Extensions of Remarks E313 HON. ALCEE L
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March 15, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E313 and his wife Yvonne moved to the City of St. cial oppression. She has become a prominent ed the Maria Moore Cabot Prize from Colum- Clair Shores in 1964, where they raised six voice through social media for millions of Cu- bia University in 2009 for coverage of Latin children and still reside today. bans who reject the oppression of the Castro America, and received the International Mr. Wahby began his successful career in regime, having said, ‘‘We Cubans don’t de- Woman of Courage Award from then Sec- the financial services industry working at serve what we are living through. I think Cu- retary of State Hillary Clinton in 2011. Comerica Bank, serving in numerous high- bans deserve to be citizens of the 21st cen- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to sup- level capacities for 31 years. In addition to his tury, in all senses, to test the challenges of port this resolution, which honors Yoani accomplishments as a businessman, Mr. modernity.’’ Sa´nchez and commends individuals like her Wahby believes in giving back to the commu- Yoani Maria Sa´nchez Cordero was born in who have dedicated their lives to protecting nity and has devoted his immense talents to Havana, Cuba on September 4, 1975, and and strengthening civil rights in the face of ad- serving the public for the last 34 years. Since went on to major in Spanish Literature at the versity. Despite violent attacks and protests 1979 he has served as a school board mem- Pedagogical Institute before completing a de- from Castro supporters and leftists, she has ber, city councilman, Mayor, and as County gree in Hispanic Philology at the University of vowed to never stop writing until the people of Treasurer from 1995 to present. Havana in 2000. While working at Editorial Cuba are able to express their views freely. I However, the main reason for this honor is Gente Nueva, Sa´nchez came to the realization join Yoani Sa´nchez and her fellow activists in for his strong leadership and advocacy for bet- that, like many Cubans, the wages she earned looking forward to the day when all Cubans ter health care. Mr. Wahby has been a chari- legally were not enough to support her family can freely express themselves in public with- table leader for over four decades. Through and highly qualified individuals were unable to out fear of reprisal. the years, he has strategically leveraged his find sufficient work. Disenchanted and seeking f business and political skills to make critical ad- greater economic opportunities, she moved to vances for very important causes. He has Switzerland in 2002 but returned to Cuba in HONORING JACOB CONNER WILSON served as a member of McLaren Macomb’s the summer of 2004, discovering her passion Hospital Board of Trustees since 2000 and for computer science. HON. SAM GRAVES has been chair of that board since 2002. In 2004, Sa´nchez and a group of like-mind- OF MISSOURI In 2001, almost 70 percent of cancer pa- ed compatriots founded Consenso, a maga- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tients in Macomb County had to drive far from zine of reflection and debate, and three years Friday, March 15, 2013 their home. McLaren Macomb saw the need later she worked as a web master, columnist, for compassionate cancer care of the highest and editor for the website Desde Cuba. In Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I quality close to home and with the leadership April 2007, Sa´nchez created the blog known proudly pause to recognize Jacob Conner Wil- of Ted Wahby, they decided to open a cancer as ‘‘Generation Y,’’ which started as an outlet son. Jacob is a very special young man who center. for self-expression but has since found an au- has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- This mission of opening the center was very dience with half a million people around the ship and leadership by taking an active part in personal for Mr. Wahby, as he and his wife world. Through her weekly blog posts, tweets, the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 214, and both lost family members to cancer. Those in- and Facebook updates, made possible thanks earning the most prestigious award of Eagle volved with the project felt profoundly that the to the donations of online supporters and Scout. generous amount of time and expertise Mr. Sa´nchez’s unwavering persistence, she has Jacob has been very active with his troop, Wahby gave was vital to its success. He was provided an unfiltered glimpse into the realities participating in many scout activities. Over the a tireless supporter and fund-raiser from the of day-to-day life in Cuba. many years Jacob has been involved with very beginning, and worked for many years to The Castro regime branded Sa´nchez as a scouting, he has