Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-11-1967 The Ledger and Times, August 11, 1967 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 11, 1967" (1967). The Ledger & Times. 5740. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5740 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 43. • 41. • - 10, 1967 • Iss Selected As A Sul All Ronne Kentucky Oonuntmity Newspaper Th • The Only Largest ond Afternoon Daily Circulation In Murray And Both In City released Calloway County en wort- And In County Ira yes to tring his In Oar Bith Year United Press International Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, U1 LYE- August II, 1967 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No. 189 OM OMM,MrimoMM., inn alp lien. nt. 1-3 In 11 MOW a opener —4 erne U. COUNTY -SCHOOLS TO OPEN 7-8 and Austin kidelphia Airman Raney Now k. Detroit Calloway High and Elementary id edged In The Philippines e teemed Murray Sidewalk GEORGE HART DIES Me. We- Centers Plan Opening Program ird CIML LUZON, Phthppmes — Airman 7-0 George Hart, retired president of the Bank Second Clem Hubert R. 0. Raney, 'es Park- whoa wife, Shirley, is the .daugh- been stained with certified peocie. er bases of Murray and former mayor of Murray, died ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oti' Crook 0f the one hundred and three Sale Is of en made Planned 203 Memorial Drive, Paris, certified potations, one-third of Tenn, has 1 to pelmet today about 2 p. m. at the Gross Mont Hospital arrived for duty at these teachers have Master De- aid hand John Hay AB, Philippines grees and above ,,The ?Surrey Chamber af Com- ray wIS be particepteng in the in San Diego, Califcrnia, according to a tele- Airman Raney, a radio repair- All Canoe/tie Cotmty teachers merce maid today that the Manway two-dey event. offering clean-up tube lead men. previously served at Finiend and other maned people are to Sidewalk Sale Martha FrIday and sales at prices below cost in most phone report to Dr. John C. Quertermous. AL' Forre Station, Minn. He is meet at the Odloway County Hatt ending Elaturdery Meg. August cases atagned to the Air Force Com- Seco' on August 23rd. at 830 13th and 19th, is expeoted to be Murray's Merchants are delight- Tithe fly His wife, Mrs. Lochie Hart, retired librarian murientiona Service vitach pro- am, for in-Service Teacher Tra- the biggest in its Bluth year his- wuth the Salensiet Sae, in that ihr in vides global communications and ining The In-Service Training day tory. Lea year's mow& battled It gives them the opportunity to I Manly at Murray High School, called Dr. Quertermous side to aerial na wigsLion for USAF is under the direction of Edwere denble • 100 degree heat and rain to get ciean- up ere-sting inventories and and other agencies. attrareillar. the Pi- acme of the seasons most specta- make apace available for the new to report the death. Me rumen Is a graduate of The schools and &unities are mp frocn cular bargains fall mexhandiss The goods of- Yale (Mich) I. Schoci. follows. This year'soweather is expected fered teas into all ateirones. with Listed as Hart were visiting her brother, Hih sister la Mrs. Ceral Briti- on Jenk- to be mod, with the brig range bummer items predominating Mr. and Mrs. Calloway County High. Howell an of Rt. 6, Murray. e becorne roreast prethettng temperatures Meet appeance stores offer re- Harry Broach and family in San Diego. -Mr. Crittenden, principal. Jane SI*, e hurler In the low Me with partial clouts amed prices oh al hems to pro- Erge.ne Chaney, Chierem Parts, Almost all merchants in Mur- ved* apace for 1963 models. Hart underwent surgery at the Gross Mont V is. Milton Weldon. Joyce Wenn", four-run An aka& Mete lave been asked Genallane Myers, N P_ Paschall, In 21 at to dry In the onsuane of their pital last week, but his conditNn was not Jame Hall. David Howell, 13M Braves choice, and It kat year can be George Hart Tian Lowry Adams, Marguerite Brooks, Mate eht hits 4 Lt. Kopperud Oaken as an inclinaaor, thee cloth- Jones, Obera Milner Betty Riley, ught to be serious, according to reports. Herm Jeffref I S The ing peonesse to be WE this year June Wilson, Juitanne Smith, FROGMEN VANISH cited out Mad digigeas get into she mint Mr. Hart was an outstanding citizen of Mur- Is Director Douglas Tucker, Roy (uothnin, I and It On Tour To of ths esesaion with than dram Sue Outland. George Dowdy, Lar- year SYDNEY, Australia — The Aus- the mpeseally