Municipal Civil Service Commission the City Record
THE CITY RECORD LXX NUMBER 21070 NEW YORK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1942 PRICE 10 CENTS THE CITY RECORD 135 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 872-a of the New York City Charter Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service Commis- sion for the following position: STEPHEN G. KELLEY, SUPERVISOR PROMOTION TO FOREMAN, DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION WILLIAM VIERTEL, EDITOR Detailed information regarding the above application may be found on 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. WO 1TH 2-3490 page 4215. Published daily, at 9 a. tn., except Sundays and legal holidays. Applications are being received continuously for the following license examina• 'Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, Master and Special Electrician ; Master Plumber ; Master Rigger ; Motion mail, 15 cents). tions : 10 cents a copy (by Picture Operator ; Portable Engineer (any motive power including steam) ; Port- SUPPLEMENTS: *Civil List, $20 (by mail, $20.30); Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail, $1.15); List of Registered Voters, 25 cents each assembly district (by mail, 30 cents). able Engineer (any motive power except steam) ; Portable Engineer (steam) ; OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, prices vary; Building Refrigerating Machine Operator (ten ton capacity) ; Refrigerating Machine Opera- Laws (in four volumes), complete, $4 ($4.10 by mail); separate volumes, each containing a certain tor (unlimited capacity) ; Special Rigger ; Stationary Engineer, First, Second and part of the building laws, $1 (by mail, $1.10). Cumulative Supplement to the New York City Charter Third Grades ; Stationary Fireman; Structural Welder ; Oil Burning Equipment and the Administrative Code, to July 1, 1941, $1 (by mail, $1.10); also Annual Supplement to the New York City Charter and the Administrative Code, from July 1, 1941 to July 1, 1942, 50 cents Installation.
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