not only earned numerous influence other local leaders to get behind the dissident and, since March 2008, blocked ac- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- project and to invest in the capital campaign. cess to her blog from within Cuba, where mo- ily, peers, and community. Most notably, The hospital was proud to name the facility bile phones, flash drives, and used laptop Jacob has contributed to his community the Ted B. Wahby Cancer Center, which computers have become lifelines of commu- through his Eagle Scout project. Jacob opened its doors in 2004. nication given economic and government bar- planned and constructed an additional walking For his selfless efforts, Mr. Wahby has riers to the internet. Sa´nchez refused to be si- trail in the Parkville Nature Sanctuary in Park- earned many accolades, including the 2005 lenced and continued to write with the help of ville, Missouri. Health Care Leadership Award from the Michi- friends and volunteer collaborators abroad, Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in gan Health & Hospital Association, and the who post her entries in solidarity and have commending Jacob Conner Wilson for his ac- 2005 Thanks for Giving Award, presented for translated Generation Y into 20 languages. complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- extraordinary volunteer service to hospitals in Sa´nchez attempted to travel outside of ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the the Metro Detroit area. For all of the numerous Cuba on 20 occasions, but was repeatedly de- highest distinction of Eagle Scout. awards he has received, Mr. Wahby summed nied the required exit visa. In January 2013, f it up best when the cancer center opened, by the Cuban government lifted travel restrictions TRIBUTE TO JOSH FLEMING stating that ‘‘his greatest reward will come for citizens and issued Sa´nchez a passport, when the center is operating and more people allowing her to embark on an 80-day inter- can access the quality care they need.’’ national tour, including Brazil, the Czech Re- HON. TOM LATHAM Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me public, Spain, Mexico, and the United States, OF IOWA in recognizing the accomplishments of Ted to share her experiences living under the Cas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tro regime firsthand. On her first U.S. visit, she Wahby. I thank him for his immeasurable con- Friday, March 15, 2013 tributions, and I am so pleased to join with the will meet with Members of Congress in Wash- entire community in paying tribute to him. ington, D.C. Following her tour, Sa´nchez in- Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate and recognize Josh Fleming for f tends to return to Havana, where she lives with her husband Reinaldo and their 20-year- being named a 2013 Forty Under 40 honoree INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION IN old son Teo, and dreams of starting an inde- by the award-winning central Iowa publication, HONOR OF YOANI SA´ NCHEZ, A pendent news outlet, saying, ‘‘Life has taught Business Record. COURAGEOUS BLOGGER AND AC- me that the wall comes tumbling down only Since 2000, Business Record has under- TIVIST FOR FREEDOM IN CUBA when you push it.’’ taken an exhaustive annual review to identify Sa´nchez is the recipient of numerous hon- a standout group of young leaders in the HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS ors and awards for her activism. In 2009, she Greater Des Moines area who are making an OF FLORIDA became the first blogger to ever interview U.S. impact in their communities and their careers. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES President Barack Obama, who applauded her Each year, forty up-and-coming community efforts to ‘‘empower fellow Cubans to express and business leaders under 40 years of age Friday, March 15, 2013 themselves through the use of technology.’’ are selected for this prestigious distinction, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I She has also received the Ortega y Gasset which is based on a combined criteria of com- rise today to introduce a resolution honoring Award for Digital Journalism in 2008, was munity involvement and success in their cho- Yoani Sa´nchez, a courageous blogger and ac- named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most In- sen career field. The 2013 class of Forty tivist for freedom in Cuba, for her ongoing ef- fluential People in the World in the ‘‘Heroes Under 40 honorees join an impressive roster forts to challenge political, economic, and so- and Pioneers’’ category for 2008, been award- of 560 business leaders and growing. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:50 Mar 16, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.014 E15MRPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 15, 2013 Josh Fleming is the Digital Strategy Director him as U.S.