Saint Mary the Virgin, Goosnargh Newsletter April 2013

A Member of the Fellside Group of Parishes

John 21

Principal Lectionary readings for April 2013 (Read at 8-30 and 11am Eucharist.) Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Gospel 7th April, Easter 2 Acts 5. 27-32 Revelation 1. 4-8 John 20 19-31. Rebecca Birkby Glenn Ingram 14th April, Easter 3 Acts 9. 1-6 Revelation 5. 11-14 John 21. 1-19 Lindsey Hornsby Barbara Huck 21st April, Easter 4 Acts 9 . 36-43 Revelation 7. 9-17 John 10 22-30. Sheridan Keane Hilda Pickles 28th April, Easter 5 Acts11. 1-18 Revelation 21. 1-6. John 13 . 31-34. Lindy King Alisdair Mackie **Indicates that alternative readings are available for that date and may be chosen Lay Rota Apr Intercessions Chalice assistant Sunday Club 7 Andrea Mellor Rebecca Ingram Karen Hodgson, Sam Warren, Alan Gornall Julia Gildert 14 Lindy King Andy Mellor Andrea Mellor, Jane Sims, Linda Christopherson Kate Hardman 21 Linda Helen Littlehales Lindy King, Dean Warren, Christopherson Peter Littlehales Jane Williamson 28 Leslie Sumner James Hide Susan Parkinson, Jackie Parker Elaine Duckett Glenn Ingram

Side person’s Rota (and Chalice at 8.30am service) Apr 8-30am 11am 6-30 pm 7 R. Dewhurst, Sheridan Keane, Isabel Kings David Maddocks 14 I. .Pinder Andrea Mellor, Andy Mellor Mike Smalley Sian Elcomb 21 S. Smith Dean Warren, Jade Kirkham Maureen Rooney 28 E. Shepherd Rebecca Ingram, Bill Watson Delphine Burn

Coffee at 11am Service – April 7th 14th 21st 28th M. Rooney, Lindy King, Jade Gillian Mackie, Freda Parker, B. Watson Kirkham, Helen Trish Parker, Hilda Pickles, Jane Williamson, Littlehales Andrea Mellor, Susan Parkinson,

Happy Easter from the Team Vicar Dear Friends, Last time I wrote Pope Benedict had just resigned; yesterday Pope Francis was elected. The papers said much about his election and what it might mean for the Roman Catholic Church. There were column yards about what his background is and how this might affect his priorities as Pope. The reports I read were all about the organisation, its social and political impact. There were one or two passing references to God, and nowhere was Jesus even mentioned, yet Jesus lies at the very heart of Pope Francis’ faith and ours. Two Sundays ago we were given a name, photograph and details about who’s been appointed our new Bishop here in Diocese. Again the statements about him mostly focused on the organisation and the issues affecting it. Near the end of one, however, was this comment: “I believe that knowing Jesus Christ is Good News and I will do whatever I can to speak of him and encourage others to believe in him. I hope to be able to boost confidence in this Gospel message and for the Christian community to be more and more unashamed of their faith in Jesus Christ. In April, in the weeks of Easter, the Christian church in all its guises celebrates the risen Lord Jesus. Up until Holy Week he’d been a teacher, a healer, a charismatic leader, and some had thought maybe more – maybe even the Messiah, the Christ. Good Friday dashed those hopes, Jesus was dead and gone. Easter Day brought strange stories of an empty tomb and Jesus alive. Then in the 40 days after Easter, the risen Jesus met, ate, walked and talked with his followers. The doubtful grabbed hold of him to make sure he was real. In this and through this lives were changed as people came to recognise that in Jesus they had come into contact with God. When people met the risen Jesus, lives were changed. Lives were changed as they received his love and forgiveness. Lives were changed as people sought to live his way. Lives were changed ...... it was Good News then, it’s Good News now, never mind what the papers might say. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be issues and problems for Pope Francis, or for Julian Henderson when he becomes our Bishop, or for us, but it does mean that with a proper perspective, with the risen Jesus at the heart of what we seek to be and do as individual Christians or the church, there will be life transforming Good News. God bless.

