Finnish Economic Papers – Volume 22 – Number 2 – Autumn 2009 THE POLITICAL OPINIONS OF SWEDISH SOCIAL SCIENTISTS* Niclas BerggreN The Ratio Institute,P.O. Box 3203, SE‑103 64 Stockholm, Sweden; e‑mail:
[email protected] HeNrik JordaHl Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), P. O. Box 55665, SE‑102 15 Stockholm, Sweden; e‑mail:
[email protected] and cHarlotta sterN Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, SE‑106 91 Stockholm Sweden; e‑mail:
[email protected] We study the political opinions of Swedish social scientists in seven disciplines and find indications of a left‑right divide, with sociology and gender studies being the most left‑leaning disciplines, with business administration, economics, and law being the most right‑leaning ones, and with political science and economic history being located somewhere in between. This pattern is found when looking at party preferences, left‑right self‑identification, and positions on economic pol‑ icy issues. Overall, there is a slight dominance in sympathies for the right, al‑ though there are more academics to the left among those most involved in activi‑ ties with a potential to influence decision‑makers. (JEL: A11; A13; A14) *The authorswish to thank Andreas Bergh, Anders University,the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) Björklund, Stefan Dahlberg, Gissur Erlingsson, Jeffrey at Stockholm University, the Department of Economics at Friedman, Nils Karlson, Daniel Klein, Iain McLean, Henrik the University of Helsinki, the Research Institute of Indus‑ Oscarsson, Bo Rothstein, Daniel Waldenström, two anony‑ trial Economics (IFN), and the Ratio Institute for valuable mous referees, and participants at the World Meeting of the comments and suggestions, and the Torsten and Ragnar Public Choice Societies in Amsterdam, as well as seminar SöderbergFoundations (Berggrenand Jordahl) and the participants at the Department of Government at Uppsala SwedishCouncil for Working Life and Social Research University, the Department of Political Science at Göteborg (Stern) for financial assistance.