Musicianship Through Conducting

Part One: Classical to Romantic

1. Classical - 1st Viennese School

Mozart: Violin Concerto no. 3, mvt 1 (1775) Haydn: Symphony no. 104, mvt 1 (1795) Beethoven: Piano Concerto no. 4, mvt 1 (1805-6)

2. Early Romantic

Schubert: Symphony no. 9, 1st mvt (1826) Mendelssohn: Hebrides Overture (1830) Schumann: Symphony no. 3, 1st mvt (1850)

3. Middle Romantic

Grieg: Piano Concerto, mvt 1 (1868) Brahms: Symphony no. 1, mvt 1 (1876) Bruckner: Symphony no. 7, mvt 3 (1881-5)

4. Vienna: New Year’s Day, Waltzes, , Marches

Johann Strauss I: Radetzky March (1848) Johann Strauss II: - Waltz (1866) Johann Strauss II: Vom Donaustrande - Schnell (1873)

5. Epic Stories

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique, mvt 5 (1830) Mussorgsky, orch. Ravel: Pictures at an Exhibition, Great Gate of Kiev (1874) Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade, mvt 2 (1888)

6. 19th Century Symphonic Poems

Liszt: Les Preludes (1854) Smetana: Má vlast, The Moldau (1874-5) Dvořák: The Wild Dove (1896-7)

Part Two: Music for Ballet (some highlights)

1. Romantic ballet - The Paris Opéra

Adolphe Adam: Giselle. Choreographers: Jules Perrot and Jean Coralli (1841) - Act One: Mad scene (Giselle) - Act Two: Beginning (Myrtha - ponte) - Act Two: Pas de deux (Giselle and Albrecht)

2. The Imperial Ballet (Mariinsky Ballet), St Petersburg - Petipa and Tchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker. Choreographer: Lev Ivanov, Libretto: Marius Petipa (1892) - Act One: Battle of the Mice and the Gingerbread Soldiers - Act Two: Waltz of the Flowers - Act Two: Pas de Deux

3. Diaghilev and The Ballets Russes - Nijinsky and Stravinsky

Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring. Choreographer: Vaslav Nijinsky (1913) - Part One: Introduction and Augurs of Spring - Part One: Dance of the Earth - Part Two: Sacrificial Dance

4. Balanchine - New York City Ballet and Neoclassicism

Hindemith: The Four Temperaments. Choreographer: George Balanchine (1946) - Theme: Part One - Theme: Part Two - Fourth Variation: Choleric

5. The Royal Ballet - Ashton and the creation of the English style

César Frank: Symphonic Variations. Choreographer: Frederick Ashton (1946)

6. The Royal Ballet - MacMillan and beyond

Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet. Choreographer: Kenneth MacMillan (1965) - Ball Scene - Balcony Scene - Potion Scene

Part Three: Post-Romantic to Early Twentieth Century Europe

1. Post-Romantic Symphonies

Gustav Mahler: Symphony no. 2, mvt 5 (1888-1895) Jean Sibelius: Symphony no. 2, mvt 1 (1902) Edward Elgar: Symphony no. 1, mvt 1 (1908)

2. Parisian Impressionism

Debussy: La Mer, mvt 1 (1905) Ravel: Daphnis and Chloe - Suite no. 2, Sunrise (1912) Lili Boulanger: D'un soir triste (1918)

3. Colours of England

Frederick Delius: The Walk to the Paradise Garden (1901) Arnold Bax: Tintagel (1919) Ralph Vaughan-Williams: Lark Ascending (1914-20)

4. English Modernists

Frank Bridge: Oration - Concerto Elegiaco, mvt 1 (1930) William Walton: Symphony no. 1, mvt 1 (1935) Michael Tippett: A Child of our Time (1941)

5. Russian Modernists

Alexander Scriabin: The Poem of Ecstasy (1908) Sergei Rachmaninov: Symphony no. 3, mvt 1 (1936) Dmitri Shostakovich: Symphony no. 9 (1945)

6. Isolated Individuals

Ottorino Respighi: The Pines of Rome, mvts 3-4 (1924) Leoš Janáček: Sinfonietta, mvt 1 (1926) Carl Nielsen: Flute Concerto (1926)

Part Four: America and European Modernism

1. Experiments in America

Charles Ives: Three Places in New England (1911-1914) Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue, mvt 1 (1924) John Cage: Concerto for Prepared Piano (1951)

2. Europeans in America

Edgard Varèse: Amériques (1918-27) Bartok: Music for Strings, Percussion, Celeste, mvt 3 (1936) Erich Korngold: Violin Concerto, mvt 1 (1945)

3. America!

Copland: Rodeo (1942) Barber: Knoxville: Summer of 1915 (1947) Bernstein: West Side Story (1957)

4. Expressionism to Serialism

Arnold Schoenberg: Five Orchestral Pieces, mvts 4+5 (1909) Anton Webern: Six Pieces for Orchestra (1909) Alban Berg: Violin Concerto, mvt 1 (1936)

5. European Modernism

Olivier Messiaen: Turangalila Symphonie, mvt 1 (1948) Iannis Xenakis: Metastaseis (1953-4) György Ligeti: Atmosphères (1961)

6. The Darmstadt School

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Gruppen (1955-7) Bruno Maderna: Quadrivium (1969) Pierre Boulez: Répons, Introduction (1985)

Part Five: Opera (some highlights)

1. Mozart, da Ponte, and Opera Buffa

Mozart: Don Giovanni (1787) Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro (1786) Mozart: Così fan Tutte (1790)

2. Bel Canto

Bellini: Norma (1831) Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor (1835) Rossini: La Cenerentola (1817) ​

3. Verdi (and the Risorgimento)

Verdi: Nabucco (1841) Verdi: Don Carlo (1867) Verdi: Aida (1871)

4. Wagner and Bayreuth

Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (1865) Wagner: The Ring Cycle (1848-1874) Wagner: Parsifal (1882)

5. The Opéra-Comique and The Paris Opéra

Bizet: Carmen (1875) Meyerbeer: Robert le diable (1831) Massenet: Manon (1884)

6. Italy: Verismo

Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana (1890) Leoncavallo: Pagliacci (1892) Puccini: Il Trittico (1918)

Part Six: Opera (continued) and the Twentieth Century

1. Richard Strauss

Strauss: Salome (1905) Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier (1910) Strauss: Die Frau ohne Schatten (1917)

2. Benjamin Britten and Aldeburgh

Britten: Peter Grimes (1945) Britten: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1960) Britten: Death in Venice (1973)


3. Unique Voices - 1

Witold Lutosławski: Concerto for Orchestra, mvt 1 (1950-4) Luciano Berio: Sinfonia, mvt 3 (1968-9) Toru Takemitsu: From Me Flows What You Call Time (1990)

4. Unique Voices - 2

George Crumb: Ancient Voices of Children (1970) Gérard Grisey: Derives (1974) Henri Dutilleux: Correspondances (2003)

5. Music from Britain

Harrison Birtwistle: Earth Dances (1986) John Woolrich: Viola Concerto, mvt 1 (1993) Thomas Ades: Asyla, mvt 1 (1997)

6. Music of the world

Sofia Gubaidulina: Offertorium (1980/6) Unsuk Chin: Violin Concerto (2001) Kaija Saariaho: Du Cristal...à la Fumée, Du Cristal (1990)