Revd Stephen Cooper A Letter from the Rector Dear Friends, Within the Anglican and Roman Churches it has been a time for new appointments. First came the announcement that Bishop Justin Welby, is to be the new . Then Archdeacon Julian Henderson was named as the New .Last evening came the news from Rome that Francis 1 has become the new Pope to succeed Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI.It seems like a time for fresh starts and new opportunities. All these exciting appointments come to us as we celebrate the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The greatest new start and opportunity ever offered to the world. Some years ago, in 1975 to be precise, I went on a Pilgrimage to Rome with colleagues and a large number of young students. On the Wednesday of Easter Week we went to see Pope Paul VI at the weekly audience held in a huge auditorium. It was a great spectacle and a memorable occasion. One of my most vivid memories of the day is that of a huge tapestry hanging at the back of the stage as a huge backdrop. The picture was of Mary Magdalene meeting the Risen Lord in the garden on the first Easter Day. It was that mystifying moment(John20:17) when Jesus said to her “Don’t cling to me”. He said this as if to say :”if you try and keep me here , I will never be able to be available for ever to everyone in the world.” About seventeen years ago, Val and I visited Rome once more and as we were walking through the corridors of the Vatican,we saw that same tapestry again. The moment tells us so much , that in dying on the cross and rising from the dead, Jesus is alive for ever and is here , through the power of the Holy Spirit to come to the hearts of those who receive him in faith. God of Glory, By the raising of your son You have broken the chains of death and hell: Fill your Church with faith and hope; For a new day has dawned And the way to life stands open In our Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen Yours in the Risen Lord, Jeff. MOTHERS UNION NEWS The AGM was held on 7 March at 7.30 pm, 30 members attending. The meeting was chaired by Revd. Margaret Sherdley and started with prayers and hymns. This was followed by reports from the officials, and after some years of silence, Sylvia, our overseas rep, was able to read a etter she had received from South Africa. Barbara thanked everyone for their hard work throughout the year and also through her six years as presiding member. She then introduced Mrs Maureen Rooney who will be our new presiding member. Barbara was presented with flowers and vouchers and Fliss and Sylvia read an amusing poem to end the AGM. We then had tea and homemade biscuits and looked through the scrap books which date back to 1941.

