Essex Flood Partnership Board

Committee Room 1, Thursday, 30 June 09:30 County Hall, 2016 ,


Cllr Simon Walsh Essex County Council

Cllr Mick Page Essex County Council Cllr Kay Twitchen Essex County Council Deborah Fox Essex County Council John Meehan Essex County Council Lucy Shepherd Essex County Council Peter Massie Essex County Council Graham Verrier Environment Agency Viv Stewart Environment Agency Mark Dickinson Thames Water Jonathan Glerum Anglian Water Dave Bill Essex County Fire and Rescue Service Cllr Richard Moore Borough Council Cllr Wendy Schmitt Council Cllr Tony Sleep Brentwood Borough Council Cllr Ray Howard Borough Council/ECC Cllr Neil Gulliver Chelmsford City Council Cllr Mark Cory Borough Council Cllr Will Breare-Hall Council Cllr Mark Wilkinson District Council Cllr Andrew St Joseph District Council Cllr Dave Sperring District Council Cllr Nick Turner Council Cllr Martin Terry Southend on Sea Borough Council Cllr Gerrard Rice Council

Cllr Susan Barker District Council

For information about the meeting please ask for:

Page 1 of 38 Lisa Siggins 03330134594 / [email protected]

Page 2 of 38 Essex County Council and Committees Information

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1 Chairman of Essex Flood Partnership Board To note the appointment of Councillor Simon Walsh as Chairman of the Board, by virtue of his recent appointment as Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Waste, which includes responsibility for flood risk management. This is in accordance with the terms of reference for the Essex Flood Partnership, agreed by the Board on 13 January 2015

2 Membership To note the Membership of the Board as set out on the front page of this agenda. Councillor Cllr Mark Cory has replaced Councillor Tim Young as the Colchester Borough Council representative and Councillor Sperring has replaced Councillor Hudson as the Council representative.

3 Apologies for Absence

4 Minutes 7 - 12 To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2016.

5 Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest to be made by Members in accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct

6 PLP update and Lessons Learnt To receive a presentation from John Alexander of Aquobex regarding Year 1 of the PLP contract delivery, lessons learnt and challenges.

7 The Essex Capital Food Programme 13 - 18 To receive a report (EFPB/13/16) and scheme tracker (accompanying appendix) from John Meehan, Head of Environment and Flooding regarding the Essex Capital Flood Programme.

8 Essex Community Flood Improvement Fund 19 - 34 To receive a report (EFPB/14/16) and accompanying appendices from Oladipo Lafinhan, Flood Partnerships Funding Co-ordinator confirming the new terms of the Essex Flood Grant 2016/17.

Page 4 of 38 9 Local Flood Risk Management Strategy - 2016 Review To receive a verbal update and presentation from Lucy Shepherd, Lead Local Flood Authority Manager, on plans to review the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy before 2017.

10 Update on progress of Service Level Agreements in 35 - 38 relation to SuDS statutory consultee role and SuDS Adoption To receive report (EFPB/15/16) from, Kat Goodyear Development & Flood Risk Manager regarding the current SLA offer to LPAs confirming arrangements going forward if SLAs are not agreed.

11 : Community Resilience and Flood Hack To receive a presentation from Lucy Shepherd and Philip Wilson, Community Resilience Officer on the upcoming Flood Hack and Community Resilience Progress. .

12 Any Other Business

13 Date of Next Meeting To note that the next meeting will be held on Thursday 13 October 2016 at 9.30 am County Hall Chelmsford

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Page 6 of 38 20 April 2016 Minute

Minutes of a Meeting of The Essex Flood Partnership Board Held At County Hall, Chelmsford at 9.30am on 20 April 2016


Name Organisation Mr Chris Bienemann Environment Agency Ms Trudie Bragg Castle Point Borough Council Mr Will Breare-Hall Epping Forest District Council Mr Dave Chapman Essex County Council Ms Heledd Davies Essex County Council Mr Qasim Durrani Epping Forest District Council Ms Julie Ellis Essex County Council Mr James Ennos Tendring District Council Ms Deborah Fox Essex County Council Ms Kat Goodyear Essex County Council Mr Tim Gornall Environment Agency Mr Paul Hayden RFCC Cllr Ray Howard Castle Point Borough Council/ECC Cllr Keith Hudson Rochford District Council Mr John Meehan Essex County Council Cllr Mick Page Essex County Council Ms Debbie Rayner RFCC/EI0 Mr Mike Robinson Environment Agency Ms Lucy Shepherd Essex County Council Mr Lee Stevens Thurrock Council Ms Natasha Taylor Essex County Council Cllr Nick Turner Tendring District Council Cllr Sue White Council Mr Rob Wise RFU

Ms Lisa Siggins Essex County Council Democratic Services

1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from:

Cllr R Hirst – ECC Cllr R Moore –Basildon DC Mark Dickinson – Thames Water Graham Verrier – EA

2. Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 21 January 2016 were approved as a correct record and signed on behalf of the Chairman.

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20 April 2016 Minute

3. Declarations of Interest

No declarations were made at this point.

4. Delivering flood protection: update on delivery of the countywide programme

The Board received an update from Lucy Shepherd, ECC Lead Local Flood Authority Manager) and Dave Chapman on progress of scheme delivery over the past year. The Board were advised that 7 projects were coming to an end and received a PowerPoint presentation giving examples of scheme delivery and flood defence schemes. Councillor Page congratulated the team on their work in this respect.

