MOYVANE PARISH NEWSLETTER Fr. Kevin McNamara, P.P. 089/4044816; Presbytery & Office 068/49308; Secretary: Jacqueline Parish Office times: Mon & Thurs 10am – 12noon; Tues & Fri 10am – 1pm; Closed Wed. Book Masses, Baptisms and Weddings during office hours. E-mail:
[email protected]. Vigil and Sunday Masses – Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th April MOYVANE: Sat 7th 7.30pm Jerry Brosnan, Church Road (Months Mind) KNOCKANURE: Sun 8th 10.00am Parishioners MOYVANE: 11.00am Nora & Danny Walsh, Moher (Anni) Church of the Assumption Moyvane: Monday 9th to Sunday 15th April Mon 9th 7.30pm Mike Joe Madigan, Shanagolden (Rec Dec) Wed 11th 7.30pm The Halpin & O’Connell Families, Clounmacon Thurs 12th 7.30pm May Quinn, Leitrim West (Anni) Fri 13th 7.30pm Jer & Catherine Mulvihill, Glenalappa East (Anni) & deceased family members Sat 14th 7.30pm James & Bridget Beaton, Ahalahana (Anni) Sun 15th 11.00am John Shanahan, Kilbaha (Anni) Church of Corpus Christi Knockanure: Sunday 15th April Sun 15th 10.00am Seán, Aggie, Nell & Anthony Aherne, Moher Cross (Anni PRIEST ON DUTY THIS SUNDAY: Fr. Liam Comer 087/2401246. Emergencies only. Please note the Priest on Duty for Sundays now includes the North Kerry & Naomh Bhréanainn Pastoral Areas including Fr. Denis O’Mahony, Abbeydorney, Fr. Liam Comer, Ardfert and Fr. Brendan Walsh, Causeway. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: KNOCKANURE: Tuesday 10am to 6pm; MOYVANE: Wednesday 10am to 7pm. LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTIONS: Offertory €2,114.02; Trócaire €1,180.25; Dues €4,103.56. Very many thanks for your generosity. PRAYERS & SYMPATHY: To the family and relatives of Mary Crean (née Thornton), l/o Knockanure who died in the United States.