April 4 Meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm. Mrs Marjorie Holt: “The Beat goes on “ The continuation of Marjorie’s career in the police force. May 2 Meeting in church at 7.30 pm. Mrs Margaret Lambert will be talking about The Rufford National Trust. June 6 Meeting in the village hall at 7.30 pm. Dr Ian Webster will be giving an illustrated talk. COFFEE IN CHURCH FIRST SUNDAY IN MONTH (1PINT OF MILK IN FLASK AT 10.30 AM) April Mrs M Rooney Mrs J Williamson Mrs B Watson May Mrs D Swarbrick Mrs S Kilroy Mrs L Christopherson MONTHLY MEETING TEA ROTA 7.15pm April Mrs E Clarke Mrs D Burn Mrs S Keane May Mrs C Fish Mrs S Kilroy Mrs R Ingram OBLATIONS April Mrs M Ward Mrs E Duckett May Mrs E Roberts Mrs S Kilroy April Bible Readings April focuses on the joy and the mystery of resurrection, when the risen Jesus walks and talks, meets and eats with his followers, preparing them for Pentecost, for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and that time when the church, the Body of Christ, continues his work, living, being and communicating the Good News of God’s Kingdom. Please use these readings as you explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus. April 1st MONDAY OF EASTER WEEK Acts 2.14,22-32 Matthew 28.8-15 ‘God raised this man Jesus to life, and of this we are witnesses’. Being a witness to what we know of the love of God revealed in Jesus, of his forgiveness and of the transformation he brings to our lives, continues to be our calling. April 2nd TUESDAY OF EASTER WEEK Acts 2.36-41 John 20.11-18 Whether Mary Magdalene, or those who met Jesus through Peter’s preaching, lives were utterly transformed. Mary became the ‘Apostle to the Apostles’ telling them of the resurrection. Others were baptised, filled with the Holy Spirit and never the same again. April 3rd WEDNESDAY OF EASTER WEEK Acts 3.1-10 Luke 24.13-35 The disciples on the road to Emmaus heard and understood the risen Jesus, recognising him in the breaking of bread. His on-going presence and power through the Holy Spirit was made clear as the disciples carried on healing where Jesus had left off. April 4th THURSDAY OF EASTER WEEK Acts 3.11-26 Luke 24.35-48 Whether it’s Jesus talking to the disciples, or Peter proclaiming the resurrection in the Temple, the place of Jesus, of his death and resurrection in the great sweep of God’s involvement with his people and all of humanity is made abundantly clear. April 5th FRIDAY OF EASTER WEEK Acts 4.1-12 John 21.1-14 When Jesus said ‘Throw the nets over the other side’ the disciples did not need to ask who it was because it took them straight back to that earlier fishing trip with much the same results. Along with the Pentecost experience of the Holy Spirit, these were vital steps in the disciples’ preparation for their on-going mission. They knew resurrection. April 6th SATURDAY OF EASTER WEEK Acts 4.13-21 Mark 16.9-15 Jesus followers were ordinary, lightly educated Jews from up-country, and yet they were willing to take on all-comers, even the Sanhedrin, the governing council of the Jewish people. Yes they were filled with God’s Spirit, but such boldness also needed grounding in the facts of resurrection in which they had shared. They knew first hand. April 7th SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 5.27-3 Revelation 4.1-8 John 20.19-31 They’d seen, eaten and spoken with the risen Jesus, but it wasn’t enough for Thomas who had to touch Jesus to know resurrection was real. We may struggle to believe, to understand resurrection, so thank God for Thomas whose doubts help us in ours. April 8th THE ANNUNCIATION (transferred from 25th March) Isaiah 7.10-14 Hebrews 10.4-10 Luke 1.26-38 ‘The young woman is with child and will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel’ which means ‘God with us’. Gabriel rolls in with a title: ‘Son of the Most High’ and a name, ‘Jesus’, which means ‘The Lord saves’. Easter justifies his titles and name. April 9th Deitrich Bonhoffer (, Martyr, 1945) Acts 4.22-37 In this early Christian community, that was ‘united, heart and soul’, we first get to hear of Barnabas, the ‘Son of Encouragement’. He doesn’t appear often in Acts, but when he does, he lives up to his name. Such a person is a great gift for any community. April 10th William Law (Priest, Spiritual Writer, 1761) Acts 5.17-26 The temptation under persecution is to hide or to run away – safety first. This is clearly not God’s plan. Just like Jeremiah centuries before, the disciples could not keep silent about Jesus. No matter what the risk, the Good News of Jesus must be proclaimed. April 11th George Selwyn (Bp New Zealand, 1878) Acts 5.27-33 The claim of a higher authority can be the harbinger of persecution and oppression, or tell-tales of something which undermines and transforms a distorted and disturbing situation – or both, when opposing values meet. April 12th Acts 5.34-42 Here Gamaliel advises caution lest the Jewish leadership, in opposing the Apostles, finds itself working against God. He was also Saul’s (who became Paul) teacher. If this is what he advises, I wonder how good a student Saul (Paul) was? Did he listen? April 13th Acts 6.1-7 It’s a reality of any community that, regardless of the spirit and purpose for which it is set up, inevitably it has to organise itself. Structures are often said to get in the way of the message, but they are needed. Pillars both hold up the roof and obscure the view! April 14th THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 9.1-20 Revelation 5.11-14 John 21.1-19 On the Damascus road, Saul/Paul meets with the risen Jesus, he finds forgiveness and his life is turned around when finally he gets a proper perspective about him. Peter, the Rock, the Denier, the Abandoner finds forgiveness and new life with Jesus too. April 