Mike Robinson of the Environment Agency gave a PowerPoint Presentation updating the Board on the Agency’s scheme delivery giving details of key schemes and an overview of projects including expenditure and work programmes.

The Board were advised that unfortunately no updates were available from Thames Water and Anglian Water.

5. Statutory SuDS planning role

The Board received a report (EFPB/08/16) from Kat Goodyear, ECC SuDS Manager analysing Essex County Council’s response to its statutory surface water drainage role.

Ms Goodyear explained that the main change was that SuDS are now required for all qualifying developments from 6th April 2015 and gave an overview of:

 The planning process  Consultation on planning applications  The role of the SuDs team role  Statistical information in respect of Local Planning Authorities, consultations, applications received.  Learning from the past year, including transitional arrangements and the use of SuDS not being widely embraced.  Next steps – more publicity, assessment of costs and looking at wider use of Sec 106 agreements.

Clarification was given that major development includes sites over 1 hectare, for proposals of 10+ dwellings or a building with a floor space of 1000sq.m or more. The Board were also advised that a meeting was planned with Anglian Water in connection with adoption of schemes by them. Confirmation was given that the maintenance of SuDS systems is being investigated regarding enforceability against developers.

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20 April 2016 Minute

6. Procurement and pipeline projects

The Board received a report (EFPB/09/16) from Lucy Shepherd, ECC Lead Local Flood Authority Manager on the programme of works for 2016/17 and packaging opportunities agreed with the Environment Agency.

Ms Shepherd provided an overview of the site investigation process giving the Board some specific case examples and an explanation of the prioritisation matrix for capital programme schemes. She explained that early communication with stakeholders was vital and ways of improving this are being investigated.

The Board were encouraged to provide details of any schemes which may be suitable as support may be available in this respect. Ms Shepherd also asked members of the Board to inform their officers of the schemes and encourage them to become as involved as possible in these local schemes in their authority areas.

Details were given of a new scheme “City as Sponge 2020” where 79% of funding is being provided externally. This scheme would receive the other 21% from the Capital Programme over the four years of the scheme should its application be successful.

It was confirmed that further information would be provided to Councillor Hudson in respect of specific schemes in his District.

Ms Shepherd stressed the importance of partnership working with Anglian Water and the Environment Agency.

7. Canvey Island: Community Resilience and Canvey Lake

The Board received a written report (EFPB/10/16) from John Meehan, ECC Acting Head of Environment and Flood Management and Deborah Fox, ECC Head of Commissioning Sustainable Environment on the progress from the Multi-agency Task and Finish Group. The Multi-agency partnership includes Anglian Water, Essex County Council, Castle Point Borough Council, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service and the Environment Agency.

Ms Fox advised that representatives from Canvey Island’s flood partnership in Essex met with the Water Minister in November 2015 and presented him with a £25 million action plan to increase long-term resilience and reduce the risk of future flooding. At the November 2015 meeting, Water Minister Rory Stewart voiced clear commitment and identified up to £3.4 million in contribution to this critical infrastructure from Defra.

The Board were informed about Canvey Resilient Communities Programme The partnership’s direct connection to communities is leading to better flood awareness.

The aim is for communities on Canvey Island to feel safe, that their community is strong enough to manage and recover from flood impacts and they may contribute to

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20 April 2016 Minute the guardianship of flood assets. This will be done by informing, educating and engaging local communities on Canvey Island

John Meehan explained that one of the six points and critical to the drainage function of Canvey Island is Canvey Lake. Storm water is pumped to the lake in times of heavy rain and seven Anglian Water pipes lead into the Lake, in addition to three Environment Agency pumped outfalls. The ECC Lead Local Flood Authority team successfully worked with the Environment Agency to utilise £30,000 funding from the Agency to commission a scoping study to explore the flooding issues resulting from the lake’s condition

He informed the Board of an event of the Canvey Resilient Communities programme, Love Your Lake Family fun day, funded by ECC and organised by Thames 21 in partnership with Essex County Council and Canvey Town Council on the 30th March. Members of ECC’s Environment Team, Lead Local Flood Authority team along with Essex Civil Protection and Emergency Management and the Environment Agency attended. It was a great success with a couple of hundred people attending. The event was also attended by local MP, Rebecca Harris, Cllr Ray Howard and members of the Canvey Island Town Council.

Councillor Howard expressed his thanks to all parties for their proactive approach to the issues on Canvey Island.

A discussion followed regarding developers incorporating flood precautions in new properties and Deborah Fox confirmed that this was being investigated with the possibility of a developer being invited to a future meeting of the Board to discuss options available.

8. RFCC business

The Board:

 Welcomed Paul Hayden, RFCC Anglian Eastern Chairman. Mr Hayden gave an overview of the RFCC and its role including an explanation of the committee composition. He highlighted recent important events and gave details of the 6 year investment plan which he confirmed could be updated to include “Local Plans”. He informed the Board that new schemes would be investigated with a view to them being included in the Forward Plan and that there was excellent collaborative working with Essex County Council. The Board were informed that the RFCC was particularly interested in hearing from organisations in connection with potential scheme investment opportunities. He drew attention to the fact that additional funding was available for “asset maintenance”.

