle..- fence, the veiled sneers, the de- PEOPLES BANK Keys Keel rogatory remarks. to of 305 N. 4th Ph. 753-5603 *WO ye make • divide and fin- lab In the mime of God" The Murex', Kentucky • Cookout Kabobv hAepgea; By /WM 011111Nell GET out the grill, the paper plates and cups and dust MT some new ideas for seekouts. Wiralitlrelesibs? They can be MOW mommilum aid it's fur mire they den5,limp &cat me croaking buipirs. Awn& enielrea ar tr•sktemier barbecues. Todays Veal Kabobs are soarinaled be a flevorftd awry sauce, while the IAnds Ka- bobs gain flavor via a mari- nade of yogurt sparked with gatlic, oregano. dried mint • and lemon juice. With either. try arming Macaroni-Sour Cream Salad. Paper Sersiee Serve than delicious en- Beverage trees oie paper plates. They eliminate d I• h - waahing. so keep a good stock on hand - bright white or colorful pat- Glasses terned paper plates and cup- plastic coated for hot fodo plain and wax coated for cold foods and beverages. To set your table prettily use paper placernats and napkins. These products an the greatest of the peyote, iimentlies because they Wake ISO liter-barbecue eliniang TEATUTUE surzan t_Ams KAMM.; at your next cookout. A yogurt marinade ails a snap. distinctive flavor and melting tenderness to the meat. Serve on patterned paper plates. surnia LAMB xAno1111 3 c. plain yqpiet Add cubed lamb to yogurt Cl'ILRIED VEAL KABOBS seeded and cut in quarters 2 cloves garlic embed mixture; Una lightly to coat Its lbs. veal steak (cut in Cut veal steak into twelve . 1 tsp. oregano meat. MAnnate in refrigerator am piece) cubes. % tap. dried mutt 4 hours or overnight. % e. honey Mix honey, mustard, lemon tsp. salt , Place meat on skewers. e. mustard juice, curry powder, salt and e UP. Pepper Broil over cheroot or- under 1 Map. lemon juice pepper In bowl. Add veal and 2 tbsp juice broiler for about 20 min, or 2 tsp. curry powder stir to coat on all sides. 3 Ins lamb, cut in I t until Iamb is cook,-c1 to de- IA tsp. salt Cover and let stand in re- cubes sired degree of d..nene•s. To Dash of pepper frigerator for several hegira. Combine yogurt and season- bri nen all sides, turn skrweno II cherry tomatoes or When ready to cook, arrange ings. several times during cooking. tomato wedges in skewers alternately with Tom ex --'s fat from :amb -i-e- 2 err all green peppers, o.matoes and the green pep- per wedges. Grill over wood charcoal briquettes about 5 minutes, turning to brown both sides. Brush with sauce during cooking. Makes 4 servings. MACARONI-SOCK (AM SALAD 1 tbsp. salt 3 qta. boiling water 2 c. 18 os ) elbow macaroni • % c. chopped celery I c. cooked peas % c. mayonnaise % c. dairy sour cream 2 tsp. prepared horse radish 1 tsp, seasmeed salt lAlt- Pepper One free with every 7 gallons Ashland Gasoline Boston Lettuce. 1 medium used green A cool, cool offer from your Good Neighbor Ashland Oil Dealer. pepper, cut in stripe Get one 12 oz. beverage glass with every seven gallons of Add 1 thap. salt to rapidly boiling water. Add macaroni Ashland Vitalized gasoline you purchase. Stunning Avocado Green. S gradually so wetter continues Bold, easy-to-hold texture. Perks up a patio . . . or a party to boiL Cook =towered, Air- ring occasionally, elate tine And get the tall two quart pitcher-a perfect match -for tier. Drain In colander. Rinse only 49C with an oil change or lubrication at regular prices. with cold water; drain. Combine macaroni, celery, Start your Avocado Green beverage glass set right now. Drive in at your peas, nlay0TWIWile. sour cream. horse-radish, seasoned malt nearby Ashland Dealer displaying the "Free Beverage Glass" sign. Ashland and pepper; toes well. Chill. Arrange macaroni salad on ASHLAND OIL & REFINING COMPANY lettuce; garnish with green "1111111111111/ CITIAILD VKAL KABOBS are ma!inated in a mixture of honey, mustard, lemon pepper strips. juke and curry. To round out the menu, serve with a zesty Macaroni-Sour Cream Salad. Makes 4 servings.

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