straw hob and Marta ry Dunn. Modest Jeffrey, Lucy e starter tralian navy (stirred every avail- ray and Calloway County. Inst year's sa:se was sommonly Ann Forrest. Bon Kertick. able ship and heboopter to loin Conserystion of WItillife is be- caled the -Knobbed Knee Para- Nix, Eva Rom. Lubte McDeniet South Pacific a search for two frogmen who ing taught to teachers attending ear. with the nickname *gybed The body is being returned to the J. H. Chur- John Clines, Louie Teary, Mar- vanithel Thuratley during a tra- • woriuhap at Murray State Uni- one; to the male set (Cantdkaaed 012 Page Ski Wog exerciae. chill Funeral Home. Weley by personnel of the Ken- Lieutenant Wnlarci R Koppereel. The Sitimak Bale will start tucky Department of Fun and who is stationed aith the Data with each dere* regular bran of Reeources, Frenktbrt • Bank Program US' Army, Irmiti- apersition and at unroll their nor- Missionary Speaker '"My Three Angels" The workshop. under the dir- Area Company imam, D c le on an ladillet- 1111 erne on both Friday Pad 91101‘ Calloway 441 ection of Lan Lowry. smatant ihr tour to the Per least. thread- and Saturdil Is Mrs. Thomas Play At Kenla.ke professor at MSU, La designee:I to ing Arnie Headquarters in New meatandiee le added to acquaint teachers with principles Mire se Japan. Korea and Plat- the abase hourly to give eneryone ifrs BY it Thomas, For Two Weekends Launches Cash Attend Camp of wildlife conservation and to te= He wit return to Whatiling- a dame at the bargains tucity madonary to Singapore% pant up the need for wise use of tan the lest of this month. be the nakelatairy meginer during "My Three Angelo", the New York Broadway Comedy MI be wilaife and other natural resourc- Lieutenant Kopp-rid grallinje Waal week at Cediumore. Crop,Pulpwood Two Car Accident ifelapridet clannenne Camay 4-H peseenise Be the adallt" tine as. Atadetie materials. elms and at tram Murray State Unlverilty Mrs. Tionins, the lartiler Ret coaneas have attlterid a week of this sauna at Si. Kaiaks Afa- department penannel services 1104 with Douala was torn in Cieli,way In a II 8 degree We Occurs Thursday maping at Dawson Springs this an siel to Leaching oinservation PliA1K7ORT, Kg — A pulp County and grew up in Lone Oak. ptillthsater wee In the advarioed ROTC pro- west in the schools are enanerated. At three con- and paper company that is plann- S grant oncluating as • disereruish- 2nd & Olive She we graduated from Murray The comedy kr about Those standing are Beverly Various pinseu of conservation of ing to construct an MO million State Uneversity and taught arhool data who become the good angda ed rrektary student with a 2nd natural reeources are streamed by Ken- A two oar accident ccoirred Week lkiiinda 'Teske Byte !teen. taressed hotashob. mill at Wickliffe and dw Lieutenant Conenon He did his In Jefferson end Warren Counties of a may ji.Miller at Olive Phyla Adenia. other state agencies w. tucky Department of Natural Re- Second and Street at 3 46 Adana Seam Deb- before her appointment The story tete how the three grains te work in industry pay- launch a prograrn next pm yeetesday Involved were Au- bie Hogan Iblirtna Tacker. Dar- convicts he out the fanny which The wildele program is headed sources will at Cnivenity of Tuts. She is married to Rev. Bill Cl4n,mestere car- I Western Kentucky de- brey I. Stool of Ain° who mu lene Carer, Cathy Lovett. Karen they at IrIng with, and in dour' by James J year in lea t3epternber he entered the Crart Thomaa. &innerly of Cache Pulpwood as a driving a 1960 Mercury four-door Johnson, Vicki Pat Lamb, Regina they create some very funny actor of the Division of Conserve- signed behued IN serve*. gradiatine frcrn the Me- so, sedan Minh had damage to the Lovett, Drama Kelm Sarah Cal- and thee have served in Serameore penes. don Education, of the Department Matt crop diced Smola Service Einhoal, Pert 7 loft fender, hood, front bumper houn. Lellonra Mempin, Pleb dire 19611 They have three child- of Nth and WIldlife Resources West Vtririnis Puip and Paper Rani Houston, Tans and was m- Thom of you who znalled the and grill; aid Janus P Hargrove Butterworth. Thereeea Parrish Ja- Company will match on a me-for - anned to the Data Bank program reo feet production of this comedy, The group stated Comp John of Dealer who was driving a mey Kedio, An WIliferd. Cecelia one basis pine seedlings purchased in Weihington, D 0.
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