There followed a discussion regarding the farming contributions in the County and the awareness of available funding opportunities with an update being provided from a local landowner’s perspective by Debbie Rayner.

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 Received a report (EFPB/11/16) from Deborah Fox, Head of Commissioning and Sustainable Environment: Protection on the latest RFCC updates.

Ms Fox advised the Board that the Thames RFCC invited its members to think 25 years ahead at an event at Lambeth Palace on 17 March. A general theme was working in partnership.

The Partnership Board is invited to comment on key points arising in discussion in a grouping for Luton, Central Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Essex colleagues. Ms Fox welcomed thoughts from Board members and confirmed that these should be emailed to her.

RFCCs consented to the regional programmes for 2016/17 at the end of January 2016. The programme was refreshed in March 2016. 92 schemes in the East of are set to receive a £193 million share of the £2.3 billion capital investment announced. It is anticipated that this will protect 17,134 properties across the region. The new phase one flood defence scheme at the Thames Estuary is worth over £62 million. A printed spreadsheet of the full 2016/17 consented programme for Greater Essex was circulated to Members during the meeting. The 17 schemes are set to receive almost £17 million in the six-year programme

• Welcomed Julie Ellis, ECC Director of Integrated Commissioning: Devolution Ms Ellis is the Director with Flooding in her portfolio. In September 2015, councils across Greater Essex submitted a joint bid to Government setting out their ambition for devolved powers. It was signed by all 15 authorities, including Essex County Council and unitary authorities Southend and Thurrock. Ms Ellis informed the Board that she will shortly be making contact with Members to arrange meetings with them.

9. Any other business

There was none.

10. Date of Next Meeting


That the next meeting of the Partnership Board would be held on scheduled for Thursday 16 June 2016 at 9.30am at County Hall Chelmsford but that this date may be subject to change

After the meeting this date was changed to 30 June 2016 at 9.30 am


Thames Estuary: TEAM2100 There followed an optional information session on the strategy, funding and options for protection of the Thames estuary

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20 April 2016 Minute

A copy of presentation from the session is attached hereto at Appendix 1.

There being no urgent business the meeting closed at 11.55 am


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Report to: Report Number: Essex Flood Partnership Board (EFPB13/16) AGENDA ITEM 7

Date of report: 30/06/2016 County Divisions affected by the decision: All

Title of report: The Essex Capital Flood Programme

Report by: John Meehan Acting Head of Planning & Environment

Head of Service: John Meehan Acting Head of Planning & Environment

Enquiries to: John Meehan Acting Head of Planning & Environment 07827 976397

1. Purpose of report

1.1. To update the Flood Board on the Capital Flood Programme progress in 2016/7

2. Background

2.1 The Capital Flood Programme has a £19 million ECC budget broken down over 6 years. Last year the budget of £1.5 million was met. It has an ambitious programme in 2016/7 of £3.5 million for grants and projects.

2.2 The Capital Flood Programme is broken down into 3 elements

1) The Property Level Protection (PLP), which offers previously-flooded properties individual protection. This year the scheme is valued at £375,000 plus £90,000 (Roll over from last year) totalling £465,000. The Flood Board will have received a presentation from John Alexander of Aquobex regarding Year 1 of the PLP contract delivery, lessons learnt and challenges earlier in the Agenda of the Flood Board meeting, outlining progress last year.

2) The Community Flood Improvement Fund is aimed at partners applying for grants to protect properties. The Grant has a £400,000 fund. Last year the fund was called the Partnership Grant and has been reviewed. Oladipo Lafinhan is presenting the review to the Board, following this paper. So far we have two applications and know of 5 more being prepared.

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3) Capital Projects Programme is the bulk of the Programme focussing on delivery projects on the ground. The budget this year is £2,725,000 for 2016/17. Below is more specific detail on the Capital Projects Programme

3. Capital Projects Programme 2016/17

3.1. The aim of the Capital Projects Programme is to implement projects which reduce flooding to properties. A long list of project has been presented to the Flood Board previously which are progressed annually. They go through a 5 step process, (see Appendix 1) as follows; Feasibility Optioneering Detailed Design Tender Construction

3.2. The Feasibility and Optioneering stages are assessing 30 projects this year. Twenty are being assessed by Ringway Jacobs and 10 by CH2M (funded by Environment Agency at a cost of £141,485). Of the 20 Ringways Jacobs projects, 2 have poor Cost Benefit Ratios (CBRs) and have been rejected, 4 are borderline CBRs) and are pending, 12 have positive CBR’s and are progressing and 2 are still in feasibility. The total cost of Feasibility is approximately £337,500, of which Environment Agency funded £141,485 and ECC funded £196,000.

3.3. Detailed Design will take place on approximately 20 projects. The exact total is not clear yet as a number of schemes may fail the Feasibility stage. The approximate cost is £315,000.

