St. Gerard Majella

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St. Gerard Majella St. Gerard Majella Roman Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Romana A Pro-Life Parish / Parroquia en Favor de la Vida 4439 INGLEWOOD BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066-6299 Rectory: (310)390-5034 Website: * e-mail: PARISH STAFF Holy Mass Pastor Saturday Msgr. Martin Slaughter 5:30pm Sunday Vigil English Associate Pastor Sunday Father Gerardo Padilla MSE 7:30am English Associate Pastor 9:00am English Fr.Taddeo Maria MSE 10:30am Español 12:00pm English Permanent Deacon 1:30pm Español Deacon Charlie Echeverry Monday — Saturday Business Manager 8:00am (English) Frances Gomez Holy Days Parish Secretary Will be announced in the bulletin. Olga Limon Será anunciado en el boletín. Parish Music Director Confessions Allan Sims Shrine of St. Gerard Majella Saturdays 3:00pm - 4:00pm Patron of Mothers Baptisms / Bautismos Parish Office Hours Difficult Pregnancies Call the Parish Office Monday thru Friday Llamar a la Oficina 9:00am - 12:30pm and Childless Couples 3:00pm - 6:30pm 310-390-5034 Adoration of Marriage-Matrimonio Padre Pio Prayer Group The Blessed Sacrament Every 3rd Thursday of the Quinceañeras month: 7:00pm - 8:30pm Adoración al Call the Parish Office . Contact: Faby Gomez Santísimo Sacramento Llame a la Oficina. 1st. Friday/1° Viernes Our Lady of Perpetual Help 9:00am—6:30pm St. Gerard’s Outreach Ministry Novena Wed. after 8:00a.m. Mass 310-390-5034 10:00pm—4:00am Ministering to the elderly, the 1st.Saturday/1° Sábado SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN homebound, the sick, and 7:00pm—7:00am COMMITTEE convalescent homes. Need Help? Unplanned Pregnancy? (310-390-5034) Food Bank Necesita ayuda? Pregnant? (310) 390-5034 Embarazo no-planeado? LAPS Considering an Abortion? Catechism Center Office Hours Los Angeles Pregnancy Services There are other alternatives. (310) 391-9637 1-800-395-4357 24hr. Hotline Call the women at : Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 213-382-5433 WESTSIDE PREGNANCY CLINIC 4p.m. to 7:p.m. Se habla Español 24 HOUR HELP (310) 268-8400 Saturday: 9a.m. to 1p.m. 1 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 GOOD NEWS!! The church is now open for Mass We are back to our regular Mass schedule Saturday: 5:30pm in English Sunday: Mass in English -7:30, 9:00, and 12 noon Mass in Spanish 10:30 and 1:30 Remember to wear a Mask Attendance is limited to 100 people at each Mass Mass during the week every day at 8:00am Remember to wear a mask. Parish office hours: Monday - Friday 9am to 12:30 and 3:00pm to 6:00pm. Remember to wear a mask when you come to the office. DAILY MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES DE MISA DIARIA Saturday, June 20th Tuesday, June 23rd 5:30p.m. Philip Lazo + 8:00a.m. Regina de Navas (B-day) Sunday, June 21st Wednesday, June 24th 7:30a.m. Kenneth Pineschi + 8:00a.m. Marta Maria Navas (B-day) 9:00a.m. Emilia Padilla + Thursday, June 25th 10:30a.m. Kenneth Pineschi + 8:00a.m. Vocations to the Priesthood 12:00p.m. St. Gerard Parishioners Friday, June 26th 1:30p.m. Familia Navas de la Roca (Bendiciones) 8:00 a.m. Dolores Cimafranca (B-day) Monday, June 22nd Saturday, June 27th 8:00a.m. Kenneth Pineschi + 8:00a.m. Kenneth Pineschi + St. Michael Prayer St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do though, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through out the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.2 Happy Father’s Day! Feliz Día del Padre! One night a father overheard his son pray: Dear God, make me the kind of man my Daddy is. Later that night, the Father prayed, Dear God, make me the kind of man my son wants me to be. Author Unknown Recuerda siempre: tus hijos seguirán tu ejemplo, no tus consejos. Anónimo "By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong." Charles Wadsworth El mejor legado de un padre a sus hijos es un poco de su tiempo cada día. Leon Batista Alberti "A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow." Unknown 3 4 St. Gerard’s Preschool Now enrolling for the Fall We Grow and Learn Through Play at Saint Gerard Majella’s Children’s Center 4461 Inglewood Blvd, L.A. CA 90066 (310) 397-4863 Play-Based Preschool ages 2 through 5 years old Enrolling Now for the Fall *Children do not need to be potty trained to enroll. Preschool hours 7:30am to 5:30pm (Monday through Friday) Call or E-mail us to schedule a tour Director: Dania Molina DID YOU KNOW ? DID YOU KNOW? Read-aloud book