15th Acts 6.8-15 ‘I know what I think, don’t confuse me with the facts’. The Jewish authorities were so convinced of their facts that nothing could make them even consider that there might be another way of looking at things, even when confronted by one who was ‘as an angel’. April 16th Isabella Gilmour (Deaconess, 1923) Acts 7.51-8.1a Stephen recounting the early history of God’s people is fine. When he notes how many of God’s messengers, the prophets, were ignored and killed, the people get angry. When he identifies Jesus with God, he has to go, so is stoned to death, the first martyr. Stephen echoes Jesus’ words from the cross, ‘Lord do not hold this sin against them’. April 17th Acts 8.1b-8 Such a contrast, Saul/Paul persecuting and imprisoning people for what they believe. Philip going to Samaria, which for Jews was enemy territory, to bring healing and the life-transforming good news of Jesus. April 18th Acts 8.26-40 If ever there is reason for working and praying to develop the confidence to speak about our experience of and trust in Jesus, it is this story. From Philip’s meeting with the Ethiopian official, from the faith he discovered, the Coptic Christian church developed. April 19th Alphege (ABp Canterbury, Martyr, 1012) Acts 9.1-20 Such is the power of this life transforming moment that a ‘Damascus Road experience’ has entered into common parlance for those times when suddenly we understand. I like the role of Ananias who guides Saul/Paul through it and sets him on his new way. April 20th Acts 9.20-35 Barnabas, again acting as the ‘Son of Encouragement’, steps across the boundaries of distrust , welcoming Saul/Paul into the Christian community in Jerusalem , helping him to find acceptance and belonging. Churches need people like him. April 21st FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 9.36-43 Revelation 7.9-17 John 10.22-30 ‘My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life; they will never be lost, and no one will ever steal them from my hand’. Peter, Tabitha, Stephen, the Saints in glory, you, me ...... all of us safe in the hands of God. April 22nd Acts 11.1-18 It’s so important that Luke tells the story twice, once in Ch10, and the second time when Peter justifies baptising as Christians people who were not first Jews. God is doing a new thing; Peter recognises it and knows that the old way of doing things is no longer appropriate – things had to change, as Peter says, ‘who am I to stand in God’s way?’ April 23rd George (Roman deserter, Martyr, c304) John 15.18-21 The evidence suggests George was a Roman soldier who, on becoming a Christian, deserted from the army. When it caught him, he chose following Jesus and martyrdom rather than re-join as a soldier. It’s strange he’s become known as a warrior-saint! April 24th Melitus (Bp London, 624) Acts 11.19-30, 12.24-13.5 Persecution in Israel pushed Christians north. In Antioch, now in S. Turkey, followers of Jesus first became known as Christians. Once again Barnabas is in the thick of it, sent by the Jerusalem church, bringing Saul/Paul in, with others building up the church. April 25h MARK THE EVANGELIST Acts 15.35-40 Ephesians 4.7-16 Mark 13.5-13 Who is Mark? Tradition suggests he’s the youth who escapes less his dignity when Jesus is arrested (Mark 14.51-2), so experienced some Gospel events first hand. Colossians (4.10) has him the cousin of Barnabas, with Paul in prison, which may explain why Barnabas stuck with Mark when Paul fell out with him. I Peter 5.13 has him as Peter’s son with him, possibly in Rome, able to record Peter’s memories of his time with Jesus. From all of this and more we have his Gospel, the first to be written. April 26th Acts 13.26-43 As always when Paul arrived in a new place, he began sharing the Gospel with the Jewish community. Here, working with Barnabas, we get a flavour of his preaching. At the heart of Paul’s message is the death and resurrection of Jesus, and of sins forgiven. April 27th Christina Rosetti (Poet, Hymn-writer, 1894) Acts 13.44-51 As Jesus had foretold, the Good News about him would divide people into those who accepted it and him, and those who did not. Time and again Paul’s preaching provokes the anger of the Jewish community, so he turns his attention to non-Jews. Often anger becomes persecution and he is driven out to take the Gospel to new towns and cities. April 28th FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 11.1-18 Revelation 21.1-6 John 13.31-35 ‘Water from the well of the Life is free to anyone who is thirsty’. Like Peter, the disciples, Cornelius and his family, we are invited to drink from this well. Those who do, who live as Jesus’ disciples, will be marked out in the world by the same self-giving love that Jesus lived and shared. April 29th Catherine of Sienna (Teacher, 1380) Acts 14.1-18 In a world where health care was very limited, and the healing of a man crippled from birth miraculous, perhaps it is not surprising that the local people jumped to the wrong conclusions about Paul and Barnabas. What would happen today? April 30th Pandita Mary Ramabai (Translator, 1922) Acts 14.19-28 Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey around what is now Turkey ends. In every place they visited the Good News of Jesus was preached, churches were established and those fledgling Christian communities encouraged as they sought to live as followers of Jesus in what was often a hostile world. Is the task any different now? Archdeacon’s Visitation Each year in the Deanery the Archdeacon holds a service at which he admits those elected to be Churchwardens to their office. It is also a service to which all members of the PCC are invited. This year it takes place at St Helen’s, Churchtown, at 7.30pm on Thursday 2nd May. Please put it in your diaries.