3.4. Currently, 8 schemes are predicted to go into Construction. Four schemes were designed last year and are being delivered this year, Namely; Church Lane, Runwell Phase 2 Mill Road, Foxearth Messing

Page 14 of 38 The Street, Latchindon In addition another 4 schemes are programmed for this year, namely: Hockley East Thundersley, Rayleigh west East Horndon In anticipation of site problems or delay we are also developing 4 schemes as contingencies. 3.5 The total costs for Construction is estimated as £3,026,000 (£1,381,000 delivered by Ringway Jacobs and £1,105,000 delivered by another framework as schemes exceed £500,000). With additional uplifts (Ringway Jacobs) and contract cost of £391,000, the total Construction cost is £2,877,000 3.6 The total cost for Feasibility and Optioneering, Detail Design and Construction is £3,407,000 3.7 This is over budget by £682,000, but we are advised by the Capital Programme Team to over-programme at this stage of the year to insure against problems and slippage. If we keep reporting a large over programme we will need to amend our Flood Programme Business Plan to reflect this 3.9 The Floods team have a very strong partnership with Environment Agency and as stated above have secured £141,485 for initial assessments From EA Levy and another £1,526,396 Flood Defence Grant in Aid is anticipated. The net result is the Flood Programme is approximately £700,000 over-programmed but the anticipated EA funding of £1,700,000 means that ECC can reduce it Capital Borrowing requirement by £1 million.

4. Recommendation

4.1. For Essex Flood Board Members to note progress on the Capital Flood Programme

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Page 16 of 38 Essex County Council - Flood Mitigation Programme Code 18 Feasib & Opt TO71: 2016-17 Scheme List Code 17 Design No Code Works Scheme Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 TOTAL (k) Comments EH Code FEASIBILITY & OPTIONEERING (Est) All values are budget estimates 2016F0100018 HAR2 Harlow Kingsmoor 2 £2 Progressing to next stage 2016F0200018 HAR3 West Passmores 1 £1 Not Progressing to next stage 2016F0300018 BAS8 Laindon 1 1 £2 Progressing to next stage 2016F0400018 BAS15 Chalvedon Felmores 1 £1 Not Progressing to next stage 2016F0500018 ROC7 Ashingdon 2 £2 Progressing to next stage 2016F0600018 COL2 The Hythe 1 £1 Pending 2016F0600018 COL2B Haven Road Progressing to next stage 2016F0700018 COL3 Colchester Town 2 £2 Pending 2016F0800018 COL1 Old Heath 1 £1 Pending 2016F0900018 BAS14 Barstable Fryerns 1 1 £2 Pending 2016F1000018 HAR10 Nettleswell 1 £1 Progressing to next stage 2016F0100018 HAR2 Harlow Kingsmoor 3 10 2 £15 Progressing to next stage 2016F0200018 HAR3 West Passmores £0 Not Progressing to next stage 2016F0300018 BAS8 Laindon 5 8 2 £15 Progressing to next stage 2016F0400018 BAS15 Chalvedon Felmores £0 Not Progressing to next stage 2016F0500018 ROC7 Ashingdon 5 8 2 £15 Progressing to next stage ` 2016F0600018 COL2 The Hythe £0 Pending 2016F0600018 COL2B Haven Road 5 8 2 £15 Progressing to next stage 2016F0700018 COL3 Colchester Town £0 Pending 2016F0800018 COL1 Old Heath £0 Pending 2016F0900018 BAS14 Barstable Fryerns £0 Pending 2016F1000018 HAR10 Nettleswell 3 10 2 £15 Progressing to next stage 2015F0100018 CAS3 East Thundersley 7 4 2 £13 Priority Scheme. Arrange GI. 2015F0200018 ROC1 Rayleigh West 4 7 3 £14 Priority Scheme. Arrange GI. 2015F0300018 HORNC (> £500k) 5 £5 Priority Scheme. Arrange GI. 2015F0400018 BAS4 Sunnymede £0 Not progressing this scheme. 2015F0600018 ROC6 Rayleigh East 1 10 7.4 £18 Added at April progress meeting 2015F0700018 HAR6 Brays Grove 10 10 4 £24 Added at April progress meeting 2015F0500018 CAS2 New Thundersley 1 8 6.7 £16 Added at April progress meeting 2015F2300018 Great Burstead 1 1 £2 2015F1900018 FIR Ph2 1 2.4 5 5 £13 BRENTD Brenwood Station By EA By EA £0 BAS21 Bromfords By EA By EA £0 New3 Castle Hedingham By EA By EA £0 CHE10 Great Baddow By EA By EA £0 The forecast budget to prepare Initial Assessments for all 10 projects is £141,485 ROC9 Little Wakering By EA By EA £0 COL7 Mile End By EA By EA £0 The budget includes a risk allowance of £32,650 COL8 Parsons Heath By EA By EA £0 New8 Sible Hedingham By EA By EA £0 FIR Station Rd, Burnham By EA By EA £0 COL5 St Anns By EA By EA £0 Sub Total for Feasibility 31 16.4 33 35.1 47 27 4 0 0 0 0 0 £196