stories to stretch your relationship with your children Summer is a good time to instill or develop reading habits in your children. Books are a good source to learn about new things in life and as you read together with your children it can help to strengthen your relationship with them and learn about their emotions or concerns, especially during this time of COVID-19. “Worries, fears, and anxieties are all dragons that sneak up on most of us at one time or another,” says the introduction to the book “You’ve got dragons,” authored by Kathryn Cave. “It is the perfect read-aloud story for young children whose fears can sometimes get the better of them.” Among books recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA) are: “A feel better book for little worriers,” and “My wandering dreaming mind,” both in English, and “Respira con facilidad,” in Spanish. For more information of the APA’s Magination Press Story Time visit, ¿Sabía Usted? Historias de lectura en voz alta para estrechar la relación con sus hijos El verano es un buen tiempo para enseñar o desarrollar el hábito de la lectura en sus hijos. Los libros son un buen recurso para aprender nuevas cosas en la vida, y mientras usted lee junto con sus hijos, ello puede ayudarle a fortalecer su relación con ellos y a conocer más sobre sus emociones y preocupaciones, especialmente en este tiempo de COVID-19. “Las preocupaciones, los miedos y las ansiedades son todos dragones que se nos acercan sigilosamente en algún momento”, dice la introducción del libro en inglés “You’ve got dragons”, de la autora Kathryn Cave. “Es una historia perfecta para leer en voz alta a sus hijos pequeños, cuyos miedos pueden algunas veces apoderarse de ellos”. Entre algunos libros recomendados por la Asociación Americana de Psicología (APA, por sus siglas en inglés), está el libro en español, “Respira con facilidad”, y los libros en inglés, “A feel better book for little worriers” y “My wandering dreaming mind”. Para obtener más información sobre la Hora de la Lectura “Magination Press” de la APA, visite https:// 5 St. Thomas More—June 22nd Thomas More’s belief that no lay ruler has jurisdiction over the Church of Christ cost Thomas More his life. Beheaded on Tower Hill, London, on July 6, 1535, More steadfastly re- fused to approve King Henry VIII’s divorce and remarriage and establish- ment of the Church of England. Described as “a man for all seasons,” More was a literary scholar, emi- nent lawyer, gentleman, father of four children, and chancellor of Eng- land. An intensely spiritual man, he would not support the king’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon in order to marry Anne Boleyn. Nor would he acknowledge Henry as supreme head of the Church in England, breaking with Rome, and denying the pope as head. More was committed to the Tower of London to await trial for treason: not swearing to the Act of Succes- sion and the Oath of Supremacy. Upon conviction, More declared he had all the councils of Christendom and not just the council of one realm to support him in the decision of his conscience. Reflection Four hundred years later in 1935, Thomas More was canonized a saint of God. Few saints are more elevant to our time. In the year 2000, in fact, Pope John Paul II named him patron of political leaders. The supreme diplomat and counselor, he did not compromise his own moral values in order to please the king, knowing that true allegiance to authority is not blind acceptance of everything that authority wants. King Henry himself realized this and tried desperately to win his chancellor to his side because he knew More was a man whose approval counted, a man whose personal integrity no one questioned. But when Thomas More resigned as chancellor, unable to approve the two matters that meant most to Henry, the king had to get rid of him. Saint Thomas More is the Patron Saint of: Attorneys, Civil Servants, Court Clerks, Lawyers, Politicians, Public Servants. St. John Fisher—June 23rd John Fisher is usually associated with Erasmus, Thomas More, and other Renaissance humanists. His life therefore, did not have the external simplicity found in the lives of some saints. Rather, he was a man of learning, associated with the intellectuals and political leaders of his day. He was interested in the contemporary culture and eventually became chancellor at Cambridge. He had been made a bishop at 35, and one of his interests was raising the standard of preaching in England.
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