The Next Bishop of Blackburn The new Bishop of Blackburn will be Julian Henderson, currently . The date of the new Bishop’s consecration hasn’t yet been announced but when he was appointed he had this to say: “Heather and I come to the Diocese in response to a call from God through His Church to serve both His people and the whole wider community in Lancashire. And we do so in the community, archdeacon Henderson‘s appointment was first announced at a Food Bank in Blackburn. He has made it quite clear from the start that he is in favour of the consecration of women as Bishops. He also said: “There is a strong Christian core running through Lancashire, much like the writing in a stick of the famous Blackpool rock.I want to build up and encourage my fellow Christians in the region to stand up and speak out for what they believe in and to make a difference where it matters-in peoples’ lives. We can grow the Kingdom in this area as much through the works we do as by the words we say.” At the time of writing, I haven’t yet seen the April edition of the See but I am sure it will have a lot more information about our new Bishop .Please remember the new Bishop and his family in your prayers Sincerely, Jeff.

Fellside Website The Fellside Team website can be found at: Gordon File, is now updating this for us. Please contact him to add new information: [email protected]

Prayer Chain For urgent prayer requests, please call: Barton: Alma Hort 01772 864677 Brenda Knowles 01772 690319 Bilsborrow: Val Eland 01772 724963 David Hodgkinson 01995 603641 Bleasdale: Betty Berry 01995 602041 Mary Beswick 01995 605628 Goosnargh: Linda Christopherson 01995 605915 David Maddocks 01772 865459 Whitechapel: Barbara Scambler 01772 783925 Mary Curwen 01995 603644

Prayer Cards If you are going visiting someone who is sick, housebound or in hospital, why not take a Prayer Card to give them. You’ll find them in a rack at the back of church. Prayer Corners Each church in the Fellside Team has a Prayer Corner where you can write down and leave a prayer request. Those reading it will join you in your prayer. These prayers are also offered as part of our Sunday worship. Pastoral Report I wish you had all been with me to share and explore the film and book of ‘The King’s Speech’ in our Lenten meetings. I found them interesting, emotional and cleansing. It was partly about the influence King George V and Lionel Logue had on the Duke of York. We all influence other people for good or bad and studying the relationships within the film, I realised the responsibility we have for our attitude to others and the effects that encouragement can bring. Celebrating Easter reminds us of what God did for us and should encourage us to pass this message on in our words and in our actions. Happy Easter. Delphine MU Lady Day Service Because of Holy Week and Easter the annual MU Lady Day Service on the Feast of the Annunciation has moved from its usual 25th March to Monday 8th April. This year it is at St Lawrence, Barton at 7.30pm. Please note this is not a service exclusive to MU members, so all are welcome to join us.

Fellside Team PLEASE NOTE Youth Club THE CHANGED

3.30-5.30pm TIME

Sun 14th April: Cake Making Sun 28th April: Cheese Making Both at Goosnargh Oliverson’s School

Pint (or even a G&T) & Ponder Our next Pint and Ponder will be on Wed 10th April, 7.30pm at the Boar’s Head PH on the A6, next to St Lawrence Church. Annual Meetings April brings our Annual Vestry Meeting to elect our Churchwardens, and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting to report on the life of the church over the last year and to elect PCC Members. Churchwardens are elected every year. Usually they will stand for election for a number of years before they decide to stand-down. They are officeholders of the Bishop, holding the oldest continuous active elected role in the world. As such, they are the Bishop’s representatives and lay leaders in the local church. They have a wide range of church responsibilities, many of which they may delegate, working with the Clergy and PCC to promote in the parish the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. PCC Members are usually elected for a 3 year term of office. Their role is to work with the Clergy and Churchwardens to promote in the parish the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. The PCC has a particular responsibility for the financial affairs of the church; also the care, maintenance and preservation of the church building and its contents, and of the churchyard. In these weeks running up to the Annual Meetings, details of vacancies for Churchwarden or PCC Members will be announced. It is therefore a time to be thinking and praying about who God might be calling to fill those roles; it might even be you! If you would like to know more about the role of Churchwarden or PCC Member, please speak with the Churchwardens of the Clergy. Here in Goosnargh Eileen Roberts, Catherine Fish and Sheila Kilroy come to the end of their 3year term. Hopefully you will give some thought and Prayer as to who may replace them. COULD IT BE YOU? Or one of our youngermembers?