EH Code DETAILED DESIGN (Est) A M J J A S O N D J F M 2015F1000017 Church End Lane, Runwell 1 1 £2 Responding to design queries 2015F1200017 The Street, Latchingdon 1 1 £2 Responding to design queries Design review mtg on 3/5 Extreme storm events to be run to test impact of scheme, and potential need for 2015F2000017 ROC4 Hockley 3.5 3 4 £11 bund. Phase 1 tender documents being prepared Thaxted FIR Ph1 Landscape and ecology opportunities being investigated by ECC 2015F1500017 1 5 8.8 5 £19 Jacobs to consider inclusion of sewer network into model CAS3 East Thundersley Topo survey completed 2015F0100017 Approval 5 15 5 £25 Proposal being developed to be issued to ECC w/c 13/6 ROC1 Rayleigh West (>£500k) Topo survey completed 2015F0200017 Approval 5 15 5 £25 Proposal being developed to be issued to ECC w/c 13/6 HORNC West Horndon (>£500k) Topo survey to commence w/c 13/6 2015F0300017 5 15 10 £30 DD proposal being developed 2015F0400017 BAS4 Sunnymede £0 Not Progressing 2015F0600017 ROC6 Rayleigh East Approval 10 10 £20 2015F0700017 HAR6 Brays Grove Approval 10 10 £20 2015F0500017 CAS2 New Thundersley Approval 10 10 £20 EA funding available. 2016F1100017 HAR2 Harlow Kingsmoor Approval 10 10 £20 Progressing to next stage 2016F1200017 HAR3 West Passmores £0 Not Progressing to next stage 2016F1300017 BAS8 Laindon Approval 10 10 £20 Progressing to next stage 2016F1400017 BAS15 Chalvedon Felmores £0 Not Progressing to next stage 2016F1500017 ROC7 Ashingdon Approval 10 10 £20 Progressing to next stage 2016F1600017 COL2 The Hythe £0 Pending 2016F1600017 COL2B Haven Road Approval 10 10 £20 Progressing to next stage 2016F1700017 COL3 Colchester Town £0 Pending 2016F1800017 COL1 Old Heath £0 Pending 2016F1900017 BAS14 Barstable Fryerns £0 Pending 2016F2000017 HAR10 Nettleswell Approval 10 10 £20 Progressing to next stage 2016F2100017 MAL2 Maldon Central 10 10 £20 Being developed outside Essex Highways 2015F1800017 New2 Stock 10 10 £20 2015F1900017 New3 Thaxted FIR Ph2 10 10 £20 Possible 'leaky dams' Sub total for Design & Works Packs 6.5 15 27.8 25 60 40 0 10 30 40 50 30 £333

EH Code WORKS & SUPERVISION Apr May June July Aug S O N D J F M 2015F10 - Church End Lane Runwell Ph 2 125 125 90 10 £350 Completion late July / early Aug - Mill Road, Foxearth SWAS scheme with T71 contribution at end. Tender awarded, complex permitting requirements (includes Suffolk CC), latest start 2015F14 84 84 84 84 £336 date Sept. 2015F21 Messing Contribution 0 0 78 £78 SWAS scheme with T71 contribution at end. Completed 27/5. The Street, Latchingdon Continues into 2016-17. Original scope of works complete, additional drainage work completed 2015F12 57 20 £77 Final works (culvert lining) can only be undertaken during school holidays. 2015F20 ROC4 Hockley 30 60 50 £140 2015F01 CAS3 East Thundersley 80 160 160 £400 Works est increased from £210k to £400k. £260k in 2016/17 and £140k in 2017/18. 2015F02 ROC1 Rayleigh West (>£500k) £0 Works est £800k. External Delivery. 2015F03 HORNC West Horndon (>£500k) £0 Works est £2,2m. External Delivery. Procurement via EHA can take 5 months to start works. 2015F04 BAS4 Sunnymede £0 Not Progressing 2015F15 Thaxsted FIR Phase 1 2015F06 ROC6 Rayleigh East 2015F07 HAR6 Brays Grove 2015F05 CAS2 New Thundersley Sub total for Works & Supervision 57 145 203 90 10 144 204 184 84 160 320 320 £1,381 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Combined/Total TO71 £95 £176 £264 £150 £117 £211 £208 £194 £114 £200 £370 £350 £1,910 Total 196.132 £10 £18 £27 £15 £12 £22 £21 £20 £12 £21 £38 £36 £251 Contract Overhead Pro-rata KEY £5 £10 £15 £9 £7 £12 £12 £11 £7 £11 £21 £20 £140 5.20% Feasibility £110 £205 £306 £174 £136 £245 £241 £225 £132 £232 £429 £406 £2,302 Total incl 5.2% Optioneering £110 £314 £620 £794 £930 £1,175 £1,416 £1,641 £1,773 £2,005 £2,435 £2,841 Cumulative Detailed Design Tender Period Construction

Add EXTERNAL DELIVERY (Not in T71) 2015F02 ROC1 Rayleigh West (>£500k) 30 75 75 75 £255 2015F03 HORNC West Horndon (>£500k) 50 200 300 300 £850 Total Works est £800k. £180k in 2016/17. £275 £375 £375 £1,105 Total Works est £2,2m. £550k in 2016/17.

Total TO71 + External Delivery £110 £314 £620 £794 £930 £1,175 £1,416 £1,641 £1,773 £2,280 £2,810 £3,216 £3,407

Monthly Cumulative Spend Spend £k £m

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Page 18 of 38 AGENDA ITEM 8

Report to: Report Number: Essex Flood Partnership Board (EFPB/14/16)

Date of report: 30/06/2016 County Divisions affected by the decision: All

Title of report: Essex Community Flood Improvement Fund

Report by: Lucy Shepherd Lead Local Flood Authority Manager and Oladipo Lafinhan Flood Partnerships Funding Co-ordinator. Head of Service: John Meehan Acting Head of Planning & Environment

Enquiries to: Dipo Lafinhan Flood Partnerships Funding Co-ordinator - 03330 139512

1. Purpose of report

1.1. To highlight observations made during the implementation of the first phase of this grant with the view to incorporate changes which would further encourage enhanced grant take up rate in Essex

