The Straiton Arrow
October - December 2014 The Straiton 40p Arrow The long summer and recent mild weather has been very welcome even if Happy Birthday there are still a few midgies and wasps around. Cameron, 13 on 9th Dec Since the last Arrow we’ve had the Commonwealth Games and the Finn, 6 on 10th Nov Referendum. The amount of folk voting in the Straiton parish in the Angus & Kitty 4 on 13th Referendum was about 90% – an excellent turnout. Dec We also had the shock announcement that Dersalloch Wind Farm was Rory, 5 on 9th Jan approved without a Public Local Inquiry. Since then both South and East Isla 11 on 17th Jan Ayrshire councils have agreed to petition for a Judicial Review. David 6 on 20th Jan The high production of this issue is due to the kind assistance of Jim Kirk, a Cameron 11 on 28th Jan colour version is available to download or view on James, 10 on 4th Feb Bea Holden Dates for your Diary November 25th Community Council Meeting, 19th Straiton Ladies Christmas 1st Bonfire Night, Showfield, McCandlish Hall, 7.30pm Night Out, Black Bull 7 for 7.30pm 7.30pm TBC Straiton Village Co-op AGM 21st Christmas Lunch in Hall, 2nd Communion Service, McCandlish Hall 1pm St Cuthbert’s, 12 noon 30th St Andrew’s Day 23rd School closes for holidays 9th Armistice Sunday Service, St December 24th Watchnight Service, Cuthbert’s and Memorial, 12 noon TBC School Carol Service and 11.30pm Kirkmichael 15th Christmas Fayre, Village Carol Singing 25th Christmas Day McCandlish Hall, 11am - 3pm 6th Trip to Pantomime in Ayr, January 18th Knockskae Wind Farm coaches leave at 6pm 1st New Year’s Day Exhibition, McCandlish Hall, 4 - 15th School Pantomime, 6th School re-opens 7.30pm McCandlish Hall, 7pm 22nd Wine and Whisky Tasting, 27th Community Council Meeting, 16th Community Council Meeting, Crosshill, 7.30pm Tickets £15, Dalduff 7.30pm Kirkmichael, 7.30pm an elephant ride in her wedding e Minister Writes How to contact gown).
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