April Diary

Monday 8th 1 pm Worship Committee meet at Bluegates Monday 8th 7-30 pm Lady Day Service at Barton Saturday 13th 11am Memorial Service for |Luciana Woods Wed 17th April 7-30 pm Annual Parochial Church Meeting Tues 23rd 7-30 pm Finance & Stewardship Committee meet at Vicarage Wed 24th 2pm Development Funding Group meet at Vicarage Looking Ahead Thurs 2nd May 7-30 pm Archdeacon’s Visitation at Churchtown Thurs 9thMay 9am School Communion Service in Church (Ascension Day) Mon 13th May 7-30 pm Deanery Synod at Myerscough College Wed 15th May 7-30 pm PCC MEET IN CHURCH Sat 25th May 1 pm Wedding service – (Hooper/Barnard)

Confirmation 2013 Our Confirmation Service with Bishop Geoff is on Sunday 14th July. We invite people from School Year 6 up to those who are retired who wish to be confirmed to join us as we prepare for this. We do separate preparation for adults and children. Adults interested, please contact the clergy. Children’s preparation will be as follows:

Sunday 14th April 12.30pm Whitechapel Sunday 21st April 12.30pm Whitechapel Sunday 12th May 12.30pm Whitechapel Sunday 19th May 12.30pm Whitechapel Sunday 30th June 12.30pm Whitechapel Sunday 7th July 12.30pm Whitechapel Saturday 13th July 10.00am Rehearsal Sunday 14th July 4.30pm Confirmation Service

Like to get involved? One of the pleasing features of our worship in recent years has been the number of people who are involved in one way or another. It may be as a reader, Sunday Club helper, coffee, choir or other activity. They are all important and help in the fellowship and good will which is a feature of our Church. The rotas for the second part of the year are currently being drawn up. If you would like to be included in one of the rotas don’t wait to be asked but see one of the Wardens as soon as possible.

“The Churchyard gang!” Is getting older and older and the grass is likely to get longer and longer. Extra volunteers to help keep on top of the mowing in the summer months would be most welcome. Please have a word with Joe B if you if you feel able to give an hour or so each week to this beneficial form of exercise!

Ministry Team Team Rector: - Revd. Jeff Finch 01995 640269 Team Vicar: - Revd. Steve Cooper 01772 865274 : - Revd. Margaret Sherdley 01772 691101 Reader: - Delphine Burn 01772 865487 Diane Maguire Pastoral assistant - Lay Officers Churchwardens Mr. David Maddocks 01772 865459 Mr. Joe Birkby 01772 865521 PCC Secretary Mrs. Leslie Sumner 01995 640008 PCC Treasurer Mr. Glenn Ingram Times of Services Sunday 8-30 am Said Eucharist 11 am Sung Parish/Family Eucharist (Families welcome, Sunday Club for youngsters meets during the service) 6-30 pm 1st Sunday of month Evensong at Bilsborrow 6-30 pm 2nd Sunday of month Evensong at Goosnargh 6-30 pm 4th Sunday of month Holy Communion, Bilsborrow 6-30 pm 1stand 3rd Sunday, Fellside Youth Group meet in School 5-7pm Thursday 10 am Holy Communion (In Bushell House) Friday 9 am Oliverson’s School Worship (Last Friday in month during Term time) Occasional Offices For information about the arranging of Baptisms Weddings and Funerals please contact a member of the Ministry Team

FROM THE PARISH REGISTER Baptism th 17 March Jessica Louise Cox