2. Lessons learned from the first phase of the grant

2.1. Lessons learned from the first phase of the Flood Partnership Programme Grant

 Sturmer Flood Action Group had to formally withdraw their grant application despite being successful. The reasons for this are

1. The need for Public Liability Insurance to undertake the project

2. The group did not have adequate resources to cover the full costs of the works if estimates were exceeded

3. The group did not have adequate resources to engage with a solicitor to investigate ownership of some of the land

 A number of the grant criteria have been determined to be quite inflexible

1. The specific requirement for schemes to reduce flood risk from ‘very significant’ and ‘significant’ risk bands to ‘moderate’ and ‘low’ bands seems to be onerous as Page 19 of 38 AGENDA ITEM 8

most organizations applying for funding do not have enough resources to determine this

2. Ambiguity about whether Famers and Landowners applying for the funding could potentially result in breaching the EU State Aid rules

3. The specific requirement that the schemes must be deliverable within the financial year of grant application seems unrealistic as only one of the three successful grant applicants achieved this

3. Recommendations

3.1. Changes to the 2016/17 Flood Partnership Programme Grant

 Early engagement with prospective applicants in order to clarify their responsibilities and duties towards the delivery of their schemes  Changing the name of the scheme from ‘Essex Flood Partnership Programme Grant’ to ‘Community Flood Improvement Fund’ in order to make the scheme more memorable and comprehensible  Famers and Landowners can apply for the funds, clarification has been sought from Essex Legal Services  The scope for schemes applying for the Funding would be broadened to include those whose primary aim is not flood reduction  The scheme outcome would be modified to reflect overall reduction of flood risk to residential properties  The requirement for the scheme to be delivered within the financial year of application could be modified to reflect the need for the scheme to begin within the financial year and delivered before 2020 at the very latest.  Payment terms in the legal grant agreement would be modified to reflect this i.e. 80% of the fund could be paid at the beginning of the project and the remainder 20% could be paid towards the end of the project  The introduction of a Project Reporting Template which successful applicants would have to update and send to ECC monthly (Appendix 4)

4. Dissemination and Communication

 Dissemination events already scheduled are the Chelmer and Blackwater Summer Event on 23rd June and the EALC Larger Local Council Forum on 7th July

 Existing online information and dissemination platforms are:

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4.1. Country Land and Business owners Association (East) website programme-grant-funding

4.2. Essex and Suffolk Rivers Trust floods-funding/

4.3. Chelmer and Blackwater Catchment Partnership Newsletter water%20Newsletter%20No%2027%20-%20May%202016.pdf

 Workshops and surgeries with prospective applicants to be implemented by ECC. This could take into consideration existing networks and links between ECC officers and the Essex Wildlife Trust, Forestry Commission and Catchment Partnerships within Essex

 ECC Flood Improvement Fund website has been updated with the most up-to-date Guidance notes and applications forms (Appendix 2 and 3)

5. Applications already received

 Essex Wildlife Trust: Hoppits Mead, Braintree

 Essex Highways: 107 Mitchell Avenue, , Braintree Essex; Nicholas Road, ; No 2 ‘Bleak Cottages’, Ashwells Road, Pilgrims Hatch; 313 Ferry Road, Hullbridge and Church Rd/Burtons Green Rd, Greenstead Green, Braintree

6. Looking ahead to the 3rd Phase of the CFIF (2017/18)

 Possibility of adopting an external body model; looking into the mechanism through which Surrey Community Foundation and Norfolk Community Foundation deliver flood grants on behalf of Surrey County Council and Norfolk County Council respectively

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Appendix 1

Outcome of works funded in Alphamstone and Lamarsh Parish

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Appendix 2 Community Flood Improvement Fund (Year 2) Application Form

The Essex County Council Community Flood Improvement Fund (Year 2) is intended to provide contributions to flood risk management schemes in Essex delivered by  Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) including the Environment Agency, Anglian, Thames and Essex and Suffolk Water, Affinity Water, District, Borough and City Councils  Town and Parish Councils  Community Groups  Voluntary Organisations, Charities and Conservation Bodies  Farmers and Landowners  Essex Fire and Rescue Service and  Other interested parties in Essex County (excluding Southend and Thurrock).

The aim of the fund is to contribute towards the delivery of flood risk management schemes which will result in protecting residential properties in Essex County from ordinary watercourse, ground water and surface water flooding. Interested individuals, groups and/or organizations can register an expression of interest by completing this Year 2 application form and returning it to [email protected] by 1st September 2016.

Project Name Name of project Project reference Project Governance Risk Management Authority Type (if applicable) Delivery Organisation Partnerships and Funding Other Delivery Partners

Name Post Title Project Executive(s) (if applicable) Project Sponsor(s) (if applicable) Project Location Where is the project? National Grid Reference Attached Shapefile reference (if available) Flood Risk What is the main Flood Risk Source? What is the estimated number of Residential Properties at Risk of Flooding?

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Scheme Background (please give details on the flooding history, frequency, impacts, damages, future flood risk if nothing is done and detailed modelling outputs). If flood risk management is not the primary aim, please, give a detailed background of the scheme.

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Objectives and Scope of the Scheme (please outline the aim of the scheme, the preferred option, number of residential properties that would be protected, costs and benefits of the scheme and anticipated delivery timeline)

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Cost, Funding and Delivery Programme Year of 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Scheme Delivery Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Scheme Cost (£)

ECC Funding needed

Your contribution

Environment Agency funding (if applicable) Private contributions (if applicable) Other Public contributions (if applicable)

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Please return all completed forms to the Flood and Water Management Team [email protected]


Postal address:

Flood and Water Management E3 Zone 1 County Hall Chelmsford Essex CM1 1QH

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Appendix 3 Community Flood Improvement Fund (Year 2) Guidance notes 2016/17

What is the Community Flood Improvement Fund?

This is the second phase of the grant contribution component of the Essex County Council five year Capital Programme budget. It is a £400,000 scheme funded by Essex County Council (excluding Southend and Thurrock) which is intended to contribute towards the delivery of capital schemes which result in protecting residential properties in Essex County from

 Ordinary watercourse flooding  Ground water flooding and  Surface water flooding.

Our Capital Programme budget has been designed to work alongside the funding programs of other risk management authorities and organisations involved in flood risk reduction in Essex.

Applications will be judged and prioritised according to the level of detail presented in each application, so it is important to include as much information in each application as possible.

What does it fund?

This fund is available for the delivery of capital projects only. Whilst these schemes do not necessarily have to have flood risk reduction to residential properties as the primary aim, eligible projects for this funding must be able to demonstrate, with sufficient evidence, flood reduction as a significant delivery outcome. Schemes which reduce flood risk to greater numbers of residential properties would be prioritized over others and applications with a higher percentage of match-funding would also be prioritised over others. Schemes must be deliverable by the year 2020; those that can be delivered at an earlier time would be prioritised over others. It is important, however, for prospective schemes not to be duplicating work being done by other organisations and/or risk management authorities.

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Who does it fund?

Applications are invited from bodies which are within the administrative area covered by Essex County Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority; this precludes applications made from Southend and Thurrock as they are separate LLFAs.

Although not an exhaustive list, eligible bodies to make applications include

 Town and Parish Councils  District, Borough and City Councils  Community groups  The Environment Agency  Water supply and sewerage companies (Anglian Water, Affinity Water, Thames Water and Essex and Suffolk Water)  Essex Highways  Essex Fire and Rescue Service  Landowners and Farmers  Voluntary Organisations, Charities and Conservation Bodies  Other interested organisations in Essex Qualifying Criteria

 The projects must be able to contribute towards the accomplishment of the requirement of reducing flood incidents in Essex County as outlined in the ECC Sustainable Environment Commissioning Mandate. This objective can be achieved by delivering the following milestones

1. Reducing local flood risk to Essex residents 2. Scoring favorably in the Essex County Council capital flood management programme prioritisation matrix 3. The project starting within the current financial year 4. Achieving compatibility with the EU State Aid Rules 5. Being deliverable within the duration of the Essex County Council 5 year capital programme (by 2020) 6. Gaining funding recommendation from the Flood Programme Commissioning Officers Group 7. Attaining funding sign-off by Cabinet Member

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Evidence Required

Along with completing the Community Flood Improvement Fund application form, prospective grant recipients should look to improve their applications by providing evidence of the following

 Evidence of past flooding in the area or total number of properties at risk of flooding

 Evidence that residential properties would have reduced flood risk as a result of the scheme

 Evidence that the cost of the scheme is commensurate to the benefits

 Evidence that the project start date or planning applications for the scheme would occur within the current financial year

 Evidence that applicant has adequate resources for the delivery of the scheme including funding, expertise and legal authority

 Evidence of the provision of sufficient post-construction maintenance regime for the scheme (including scheme adoption)

 The timeframe for the delivery of the scheme

Projects not eligible

The Flood Improvement Fund will not be funding the following:

 Full funding for flood risk management schemes  Appraisal studies  Compensating residents who have been flooded  Maintenance projects for existing or future schemes  Projects benefitting areas not included within the Essex County Council Lead Local Flood Authority Area  Projects that reduce flood risk to solely commercial properties  Projects that reduce flood risk from main River Flooding and Coastal erosion  Property Level Protection schemes  Schemes not beginning within the current financial year

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 Schemes not deliverable within the Essex County Council six year capital programme Application Process

All applicants should complete the Expression of Interest form and where appropriate provide supporting evidence as part of the application. Each application will be assessed by the Flood and Water Management team, should it be necessary, they will contact you if more information is needed. After their assessment, each application will be passed on to the Flood Programme Commissioning Officers Group who would make their recommendation for the award of grant subject to Cabinet Member sign-off and Essex County Council Legal Services ratification.

By accepting the Flood Programme Grant, successful applicant will be required to sign up and faithfully abide with the terms and conditions of the Essex County Council Legal Grant Agreement.

For further information and to return completed application forms, please contact the Flood and Water Management Team on [email protected]

Or log on to: environment/flooding/Grants/Pages/Partnership-programme-grant.aspx

Postal address:

Flood and Water Management E3 Zone 1 County Hall Chelmsford Essex CM1 1QH

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Appendix 4

Project Reporting Update to be Submitted by 20th Each Month

Project/Scheme Name Lead Organisation Project Manager

Monthly Update May 2016 Has the project start date changed? Yes/No Has the project completion date changed? Yes/No Have the project benefits changed? Yes/No Please provide a brief summary of the project status

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Please provide a brief summary of any project risks

Please summarize any compensation events

Page 34 of 38 Report to: Report Number: Essex Flood Partnership Board (EFPB/15/16) AGENDA ITEM 10 Date of report: 30/06/2016 County Divisions affected by the decision: All

Title of report: Update on progress of Service Level Agreements in relation to SuDS statutory consultee role and SuDS Adoption

Report by: Kathryn Dedman (nee Goodyear), Development and Flood Risk Manager

Head of Service: John Meehan Acting Head of Planning & Environment

Enquiries to: Kathryn Dedman, Development and Flood Risk Manager - 03330 136738

1. Purpose of report

1.1. To update on the progress of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in relation to SuDS statutory consultee role and seek a view from participants about their position, and update with regard to SuDS adoption and non-adoption.

2. Recommendations

2.1 That Members note the content regarding entering into an SLA with Essex County Council and can provide an update on their authority’s position at the meeting.

2.2 That Members and officers note the content of the update on the topic of SuDS adoption and non-adoption.

3. Summary of issues

SuDS Service Level Agreement (SLA) 3.1 Essex CC as Lead Local Flood Authority became a statutory consultee on major planning applications (10+ dwellings, commercial floorspace 100sq.m+ or site area 1ha+) from 15th April 2015.

3.2 We received Defra funding of £81,000 for 2015/16 and this has drastically reduced to £18,000 for 2016/17. We are under increased pressure to close this Page 35 of 38 funding gap and, along with other LLFAs, have been lobbying Defra to address the issue.

3.3 We have had legal advice that the Development Management Procedure Order, which sets out the consultees on planning applications, does not include applications to discharge planning conditions attached to a planning permission in ECC’s statutory consultee role. It is therefore considered to be a discretionary service and given the lack of action by Defra to address the funding issue we began the process of discussion to include these for a charge to Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) in an SLA in October 2015.

3.4 The original SLA offer included a range of options such as commenting on discharge of condition applications and minor applications and was tailored to the number of applications in each individual LPA’s area, with costs averaging £4800 for the above two services which were thought to be the most popular.

3.5 Meetings were held with LPAs in January and February and further letters were sent to Heads of Planning in February this year with an anticipated start date of 1st April for the SLAs, however there was a lack of engagement from LPAs in response to the draft SLAs sent out.

3.6 A further letter was sent in March offering a simplified approach of £2000 per authority for discharge of condition applications (these being a priority out of the services offered), cheaper than had been previously proposed for this particular service. The Development and Flood Risk Manager attended the Essex Planning Officer’s Association Development Management Forum on 15th April asking for a definitive answer on whether or not LPAs wished to enter into this agreement by 11th May.

3.7 To date, those willing to enter into the agreement are Chelmsford, Tendring and Braintree. Whilst Harlow, Uttlesford, Colchester, Castle Point, Epping and Rochford have declined the offer. We are yet to hear from Basildon, Brentwood and Maldon.

3.8 We are proposing to stop providing this discretionary service imminently to those LPAs not willing to enter into an agreement. Therefore, we wanted Members to be aware of this situation, and provide an update at the meeting as to whether their authority will be entering into an SLA.

3.9 The reasons for not wishing to enter into the SLA are varied, with some because they have their own teams that are able to cover the work, and others that believed developers could pay for it through the LLFAs pre-application service instead (which is valid although we cannot force this to happen). Others also

Page 36 of 38 believed it was the LLFAs role to comment on discharge of conditions but as stated previously we have received legal advice that it is not part of our statutory remit, and we will avoid adding a condition where possible.

3.10 The LLFA is providing training on assessing the drainage information submitted with applications for LPAs in July through the Land Drainage Partnership which all LPAs are members of as an alternative to or in addition to the SLA.

3.11 The options for the LPA’s are:  To enter into a SLA for £2000 for the LLFA to provide advice on discharge of condition applications for the remainder of this financial year  To enter into a SLA for £2000 as above plus other options available: o Minor applications (either a certain number across the County or in Critical Drainage Areas) o Attendance at planning committee o Bespoke member/officer training The number of each of these will need to be based on best estimates and agreed between the parties. If the numbers of applications/meetings estimated is exceeded these will be charged for on a quarterly billing basis.  To decline to enter into an SLA this financial year and to cease receiving this discretionary service

SuDS Adoption in Exceptional Circumstances and Non Adoption 3.10 ECC adopted a ‘SuDS Adoption Policy’ in June 2015 of only adopting SuDS in exceptional circumstances, being where they were offering significant betterment to an existing or modelled flooding issue. It was due to be reviewed after a year.

3.11 Having had no formal requests for adoption and the review being due, ECC is now in a position where it is receiving less revenue funding for maintenance and is typically taking on more and more assets, hence there is an increasing budget gap. The Policy is therefore proposed to be reviewed to also address highway SuDS and clarify that these will also only be adopted in exceptional circumstances. Given the position is more one of ‘non-adoption’ the Policy name is likely to be reworded to reflect this.

3.12 The revised Policy is currently undergoing internal and external consultation. Should anyone wish to receive a copy they can request this from Kat Dedman (nee Goodyear) using the above contact details. A decision is due to be taken by Cabinet in the coming months.

Page 37 of 38 4. Options

SuDS SLA 4.1 For LPA Board members to feedback their preferred option on SuDS SLAs.

SuDS Adoption 4.2 This is for information only.

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